#ccm moribund
murdochccm · 5 years
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中国❤️ 进化论 
Zhōngguó ❤️ jìnhuàlùn
Chinese country heart Evolution theory
Duō rén lǐmiàn měiguó xiāngxìn shén chuàng lùn.
Many people in the United States believe in creationism.
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homostasisformemory · 5 years
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Syllabus 2, I don’t want to lose this information and have it effecting my final grade.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Wǒ ài zài lǐmiàn yīgè tǐyùguǎn duǒbì qiú wán.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Wǒ zuì xǐhuān de jiàoliàn shì wǒ de gāozhōng shuāijiāo jiàoliàn. Tā zài tā fùyǒu de péngyǒu jiālǐ jǔxíngle wǒmen tuánduì de xùnliàn.
My favorite coach is my high school wrestling coach. He held training for our team at his wealthy friend's house.
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murdochccm · 5 years
登机牌 [dēng jī pái] - boarding pass
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murdochccm · 5 years
An Early Modern Europe Homework Assignment Attempt/Assay?
What are Erasmus’s main criticisms of monks? 
Erasmus’ main criticism of monks was their phoniness. Erasmus believed the monks were putting on airs e.g “braying out their gospels in church they are making themselves very pleasing and satisfying to God, when in fact they are uttering these psalms as a matter of repetition rather than from their hearts. “ [See: Rote Learning/Parrot-Fashion]
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Mr. Cole the character in the British Television series is appeased by being talking about as “a man of unique intelligence who never felt appreciated. He saw poetry and prose as a celebration of life. He saw in literature all the good things courage, fortitude and sacrifice, but in his daily life he saw cowardice selfishness, and a desire for cheap glory. …” Mr Cole felt  “stranded in a heathen world” .  [See: British “Life on Mars” Season 1 Episode 6 36 minutes in or so] . 
A word one hears heaps of times whilst studying “The Catcher & The Rye” in school is the word  phony. Holden Caulfield the protagonist of the book is oftentime caught whinging about Phonies [See: “ Although Holden doesn't directly call Ernie, the piano player, a phony, he senses phoniness and insincerity in his flashy piano-playing style. Holden thinks Ernie is too fine a piano player but no longer plays his music with heart.”] 
What do you think Erasmus hoped to achieve by this satirical attack on monastic practices? 
Erasmus was looking to evince the fussy inflexiblity of the monks. [See”: “ Moreover it is amusing to find that they insist that everything be done in fastidious detail, as if employing the orderliness of mathematics, a small mistake in which would be a great crime”. ] 
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How do you think the circulation of many printed copies of such attacks would have affected popular attitudes toward the Catholic Church? 
I believe they may have cause even further splintering of the Catholic Church. 
Well, as a populizer who put the bible into the vulgar tongue I’m sure Erasmus would be happy. Erasmus would be jubilant to get his opinion out there differing from those. I would be happy. I love anything that accelerates the velocity of ideas or helps develop the world. 
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“Where then, was the road of salvation? Erasmus agreed with the reformers that the Bible must be studied. He agreed with the practice of private devotion, especially prayer. Man saved himself through knowledge of God, obtained directly, not through the mediation of an institution--History of Christianity by Paul Johnson page 274. In my earlier salad days [I still consider myself in my salad days of credulousness because I’m highly credulous and do not trust my present iteration of myself at all] I attended a reformatory school in Orem, Utah runned by Mormons. I was exposed to many things are things that likely would have been of the Renaissance’s Catholic Churches nightmares. The ultimate splintering of Christianity from its earlier roots. Where in my opinion is where Christianity jumped the shark. Firstly we had Judaism [Spiderman 1], then Christianity [Spiderman 2 or tantamount to an earlier linux distro such as Debain], and finally Mormonism [Spiderman 3, a religion aflunters [in a state of disorder] tantamount to modern art] [i prefer works in the public domain such as Thomas Gainsborough] ]. This mormon place had pleasant sounding rituals that wasted heaps of time [I say this , albeit, I oftentimes masterily waste my own time, but I want to waste my own my time on my own. P.S. I oftentimes mislikes institutions. Innate issues with authority. #contumacy]. The bureaucratic Catholic Churches biggest fear of splintering came back to bite them with heaps of bureaucratic epigones. 
I.“Notes on The Catcher in the Rye Themes.” BookRags, BookRags, www.bookrags.com/notes/citr/top4.html#gsc.tab=0.
II. A Smattering of Help from Paul Johnson’s A History of Christianity. 
Image Citations 
Jean, Jean, director. "Kafkaesque"? . Coub, coub.com/view/eytsl.
Adrián, Luis. “Muda, Futile, Ora, Fighting Chant .” Pinterest, Luis Adrián, i.pinimg.com/originals/fb/97/af/fb97af2fa67c246133900c6394466ccf.jpg.
"Pun of the Day: Phony." Comediva. September 14, 2013. Accessed February 26, 2019. http://comediva.com/pun-of-the-day-phony/.
Erasmus wanted to juxtapose the idea genuine piety to the monks’ affectations [See: “ Many of them work so hard at protocol and at traditional fastidiousness that they think one heaven hardly suitable reward for their labors; never recalling, however, that the time will come when Christ will demand reckoning of that which he had prescribed namely charity and the he will hold their deeds of little account”.] 
Erasmus was one of those bibliocentric folk who prefered private devotion to the bible, in lieu of a mechanical type parrot fashion-esque  devoted learning taught at an institution where one learns to says the prayers in fancy ‘smarty pants people’ latin and whatnot, generally missing the big picture of bible.Erasmus took shots at heaps of Christians for their affectations 
“For Erasmus, as for all reformers, the Bible then was at the centre of Christian understanding, when presented in its authentic form. And he was at one with them in rejecting mechanical Christianity virtually in toto: indulgences, pilgrimages, special privileges, masses for the dead, the whole business of winning salvation by ‘merit’ artificially acquired, usually by money”…Thou art utterly deceived,’Who had done the deceiving? Chiefly the papacy =. And no wonder: the papacy was corrupt and desperately in need of reform.…” 
sanctimonious monks
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Měiguó shì tài zōngjiào de.
The United States is too religious.
Kànjiàn zōngjiào lǐmiàn zhōngguó.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Zhōngguó rén gèng duō de shì yī zǔ jítǐ de
Chinese people are more of a collective
Měiguó rén hěn gèrén zhǔyì de.
Americans are very individualistic.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Měiguó tiándiǎn jīngcháng tài tián.
American desserts are often too sweet.
Zhōngguó tiándiǎn jīngcháng bù tài tián.
Chinese desserts are often not too sweet.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Duō měiguó rén shì pàng de.
Many Americans are fat.
Duō zhōngguó rén bùshì pàng de.
Many Chinese are not fat.
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murdochccm · 5 years
A Serendipitous Meeting - Composition 1
Murdoch Harris - September 2018
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Does the rubble of burning tanks and armored vehicles inspire you to play and wise off? Well for Immo Starbreit playing soldier with friends on  abandoned tanks of  World War II  was the catalyst for his future. While the twelve-year olds were playing one of their games in the rubble, paying no heed to the dangers of war, American tanks rumbled around the corner. The lead tank stopped. The top opened. A Major appeared and asked the boys if any of them spoke English. Young Starbreit volunteered that he spoke a little. The Major told him to climb into the tank, saying he needed a guide and interpreter who knew the area. Before long Immo was acting as the daily guide and interpreter for the Americans. 
Appreciative of Immo’s help after the German defeat, the Major told Immo he was an assistant professor at Princeton and that he would sponsor him to come to America for college.
Of age and a year through college in Germany Immo sent a missive to the Major asking if he could attend Princeton. Not only did the Major say “yes”, the Major arranged for Immo’s acceptance into Princeton and all of Immo’s transportation, tuition, room and board and living expenses. Contrary to the destructiveness of World War II the serendipitous meeting between a warring soldier and a child playing in the rubble proved to be a true fortune of war. 
 After three years at Princeton and a return trip to Germany Immo acted as a liaison in U.S.-German affairs.  He later became the German Ambassador to the United States. All thanks to “wise’ing” off among burning vehicles in Berlin.   
Link to “Secondary Source Grandfather” Audio -
Transcript of The Primary Source Audio (*inflections and cadence missing*) 
This is a story that was told to me by Emo Starbright. A classmate of mine at Princeton. What my class did was--we go on aaa after the 50th Reunion we go to class reunion in different cities--and Emo was the sponsor for the trip to Berlin. So I got a chance to talk to him and we got around to (ya know)  how you end up in Princeton -- and it was a very interesting story. He--bear in mind that during WW2 we were around 10, 11, 12 years old-- and he was living in East Germany with his brother and his mother and his sister and aaa his father was a physican who was in Berlin andn (ya know) the war was ending and the Russian were taking over East Germany and as they took over they would march the Germans they captured east and not too many of those guys got back, but on the march if anybody dropped out during the day they just go by a nearby farmhouse pull somebody out of it and put them in the line and they didn’t care whether they were a man, woman, or child, whatever. So the number would always be the same-- so his mother was getting a little nervous--& they thought they better go to Berlin. Soo ughhg before they left she told him to go out to the pasture and looks for the biggest horse and load their stuff on the horse and walk to Berlin. So he goes out to the pasture and looks for the biggest horse (ya know) ten years old what does he know  and he picks the biggest one. Well the biggest one happen to be a pregnant mare--so they’re a little rambunctious, but they loaded their stuff on the mare and they headed for East berlin. Aaah meanwhile when the Russians found anyone they didn’t like or a German stepped out of line they just hang them from a lamp-post so he said he sent a lot of time looking at dead bodies (on lampposts) When he got to Berlin. They found their dad and the city was being bombed pretty regularly by the Allies. By that age you feel like you’re immortal. So when the bombing stopped he and a buddy of his would go out in the street and they’d be some burned tank or armored car and they’d be out there playing around (ya know) playing Cowboy Indians or whatever. One time when he’s out therethree or four tanks Americans tanks came around the corner. They look down the --the guy in the lead tank looks at these two kids and says “Hey, do you guys speak english. Any of you”. Well Emo said he spoke a little english he had in school. So he said “I do”. So the the guy who was the major said “Get in the tank”. So he spends two or three weeks with the major sort of showing him around Berlin and sort out acting as an interpreter. When the major had to leave. He said “Emo you’ve been very good, and I want you to know that my regular job is a assistant professor at Princeton. And when you get old enough to go to college here’s my card. Contact me. Just he gave him his name Princeton University--professor whatever. I can there. He went one year to college in Germany and after that he sent a letter to this professor saying (yaknow) any chance you could take me at Princeton. The guy writes back come ahead, so he spent the-- I think 3 years, but could have been 2 years at Princeton and his English got quite good. So when he went back to Germany he got involved in U.S. German affairs, and he eventually, became ambassador to the US and he also become the ambassador to France. And he says “ I wouldn’t have even thought of these kind of things if I hadn’t been out -- playing around wiseing off around some burning vehicle in Berlin. So he says in some ways the war just made me. I thought it was an interesting story.
Image Citation -
Lamprecht, Gerhard, director. Somewhere in Berlin. Somewhere in Berlin, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Somewhere_in_Berlin.
My Writing Situation- 
My Subject - Emo Starbrights progression from benighted boy to UN ambassador in U.S German Affairs. 
My purpose - “Expedient”- to learn from my grandfather's story abilities to ameliorate my own. “Alterocentric/Allocentric/Other Regarding” - to record my families stories in a family register for our descendants and their upbringing. 
My Intended Audience - My instructor whose putting himself in the role of my soi-disant peer/and or somebody who’s also at my level of education and life experience. 
The Sources of Information available to me - at this point in time, only a secondary source, my grandfather recounting his friends story. 
Constraints - Grandfather only source; secondhand source, who got it from main guy. 
Hook Attempts Introductory Paragraph - 
Playing about and wising off in an internecine conflict, World War II, changed a man's life. 
Vocabulary I thought about and Avoided-
Intrepid, Impavid, Benighted, Detritus. 
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murdochccm · 5 years
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在里面一个韩国剧“W” [더블유] 有一个人物是不会射快因为他想要完美地击中目标.
Zài lǐmiàn yīgè hánguó jù “W” [deobeul-yu] yǒu yīgè rénwù shì bù huì shè kuài yīnwèi tā xiǎng yào wánměi dì jí zhòng mùbiāo.
Inside a Korean drama "W" [더블유] There is a character who can't shoot fast because he wants to hit the target perfectly.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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I’m having trouble with this sentence “I was more skilled/better than my former chinese teacher “Jerry” in Badminton.
Attempt I - 我比我以前的中国老师"Jerry"好在羽毛球.
Attempt II -我是在羽毛球几比几我以前的中文老师更有技巧.
This phrase looks useful “几比几” does it mean “compared to”?
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Wǒ shì fēicháng hǎo yǔmáoqiú yùndòngyuán.
I am a very good badminton player.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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Wǒ de dìdì shì yī míng chūjí àolínpǐkè yóuyǒng yùndòngyuán
My brother is a junior Olympic swimmer.
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murdochccm · 5 years
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我的沙特阿拉伯朋友人和我。我们是排球神,但我们的团队才不呢 好.
Wǒ de shātè ālābó péngyǒu rén hé wǒ. Wǒmen shì páiqiú shén, dàn wǒmen de tuánduì cái bù ne hǎo.
My Saudi Arabian friend and me. We are volleyball gods, but our team is not good.
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