#cbd dog treats for anxiety
hemppharmacist · 3 months
Are you considering offering CBD treats to your pet? The Hemp Pharmacist has a high-quality selection of effective natural pet supplements that might be just what your pet needs. We’ve shared details about CBD soft chews for dogs in our latest post. Starting early can help you get ahead of issues that may occur. Contact us to shop for the best CBD treats for your dog.
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petsandpals · 1 year
CBD Dogs Treats for Anxiety At Pets and Pals
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CBD dog treats for anxiety calms the nerves and reduces nervousness & fearful behaviours. CBD hemp treats help reduce anxiety. CBD dog treats can promote relaxation for dogs exhibiting nervousness, hyperactivity, or discontentment. It is meant to promote the health of the heart and immune systems as well as good skin and fur. Visit our website.
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cbdoilorders · 1 year
Best CBD Oil for Pet Anxiety
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CBD oil can be a great option for pet anxiety. Look for products specifically designed for pets, with clearly labeled dosage guidelines. Make sure to purchase from a reputable source and consult with a veterinarian before giving CBD to your pet. Some of the best CBD for pet anxiety include King Kanine, Honest Paws, and Nuleaf Naturals.
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gencannaus · 2 years
Cannabidiol (CBD) products are becoming increasingly popular, and as a result, an increasing number of individuals are purchasing CBD not just for themselves but also for their pets.
Anxiety develops in animals when they detect a potentially dangerous or unsettling environment. Your pets may experience stress as a result of common, everyday occurrences such as thunderstorms, fireworks, being left alone at home, or even moving to a new house, all of which can be detrimental to their health and well-being.
CBD is a component that is found in the cannabis plant, but unlike THC, it does not cause users to become high. It is thought to provide various benefits for one's health, including the promotion of relaxation, the reduction of inflammation, and the alleviation of pain. As a result, it can be used in place of medications to treat specific illnesses in pets.
Are you considering purchasing CBD-infused treats, oils, balms, or other products for your pet in order to alleviate their anxiety, depression, nausea, or pain caused by arthritis?
So go ahead and purchase these items for them so they can improve their well-being naturally.
CBD pet products wholesale is paying attention to customer feedback and coming up with innovative solutions to meet our needs for products that are healthy, safe, and cruelty-free and that do not contain an excessive number of fillers or additives.
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paworigins · 2 years
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piscesunbaby · 10 days
i gave my dog a CBD treat and she don’t give a FUCCCKKKK rn 💀 im dead cause she’s normally riddled with anxiety and right now she’s straight chillin staring at me like this
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doodlemunster · 3 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
and thank you to @yesitsloulou because I saw you sent me this too and y'all are so so sweet for it. Seriously. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH
Top 5 things that make me happy, let's goooo (strap in this is a long one)
Friends & Family
I'm putting them together cuz technically friends ARE family to me. More and more do I realize just how stinkin important they are and how much they make my day/month/year.
My friends sending me tiktoks/memes they think I'll love or remind them of me, who love me for me and I can be my goofy self with them
my parents being endlessly supportive and hear me out, who sometimes pick me up coffee or snacks simply because they are thinking of me. My mom, who used to take my brother and I to anime cons and would patiently listen to us rant about our latest obsession and STILL does it till this day even though she has no interest in any of it because she loves us that much. Or my dad who will be a big ol' goof and won't stop till he's cracked a smile out of me.
2. Mutuals
I would put mutuals in the friends and family category, but y'all deserve your own spot because otherwise I'd go on forever lmao (also I see mutuals as friends but I know some people might find that TOO familiar and I'm not trying to weird ya out or nothin)
mutuals who leave tags on reblogs, letting me know their thoughts or little comments to me. Or the reblogs on my art and letting me know if you love it or not?? like 'IM OVER THE MOON'. Know that I'm squeeing and kickin my feet and twirling my hair. All of it. Also, seeing how excited y'all are about a certain show, books, fandom etc Even those posts that are like 'reblog if you would gently headbutt with the person you reblogged this from if y'all were cats'. I love that. I mean it when I say that all of this makes my entiiirrree day. I love it and I love y'all!!
3. My Pets
Seeing their cute little faces gets me through so much. They let me hug and kiss them a whole bunch and it fills me with so much seratonin, holy hell. They have helped me on lonely nights, being little supportive spirits when I'm in my head too much or going through a bad break up. If y'all want some cuteness too, heres a pic of the two of them. I lost my sweet Gir last year and it still gets to me. It's also the anniversary of her passing, but she was an amazing dog.
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4. CBD gummies
okay so this is left field and sounds goofy, but I struggle with sleep pretty badly. I'm a night owl through and through, so it makes settling down super hard. My brain just won't shut the fuck up. It's caused my anxiety to spike enough to get medicated for it. However, with these gummies I can FINALLY bank on a good night's sleep and for that I am forever thankful. It also makes me feel so damn good too, so it even calms my anxious nerves. It's made me happy to tears, let me tell ya.
5. Baking
Been finding a lot of happiness in trying new recipes. Some of my favorite nights are getting tipsy/high, baking, and watching horror movies. I've mad pie dough, mini pumpkin pies, brownies, no bakes, caramels, truffles, muffins and god its been such a TREAT. I made my friends and family baked goods and it filled me with so much joy.
Thank you so so much for the sweet ask!! <3 I'm so happy to have y'all as mutuals. Seriously, you make the weeks that much sweeter. I hope you are doing great. Sending you lots of love! ❤️❤️❤️
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roman-and-azathoth · 1 year
Here's Shaggy!
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In this AU, Shaggy is 19. The oldest in the gang, and held back a couple years in high school due to his stacked responsibilities at home affecting his grades. Shaggy's smarter than he looks, he just doesn't apply himself to homework as much as he does everything else. He doesn't have high opinions of the establishment of public education, either. Shaggy grows his own marijuana to treat his own anxiety, and to treat his mom's chronic pain. She is wheelchair-reliant with a severe case of Ehler's Danlos Syndrome, which Shaggy treats using the CBD concentrates of his plants. It alone isn't entirely enough, so she does have medications she partners it with. Shaggy is a huge activist for animal rights, and frequently goes to protests. He regularly goes on excursions in the rougher parts of the city on lookout for strays, and fosters them with the hopes of rehoming them in the future. Scooby himself is actually a rescue! Shaggy's elderly neighbor Mildred was living alone with Scooby as her service animal. He was put through training as a cardiac alert dog! Shaggy found Scooby wandering out in the rain one evening as he was coming back from a late shift at work, and Scooby alerted Shaggy and led him to Mildred's home to find her collapsed in her living room. Mildred was put in a home, and Shaggy offered to take Scooby in so Mildred wouldn't have to give him up. She told Shaggy to keep him, since she wouldn't have been able to continue taking care of him anyway. Shaggy had Scooby undergo more training in order to be a therapy dog, and he takes Scooby to see Mildred once a week.
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hemppharmacist · 6 months
Wondering how to maintain your pet’s health? Whether it’s a dog or a cat, the best solution available is CBD soft chews from the Hemp Pharmacist. In our latest post, we share a few compelling reasons to offer these chews to your furry companion. Check out our post and contact us at 757–577–1024 to explore the huge product variety we have for your loved animals.
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petsandpals · 1 year
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gencannaus · 2 years
CBD is a non-psychoactive substance created synthetically or derived from the cannabis plant. It is extracted from the hemp plant, a member of the cannabis plant family, turned into oil, and then added to a number of goods that are well-liked by those looking for the health advantages that CBD offers.
CBD is promoted as a dietary supplement for the management of many conditions. It has also been investigated as a treatment for epilepsy.
Gencanna is one of the top brands for CBD in the USA thanks to its new and energizing leadership, expanded capabilities, and improved supply chain. Additionally, its ability to produce high-quality hemp-derived cannabinoids and great finished products remain the best in the industry.
Our carefully crafted products and scalable, premium-quality derivatives speak to GenCanna's commitment to excellence. In a market rife with posers and pretenders, we are your smartest and safest choice for a reliable, full-service cannabis partner.
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sevensdeadly-if · 1 year
Did I just spend 50 dollars i really don’t have to buy CBD dog treats for my dog with hyperactive anxiety? Yes yes I did 🫠 these fuvkers better work
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fieldstonfarmscbd · 2 years
All You Need to Know About Cannabis Oil for Dogs Before You Buy
When it comes to CBD oil for dogs, there is a lot of information online, and it can be challenging to determine what is factual and what is exaggerated. This is true of any pet wellness trend. What do I need to know about cannabis oil for dogs since I obviously want to do what's best for my pup?
What Health Issues in Dogs May CBD Oil Treat?
Despite the lack of conclusive scientific research, anecdotal reports from dog owners show that CBD can relieve pain, particularly neuropathic pain, as well as help control seizures in dogs.
According to studies, CBD is also utilized for its potential anti-cancer effects, anti-inflammatory qualities, cardiac advantages, anti-nausea effects, hunger stimulation, and anti-anxiety effects. However, there isn't enough evidence to support these claims.
How Does CBD Impact Canines?
You can Buy cannabis oil for dogs there haven't yet been any negative effects of CBD on dogs. What is known is that cannabinoids interact with the endocannabinoid receptors found in the peripheral and central nervous systems, which support the body's ability to remain balanced and healthy.
CBD-Related Goods Are Available:
There are a few things to consider when buying cannabis oil for dogs if you and your veterinarian decide to explore CBD as a treatment for your dog. Not all oils are created equal; for a better chance of success, choose high-quality CBD oil.
Shop without regard to price alone. Higher grades and purity are typically more expensive. A less expensive solution can include poisonous ingredients like herbicides, pesticides, or heavy metals.
To know more about cannabis oil for dogs please visit the website.
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theurbanlife · 2 years
What is CBD oil and how does it benefit your pets?
 CBD is helpful on its own to address various issues in dogs and cats, from stress and anxiety, to pain, inflammation, and other physiological problems. CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound found in the cannabis plant, which has been shown to have significant positive effects on treating and reducing pain, stress & anxiety, seizures, or other neurological problems in dogs and cats. CBD (Cannabidiol) has been shown to have soothing effects on pets that are susceptible to stress, anxiety, hyperactivity, and more, as well as helping them to sleep.
CBD is a plant-based cannabinoid
CBD is a plant-based cannabinoid, and studies show CBD may have various effects on animals, including managing pain, controlling seizures, or acting as an anti-inflammatory, but scientific studies are ongoing. While there is no conclusive scientific data about using CBD for dogs, anecdotal evidence from dog owners suggests that it can manage pain, particularly nerve pain, and also helps to control seizures. Recent studies suggest that CBD is especially helpful in dogs.
Studies show CBD significantly decreases cancer-related pain. In fact, researchers from Cornell University found that dogs given CBD to treat arthritis were more active and showed less pain.
Effectiveness of CBD oil
One study looked at the effectiveness of CBD oil to help ease symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs. The research showed that CBD could offer significant relief from pain for dogs suffering from osteoarthritis if administered at an appropriate dosage, twice a day. Studies have shown that CBD (cannabidiol) relieves the pain associated with osteoarthritis and facilitates mobility in pets whose mobility has been reduced due to soreness, pain, inflammation, stiffness, and more. When used consistently, CBD oil may decrease pain and effectively help in treating chronic diseases.
Some dog owners have reported that CBD oil can also help in treating epileptic seizures, but scientific studies are still being conducted to validate the benefits. Well, CBD can decrease anxiety, seizures, pain, and inflammation in dogs, it may even improve skin conditions. It is used to treat anxiety, pain, mood, seizures, and a variety of other health conditions in humans. Uses for dogs Cannabidiol Studies done on CBD and humans show it can be effective for treating epilepsy, anxiety, irritable bowel disease (IBD), and chronic pain.
The benefits of CBD oil in dogs and other animals
The benefits of CBD oil in dogs and other animals are roughly the same as those seen in humans: CBD oil reduces inflammation, helps with anxiety and insomnia, decreases pain, promotes a sound nights rest, among other neurological, physical, and mental benefits. Although little research has been done on CBD for dogs, evidence suggests that they may benefit from the plant in various ways, including nausea relief, anxiety relief, a shiny coat, improved appetite, joint health, and arthritis. With idiopathic epilepsy in particular, there is some research suggesting CBD may be helpful for decreasing seizures frequency in these dogs. Seizure CBD has been shown to aid epilepsy in dogs, decreasing seizure frequency, when used alongside conventional anti-seizure medications.
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fuchsiaamorouscoils · 2 years
I gave my dogs their cbd treat for their anxiety. And I'm now sipping my Heineken
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Pepita has had enough of people blowing crap up
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vapehk1 · 17 days
Exploring Premium Jane's CBD Dog Treats: A Comprehensive and Amusing Guide
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In the ever-expanding universe of CBD products, a star has emerged for our four-legged friends: CBD-infused treats for dogs. Among the plethora of options, Premium Jane’s CBD Dog Treats have wagged their way to the top. This article will dive into what CBD dog treats are, their benefits, how they are made, and why Premium Jane is the top dog in this market. Spoiler alert: there might be a few puns and tail-wagging jokes along the way! What are CBD Dog Treats? CBD dog treats are like those irresistible snacks you can't stop munching on, but for your dog and much healthier. These treats are infused with cannabidiol (CBD), a compound derived from the hemp plant. Think of CBD as that calm friend who never gets frazzled, even when there's chaos all around. Unlike THC, which is also found in hemp, CBD doesn’t get your dog “high” – it just helps them feel better. These treats are used by pet owners to manage anxiety, pain, and other health issues in dogs. Imagine if your dog could tell you, “Hey, these fireworks are freaking me out!” – well, CBD treats can help with that. Why Do Dogs Need CBD Treats? Dogs might need CBD treats for several reasons, and no, it’s not because they’re trying to stay on trend with the latest wellness craze. - Anxiety Relief: Thunderstorms, fireworks, or that sneaky cat next door – all can send your pup into a tizzy. CBD’s calming properties can help. - Pain Management: Just like humans, dogs can suffer from chronic pain, arthritis, or inflammation. CBD treats can provide them with sweet, sweet relief. - Improved Sleep: If your dog’s idea of a good night’s sleep involves pacing around the house, CBD might help them catch some Zs. - Overall Health: Some pet owners use CBD treats as a daily supplement to support their dog’s overall health and wellness, making sure their tails keep wagging happily. How are CBD Dog Treats Made? Making CBD dog treats is an art and a science, a bit like baking but with a health boost. Here’s how Premium Jane does it: - CBD Oil: The star ingredient, extracted from high-quality hemp. It’s like the avocado in your guacamole – essential and delicious. - Natural Flavorings: Cheese, chicken, or peanut butter – flavors that make your dog’s taste buds do a happy dance. - Carrier Ingredients: Think of these as the supporting actors. Oats, sweet potato, and rice flour create the base, adding nutrition and structure. - Supplemental Additives: Vitamins and minerals to give your pup an extra health kick. About Premium Jane Premium Jane, hailing from Scottsdale, AZ, has earned its stripes (or spots) by producing top-tier CBD products. Founded by Jeff Yauck, the company uses domestically grown, organic hemp – no imported, sketchy stuff here. They’re committed to quality, ensuring every batch of treats undergoes rigorous third-party lab testing. It’s like getting a gold star from your teacher, but for dog treats. Why Choose Premium Jane's CBD Dog Treats? With so many choices out there, why should Premium Jane be your go-to for CBD dog treats? Here’s why: - Quality and Safety: Premium Jane’s commitment to quality is like a dog’s loyalty – unwavering. They source the best raw materials and follow strict manufacturing processes. - Third-Party Lab Testing: Every batch is tested to ensure it’s effective and free from harmful contaminants. Think of it as a dog’s impeccable sense of smell for safety. - Positive Reviews: Dog owners rave about these treats, noting improvements in their pets' well-being and behavior. It’s like Yelp for dog treats, with five-star ratings all around. Reviews and Testimonials The customer reviews for Premium Jane’s CBD Dog Treats are tail-waggingly good. Users report that their dogs not only love the taste but also show significant health improvements. - Alan Johnson: “Outstanding quality! My dog adores the cheesy taste and is never happier than when she’s gobbling one of these up.” (April 24, 2024) - Sharon Gardner: “My dog is very energetic, so I was looking for a healthy way to help him chill out a bit. Well, after trying these treats, he’s more content and a bit quieter!” (April 20, 2024) - Peter Ewing: “My pooch adores these treats! He can’t get enough of them and he always seems to feel happier after eating one.” (April 15, 2024) All three reviews rated the product a perfect 5.0, indicating high satisfaction with both the taste and the effectiveness of the treats. It’s like the Michelin Guide for dogs. Pricing Premium Jane's CBD Dog Treats are priced between $15.99 and $34.99, reflecting their premium quality. While they might be a bit pricier than your average dog treat, consider them an investment in your dog’s health – much like that organic quinoa you reluctantly buy for yourself. Considerations Before Purchase Before you rush to buy these treats, here are a few things to keep in mind: - Dosage: Make sure the dosage is suitable for your dog’s size and health needs. You don’t want to overdo it – moderation is key. - Ingredients: Check for any potential allergens. The last thing you want is a tummy upset. - Legal Issues: Ensure CBD products are legal in your area. You don’t want to get in trouble over dog treats. - Veterinary Advice: Always consult your vet, especially if your dog has pre-existing health conditions. Better safe than sorry. Conclusion Premium Jane’s CBD Dog Treats offer a tasty and effective way to boost your dog’s health and well-being. With a commitment to quality, comprehensive lab testing, and glowing customer feedback, these treats are a reliable choice for pet owners. Whether your dog is dealing with anxiety, pain, or just needs a little extra TLC, Premium Jane’s treats are an excellent addition to their routine. By choosing Premium Jane, you’re ensuring your dog gets a high-quality product designed to improve their life. So go ahead, let your dog join the CBD wellness trend – they’ll thank you with extra tail wags and maybe a few extra sloppy kisses. Remember, always monitor your pet’s reaction and consult with a veterinarian to ensure the best outcomes. Happy treating! Read the full article
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