#cbd gummies for dogs anxiety
hemppharmacist · 6 months
Are you considering offering CBD treats to your pet? The Hemp Pharmacist has a high-quality selection of effective natural pet supplements that might be just what your pet needs. We’ve shared details about CBD soft chews for dogs in our latest post. Starting early can help you get ahead of issues that may occur. Contact us to shop for the best CBD treats for your dog.
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zephyrcbd · 1 year
Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth and Relax with CBD Gummies
Indulge your sweet tooth while finding relaxation with CBD gummies. Dive into the world of tasty wellness as we explore the delicious benefits of CBD-infused gummies. Satisfy cravings and unwind with this delightful and effective CBD option.
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brandsposter · 2 years
Highline Wellness CBD Energy Oil
A unique blend of CBD and caffeine to give you a boost of energy without the jitters.
Quick and effective relief, when you wake up or when you need a mid-day pick me up.
A healthier on-the-go alternative to coffee.
Great tasting, with zero sugar.
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lastoneout · 2 months
So my neurologist actually did something right for once and gave me some ambien to help me sleep while I'm on the steroid pack since I already have insomnia and steroids make it WAY worse, and I was really excited because this is legit what I've been wanting a doctor to do for like over a year now...but it didn't really help me sleep, at least not as well as the weed does.
I could possibly just need a higher dose(I am known to be very resistant to these sorts of meds, it takes like twice the normal dose of propofol to put me under) or maybe the steroid is just so powerful the meds can't make a dent in it(which I'd believe since I'm really sensitive to steroids and the weed ALSO doesn't help me sleep as well when I'm on them), and also it's really hot and humid right now which makes it hard to sleep in general AND I just got my bc implant put in which is making it hard to sleep since I have to be careful with my left arm and I like NEED to be able to switch what side I sleep on cuz my shitty arthritic joints don't like staying in one position for too long...but this is a bit of a let down ngl. I was really excited to be able to sleep and then maybe use this as proof that I can be trusted with sleep medication and I could finally stop having to spend damn near $100 on weed gummies every month and a half just to Sleep At All but like...hnnnn.....
Idk, when I see my primary I'm going to beg her to send me to a sleep specialist again bcs the weed is NOT sustainable it's already expensive and on top of that I am absolutely building up a tolerance which means I have to take more to sleep and thus spend more money and it's so fucking annoying. I've already made a lot of progress in the trauma department too and that hasn't really helped me sleep better which leads me to believe this is def a result of one of my other medical issues, I def think a sleep specialist is the best bet rn.
The plus side tho is she gave me 15 ambien and I only have three days of the steroids left, and my arm should be healed better in the next couple of days, so I should have a chance to test the ambien without the dual whammy of the arm pain and steroids wrecking my system, and if even that fails well that's a 15 day T break for the weed which honestly I really do need so like there's that.
Also since I have a bunch of new followers quick FAQ/rundown before anyone gives advice:
I have bipolar disorder type II and adhd and severe chronic pain from fibromyalgia, arthritis, and hEDS. The adderall for my adhd isn't the problem, I actually sleep WAY worse without it. I don't drink that many caffeinated beverages and I especially don't drink them basically at all when I'm on steroids so that's not it either. At least a little of my insomnia is due to trauma and not having a dog currently, but I can't adopt another one right now for numerous reasons, and EMDR has helped the trauma nightmares/anxiety let up quite a lot but that hasn't helped me sleep. I can't take CBD it makes my brain feel like I'm hooked up to a car battery. I also can't smoke bcs asthma so unfortunately I am stuck buying edibles which are very expensive. Insomnia isn't on the medical marijuana criteria in my state so I can't even make it cheaper that way. Melatonin does nothing. Benadryl also does nothing. Exercising before bed also does nothing. I can't do yoga(hEDS) or meditate(adhd). Cutting down on screen time before bed doesn't help and I already spend as little time in my bedroom as possible during the day so my brain keeps associating being in there with sleeping. Listening to music/a podcast doesn't help. Sleepy teas and nice baths and all that before bed doesn't help. I have a weighted blanket which does help a little, but sucks bcs it traps heat like a motherfucker, but I'd sleep worse without it so yeah. Also I can't make my house any cooler/less humid because I'm renting and it's old and shitty and doesn't have real air conditioning and the little portable ac unit + dehumidifier is trying but like...it's not enough I'm still hot and sweaty all night.
I am on hydroxyzine and nortryptraline and they don't make me even a little tired. I cannot take SSRIs or SNRIs on account of the bipolar and the fact that I'm just really sensitive to stuff that messes with my serotonin, even when I'm on a mood stabilizer, and the only med that I can stand that does serotonin stuff is the nortryptraline and it's also the only thing that helps my pain so switching it to something else isn't an option. I build up a resistance to seroquel really fast which makes my insomnia infinitely worse in the long run so I don't see the point in taking it. I have tried basically everything my psychiatrist can think to give me outside of narcotics, which led to her straight up telling me to my face she just can't help me before clarifying that apparently narcotics are somehow worse for me than not sleeping so she won't prescribe them even if they might help. I don't snore or wake up gasping for air so I know I don't have COPD or sleep apnea.
Literally the only thing that has ever made sleeping easy is weed(and opioids but those don't help my pain and have so many hoops to jump through so I don't wanna take them anymore), specifically indica with CBN, but it has to have THC in it I've tried pure CBN + CBD gummies and they don't make me tired they just make me feel weird 'cuz of the CBD.
So yeah. I am up shit creek without a paddle and I really quite desperately need to see a sleep specialist. I appreciate advice but like believe me, I've tried just about everything I can think of and none of it helps. I just naturally have really bad insomnia. And it sucks.
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thegardenandthegrave · 5 months
It's 9:45 pm and I'm sitting on a couch in the dark, utterly exhausted from working to keep myself afloat and unable to actually fall asleep because heartburn and other chronic pain are keeping me awake, while anxiety thrums in my veins and battles against the CBD gummy I took 45 minutes ago.
This is the fifth night in a row that I won't be sleeping well despite my body begging for rest.
I have two more days of work, a dog who has medical issues all her own, and brain fog so thick you could serve it in a bowl at a Michelin five star restaurant and Gordon Ramsey himself would dip his grilled cheese in and then beg you for the recipe.
All this to say that I think I'm finally seeing the problem when it comes to my ability to successfully write and publish novels well enough to start making money.
I keep thinking the problem was me (lacking motivation), but I see now that it's me (chronically I'll and acting like I'm not).
Because hours and outs of my life are being taken up by just trying to feel better, and then working myself back down to the bone, and having even more time stolen from me by symptoms keeping me up late at night when the clouds of mental fog only break after a full night's rest.
Idk where I'm going with this except maybe to say if you're a writer who is chronically I'll, has chronic fatigue, or even just battling the daemons (anxiety, depression, ADHD, PMDD, BPD, ect, ect) maybe it's time to consider that your lack of progress may not be entirely your fault.
And a lot of productivity coaches advise that if you can't achieve your goals you might need to adjust your expectations, but I say fuck that. I don't want to expect less of myself, I want to be angry that the body I was given can't keep up with the vision I have.
I want to be angry.
But honestly, I think I might be too tired even for that.
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doodlemunster · 6 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers ♡
and thank you to @yesitsloulou because I saw you sent me this too and y'all are so so sweet for it. Seriously. I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FREAKING MUCH
Top 5 things that make me happy, let's goooo (strap in this is a long one)
Friends & Family
I'm putting them together cuz technically friends ARE family to me. More and more do I realize just how stinkin important they are and how much they make my day/month/year.
My friends sending me tiktoks/memes they think I'll love or remind them of me, who love me for me and I can be my goofy self with them
my parents being endlessly supportive and hear me out, who sometimes pick me up coffee or snacks simply because they are thinking of me. My mom, who used to take my brother and I to anime cons and would patiently listen to us rant about our latest obsession and STILL does it till this day even though she has no interest in any of it because she loves us that much. Or my dad who will be a big ol' goof and won't stop till he's cracked a smile out of me.
2. Mutuals
I would put mutuals in the friends and family category, but y'all deserve your own spot because otherwise I'd go on forever lmao (also I see mutuals as friends but I know some people might find that TOO familiar and I'm not trying to weird ya out or nothin)
mutuals who leave tags on reblogs, letting me know their thoughts or little comments to me. Or the reblogs on my art and letting me know if you love it or not?? like 'IM OVER THE MOON'. Know that I'm squeeing and kickin my feet and twirling my hair. All of it. Also, seeing how excited y'all are about a certain show, books, fandom etc Even those posts that are like 'reblog if you would gently headbutt with the person you reblogged this from if y'all were cats'. I love that. I mean it when I say that all of this makes my entiiirrree day. I love it and I love y'all!!
3. My Pets
Seeing their cute little faces gets me through so much. They let me hug and kiss them a whole bunch and it fills me with so much seratonin, holy hell. They have helped me on lonely nights, being little supportive spirits when I'm in my head too much or going through a bad break up. If y'all want some cuteness too, heres a pic of the two of them. I lost my sweet Gir last year and it still gets to me. It's also the anniversary of her passing, but she was an amazing dog.
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4. CBD gummies
okay so this is left field and sounds goofy, but I struggle with sleep pretty badly. I'm a night owl through and through, so it makes settling down super hard. My brain just won't shut the fuck up. It's caused my anxiety to spike enough to get medicated for it. However, with these gummies I can FINALLY bank on a good night's sleep and for that I am forever thankful. It also makes me feel so damn good too, so it even calms my anxious nerves. It's made me happy to tears, let me tell ya.
5. Baking
Been finding a lot of happiness in trying new recipes. Some of my favorite nights are getting tipsy/high, baking, and watching horror movies. I've mad pie dough, mini pumpkin pies, brownies, no bakes, caramels, truffles, muffins and god its been such a TREAT. I made my friends and family baked goods and it filled me with so much joy.
Thank you so so much for the sweet ask!! <3 I'm so happy to have y'all as mutuals. Seriously, you make the weeks that much sweeter. I hope you are doing great. Sending you lots of love! ❤️❤️❤️
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fatedwithmbc · 2 years
It’s Only Been 7 Days:
Apparently, my last post was 7 days ago. It feels much longer than that. I don’t even remember what I last wrote about. That is likely contributing to the feeling that it’s been such a long time. Anyway, I digress…
Let’s get the MBC out of the way:
My lung inflammation (pleurisy) has improved significantly! I can take deeper breaths, I can move more freely. However, sneezing fits seem to re-aggravate things.
I have started my 2nd cycle of Kisqali; I’m on week 2. One left until my off week.
I should be happier about some of my tumors shrinking, but I am left with weird “IDGAF” feelings.
My medical marijuana card was approved and mailed to me. I have since visited a dispensary. This shit is going to be a lot of trial and error. The gummies I was taking prior to my card approval were pure THC. Apparently, this provides a different type of “high” than a product called a 1:1. A 1:1 is one part THC and one part CBD. The idea being the CBD will counteract some of the THC effects. Therefore, when I am taking these tinctures, it feels like nothing is happening, because I am used to the “high” from the THC-only product. While I’ve felt like nothing is happening, I’ve had a few problems with oversleeping because the effects of the 1:1 are keeping me asleep. I called and spoke to a “guide” (for lack of better wording) to advise how I should proceed with the tinctures. I should take them much sooner than I do now (currently, 10pm or later) and take them well before I start my bedtime routine (as early as 8pm).
I have an oncology appointment on Friday. I am interested in what my doctor will have to say after reviewing the scans from my ER visit and if there will be any changes to my treatment.
My surgery is 18 days away and I feel like I have a list as long as the Great Wall of China of things to do before then. I am also nervous. I don’t want anything to go wrong during the procedure. I feel like I am putting a heavy burden on my sister-in-law that day and I know my health has been causing her some anxiety already. It will be ok. It HAS to be.
It’s Friday I’m in [LIKE]:
I was able to see “E” on Friday. <insert silly, smiley face here> I didn’t think that we’d manage a visit as he traveled to his parents’ for his birthday this weekend. The short story is Friday was nice and low-key. I even had gifts awaiting me (stickers for my medical book (incredibly thoughtful and funny)). We watched episodes of “I am a Stalker” and “Nailed It!” and had Chinese food for dinner. The dog is still very uncertain of my presence, but snuggles next to me at bedtime. I mustn’t be that terrible if the dog sleeps next to me. The best part of the visit was finally having our FIRST kiss. Gosh, I’m such a girl sometimes.
Things are progressing well for us and I’m hesitant to disrupt the relationship and the dynamic with the inevitable “what-are-we” conversation. So, I’m skipping it. I just want to be happy. Why disrupt the positive nature of our situation to “define the relationship”? I’m not ready to do that yet. I’m not ready to let go if the outcome isn’t what I want it to be. However, conversations about holiday gift-giving (I already got the dog a Christmas present and I think I am more excited about it than he will be), constant communication, and being called “Sunshine”, make me think I’m being too pessimistic for my own good.
I likely won’t see “E” until December now. Thanksgiving and distance make it difficult for us to try to plan seeing each other this week. But, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Or so “they” say.
Random Ramblings:
Figuring out MM would be great.
I bought a weighted blanket, but need to wash it and shit before I can use it.
I also got Bailey a Christmas present - hers is pretty great too!
I started Christmas shopping (obviously); and have of course bought myself something each time I purchased something. (Shrugs Shoulders).
I had my Tarot Cards read. It was an interesting experience. I might get my palm read next.
I’m still scared.
El Fin.
Notifications: @kcco265 , @guardgirl101 , @lb4d
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celestialsteme · 3 months
Celestial Stem is your premier destination for Pet CBD in Mesa. Our commitment to high-quality, natural wellness products extends to your beloved pets. At Celestial Stem, we understand that pets are family, and their health and well-being are just as important as yours. Our range of Pet CBD products is specially formulated to help manage pain, anxiety, and other common pet ailments.
Celestial Stem 1728 S Greenfield Rd #111, Mesa, AZ 85206 (480) 687–6387
My Official Website: https://celestialstem.com/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=13437377483290008510
Our Other Links:
cbd gummy for sleep Mesa AZ: https://celestialstem.com/artisan-gummies/ cbd oil Gilbert AZ: https://celestialstem.com/cbd-and-wellness-store-near-gilbert/
Service We Offer:
CBD Shops CBD Oil CBD Treats For Dogs CBD Gummies
Follow Us On:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/celestial_stem/ Twitter: https://x.com/CelestialStem Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/Celestialstem/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/celestialstem/
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expresscbd · 3 months
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naturallifenewton · 3 months
What are the Best CBD Products?
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The use of CBD products has risen in popularity in times thanks, to their health benefits and versatility. Whether you seek relief from discomfort, want to unwind, or wish to support your pet's well-being, the best CBD creams, gummies, and oils for dogs offer options. Below is a guide to help you explore the choices in each category.
CBD Creams for Soothing Aches and Pains
CBD creams are treatments infused with cannabidiol specifically formulated to alleviate localized muscle pain, joint stiffness, skin irritation, and more. Quality CBD creams contain premium extracts and plant-based ingredients known for their soothing properties, such as menthol, arnica, lavender, and essential oils.
When choosing a CBD cream, consider: -
CBD Potency:
Look for the best CBD creams with the right amount of CBD for your needs. More loading can provide more powerful relief.
Choose creams free of harsh chemicals and artificial fragrances, focusing on the natural ingredients that affect the benefits of CBD.
Third-Party Testing:
Verify that an independent laboratory has tested the product to ensure stability and purity.
CBD Gummies: Delicious and easy to eat
CBD gummies have gained popularity as a clever and fun way to consume CBD. These edibles come in various flavours and sizes, making them convenient for those who want to consume cannabidiol daily without the earthy taste of the oil.
When choosing CBD gummies, consider:
CBD Dosage:
Gummies usually come in doses ranging from 5 to 30mg per serving. Start with a low dose and gradually increase as needed.
Look for the best CBD gummies made from natural ingredients containing no artificial sweeteners or additives.
Full-spectrum vs. Full-spectrum isolate:
Decide if you want a gummy made with full-spectrum CBD (those with other beneficial cannabinoids) or CBD isolate (pure CBD).
Some popular brands with CBD gummies include Fab CBD, Hemp Bombs, and Sunday Scarier, known for their sweet taste and consistent potency.
CBD Oil for Dogs: Supports Dog Health
CBD oil for dogs has emerged as a natural supplement to pets' overall well-being, offering potential benefits in terms of joint movement, anxiety relief, and overall relief. These oils are made with pet-friendly flavours and the right amount of CBD for various sizes and varieties.
CBD Source:
Choose organic hemp oil grown in the Botson to ensure quality and purity.
Determine the appropriate amount based on your puppy's weight and health needs. Start with a low dose and see how they respond.
Look for oils that a third-party lab has tested to show that they are free of contaminants and contain the stated amount of CBD.
Trusted the best CBD oil for dogs include Natural Life for their pet-specific products and positive customer reviews.
Final Thoughts
Whether you're interested in relaxing with CBD creams, snacking on CBD gummies, or supporting your pet's health with CBD oil, the Natural Life Botson offers various popular products. When choosing CBD products, prioritize quality, clarity, and third-party testing to ensure you receive all the benefits of cannabidiol. Always consult a health professional or veterinarian before introducing CBD into your wellness or pet's program, especially if you have specific health concerns or medications.
Embrace the power of CBD products to enhance your well-being or your pet's life, and explore the various offerings available to find the one that best suits your needs. 
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zephyrcbd · 1 year
Exploring the Best Nano CBD Products, CBD Oil, and CBD Spray Options
Unlock the world of top-tier Nano CBD products, CBD oil, and CBD spray options with our comprehensive guide. Dive into a realm of premium choices designed to elevate your well-being. Explore the finest selection and make informed decisions on your journey to optimal CBD experiences. Elevate your CBD game today!
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brandsposter · 2 years
With its overwhelmingly many positive properties, our Zinc is made from 100% organic guava leaf, for a gentle and natural way to promote healthy blood sugar, support a healthy heart and improve the digestive functions. Furthermore Guava leaf supports calm nerves and quiet mind and improves the ability to fall asleep. Containing healthy doses of essential minerals; calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium, our Zinc supplement covers essential needs, 100% natural and organic, just as nature intended.
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mywoozifeels · 10 months
Paws and Wellness CBD Oil in Tucson
Paws and wellness CBD oil in tucson is a prominent brand offering CBD products designed for pet health and well-being. Known for their commitment to quality, paws and wellness provides pet owners in tucson with a range of CBD-infused products tailored to support the health of their beloved animals. These offerings include CBD oils specially formulated for pets, reflecting the growing trend of using CBD to address various pet health concerns. The brand's dedication to the well-being of pets aligns with the broader recognition of CBD's potential benefits for animals. As CBD gains popularity in veterinary care, paws and wellness stands out as a reliable source for pet owners seeking natural and holistic solutions for their pets' health.
CBD for Pets
CBD oil in Tucson is increasingly recognized for its potential therapeutic effects on pets. It is believed to help with issues such as anxiety, pain, arthritis, epilepsy, and even cancer treatments in dogs and cats.
Customer Reviews 
Customer reviews play a crucial role in assessing the effectiveness of CBD products. Best Paw Nutrition's Organic Hemp Oil for dogs and cats has positive reviews, indicating its potential as a joint pain relief and arthritis supplement.
Local Availability 
Local businesses, such as your CBD store in Tucson, aim to bring high-quality CBD products to the market. This suggests that residents in Tucson have access to a variety of CBD options for both themselves and their pets.
CBD-Infused Gummies and Roll-Ons 
While not directly related to paws and wellness CBD oil the search results mention CBD-infused gummies and roll-ons. These products may indicate the diversity of CBD offerings in Tucson, catering to various preferences and needs.
General CBD Awareness
The search results provide glimpses of CBD-related discussions and products, suggesting a growing awareness and interest in CBD within the Tucson community.
Kannaway CBD Oil Reviews
The Kannaway CBD oil brand is mentioned in the context of understanding how CBD oil for pets is perceived. User reviews and feedback can provide insights into the efficacy of CBD products for addressing specific issues in pets, and pet owners often rely on such reviews for guidance.
Your CBD Store Tucson 
The presence of CBD stores like your CBD store in Tucson highlights the local accessibility of CBD products. These stores focus on delivering high-quality CBD products catering to the unique needs of pet owners, emphasizing the importance of formulating products with the well-being of pets in mind.
In conclusion, CBD store tucson offers high-quality CBD products with a customer-centric approach. Additionally, there is information about CBD oil for pets, specifically for dogs, which can help with anxiety, pain, arthritis, epilepsy, and cancer treatments.
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Sun State Hemp's Delta 9 Infused Gummy provide all-natural anxiety alleviation. These gummies are a convenient and tasty way to alleviate tension, as they are made with a high-quality broad-spectrum CBD extract. Our innovative formula combines the benefits of CBD with other constituents that promote wellness, such as CBD Honey Sticks Gold BEE, mushrooms, and Kratom. Our CBD Muscle and Joint Roll On and Wax Crumble can help you decompress or find relief from muscle and joint pain. Explore our varied selection, which includes CBD-infused Indica Gummies and Psilocybe Gummies to accommodate a variety of preferences.
Enhance Health with Premium CBD Products
Indulge in a collection of premium CBD products designed to promote your health. Sun State Hemp offers a variety of delicious treats, including CBD Honey Sticks Gold BEE and Delta 8 Lollipops. Looking for a holistic method? Discover unique products such as Mushroom Infused Gummies, CBD Bath Bombs, and HHC Moon Rocks. Delta 8 Diamonds Sauce and Delta 10 THC will take you on a journey of tranquility. Our dedication extends to your canine companions with CBD Treats for Dogs. Sun State Hemp guarantees quality and fulfillment if you're searching for CBD wholesale options or CBD oil tincture wholesale. Enhance your wellness journey with our vast array of services.
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primabeecbd · 1 year
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Paul Borde: CBD on Cape Cod with Primabee
Primabee Founder Lives Out Company’s Mission Of Wellness
CHATHAM – For many people on the Cape, the jury is still out on cannabis-based products. Paul Borde gets it.
“I was that guy,” he said.
He was, that is, until a golf injury in 2018 led him to Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD. The pain was excruciating, he recalled, and Tylenol, Advil and other pain relieving medicines weren’t working.
Borde eventually found that he had a slipped disc. By the time a chiropractor recommended that he try CBD, he was ready to try just about anything. The pain went away, and the experience has since led Borde, a Chatham resident, down a whole new path not only in business, but in life.
It’s been two years since Borde and his partner, Stephen Crane, launched Primabee, which sells CBD products including oils, creams, gummies and tinctures aimed at improving people’s wellness. The company even has an oil for dogs.
“CBD has so many wellness qualities to it,” Borde said. “It supports anxiety, pain, sleep. It supports a million things.”
Borde and his wife have had a home in Chatham for 25 years, where they now live full time. Before relocating permanently to the Cape, he worked in the restaurant and hospitality industry in Greenwich, Conn. But his experience with CBD encouraged him to get more active in what he sees as a significant movement in the field of health and wellness.
“I was really, super interested in what positive impact this was having on my body,” he said.
The passage of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, also known as the Farm Bill, opened the doors for the legalization of marijuana and hemp-based products nationally. But Massachusetts and other New England states have been slower adopters than others. By the time Borde reached out to Crane, who lives in Southern California, THC and CBD products had already long become the norm in other parts of the country.
“We just started chipping away,” he said. “Maybe there was an opportunity here in New England.”
Borde said he looked at purchasing a CBD company in Michigan, but that he and Crane opted instead to start their own business. Motivated by what he saw as less-than-honest companies selling dodgy products at stores such as CVS, Borde and Crane sought to use Primabee in part to serve as a platform for educating customers about CBD and its benefits, as well as what to look out for when shopping for CBD products.
The Primabee website includes a page for consumer education, including a blog that is updated weekly with the latest news on what’s happening in the industry. Borde also gives talks and presentations directly to people interested in learning more about the company and the wellness benefits of CBD. He’s spoken at senior centers, libraries, retirement communities and other venues across the Cape as well as on Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard. Last week, Borde had two talks, in Osterville and Hyannis.
“We decided to lead with one word: Education,” he said. “Like I did in my previous life, earning trust one person at a time, we decided to take that same philosophy.”
That process of educating consumers has been slow but steady, but Borde said he regularly hears from people about how Primabee and other CBD products have helped them on their wellness journey. The most common uses of Primabee products are for pain, anxiety and sleep, he said.
Primabee’s top selling product is its topical sports cream, Borde said.
“The menthol, it dilates the blood vessel,” he said. “It opens it up and lets the CBD get right to the inflammation. That’s the big thing, the disruption of the inflammation.”
Unlike THC-based products derived from marijuana, which are restricted to being sold in dispensaries, Primabee’s hemp-based CBD products can be sold more broadly. Locally, they can be found at locations including the Chatham Bars Inn. Primabee products are also sold at some chiropractor offices in the region, Borde said.
The company’s newest product is its PrimaBuzz CBD gummies, which also include some THC (the product is comprised of five milligrams of THC and 25 milligrams of CBD). Borde said he initially anticipated that the gummies, also called “Buzzies,” would be most popular among younger people in their 20s. To his surprise, they’ve been most popular among seniors.
“In a million years, I never would have thought that older people would be using it for sleep.”
The materials used in Primabee products are all harvested and manufactured in Colorado, where the company also works with a lab that tests all products before they are shipped to Chatham. The company, which has 10 employees, fills online orders locally.
The extra steps involved with ensuring his products’ efficacy are worth it, Borde said, especially in a region of the country where CBD and THC products are still relatively new. In the end, Borde said he wants to build a brand that people can trust so that his products can help others the same way they’ve helped him.
Now 57, Borde said it’s been two years since he’s last reached for a Tylenol or Advil bottle, medications he used to take daily. These days, he takes about 100 milligrams of CBD a day as a substitute.
“It’s changing lives,” he said. “I don’t want to sound dramatic, but it profoundly changed my life.”
To learn more about Primabee or to shop the company's products, visit www.primabee.com
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medicinemane · 1 year
I mean... you just look at the stuff I've been saying lately, and you tell me if you think I'm doing alright
Am I mad that my mom went to the dentist today, but had too bad of anxiety to let them fix that cavity? No, I get it
It's just... you know, I'm sitting at home (pacing around the home) with heart palpitations cause the siren and the rain have my anxiety at fever pitch. I'm still fixated on this thoughts of slitting my throat in the trashcan and being taken to the dump, and I'm starting to develop this weird obviously irrational feeling like somehow I'm actually dead
...but I lay down, and I do what I can to calm down (even though more and more of me thinks what I'm doing is stupid and unbelievable, which that feeling is making me worse), and eventually I get to sleep
...then I wake up and I'm instantly greeted by my mom needing to complain and lament
Plus she tells every story with the same level of anxiety, so like... when she's talking about taking a cbd gummy and "her disaster" I'm afraid that I'm gonna find out she got in a wreak, cause sometimes it is something like that. She just... she always finds and brings more chaos
Like I'm not even awake as I'm typing this, my fingers are still making a lot of mistakes, and that was like 20 minutes ago, and just... first think I wake up to
And it's just like... you are in your 50's, please just... figure it out. I'm doing very badly, please stop making me emotionally regulate for you
Plus she's going on about getting some magic mushrooms shipped from some company in holland and it's just like... lets fucking get our groceries all paid up before we start looking into ideas like that. Like I'm not for or against it, and I get she kind of wants to use it for medicative purposes but like... we're broke... leave it tell we've got some room
She's just... and I'm serious on this, she's emotionally stunted at 14 cause that was a rough time, and if she hadn't raised me (and raised me how she did) I'd have a lot of sympathy for it, but as it stands the best I can do is be numb
Like man... I'm fucking raw dogging it out here. I'm having terrible anxiety, and then I'm just sitting with it... and you're out here trying to spend our money on all kinds of shit, you're wasting it on kfc that even you didn't enjoy eating, and you're getting worked up over writing for anthologies that don't pay in anything but "social currency" and... man... leave me alone
Just tired... real tired... just... just very much want to die and... either get what would be ideal out of that, or get oblivion
Is it healthy? I've told you it isn't, I've told you I'm very unwell right now. It's still how it is
Fuck... just wish I could... could get a social worker or something to deal with my mom, but frankly that kind of meddling just puts the situation more at risk and likely doesn't get me any kind of real help or benefits
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