#cb union
Gabriel: How can you still be single?
Willo: Because I don't want a lover, how can YOU still be single?
Gabriel: Because you don't want a lover!
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keepscrollinghun · 1 year
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coyging · 2 years
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Stephen Robinson at Public Notice (05.10.2024):
Not so long ago, the Sunday morning news shows were a vital part of the political ecosphere. Politicians and government officials clamored for the mainstream platform provided by ABC’s This Week, NBC’s Meet the Press, CBS’s Face the Nation, and to a lesser extent, CNN’s State of the Union and Fox News Sunday. This is where presidential campaigns were launched and political agendas defined. Regular viewers have probably noticed, however, that elected Republicans increasingly don’t perform that well outside the safe spaces of Fox and Newsmax. There’s a simple reason for that.
Last Sunday was a case in point. Trump’s vice presidential hopefuls fanned across the Sunday shows and made fools of themselves. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum spent the evening prior at a Mar-a-Lago donor event where Trump ranted about special prosecutor Jack Smith, spread his usual lies about the 2020 election, and compared President Biden’s administration to the Gestapo. On CNN, State of the Union host Jake Tapper asked Burgum if he was comfortable with this rhetoric, and the governor simply changed the topic. ”Yesterday, we had an opportunity to listen to the president talk for 90 minutes without a teleprompter, covering a wide range of topics, and largely very upbeat, because, if the election was held today, Trump would be winning,” he said.
Burgum downplayed the criminal charges Trump faces and insisted it would be a “travesty of justice” if he was convicted at the end of his New York trial. When Tapper asked him about the recent Time magazine interview where Trump seemingly supported political violence if he lost the election, Burgum could only ramble nonsensically about the 2000 and 2016 elections, neither of which ended in violent coup attempts. Yet Burgum condemned the January 6 attack on the Capitol as it happened, so he should understand the difference. Even worse was Sen. Tim Scott’s appearance on Meet the Press. On January 6, Scott voted to certify Biden’s win. But when host Kristin Welker asked him if he’d commit to accepting the 2024 election results, Scott wouldn’t say “yes.” Instead, he kept reiterating that “at the end of the day, the 47th president will be Donald Trump.”
These shameless displays generated bad press for Burgum and Scott, which helps explain why some elected Republicans are choosing to stay away from mainstream interviews entirely. Notably, on April 28, not a single elected Republican appeared on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos. This came weeks after GOP Rep. Nancy Mace called for a boycott of the show over Stephanopoulos’s grilling of her. But there’s something deeper going on — Republicans simply can’t defend their ongoing support of Trump.
Mace’s This Week interview on March 10 was a complete disaster. She’s spoken publicly about her own experience as a rape victim, and Stephanopoulos asked how she squares that with her current support for Trump, who has been found liable for defaming a woman he sexually abused. Mace had no real defense, so she lashed out at Stephanopoulos. She argued that Trump wasn’t found guilty in a criminal court (neither was Mace’s rapist). She later accused Stephanopoulos of “mansplaining” rape and shaming her on national TV, when in reality she shamed herself.
There’s no escaping January 6
Republicans who condemned Trump in 2016 mostly did so on character grounds. He was vulgar and sexist, hardly a “role model” for Americans. Haley said Trump was "everything we teach our kids not to do in kindergarten.” Rep. Elise Stefanik called out Trump’s “inappropriate, offensive comments” on the Access Hollywood tape. Then-GOP Sen. Kelly Ayotte said she couldn’t bring herself to vote for Trump because he’d talked “about assault of women.” Now, after a jury found Trump liable for sexual abuse, Ayotte says “there's no question [Trump’s] the right choice for the White House.”
It was much easier to walk back expressed reservations about Trump and simply focus on right-wing policy wins when he was in the office. Republicans could just pretend they never read his tweets. However, the last traces of plausible deniability went up in smoke on January 6. We all lived through Trump’s coup attempt. We witnessed his refusal to disavow the violence and his continued promise to pardon the convicted insurrectionists, who he calls “January 6 hostages.” Republicans who stuck with Trump after January 6 either minimize the Capitol attack or outright embrace it. When Sununu called out Trump’s election lies and his starring role in January 6, he sounded like Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, but his shameless attempt to remain in MAGA’s good graces tars him as the worst kind of phony. Chris Christie and even Trump’s former vice president, Mike Pence, understand that rejecting Trump’s anti-democratic actions requires withdrawing even tacit support for his current candidacy. Of course, Cheney and Kinzinger are no longer in Congress and neither Christie nor Pence have realistic political aspirations.
Former AG Bill Barr has roundly repudiated Trump. He said Trump “will always put his own interests, and gratifying his own ego, ahead of everything else, including the country’s interest, there’s no question about it.” Nonetheless, he recently told CNN’s Kaitlin Collins that he’ll vote for him anyway because “I think Trump would do less damage than Biden, and I think all this stuff about a threat to democracy — I think the real threat to democracy is the progressive movement and the Biden administration.”
[...] These train wreck interviews make for entertaining clips on social media, but you’d think Republicans would like to avoid starring in a comic farce. Republicans with an agenda other than slavish devotion to Trump would prefer to hammer Biden and Democrats about the border or campus protests, but their presidential nominee is a criminal defendant charged with serious felonies who actively promotes political violence. They can’t escape their support for someone so unfit for office.
Trump has turned the search for his next top running mate into its own reality show, and the contenders like Vance, Cotton, Burgum, Scott, and confessed puppy killer Kristi Noem (who had her own Sunday show disaster on Face the Nation last weekend) will probably keep coming back for more. They have their “audience of one” to please. It’s unclear if Trump watches anything but Fox News and Newsmax, but it’s obvious from his social media feed that he’s aware if any Republican dares speak heresy against him. The mainstream TV interviews are humiliating for Republicans — but maybe that’s the point. Right-wing media outlets are less likely to challenge Republicans about January 6 or accepting the 2024 election results, so the true loyalty test is on the major network shows. Unfortunately, there’s no limit to the moral depths that elected Republicans will sink to remain in good standing with their orange king.
Republicans’ appearances on Sunday morning talk shows (and any outlet outside the right-wing echo chamber) have been nothing short of disasters.
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clarasghosts · 4 days
the nurse at the hospital (at the end) definitely thought kristen and leslie were a couple, and i love that for them.
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aryburn-trains · 1 year
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Nebraska Zephyr Observation Car at Union Station. Chicago, IL 1963
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eldannypino Grateful to the Cold Case family for coming to our screening of @uniondereyesfilm at @laliff._ Whenever we get together it's like we never left the storage room at the PPD. Love you all.
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carbone14 · 1 year
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Sous-marin de poche de la classe CB appartenant à la Quarta Flottiglia MAS de la marine royale italienne (Regia Marina) – Campagne de Crimée - Crimée – Union soviétique - 1942
Photographe : Horst Grund
©Bundesarchiv - N 1603 Bild-289
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detectivechen · 1 year
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This article is entirely about why it’s super unfair to managers when you won’t work harder without being paid for it.
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aryburn-kc · 1 year
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Burlington E7A #9932-B at Kansas City Union Station, circa 1965.
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Gabriel: Willo, I love you.
Willo, scoffing: How many people have you said that to?
Gabriel: Everyone.
Willo: What??
Gabriel: I told everyone that I love you.
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haknom · 11 months
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If y’all didn’t know yet i am still in love w these three.
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achat-cb · 1 year
"Dans quel pays accorde-t-on le plus d’importance à l’éducation ou à la nourriture ? Qui dépense le plus pour sa santé ou son logement ? Business Insider dévoile les résultats de l’étude 2015 d’Eurostat, le bureau des statistiques de l’Union Européenne. "
Les modes de consommations ont-ils tant changé que ça ? Voilà comment les ménages dépensaient leur argent en 2015
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pastdaily · 9 months
Capitol Hill Surprises - SALT II In Jeopardy - September 20, 1979
Carter with Brzezinski and Vance – Cuba tosses the Monkey Wrench in SALT II. https://pastdaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/news-for-sept-20-1979.mp3 Capitol Hill: In a move that took everyone by surprise, a suddenly rebellious House forced Democratic leaders to take a second look at a $5486 billion 1980 budget that went down to stunning defeat The House rejected the spending package 213-192…
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guguseti · 1 year
El personaje misterioso de Flagrant, de Federico Kammerichs a ...
La pasada semana nos fuimos hasta la provincia de Corrientes, en Argentina, en concreto a la preciosa ciudad de Goya, porque allí nació un 21 de junio de 1980, Guillermo Federico Kammerichs. Federico Kammerichs era un 3 de 205 de altura, que formo parte de esa maravilla que llamamos la generación dorada del baloncesto argentino. Formado inicialmente en la Unión de Goya, paso en 1998 a Ferro…
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