#cell proliferation
bpod-bpod · 5 months
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Forces and Signals
The leg folds of a fruit fly provides a model for studying how the mechanical forces resulting from cell proliferation co-ordinate with the pathway of molecular signals called NOTCH to precisely shape epithelial tissue into 3D organs during embryo development
Read the published research article here
Image from work by Alonso Rodríguez and colleagues
Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
Image originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Development, April 2024
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cancer-researcher · 6 days
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medicomunicare · 4 months
TRPS1 as possible unique biomarker for triple-negative? Investigations on cellular biology and mechanisms
The mammary gland is a complex tissue comprising a variety of cell types. Their proper functioning is crucial for the health of the breast. Breast cancer is the widest condition affecting breast health and can be categorized as estrogen receptor (ER)/progesterone receptor (PR)-positive luminal, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2)-positive, or triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) types…
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whats-in-a-sentence · 4 months
This efficient delivery of HP to SMCs, together with its sustainable release from LDH-HP nanohybrids (figure 25.18), enhances the prohibition effect of HP on SMC migration and proliferation, which is actively pursued in search of effective anti-restenosis treatment.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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Like, I know what "antiproliferative" actually means, but I constantly read it as "anti-pro-lifer-ative" which I guess is something used to ward off prolifers? Useful either way.
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
The study was published in the Cureus Journal of Medical Science.  LET'S TALK ABOUT IVERMECTIN 1 – Ivermectin prevents the damage caused to RNA Vaccines.  2 – Ivermectin blocks the entry of Spike Protein into cells.  So, if the person was vaccinated with COVID, they have hope, they have a way to treat themselves through Ivermectin.  3 – Ivermectin is a treatment after Covid and after vaccination, it is an effective medicine in all phases of Covid 19, even before entering the cell, Ivermectin already destroys the virus in the blood.  It only has beneficial effects and no harmful effects in the treatment of the coronavirus.  4 – Ivermectin has a very powerful anti-inflammatory action against Coronavirus.  5 – Ivermectin has a powerful action for traumatic and orthopedic injuries, it strengthens muscles and has no side effects like corticosteroids.  6 – Ivermectin treats autoimmune ailments such as: rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, allergic rhinitis.  7 – Ivermectin reduces the frequency of flu and colds.  8 – Ivermectin improves the immunity of cancer patients.  9 – Ivermectin treats Herpes Simplex and Herpes Zoster.  10 – Ivermectin reduces the frequency of sinusitis and diverticulitis.  11 – Ivermectin protects the heart in cardiac overload, in an embolism for example, it prevents cardiac hypoxia because it stimulates the production of basic energy so that the tissue is not destroyed and thus improves cardiac function.  12 – Ivermectin is antiparasitic.  13 – Ivermectin is anti-neoplastic (anti-cancer), it suppresses the proliferation and metastasis of cancer cells, only killing cancer cells and preserving healthy cells, improving the effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment, as it kills cancer cells resistant to chemotherapy, defeating the resistance to multiple chemotherapeutics that tumors develop, and combined with chemotherapy and/or anti-cancer agents, it provides an increase in the effectiveness of these treatments.  14 – Ivermectin is antimicrobial (bacteria and viruses), and increases immunity.  15 – Ivermectin reaches the Central Nervous System and regenerates the nerves.  16 – Ivermectin regulates glucose and insulin metabolism.  17 – Ivermectin regulates cholesterol metabolism.  18 – Ivermectin reduces liver fat in steatose.  19 – Ivermectin protects the liver exposed to insecticides.  20 – Ivermectin attacks the virus wherever it is, regardless of mutations.  21 – Ivermectin serves for the prevention and treatment of coronavirus, surprisingly.  Unproven efficacy is not of Ivermectin, but of vaccines.  22 – Ivermectin, used as a prophylactic agent, was associated with a significant reduction in infection, hospitalization and mortality rates due to COVID-19.  23 - Ivermectin does not attack the liver, since it is not metabolized in it, and if in the intestine, on the contrary, it protects the liver. 
Please read, save and re-blog before Tumblr takes this down.
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mindblowingscience · 1 year
Scientists have repurposed human stomach cells into tissues that release insulin in response to rising blood sugar levels in a breakthrough that promises an effective way to manage conditions such as type 1 diabetes.
The experiment, led by researchers from Weill Cornell Medicine in the US, revealed transplants of gastric insulin-secreting (GINS) cells reversed diabetes in mice.
Pancreatic beta cells normally do the job of releasing the hormone insulin in response to elevated sugar levels in the blood. In people with diabetes, these tissues are damaged or die off, compromising their ability to move glucose into cells for fuel.
While GINS cells aren't beta cells, they can mimic their function. The gut has plenty of stem cells, which can transform into many other cell types, and they proliferate quickly. The hope is that those with diabetes could have their own gut stem cells transformed into GINS cells, limiting the risk of rejection.
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corpsecoded · 1 year
The dead body (and the more explicitly animated zombie) remind us that we are always already in a state of constant decay and reanimation, reinventing ourselves intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually, but also repairing physical damage, replacing dead cells with live ones, and collecting more and more layers of flesh all the while. We grow old, wrinkle, rot, reek, and break little by little; our organs fail, our skin cultures fungi, and our stomachs house hundreds of bacteria species. We're losing our individuality, our singularity, more and more as our identities proliferate like screen names in the glow of our computer screens.
The Loveliness of Decay: Rotting Flesh, Literary Matter, and Dead Media, Jesse Stommel
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theoddvet · 21 days
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The many faces of reactive plasma cells - all found within the same chronic skin infection in a dog!
Plasma cells are activated B lymphocytes and their purpose is to secrete immunoglobulin. When they become reactive, or stimulated, they can be binucleated, multinucleated, and have a variety of morphological changes occur including the formation of Russell bodies. Russell bodies are round to globular intracellular aggregates of immunoglobulin; their formation is due to an imbalance between the rates of synthesis, folding, secretion, and degradation of immunoglobulins.
While most Russell bodies are rounded, one (of many) phenotype of Russell bodies can present as crystalline bodies. Immunoglobulin crystals are very uncommon to see in plasma cell proliferations, and very few reports have been authored on them in veterinary medicine. I feel very lucky to have found three different types of crystalline bodies as you can hopefully appreciate in the above pictures!
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Reader usually comes to set punctually but when one day she doesn't appear and Scarlett, Florence or Elisabeth doesn't get a response to their worried messages/calls, Lizzie calls your mother. She finds out you had an car accident while driving to set and you're barely hanging on. Fast forward, you come back to filming and they take care of you. Fluff pls
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Elizabeth Olsen tried to reach you on the cell phone for the fifth time this morning. It was already 9am at Pinewood Atlanta Studios and you should be awake and actually on set by now. But your calls always were forwarded to the mailbox and her desperate messages to reach you did not come through.
She was beginning to worry. It was not your style at all not to answer the phone, let alone not appear on the film set punctually like you always did. Anxiously, she dialed your number, trying to use the house phone this time, but the call was not answered over it either.
Already during the countless attempts, she was on her way to the other girls who had to shoot their scenes in the new Avenger movie and stumbled into Scarlett's trailer, with the phone firmly to her ear while nervously ruffling her hair. "Have you heard anything from Y/n?"
Both Scarlett and Florence shook their heads thoughtfully and the brunette started pacing in circles. Liz scrolled through her contacts, she hesitated briefly, then she pressed the green receiver and listened to the annoying ringing.
After the second ring, a muffled voice took the call and she could hear the other end trying to squelch some sobs. "Good morning, y/m/n. This is Lizzie. I can not reach y/n and I was wondering if you know where she is? My calls go out but she does not answer. We spoke on the phone last night and she has a shooting day that she did not show up on."
The line went silent and a queasy feeling flared up in the brunette. She bit her lip nervously, fiddling with her coat considerably. Sobs proliferate in her hearing and she did not know what was going on. "Mrs. y/m/n?"
"I am sorry," your mother swallow hard as the words fell out of her mouth in a whisper. She had intended to call your co-worker and best friend, but she had delayed her call this far. She did not know how to teach the tender soul about the news, but she could not help but pour her pure wine now."Y/n had an accident on the way to work."
"Oh my god, what happened?" she asked, drawing the attention of the other two women as well. She quickly supported herself on the small kitchen counter and put her hand over her open mouth.
"According to witnesses, she lost control of the car when a tire hit a very deep pothole." the woman on the other end of the phone said carefully, pausing at each word to maintain her composure. "She crashed into a guardrail, which was breached. She got hurled further until her car finally came to a stop in a ditch. If a nearby tree had not stopped her, she would have-"
She sighed, not daring to voice her thoughts about the horror scenarios in her head. Lizzie's suspicion was quietly confirmed, the feeling deep inside her never deceiving. The brunette wiped her face, on the verge of tears.
"What condition is she in? Which hospital?" The brunette paced restlessly on the rough carpet, trying to find her inner calm after the heart-pounding news. By now, Florence and Scarlett had gathered around her, putting their heads close to the receiver to overhear the conversation. "Piedmont Fayette Hospital. She is in critical condition, doctors are unsure if she will survive the night."
"I will be on my way immediately." She quickly ended the call and threw her cell phone in her coat pocket. With her car keys firmly in her hands so that they were already leaving marks, she hastily left the small room and drove to you, not caring an inch about her job.
The following months were torture for your family. For the first few days the doctors kept you sedated so as not to add to the psychological stress of the pain in order to allow your body to recover as much as possible. Several times a day there were threatening situations in which you had to intervene - from fluctuations in blood pressure to the correct ventilation of your damaged lungs was a constant trouble spot in the intensive care unit, which the doctors kept on their toes.
A pulmonary embolism also spread, which they first tried to solve with conservative methods before they had to intervene surgically to save your life. Even after that, the tension of your mother and your colleagues did not let up. Your blood was so diluted by the drugs that you could suffer a cerebral hemorrhage at any moment.
That evening, Elizabeth Olsen sat on the edge of your bed and held your hand. She talked to you softly, so that no one could hear her. Just like the doctors suggested to her heart. -Talk to her. Hold her hand. She needs something to keep her alive. Tell her about her dreams and goals, if you know them. She needs to want to live-
She did that until late at night. Sometimes she dozed off and slept for an hour, but at last she woke up with a startle, thinking that she felt a squeeze of your hand in hers. And sure enough, after weeks of being in a coma, you finally woke up on your own.
That was three months ago and only today you were able to go back to work. It was cold and raining and you rushed to the set with a large cake pan under your arms. You carefully walked around the puddles to the make-up trailer, the door of which was not completely closed but only ajar.
With your hand raised, you slowly opened the door and saw your best friend getting ready to play her role as Scarlett Witch with her stylist and make-up artist. "Lizzie?" you called, raising your voice to give it more expression and let it shine through the soft music in the background.
Her eyes sought the spot in the mirror that gave her a view of the door before her head was hastily turned to face you. A wide grin stretches across her red lips. "Oh Y/n I did not know you were going to show up for work today," she stammered, and as she spoke, the brunette stood up and walked towards you happily.
"Uh yeah, sorry. I wanted to make it a surprise. Even brought cake, homemade." only now did she notice that you were holding a cake tray with chocolate cake firmly between your arms that was pressed tightly against your body. Elizabeth grabbed your shoulder and gently but firmly pulled you into her arms. "It is so good to have you back."
"I missed your hugs." you sighed and snuggled up to her even tighter before you looked up at her and met her emerald green eyes. Liz looked at you too and she felt her pulse suddenly quicken. There was something in your gaze that made her very nervous. "How are holding up? Any pain I should know about?" she lifted her hand and tenderly stroked your cheek.
You felt your skin tingle under her touch and you wondered if that is how it's supposed to be when you are just friends. She smiled broadly at you and that smile made your heart beat even faster. "A little tug in my thigh every now and then, but do not worry too much. I have survived worse."
"You know I will always worry about you," the brunette replied and you thought you heard a tremor in her voice. You said nothing but still felt her hand warm and soft on your cheek.
All of a sudden you seemed to come back to reality and detached yourself from her. "Where are the others?" you murmured softly and were not impressed by your physical withdrawal, you would like to stay in her arms and feel her closeness as long as you possibly could.
"They are already on set. They will be glad to see you again."
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Not sure if this has been asked before, but do Time Lords get scars, or do their injuries (minor ones that do not lead to regeneration, of course) heal without a trace?
Do Time Lords get scars?
Gallifreyan skin shares a lot of similarities with human skin, but its got some unique assets that make it pretty resilient and less prone to scarring.
🧬 Gallifreyan Skin Structure
Epidermis: The outermost layer - it's thicker than human epidermis, with a denser keratin providing enhanced protection. It's also got an additional layer, unique to Gallifreyans, making it more durable.
Dermis: The layer where most of the action happens, supporting sensory functions and immune response. It's slightly thinner than in humans, but it has more collagen and elastin. It's also got a special layer that gives a "trampoline" effect to repel foreign objects.
Hypodermis: This has subcutaneous fat and additional collagen, acting as cushion, insulator, and energy reserve. It's got more fat than in humans to increase resilience and heat control.
🛠️ Healing Mechanisms
Gallifreyan healing processes are obviously advanced, with their unique skin structure facilitating rapid and efficient recovery from injuries. Here’s a detailed breakdown:
Bleeding: Capillary networks in Gallifreyan skin are denser, leading to faster clotting for minor wounds. The increased number of capillaries means more immediate blood supply to injured areas.
Inflammation: The area swells as blood rushes in, bringing essential nutrients and oxygen to aid repair. Similar to humans, but Gallifreyans experience a more intense and effective inflammatory response.
Proliferation: New tissue replaces damaged tissue, closing the wound. The process involves the rapid multiplication of cells, similar to human wound healing but faster due to advanced cellular mechanisms.
Remodelling: Tissue remodels to restore the normal structure and function of the skin. This is the stage that determines whether they'll scar.
⚔️ Scarring in Gallifreyans
The likelihood and extent of scarring depend on the injury's depth and severity:
Minor Injuries (Epidermal Layer - superficial) - Typically heal without scarring within 2 days (or faster with treatment or a healing coma).
Moderate Injuries (Dermal Layer - deeper) - May leave minor scars, usually healing within 7-14 days depending on the treatment.
Major Injuries (Hypodermal Tissue and Bone - deepest) - Likely to scar due to deeper tissue damage, needing up to 28 days to heal without treatment. The presence of subcutaneous fat and specialised fluid provides additional protection but doesn't entirely prevent scarring.
🔍 Additional Factors
Foreign Objects: Gallifreyan skin expels foreign objects by effectively 'pushing' out objects that penetrate the dermal and subcutaneous layers.
Healing Coma and Zero Room: Advanced methods like entering a healing coma or using a Zero Room can significantly accelerate healing and reduce scarring.
🏫 So ...
Time Lords generally heal rapidly and effectively, avoiding scars from minor injuries. However, more severe injuries can result in scarring. Their unique physiology allows for high resilience and recovery, making scars relatively rare but not impossible.
Does Gallifreyan skin react to burns?: Burn scarring with classification and the healing process.
How can Gallifreyans manage pain/chronic pain?: Overview of natural and medicinal aids to pain.
Do Time Lords have the same skin and hair cycles as humans?: How skin and hair growth occur in Gallifreyans.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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cancer-researcher · 12 days
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medicomunicare · 8 months
Breast tumor enlarges the carcinogen list: chemical suspects are more than what was thought
Recent statistics indicate that breast cancer is the most prevalent form of cancer and the major cause of cancer-related mortality among women across the world. In the U.S., the lifetime risk of women developing breast cancer is double that of the risk of developing lung cancer. Furthermore, the incidence of breast cancer among younger women is increasing, with mortality rates due to breast…
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covid-safer-hotties · 14 days
also preserved at the archive
By: Jessica Wildfire
You don't need me to tell you how bad it's getting.
I'll tell you anyway, though.
As we drown in endless waves of Covid that generate millions of infections and thousands of deaths per week, our leaders have effectively stripped away every tool we have. They prefer a society that sacrifices themselves for short-term economic and political gains and then becomes ripe clientele for the pharmaceutical industry. They collude with the media to push out a daily barrage of misinformation aimed exclusively at ensuring we continue to work, shop, and vacation, because that's what they care about. Meanwhile, they do absolutely nothing about pandemics on the way as dozens of diseases spread out of control, at levels 10 times worse than normal. As the World Health Organization sounds alarms, telling us "we have arrived in the post-antibiotic era," and that we faced a future pandemic up to 20 times worse than Covid, our leaders focus on vibes. That last part should get our attention. Yes, we are here. We have arrived in the time when superbugs aren't responding to antibiotics. If that weren't bad enough, they're preying on our weakened immune systems.
And bird flu has likely gone human to human.
But it's not hopeless.
Four years ago, we looked to plants to protect us from pathogens because vaccines and treatments weren't coming anytime soon. The minute those vaccines and antivirals came out, most people forgot all about plants. They reverted to their old assumptions that plants were for hippies.
Well, here we are again.
Our vaccines and treatments are failing, and when they work they're often in short supply, or we can't even get access to them. Moms and dads are rolling out the NyQuil in little cutesie Facebook posts, along with all the pills that treat the symptoms but leave the disease itself to roam free all over your body.
We can do better.
As we mask while demanding clean air and better medicine, it's time to revisit those plants and see what they can do.
Do they even work?
Yeah, they do.
A 2024 review of studies in Viruses identified 10 different plant compounds with broad antiviral properties and effectiveness specific to Covid (and in many cases several other viruses). As they write, "plat-derived molecules can tackle viruses by acting on different aspects of their infection process" and "inhibit coronavirus/host protein pathways" by blocking them. The authors initially identified 45 different compounds and then narrowed them to the 10 most effective.
Plants work because they contain terpenoids, flavonoids, phenols, and alkaloids that all demonstrate "high anti-viral potential against SARS-CoV-2 particles" as well as other viruses. They do this in a variety of ways that work across variants because they block virus entry while also tamping down replication and essentially "stopping its life cycle."
Sounds good to me...
Let's get into it.
First, ginkgo biloba contains two bioflavonoids called quercetin and rutin that can block Covid's 3CLPro BS PL-pro enzymes, as demonstrated in two different studies that looked at how they bind to parts of the spike protein. According to an article in Nature, 3CLPro plays a central role in virus replication, specifically for Covid. Ginkgo also contains kaempfero that inhibits Covid's envelope protein E, "consequently suppressing virus activity and proliferation." G. Biloba also brings an anti-inflammatory effect that can help with recovery as well.
Second, turmeric and curcumin "can either bind directly to the receptor binding domain of the viral S-proteins or secure ACE2 receptors of the hosted cell." Basically, they stop viral entry into your cells. As the authors write, a curcumin derivative called bi-demethoxycurcumin "displayed the best binding affinity" to spike proteins.
It also works on the original SARS virus.
Third, a common spice called artemesia annua demonstrated antiviral activity in clinical trials. The group who took an artemisia compound called artemisinin-piperaquine "took significantly less time to reach undetectable levels of SARS-CoV-2 than the controls." In fact, artemisinins "are known for their extended-spectrum antiviral activity." An artemisia derivative called artesunate has shown effectiveness against both DNA and RNA viruses including hepatitis and HIV.
Artemesia compounds work similar to ginkgo by latching on to five different parts of the spike protein "which might explain its remarkable binding affinity." In addition to flavonoids like quercetin, researchers have identified di-caffeoylquinic acid as doing a lot of the heavy lifting here. Like curcumin, these flavonoids also bind to ACE2 receptors on your cells and protect them. Medical researchers are working on refining these compounds into artenimol, a single high-potency compound for giving to patients.
Fourth, nigella sativa (black cumin seeds) have shown antiviral activity by disrupting viral RNA transcription. Carvacrol and nigellidine extracted from these seeds "can block ACE2 receptors, thus inhibiting the SARS-CoV-2 entry into the host cells."
Fifth, ginger (6-gingerol, 8-gingerol, 10-gingerol) can inhibit parts of the Covid spike protein. Specifically, it's the bioactive compounds geraniol, shogaol, zingiberene, and zingiberenol that do the blocking.
Sixth, garlic (allium sativum) shows antiviral activity. It contains compounds called allicin, ajoene, and garlicin that work against several viruses in the same ways as the other compounds, by targeting spike proteins, disrupting transcription, and protecting your cells' entry channels.
Cinnamon at 50 ug/ml operates the same way as the other compounds, by blocking host cell entry and viral replication. Rosemary (rosmarinus officinale) shows effectiveness in blocking viral activity, even in a study that compared it to the antivirals remdesivir and favipiravir.
Want an unusual suspect?
It's dandelion.
Dandelion extract has shown to be "effective against influenza virus infection" and in higher concentrations "showed efficacy against spike proteins... and its different mutants" in human lung and kidney cells, while also helping to prevent the cytokine storm that's often so deadly in the acute stage. Here in particular, studies have shown that dandelion extract works regardless of the variant.
Finally, oregano (origanum vulgare) extract demonstrates antiviral activity against many DNA and RNA viruses, including Covid and HIV. As the authors write, extracts "showed remarkable efficacy against equine influenza virus, canine coronavirus, RS, and H1N1. In fact, it can inhibit up to 74 percent of viral activity at certain sites.
Again, carvacrol does the heavy lifting.
I've looked at other supplements and extracts with antiviral properties. They include grapeseed extract, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, echinacea, St. John's-Wort, and elderberry.
A 2024 study found that oleuropein, found in olive leaf extract, demonstrates high antibacterial activity at 130 mg/ml and high antifungal activity at 65 mg/ml. Another 2022 study found that oleuropein showed significant effectiveness against Covid in hospitalized patients when they were given 250-500 mg every 12 hours for five days. (No real difference between 250 and 500 mg.) The study also reviews previous research that oleuropein has shown effectiveness against other viruses, including HIV and influenza. It works the same way as other flavonoids, lectins, secoiridoids, and polyphenols, by blocking ACE2 receptors.
A 2022 study reviews available research on elderberry (sambucus nigra), confirming antiviral activity against HIV, flu, and coronaviruses. As the researchers write, adults in clinical trials "showed a significant reduction in symptoms, averaging 50 percent." Elderberry has also shown the ability to stimulate the production of immune cells. A 2019 study confirms that elderberry works against flu via "multiple modes of therapeutic action," including the inhibition of replication and host cell entry. An extensive 2021 study looking at prior research found that high-quality elderberry extracts enriched with anthocyanin work especially well.
A 2022 study in Nature found that a mixture of St. John's Wort (hypericum perforatum) and Echinacea showed significant antiviral activity against Covid. Specifically capsules with .9 mg of St. John's "can significantly reduce SARS-CoV-2 viral load," peaking at 36 hours after the start of treatment.
St. John's Wort works just fine on its own. The authors stress the importance of maintaining its concentration if you add other compounds like echinacea.
That said, a 2022 study in Frontiers in Pharmacology found that echinacea at 4,000 mg for 10 days led to a substantial reduction in viral load and fewer hospitalizations when used to treat Covid patients.
Here's a chart docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cTJ3lXHPUW7AyrZPXQb63IjmhVbahRm_7Y5IMxKcqO8/edit?usp=sharing&ref=okdoomer.io
You can also look up most of these supplements and extracts on Mount Sinai's health library. They'll give you a good breakdown. It's a good idea to talk with a doctor if you're skeptical or not sure about interactions with other drugs, or look at the studies on your own. The studies linked in the sheet provide the most detailed dose information I can find, usually presented in a table. Duration runs around two weeks for an acute illness and 3-4 months for chronic infections like HIV.
Do I think it's sustainable to take high amounts of supplements all year long to ward off all kinds of airborne diseases, for the rest of our lives? Not really. That's why we absolutely need clean indoor air, masks, better vaccines, and better treatments. Until then, at least we have this information.
List of studies raindrop.io/JW_Lists/alternative-treatments-47681852
So there you have it.
If you've been wondering whether this stuff really works, the answer appears to be a loud yes. We need more research on dose amounts, but the studies all point in the direction of taking as much as you can while staying within the safe limits, for the duration of any time you feel at risk of getting sick.
Most of these extracts work against multiple viruses. They also help regulate your immune system and push it toward a less inflammatory response.
That's good to know.
My family has been using some of these supplements for several years, and it might explain why we've managed to steer clear of Long Covid. We still wear N95 masks everywhere. We advocate for clean air and better vaccines, along with better treatments. In the meantime, it looks like we can up our supplement game and that it's actually going to bring some benefit.
This isn't magic.
These plant compounds work the same way as many of the antivirals on the market. Medical researchers have been researching the antiviral properties of plants for decades, and cultures have used them for thousands of years. Given our current outlook, they're worth taking seriously.
Use what you can.
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Tabachnikova and her colleagues found striking patterns in the blood from patients with long COVID. They detected abnormal activity in immune cells called T-cells, which help fight infection, reactivation of viruses latent in the blood, such as Epstein-Barr, and precipitous declines in cortisol, a hormone that regulates stress.  Epstein-Barr virus causes mononucleosis and is found in the blood of  95 percent of humans worldwide. After a person is first infected with Epstein-Barr, the virus may stop producing viral particles, but the genome lies dormant in a person’s blood cells. During instances of stress and reduced immune cell function, as when a person contracts COVID, the virus may reactivate��and begin proliferating.  The finding aligns with research showing that people with detectable levels of Epstein-Barr virus at the time of COVID diagnosis are more likely to develop long COVID symptoms like fatigue, mucousy coughs, and memory problems, compared to those without detectable levels of the virus.  The researchers also found that long COVID patients had higher levels of IL-8 and galectin-1, proteins involved in regulating inflammation, as well as much lower levels of cortisol. Decreases in cortisol levels are also associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, which could explain why some of the symptoms long COVID sufferers experience are similar to those found in chronic fatigue syndrome, says Tabachinkova.
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insectghost · 1 year
quick worldbuilding note: It’s hard to express this visually, but the dwarves aren’t blind, from the back of the skull to behind the nostril the sides and top of their heads are covered in photoreceptor cells, with a good concentration around the two bumps where the skull meets the neck.
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all the other members of their clade have the “eyes” on the snout, but without the neck bumps. the more precise vision came with the development and proliferation of fire. (expect a small redesign of this guy when i get to it)
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