#cause i wanted to grow some but didn't prep the seeds in time
suddenlybreeze · 8 months
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my miracle basil plant 🌿
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sansxfuckyou · 2 years
Truff'la Trees
(forget formalities, lets jump right into this cause I have decided that because I'm reentering Undertale, I should also write a frostler fic for some unknown reason, curse of the url I bet)
The guardian of the trees warning had gotten through to The Onceler easily, and out of habit, he just listened and followed instruction for approval.
Since then, Thneed production has dropped, and the price has risen, an item in high demand. Along with that, the seeds of few trees have been sold at an extraordinarily high price, the buyers never manage to propagate the tree properly. The only thing The Onceler found odd about the land of trees was that winter never came, it was practically an eternal harvest season.
The Lorax had to explain why there never was winter, and even then, it didn't clear up very much, but with no better explanation, The Onceler believed it.
It was mid august, and the first Truffula in years had been cut down, it was old and soon to die, rotting at the core, so might as well put the tree out of its misery. With a thud the tree landed, bark covered in what appeared to be powdery mildew, the foliage of the tree had much more, and it was cold. In all his years of living here, in an open field forest glade, he had never found any plant that was cold to the touch.
Yet, he still remembered when he didn't live here, in this land of trees.
Everyone year, from late october to the end of march, sometimes pushing april, the ground would be covered in snow and the weather would grow cold.
He remembered that time as winter.
It was odd though, as winter never came here.
"Well, that's odd," Said The Onceler, raising his sky blue, glittering shades. "Winter never comes here."
"Yeah well, Jack Frost had other ideas," Someone, presumably Jack Frost, stated before dropping down from a neighboring tree that was also covered in frost, more than the last. "Besides, I think it's time the land of trees gets some snow, looking a bit green for my tastes."
"That's illogical," The Onceler said, Jack Frost gestured for the green bean to continue. "The Lorax, he who speaks for the trees, said that there is never snow here."
"Well guess fucking what, the guardian of some trees has no control over the weather spirits." Jack Frost said before tapping his cane on the ground, a spiraling pattern of frost coated the grass.
"I need the Truffula trees to constantly be 'in bloom' for lack of better times, otherwise everything I've worked for will go to shit in mere seconds." The Onceler stated, crossing his gloved arms, leaning on his axe a bit.
"Maybe your work will go to nothing, but think of the truff'la trees, they need a break to, don't they deserve a break as well?" Jack Frost asked, offering a smirk, The Onceler took a second before responding.
"Well, I, yes, I suppose they do, but if winter comes they'll surely die, won't they?" The Onceler asked, straightening out his posture and slinging his axe over his left shoulder.
"Yes, yes they will, but, what is life without death?" Jack Frost asked, leaning on his staff with arms crossed.
"Not, life...?" The Onceler said, although it sounded like more of a question, Jack Frost gave a small laugh.
"Without balance, green man, life would be imbalanced without death, and I think it's time these trees say goodnight." Jack Frost said before standing at his full height, shorter than The Onceler by nearly a foot, he raised his staff, prepping himself to slam it back down and send a frigid winter across the entire.
"Doesn't this seem a bit much, I barely know you," The Onceler said, Jack Frost raised a brow as he propped his staff over his left shoulder, paralleling The Onceler. "We can make a deal can't we, I don't want to live in a tent wagon again, and I'm sure it's quite a bit of work for you to coat this entire field in snow and ice."
"It wouldn't be to much effort for me to bankrupt you in an instant, but I suppose I could hear your plea," Jack Frost said, faking a yawn before lowering his staff again, refraining from hopping on top of the crooked wood. "Make it snappy though, I got to check in on Canada, make sure that no ones letting them have an early spring."
"How about we, play a game," The Onceler said, dropping down his axe to pace in spot just a bit, Jack Frost seemed intrigued at the idea and gestured vaguely for the 'lumberjack' to continue. "You know, towns just an hour away, and I'm sure that there are a few good restaurants in town, a movie theatre I'm sure."
"A dating game?" Jack Frost inquired, The Onceler gestured in a near circling motion with his hands, giving a small and long noise that most likely meant yes.
"Yes, a dating game." The Onceler said, form clearly tense, but gait steady and circling around Jack Frost.
"I would love to, but people can't see me, unlike you, you freakish green bean, tis a shame that one guardian choosing you means that the rest of us are visible to you alone well," Jack Frost said, smirking as he shot down The Oncelers last gambit, drawing his staff. "And because of that, I guess I get to cause the first ice age on this special bit of land your old chum The Lorax kept safe for so long."
"Wait!" The Onceler snapped, pulling Jack Frost from his action mid slam.
"What, you fool, I'm just doing my job, you do yours." Jack Frost said, starting to become agitated with the smalltalk.
"One week, give me one week to convince you to leave the land of trees be." The Onceler pleaded.
"How so?" Jack Frost asked, vaguely gesturing once again.
"One week to woo you, for lack of better terms, a personal dating game, just you, me and the land of trees." The Onceler offered, Jack Frost smirked before slinging the staff over his right shoulder, putting out a hand to shake.
"We have a deal, green man." Jack Frost said, The Onceler took his hand in a shake.
"I have a name you know." The Onceler stated, Jack Frost smirked.
"Oh really?" Jack Frost asked.
"I am, The Onceler."
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