ttrtru · 5 months
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Trying to see if I could draw them in short hair and still able to make them distinguishable.
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annatari · 2 years
“迈雅同样属于迈雅之列:祂们是维拉的仆从,通常十分强大且拥有恐怖的力量。想要杀死一个迈雅几乎是不可能的,但依旧有古代的英雄们为此做出尝试。他们因着胸腔中的信念向安格班的迈雅们发出挑战,其中有些获得了成功,但无一生还。” ——Celedhring《祂们何去何从?》
“这是我第一次见到有人会在著作中称呼敌人为英雄。”年轻的人类修行者问道。“是因为其中许多出自你的家乡么?你曾是诺多精灵中的贡多林民。” “我不但是塔尔迈荣的仆从,更是一位学者。真正的学者应该学会从客观的角度对事件进行评价。”精灵黑巫师严肃地回答。“于这些挑战者的角度,他们确实是为了自己的民族和信念而战,应当被称作赴死的英雄。我选择服侍塔尔迈荣并非为了这个…我自始至终不认为自己是一位背叛者,而是选择了自认为正确的道路。在做出选择时也要像做研究一样充满理性,这是我要告诫你的。我不会去谈论伟大,因为即便是爱努也有衰弱之时:我曾亲眼见证这一点。” ……
索伦向一个哈拉德人要了匹高大雄壮的骆驼,并以黄金与免除税负予以回赠。他要借此在魔多荒芜枯憔的土地中行走,末日火山弥散的热量并不比正午的骄阳好受。伊露维塔的打击与魔戒的失散令他孱弱不堪:曾经他能使空中降下雷电,以万钧之力给高山削凿锋棱;或者轻而易举将囚犯坚硬的颅骨弹碎,在战场与迈雅胡安化作巨狼厮杀。他想起自己原是拥力而生的大地工匠,但现在他除了谎言与咒语一无所有。前些时日他想去地牢亲自观摩审讯被捕的昂巴人间谍——审讯与酷刑,从罪犯口中拷打真相对索伦而言就如同提纯混合物一般有着令人神醉的美感。这曾是他最爱的项目,但那日却险些在地牢中昏倒。他想挥起铁鞭抽碎那个人类丑陋的脸,却发现两鞭下去已是气喘吁吁。米尔寇曾罹受的诅咒如今降到他身上:受困于肉体,且是更虚弱的肉体之中无力可施。索伦最终吐出了一串恶毒的咒语,并在痛苦的嚎叫中再次获得虚荣,且遗忘了最初审讯的目的。——他正变得愚蠢。索伦听到过他的军队中对自己有这样的评判。可即便再愚蠢谵妄索伦也从未放弃过控制一切,他殚精竭虑将掌控的罗网编织地更密,将权力在一个个新创的制度中揉的更碎加起来也更庞大,而自己则化作一个怨毒的魔眼监视一切。只有无尽的凝视才能让空虚的内心填满片刻,这是黑暗魔君索伦在至衰微之时仅剩不多的快乐。 “沃玛伍人鲜少驭马,多数牧羊,但真正的沙漠武士驾行骆驼。骆驼是沙漠民族的明珠,勇敢者与战场诗人可以凭借它在大漠中不受限制的前行,探险战斗。而那些牧羊者因受草场的限制聚集定居,在临水的森林边农耕商贸,建立文明。”可哈穆尔曾经这样半是吹嘘地讲述,“霍尔姆拉斯的民族有一千种方式形容冰雪,我们便有一千种方式讨论沙石。” 索伦曾嘲笑人类精巧如老鼠的谋生方式,人类与自然搏斗,而爱努本就是自然的一部分。任何一个维拉或迈雅都能化作疾风或纯粹的能量日行万里,但如今他即便行走在自己的土地上也要靠牲畜来支撑,衰微不振。没有沉默的仆从伴随他,只有坚忍宽厚的骆驼。任何一个反叛者都可能轻而易举地将他刚凝聚好的外形击碎,这对每一次呼吸的起伏都依靠索伦的魔多是项危险的举动。索伦感觉魔多大地与他的仆从们正逐渐将他吸吮耗干,但哪又有地方可供一个堕落迈雅休息呢? 他在驼背上睡着了,任由这个宽厚的牲畜将自己带去任何可能的地方。至于后来是谁将他带回来,他又是怎么被发现的索伦一概不知。再次睁开眼睛他发现自己又躺在空寂冷清的巴拉多尔塔顶,空气静寂如同安格班的严冬。
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thatsitewithstuff · 5 months
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Trying to see if they are distinguishable even if they all had short hair.
Names are below just in case my handwritings are illegible
Murazor, Khamul, Dwar Indur, Akhorahil, Hoarmurath Adunaphel, Ren, Uvatha Urzahil(Mouth), Celedhring, Mairon
First 3 rows are the MERP Nazgul
Murazor, Akhorahil, Adunaphel and Urzahil are all suppose to be the same race(Numenorean)
Adunaphel is a female
I assume that the Nazgul looks to be in their prime to each other
This was all inspired by this art by Ryoko Kui, I love her stuff, go and read "Delicious in Dungeon" and her shorts, now
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homura507 · 2 years
Who took the chance to touch sauron's ass?
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ttrtru · 2 years
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More Celedhring
Note: Celedhring - a character from MERP, was in the Mirdain but betrayed the elves to follow Sauron.  I read that and assumed he’s a yandere for Mairon.
Bunch of short comics under cut, all centered around Celedhring and a dash of Murazor.
Kind of TW: Blood, Toruture
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ttrtru · 2 years
Art dump
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Left - playing around with 3D to compare heights(left to right, Khamul, Murazor|Angmar, Mairon) Right - thinking about Mairon’s crown design, was too slack to colour
Check tag if your fav character is under the cut or not.
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Playing around with 3D assets on Clip Studio.  There was a good horse and dog model that was free.  Dwar added just because of dog.
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Left - thinking about a design for a Mairon figurine Middle - a very thin long Mairon that I found hilarious Right - also an idea for a Mairon figurine that I could put on the edge of my computer.  Hair long to stabilise.
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Top - Akhorahil (left) and Murazor (right) layout that I ended up not finishing Bottom - Playing around with free 3D assets on Clip Studio again.  Right one is Mairon confronting Murazor about something, he probably went into Mairon’s room without consent.
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Left - Indur having fun.  Trying to draw him not too young and actually looking like a man Top Right - Khamul, trying to get his hair right Bottom Right - If Angmar survived after being slayed by Eowyn AU.  Sauron remade his body but the scar from the fatal stab stayed.  Probs have similar scar on his leg too but its less obvious.  Really it’s just an excuse to draw him with a cool looking scar(I was reading Golden Kamuy).
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Left - Tired looking Mairon, probs Fourth Age him.  Good for whumping Right - Random laughing Mairon just to fill space
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Left Langon, Right First Age Mairon.  Thought that it’d be kinda cute if Langon was like Mairon’s big brother in Utumno/Angband.  I still don’t really know what their relationship is.  Initially I had Langon hate Mairon but I’m not too sure these days after thinking about him.
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Celedhring designs(plus a random Indur).  To any one who doesn’t know him, he's a character from MERP.  Was in Eregion but unlike most elves he followed Annatar to Mordor to become his servant.  From that description in MERP I assumed he's a super Annatar lover that basically stalked him to Mordor, some how not being killed.  I did have his design as far back as 2016 but didn't feel like posting him so he never showed light.  Some people asked if I had his design so here he is.
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