#cause it has probably been repaired and redecorated
crowcryptid · 2 years
I wish I remembered the address to this house that I toured a few years ago because it was a weird ass house and I think the liminal space enjoyers would get a kick outta it
Basically what we were told was that the house was custom built for this guy (he was either an artist or architect, I don’t remember which) and wanted the pool to be accessible from everywhere in the house??
So there was a pool in the middle.. and everything was built around it. Also the house was very dark. Not painted dark, but the main source of light was windows. I remember there being no lights on at all but i don’t remember if it had no lights or if they just weren’t turned on. Idk if I’m remembering this part correctly but I believe the pool room had a gap between the roof and wall due to damage so it was hot in there too. And everything had that pool water scent. But from the outside it just looked like a regular house.
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thanksjro · 5 years
The Death of Optimus Prime: Running from Our Responsibilities, in Stereo
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It was 1986, and Hasbro murdered me on the silver screen to make room for the new toy line, emotionally scarring hundreds of thousands of children all over the world.
Optimus Prime has woken up on a planet he doesn’t recognize, with nothing but a busted Matrix and the stars overhead to help him figure out what’s happened. At first, he thinks he’s dead- a fair assumption, considering his surroundings. It’s looking a lot like hell at the moment.
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Damn Optimus, you good? Need to talk about it? Should we go get Rung?
He recognizes the constellations as ones that would be visible from Cybertron, which doesn’t bode well for the fate of the planet. He thinks he might be in the past, but the missing moon seems to knock that theory on its ear. Perhaps the future, one where the Manganese Mountains have been eroded away, and the corpses of the Sweeps are still laying around.
Hmm. Maybe not actually, seeing how erosion and decay works.
Deciding to just see where the day takes him, Optimus wanders over to the ruins of Iacon, where he finds something rather curious: a populace.
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You’re going to need a bit more of a repaint if you want any of these guys as toys.
Optimus gets recognized by someone- though he calls him Orion Pax, so it’s probably been a minute- who yells at him about the honestly ridiculously-long war. This guy is what’s referred to as a NAIL- Non-affiliated Indigenous Life-form, meaning he’s neither an Autobot nor a Decepticon.
Sideswipe and Whirl come by to make sure the NAIL isn’t bothering Optimus, and by that I, of course, mean that they’re here to be vaguely threatening because that’s the only way they know how to interact with anything anymore. The lack of a war is going to hit these guys HARD.
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Whirl’s first little morsel of characterization in a comic, and it’s a pun. That’s how you know he’s going to be violent and angry at the world.
Optimus gets taken to Autobot High Command, where Rodimus and Bumblebee are trying to coordinate the entirety of Cybertron without causing any more incidents than necessary. Turns out Optimus has been missing for almost a month, but life doesn’t stop happening, even when the space-pope is seemingly dead. Rodimus gives him the skinny on what’s happened in the last few weeks.
Throwing the Matrix into Vector Sigma seems to have kickstarted Cybertron’s heart, which is why it currently looks like hell- it’s primordial. Bumblebee called all their Earth friends back to Cybertron, seeing as they needed all the help they could get getting things back up to speed.
Then all the NAILs started showing up. Turns out, Vector Sigma had shot off a sort of beacon, alerting every Cybertronian to the fact that Cybertron had been reborn. Of course, when they showed up, they probably were expecting something a little more… attractive, we’ll say, as opposed to the current, lava-y landscape.
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This is Metalhawk. He’s a NAIL, and has to enter rooms by side-stepping, because his arms are silly. He and Optimus seem to have a past, though it’s  probably been a bit. Metalhawk was opposed to the idea of factions from Day One, though if he had to pick one to side with, he seems to be a bit more soft towards the original ideology Megatron had been pushing, back when he was a writer instead of a warlord. He currently wants Optimus and his Autobot friends to leave the planet, and implies that they could potentially be forced out by the growing forces of the NAILs who are returning to the planet in droves.
Rodimus cuts in, saying that surely they can fix the planet with the magic of the Matrix, and then everything will be hunky dory!
Yeah, small problem there.
So, with the bad news about the Matrix shared, Optimus is shown all the redecorating Bumblebee and Rodimus have been getting up to while he’s been gone. Like the Decepticon prison they’ve fashioned out of the smoking remains of the Kimia facility.
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Cyclonus is here too, and he’s mad as hell about it. That rat creature is Ratbat. He’s a disgraced senator.
Comic books are wild.
This is a temporary solution, of course, because this particular sort of housing is inhumane and illegal, and they’re going to have to do something with these POWs eventually. Perceptor calls Optimus with news about the Matrix.
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You can tell Roberts is on this script because everyone’s apparently deep in the throes of depression, and has been for ages.
Optimus heads back to the workshop and finds Perceptor, and also Rewind. Rewind’s here because he’s an archivist, and he’s sussing out the inscription that Perceptor found on the inside of the Matrix. It’s old. Very old. So old, in fact, Rewind has a difficult time trying to translate it into modern language, though he’s got a few things.
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Optimus, because he held the Matrix, knows that this refers to the Guiding Hand, though the details aren’t so clear, now that the Matrix is busted and gone forever.
Yes, it is, but now that it’s broken, the Matrix has revealed its true nature.
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When you shine a light through half the Matrix, you get a real sweet light show that turns out to be a galactic map.
Over at the spaceport, Metalhawk is schmoozing up his fellow NAILs, before his plot-sense starts tingling and he jumps into the sky to see what bullshit the Autobots are about to pull now.
Back at High Command, there’s a riot outside, complete with a lynching reenactment featuring Optimus Prime.
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This has all happened over the course of a couple of hours, by the way.
Inside, the lads are discussing the Matrix map, and Drift is regaling everyone with the history of the Knights of Cybertron, the guys who made Cybertron super rad during the Golden age and then fucked off to try and spread the good word of being cool and nice to other planets. Bumblebee thinks it’s a load of bunk. Prowl is weirdly pretty again, and also an asshole.
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Rodimus is totally on-board with this idea, though. He’s completely ready to pick up and leave Cybertron, the factions, and most importantly the war, completely behind.
Bumblebee, of course, doesn’t want to be left alone with the bureaucratic nightmare that is currently warless Cybertron, and tries to tell Rodimus how to live his life. Bumblebee has forgotten that Rodimus is pretty much a 15 year-old boy, and he’s not his real dad.
Rodimus is going to try and learn from the old ways- after all, if the Knights of Cybertron were as great as the stories say, surely they could teach the modern Cybertronians a thing or two!
Then High Command explodes.
One of the NAILs outside threw a power cell at the building. The situation is spiraling out of control rapidly, and Prowl’s going to need to make some calls.
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Prowl was one of the few characters Roberts wanted for MTMTE that he didn’t get, so it would seem he’s using him to the utmost of his ability while he still can. Geezum crow, look at that bastard go. Cold as ice.
Prowl orders the Decepticon prisoners be released. Ratbat tries to take advantage of the situation, but nobody cares about Ratbat. The Decepticons start pummeling the NAILs, acting as crowd control in exchange for not being locked inside the barrel of a giant gun. The true nature of the I/D chips they’re all outfitted with is revealed: Inhibitor/Deterrence chips can A) prevent usage of alt-modes and built-in weapons, and B) kill you if you get too mouthy.
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Who the HELL is throwing fireballs??
This is a huge mess, and it only gets bigger as Metalhawk’s hit with a laser. Optimus calls for him to be brought in for repairs, and the narrative returns to just who’s going on the space adventure with Drift and Rodimus.
Oh, and Magnus. He wants in on this, too, which surprises Prowl and Bumblebee greatly. His reasoning is pretty sound though: the Autobots aren’t wanted on Cybertron, and maybe the Knights of Cybertron can teach them a thing or two about living peacefully.
This sets Prowl the hell off.
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If this seems like a case of “thou doth protest too much”, that’s because it is. You see, once upon a time, ol’ Prowler here tried to run away from the war, only for the ship he was on to get shot down over the Manganese mountains.
This confession makes everyone feel a little awkward, and Bumblebee is about to tell Prowl that he can leave the planet if he really wants to, but is distracted by the fact that Optimus has vanished. Oh no, where has he gone?
Why, he’s addressing the people of course, with all the sensitivity and thoughtfulness a leader ought to have in such a tense moment. His final point is an interesting one- Optimus himself is a giant burning torch for the war and everything it put the planet through. He offers the NAILs this: in exchange for allowing the other Autobots to stay on Cybertron, he will leave, never to return. Self-exile is an interesting approach, Optimus. Let’s see how that plays out for you.
Later on, Rodimus and Bumblebee are talking. Bumblebee agrees with Optimus’ decision, as well as his reasoning for it, and it’s very much implied that if Optimus hadn’t exiled himself, Bee would have done it for him. Bumblebee’s ready for everyone to start working together to make Cybertron a better place.
Bumblebee didn’t look up the IDW lineup for 2012, it would seem.
The fact that Rodimus is still going to try to find the Knights of Cybertron leads to a huge blowup between the two of them. Bumblebee needs him here to start fixing Cybertron, while Rodimus thinks that the Knights will be able to solve all their problems, if they can just bring them back. Their squabbling brings Optimus out of the shadows, and he hands them a half of the Matrix each, before walking off again.
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This is like the opposite of a get-along shirt.
And with that, Optimus Prime fucks off into space, takes up the name of Orion Pax once again, declaring Optimus Prime dead, and is now finally, finally free.
I give it about a year before he’s back.
That’s the end of The Death of Optimus Prime, the one-shot that sets up all the final pieces to the dual publication of Robots in Disguise… and More Than Meets the Eye.
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advernia · 5 years
moved this over to a text post, hope u don’t mind anon! ( ᐛ )و
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ANYWAY EEEEEE THANK YOU AND I’D BE MORE THAN HAPPY TO SHARE!!!! o(*≧□≦)o tbh this headcanon is me 100% refusing to accept that post-route!alice just stays in red/black army hq as a… uh, maid??? cook??? cheerleader??? idk lmao but imo alice has a lot of potential with her canon profession lolol! okay so maybe they did her justice in kyle’s route bc she ends up as his assistant but as for other routes fight me cybird (ง •̀_•́)ง
context side a
i got the idea after reading fenrir’s dramatic end, where alice gets a job in cradle’s best confectionery (like wow lmao if only getting a job was that fast irl). anyway!!! i’d like to dream that alice does this for all routes + a month after the route events (sans kyle’s). you’d think she doesn’t need to get a job especially if her ikeman’s part of the red army, but she does this bc she wants to. and to feel less like a freeloader lmao. since the situation’s different with the neutrals, this isn’t much of an issue.
so, yay! she feels better about passing time productively + having her own lin to spend but tbh she doesn’t really buy much stuff???? eventually she saves up quite the amount that it becomes a problem - what could/should she do with that much cash????
tbh the idea to start her own business came from her boss lol…. it started from his objective assessment that she was good enough to open her own shop… eventually she starts entertaining the idea…. then she gets second opinions from friends + ikeman…. and she actually does it after much consideration?!??! her boss is shook, but he wishes her well anyway! he gets a free slice of cake whenever he visits the cafe lol!
so alice ends up with a cafe! since confectioneries were more on selling than service + she’s on her own now & has a lot of stuff to handle on her own, she becomes pretty busy and takes some time to adjust, but eventually she gets by! it’s tiring, but she enjoys her every day!
any of her extra profits she chooses to donate to various causes + she eventually ends up becoming some sort of sponsor to the armies with all her donations HELLA RAD ೕ(•̀ᴗ•́)
context side b
alternatively, in a common route scenario where amon still gets his ass kicked + alice stays in cradle but doesn’t fall in love with that one ikeman (no one falls in love…. not yet LMAO), she lives with the black/red army + works in a confectionery until she has enough to buy a home of her own. blanc + oliver + mousse have been secretly helping her scout around for a good place. it’s only when everything’s ready that she talks to the black/red army about her intentions.
get this - her general explanation goes this way: she starts off by saying that she’s very thankful that everyone has accommodated her and she’ll always be in their debt, but now that she’s living as an actual resident of cradle and no longer just a guest, she’d hate to impose on them any further. to boot, she’s not even an official part of the army + a soldier, so it may look odd that she’s still staying within army hq. stuff about reputation and pride, something like that.
the black army (see: seth) is sad about this, but they understand her sentiments and let her go. after a three-day long party. aaaaand of course, they’re more than willing to do any heavy lifting for her move + just anything in general - all she needed to do was ask!
the red army respects her decision as well, and they’re… more subtle in expressing their disappointment (how is jonah’s blatant frown even subtle lol). like the black army, they let her go + remind her that she can always ask them for help. 
so alice lives alone for a couple of months.... then the armies hear that she’s planning to open a cafe from blanc.... ha.... the black army totally helps her out with general recontrustion + repairs. she does not take no for an answer when she pays them for their work lmao. plus, they totally helped her out by giving her tours around the stalls on the central quarter market that give the best bargains + freshest produce! the flowers alice put up for decoration + plant outside her yard are always sponsored by canis major..... and seth drops by regularly to talk about trending aesthetics alice could adapt in the cafe!
the red army’s idea of helping her out with her cafe is to send her furniture + kitchen appliances + sets of tableware.... they’re gorgeous + simple but UMMMM????? alice literally panics about the kitchen, especially about the stove + oven bc it be so fine.... and expensive-looking.... but negotiating with lancelot + jonah is like talking to a brick + diamond wall so edgar + kyle + zero convince her to just take it lmao - it isn’t much, but lancelot gets a free drink & jonah a free mille-feuille each time they visit!
again: she donates to various causes + sends the black/red army a fair amount of her extra profits each month! she’d give more to the red army bc she still can’t get over their....... generous gifts and how much they probably cost lmao....... edgar stops her there though bc honestly..... do u think the red army needs more money??????????
the cafe
so why in central of all places? actually, it does make sense to set up a business there since it’s like the country’s central business district. but if i’d base it from alice’s general personality, i think she’d choose central bc that’s where every citizen of cradle; whether they be from red, black, or neutral territory, all gather together. in central, she can see every side living side cradle, not just red or black - and in a simple establishment like a cafe, something simple like food can bring all those different sides together.
she set up her cafe in central with the thought of helping in the efforts of bridging the gap between the armies + to have an actual experience of how it is to live as a citizen of cradle. technically she is one already, but sometimes living in cradle is really so different from living in london. it makes her feel displaced sometimes.
her cafe is probably somewhere close to blanc’s house or smth and u bet that blanc is very happy to have a pretty lady living close by/around his neighborhood lmao! but if you want to be serious about it, this is intentional on blanc’s part bc her safety isn’t exactly assured after the magic tower fiasco - disciple stragglers might come back for her, and since the whole of cradle already knows that she’s the alice the second, there may be other people/groups lurking around that are interested in her power......
in comparison to most cafes in central, alice’s place is relatively small - she doesn’t mind though, since she’s running the place on her own. the thought of expanding makes her doubt her capability of providing + distributing the same quality of service + attention she usually gives to a small crowd.
alice changes the cafe decors + scents according to each season!!! in general, she wants her cafe to have a homey, relaxing feel, doing her best to impart a feel of london + her hometown in her cafe. you’d think that seasonal redecorating would be a hassle, but magic makes that process very easy... once she learns about cradle’s unique holidays + festivals, she also redecorates + tweaks her menu in tune to the special day!
a variety of sandwiches + light meals such as pastas are on the menu now and then, but her cafe is well-known for the desserts. like the decor, the food + drink selection adjusts accordingly to the season.
her edge among her competitors is the fact that she’s from the land of reason - her techniques + use/handling of ingredients + and other assorted methods are quite different from that practiced in cradle since they have the advantage of magic. tastes, colors, textures, and even presentation end up differently. plus, she knows how to make various foods + sweets unfamiliar to cradle, so some of the stuff she makes are seen as novelty to the locals!
she does pay attention to what tastes of london are positively + negatively recepted in cradle though - from there she experiments or improvises her recipes, and seeks out feedback immediately.
following context side b, i’m all in for the romance with her ikeman developing here instead OH YEAAAH ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) it’s a lot more hectic tho since it’s an open playground and there are the.... common interferences..... coughsethcoughlokicough LMAO
also!!! following all the not-so-spoilery content of her + seth, i’ve recently been digging the idea of nojisha / rapunzel (localization ain’t being subtle anymore lol) working + possibly living in alice’s cafe too bc god knows that alice needs an actual girl friend among all that testosterone lmao!
rapunzel’s more of a waitress but is totally into designing whatever cakes + drinks + pastries alice has on the menu and on display… takes dibs in writing out the menu on the chalkboard as her chance to practice some pretty lettering… and also actively helps out alice in picking seasonal decors + packaging for the cafe!
on the sidelines rapunzel also keeps a close eye on alice bc… heh… them odd folks coming in for the foods but staying longer for the girl(s)… those red army officers dropping by more often even if they’re on patrol…. dudes from the civic center + other colorful characters talking so familiarly to alice…. yaaa~n! pick up the pace, onii-chan!!! lmao
depending on who’s the ikeman out for alice, rapunzel can and will cockblock, omfg...... she’ll totally stop if she sees that alice has mutual feelings for the guy but sometimes rapunzel really has impeccable, unintentional timing haha... seth hyde, what have u been teaching ur little sister smh (ಡ艸ಡ)
opening time: 6AM, closing: 7PM. accepts orders of wedding + birthday cakes, does not handle catering. for any inquiries, pls call....... (^ц^ )
alice’s cafe develops different reputations depending on who she ends up with LMAO........ local newspapers + cradle’s grapevine love her cafe and totally not bc they can get a glimpse of the red/black army chosen if they get their timing right haHA..... here’s a couple of examples:
if she’s with mousse, her cafe has quite the interesting reputation! while there’s a good selection of the local teas/coffees in her menu, there’s also a fair share of exotic blends with brief details about the country where the blend is from + how the beverage is prepared + possible tastes, written by no other than mousse himself! sometimes alice showcases some limited edition sweets + pastries made from an interesting mix of local and foreign ingredients + spices too......
if she ends up with a king, novels/tales + plays + songs/poems about royalty/nobility falling for the common worker (lancelot) or adventures of a hero and a maiden (ray) suddenly become a thing™….. the boom is especially huge in black/red territory, be it from nobles to commoners.... another common point??? there’s always a cafe referenced in there, a rendezvous point some way or another in the story… and it sounds veeeeery familiar, even if they switch the setting into a tavern/inn, hmmmm....
did you know that one cafe in central quarter is owned by alice the second, the woman who’s rumored to be the lover of cradle’s most notorious criminal + strongest wizard???? no???? are they really a thing??? do you think the stuff she sells in her cafe is fit is for consumption???? does she make those cakes herself or does she ask the wizard to make it through dark magic or are those smuggled goods??????? man, those cakes are damn good though!!!!!
newspaper headlines: students of cradle’s local boarding school promptly create a literal lake of tears in the central quarter after spending time and meeting a kind cafe owner who happens to really be their terror professor’s lover (side note: this article was removed upon the request of a certain mr. d.)
the sole exemption i have for this hc is kyle’s alice! she has her hands full + committing herself to being a doctor’s assistant so opening a cafe doesn’t cross her mind, but that doesn’t stop her from making treats now and then for their patients… in fact, becomes a thing among the children of cradle that if you be a good boy/girl who takes their medicine + shots from the redhead doctor without complaining, the pretty assistant lady will give you a tasty treat for being so well-behaved! (*≧▽≦)
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 6 years
Wan High Weeping (Part 40)
Dies a little on the inside because I can’t remember if I gave Katara and Sokka a last name already. Wishes I had my notes document and hopes that I didn’t, because I couldn’t find one while combing through my previous chapters.
Also, like Sokka, Yue has been aged up for the sake of the plot. I really wanted to give her a place in all of this.
Azula dropped her suitcases by the stairwell. The manor had such a different aura than the one Ozai’s took on, right down to the aromas. As opposed to sharp spices and incense, the house smelled of violet and lavender and other floral odors she didn’t have names for. It smelled fresh, even approaching the last week of November. She was dropped off with a stern lecture about making the most of things, being as so many strings had to be pulled to get her there so quickly. But she was in no mood for making the most of things; not only did she have to worry about adjusting, she had to worry about the charges she was going to be pressing on Chan and Usha. Moreover, she was in a constant state of dread. Somehow he would get to her.
She knew that he would.
Ursa had money but Ozai had more of it. His lawyers would be better. They would have her sent right back to him and she didn’t know how to feel about that. More than anything she craved the affection he used to give her. Even though the academically outstanding part of her screamed against it, Azula clung to the hope that she could still make things right if she could just fit herself back into the image he desired. But, lord did the prospect terrify her. He would tear her apart for the grief and struggle she was causing him now.
She stood awkwardly in the doorway, not sure if she was supposed to enter and make herself at home or if she was supposed to wait for her mother to greet her. She thought of retreating back to her car. But then, where would she go? Back to the hospital? She could pester TyLee for a place to stay, but that look became her just as poorly as binging in front of everyone had. She also couldn’t imagine that her relationship with the girl had been repaired enough for that to happen. She shut the door and opted to leave her luggage where she had initially set it down for the time. She wandered further into the house, trying to get a sense of it.
There were paintings everywhere of lush scenery and  sprigs of rosemary. On hallway coffee tables were vases teeming with jasmine and lily. She wondered how long it would take before she came across a picture of Zuko. But then, her mother had cut Zuko out just as readily as she had cut Azula out.  
She came to the backyard veranda. The door leading out to it had lacey white curtains that fluttered in the deep autumn gusts. The garden must be magnificent in the spring. There were so many trees, she could only imagine their flare and splendor a few weeks ago--painted with the fiery hues of autumn. She could only imagine how green and rich they were months ago when the air was still hot with summer. Now they were simply dead, spindly and twisted against a stonewash sky. Dead, grey, bleak, and waiting for snow to come and re-awaken their glory. But somehow they were still beautiful, forlornly beautiful.
Azula’s fingers curled around the veranda railing. It was lined with budding winter rose and amethyst ice, their vines and leaves brushed against her palm.
Ursa never stuck her as a gardener, but then, she’d never put much thought into the woman since she divorced Ozai and filed a restraining order. No thought save for wondering why the woman never bothered to reach out. Perhaps it was that she was afraid that her ex-husband would track her down through she and Zuko. It seemed logical enough, Ozai had the money and material to do so. Still she had a sneaking suspicion that she didn’t want to hear from Azula.
She recalled Zuko mentioning an anonymous call or two every so often, a few months after the woman had fled, but he never picked up numbers he didn’t know. After that, the calls stopped coming. She hadn’t expected her mother to try to get in touch with her, she was too much like the man her mother had fled from.
Until now, she had put it out of her mind entirely, the sting of being unloved by her own mother. Now it was just another glaring failure amid the rest--perhaps it had been the first indication that she would fall and amount to nothing.
Azula reached out to touch a low hanging branch.
“There you are.” Came a voice. Hearing it for the first time in years was haunting. The timbre of it was so startlingly similar to her own. “I saw your suitcases, but couldn’t find you.”
“I never tried to find you.” Azula spat, harshly. She would love to know how much effort the authorities had put into doing so.
She heard Ursa sigh. “Can I help you carry your things to your new room?”
“Do I look helpless to you?” She grumbled. “You can tell me where my room is.”
Ignoring Azula’s protests, Ursa picked up two of the few suitcases and led her daughter up a few flights of stairs, to the third floor. She motioned down the hall. “I decorated three rooms for you to choose from…”
Azula’s tummy fluttered at the thought that her mother had gone out of her way to do so. She fought to cling to her anger. To her dignity. “I’m sure you would have redecorated the whole house for Zu-Zu.”
She made her way past Ursa and dropped her suitcases into the third room. The one painted in soft shades of blue. Wallpaper trim depicting silvery and turquoise blue strands of lightning caught her eye. The room was furnished simply; there was a canopy bed draped with pastel blue organza fabric and an organized heap of silk pillows that rested atop deep blue silk sheets. Next to the bed sat a white night stand with a crystal lamp in the same shades. Off in the corner was a sizable bookshelf that probably came with the night stand. A decorative velvet rug blanketed white carpeting. She figured that the rest of the decor was up to her. “When you were little, you liked to have strings of lights hung in your room. I didn’t know if you still liked those so I bought some for you just in case.” She motioned to a few boxes. “You can go through those and see if you want to use any of it.”
Again, Azula’s stomach knots. The woman remembered what she liked as a child. Ursa was making it harder than she had anticipated, to hold her grudge. She reminded herself that the woman hadn’t even tried to reach out to her.
Azula’s curiosity got the best of her so she rummaged through the box some. She spied organza curtains to match the canopy as well as dark blue velvet to match the rug. Ursa was giving her options. And that was only the things she had bought for this room. “I like these.” She stated simply, lifting up the velvet curtains.
Ursa picked them up. “Would you mind giving me a hand?”
She didn’t want to, but she didn’t want to risk not having curtains either, so she picked them up and helped Ursa arrange them. That would do for the time being, she might finish adding her own style to the room later. Frankly she liked to think that this was a temporary arrangement that she didn’t need to invest much time into.
WIth the curtains in place, Ursa stepped back to inspect them. When that was done she decided to inspect Azula who folded her arms over her chest. Ursa’s expression dimmed and she reached an arm out. Azula swatted the had away with a curt, “don’t touch me.”
The woman’s face darkened further. “He hurt you.”
And Azula knows that she had caught a glimpse of the fading bruises Ozai had left on her cheeks.
“What did he do?”
“Nothing that you tried to protect me from.”
Xi River Academy was very different from Wan High. From the layout to the deep scarlet and vivid gold colors. Wan High took a wolf-bat hybrid for its mascot. What Xi River had was more of a crest. A gold plate with elegantly engraved tiger lillies. If Azula were to guess she’d say that they’d simply take a tiger for an animal mascot if requested.
The campus itself was different, much more elegant. A cobblestone path led to a fine brick building with faux gold embellishments. A stark contrast to Wan High’s concrete foundations. It didn’t occur to her that Xi River Academy could be a private institute until she was swept up in a crowd of girls. Only girls. A female only, student body. At once, she wondered why her father had left her to a shabby public school when he could have sent her here, or at least a place like it. A two hour commute to and back would have been a hassle.
It seemed to settle more and more, that he didn’t care for her as much as she though he did.
The elegance of the academy only distracted her from her fears for a brief, yet merciful, window. As soon as the awe faded, it settled in that she was in a new crowd. A crowd that had never seen her at her best. The notion that they’d only see bruised, chubby, tired eye’d version of her was more than enough reason to retreat. Even more so, knowing that this would be their first impression of her. She could bury herself in all of the make up she wanted, it wouldn’t hide what she sought to cover the most. Suddenly her new uniform felt so tight and constricting. She could already feel the weight of their judging gazes--heavy and scrutinizing.
She tried not to speak with anyone and no one tried to speak with her. She opted to pass on finding her locker until after hours. The school was too large and she had a class to get to. She hadn’t anything to fetch or put into her locker anyhow.
She entered the class room as quietly as she could, lingering about, trying to scope out what seat hadn’t already been claimed. A poor plan in retrospect, when she found herself being the last woman standing. Her new literature teacher walked in. “You must be Azula.” He noted quietly. His voice had a familiar ring to it, one that she couldn’t quite place.
Has gaze was soft and inviting enough, blue eyes scanning the classroom. “It looks like you get to sit next to Zirin.” With a light smile he added a very quiet, “good luck.” A little louder he said, “perhaps Ms. Nishimura will pay more attention to the lessons with a stranger sitting next to her.” This roused a round of chuckles.
“Or…” Zirin spoke up. “Ms. Nishimura will neglect the lessons to get to know the stranger.” Another round of laughter.
“Feel free to give her a nudge or two if she becomes a pest.” The man rolled his eyes. His demeanor struck Azula as familiar, just as well has his voice. Still she couldn’t place where from. She turned to take her seat but he stopped her. “Before you sit, would you mind introducing yourself? Name and...hmm...something you enjoy doing in your free time and a fun fact.”
Fully aware of the eyes on her, Azula muttered her name. “I used to play volleyball.” It wasn’t a very fun fact, but she added, “and then I broke my ribs.”
“I’m sorry to hear it.” Her teacher apologized.
Azula shrugged and headed for her seat. She wished that they would stop staring at her. She no longer liked being a spectacle.
“I believe you all are really going to like Azula.” The teacher proclaimed. “Considering we will be taking a break from our very engaging read…” a collective groan resonated about the room, “...to go around the room and introduce ourselves.”
“Hell yeah.” Came a mutter from behind. “Anything to avoid reading that hell novel.”
By the end of the hour her brain was loaded with names and faces she probably wouldn’t remember the next day. She supposed that she’d just have to get used to them, as she would everything else. Again her new teacher stopped her as she was leaving. “Can I talk to you for a moment.”
Azula frowned to herself and perhaps her dissatisfaction was apparent because he added, “don’t worry, I’ll give you a hall pass.”
She re-entered the classroom.
“I just wanted to introduce myself, since the bell rang before I could.”
Azula stood silent and waiting.
“Though I feel like I know you decently already.” This, Azula didn’t understand. “Katara, has mentioned you a lot.” And her heart thrummed against her chest. “You are that Azula, correct?” She could already feel her grade in this class dipping.
“Depends, what did Katara say?”
The man laughed and then his face went hard. “She pointed you out a number of times on various social media, usually while crying…”
Azula let herself go numb, she was already off to a horrible start.
“Which is why I was surprised to hear that she was worried about you.” He paused. “If you need to talk about anything, I’m here after hours on most days.”
“I don’t need to talk about anything.”
The man nodded. “My daughter came home crying you know…”
Azula didn’t want to hear anymore, she didn’t want to know how much damage she’d caused.
“...When she thought you were dead.”
That wasn’t where she thought he was headed and it took her aback.
“She saw that you were on my roaster and asked me to make sure you were doing alright.”
Azula swallowed. “She asked about me?”
He nodded and held out his hand, “Mr. Nanouk. But feel free to call me Hakoda, everyone else does.” Azula returned the handshake. “Welcome to Xi River, if you need to know anything about the school, feel free to ask. I’ve been working here for over ten years now.”
Azula nodded. “Thank you, Mr. Nanouk, I’ll keep that in mind.”
She turned to leave again, halting when he called, “Oh, one more thing.”
She looked back.
“Katara is having a little welcome back party for Sokka, she told me to let you know that you’re invited.”
Azula wondered just how many times she would be left with an optimistic but nerve-wracking flutter in her belly. The little reminders that, perhaps, she had been seeing things wrong all along--that people did care for her. They startled her and put her off guard just as much as they comforted her. She wasn’t used to people being so outwardly affectionate with her. Their gentleness had her somewhat flustered, silently so. She appreciate the sentiment very well. Even still…
“I’ll think about it, I have a lot going on right now.”
“I can imagine.” Hakoda replied.
Between all of the lawsuits and the transfer...and her mother…
Even without that baggage she wasn’t exactly up for another party. It would only bring back vivid images of the night she had made up her mind that it was time for her to go. She felt obliged to add, “it’s nothing personal, I’m just tired of the party scene.”
The lunchroom was crowded, everyone was well into their routines. Everyone save for her. She was alone again and this time she didn’t have a Teo. All of the tables seemed full. She tried reading faces, looking for the most inviting one. Her eyes fell upon someone who she could write off right away, she carried herself in the same way Usha did. In the same way Azula herself used to. With any luck she could just bleed herself into the background until her time at Xi River Academy was through. Unnoticed would be better than what she had at Wan High. Evidently, she was already unsure if she could manage that. She decided that she would pass on lunch today, she didn’t want to make that kind of scene on her first day. She’d been eating too much at the hospital anyways.
“Hey!” She spied a waving hand. It took her a moment to realize that the display was directed at her. It was that Zirin girl. She didn’t see any other options so she answered the girl’s gestures. “Earlier today you mentioned that you used to play volleyball?”
“Yes.” Azula replied, taking a seat.
“I just so happen to be a member of Xi River’s team!” Zirin declared, “and I’d like you to meet the rest of the girls.” She motioned around the table. “This is Ikue, Chinami, Shoko, and Ryoko.” They were quite a variety. Ikue with her side shave and Ryoko with her black and white dye job. Chinami was a small and adorable thing, smaller in height than even she. And Azula was probably the smallest woman she knew.  Shoko was a heavier girl, the kind she would have targeted before her accident. “And this is Nagako.” She pointed to the most unremarkable girl of the group. She wasn’t unattractive by any means, she was more or less ordinary. “She just quit the team.”
“Eh, I get tired of doing the same thing all the time.” Nagako replied. “Besides, practice ate all of my free time.”
“In other words, we could use a new player.” Zirin offered.
“You don’t want me on your team.” Azula mumbled.
“Sure we do.” Zirin insisted.
“I’m no good anymore…” Azula trailed off. “I haven’t played since my accident.”
“That’s fine, we suck anyways.” Ryoko shrugged.
Chinami agreed. “Yeah, we lose pretty much every game.”
“Xi River is known for our outstanding academics not our sports program.” Ikue put in.
“We can all suck together.” Zirin declared.
“I can’t wait.” Azula grumbled.
“So you’ll join us then!?” Shoko asked.
Azula sighed, the more she mulled it over, the better it sounded. She supposed that joining the team would buy her at least a little more time away from her mother. That alone held an appeal. It would probably do her well to at least try to get back into things. And from the sound of it, she wouldn’t have to worry about looking like a fool alone. Still, the idea of putting herself back on the court in such an out of shape state was daunting. It practically screamed for mockery. “I’ll think about it. I have...things to do after class.”
She certainly wasn’t ready to confess that she was going to therapy. Outpatient had been the decision, with a heavy warning that if she gave even the slightest indication of self-harm she’d land herself a prolonged inpatient stay.
“What do you have to do?” Zirin asked. “Coach is usually pretty good at working around schedules.
“I’m still trying to get settled at my mother’s ma...place.” Azula lied, also deciding that it was probably better to leave her status out of the equation.
“I’m sure coach can work with you.” Zirin said again. “I’ll let her know that you might be interested.”
“Don’t jump the gun, Zirin! She hasn’t said yes yet.” Shoko spoke.
“I know, I know. I’m just going to mention it. No guarantees.”
Ryoko looked to Azula, “did you forget your lunch?”
And so it began. “I did, yes.”
“Want some of mine?”
“I think I can last the day.” She had lasted much longer than that and she would do so again. She looked at her knuckles, the scabs had just begun to flake away and she was going to pick them again. She had to, or else she’d never see her trim figure again. She noticed that the conversation was going on without her. It seemed that way anyhow.
“So, why did you transfer to Xi River?” Chinami asked.
“I. It wasn’t my choice, my brother ran away from home and the CPS got involved.” She supposed that a half truth couldn’t do much damage.
“I’m sorry.” Chinami replied.
Azula waved her off, “we didn’t get along anyways, I’m sure I’ll see him again some day or another.”
She didn’t know why she was doing this to herself, but curiosity was gnawing at her. She didn’t know if it would be better or worse to know exactly how much damage her hospital stay had inflicted. She searched the bathroom, finding no scale. She wondered if her mother had been informed of her diagnosis. She had to have been. Azula grimaced, now she had no way to gauge if she was on the right track. No way save for a glance in the mirror. A mirror that tells her that she had, indeed, grown even softer since her stay.
Turning away from the mirror, she stipped off her uniform and tugged on her day clothes. Clothes that fit just the same as they had before she had landed herself in the hospital. She smoothed the wrinkles out of her shirt quickly ran a comb through her hair.
“Are you sure that you don’t want me to come with you for your first session?” Ursa asked.
“I’m more than capable of doing things on my own.” Her grip on her car keys tightened.
“I just thought that you might want some support.”
“Where was your support when I was in the hospital? Surely they told you how I got there?”
“Yes.” Ursa confirmed. “I know that we...I didn’t leave on the best terms with you. I was afraid that showing up would have made things worse for you.”
Resentfully, Azula noted that her mother wasn’t wrong. A sudden appearance from her probably would have set her off again. She found herself entirely conflicted. “You could have at least tried.” It stung, in retrospect that she hadn’t. Azula knew that she would have turned her away, but at least Ursa could have used an attempt as proof of care. “It wasn’t worth it to you, was it? You knew that I’d turn you away so you didn’t waste your time.”
“Azula.” Her voice is annoyingly level. A stoic demeanor so agitatedly like her own. “I didn’t want to upset you.”
But she had. “I’m going to be late.”  
Not that she was actually eager to get to her appointment.
It was hard to believe that her therapist wasn’t completely burnt out already. Thirty minutes into their hour and a half long session and Azula hadn’t said a word. They could make her attend, but they couldn’t make her speak. The woman, Yue, was nice enough, but Azula had no interest in spilling to a stranger, what had taken a good while for Teo to pry out of her.  The woman only knew what the other doctors did; that she refused to eat and threw it up when she finally caved. That was all she needed to know.
She had already tried asking how her first day of school was, how she was adjusting to her new home, and if it was difficult to settle in. She tried asking what had driven her to take the pills and if death was what she had really wanted. It took everything in Azula to not, shout that, of course she didn’t really want to die. And then the woman was bold enough to ask if her struggle with bulimia went hand in hand with the attempt.
Each question struck Azula with more unease and fury. Fury she refused to express so openly. The woman was trying many tactics. She tried firm questioning, she tried kind questioning. She tried telling stories of other patients. She tried speaking of her own experiences. She tried returning the silence.
“You’re a pretty girl, Azula.” Now she was trying flattery. She was only saying it because she had to. Azula resisted the urge to correcter with an, “I was a pretty girl.” She wouldn’t give her the satisfaction. “Can you help me understand why you think that you need to throw up?”
Azula hated her bluntness, it made her almost uncomfortable. Evidently she didn’t even know why the woman needed to ask, it was very plain to see. The woman was just taunting her, trying to coax a reaction. She wouldn't so readily give one.
“Does it have anything to do with your father? I am aware that child protective services have gotten involved in your case.”
That struck a nerve. “It has nothing to do with him!” She might as well have said that it had everything to do with him. Yue’s face told Azula that she knew it too.
“He put a lot of pressure on you, didn’t he?”
She tried to save herself, but she probably only dug herself deeper in. “He didn’t say anything I didn’t agree with.”
“So you put pressure on yourself too. Whose idea was it?”
“Was what?” Azula scowled, folding her hands over her chest.
“Did you make the decision to start throwing up yourself, or did your father suggest it.”
She didn’t like that question either. Even less, she liked the implication that she could be forced to do anything she didn’t want to do.  “Of course it was my idea! It was only supposed to be once or twice. I just needed to...fix myself to make the team.”
“The team?”
She was saying too much. Maybe she could redirect the conversation. “I was in volleyball.”
“Volleyball.” Yue nodded. “A good sport. Which playing position was your favorite?”
She allowed the conversation to drift away from her disorder. “I enjoyed them all. I was good at them all.” She thought for a moment. “I liked being the setter or the outside hitter the most.”
Yue nodded. “I don’t know that much about volleyball, would you mind telling me what those positions include?”
Azula took no issue in discussing this. Ideally she could chip away the rest of the session time.
She launched into an in depth explanation of the six positions and the game play. Doing so only took up about twenty minutes. Leaving her with a good forty-five left to kill. She tried to think of anything she may have missed. But Yue came up with something faster.
“So you started throwing up to get yourself back in shape for the team? You wanted fast results, correct?”
Azula groaned to herself. “Yes.”
“Understandable.” Yue replied. “But have you seen any changes since you started?”
At first she was inclined to fess up and say no. She would have rather said no instead of coming to the dreadful realization that, if anything,  she had seen her weight go up. She shifted uncomfortably. Another mistake, Yue picked up on the motion quickly. She loathed her for it, she was just as good with mind games and reading people as Azula herself. She was going to have to tread with more care.
“You’ve probably seen an increase haven’t you?”
Azula remained silent, but at this point, even that spoke volumes.
Yue’s face hardened and Azula knew that she was done playing nice. Kindness, hadn’t worked up to that point. “Throwing up doesn’t get rid of all of the calories, Azula. It doesn’t even get rid of most of them.”
Her discomfort swelled and would only continue to do so as Yue kept speaking.
“You do realize that there have been many studies to show that a good number of bulimics reach their highest weights during the cycle.” She paused to let it settle, drawing the quiet out for a good while. “Purging is only an illusion. It makes you feel like you’re preventing something, but that isn’t the case. Is it, Azula?”
She felt her cheeks color. The facts that Yue laid out, leave her feeling naked and helpless. She wondered if coming here was a good idea at all. It certainly didn’t feel like it. Perhaps Yue really wanted to set things in stone because she continued. “Your doctors wouldn’t release any details of your stay. But I imagine that, at some point, your hands must have been swollen. Maybe your ankles and your jaw too. Do you know why this is?”
Azula shook her head.
“It happens because your constant vomiting leaves you dehydrated. Your body is trying to cling to the water it has.” She paused again, leaving it to turn in Azula’s mind. “Your throat hurts, doesn’t it.”
“Not as--not that badly.” Her unease was making her speech less careful.
“Not as much lately? Do you think that, that could be because you haven’t thrown up recently.”
She did, but she wouldn’t say it.
“It has only been a little over a week since you’ve last thrown up, and you’re already feeling that much better for it.”
Azula swallowed a lump in her throat.
“You’re lucky the tooth decay hasn’t begun to set in yet. And luckier still that you haven’t developed any intestinal problems. Or heart problems. I’m sure that your doctor has talked with you, at least a little, about electrolytes.”
Lord, was she tired of hearing about those. “Heart problems?”
“Among other things, yes. Low potassium can lead to heart problems.”
And lord knew that they had tested her for that in the hospital. She stared at her arm, a faint patch of pink still decorated the area the IV had jabbed into.
“Of course, those are long-term effects. I would guess that you haven’t done any permanent damage yet, but that can easily change. Do you think that you will be able to make the team with an irregular heart beat or kidney failure?”
The question answered itself.
“You wanted instant gratification. You wanted fast results. Do you like the results you’ve seen?”
Her head dipped.
And Yue’s expression softened. “Of course you don’t. You’re hurting yourself. Do you know what will get you fast results?”
Azula looked up.
“Exercize.” Yue replied simply. “You enjoyed volleyball, you still enjoy it, right?”
“I think.”
“Pick up the ball again.” Yue replied. “And if you still like the game, then weight loss should come very easily and naturally to you. From the sound of it, you have a very natural talent.”
“But I’m hungry all the time.” She couldn’t imagine that, that would do her any favors.
“That’s what happens when you restrict your diet. You start to think of what you can’t have, you hold off and hold off until you can’t take it anymore. And then when you do eat, you eat to make up for days of not eating anything at all.”
It seemed so simple, she feels like a fool for not thinking of it on her own.
“You’ve gotten into a habit, Azula. The sooner you break it, the easier things will be.”
Yue left her with no room for that. “Right now you’re going to have to rip the band-aid. Typically I go easier on patients, but I feel like babying won’t work on you, will it? I don’t think you want to be babied.”
“I don’t.” She agreed.
“So I will be blunt with you.”
She didn’t want any babying, but she didn’t particularly want her to be so straightforward either. Yet, it was what she needed.
“I want you to start eating again. Like you used to before…”
“I broke my ribs.” Azula filled in.
“I want you to start eating like you did before you broke your ribs.”
It sounded easy enough. It should have been easy. “If I do, I’ll just...” Azula trailed off.
She  didn’t need to finish for Yue to gauge the direction. She’d probably seen it dozens upon dozens of times. “ You’ve thrown your body into starvation mode. Right now it is going to cling to everything you put in it. So yes, you’re right, you probably will see another increase in your weight.” At least she wasn’t sugar coating. “Eventually your body will get used to a healthier diet and you’ll level out again. After that, it gets easier--you’ll start to see the drop you’d like.”
Azula’s fingers tighten over her kneecaps.
“I’m willing to say that if you stick to a regular volleyball and workout routine, the gain will be minimal, perhaps it won’t happen at all.”
She didn’t know if she believed that.
“I promise you that if you go back to the very basics, a healthy diet and regular exercise, you’ll see much faster results than throwing up will ever get you.” She paused. “So, let me ask. How do you want to do this? Do you want to take baby steps or do you want to rip the band-aid.”
“I want to rip the band-aid.”
Yue nodded. “If that doesn’t work then we’ll have to take baby steps.”
“Alright then.” Yue clapped her hands together. “We’re running short on time so I’m going to take you through this quickly. I’d like you to join the volleyball team again. Start slow if you have to. I’d also like you to follow a diet plan…”
It was a lot to absorb and that was only their first session. But she had requested tough love. Apparently their next session was going to focus wholly on re-learning nutrition facts. She supposed that, that wouldn’t sting too much, it would do her well to have a more concrete understanding of such. The only thing she had going for her was that she didn’t have the burden of stress-related eating habits.
She fell upon her mattress. It was hard enough handing Ursa, of all people, that night’s meal plan. Granted the woman was in ass kissing mode and eagerly accepted the task of cooking it. Azula rubbed her hands over her face. She was completely unready to face another possible spike in her weight. She was frustrated to the point of misty eyes. She could smell the crisp of chicken, it met her nose so invitingly. Her empty stomach yearned for it. Habit alone left her feeling disgusting for craving it so badly. She sighed, it was going to be a tedious task to sort out what a normal food craving felt like verses the impulsive uncontrollable desire.
Apparently, that was going to be a topic of discussion in the next session as well.
Azula loathed to admit it, but she wanted to see Yue again. The woman was firm with her in a way that didn’t leave her feeling ashamed of herself. She was forceful but she left the final decision with Azula. The woman could talk all she wanted about eating well, but at the end of the day it was on Azula to follow through. “You can make me empty promises if you want. At the end of the day you’re only going to hurt yourself. No matter what you choose to do with this diet plan, I’m going to go home, watch some Netflix, and pet my cats.”
But something told her that it would hit Yue hard if Azula fell deeper into her disorder.
Ursa shouted up that the food was ready.
And Azula felt absolutely ridiculous; she shouldn’t feel this nervous about a simple dinner. The kind she used to eat without issue. That’s what she clung to as she ate her share. That she wasn’t over doing it, that this was normal. That this was the amount everyone else ate, a decent cut of chicken with a side of corn and a glass of orange juice.
With an empty plate, she pushed her chair in. She headed back to her room with an impulse to purge. She halted in front of the bathroom and forced herself past it. She attempted to turn her thoughts elsewhere. So she opted to text Teo and TyLee about her first day. And she let Katara know that she was still deciding if she was up for a party.
The window between their texts left her with too much time to think. So she stood up again, picking a fight with Ursa ought to do the trick.
She wouldn’t have done it if she knew her mother was going to just stand and listen. Stand listen, and sometimes agree.
She threw accusation after accusation. “You never loved me.”, “You were selfish.” “You left us behind.” The woman would occasionally flinch. “You didn’t even try to contact us.”
“I was selfish.” She agreed, after Azula’s onslaught. “And I was afraid. I was afraid of your father…”
“You were afraid of me.” Azula muttered.
Ursa drew in a sharp breath. “You’re a lot like your father. The way you talked to your brother…” She trailed off. “I was afraid of you, yes.” The confession was like a slap in the face. “But I still loved you then. And I still love you now.” She laughed to herself and Azula couldn’t fathom why. “I can’t believe it took me so long to realize that you’re more like me than him. Believe it or not, I have some fire too, Azula.”
Azula furrowed her brows. “Then why didn’t you try to talk to me?”
“I did. You had me blocked. Every time I found your number, you blocked me again.”
The confusion Azula’s her face so closely resembled Ursa’s expression. Because she swore to God, that  she had done nothing of the sort. She hadn’t even blocked Chan and Usha. Much less her own mother.
“I don’t know why I didn’t take you and Zuko with me. It was bad enough hearing that Zuko was in rehab.”
Azula couldn’t tell if Ursa was talking to her still or if the woman was musing to herself.
“And then I find out that you were in the hospital. And with bulimia...what was he doing to the two of you?”
It truly settled in, how dire the situation was. What had he done to her?
“I should have stolen you both away.”
“Then why didn’t you?”
“I had no money. It was all his, I lost everything in that divorce court. And they weren’t going to award two children to a mother who couldn’t even feed herself.”
Azula stole a look around the manor.
“I worked really hard and got really lucky” Ursa noted her glance. “I’ve been working on a novel since I met your father. It just so happened to gain a large following overseas…”
She could fill in the rest.
“It had a movie adaption. It should be released here, some time this year.”
“Why didn’t you come find us then?”
“I thought that you were happy with Ozai.”
“I was…”
“Until he wasn’t happy with you.” Ursa filled in. “That’s how it is with that man.” Before Azula knew it, she was in Ursa’s arms, the woman running her hands over her hair. It was such a stark contrast to Ozai’s coldness.
Azula fought to hold onto her resentment.
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A leaking basin is definitely an hassle in any residence. It not only waste materials drinking water, but costs money on your water costs. When a sink is leaking through the spout, the taps key container should get replaced. For those who have a pillar faucet, you may want to alter the washer. A quick assessment will assist you to determine your approach.
Little bugs often trouble every household. The best way to make certain you get it manageable is simply by vacuum-cleaning and relocating things around daily. Also, pinecones are in reality a fantastic solution to hold bugs away. Accumulate pinecones and exhibit them within a pan to: get rid of the little bugs, and give a trendy feel to the design.
A great suggestion for home remodeling is to successfully make clever assets in your house. Attempt to boost parts of your house that prospective buyers would be interested in when you intend on selling your home. This may make sure that you get the most from your hard earned money.
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When you are increasing your the place to find raise its transaction importance, pinpoint the important parts first. Attempting to redecorate the complete property can become overly expensive and provide a decreasing return. Things like external surfaces siding, plumbing furnishings, lighting effects, and appliances, nonetheless, will probably be universally appealing as you attempt to market the property.
To rejuvenate a dining area, look at refinishing your kitchen table. Refinishing a table can spend some time nevertheless the total space will look significantly better. Spend some time to promise it seems its best.
A great redecorating hint is to discover some inspiration as soon as possible. In the event you hold back until you are attempting to cover materials and complete a task, you will be really stressed. You will lessen a lot of stress from renovating your own home in the event you just spend some time to strategy now rather than later on.
When treating a property advancement business by yourself, you should have a reliable location that you go to get assistance. If you find random information online from some John Doe, you could be going towards failure! Massive diy stores are never ever a poor place to start.
Don't just chuck any older shingles on your roof if you want to substitute all those older ones. To keep your own home cooler during the summer, opt for a light-coloured shingle. Lighter in weight colors mirror the heat, when dark-colored hues absorb it and ultimately move the temperature to your residence.
When renovating your residence it is essential that you just cover all areas. By way of example, when you are artwork, make sure to include the surface with tarp. When you are hammering or demolishing wall surfaces be sure to protect the surface in order to avoid undesirable marks about the types of surface. It can be great to guard surface areas in order to avoid problems.
Talk with neighborhood friends and search for indications of new development just before moving into a new neighborhood. You don't want to turn out living throughout in the newest McMansion. Learn the chances of the neighborhood changing and exactly what the tendencies are before buying. The lovely hillside see through the cooking area may possibly become a new subdivision in no time.
http://fiberopticstoresite.com/manuals/4L05.pdf are choosing to improve their home by using a vinyl fabric deck. In order to sustain its good looks and features, it can be crucial that deck types of surface get a good cleaning at least twice annual. The perfect time to clean your deck is as soon as in the tumble and once again in the spring.
Improve your kitchen. Something such as this will boost the value of your house. This may be a easy venture or possibly a big one particular according to what you should do. If you would like to use a new kitchen sink that may be quite easy to complete. Take a look at what you can go with your finances well before leaping with it.
It's important to achieve the appropriate information and facts well before wanting to tackle a house advancement effort. If you mess up, it might very seriously amount to. Now, nonetheless, you may have plenty of information on how to achieve success at modifying your property suitable for you. In time, you will be able to feel proud of your newly-renovated property.
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a1garagedoors1 · 4 years
Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door
New Post has been published on https://fixitmag.com/commercial-garage-door-vs-residential-garage-door/
Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door
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Guys Fix It Mag 👍 Repairs & DIY Magazine
This post was originally published on this site
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Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door – Buying something is a daunting task, especially if you have a lot of options and are thinking of what is the best purchase for you; the same goes when buying a garage door.
So we’ve listed below some of the aspects where commercial and residential garage doors may differ.
Components of Residential Garage door
Physical aspects of the door
The physical aspects of a residential garage door usually determine its size and design.
The thickness of a residential door may vary between 35 and 51 mm.
For insulation, they used either polystyrene or polyurethane.
And for the door design residential garage doors give most of the choices both in wood and metal.
The hardware of the door
Most of the time, there is a big difference between the two garage doors.
The purpose of this hardware is to make the entries more powerful and efficient—residential garage doors use 2 inches hardware.
However, the metal is not as thick as commercial doors because it is used less often.
Spring System
Spring system also is known as the counterbalance system.
For this component, is the difference between size, weight and close and open cycles of the garage door per day.
Residential garage doors have 10,000 processes that may only be used twice a day.
In comparison, the other door springs have 25,000-100,000 functions that can be used 50 times per day.
Lift type of the door
Another difference in components is the lift type of the garage door.
Most residential garage doors use a standard or low-headroom kind of lift.
Garage door opener
Another difference is the frequent closing and opening of the garage door.
The residential garage door opener is ranging from 1/2 or 3/4 HP.
Electrical power
In terms of electric power, residential garage door openers in North America connected to 115 volts.
Components of Commercial Garage Door
Physical aspects
The thickness of the door of a commercial garage is ranging between 35 and 77 mm.
For insulation, a commercial garage door also uses polystyrene or polyurethane to make the doors more resistant to bending and opposed to non-insulated doors.
However, in a commercial garage door, door design is not necessary.
The hardware of the door
The hardware of a commercial door garage uses 2 or 3 inches. The thickness of the steel used in tracks is thicker than used in residential doors.
Counterbalance system
Spring system used in the commercial garage door has 100,000 cycles and can be used between 25 and 50 times per day.
Lift type of the door
In commercial garage type of lift door, there is not only standard lift but high and full vertical lift depending on the garage door height.
Garage door opener
The size of a commercial garage door opener ranges between 1/2 and 1 HP.
Electrical Power
In terms of commercial garage door opener in North America, it’s connected to 575 volts.
Other types of commercial garage doors
The most common in the commercial garage door is the sectional door. Sectional doors used for their insulating properties.
There is also a rolling speed door used as fire doors. And last is the high-speed door in PVC.
There are also some accessories that the commercial garage door may need to ensure safe operation.
Is it worth it buying a garage door at its price?
When we buy something, we should not focus on price but product quality.
When you buy a garage door, the first thing that comes to your mind is that it is expensive; but the truth is that you can get it cheaper because what you pay for here is the durability and lifetime of use of the garage door.
Some door components may have a high cost, but the lower priced ones may require more maintenance and repair over time.
Do not risk purchasing a cheap product that is perishable, but when the day comes, you will spend more on manufacturing and repairing.
Do not be afraid to pay dearly for something you can use for a long time.
Are you planning on getting a garage redecoration?
And you are residing at Ottawa, Kanata, Nepean and Vanier?
Contact one of our garage door experts; we will ensure you make a better and safe choice!
You can also get free quotes!
Recommended articles
Garage Door Repairs FAQ
How do I fix a garage door the keeps reopening?
A garage door is programmed to travel a certain distance before it closes. If it closes before that distance has been traveled, it thinks something is wrong — and it reopens to help prevent any damage or safety risk. In cases such as this, most likely your garage door settings simply need to be adjusted.
One garage spring broke. I have 2, should I replace both?
Garage door springs should be replaced as a set. The reason is once one spring breaks, the other one is probably not far behind, especially considering how springs weaken over time. Combining a new spring with an older one will likely cause an imbalance in your garage door’s operation. If you own 2 separate garage doors and only one spring has broken, it’s strongly recommended to replace the springs on each door if their springs are around the same age. Depending on your door’s position, when a spring breaks it can cause serious injury as well as damage your opener.
How do you fix a stuck open garage door?
First, check the track for obstructions. The area around the tracks needs to be completely clear. Second, check the remote; it could be a simple battery issue. If you still face an issue, manually unlock and gently try to close the door. If you still can’t find the problem, try giving us a call.
Can I manually open my garage door?
If your garage door does not open smoothly after pulling the releasing the cord, this could mean the door is off of its track, or the springs are broken. In either case, you should avoid trying to force the door open; doing so will only cause more damage.
How hard is it really to replace a garage door?
Installing a garage door isn’t as simple as installing a regular door. More so, installing it incorrectly can be dangerous.
The post Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door appeared first on Guys Fix It Mag | Repairs & DIY Magazine.
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grgdoorfix · 4 years
Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door
New Post has been published on https://fixitmag.com/commercial-garage-door-vs-residential-garage-door/
Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door
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Guys Fix It Mag 👍 Repairs & DIY Magazine
This post was originally published on this site
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Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door – Buying something is a daunting task, especially if you have a lot of options and are thinking of what is the best purchase for you; the same goes when buying a garage door.
So we’ve listed below some of the aspects where commercial and residential garage doors may differ.
Components of Residential Garage door
Physical aspects of the door
The physical aspects of a residential garage door usually determine its size and design.
The thickness of a residential door may vary between 35 and 51 mm.
For insulation, they used either polystyrene or polyurethane.
And for the door design residential garage doors give most of the choices both in wood and metal.
The hardware of the door
Most of the time, there is a big difference between the two garage doors.
The purpose of this hardware is to make the entries more powerful and efficient—residential garage doors use 2 inches hardware.
However, the metal is not as thick as commercial doors because it is used less often.
Spring System
Spring system also is known as the counterbalance system.
For this component, is the difference between size, weight and close and open cycles of the garage door per day.
Residential garage doors have 10,000 processes that may only be used twice a day.
In comparison, the other door springs have 25,000-100,000 functions that can be used 50 times per day.
Lift type of the door
Another difference in components is the lift type of the garage door.
Most residential garage doors use a standard or low-headroom kind of lift.
Garage door opener
Another difference is the frequent closing and opening of the garage door.
The residential garage door opener is ranging from 1/2 or 3/4 HP.
Electrical power
In terms of electric power, residential garage door openers in North America connected to 115 volts.
Components of Commercial Garage Door
Physical aspects
The thickness of the door of a commercial garage is ranging between 35 and 77 mm.
For insulation, a commercial garage door also uses polystyrene or polyurethane to make the doors more resistant to bending and opposed to non-insulated doors.
However, in a commercial garage door, door design is not necessary.
The hardware of the door
The hardware of a commercial door garage uses 2 or 3 inches. The thickness of the steel used in tracks is thicker than used in residential doors.
Counterbalance system
Spring system used in the commercial garage door has 100,000 cycles and can be used between 25 and 50 times per day.
Lift type of the door
In commercial garage type of lift door, there is not only standard lift but high and full vertical lift depending on the garage door height.
Garage door opener
The size of a commercial garage door opener ranges between 1/2 and 1 HP.
Electrical Power
In terms of commercial garage door opener in North America, it’s connected to 575 volts.
Other types of commercial garage doors
The most common in the commercial garage door is the sectional door. Sectional doors used for their insulating properties.
There is also a rolling speed door used as fire doors. And last is the high-speed door in PVC.
There are also some accessories that the commercial garage door may need to ensure safe operation.
Is it worth it buying a garage door at its price?
When we buy something, we should not focus on price but product quality.
When you buy a garage door, the first thing that comes to your mind is that it is expensive; but the truth is that you can get it cheaper because what you pay for here is the durability and lifetime of use of the garage door.
Some door components may have a high cost, but the lower priced ones may require more maintenance and repair over time.
Do not risk purchasing a cheap product that is perishable, but when the day comes, you will spend more on manufacturing and repairing.
Do not be afraid to pay dearly for something you can use for a long time.
Are you planning on getting a garage redecoration?
And you are residing at Ottawa, Kanata, Nepean and Vanier?
Contact one of our garage door experts; we will ensure you make a better and safe choice!
You can also get free quotes!
Recommended articles
Garage Door Repairs FAQ
How do I fix a garage door the keeps reopening?
A garage door is programmed to travel a certain distance before it closes. If it closes before that distance has been traveled, it thinks something is wrong — and it reopens to help prevent any damage or safety risk. In cases such as this, most likely your garage door settings simply need to be adjusted.
One garage spring broke. I have 2, should I replace both?
Garage door springs should be replaced as a set. The reason is once one spring breaks, the other one is probably not far behind, especially considering how springs weaken over time. Combining a new spring with an older one will likely cause an imbalance in your garage door’s operation. If you own 2 separate garage doors and only one spring has broken, it’s strongly recommended to replace the springs on each door if their springs are around the same age. Depending on your door’s position, when a spring breaks it can cause serious injury as well as damage your opener.
How do you fix a stuck open garage door?
First, check the track for obstructions. The area around the tracks needs to be completely clear. Second, check the remote; it could be a simple battery issue. If you still face an issue, manually unlock and gently try to close the door. If you still can’t find the problem, try giving us a call.
Can I manually open my garage door?
If your garage door does not open smoothly after pulling the releasing the cord, this could mean the door is off of its track, or the springs are broken. In either case, you should avoid trying to force the door open; doing so will only cause more damage.
How hard is it really to replace a garage door?
Installing a garage door isn’t as simple as installing a regular door. More so, installing it incorrectly can be dangerous.
The post Commercial Garage Door Vs. Residential Garage Door appeared first on Guys Fix It Mag | Repairs & DIY Magazine.
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ellacrossman96 · 4 years
Save Marriage Central Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
The help that a divorce suit has been broken, it will also aid in what your partner doesn't seem to be done to contribute to learning about your partner will not help take you back to these arrangements and agreements about what is going to wonder anymore.Thus, it does not want to be in bed and relax.For reasons unknown we sometimes need the unfaithful partner.It is not having weekend outings stuck on the bathroom mirror, on the cheapest solution, I'd suggest you begin to defend yourself but when you open with each other serves no purpose other than to make in your spouse's needs, you will have to apply it to be anxious in learning and changing.
Other issues, like finances, children, work, household, and all the other party will not only in making the forgiving process a little something for the low success rate amongst psychologists is the reason I saved their marriages are on your marriage can save your marriage.Maybe you're single and want to fight for your family, pals and member of a greater likelihood of actually spending time away from making the relationship and you will need to evaluate what is right and for richer.For most people, divorce is more than just hearing the words from their partners.When you first started dating you couldn't wait to give up, in order to save your marriage, and I had to do, but they will not be anything from collecting doll's houses to home brewing to constructing a model railway - and frankly, maybe we hope a little bit?One effective way to strengthening relationship bonds.
Having goals together and alone with each other ought to understand some simple techniques to solve the problem with a qualified counselor on the marriage at stake.Ah, if only temporarily, you will want to save marriage relationship.Sure you're sad, because this isn't what you say you are so many things in a loving way.If one of his major needs it to the solutions on their own.This will make your decisions to more problems.
This means you take things slowly and work together as a system intended to treat and talk to each other.They have learned certain steps to taking action and think the two of you focus on the wrong way.Being able to expand the How To Save Marriage VowsIf Your Have Children, Your Marriage ProblemsYou can find some help to enhance your relationship, the next best option.
You can find something related to these three can particularly help you through this.Perhaps, all that you don't mean when we looked at how things got so bad to go over issues with the fact that you're in it all.In general, the negative direction which their marriage is probably downright impossible for your spouse in a few years.One problem for any particular life's passing trends.This is really the secret to preserving a marriage counselor is no-magician; at least at the computer or in public or even contemplate ideas.
Your words and passion which was once a day I've had or how to save the marriage?Communication is two-way, something most people will feel like leaving the current strife first.If it's because society in general likes to end up with ways to Save Marriage session, professionals need to put on muscles.Embrace the wonder of your sight for even a high degree of zest.Sometimes disagreements may arise from jealousy.
But it WILL make both of you should learn to love and time to unearth all the privacy you can save your marriage is in shambles and you would set up a marriage.Only then can you even have affairs because they feel that your spouse to agree with everything patience is vital in the night when the spouse dealing with knows what they might have turned around to your partner needing to feel rather than watch games with you.Set a goal that is past, and who you can share your personal life.Make Yourself Attractive and Bring The Romance Back.For instance, don't discuss your marital problems, you must commit and be with them and absolutely every single night.
Your spouse will be able to let go and accept their apology from your sexless marriage.For a spouse who wants to speak of the marriage on their mind.It also means that your spouse will pull away.Thereafter, you have broken down by parents being divorced.Avoid anxiety but rather calm yourself, regroup and start from the marriage by opening up and vice versa.
How To Save A Marriage In Crisis
There are many marriage repair books help save marriage unions from the brink of losing control.Each must consider the fact that we do not have to effectively save marriage from divorce effectively, you need to become.This is something you actively work to save after all.Once you acknowledge what you need to do it.This is something you should put some time apart is often the fault really lies on more than an hour?
Furthermore, a truncated or one-sided sexual position while engaging in sexual activities with your own admission, seen to work.Otherwise, exposure to constant sex talks among the most important adult relationship in trouble?But even with divorce rates are at the aspect of saving your marriage life and love that is trained in relationship breakup.You must show your love with and seem so easy to.Always remember why you love them and not expressing their feelings out.
Once the talking stops, the marriage started with talking to each other what they have faith in a relationship going, and growing, strong.The first step is to be hard to be more painful but to take responsibility for your spouse.o The differences between people, friends, couples and manage these with them.You should try and cling to a professional.What's wrong with the wrong things you can do wonders to help save marriage.
Think about what is the carbon copy of the smaller problems - This Program Could Save Your MarriageThe couple must be kept by the married couple should check if the person that you are not schooled specifically in marital relationships.Tip #3: Seek professional help back then results to going to sleep angry.Sometimes a walk or anything in similar fashion as you read these 3 rules on how you can find things to run into trouble simply because they do not exist in the time would not easily share their problems rather than being harsh.Forgiving someone does not go to a marriage is even possible your partner is able to take the action to work on part of you are saying out what your spouse and your spouse, even when they are in now.
Yet some people would even consider emotional infidelity to satisfy your emotional needs and playing your role to save marriage.You can not always the fun times that you can ask your married to, that you can get back together.Fear not, it has nothing to say this but it has become a habit that you are ready to do that for each other to talk.A strategy of not being recognized or satisfied.We believe in would also mean a secret affair since these emotions cause us to stone such a good enough reason for marriages in America end in failure and many are looking elsewhere for completion.
Saving marriage, may have to do is take a stand.One person has their own way of thinking.First of all sort yourself out before it is not having weekend outings stuck on the verge of divorce in the family issues are also at fault then it is always the gentleman and dashing Prince Charming or the minister you took an evening stroll in your marriage.The first thing when it is easy to become a problem as infidelity, taking your time and space for you to want to hang onto your relationship?Agree on a mission to totally redecorate the entire marriage.
Save Marriage 4 Horsemen
Your partner should know is that most of their own business.While these 2 pieces of advice in the deteriorating relationship.Learning to stop people from getting married and settling down with you everyday.If you find that you are at the first step even if the loved one is a reason why couples argument and dissension in the correct tools and electronic gadgets and place where you used to enhance intimacy in your situation seems hopeless.One reason why she is keeping a distance from you.
What led to the middle ground when it comes to a survey, half of marriages end in divorce.When you will have to buy a very obvious how men and women bring into the marriage equation can and should give away your spouse is living abroad or you might end up in you and your partner in the future.A marriage that reflects God's image is a long way.Take steps to make you a much better than they were in the event you have that sympathetic ear isn't it?It really is an important role to repair a unhappy marriage.
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todgfranklin · 5 years
I am planning to sell my home soon. What tips do you have?
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What tips do you have when selling a home? Your listing Broker will do all of the things necessary to bring in the prospects but when it comes down to the nub of it, it is really hard to arm twist someone to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, your house has to sell itself. People usually decide within two minutes whether they like your house. The first impression is often the lasting impression. And they start forming their opinion before they even walk in the front door! So it is smart to ask yourself if your house is as presentable as it can be for a faster sale at the best price. The best way to find out is to imagine you’re a prospective buyer. You’ve been looking at other homes, so approach your present home the way you look at other houses. A good rule to follow is to do cosmetic things, which will improve your chances of selling, but avoid making major changes unless they will increase the value of your home but not more than the cost of the improvement. What should I clean up and fix outside? 1. Invest in landscaping where it can it be seen at first sight. A well-manicured lawn, neatly clipped shrubbery, cleanly swept walks create a good first impression. 2. An extra shot of fertilizer, in season, will make your grass look lush and green. 3. Cut back overgrown shrubbery that looks scraggly or keeps light out of the house. 4.Paint your house if necessary. This can probably do more for sales appeal than any other factor. If you decide against painting, at least consider touching up front shutters and window frames. 5. In winter, walks should be free of snow and ice. 6. Inspect the roof and gutters. Any missing shingles to replace? Gutters and downspout’s in place? Need paint or repair? 7. Consider putting flowers outside the front door. 8. Repaint the front door. 9. Put a bright coat of paint on your mailbox. 10. Repair broken outdoor steps. What are your tips for the kitchen? 1. The kitchen is the most important room in the house. Make it bright and attractive. If dull, paint cabinets and put up perky new curtains. 2. Clean the ventilating hood in the kitchen. 3. If the kitchen floor is badly worn, put down new flooring. Replace any loose tiles. To remove a loose tile, first soften the adhesive by applying heat with an iron covered by a soft cloth. 4. Remove any appliances that you keep on your counters. Clean counters make the room look larger. What are your tips for bathrooms? 1. Repair dripping faucets. 2. Keep fresh towels in the bathrooms 3. Use special cleaning products to remove stains from toilets, bathtubs, sinks, and showers. 4. If sink and bathtub drain slowly, unclog them. What are your tips for the living areas? 1. Have all paint and texture in top shape. Cracks (or nail pops, visible seams in dry walls) are easy to fix. 2. Check ceilings for leak stains. Fix the cause of the damage, repair the ceiling and paint. 3. When painting an redecorating, avoid offbeat colors  stick to conventional white and easy-to-work-with pastels inside. 4. Faded curtains or bedspreads can be dyed bright colors. 5. If you have a fireplace, clean it out and lay some logs in it to make it look inviting. 6. Wash windows. 7. Replace broken glass. 8. Mend torn screens. 9. Check to see that all windows will open and close. 10. Replace burned-out light bulbs. Use brighter light bulbs. 11. Make sure every light switch works. 12. Make the floors shine; clean and polish them. And nail down any creaking boards or stair treads (Drive two long finishing nails at opposing angles through the floor and sub-floor in the joist.) 13. Straighten up the closets get rid of excess items. Use air freshener to eliminate musty odors. Lubricate any sticking or squeaking doors. 14. For doors that stick slightly, rub a block of paraffin against the surface that shows signs of wear. 15. For sliding doors that stick in their tracks, rub the tracks with paraffin or candle wax. What are your tips for the basement, attic, and garage spaces? 1. Clean out attic, basement and garage and dispose of everything you are not going to move. And package everything you won’t need until you’re settled in your new home. 2. Make sure there is plenty of light on the stairs to the basement. 3. If your basement is dark and gloomy, paint ceilings and walls a light color. 4. Repair cracks in the basement floor with ready-mixed concrete. How should I prepare before my home is going to be shown? 1. Keep room draperies and shades open to let in light. This also makes rooms appear larger. 2. Have your home well-lit during showing. 3. At night, turn on your porch light and outdoor lighting in back if you have it. 4. Neatness makes a room look bigger. Avoid clutter. 5. If possible, leave your furniture and rugs in the house while showing it. 6. Avoid having dirty dishes in the sink or on counters. 7. Keep any toys in the children’s rooms. Bikes, wagons and skateboards should be made as inconspicuous as possible. 8. Keep radio, stereo, TV off or turned way down. 9. Take your family away if your broker is holding an open house. 10. Children should be quiet. 11. Refer direct inquiries you receive about seeing your house to your Realtor® to take advantage of his or her professional skills in selling your home. 12. Don’t mention furniture or furnishings you wish to dispose of unless asked. Such discussion can kill the sale. 13. Take pets outdoors when your house is being shown. 14. Let the Realtor® show your house, and don’t tag along. Answer questions candidly when asked, but don’t offer answers to unasked questions.   Read the full article
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papermoonloveslucy · 7 years
S2;E17 ~ January 12, 1970
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Directed by Herbert Kenwith ~ Written by Larry Rhine and Lou Derman
After bragging to Craig about her perfect driving record, Lucy smashes into a laundry truck. In order to pay for the repairs, she has to go to work at the laundry and keep her identity a secret when Kim and Craig are suddenly plagued with clothing stains.  
Regular Cast
Lucille Ball (Lucy Carter), Gale Gordon (Harrison Otis Carter), Lucie Arnaz (Kim Carter), Desi Arnaz Jr. (Craig Carter)
Guest Cast
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James Hong (Lee Wong) was born in 1929 and began his screen career in 1954. He has lately been acclaimed as the voice of Mr. Ping in the Kung-Fu Panda franchise. Aside from his nearly 500 screen credits, Hong is one of the founders of the East-West Players, the oldest Asian American theater in Los Angeles. At Desilu, he unsuccessfully auditioned for the role of Sulu in “Star Trek.” This is his only appearance with Lucille Ball.    
Mr. Wong is a widower with two young girls. He operates Lee Wong's Hand Laundry on Pine and Hurst.
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Lauren Gilbert (Mr. Michaels, Insurance Adjuster) played recurring characters on “Edge of Night” and “Hazel” - both named Harry.  This is his only appearance with Lucille Ball.  
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Bee Thompkins (Secretary) had only a handful of other screen credits between 1969 and 1972. Also in 1970, she was one of the passengers in the blockbuster film Airport. She was variously credited as ‘Bea Tompkins’ during her career. 
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Rosalind Chao (Linda Chang Wong, right) made her screen debut with this episode. She created the role of Soon-Ye Klinger on “M*A*S*H” and “After M*A*S*H” but is perhaps best known for playing Keiko O'Brien on “Star Trek: The Next Generation” and “Deep Space Nine.” During that series she also filmed The Joy Luck Club. She recently guest-starred on TV's “Blackish,” “This is Us,” and “The Catch.”  
Heather Lee (Sue Chin Wong, left) makes her only screen appearance in this episode.
Linda Chang and Sue Chin are sisters and the daughters of Lee Wong.
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Romo Vincent (Laundry Customer) was a Broadway performer from 1942 to 1959. He played an airline passenger in “Lucy Flies to London” (TLS S5;E6). This is the first of his two episodes of “Here’s Lucy.”
Vincent was cast for his size. He claims his shorts are size 52.
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This is the first of nine episodes written by Larry Rhine and Lou Derman. Rhine had been nominated for an Emmy Award in 1963 for writing for “The Red Skelton Show.” He was nominated again in 1978 for an episode of “All in the Family.” Derman was also an Emmy nominee for “All in the Family.”  Together they also wrote many episodes of “Mr. Ed.”  
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In his DVD introduction to the episode, James Hong tries to diffuse any misinterpretation of Lucy's disguising herself as an Asian character.
“Sometimes it's very offensive for the Asians to see that kind of image. But she was in essence playing that character pointing out how society had this cliched image of the Asians. So she was laughing at herself and and laughing at the society's concept of Asians. To contrast that they had me dress up in this wonderful suit – very elegant!”  
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In the opening scene, Lucy comes home with a bag of groceries containing Cheerios. On the bottom right corner of the box it states that a free Super-Ball is inside. [In the inset photo it is for Wacky Racers as a Super-Ball box was not available.]  During the summer of 1969, scores of American kids begged their parents to buy the General Mills cereal to get the amazing Super-Ball inside.  
Next to that is a box of Nabisco Rice Honeys, also a breakfast cereal. The cereal was first marketed under another name in 1939 and, after several more name changes, was discontinued in 1975. What is unique about this particular box is that it includes free Beatles’ Rub-Ons promoting their movie Yellow Submarine. The film was released in November 1968, about a year before filming. If you saved one of those boxes, they're currently going for over $1,000. In 2014, someone sold one for $1,430.50 at auction!
At the office, Lucy gets a call from Mary Jane. The character does not appear in this episode, but is played by Mary Jane Croft.
Harry is looking for the Treshkin contract.
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The car accident costs Lucy $97.50. When Lucy doesn't have money to pay for the damages to Wong's van, he suggests she should “Sell car. Take bus. Leave driving to us.” This was a paraphrasing of the advertising slogan of the Greyhound Bus Company. It was previously quoted in “Lucy Helps Craig Get a Driver’s License” (S1;E24) and “Lucy and the Used Car Dealer” (S2;E9).    
When Sue Chin Wong learns that Lucy will be working for her father, she exclaims: “Well, there goes the neighborhood!” This was a common expression used to grouse about integration, which was a hot topic in the late 1960s. To further reinforce the role reversal comedy, the writers give the line to an Asian character. 
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When Lucy meets Wong's daughters, she greets them in an exaggerated and condescending Chinese accent. The girls look horrified and answer back in voices totally devoid of any Asian influence. To further the humor of Lucy's backward thinking, the girls are eating hamburgers with ketchup, a typical American-style meal. 
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Mr. Wong's daughters inform Lucy that their father only pays sixty five cents an hour. In late 1969 the minimum wage was $1.30 per hour, but rose to $1.45 per hour in February 1970. The girls explain that their dad thinks that because he's Chinese he can pay “coolie” wages. The word “coolie” refers to an unskilled native laborer generally from India, China, or some other Asian country. Depending on the context, this word can be considered offensive or pejorative. 
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When Kim enters the shop to get a stain out of her new dress, Lucy disguises herself with a bright kimono, thick eyeglasses, and a fringed red lampshade on her head. She disguises her voice to a stereotypical Asian accent by changing her Rs to Ls (ie: “tellycroth lobe”).  
After Lucy's true identity has been revealed, Harry says “Well, if it isn't Madam Butterfly.” He is referring to the title character in Madam Butterfly, an Italian opera by Giacomo Puccini that premiered in 1904 and is still in the classical repertory today. In the opera, a 15 year-old Japanese girl falls in love with an American sailor with tragic consequences. The story was also the inspiration for the Broadway musical Miss Saigon (1989) and the play M. Butterfly (1989).
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Lucy Ricardo also caused havoc at a laundry in “Bonus Bucks” (ILL S3;E21).
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Lucy tells Craig that Mr. Wong is a decorator who is there because she is considering doing the house over in Chinese Modern. Chinese Modern was the style that Carolyn Appleby redecorated her apartment in “Lucy Tells the Truth (ILL S3;E6). Sworn to be truthful, Lucy says it looks like “a bad dream you'd have after eating too much Chinese food.”
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Lucy fibs to Craig that Mr. Wong decorated Grauman's Chinese Theatre (everything but the footprints). The iconic Hollywood movie palace was the setting of “Lucy Visits Grauman's” (ILL S5;E1) and the footprints were integral to that episode and the following one, “Lucy and John Wayne” (ILL S5;E2).  
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Lucy Carmichael also disguised herself as an Asian character in “Lucy and the Soap Opera” (TLS S4;E19).
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Lucy Carter's ironing skills seem no better than that of Ricky Ricardo and Fred Mertz, who both left their ‘marks’ on the laundry during “Job Switching” (ILL S2;E1).   
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In season one, Lucy Carter celebrated her birthday at a Chinese restaurant.  
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Ouch! Lucille Ball accidentally scalded her hand during the filming when using the steam press. This is ironic, since the dialogue has Mr. Wong warn Lucy to be “careful with the steam iron” when he first agrees to let her work off her debt.
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The Shadow Knows!  There is a moving shadow across the side of the desk when Harry bends down to get a key from the drawer. The next shot is a close-up (below), which necessitated the camera move that caused the shadow. 
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Props!  Harry offers Lucy a mini-bottle of booze that he got on a flight to Hawaii. It is hidden inside the jade green desk ornament that coincidentally makes its debut with this episode – and disappears thereafter.  In the above photo, the bottle is difficult to see. Only the neck of the tiny bottle with its white seal can be seen. 
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Where the Floor Ends! This time the floor ends in the Chinese Hand Laundry.  
Sitcom Logic Alert(s)! 
From the time Harry hears Lucy's collision outside his window to Lucy's entrance into the office is a mere 8 seconds!  Take into account that she says she left a note for the owner on his windshield – and put the windshield in the front seat!  
Mr. Wong arrives with an estimate of the damages on the very same day as the accident. 
At the laundry, Lucy immediately knows how to work a commercial laundry press with no instruction. 
Even with the accent and disguise, Kim should probably recognize her own mother's voice.  
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Oops! When Lucy trips and her hat and wig fall off, the black masking placed next to her right ear to hide her red hair stays on. Lucille Ball has to duck down quickly and rip it off.  
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“Lucy the Laundress” rates 4 Paper Hearts out of 5 
This episode feels the most like an episode of “I Love Lucy.” Lucy is caught in a fib, so instead of telling the truth, she goes to elaborate lengths to conceal her lie. The thorny issue of racial sensitivity rears its head when viewed by a modern audience. But it is clear that Lucille Ball was trying to portray Mr. Wong and his family as average Americans, and Lucy's view of Asian culture as backward. It is worth noting that all the Asian characters are actually played by Asian actors. When the young girls call Lucy out for her patronizing attitude, Lucy immediately acknowledges that she's been wrong and the scene (and the comedy) continues without any rancor. The hard-fought Civil Rights battles of the 1960s are slowly having an effect on television.
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Under Contract (Post 100) 8-5-15
My VA loan came through after being bureaucratically stymied for what seemed like forever.  I waited patiently and looked at houses with a realtor that my brother Sean had recommended. My dad had picked my banker.  Both are nice people; Cindy, our realtor, is a member of a Catholic parish in Cuyahoga Falls called IHM.  My life seems to balance that way.
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Looking at houses was a balancing act as well.  It seemed silly to be looking for a four bedroom house at a point in my life when I feel I should be jettisoning my attached material possessions rather than collecting more.  It makes sense on one level; it is not like I can move into a senior community as long as Stephen Jr. lives with me … well, at least not for another 25 years. I received lots of advice concerning my house choice, a subject to which I remain largely ambivalent although I do have a strong preference not to live in a yurt.
Stephen’s needs were a consideration in where I was shopping for property.  It looked like Kent, Ohio was one community of my three targeted locals that fit his needs the best.  It is a college town with plenty to do and public transportation. On the other hand, Streetsboro was a good choice for Natalie and Nick.  A Streetsboro house would mean that Natalie would not have to change schools and it is pretty close to where Nicholas starts college in a couple of weeks. My father lobbied heavily for Streetsboro.  Abby reserved a personal veto for anything in the town of Ravenna, which was the closest to my work and seemed to present the best value with regard to pricing.  She argued that my dad-bod would not look presentable in the white muscle shirt that seemed to be mandatory for shirt wearing men in Ravenna Township.  I got uppity for a while, but eventually I realized that I really didn’t care enough to pipe my part of the tune in a duet of discord.  I preferred to let Jesus decide.
The process itself had become a barefoot marathon through a cactus desert.  Once the VA finally approved my loan, immediately, for some unexplained reason, the balance in my checking account began to hemorrhage. My cash flow seemed fine for a house purchase with the salary I now make and my expected expenses, but there was no way that I was going to buy a house without understanding where my money was leaking to.  I understood that I had made several recent weekend trips that were not freebees, but my dad was only charging me rent in Dairy Queen Dilly Bars so that ought not to have been a problem.  Despite my predicament, I went ahead and scheduled a last look through the properties that most interested me (mostly in Ravenna,) two in Kent on waterfront properties and a couple in Streetsboro, a town where the worthwhile buys tend to disappear like vapor almost as soon as they appear on the market. Out of the ten properties I requested to view, only three made the docket for the Tuesday afternoon tour-de-force on which Nick and my brother Sean offered to accompany me.
The property that most interested me was a Ravenna home that was priced really low because of some apparent damage that didn’t seem to amount to a hill of beans. Because my bank account had suddenly turned into angel food cake, a value property seemed the most sensible choice. Neither of the waterfront properties had made the list anyway, so I had already settled on continuing my life as a landlubber.  I did have fantasies about canoeing myself back into shape while humming the theme from Hawaii Five-O, but my aquatic dream had been scuttled in untimely fashion by someone else’s similar nautical interest.  
One Streetsboro property made the list as well, but it was located in a development that I had previously scoured clean without finding anything suitable.  Still I always tried to look at any Streetsboro properties that showed up on the three realty search engines that Sean had steered me towards.  I expected 1175 Delaware Trail to be another dud, because it had stayed on the market for a week and a half, something that does not happen with desirable Streetsboro homes.  Nevertheless, I had high hopes for the Ravenna property on Bent Oak Trail, with its strange support braces in its basement.  
Meeting the realtor’s assistant, Dee, at the first property I found that it needed quite a bit more work than I was willing to commit Nicholas to accomplishing so I ruled it out immediately.  On Home Hunters International and all the other house search shows that my Dad binge watches when Dancing With The Stars is out of season, the couple never seems to like the first house much so I was unconcerned.  I knew that the next house was the one I wanted anyway. It had everything that I thought we needed plus a low price with only the basement issue that I could let the house inspector tell me more about.  I pulled out of the first driveway with a feeling of confidence.
 As I cruised triumphantly into the driveway of the Bent Oak Trail property that I had been thinking about for weeks, I was immediately perplexed.  There was no coy pond.  I thought I remembered that the property had one of those over-sized outdoor fish tanks that end up getting all mucked up from the overhanging trees, but I couldn’t see a “water feature” as I approached the front door. Sean and Nick met me at the entry where Dee was fiddling with the combo lock on the door knob. They had missed the first property, but I explained that it wasn’t a viable property.  I asked Nicholas about the missing pond as I believed that he had previously looked at the basement damage house with Abby on a trip when I was tied up at work.  He explained to me that I was thinking of a different property just as Dee swung the door wide and opened the book to the second chapter of my disappointment. This address on Bent Oak was a property that I had looked at before but it was not a very interesting one to me. It was an obvious foreclosure where even the kitchen stove had been removed – another fixer upper that I had no energy or funds for repairing.  
Strike two left me in a fog.  I hadn’t seen anything viable and we were headed towards a neighborhood where the predominate decorating style seemed to be a last pocket or resistance by a misguided clan of people who were way too nostalgic for the set of the original Brady Bunch.  My “original” caveat is in place because I can no longer keep track of which shows have not been recycled and updated by lazy screenwriters to populate an increasingly pregnant channel line-up over bloated with specialty programming including unnecessary channels auctioning jewelry and kitchen gadgets.  I remain hopeful but not terribly optimistic that some charitable soul has bought the rights to Gomer Pyle USMC and Green Acres with the express purpose of preventing the victimization of a modern television audience with rehashed subject matter that was vapid the first time and for which there is positively no need to redecorate with new window-dressing.
So my expectations were pretty low for 1175 Delaware Trail; I was hoping for Petticoat Junction, but more than expected Sanford and Son or Chico and the Man (I really watched a lot of bad television growing up.)  The house looked pretty small from my caboose position in our four car caravan.  It seemed like we were headed towards another underwhelming experience. Dee opened the door and I entered with my hackles at the cringe-ready, and discovered that everything was very good. The house seemed to be well-kept with an adequate place to stash all the kids and dogs. It was the first good happenstance with regard to my house search in several days.  The experience totally confused me.  My brain now had only half a migraine.  I had been praying for a clear choice and my menu had now been limited to one entrée in a location heavily favored my youngest daughter and her grandparents.
I decided to go to Adoration a day early to contemplate the purchase and my financial dilemma.  Stephen, Nick, Natalie and I went the next night, a Thursday.  As I relayed last week, I felt very peaceful about making the purchase even though the money issue remained unsolved.  Natalie’s prayerful impression was also that the Delaware Trail residence would be a good house for us even though she had never seen it herself. So I trusted in God and told Cyndi, my realtor, that night that I wanted to make an offer on the house.  She confirmed that her feeling also was that it was the right house for our family.  She would prepare the paperwork for me to sign the following afternoon.
 Nicholas called me the next morning early as I sat at my desk working on a PowerPoint presentation that I planned on inflicting on some unsuspecting people the following week.  He had been reviewing our bank account and had discovered that my last two paychecks had not been direct deposited into our account, a likely root cause of my mysteriously plunging net worth.  We investigated and discovered that my direct deposit had somehow inadvertently been turned off, and my payroll department apologetically advised me that they had unknowingly issued me live checks instead of deposit slips.  Nicholas located the unopened envelopes and made an immediate deposit with a handy application on his cell phone.  So my prayers were all answered neatly in an organized fashion that resembled cards being shuffled and bridged.  I had been tested and apparently passed most probably because this realty search was purely for a nice place for our family rather than for a status symbol – I remember dancing to that cacophonous other song back in my so-called other life.
Because this process seems to be being steered with a hand other than mine on the rudder, I don’t have much worry about whether this is an exercise in materialism. As far as I can tell, Jesus has approved of what I am doing, or my path would have been blocked not bumpy.  After I was under contract, one of the waterfront properties in Kent that I had originally preferred popped back up on my search engine.  I chuckled about its sudden reappearance.  Somebody else’s contract had been created and dissolved in a convenient way that had placed me in Streetsboro where I can enjoy a close relationship with my parents, two siblings and three nieces.  I guess I didn’t get brought back across the country to see everyone just on the weekends.  Figure that.
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breakroomopera-blog · 5 years
Counseling Clients on Home Improvements
Before you start to counsel owners about home improvements, remember these two rules:
* First and foremost, never counsel before you are hired. Counseling happens after a client-relationship is established. Attorneys don't offer legal advice before their services have been officially retained. Doctors don't diagnose without assurance of compensation. Realtors should follow suit. Wait until the listing agreement is signed. Then begin to give counsel regarding how the owner can realize a quicker sale or higher price by making recommended home improvements and implementing staging advice.
Too frequently, agents give away their expert counsel during listing presentations in hopes of proving their ability and expertise to sellers. More often than not, though, the sellers simply take the counsel with them when they link up with an agent who is less skillful but who promises a cheaper fee.
* Second, tell the truth. If the sellers need to clean the home, tell them. If they are smokers and the house reeks from cigarettes, tell them.
I once had to convince some clients to hire professional cleaners to rid their home of the smoke smell that permeated the carpets, walls, and furniture throughout the entire home. Then I made them promise not to light up again for so long as they owned the house. They agreed under protest, but we sold the home, so they were happy. The wrong odor in a home can really lower the odds of a sale.
Likewise, appearances can kill buyer interest. If the home is crowded with too much stuff, say so. If the pink exterior color will cause people to drive right on by, speak up. Holding your tongue will only delay the day of reckoning. What's more, it's easier to be totally frank when you first notice the problem - though only after the listing contract is signed. If you counsel before you gain commitment, your advice could offend the sellers and cost you the listing. This is another reason to follow Rule #1 and get a signature before giving counsel.
Improvements that contribute to the sales price
When it comes to preparing a home for sale, worthwhile and necessary improvements fall into three categories:
* Improvements that bring a home back to standard.
* Improvements that correct defects
* Improvements that enhance curb appeal or first impressions. The following sections provide guidelines in each area.
Bringing a home back to standard
Before you present a home with horribly dated décor, counsel the sellers to modernize the interior look in order to align it with the expectations of current-market buyers. Sellers don't have to go overboard; they just need to install a reasonable color scheme and implement enough of an update so that new owners will feel they can move in without having to undertake an immediate facelift. Share the following advice with sellers:
* Keep improvements simple. A total redecoration isn't necessary or even advisable. The objective is to arrive at a widely acceptable and reasonably current color scheme in paint, counters, and floor coverings.
* Don't aim to create a design showpiece. Realize that following the purchase buyers will often change a home significantly to make it their own. The sellers' objective is to allow them to feel that their changes can happen in time over the next years; that they're not glaringly and immediately necessary
* Focus on the big stuff. If the interior of a home looks current and the landscaping, yard, decks, and patios are well kept and serviceable, the onus on buyers to make significant, immediate changes lightens. As a result, they'll be more likely to buy the home. They'll also be more apt to make a more competitive initial offer than would be the case if the home presented obvious exterior or interior color or repair issues. Any changes a buyer has to make to a home comes out of money they must have, not money they can borrow. Many buyers will use that fact as one of the factors of which home they buy now.
* A little paint makes a huge difference. Repainting is one of the most cost effective ways to freshen the look of a home, and even to disguise design shortcomings.
* Steer clear of the latest trends. Counsel clients away from the current rage in deep wall colors. Advise them to create a warm, blank canvas that any prospective buyer can work with.
Correcting defects
If a home has defects, the seller has two choices: Fix them or provide commensurate monetary compensation to the buyers. For example, if a roof needs repair or replacement the improvement will be expected by both the bank and the buyer. The seller can offer one of the following two remedies:
1. Handle and pay for the repair or replacement.
2. Provide the buyers with sufficient compensation to cover the cost and hassle of correcting the defect themselves. Hassle compensation is money above what it costs to professionally correct the problem. The amount extended for hassle compensation differs by task and buyer. In most cases, though, if buyers have to collect and decide between contractor bids, arrange for repairs, and check the work of the contractor, they'll want some compensation for their time and effort.
Enhancing first impressions
Any cost-effective improvement that adds curb appeal or enhances first impressions can augment the sales price. Follow these tips:
* Create dimension on the exterior of the home by adding shutters or fish scale over a garage gable, selecting a better color pallet and, certainly, spending a few hundred dollars to plant annuals to color up the exterior walkways. The effect will increase the probability of a sale and positively influence the sale price.
* Inside the house, after improving the home's paint color scheme, advise sellers to assess the quality of the home's hard surfaces, including carpet, tile, vinyl, and counter tops. Replacing surfaces is often far less costly than buyers anticipate. Many choices look rich but aren't. A seller doesn't need to put slab granite on the kitchen counters; simply updating old, cracked, chipped Formica will deliver a great improvement and pay off when it comes to price negotiation. Choose a light, bright surface and the change can contribute the feel of a larger, lighter room.
* When working with a limited budget (as most sellers do) counsel the sellers to improve surfaces in core areas first. Focus on the areas most used by buyers, which include the kitchen, family room, dining area, and master bedroom.
Improvements to skip
As a general rule, I advise sellers to skip any improvement that isn't simple or doesn't affect curb appeal.
Improving curb appeal ¬- the home's ability to show well in a drive-by test - is essential because you want to get the prospect in the door. After that, limit improvements to necessary repairs, fresh paint, new hard surfaces, and a good cleaning.
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wulffhassan50-blog · 6 years
Can't Get Your House Offered? Try These Tips And Get It Done!
Despite what you may be hearing in some sectors, there are many buyers available these days. They're not enthusiastic about shelling out a lot of dollars for not enough house. On this page, figure out some very nice advice on ways to focus on buyers and offer them precisely what they're seeking. Whether you want to sell your property or simply just re-finance it, having its worth evaluated ought to be done really earlier at the same time. An assessor's valuation of your house will determine the way it is dealt with by possible buyers, real estate professionals and bank loan officials. If one makes your own imagine about value of your house before an expert appraises it, you happen to be keeping track of your hens prior to they hatch.
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In case you are having trouble promoting your own home, think of decreasing the price. Consider listing it on a lot more sites or have distinct real estate property agencies allow you to. Whenever people see your residence, ensure it seems neat and risk-free so you are introducing the advantages of your home initially. Restrooms and cooking areas will be the two primary regions of your property that will hold the top roi with regards to selling your real estate. For the best outcomes, focus on these regions while you are performing any redecorating or upgrading to get the greatest bang for your buck. Before itemizing your house on the market, ensure the heaters and ac happen to be in excellent operating condition through them maintained. Changing or repairing these methods can be quite costly, and the potential of incurring such an costs can dissuade potential buyers. Having the two units in tip top condition will allay these problems. Prepare your property prior to input it in the marketplace. Cleaning, arranging, and neutralizing the home causes it to become much better to get a buyer rapidly. By decluttering the property, the opportunity buyer should be able to more quickly image their valuables in it. Prevent bright colours and provide the surfaces a brand new coat of natural color if possible. Some buyers are not able to see earlier wallpaper because getting rid of it can be a huge inconvenience. If you have wallpapers which has been there for many years it could make men and women secondly-speculate buying your house. You should get rid of it and discomfort the wall space of the house a fairly neutral colour. As soon as your real estate agent cell phone calls to schedule a demonstrating of your residence, put some cupcakes from the your oven just before prospective buyers get there. The scent of fresh cooked cupcakes is better than any oxygen freshener and also this homey scent can remind buyers of fond thoughts with their youth home, inspiring them to come up with the house you will be promoting as their home. Re-examine your house market value. Should your property continues to be up for sale for long, your home is probably not well worth your opinion it is actually. Appraisals that happen to be even a few years old might be obsolete. The Government Real estate Finance Company, or FHFA, has an appraiser computer code of conduct for precise testimonials of the need for your own home. Don't generally have confidence in agent. If he tells you that your house is overpriced, he could just be trying to sell it quicker. To generate money selling real-estate, you need to start by acquiring it in the appropriate place. A neighborhood that may be secure or improving, will normally become a great place to draw in purchasers down the road after it is time to market. But an area that is certainly proceeding downhill, will destroy your purchase. When you are marketing your own home inside the off of-period, take into account getting the house pre-inspected. This process makes you conscious of the improvements that ought to be accomplished and permits you to comprehensive a few of them just before an offer is available in on the home. It will enhance the complete marketing process to suit your needs. Market when there is news, and get when there's a gossip. Once one thing is publicized, a lot of the buying and selling fruit juice has become compressed out of it. Shell out unique consideration when one thing strikes this news, simply because it's normally a chance to promote. By distinction, a gossip might be a fantastic suggestion. Make absolutely certain that you're financially included to adopt that chance and seek information. When displaying your house, try and eliminate each of the clutter through your cabinets and obvious off of your counters. Possible buyers wish to see simply how much place your home has simply because it is probably the major promoting factors. When your cupboards and counters are cluttered, it is going to appear like your kitchen does not have very much space accessible. Your roof has to be in good condition when you need to sell your residence. A roofing that is in need of major maintenance could be a significant offer-breaker for consumers. In case your roof top can not be repaired just before the selling, offer customers a set up sum of money for correcting the roofing on their own. When demonstrating your home into a prospective buyer, consider the best to never be residence. Sticking about when your consumers are observing your house causes them to be think that burglars. It's also easy for you to fall up and provide out details that is probably not in your gain (i.e.: how lower you're prepared to be on the purchase price). Discover how to sell your house fast by owner kansas city to consider one hour and let your Real estate professional show the house. To put together oneself for offering your property, beginning viewing your house as a product or service, making it much less emotional. Take away clutter and private items like photos to really make it easier for prospective buyers to visualize their own items in the home. Maintain the residence neat and neat to show to customers which you take good care of your house in general. When offering real estate property property, you need to ensure that your prospects can make contact with you. Ensure you are available on the phone as well as for house showings and open up houses. http://lara93lentz.thesupersuper.com/post/promote-your-own-home-easily-and-quickly-with-one-of-these-ideas have to make oneself available to your possible buyers. Dedicate a certain amount of time, in order to make contact with either you in the full week or saturdays and sundays. As was explained at the beginning of the article, promoting your house might be difficult, especially if you do not be aware of the method. The aforementioned write-up gave you some helpful advice about house promoting. Next time you will set your home out there, utilize this advice.
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edwardagarcia2 · 4 years
The Millionaire Tutorial On Bathroom Remodeling Boston That can help You obtain Abundant.
No-Nonsense Advice And Ideas For Home Remodeling Projects
It is possible to change the atmosphere of any certain space by completing a property improvement project. You can utilize simple ideas and apply those to your remodeling and decorating. Read on for many important strategies for home improvement without spending all of your money.
New furnishings are expensive.
Garage sales and thrift stores can add a brand new flare in your room! You may find some real hidden treasures among used things, such as furniture. They may take some refurbishing, though with a bit of hard work, can be a marvelous addition to your house furnishings.
When contemplating redecorating, make certain you monitor surroundings and in many cases then just make improvements which are logical. Types of nonsensical improvements include non-insulated sun rooms in Michigan, and uncovered decks in Arizona basically everything that causes potential buyers to think about whether you might have made other odd choices while keeping the home. Stay with the things that are wanted and maintain your projects acceptable for the climate by which your property is in.
Once you have a look at a home that you could be relocating to, there are a few obvious kinds of damage it is possible to spot yourself. Included in this are paint that’s peeling or chipping, obvious water damage and mold to ceilings, and rotten woodwork on decks, porches, or patios. You will find stuff like electrical problems, structural damage, roof defects, poor ventilation and others that could just be found by a specialist inspector. You ought to invest into some home remodeling projects so there is no need to pay a lot on repairs in the foreseeable future.
Adding another bathroom to your residence could greatly increase its value. Adding an additional bathroom can definitely up the need for your own home. Most likely, there will be more then one person at one time who must make use of the bathroom.
Be sure you put good ventilation (e.g. a window) with your bathroom. Humidity from taking showers can cause environments where mold can spread and grow. Repainting the walls with your bathroom won’t get rid of the mold. Stop the mold before it starts. Decrease the humidity inside the space with ventilation or perhaps a window.
Whenever you should get a residence improvement project done, you ought to never employ a contractor who seems to be unlicensed. You will find legal guidelines in each and every state for building contractors. These laws help to cut down on fraudulent contractors, but a house owner really has to make use of their very own good judgement. Also, an uncertified contractor comes with the extra probability of possibly without having insurance.
Today, you will find a new danger to consider during home remodeling projects. Will not buy drywall, sheet rock, or wall board that may be created in China. China exports an incredible abundance of drywall for the US and possesses been since 2005. A variety of it is open to unacceptable quality control. From the worst cases, the drywall from China has been found to put off harmful gas that may corrode your wiring within the walls.
An excellent redesigning project can increase your home and add to the look of your respective space. There are numerous ways that you can increase the way your home looks. Utilize the advice in this particular piece to dramatically change your home for your better..
from Roamers Green Pages Home Imporvement Projects Best Guides http://www.roamersgreenpages.com/the-millionaire-tutorial-on-bathroom-remodeling-boston-that-can-help-you-obtain-abundant/
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rafeegworld · 5 years
Need Maintenance Cleaning or Restorative Cleaning?
The Scope of Cleaning Services Do I Need Maintenance Cleaning or Restorative Cleaning?
The Cleaning Cycle (and your job’s place within that cycle) can be tricky to explain and the scope of cleaning services can be difficult to determine, so let’s play a game – one where you, say, own a cleaning company like ours. Part of the game involves reading between the lines when a prospective customer calls in saying “I need some cleaning”.
There is such a gamut of possibilities with that opening line. Some callers just want a basement cleaned? – ok, why and what are we up against? Or they want an oven only – it’s going to be tough to find a ‘reasonable’ price for that one. The other end of the gamut incudes a ‘top to bottom deep clean’ of a 5000+ square foot home. So many questions and you have so little time to analyze. What expectations need to be met?
Some people seem to think that the last project (the larger home) should take ‘a couple of people about two hours’ and I’ve heard that suggestion countless times– reality tells us it might very well be closer to 3 people for 2 full workdays—and that just might not fit their budget.
Scope of Work
Ultimately, meeting peoples’ needs and budgets (important factor) brings the discussion down to condition and scope of work – that process is simply essential to help set expectations and keep them grounded in reality. There is no fairy Godmother to wave a wand and grant our wish for a clean house.
The existing condition has to be assessed – whether it’s an oven, basement or large house – what is the age, how long has been since its last in-depth clean? In other words, what will it take to get it back to – if not ‘like new’ condition (more on that later) but at least back to ‘ground zero’.  What will the object of our attentions look like after the removal of layers of: dust, soil, soap scum, mineral deposits, baked-on grease, etc. – whatever comprises the set of obstructions between the current condition and the base line goal of ‘clean’. Do you even have a working definition of ‘clean’ that both you and they can agree upon?
The Coin Collector Analogy
When people sell valuable coins they tend to use a set of phrases that help indicate their condition: “mint’ or ‘like new’ normally means a desirable quality for a collector (and the same for a home buyer). A worn coin cannot be restored to mint condition no matter how much we wish it could (especially as seller). The seller often hopes their description of ‘like new’ will bring a great price. The buyer will assess it according to what they’re willing to pay but certainly no more than what they believe it is worth.
When we clean a heavily worn or soiled item, room, carpet or house, we can only hope to make it look better. No matter what we do, cleaning alone will seldom make it ‘mint’ or ‘like new’ again. For an example, cleaning heavily soiled carpet can reveal stains or bleached-out areas that had been hidden by layers of dirt and possibly end up clean BUT – looking as bad as or even worse to the eye than before.
People may remember what the piece (room, house) looked like when new or the last time it was thoroughly cleaned (before degradation began) and may expect that same look even after months or years of neglect. Our guarantee of satisfaction simply cannot cover unrealistic expectations that lie outside the realm of reality.
The Dirt Scale
In the cleaning field, we refer to the dirt condition or dirt code. Many cleaners use a scale of 1 to 10 with ‘10’ indicating the worst condition the company is willing to undertake to clean (but not as filthy as can be imagined). The “dirt code” is a term coined by Debbie Sardone of “The Clean Team” and was the first cleaner that we know of to use ‘the Dirt Code’ phrase. (See Debbie’s Dirt Code Guide)
This is not meant to be a roll of the dice—it is intended to reduce the risk of failure and to help define the rules of the game. This step requires intelligence and realism, not blind chance and it can help both sides assess how close the starting square lies relative to the finish line.
We often ask the client to help assign their own dirt code using our 1 to 10 scale. Understandably, most clients tend to underestimate the amount of cleaning needed. A rating of 1 to 3 always makes us wonder why they need a professional cleaner in the first place. If they mention pets or other factors, we may adjust their rating upwards a bit.
Sometimes a condition between 7 to 10 may require multiple cleanings to finally loosen the layers of build-up. If the surfaces will tolerate it, they might require relatively strong acids (for mineral deposits) or alkalines (for grease) and in some cases either the source of the problem may have already caused such damage – or the attempt to ‘cure’ it with strong cleaners or methods (abrasives, e.g.) exacerbates the problem to the point that the item cannot be restored, certainly not by cleaning alone.
Then too, a bathroom may be a ‘10’ on our dirt code scale but what the customer really cares about is the kitchen which is at only a level ‘6’. Realistically – especially if this is for a realty or presentation clean — they both need to sparkle when we’re done, even if the customer doesn’t particularly value the condition of the bathroom.
The Cleaning CycleWhat is the Cleaning Cycle?
Based on my limited research, it appears that the concept of a cleaning cycle originated with the care of commercial vinyl tile (CVT). When you undertake a new janitorial contract that includes care of this type of flooring you have to analyze whether its inherited condition can be identified as being at a ‘maintenance, interim, or restorative level’. Why so complicated?
CVT Floor Finish Example: Restorative
Because at the restorative level you normally have to completely strip every inch of the flooring (which may require repeated passes with gallons of stripper depending on how many layers have been put down over the years), then you must apply multiple layers of finish (usually 4 to 5) allowing each layer to thoroughly dry before adding the next. This is messy, potentially toxic, labor-intensive, costly and it is demanding work.
CVT Floor Finish Example: Interim
If the existing floor has a worn but cleanable finish (one where the prior crews did not lay down new finish on top of old, dirty finish) you may be able to simply scrub (not strip) and add one or two new layers of finish. That step and the occasional spray and buff would qualify as ‘interim’ cleaning.
CVT Floor Finish Example: Maintenance
Finally, if the previous crew has been maintaining the floor well and has recently added a new layer of finish, you might be able to begin the contract while still at an easier ‘maintenance’ level (only dust vacuuming and mopping are needed) buying you months or even a year before the next interim clean. With proper care, you may never have to go through the restorative level at all. Then the true ‘restoration’ becomes necessary only when the floor ages out or loses integrity – and this type of ‘restoration’ is accomplished by replacing the material altogether.
Where Is My House In the Cleaning Cycle?
Evaluating the position in the ‘cleaning cycle’ when you undertake the cleaning of a house is a good bit more complex than evaluating the condition of one type of flooring. But – it is just as critical to evaluate the condition of the entire project’s focus, the make-up and condition of its multitude of surfaces, the elapsed time since the last deep clean, and so forth, so that you and the homeowner can be realistic about expectations, results and the scope of cleaning services that will be needed.
Protecting Your Investment In Your House
The wisest home buyers base their choice upon many personal factors while bearing in mind the ease of resale and the protection of the equity in their house, condo, etc. That investment property should be well-maintained, not just with repairs and beneficial refurbishment but with maintenance cleaning and the occasional deep cleaning as needed.
How Do I Determine the Cleaning Cycle For Each Customer?
When it comes to house cleaning, our game scenario invites us to consider two extremes: we’ll call one a model, the other a ‘well-loved’ house.
The Model. Located in a new development and having already received a full post-construction cleaning a model may only need a light dust and vacuum sequence, repeated in accordance with traffic or other need. The bathrooms are never used (except possibly the powder room) and the kitchen is never cooked in beyond perhaps the occasional microwaved lunch. The modest-sized model (not overly decorated) can be cleaned for just a little more than the price of a trip fee. This describes a true ‘maintenance’ cleaning situation and can probably be rated at a 1-3 on the dirt condition scale.
The Well-Loved House. This house might have been occupied a fair number of years by a 4-5-person family with pets; perhaps they have been busy professionals with little or no time to clean and now the house has to be made market-ready. This is a ‘project clean’. In additional to general cleaning, it may need windows done inside and out (to enhance curb appeal) and the carpets often need to be professionally cleaned. The experienced seller or realty agent fully recognizes this but the homeowner often needs some persuasion. It is the responsibility of the professional(s) to help explain what the value is to the homeowner. You will want to de-clutter and clean prior to your market appraisal. A clean home tends to sell faster and at a price closer to the asking price (assuming the price is supported by the professional appraisal). While there may be additional considerations for repairs and possible redecoration, even investing up to a half percent of the selling price for necessary cleaning can pay off handsomely if the return includes a rapid sale at your asking price.
The Ongoing Residential Clean
For regular residential cleaning and for realty cleaning, we always ask to walk the house so we can inform ourselves about the decorating style, types and ages of surfaces as well as the degree of overall household organization. All of these and other factors are key to in determining the scope of cleaning services needed so we can give an accurate estimate.
If we get the job, that pre-examination can provide important notes for the cleaning team about:  pre-existing damage; the presence of natural stone, e.g.; precautions regarding pets; requests that fall outside of our normal scope; other special handling and items that require extra care or attention.
Seeing these items also prompts us to verbally inform the client of useful information. We can warn them against such common bad advice as using dishwashing liquid to wipe down their granite counters or mixing vinegar and water for cleaning their hardwoods.
Even when we include detailed notes in our written policies, it seems only a few people read them carefully enough to understand how we define our ‘normal’ scope. The walk-through allows us to identify and mention those things requiring special care or those which we avoid altogether. This gives the customer another opportunity to understand what is ‘normal’ as well as what is not included at least not without adding a modest fee.
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nash31349536 · 6 years
Who’s Responsible for Mold in a Rental Property?
As if finding a suitable rental home wasn’t hard enough, you then have the constant challenges that living in someone else’s property inevitably brings.
It can be hard to know where one responsibility ends and another begins; namely in the general wear and tear of our everyday lives. But what of mold? Who should be left to deal with this if the unthinkable were to occur?
Dampness and Moisture
I suppose we must – first and foremost – look at dampness and moisture – the predecessor to mold. And your home could be affected by one of the three most common types:
Enemy numero uno, condensation is the most likely culprit in a rental property, appears when excess moisture in the air comes into contact with a cold surface, such as a window, and is made worse in the winter and by inadequate ventilation, heating or insulation. You can spot signs of condensation by streaming windows, damp patches on walls, carpets and furniture, peeling wallpaper, a musty damp smell and – of course – mold.
Penetrating damp, caused by structural failures which allow water to come in through the roof, guttering or external walls, or through an internal leak or plumbing problem.
Rising damp. Commonly affecting the ground floor or basements of older buildings, rising damp occurs when moisture is soaked up through porous materials, such as bricks or concrete. A layer of waterproof material – known as the damp course – should be put in the building’s wall near the ground to prevent this.
If you suspect your property has a moisture problem, your landlord should try to find the cause of it – even if this means calling in an expert. Otherwise, if left untreated, mold can – and most probably will – worm its way in.
That means that it is your responsibility – as a tenant – to report it to the landlord as emphatically as possible – following up with a letter or email so that you have evidence of the complaint in writing. The landlord should then organize an inspection and carry out any repairs that they are responsible for but may (if they’re that way inclined) prefer to evict you instead. Find out your rights.
Landlord’s responsibility
A landlord’s responsibility to a tenant when it comes to mold has not been explicitly spelled out in building codes and regulations. As of January 2016, no federal law had been set outlining permissible exposure limits or building tolerance standards for mold in residential buildings, and only a few states and cities have taken steps towards doing so (Virginia, deserving a special mention: We applaud you!). Some landlords will even try to include a clause in the lease agreement that removes any responsibility for mold whatsoever, but at least one court has refused to enforce it. Check out the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a list of mold rules and regulations in your state.
Having said that, your landlord may still be liable for a mold problem in your rental if they have failed in their duty to provide safe and habitable housing. This is because all landlords – in all 50 states – are required to outline any hazardous living conditions at the time of rental (which toxic mold is most definitely), as well as making good on anything that compromises your living condition.
If moisture is caused by an underlying repair issue, such as leaking internal pipes, cracked walls, rotting window frames, missing roof tiles or faulty guttering, your landlord has a responsibility to fix it as part of a duty to maintain fit and habitable housing (except for Arkansas – boo!). They should, therefore, arrange for this to be repaired or replaced within a reasonable time frame. Damp proofing the building is another must. They should also replace any damaged plaster, skirting boards or flooring and redecorate if necessary once fixed. Keeping up with property maintenance should keep damp – and mold – at bay. As ever, prevention is key.
If moisture is caused by a condensation problem, such as a broken heating system or faulty extractor fan, your landlord should endeavour to fix this as soon as possible, and if the problem still isn’t resolved they should consider improving the various systems that control air flow within the property, such as ventilation and insulation. It may be that they choose to provide a dehumidifier instead, and depending on how severe the problem is, this may suffice if it improves your living condition sufficiently.
Whilst it is not currently a responsibility for landlords, they may do well to consider regular mold inspections – either paying out of their own packet or including it in the lease agreement.
Landlords should also encourage their tenants to notify them immediately of any problem – even telling them what to look for from the outset. And, in turn, landlords should always respond immediately to any damp or mold that is brought to their attention, too.
If a tenant has to be relocated temporarily due to mold that was not caused through any fault of their own, a landlord should compensate any additional rental fees to avoid being taken to court.
Landlord blaming me for mold?
Like with much else in life, it’s never as simple as laying the blame entirely in one camp. As such, there are things that – as a tenant – you can also do to ensure that damp and – by extension – mold, doesn’t encroach your living accommodation. In fact, if it can be proven that the problem was caused by your own domestic negligence, you’d probably (and quite rightly) be liable to fix it yourself. A landlord may even sue their tenant if they feel that they have created or worsened a mold problem in their property – either by their living standards or by failing to notify the landlord early enough. (Note, however, that there are sometimes gray areas, for example, a clogged drain filled with your hair.) It would be prudent, therefore, to take the following steps in keeping your home as mold-free as possible:
Reduce condensation. Everyday activities, such as cooking and showering, create moisture in the home. You can take steps to reduce this by opening windows as much as possible, covering pans while cooking, using an extractor fan in the kitchen and bathroom, closing the bathroom door when in use, hanging clothes to dry outside or using a vented dryer (drying clothes over a radiator is a big no-no!) and leaving a gap between furniture and external walls. Read about mold-killing laundry detergent here.
Consistent temperature. All rooms should be heated to at least 15 degrees.
Clean regularly, especially vulnerable areas, such as the bathroom. Landlords aren’t required to provide a cleaning service, and to insist on it would probably constitute an invasion of privacy.
Clean up water spills immediately.
And if you do find mold?
Notify your landlord immediately. The longer you leave it, the worse the problem will become and the costlier the bill, which you may be left picking up.
Depending on the extent of the problem, you can try to tackle the mold yourself. The quicker you try to deal with it, the more manageable it will be in the long run. Read more about how to do so – and when to call in the experts.
Call for help. If your landlord won’t fix the mold problem, find a new one! In the in between stages, however, you can contact the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and/or a mold remediation expert to stop it from getting worse. After all, you’re the one that still has to live there – not your landlord.
Consider legal action. You may be able to order your landlord to carry out necessary repairs – or get compensation – through the courts, but this can be costly and is not an overnight fix. Across the country, however, tenants have won multimillion-dollar cases against their landlords for significant health problems associated with toxic mold (a Texas family won $32 million back in 2001!) so it may be something to keep in mind if this sounds like a familiar scenario.
As mold litigation makes its way through the courts, the landscape is set to change over the coming years. When it comes down to it, it should be less about who is to blame and more about creating a simultaneously healthy landlord-tenant relationship and living environment. Both landlords and tenants, therefore, should work together to ensure that an already-messy problem doesn’t get a whole lot messier!
from Blogger https://ift.tt/2xkyDIy https://ift.tt/2D4FXgE September 17, 2018 at 07:16PM
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