#celrond arranged marriage AU
runawaymun · 20 days
Celrond arranged marriage BLEASE
This one is crawling along but here, have a bit more :D
“Have either of you two seen a fox at all?” Celeborn asked, “We spotted prints coming this way and the dogs picked up the scent, but…”  He looked utterly puzzled. A big white hound trotted up to him. Celeborn patted his head, asked him for the scent, and looked even more puzzled when all the dog did in response was twist his head around to give Elrond a baleful look. Celebrían glanced over at Elrond, who looked perfectly calm, and then back at her father. Then she said as evenly and sweetly as she could: “No, we haven’t seen anything this way, have we, Lord Elrond?”  “I am afraid not,” Elrond said, in the exact same tone. “But perhaps it crossed the stream there,” he gestured to the one they had just passed. “And the hounds lost the scent.”  Celeborn pursed his lips. Behind him, the king sat on his white horse, giving Elrond a very hard look, eyes narrowed, mouth twitching in that way it did when he was trying to hide a smile. Elrond ignored him.
WIP game
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runawaymun · 6 months
From the Celrond Arranged Marriage AU:
“Wear them for me, at least,” Gil-Galad had said with good humor, and then teased: “It’s tiresome when you look so utterly dour.”
Thanks Jaz!!! ❤️
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runawaymun · 11 months
Trick or treat! Can you tell me anything about / post snippets from celrond arranged marriage or boundless sky? 💙💙💙
hi hi hi <3 happy halloween!
por qué no los dos?
Here is a bit more of the Fox scene that I've recently been working on in the Arranged Marriage AU, and then also a little snippet of Boundless Sky :)
From the arranged marriage AU:
Neither of them knew quite what to say after that. Thankfully, they were saved from further embarassment a moment later by rustling in the underbrush. Elrond’s hand shot to his sword hilt.  Out popped a set of orange, pointy ears, followed by a snout. A fox jumped into the clearing. Celebrían gasped in delight. Elrond relaxed, then dropped to a crouch, tugging her with him.  Then, to her surprise, Elrond stretched out his hand and called the fox hither, his voice sing-song and sweet and so enchanting that even Celebrían, in spite of herself, shuffled a little closer until they brushed shoulder to shoulder, kneeling there on the loamy soil. The fox’s ears swiveled toward him, and then slowly he began to creep over. In the distance, the sound of the barking, baying hounds began to grow louder. Celebrían realized with horror that the Hunt had swung back around to head straight for them, and that this little fox was, indeed, their quarry.  Elrond urged the fox closer, then cautiously closed the distance, murmured something under his breath that sounded like a spell, and scooped the creature up and bundled him beneath his cloak.   “The hounds will still smell him,” Celebrían said, getting to her feet and dusting off her knees.  Something sly the color of pure starlight flashed in Elrond’s eyes. He smiled and answered: “Don’t worry for the fox, Lady Celebrían. I have a way with dogs. Come stand by me, won’t you?”  She did, eyeing the little squirming creature nosing its way up through the collar of Elrond’s cloak. He gently pushed it back down into hiding and muttered something soothing to it, and then it stayed very still. 
- and from a future chapter of Boundless Sky:
“I am not asking you to trust him,” Elrond said quietly. “I am asking you to trust me, just as you have all these long years. He wants nothing save to be left in peace. He is sworn to me now; he is loyal to me.” His mouth tightened into something that was not quite a smile. “You know a Fëanorian will cleave to his oath.”  Istiel’s face was hard. Her fist stayed curled on the arm of her chair. She looked away from him, thinking. “If he stays in your house. If he does not venture into the city unattended. You keep your dog leashed.”  “You have my word,” Elrond said, though he bristled a little at the metaphor.  “Then…” Istiel ground her jaw. “Fine. I am able to live with that.”  Next to Elrond, Erestor leaned forward and pressed: “And the others?”  “They won’t be happy… but they won’t make trouble.”  “That’s all I ask,” Elrond replied. “Thank you.”
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runawaymun · 1 year
🌀 for the ask game!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
In a universe where elves actually have arranged marriages (at least, the rulers among them do), what better way is there to seal an alliance than a wedding?
We're in the years leading up the the forming of the Last Alliance. Sauron is on the move. Relations between the Noldorin and Sindarin peoples are still tenuous at best, but they need to come together as one unit if they're going to have any chance in the war to come. Galadriel puts forth her daughter Celebrían, the joy, jewel, and darling of Lothlórien, half Sindarin and half Noldorin and beloved by both. Gil-Galad isn't interested in a match, but he's more than happy to offer up his herald, Elrond, as proxy.
And if her daughter is to be wed, and not to the High King, Galadriel supposes it should be to none other than the last surviving heir to the lines of Elu Thingol and Fingolfin himself.
Elrond isn't happy about this, but who is Elrond to deny Gil-Galad anything? He has pledged his life to him. His imminent death, too. What does a betrothal matter? He's going off to war soon, a war they'll likely lose and/or he'll likely die in. It's doubtful that they will ever have to consummate the marriage!
And so, Elrond consents to court Celebrían.
Very tsundere x tsundere slowburn, rife with miscommunication because Elrond won't stop putting his foot in his mouth and he and Cel have VASTLY different ideas of how this betrothal is going to end, a bit of enemies to mutual pining (they're DUMBASSES) to lovers. Elrond and Celebrían are stupidly competent at everything but each other. Spans the last few years of the Second Age and the first few years of the Third. Probably will include a bit of Celrond spice, as a treat.
WIP ask game
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runawaymun · 11 months
👻 "Trick or treat!"🎃
(And Happy Halloween!)
Happy halloween!!
Here's a little bit of the Celrond arranged marriage AU :)
Gil-Galad said something to introduce them. Elrond didn’t hear it. He watched her dip into a fluid curtsey, watched the way her lush pink mouth turned up in a polite smile— her eyes were so green. Had he ever seen eyes so breathtakingly green? They sparkled like sea glass beneath her thick, lovely eyelashes. Oh, Elrond’s cheeks were burning. The following silence was so thick it could have been cut like a cake. Gil-Galad cleared his throat.  Elrond kicked himself, dipped his head in response, and said: “It’s a pleasure to see you again, Lady Celebrían. You look…uh— well.”  “I am well, thank you,” Lady Celebrían said, and offered him her hand. He could feel Gil-Galad’s shoulders shaking with silent laughter and pointedly ignored him.
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runawaymun · 8 months
For the WIP game, what about ‘lost’ and ‘found’ please?
Oooh thank you!
I have "lost" in Beneath a Boundless Sky:
Elladan lost count of the number of orcs, but they shambled in rings, holding pale torches aloft, some banging skin drums, all singing.
I use "found" a lot more, I discovered! Here it is in the Celrond arranged marriage AU:
“That isn’t what I mean! Ai, I am making a mess of things again—“ the last he muttered under his breath in Quenya. “You’re— you—“ he was turning so red that she feared he might combust, and hated herself for how adorable she found it.
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runawaymun · 8 months
Guessing game: "hand"?
From the Celrond arranged marriage AU (bc weirdly the most recent instance of 'hand' from Boundless sky is a spoiler)
Celebrían stopped walking and let go of his hand, clasping hers together in front of her and finding a flowerbush to study.
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runawaymun · 6 months
🍾 pls?
From the Celrond arranged marriage AU:
Celebrían sent her mother the ósanwë equivalent of a disgusted scoff and: fine.
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runawaymun · 1 year
YESSSS thank you!!! :D
Here's three new sentences!
Out popped a set of orange, pointy ears, followed by a snout. A fox jumped into the clearing. Celebrían gasped in delight. Elrond relaxed, then dropped to a crouch, tugging her with him.
I posted a snippet of Boundless Sky that I wrote in the past seven days, along with the file names of 5 WIPs. Send me a title of one of those WIPs and then I have to write three new sentences in that file and post them here.
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runawaymun · 1 year
Celrond Arranged Marriage AU for the non-wednesday WIP game!
Ah shit. Thanks for forcing me to make some progress on this!!! :D
Here are my three new sentences:
Neither of them knew quite what to say after that. Thankfully, a moment later, they were saved from further embarrassment by rustling in the underbrush. Elrond’s hand shot to his sword hilt.
I posted a snippet of Boundless Sky that I wrote in the past seven days, along with the file names of 5 WIPs. Send me a title of one of those WIPs and then I have to write three new sentences in that file and post them here.
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runawaymun · 8 months
I’m going with “thumped” “froze” and “melted” for the wip ask these are all words I’ve noticed you use before. Ily 🥰
ily too!!!! 🥰🥰🥰
"Froze/Frozen/Freeze" from Beneath a Boundless Sky:
Next to him, Elrohir was frozen stiff and trembling.
"Melted/Melt/Melts" from the Celrond Arranged Marriage AU:
Elrond resolved then and there that yes, if he returned from the War, then he would dissolve the engagement and melt the rings.
And I don't have "thump/thumped" in any of my unpublished bits rn (but you're right though I do use it a lot. It's such a good onomatopoeia)
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runawaymun · 8 months
"Darling", "rest", and "sweet" for the wip ask?
Thank you!!!
The only time I've used "darling" is in the Elrondir modern verse AU:
Thranduil reclined back into his chair with a cheshire smile. “Lindir. Isn’t he a darling thing?”
"Rest" I have in the secondary meaning of the word in my Celrond arranged marriage AU:
Elrond stared out the window at the trees swaying in the cool, moist morning air, and eventually the rest of the table elected to ignore them and talk turned —as usual— to Sauron, and strategy, and the Rings.
"Sweet" is also in the Celrond arranged marriage AU!
 She seemed to float like some ethereal creature, and was just as shapely and sweet as he remembered.
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runawaymun · 8 months
What about 'arranged' or 'marriage'?
I don't have arranged, but I do have arrangement from my Elrondir modern coffeeshop AU
It was nights like these, when a migraine throbbed behind his eyes and every single voice around him sounded akin to a thousand forks scraping across a thousand plates, with too many eyes and too many hollow compliments, that he questioned whether or not this whole arrangement with Thranduil was worth it.
And marriage, from the Celrond arranged marriage AU:
Marriage, Elrond thought, was a slippery thing. It required a home. A nest.
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runawaymun · 1 year
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
Her hair— that silver curtain of curls which he had admired since the first time he had met her— tumbled long and loose around her shoulders after the Sindarin custom, scintillating between white and silver and purple and blue, this way and that like a masterfully cut gemstone.
From the Celrond Arranged Marriage AU that needs a title! :)
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runawaymun · 1 year
(Celrond arranged marriage wip) lbr elrond totally wants to consummate the marriage with celebrian bc she’s sexy and thicc as fuck (she’s a literal goddess) but she’s also stubborn as fuck & has made it clear she wasn’t into an arranged marriage
They’re BOTH stubborn as fuck and neither of them are into an arranged marriage. It’s very much a situation where they mutually are drooling over each other but both are too stubborn to admit it & also they can’t stop fighting & bitching at each other long enough to make out 🙄
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runawaymun · 8 months
Words hmmmmm…. Let’s try some light/dark words! shine, sunset, sunrise, moonlight, dim.
yesss ok!
No shine in any of my WIPs,
Sunset, in Boundless Sky:
The air was turning cold in the sunset.
No sunrise either,
Moonlight, in my Celrond arranged marriage AU:
Celeborn’s hair was a stream of moonlight against the emerald-green backdrop of the trees.
and no dim, but I do have 'dims', from To Partake:
Elrond shakes his head, his eyes slipping shut; the white light filling the room dims, then brightens again when he opens them to look over at Erestor.
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