myeoncc-blog · 7 years
tooth hurty.
( * @ccjaebum )
( * joonmyeon has many heroes who he's taken under his wing, referred to affectionately as his own with a ruffle of hair and an adoring smile. jaebum, however, is someone much more similar to him; a more reliable figure, more of a shoulder to lean on than one to coddle. as much as joonmyeon does love the trust placed in him by the younger ones he cares for, jaebum is an undeniably necessary refresher, and joonmyeon much enjoys his company. and the mutual complaints. ) kids these days... ( * he murmurs, lips hidden behind the rim of his glass, lenses slipping down his nose as his gaze runs over the other customers. )
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ccguanlin-blog · 7 years
❝ … dad, stop yelling. you’re embarrassing. ❞
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ccminki-blog · 7 years
✧ the attempt
Minki swipes at the corner of his lips, the color of red tainting his finger as he smirked at his opponent. “As expected of the League President.” He could feel the tightness of his jaw that had come into contact with Jaebum’s fist, and he prepares himself for what is to come.
“But you’re never going to capture me.” Minki’s eyes glow a hypnotizing white within the darkness of the discreet alleyway. As much as possible, he did not want to transform in fear of giving away too much of himself. His opponent is the President of the League of Magical Heroes for gods sake and he did not want to become another target for the rest of the league. 
Minki sees Jaebum―he sees the possibilities of what he could do and what he will do. The card will always be one step, two steps, and even three steps ahead. The League President is full of surprises, however, living up to his reputation. Practically, no one could ever lay a surprise on the Foresight card. Much to his dismay, it is more disadvantageous for Minki the longer the fight lasts. Heavily relying on precognition, the card would be better off doing what he does best―escape.
“Cards are not meant to be prisoners of humans.”
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ccxyuna · 7 years
Good Luck, Bad Luck
Today Yura decided to go out to eat again. She felt like having beef stew and decided to go to a place she heard was really, really good. The girl really loved food and so she'd been in a good mood all day, looking forward to it.
After entering she saw that the place was pretty full, but not as full as she'd expected it to be. Yura ordered beef stew – just like she'd planned – and was glad when she was told that she was lucky, because that was the last beef stew of the day.
It only got her into an even better mood, because wow, when was she actually lucky like this? Exactly – barely ever. And so she smiled to herself, looking forward to what she was sure would be a delicious meal.
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ccdoyeon-blog · 7 years
Doyeon doesn’t understand college. She doesn’t understand why humans have one place for everyone who wants to learn to gather into; she doesn’t understand why they are stuck in classrooms listening to someone else speak for hours instead of actually going out to do the things they want to learn how to do. 
Humans are fucking weird. 
But this is crucial to her understanding and blending into their society-- this is something she has to do to survive; one can only hide for so long, after all, and she’s done with that. What better way to infiltrate an enemy’s ranks than from the inside, right? The humans have a term for this-- a trojan horse-- and that’s exactly what she intends to be. 
So when she’s approached on campus by some guy who claims that he needs to film her, he fights the urge to punch him in the face and to completely fuck off-- some self-restraint that would make her brother proud. She shoots him a weird look at most, narrowing his eyes at the boy standing in front of her and wondering if this is some kind of weird, human ritual that she’s yet to learn about, but she accepts it, albeit warily. 
Humans are fucking weird, after all. 
“....Um. I guess? What do I get out of this?” 
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ccseokjin-blog · 7 years
;rinse & repeat
Seokjin startles himself awake. He’s not exactly sure why he feels so restless, not when his slumber was dreamless. But there’s something heavy settling on his shoulders. It takes a few moments of thinking to make him push the feeling away, rising up from his bed and going on with his morning routine. It’s when he’s done feeding his cat and about to start preparing his own meal that his phone beeps with an unread message.
[ ✉  from jaebum ] can I come over? 
The message itself makes him think, the unsettling feeling coming back to haunt him. For all the times he and Jaebum have ever been friends, he never really texts for permission to come over. He just either shows up or demands that he comes over to his place to be fed.  Figuring that his questions could wait until the younger gets here, Seokjin replies back. [ ✉  to jaebum ]  you have the worst timing, i was just about to make food
[ ✉  to jaebum ]  don’t be late or else I’ll just have to eat this all by myself
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ccsungjong-blog · 8 years
Cook — I’ll write a drabble of our characters cooking together.
Slice, chop, cute, dice - Sungjong wasn’t too sure about any of it. He knew the basics of cooking but when faced with a recipe for something entirely too fancy for his skill set it was only natural to be somewhat agitated, especially with the added slightly bothering company. It wasn’t that Sungjong didn’t like Jaebum, because he hadn’t yet found enough of a reason to, though in all fairness it hadn’t stopped him before, but Jaebum was easy enough to be around without making Sungjong want to smash his head into the nearest wall. 
But cooking with him wasn’t what Sungjong would have picked as their first activity. He currently had hands covered in the inside of tomatoes, the chopping having gone slightly more messy than he’d have hoped. “Yah! Why do I have to do the chopping?! Can’t I stir it instead?” The stew was bubbling on the stove and for all Sungjong knew Jaebum was having the time of his life, stirring the pleasant smelling, red, thick liquid. Sungjong would rather stick his foot in a bathtub full of piranhas than keep getting his hands gooey and gross. 
So that may have been an overreaction, but he was not looking forward to the next thing he’d have to do. 
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ccxhowon-blog · 8 years
Shop — I’ll write a drabble of my character taking yours shopping.
“Your style is similar to mine.”
The words caused Howon’s head to raise, eyes meeting the other’s as he let his lips stretch into a smile. “I guess it is.”
It wasn’t bad shopping for clothes with someone who dressed in a similar fashion. It was like nice only going to certain stores, one’s that Howon knew sold just what he wanted. 
It was this sort of simple Human activity that he loved; and he didn’t mind sharing it with a friend like Jaebum.
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cckihyun-blog · 8 years
[ iMessage: wife ♥ ] ummmaaaaaaa [ iMessage: wife ♥ ] pay attention to me  [ iMessage: wife ♥ ] i mean, that was totally nora sending those messages [ iMessage: wife ♥ ] look, i even have a proof shot it was here
[ imessage → president ] your cat’s pretty smart but i don’t think she’s a genius [ imessage → president ] besides we both know nora isn’t the needy baby here [ imessage → president ] i’m studying @ the library [ imessage → president ] where are you?
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ccminki-blog · 7 years
✧✧ tracker {170918}
this is what i have as of now while going through my tumblr messages so if you don’t see your muse on this list even though we have plotted just message me! and if you don’t see your muse on this list and we haven’t plotted yet, we should plot so like this post or fly into my messages because i would love to plot with everyone!
✧ REPLIES TO DO @ccsiwon @ccjaehee @cctaehyung @ccxyoungmin @ccxenvy
✧ STARTERS TO WRITE @ccjiho @ccxtuan​
✧ WAITING ON @cctaehyung @ccxjeongguk @ccdoyeon @cceun @ccxsilver @cchyeri @ccxyuna @jisooxcc @ccjaebum​ @cclucky​ @myeoncc​ @laychipcc @ccsouthth
✧ PLOTTING/MESSAGING WITH @ccseonho @cchyeri @ccjonghyun @ccxmyung @ccten @ccseongwoo @cckhs @ccniel @ccxsejeong @cctaemin @ccxhoney @ccyeri @ccjisoo
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xccxwendy-blog · 8 years
That Bad? || Wendy & Jaebum
Wendy stood in the entryway of the diner she was supposed to meet Jaebum at for a quick lunch, wondering exactly where her friend had ended up.  She seemed to be doing that a lot lately, waiting for her friends to show up in places, but that was the life of a magical girl or boy, you never knew what was going to come up.  She just looked forward to little outings like this, as they were few and far between, a chance to live life like a normal person would.  Sometimes it felt like they never got to do that, constantly having to face danger seemed to take it’s toll in that way. 
She checked her phone, and she wasn’t wrong about the time, so she was really not sure what was taking him so long.  She had sent him a text, but there had been no response.  Across the street from the restaurant there was a park, with a nice bench that she knew of from her walks through the area, so she sent him another text saying she was going there and he should meet her at the bench when he arrived.
Taking a seat a few minutes later, she closed her eyes, letting a cool breeze flow through her hair, a welcome break from the summer heat that had settled in the air recently.  When she opened them again, she took in her surroundings, seeing a couple walking hand-in-hand and a kid playing fetch with a rambunctious dog, and Jaebum hiding behind a tree.
Wait.  What?
“Jae?” Wendy quirked an eyebrow, looking over in his direction.  “What the heck are you doing?”
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ccshownu-blog · 8 years
unsteady ;
he’s lacking. that is the mere thought residing in the back of his mind as he blocks one of jaebum’s attacks. his team depends on him, looks up to him, yet the feeling in the pit of his stomach is informing him that he’s never been worthy of having such a prestige position in the first place. the formed sweat on hyunwoo’s forehead rolls down the sides of his temples, his panting growing heavier with every aimed hit. 
how long has it been since the two started sparring? two, three hours? maybe a bit more than that. neither has been keeping track of the time, he supposes. the dryness in his mouth is pleading for water, but stopping now defeats the purpose of growing better. “don’t overwork yourself,” his mother’s voice echos and that’s when his body precisely decides to shut down because mama knows best. he stumbles forwards, chest colliding with the cool floor. 
“i’m fine, don’t worry about me,” he chokes out, raising his arm to dismiss any worry. what an idiot, really. “actually, please hand me a bottle of water before i perish. love ya, jae.” 
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ccjisoo-blog · 8 years
💡 lights, camera, yawn
Jisoo didn’t like staring at the sun the same way she didn’t like staring at artificial lights - yet there she was.
The girl had no idea how much time she had already spent just sitting there, but it certainly felt like a lifetime. The offer seemed great at first with promises of becoming a model for a day, and no effort needed either - Jisoo only had to look pretty, and she already did that every second of the day. Though Jaebum had given her vague explanations, or, well, perfect explanations that made her doze off every once in a while, Rile had seriously expected more of the experience.
One thing she thought a little too late to do was count the different lights and angles the male had already tried on her. It was probably over half a dozen, but what really scared her was how many more were to come. “How much longer do you think this will take?” A hand rubbed her right eye as boredom started to slowly creep onto her. Sitting wasn’t quite the exciting activity. “No offense but I would love to take a nap soon enough.”
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cckihyun-blog · 8 years
when kihyun thinks of home, he pictures: a crooked smile, warm brown eyes, calloused hands, and an old video camera placed precariously on a desk. places have never rooted him the way people do—though maybe that isn’t true either. places have never rooted him the way im jaebum does ( and this feels right; it’s jaebum and no one else ). their friendship is a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, and being the jealous fuck he is, kihyun occasionally wishes he didn’t have to stand by and watch the whole world fall in love with his best friend. but there’s no way to stop it either. jaebum is just that likeable.
( he should know. he’s one of those pathetic, hopelessly in love idiots too ).
no matter how frustrated he gets over jaebum, kihyun knows he’s doomed to follow behind him. jaebum is an addiction, a drug he can’t quit. from the moment they met on that darkened street over a year ago, when a bloodsoaked kihyun took jaebum’s outstretched hand, he knew he was fucked. completely and utterly fucked. was, is, will be. here’s the thing: most of the time, he doesn’t mind. he’s sunk. 
a week away from busan and the league feels like an age, then. kihyun is partly to blame for that—he has a strict ‘no outside contact’ policy during these visits. he can’t muster up enough energy to talk to people as if his brain isn’t being ripped apart and put back together in the most grueling way possible. this means seven whole days without talking to jaebum or texting him or snapchatting and kihyun feels like he’s going madder by the minute. how much is he missing? is jaebum okay? kihyun worries when he’s miles away; who knows what shit jaebum is getting himself into?
travel bag still in hand, he heads to jaebum’s place ( calling first to make sure mr. and mrs. im aren’t in. he likes jaebum’s parents, but things are more convenient when they’re not around ). he fishes the key the ims gave him some months back out of his pocket and unlocks the door, breathing in the familiar smell of the im household. he likes to joke it smells like money—maybe not literally, but there’s no doubt the ims are loaded. the opulence should make kihyun uneasy, but he’s comfortable here as anywhere else.
he kicks off his shoes and tosses his bag on the couch, wandering over to the kitchen. the ims won’t be home till late, but jaebum should be home from classes soon. kihyun hasn’t bothered to text him to let him know he’s here; he figures he might as well let jaebum be surprised for once. he’s greedy and wants to see if jaebum’s missed him—take pleasure in the small things and all. and while he’s waiting… kihyun throws open the cupboards and frowns. the ims have a fucking amazing kitchen, so he wants to take advantage of it and whip up something to eat for him and jaebum whenever the lug gets here. now, if only he could remember where the strainer is…
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ccyoongi-blog · 8 years
♆ The worst kind of neighbor they could have, and how they deal with them♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof)
♆ The worst kind of neighbor they could have, and how they deal with them
loud neighbours!!! that’s easily the answer tbh he hates noise so so much, so anything from listening to loud music or talking loudly on the phone or stomping their feet while walking (if the neighbour is upstairs) will make yoongi’s blood boil. also definitely the nosy type of neighbour, who just really wants to know everything about your life all the time and won’t rest until they get their Weekly Gossip Report of the entire apartment.
though, yoongi is far too peaceful to actuall deal with it, so he’ll just endure it. headphones and a lot of inward cursing at the neighbour is how he’ll handle the loud one, and simply giving short, hurried replies is how he’ll ditch the chatty one.
♨ Their cooking ability (or lack thereof)
yoongi is actually a great cook!!! it might come as a surprise to any that have only met him now because his motivation to cook has definitely dropped and he hardly cooks anything fancy for himself anymore, but yoongi used to be a very, very good cook and he enjoyed cooking and learning new recipes very much. he’d often cook meals for his sister too, or even for the whole family, and it was just something that gave him pride and joy. sadly, ever since his sister’s death, his motivation dropped and he just doesn’t find as much joy in it anymore - or at least he hasn’t tried it seriously again. which means someone should force him to cook so he remembers how much he likes it!!!!
he also really liked baking, but savory dishes are his favourite to do. 
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cctaehyung · 8 years
Sleep and Movie then a death one
Sleep — I’ll write a drabble of my character snuggling in bed with yours.
Movie — I’ll write a drabble of our characters watching a movie together.
deciding to spend the night over at jaebum’s place turned out to be a horrible idea. with the storm that came a few minutes after he came over to talk to the other about something,  he was forced to spend the night over instead. he thought it wouldn’t be too bad, at first. it wasn’t like jaebum wasn’t going to do something that will make ricky regret ever coming to his house.
hell, not even a romantic movie makes him want to throw himself off jaebum’s patio. if anything, the whole movie bored him to death. he’s not sure why jaebum would even turn this on. did he want to help ricky and his messy love life that he doesn’t even know exists? or is he just trying to make him fall asleep with a cheesy movie?
the answer wasn’t the last suggestion, obviously. jaebum looks over to ricky dozing off on his shoulder and he doesn’t show a very positive reaction. “ricky-pooh! why are you falling asleep now? we’re getting to the best part!”
“oh shut up,” he grumbles, adjusting himself so that he was in a comfortable position next to jaebum. “this movie’s boring as hell anyways. i should’ve gone home when i had the chance.”
jaebum sighs and shakes his head. “can i just enjoy a movie with you? awake?”
he responds to his question with a yawn, his eyes struggling to keep open before he eventually falls asleep next to jaebum.
the president looks over at the other and sighs before eventually turning off the tv and covering the both of them with the blanket on the couch, eventually falling asleep with ricky by his side.
( tw: death )
Death — I’ll write a drabble of my character with yours on their deathbed.
“you can’t die now.”
his voice is soft as he kneels next to jaebum, lying on the ground as he bleeds to death while other magical heroes search for help. honestly, some magical heroes could be so careless. to accidentally aim their weapon to another person instead of aiming it at the familiars. because of their carelessness, their president is down and wounded with ricky next to him, holding his hand tightly to assure jaebum that he will be able to live. but even he knew that wouldn’t happen.
jaebum laughs weakly as he looks over at ricky. “you don’t even need to try and sugarcoat it,” he replies to him. “people have their times.. and i guess this is mine. but... i didn’t expect it to come so soon.”
if it weren’t for the fact that jaebum was dying right in front of him, ricky would’ve slapped his chest. “goddammit!” he yells. “jaebum, someone will come and save you, okay? someone will save you and you’ll be okay. god-” he has to take a deep breath and blink so many times in order to hold it in. “-jaebum. you can’t die now. you won’t.”
“ricky, stop,” he says, trying to speak out as much words as he possibly could before he would die. “please. even if help comes, they won’t be able to help me.”
“you don’t fucking know that, asshole!” he shouts at him. “jaebum, you’re the president of many magical boys who depend on you. and what about your friends?! what about kihyun?! and dahyun?!”
“...you’ll take care of them, won’t you?” he asks. “i know you and-” cough “-- you and kihyun don’t get along well. but please try so you can care for the both of them. for me.”
ricky hesitates before saying something else. it wasn’t like he was going to say no to jaebum. if there was anything he knew about himself, it was that he would do anything to make a loved one proud. and though he can be a pain in the ass, he cares. he cares for jaebum. he was such a good friend.
“i… i can’t make promises,” he answers him. “but…. i’ll try. for you.”
he looks up at him weakly and there’s tears forming in his eyes as he smiles weakly at the other who looked so strong at this time. “thank you,” he says in almost a whisper, closing his eyes to let the tears fall. “thank you, taehyung.”
and in that moment, the boy knew. when ricky let go of his hand, he watches as it falls lifelessly to the floor. there was no strength in him anymore. no more life. he wasn’t there to be with his loved ones, his teammates, and his family.
he wasn’t here by ricky’s side anymore.
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