#ceanna's writing
wildestdreamcatcher · 1 month
Wine Red
Summary: Cleo and Elijah have their first meeting
I stood across the bar, rinsing the glasses when she walked in. There are so many lounge singers that come in every night but she caught my attention as soon as she walked in. She was so beautiful, she had me in a trance before I even knew her name. I was fucking taken when I heard her sing, though. Her voice was so gorgeous: she was talented, her voice enraptured me. Her voice was like fucking gold, like a drug I needed more of. 
“Her name’s Cleo. She’s good, isn’t she? I think this could be new business venture for the bar.” My boss said.
God, even her name was pretty. I barely focused on working, the only thing I wanted to pay attention to was her. She was gorgeous the way diamonds are. She finished her set and my heart fucking fluttered, when she started walking over to the bar.
I don’t know who the bartender is, but God, he looks so good. I saw the way his dreads where pulled back into a bun, the way he smiled so charismatically at all of the other customers. I wanted him to see me perform. I never felt so encaptured by someone before, I don’t even know his name but here I am, and I can’t stop thinking about him. I noticed when I was singing he looked at me. His attention was fully on me, I don’t even think he’s fucking paying attention to the bar anymore. His eyes are so pretty and piercing. It was like I was under a spell. I needed to talk to him.
 I walked over to the bar and ordered, I needed the drink for confidence. 
“You sounded so good out there. How long have you been singing for?” He said, pouring the vodka into the glass. His voice was so deep but gentle. I had butterflies in my stomach. It was like I was having a crush for the first time.
“About 6 years now. I’ve been doing lounge singing since I graduated high school.”
  “From the way you sounded, I would’ve thought you’ve been singing your whole life.”
His name’s Elijah and he’s so charismatic. We talked for what felt ever about everything. We talked about our favorite bands, he told me he’s a Gemini which means we’re twin flames. I told him I just moved here and told me all the best places. I can tell he’s very intelligent by the way he talks. I’m so hooked on him. He’s laughing at all of my jokes, he’s giving me his fall attention. I’m so hooked on him.
 “My shift’s almost over but I love talking to you, Cleo. We should talk more over dinner sometime.” He said, writing his number on a piece of paper.
 “I’d like that, but do you give your number to all of the lounge singers?” I giggled. I think I sounded so stupid but he seemed amused. 
“Just the pretty ones.”
@blowflygrls @sadlonelyyogurt @vommitgirl
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spaceprincessleia · 11 months
I love writing Star Wars fanfiction, but I'm in such a weird place with it right now, like, I'm happy when people read what I write, but at the same time I only want to write rare pairs that only like 3 people will read to begin with because they fit my niche ideas so much better.
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So hi world building for the fanfic I plan on writing involved a lot of characters, most of them are mine tbh and about 4 are Ctrl’s and one is my girlfriend’s... I have a problem...
(Wren through Acelin) Main party are all wardens except Acelin (this is a multiple warden AU)
(Tawen through Adava) Theos family (his backstory is not an origin option although he is a dalish elf from a different clan)
(Alexander through Cordelia) The Viaris are Wren’s family, they are the teyrns of Kilead which is a city we added (he is not a canon origin but he is a human noble)
(Reese through Clover) The Camrys are another human noble family, they are the Teyrns of Misthelm which is a city we added
In this fanfic there are 4 teyrns including the two in game ones because we felt that the government system was lacking. The original Teryn families are the same and the Cousland child (cannon origin) is Ceanna.
The Viaris control part of the Brecilan Forrest in a city on the coast. Kilead is well protected due to the dangers of the Forrest which we get a taste of in game. The Viaris are a well liked noble family, not due to fear but due to thier personality.
The Camrys control an area near Lake Calanhad. Misthelm is powerful and has rumors of being magical (if only because of thier closeness to the mages tower). The Camrys are also well liked although some of it is due to fear, they have a lot of sway with the landsmeet.
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cevnna · 5 years
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[ CINDY KIMBERLY, TWENTY-TWO, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER, PANSEXUAL ] – welcome to the love island villa, CEANNA ALVARO! they’re a AUTHOR from BARCELONA and they’re the THESPIAN. people describe them as ARTIFICIAL and MATERIALISTIC, but once you get to know them they’re VIVACIOUS and HARD WORKING. i’d recognize them by their white faux fur coat, cherry red lips, and tempting smile. honestly, i think they’re really here for MONEY. || tw: car accident, family passing ||
ceanna alvaro is a new york best selling author that was raised by two loving parents in barcelona, spain. the family moved to new york city when she was around seven, and ceanna fell in love with the gleaming lights and the lively streets. she’s been writing stories ever since she was a little girl, always making up crazy fables and scenarios in her head and writing them down. while she’s been writing books since she was a teenager, she didn’t get her first book published until she was nineteen. it quickly became a hit ( think to all the boys i’ve loved before type of genre ) and earning itself the title of new york best seller. she’s published one more book afterwards and is currently looking for inspiration for her third. ceanna can be a bit of a workaholic a times and has put her own priorities and needs above others which has made it hard for her to find a stable relationship. she hopes this show will help her connect with someone and help her find the balance she needs. 
↳key facts: ceanna’s parents were both taken away from her due to a fatal car crash on her eighth birthday. her godparents were close friends with her parents and took her into their wealthy estate in new york city and raised her as one of their own, giving her everything she could have ever wanted, and more, growing up. 
ceanna alvaro is indeed a new york best selling author that was raised by two loving parents, but the way she grew up is a complete made up story. her parents were poor and struggling to survive. they moved to the states in hopes of finding the american dream and making something of themselves. after a year of living in america, it was becoming increasingly clear that they could no longer care for their daughter and give her the life she deserved. pleading with the wealthy family they worked for, the couple decided to adopt their daughter and raise her as one of their own until her real parents could find a stable way of living once again. ceanna’s eighth birthday was the last time she ever saw her real parents, as they never returned to collect her like they promised. it didn’t stop her new parents from loving her any less, and she quickly became one with the family. despite her new parents love, their other children were not as kind, always singling her out and letting her know she was nothing but an outcast. 
once ceanna had grown used to this new wealthy way of living, she never wanted to give it up. material possessions and the status they held began to take over her way of living, and when she turned eighteen, she coupled up with her first sugar daddy. he was a powerful young man with many connections, and was the one who helped get her book published in the first place. while they still mingle from time to time, ceanna has moved on to others, not just the daddies, but the sugar momma’s as well. she loves being spoiled and gifted with all the attention and luxury items she could ever ask for. falling in love was the last thing she ever cared to do, for her love came in the form of $$$, and she was content with that. after learning about the big cash prize at the end of love island, she figured the experience could help her find muse for a new book, and give her the chance to walk away with that beautiful 1 million dollar prize. 
↳key facts: ceanna keeps her true life a secret from the rest of the world, pretending that she’s actually a sweet and hard working girl, when really she’s just greedy and looking for her next fix. her parents did indeed pass away in a car accident, but ceanna never found out and believes her parents simply abandoned her, which is why she’s so afraid of building solid connections and being surrounded by people. being surrounded by those who give her attention for a night and buy her all the possessions she could ask for gives her more comfort than anything else. 
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brass-e-blog · 7 years
do not reblog a meme from me unless you send it in. if you reblog a meme without sending in that meme, i'll unfollow. if you don't want to send the meme, reblog it from the source/someone else.
i don't always send them in (if ever), but i do read your rules before: responding to something, sending in a meme, writing a starter. i don't always read rules immediately upon following, but i always try to get to it before i try any type of interaction. if i've missed something or breached something, it is your choice to let me know or not. i won't flip if you unfollow (because as stated above, i unfollow immediately after my first rule is breached without prompting someone, and that'd be hypocritical of me to get on you about doing the same).
i'm going to be semi-selective in the sense that i will reply to what i feel like replying to. my muse is fickle, and i'm a busy woman. please respect this. i rp with: canon, original characters, self inserts, crossovers, etc.. i love it all! don't be afraid to approach me! i swear, i don't bite!
my Exclusive FC’s are: - Antonia Thomas (little-murderer) - Robin Williams (flxbber) - Lily Collins (abscxnder) - Heather Doerksen (lovezdaresteves4ever)
mun is a total shipping whore and ships nearly everything, but Emily is difficult to win over. mun is 20 but will not partake in smut whatsoever. it makes me uncomfortable to write. the general courtesy of shipping is expected: don't force a ship on me and Emily and please, please try to at least discuss it with me. i'm more prone to ship with those that i have spoken to ooc, for the writing chemistry is easier to find.
my activity will be sporadic. there won't be much a pattern unless i'm on a muse roll. i try to be on as much as possible, but sometimes life takes up time and muse disappears. be patient. as stated above, i reply only to things when i feel i want to reply to them/feel i can reply to them. do not rush me. reminders are welcomed, however. i tend to write lengthier replies/responses, but that does not mean you have to match my length
i follow blogs that i want to notice me/want to roleplay with/find potential in. i do not follow blogs that appear cluttered/are more ooc than ic/are personal (unless it is for aesthetic stuff). i unfollow those that break a rule of mine twice (because the first rule break means a warning/redirection to rules). i go through my following list every now and then and unfollow blogs that are inactive for 3 (three) or more weeks without much ooc notice about absence. i tend to always follow back blogs that follow me.
half of these icons are mine, half are from tumblr user strawpolls. please don't steal them. if you'd like them/the caps i got them from, just ask. graphics for this blog (banners, blog theme art, icon, etc.) are made by me unless stated otherwise. coding for theme is NOT made by me and is credited accordingly on the blog. all art reblogged/posted on this blog is NOT mine/usually credited from source (if it isn't, just let me know and i'll fix it/take it down).
my name is jaqi. i'm an aries. i'm 20 years old. i live in california. i own a cat and a turtle. i'm currently attending community college. i work at an elementary school and a high-end sunglass sales place. i like pacific rim, steven universe, and the labyrinth, and can most times be found on social media as 'jerkuelyn'.
in no way am i my muse.
my muse, EMILY CEANNA BRASS, belongs to me, and all of her content/biography/headcanons were made/written by me. i entirely own this character/her story. she's been my muse/a work of mine for over 5 years with quite some blogs to back this up. do not steal her. i and many other users will know if you've stolen my oc/her concept.
do not reblog personal posts. do not reblog my sourced material unless it is tagged with a permission granting tag. do not reblog rp threads that do not belong to you. do not reblog my headcanons unless they involve your muse.
-- MISC.
if you're turning an answered ask into a thread, repost and do not reblog. i will not reply to asks that have been reblogged.
i try to update these rules often. reword them, rearrange them, add or subtract as i see fit. check in every now and then to stay updated!
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wildestdreamcatcher · 1 month
Maroon Lips
Summary: Roxanne confesses her feelings for Vikki in Albuquerque
I really like Vikki and this road trip made me realize that. She was so beautiful, she was kind, intelligent, funny, she was everything I wanted and more. I liked the way she would read to me from the books she liked in the back of Jude’s van, the way she always used to buy me Vogue editions to read on the drives, the way she would always effortlessly do her makeup in the car, I wanted to be with her so badly.  I think that Summer was growing tired of how much I talked about her.
“Why don’t you just tell her, Roxanne? I think she likes you back.” 
“I don’t know why, I just can’t, Summer.” 
I didn’t usually feel this way about the girls I had crushes on. I thought about Vik so much, it drove me crazy. I used to worry a lot about the girls I liked not being into other girls but I knew she liked girls, the idea of her not liking me was what freaked me out. I didn’t want to fuck up our friendship by telling her. 
Roxanne looked so pretty right now. Jude was taking Summer out to dinner; he said he was going to surprise her with something and Kai and Kurt were exploring the city, so it was just us in Roxanne’s hotel room.  She was playing a Madonna record in the background, she was applying a red gloss and singing along to the music. I had liked Roxanne for 2 years and now we were becoming so close, it happened so fast and I couldn’t be so happy. We were supposed to go to this museum she found but I would’ve stayed with her in this hotel room for hours if she wanted me to.  “Do you want me to help you do her makeup?” Roxanne sat beside me on the bed, holding my makeup bag. I quickly nodded. 
“You look so pretty right now, V.” She said, applying mascara. 
I wanted her to kiss me so badly. I wanted her to be my girlfriend so badly. Roxanne was so perfect: she was so kind, smart, driven, headstrong, beautiful. Everything about her was so perfect. I needed to tell her how I felt or else it would eat me alive.
“I like you a lot,  Roxy. I’ve liked you for almost 3 years now. You’re so smart and pretty and perfect! I know it’s awkward but we’ve been getting so close and I can’t keep pretending that I don’t have feelings and-” 
Roxanne kissed me! When she pulled back, she was smiling so hard. Her lip gloss was smeared across both of our faces, she looked at me with so much love in her eyes and I almost melted right there. 
“I like you too, Vikki. I’ve been thinking about taking you on a date for awhile now. And now, I guess we can finally do it!”  Roxanne smiled as she kissed me again and laid on my chest.
I wanted this for so long and now, it was finally happening.
@blowflygrls @vommitgirl @sadlonelyyogurt
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wildestdreamcatcher · 1 month
You've been writing so many fics lately and I've been eating them tf up because they're so good omg!! Do you have a writing schedule coming up, how is that process gonna look for you?
I don't really have a writing schedule, I've just been getting fics out when they come to me but my goal is to get at least one fic out per month. For the next 2 weeks, y'all might not get that many fics since I have my end of the year exams coming up but after the 23rd (summer break starts that day) so y'all probably get more fics in the upcoming months. I'm literally so happy with the positive feedback I've been experiencing so keep sending any requests you have and I'll try to get to those as soon as possible!!
@sadlonelyyogurt @blowflygrls @vommitgirl
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wildestdreamcatcher · 1 month
If y'all have fic ideas for my ocs that y'all wanna see, feel free to request. I'm trying to get back into writing so if you have anything you wanna see, lemme know.
@blowflygrls @vommitgirl @sadlonelyyogurt
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wildestdreamcatcher · 1 month
Sunshine Girl
Summary: Jude reflects on the events that happened in "Tell Me What You Want"
Summer was so easy to love. I love the way that she laughed, the clothes she wore, the way she smiled, the way her makeup made her eyes pop, how smart and refined she sounded when she talked. She was gorgeous and I hope she knows it too. It’s like she’s made of sunshine and it feels like angels sing when she kisses me.  It’s not just me who thinks it: I hear Kurt talk about how fucking pretty she thinks Summer is and how she wants to be her friend so badly, it’s almost like she’s crushing on her too, I hear the guys at the venues talk about how hot they think she is and their miserable attempts to flirt with her after shows. 
I’ve been meeting up with her in secret for a month now. I feel so desperate for her lips to be on mine, for her to hang on my arms, for her to end up tangled in my sheets. I want her so bad, I’m fucking feral for her. Every song I write is for her. I think of her all the fucking time and she doesn’t even know it. Things were going fucking great, beautifully even but maybe I messed up. 
  I thought about what she said at the lake: “It’s not fucking fair, Jude. I can’t be honest with because of the way you fucking act. You used to be so fucking rude, you lied all the time. You were so shitty to your friends, your sister, your parents, everyone. How am I supposed to trust that you’re not going to hurt me the way you did everyone else?!” It had been a few days and her words still echoed in my brain. Was I really that bad?
I don’t think I’ll ever get my parents to fully trust me again, Marley barely gives me the time of day, and Kai and I’s friendship hasn’t been the same as it used to be. I stole from people, I was so fucking on addicted to coke and pills (I’m still smoking weed), I hope in whatever afterlife Mindy ended up in, she forgave me for some of the stupid shit I got her in to. And I’m not fucking stupid, I feel the unease that Summer’s parents have whenever she does bring me into her house. I think that’s one of the reasons why she wants to stay secret. Ok, maybe I was that bad. 
I want her to know that I love her and even if we just started whatever this is a month ago, I’ve liked her since the first time she came to one of my gigs this year. I want her to know that all the songs and poems are about her, I’ve scribbled our initials with hearts around them more times than I fucking count. When I think about love, I think about her. I want her to know that, I need her to know that. I thought about what my dad said last year: “Your words don’t really mean shit to me at this point, Jude. Your actions speak louder than your words will ever do.” Maybe he was right about this one thing. I need to show it and not say it. 
@vommitgirl @sadlonelyyogurt @blowflygrls
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I remember when I used to wanna be a writer but I do be honest with will, half the time when I did write stuff it's never planned out and it's really spontaneous. I really do love writing, I just struggle to find the motivation to actually write the fic.
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wildestdreamcatcher · 2 months
To Love and To Loathe
TW: Toxic relationships (that's literally the entire fic), jealousy, anger, physical fights.
Summary: Shit hits the fan when Kai and Aria's toxic, jealous, and desperate tendencies come out at a house party.
I can’t fucking stand Kai. The way he acted so different in front of his friends, the way he stood there, across the party, flirting with a girl who he knew I hated. But holy shit, I was so fucking obsessed with him. I felt a high when I was with him. I was so fucking desperate for his touch, attention, everything about him and I was going to get his attention. I sauntered across the room, walking straight past him and started to flirt with a guy he hated. I don’t even know his name, all I know is that Kai couldn’t fucking stand him, he talked so much shit about him but I also knew this guy was desperate. He flirted with me whenever he got the chance.
I could feel his eyes on me; looking at me as I giggled, batted my lashes, and held on to this guy’s bicep. I don’t even remember why we broke up this time. We argued so much at this point. I fucking hated the way that girl was flirting with him, the way she looked enthralled by him, the way she laughed at his shitty jokes. That used to be me. I used to hang all over him and he treated me like I was the only girl that mattered. I don’t know what happened to us.
I know it’s selfish to flirt with…whoever the fuck this is, but I don’t care. It should be me that captures Kai's attention. I want him to stare, I want him to hurt the way I hurt, I want him to feel jealous. I ended up getting what I wanted.
I don’t know what Aria thought she was doing. I could hear laughing with him, she looked like she was having a great time with him, and all I could think about was how that should be me. I wanted her on my arm, to be laughing at my jokes, I wanted her. I started to notice how she had her arms leaning on her shoulders and then he fucking did it: he had the audacity to grab her ass. Aria looked at me and laughed.
I felt like I blacked out for a second. It didn’t matter that she wasn’t my girlfriend anymore, I already fucking hated him and now he was rubbing all over her. I pushed past people in the party as fast as I could, trying to get Aria and I fucking snapped. I kept hitting him until he started bleeding, until he fell to the ground. People were staring at us but I didn’t give a shit. Aria followed me out of the party, she wrapped her arms around me and she was smiling. She wanted this to happen the whole time, she wanted it and she fucking got it.
“I missed you, Kai”. She kissed me and it felt like addicting. It was passionate, electrifying, I was so desperate for her and she knew it. She looked so pretty right now. The way the light shone on her features, the way her makeup was so perfectly done, the way her box braids cascading down her back. I wanted her so fucking bad.
“I missed you too.”
I knew this wasn’t stable, I knew we weren’t stable. We were never going to have a relationship anywhere close to what people like Jude’s parents had. We’re so desperate, we’re angry, we were so fucking jealous, it’s like fire and gasoline. I knew where I’d end up in Aria’s bed at the end of the night, tangled in her sheets. It happened every fucking time.
@sadlonelyyogurt @vommitgirl @blowflygrls
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wildestdreamcatcher · 30 days
The 5 Stages
Summary: Jude goes through the 5 stages of grief after Mindy's death
TW: Death, mentions of being suicidal, grief, mentions of vomiting/feeling nauseous, mentions of overdoses, panic attacks, breakdowns
January 3rd, 1984: that was the day Mindy died. The doctors said she overdosed on a mix of drugs and alcohol. I should’ve been there, I was going to be there. I was going to sneak out to the party she was at until my mom caught me, I was going to take the same drugs, I was going to drink the same shit, and be around the same people she was. I could’ve and should’ve died along with her. 
She died during winter break and I was supposed to go back 2 days later, but 2 days turned into 2 weeks and today was supposed to be the day I went back to school. I was so fucking pissed when my dad walked in to wake me up from school. He almost had to drag me out of school, he drove me to school to make sure I actually went. I wanted to fucking scream at him, I spent the whole morning begging my parents to not send me but he did anyway. I didn’t even make it to 2nd period.
I felt so nauseous and uncomfortable during class but what made it worse was the fact I could hear people whispering rumors about her, people always bullied her anyway so I guess it didn’t matter to them if she was dead or not. I either got very judgmental, gossipy glares or sympathetic glances: both annoyed me to no end. I fucking snapped: I had something between a panic attack and a mental breakdown during class and they sent me to guidance. 
I sat in the office with one of the guidance counselors as she tried to get ahold of my parents while they were at work, she gave me a trashcan since I vomited 3 times already in the bathroom: everything about this situation made me feel like fucking dying. I could barely make out anything I heard on the phone: I could see the counselor giving me sympathetic glances and half-smiles as she spoke to my parents. I felt even worse when my parents walked into the room. 
I was zoned out for a lot of the conversation. I noticed how my parents' voices switched when they were trying to sound professional: my dad’s voice got deeper but more gentle and my mom’s accent came out more, I guess the “Southern charm” works on people. I only started paying attention when I noticed that both my parents and the guidance counselor were looking at me, worryingly. 
“We understand what you’re going through, Jude but you can’t have meltdowns like this during class. It would help us to understand better if you talked about with us.” The guidance counselor said. I was so fucking pissed about the way she said it.
 “No, none of you fucking understand!! I wouldn't have broken down if I people didn’t keep talking shit about her or if people weren’t fucking staring at me the entire time! I don’t want pity or sympathy, I just want Mindy!” I figured that my parents would say something but they just kind of looked at me. I was so tired of people pretending they knew how I felt. A lot of people didn’t even care about Mindy when she was alive so why start caring now? 
I started to zone out during the rest of the conversation, I only heard bits and pieces. I heard the counselor say “I don’t think the school environment is good for him right now. Maybe it would be good for him if he went homebound for the rest of the school year. There’s only 4 months left of the school year, so he could go on homebound for the rest of the year if he wants to.” I watched as my parents signed the papers agreeing to it. The car ride home was awkward, no one said anything and I spent the ride trying to stifle my sobs. 
I was sitting in my bedroom when my dad came in. I barely got along with him but something told me to let him stay. He was very patient and calm when he walked in. 
“I can’t pretend I know what you’re going through. I don’t know what it’s like but I won’t to be here for you. I love you more than anything, Jude.” He said. I let him hug me as I cried.                                                           
@sadlonelyyogurt @vommitgirl @blowflygrls
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wildestdreamcatcher · 2 months
Tell Me What You Want
Summary: Summer finally tells Jude how she feels
I knew it was a bad idea. I knew from the moment I started to fall from him, from the moment I saw Jude performing with his band at his concert. I almost hated Aria for inviting me to this show. I couldn’t, I still can’t fucking fathom why I liked him so much. After all, he had been so fucking shitty for the past two and a half years. He was a liar, a thief, he was rude, selfish, and inconsiderate. And yet, I’m still meeting going to meet up with him after his show.
“Meet me at our spot. We need to talk-J” he scribbled on a napkin. This had been our routine for a month now: I’d come to his shows, he would get one of his friends to hand me a note asking me to meet him at the lake, and I would. I shouldn’t be fucking doing this: my friends don’t trust and neither do my parents. I’m not even sure if I trust him, but for some reason, I still drive to meet him. 
“You look so good right now, Summer”. I could smell the weed and cheap cologne on his shirt as he kissed me. I hated how much he had gotten me hooked over the past 6 months. I hated how he made me feel yet I feel so fucking desperate everytime he kissed me, the way I blushed when he held my hand or the way I melted when he ran his fingers through my hair and told me I was pretty. I’m like a little girl with her first crush and it’s embarrassing. 
“You said you wanted to talk, J”. 
  “I want you tell me what you want. I know you’re not communicating with me and I need to know how you feel”. 
“You know how I feel.”
“No, I really don’t. We’ve been sneaking around for a month now. We flirt, we hook up, we’ve been going dates and doing all the couple shit yet you still won’t say what we are. I’m fucking confused, Summer.”
“What do you want me to say, Jude. I’m showing you want I want. You know how I feel.” 
“I can’t just go hints. I want to hear you say how you feel. I need that confirmation that this is just a one sided fling.”
He kept asking me the same question, just in different phrases. I wanted to feel angry, I felt so upset and I don’t know why. Leaning up against the door of his van, I barely looked at him I was glad it was dark, otherwise, he’d be able to see how much I was blushing right now.  Jude kept doing this time for what felt like ever and for whatever reason, I fucking snapped.
“It’s not fucking fair, Jude. I can’t be honest with because of the way you fucking act. You used to be so fucking rude, you lied all the time. You were so shitty to your friends, your sister, your parents, everyone. How am I supposed to trust that you’re not going to hurt me the way you did everyone else?!”
He paused. He seemed shocked, appalled even. The silence was heavy, 
 “I-I’m not that guy anymore, Summer. I know it’s hard, but you gotta believe me. I’m trying to better, I want to be better. I’m not going to hurt you”. 
    “Then prove it, Jude. If you’ve really changed, then prove it. Your words don’t mean shit if you can’t back it up.” 
I walked away after that. I felt so flustered, desperate, angry, and confused. I wanted him to change so badly but he said the same bullshit a hundred times over and he got worse everytime. I wondered if I ruined everything when I drove off. I left him there, standing in front of the lake looking shocked and upset, I almost didn’t care.
@blowflygrls @sadlonelyyogurt @vommitgirl
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wildestdreamcatcher · 10 days
Posted Bail
Summary: Elijah bails Jude out of jail and they have a much needed conversation
TW: Jail, mentions of substance abuse, vandalism, shoplifting,
I can’t fucking stand my dad. I got caught tagging a building with one of my friends and I guess my dad was feeling generous because he decided to bail me out, it was my first known offense after all. He smiled and was polite to the officers but I could tell by looking at him, he was going to fucking tear into me in the car. He and Mom act like they hate me now. I can barely go anywhere, they gave me a strict curfew, they always have to know what I’m doing and who I’m with but they never do this with Marley. She’s their golden child I guess, and I’m just the weird one they screwed up. 
“I don’t know what the hell you think you’re doing, Jude! You got caught shoplifting last week and you’re lucky they didn’t press charges with how much shit you stole, you got drunk and took my car to go sneak out with Mindy the week before that, and now you’re vandalizing buildings with your friends!!”
“Don’t be such a narc! It’s not a big deal, I was just hanging out with one of my friends. Why do you have to throw such a fit about it? You should’ve gotten mom to bail me out, she wouldn’t act like this.” It’s not that I really like my mom anymore, she’s just less of a tight ass about everything. 
  “First of all, it is a big deal!! You think everything’s a fucking joke but one day this shit is going to catch up with you and no one’s going to be there for when it does. Second of all, your mom would be way worse right now. You have an issue that needs to be addressed!” 
“Why do you care so much!! I’m living my own life, I’m not bothering you or mom, I’m just trying to have fun!” I need my parents to back off, I don’t have a fucking “issue”. Nothing is wrong with me. 
I look at Jude in the passenger seat, and I know he’s high on more than just weed. His pupils are dilated, he has residue from white powder on his nose, he’s lost so much weight in the past few months, he’s been erratic, rude, and unhinged the past few months. Cleo found the empty bottles of liquor and pill bottles in his room. I know Jude’s going down a dangerous, maybe even deadly path. 
I wish I understood him better. I look at him in the passenger seat and while I see an angry, hurt, insecure, desperate teenager I also see the happy and sweet kid he used to be. I’m worried he’s going to do something so bad, he can’t get bailed out. It would kill me if he ended up in jail or prison. We both know this isn’t his first offense, he’s just lucky the cops haven’t arrested him before this. 
I want the best for Jude. I want him to be better than I ever was as a teenager, I acted very similar to him as a teenager, the only difference was I had no one to help me. I don’t want that for him. I know he could be so talented, smart, and kind and he could do so many good things with his life but right now all he’s doing is ruining it. 
I don’t know what to do for Jude anymore and I don’t even know if I understand him. I don’t know how to help him anymore.
@sadlonelyyogurt @blowflygrls @vommitgirl
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Baby Fever: Cherry x Sodapop
Synopsis: Cherry tells Soda she's pregnant with Summer
Warnings: Pregnancy (obviously)
A/N: Eesa gave me the idea for this (thank you so much 🙏🏽😍💞💛 @fromrussiawithlove-maddie )
Cherry didn't know how she was going to tell Sodapop she was pregnant. They'd talked about having kids before, but this seemed too soon. They hadn't even been married for a month, and now here she was: standing in the bathroom with a positive pregnancy test.
She spent the whole rest of the day trying to hide it from him. She was thinking about what would happen if she kept the baby, she wondered what the baby would look like, what they'd name it, and all of that. For Cherry, she had no doubt that Sodapop would be a good dad, she was scared that she'd be a bad mom. She just wanted this baby to have a good life.
Cherry didn't mean to surprise him like she did, she just couldn't keep it in any longer.
"You're what?" She could feel him jump back in shock as she sat on his lap.
"I'm pregnant. I found out yesterday when you were at work."
Soda pulled Cherry closer. He was starting to live the life of his dreams. He had a decent job, a place to live, he was married to the love of his life, and now they might have a baby together. Even though he was anxious, he couldn't be happier.
"So I guess this means we're going to be parents?" Sodapop said, smiling from ear to ear.
"I guess so!"
@sadlonelyyogurt @lyn-winston @fromrussiawithlove-maddie @80stacos
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wildestdreamcatcher · 5 months
I got asked this a lot but:
Andrew and Ruby are Summer and Lennon's parents
Cleo and Elijah are Jude and Marley's parents
Desiree and Dylan are Roxanne, Lola and Olivia's parents
Becca is Lexie's mom
@astridlovell @80stacos @sadlonelyyogurt
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