#central government scheme
navinsamachar · 2 days
उत्तराखंड के सर्वश्रेष्ठ कृषि पर्यटन ग्राम सूपी की सफलता की कहानी, अपार संभावनाएं और भविष्य की बड़ी चुनौतियाँ...
डॉ. नवीन जोशी @ नवीन समाचार, नैनीताल, 20 सितंबर 2024 (Story of UKs Best Agro-Tourism Village Soopi-Ntl) । केंद्रीय पर्यटन मंत्रालय की ओर से ग्रामीण पर्यटन को बढ़ावा देने के लिए उत्तराखंड के चार गांवों को अंतरराष्ट्रीय पर्यटन दिवस पर 27 सितंबर को नई दिल्ली में सर्वश्रेष्ठ पर्यटन ग्राम पुरस्कार से सम्मानित किया जाएगा। इन चार गांवों में उत्तरकाशी जिले के जखोल गांव को साहसिक पर्यटन व हर्षिल गांव को…
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townpostin · 29 days
Govt Unveils Unified Pension Scheme for Central Employees
New UPS offers choice between NPS and unified plan, set to launch April 1st Cabinet approves Unified Pension Scheme, granting central government staff option between NPS and UPS. New plan promises 50% of final salary as minimum pension after 25 years. NEW DELHI – The Cabinet has greenlit the Unified Pension Scheme (UPS), presenting central government employees with a choice between the existing…
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narmadanchal · 10 months
Health Scheme Jabalpur Bharti 2023 : स्वास्थ्य योजना के अन्‍तर्गत निकली लेखापाल सहित अन्‍य पदों पर बंपर भर्ती
Home Page केंद्र सरकार स्वास्थ्य योजना जबलपुर भर्ती 2023 (Health Scheme Jabalpur Bharti 2023) Health Scheme Jabalpur Bharti 2023 : केंद्र सरकार स्वास्थ्य योजना जबलपुर (Central Government Health Scheme Jabalpur) ने लेखापाल सहित अन्‍य पदों की पूर्ति के लिए 03 पदों पर भर्ती निकाली हैं। इक्छुक उम्मीदवार दिनांक 20/11/2023 से 08/12/2023 तक आवेदन कर इंटरव्‍यू में शामिल हो सकते है। सरकारी और प्राईवेट…
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sagar-jaybhay · 10 months
Best Kisan Credit Card Central Government Schemes Nov 2023
New Post has been published on https://majornewshub.com/kisan-credit-card-central-government-schemes/
Best Kisan Credit Card Central Government Schemes Nov 2023
किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड केंद्र सरकार योजना (Kisan Credit Card Central Government Schemes)
विवरण (Details)
कृषकों को उनके कृषि अनुप्रयोगों के लिए पर्याप्त और समय पर ऋण प्रदान करने का उद्देश्य रखकर केसीसी योजना को शुरू किया गया था।
भारत सरकार कृषकों को 2% की ब्याज सब्सिडी और 3% की त्वरित चुकाने की प्रोत्साहन देती है, जिससे क्रेडिट 4% प्रति वर्ष की एक बहुत ही सब्सिडाइज्ड दर पर उपलब्ध होता है।
यह योजना किसानों की निवेश ऋण आवश्यकता के लिए भी विस्तारित की गई थी, जैसे कृषि से संबंधित और गैर-कृषि गतिविधियों के लिए, 2004 में और इसे बहुत सरल बनाने और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक किसान क्रेडिट कार्डों की जारी करने के उद्देश्य से 2012 में श्री टी.एम. भासिन, भारतीय बैंक के सीएमडी, के अध्यक्षता में एक कामगार समूह द्वारा पुनर्विचार किया गया।
इस योजना ने केसीसी योजना को संचालित करने के लिए बैंकों के लिए मार्गदर्शिका प्रदान की।
क्रियान्वयन करने वाले बैंकों को संस्थान/स्थान-विशेष आवश्यकताओं को सुझावों के अनुसार अपनाने की विशेषाधिकार होगी।
उद्देश्य (Objective / Purpose)
किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना का उद्देश्य निम्नलिखित के तहत किसानों को बैंकिंग सिस्टम से पर्याप्त और समय पर ऋण सहायता प्रदान करना है जो एक सिंगल विंडो तहत सुगम और सरल प्रक्रियाओं के साथ कृषि और अन्य आवश्यकताओं के लिए किसानों को उपलब्ध किया गया है:
फसलों के खेती के लिए लघुकालिक ऋण आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करने के लिए;
कटाई का खर्च;
उत्पाद विपणन ऋण;
किसान परिवार की खपत की आवश्यकताएं;
खेती संपत्ति के रखरखाव के लिए कार्यित पूंजी और कृषि से संबंधित गतिविधियों के लिए कार्यित पूंजी;
कृषि और संबंधित गतिविधियों के लिए निवेश ऋण आवश्यकता।
कार्ड के प्रकार (Type of Card)
एक मैग्नेटिक स्ट्राइप कार्ड जिसमें पिन (व्यक्तिगत पहचान ��ंख्या) होती है, और आईएसओ आईआईएन (अंतरराष्ट्रीय मानक संगठन अंतरराष्ट्रीय पहचान संख्या) होती है ताकि सभी बैंकों के एटीएम और माइक्रो एटीएम तक पहुँच सके।
उन मामलों में जहां बैंक सेंट्रलाइज्ड बायोमेट्रिक प्रमाणीकरण संरचना (UIDAI की आधार प्रमाणीकरण) का उपयोग करना चाहेगी, वहां UIDAI के बायोमेट्रिक प्रमाणीकरण के साथ मैग्नेटिक स्ट्राइप और पिन वाले डेबिट कार्ड आईएसओ आईआईएन के साथ प्रदान किए जा सकते हैं।
डेबिट कार्ड जिनमें मैग्नेटिक स्ट्राइप हो और केवल बायोमेट्रिक प्रमाणीकरण हो, वे बैंक के ग्राहक आधार पर भी प्रदान किए जा सकते हैं। जब तक UIDAI व्यापक नहीं होता है, बैंक इसे अंतरसंवादीता के बिना अपनी मौजूदा सेंट्रलाइज्ड बायोमेट्रिक संरचना का उपयोग करके शुरू करना चाहते हैं, तो वे ऐसा कर सकते हैं।
बैंक ईएमवी (यूरोपे, मास्टरकार्ड और वीजा, एक ग्लोबल मानक अंतरसंवादित सर्किट कार्डों के लिए) और रुपे के पात्र चिप कार्ड जारी करने का चयन कर सकते हैं, जिनमें मैग्नेटिक स्ट्राइप और पिन और आईआईएन होती है।
इसके अतिरिक्त, बायोमेट्रिक प्रमाणीकरण और स्मार्ट कार्ड आईडीआरबीटी और आईबीए के द्वारा प्रारंभिक मानकों का पालन कर सकते हैं। यह उन्हें इनपुट डीलर्स के साथ संवाद करने की सुविधा देगा और उन्हें अपनी उत्पादों की मंडियों, खरीद केंद्रों आदि में बिक्री करते समय अपने खातों में बिक्री की रकम को जमा करवाने की सुविधा भी देगा।
निविदान संचार केंद्र (Delivery Channels)
निम्नलिखित निविदान संचार केंद्र स्थापित किए जाएंगे ताकि किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड किसानों द्वारा उनके केसीसी खाते में वास्तविक रूप से लेन-देन के लिए प्रयोग किया जा सके।
एटीएम / माइक्रो एटीएम के माध्यम से निकासी
स्मार्ट कार्ड का उपयोग करके बीसी (बैंकिंग सेवा प्रदाता) के माध्यम से निकासी
इनपुट डीलर्स के माध्यम से पीओएस मशीन
एमपीएस क्षमताओं / आईवीआर के साथ मोबाइल बैंकिंग
आधार सक्षम कार्ड
लाभ (Benefits)
क्रेडिट सीमा/ऋण राशि का निर्धारण: किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड के लिए क्रेडिट सीमा फसलों के लिए वित्त पोषण, बोये गए क्षेत्र, कटाई के बाद की जरूरतें, घरेलू जरूरतें, रखरखाव व्यय, बीमा आदि के आधार पर निर्धारित की जाती है। अनुक्रमिक वर्षों के लिए सीमा में लागत बढ़ने और अवधि के ऋण घटकों को शामिल किया गया है।
निवेश के लिए अवधि ऋण: इसमें भूमि विकास, छोटी नलीयां, कृषि उपकरणों की खरीद, और संबंधित कृषि गति��िधियों शामिल हैं। क्रेडिट की मात्रा निर्धारित की जाती है जोसे संपत्ति की लागत, मौजूदा कृषि गतिविधियों, उसकी अतिरिक्त क्षमता की समीक्षा, और किसान पर कुल ऋण बोझ आदि का ध्यान रखते हुए।
लंबे समय के ऋण सीमा: पाँच वर्षीय अवधि के दौरान प्रस्तावित निवेशों और किसान की वापसी क्षमता के आधार पर लंबे समय की ऋण सीमा निर्धारित की जाती है।
अधिकतम परमिटेबल लिमिट (एमपीएल): यह पाँचवें वर्ष के लिए लघुकालिक ऋण सीमा और अनुमानित लंबे समय की ऋण आवश्यकता का एकीकृत योग होता है, जो किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड की अधिकतम सीमा के रूप में कार्य करता है।
अन्य से उप-सीमाओं का निर्धारण ग्रहणकर्ताओं के लिए: लंबी अवधि के लिए ऋण और छोटी अवधि के लिए अलग-अलग ब्याज दरों में होते हैं। साथ ही, वर्तमान में, लंबी अवधि के लिए ऋणों को ब्याज सब्सिडी योजना / त्वरित चुकाने की प्रोत्साहन योजना के तहत शामिल किया गया है। इसलिए, कार्ड सीमा को छोटी अवधि के नकद ऋण और अवधि ऋण के लिए अलग-अलग उप-सीमाओं में विभाजित किया जाना है।
खींचाव सीमाएँ: छोटी अवधि के नकद ऋण की खींचाव सीमा फसलों के पैटर्न के आधार पर तय की जाती है, जो किसान को आवश्यकतानुसार राशि निकालने की सुविधा प्रदान करती है। अगर किसी वर्ष जिला स्तरीय समिति द्वारा वित्त पोषण की संशोधना 10% से अधिक होती है, तो नई खींचनीय सीमा तय की जा सकती है और किसान को उसके बारे में सलाह दी जाती है। यदि इस तरह की संशोधनों से किसान की लिमिट बढ़नी चाहिए (4 वें या 5 वें साल में), तो वह संशोधन किया जा सकता है और किसान को इसकी सलाह दी जाती है। अवधि ऋणों के लिए, किसी निवेश की प्रकृति और वापसी अनुसूची के आधार पर अंशदान की अनुमति दी जा सकती है। सुनिश्चित किया जाना चाहिए कि किसी भी समय पर कुल दायित्व वर्ष की खींचनीय सीमा के भीतर हो। कहाँ-कहाँ पर कार्ड सीमा / दायित्व अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा की आवश्यकता हो, वहां बैंक अपनी नीति के अनुसार उपयुक्त गारंटी ले सकते हैं।
योग्यता (Eligibility)
किसान – व्यक्तिगत/संयुक्त ऋण लेने वाले जो मालिक खेतिहर हैं।
किरायेदार किसान, मौखिक पट्टेदार और भागीदार।
स्व-सहायता समूह (एसएचजी) या किसानों के संयुक्त दायित्व समूह (जेएलजी) जिनमें किरायेदार किसान, भागीदार आदि शामिल हैं।
आवेदन प्रक्रिया
ऑनलाइन (Online)
जिस बैंक के लिए आप किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड योजना के लिए आवेदन करना चाहते हैं, उसकी वेबसाइट पर जाएं।
विकल्पों की सूची से, किसान क्रेडिट कार्ड का चयन करें।
‘आवेदन’ के विकल्प पर क्लिक करने पर, वेबसाइट आपको आवेदन पृष्ठ पर पुनर्निर्देशित करेगी।
आवश्यक विवरणों के साथ फ़ॉर्म भरें और ‘सबमिट’ पर क्लिक करें।
ऐसे करने पर, एक आवेदन संदर्भ संख्या भेजी जाएगी। यदि आप पात्र हैं, तो बैंक आपके लिए अगली प्रक्रिया के लिए 3-4 कार्यकारी दिनों के भीतर संपर्क करेगा।
ऑफ़लाइन (Offline)
आवेदन बैंक की शाखा में जाकर किया जा सकता है, जिसकी आपकी पसंद हो, या बैंक की वेबसाइट से आवेदन पत्र डाउनलोड करके भी किया जा सकता है।
आवेदक शाखा जा सकते हैं और बैंक के प्रतिनिधि की मदद से आवेदन प्रक्रिया शुरू कर सकते हैं।
आवश्यक दस्तावेज़ (Documents Required)
आवेदन पत्र।
दो पासपोर्ट साइज फोटोग्राफ।
आईडी प्रूफ जैसे ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस / आधार कार्ड / मतदाता पहचान पत्र / पासपोर्ट।
पता साबित करने वाला दस्तावेज़ जैसे ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस, आधार कार्ड।
भूमि के स्वामित्व का प्रमाण पत्र, जो राजस्व अधिकारियों द्वारा प्रमाणित हो।
फसलों के साथ बोये जाने वाले पैटर्न (किस प्रकार की फसल बोई गई है) और कृषि भूमि का अनुमानित क्षेत्र।
ऋण सीमा रुपये 1.60 लाख से अधिक / रुपये 3.00 लाख से अधिक के लिए सुरक्षा दस्तावेज़, जैसा लागू हो।
मंजूरी के अनुसार कोई अन्य दस्तावेज़।
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visionranking · 1 year
Exploring Opportunities: Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Embarks on a Journey of Trade Apprentice Recruitment 2023
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In an exciting development, Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) has unveiled a captivating opportunity through their recent advertisement (No. F/TTI/NAPS/ITI/2023-24/05), beckoning qualified individuals to partake in the HAL Bangalore Trade Apprentices Recruitment 2023. This remarkable initiative falls under the purview of the revered 1961 Apprentice Act, representing HAL's commitment to nurturing talent. Aspiring candidates with their sights set on Central Government employment within Karnataka are warmly invited to grasp this chance, as the application window unfurls from August 4, 2023, to August 31, 2023.
A Pathway to Excellence: HAL's Apprenticeship Drive The gateway to a promising future, this HAL recruitment extends an invitation to candidates who have successfully traversed the journey of Craftsmen Training Scheme (CTS) and those with ex-ITI qualifications. A generous canvas of 1060 vacancies awaits those who are ready to embark on this transformative journey. The application process stands open, inviting candidates to submit their aspirations directly to the designated address or channel them through the esteemed District Employment Exchanges.
Elevating Meritocracy: HAL's Unique Selection Approach Embodying a spirit of meritocracy, HAL will craft its merit list by carefully weaving together the academic achievements of the applicants. The orchestration of communication will be a symphony played across the channels of the HAL website, SMS alerts, emails, and phone calls to inform the chosen ones. Upholding transparency and integrity, the application process will entail the submission of educational credentials, coupled with a seamless ID verification process.
Charting a Course to Excellence: The Journey of a HAL Apprentice The chosen individuals embarking on this journey will find themselves at the crossroads of potential, as they embrace a year of immersive training at prestigious locations like TTI, HAL, and Bangalore. This coveted opportunity offers a platform for growth, honing skills, and cultivating expertise within a nurturing environment. The selection list, merit lineup, results, and forthcoming employment openings will be illuminated on the official HAL website, further underscoring HAL's commitment to an open and inclusive process.
In the tapestry of HAL's history, the chapter of 2023 shines bright with the promise of talent empowerment and aerospace brilliance. Aspiring minds are encouraged to dive into this sea of opportunities and partake in HAL's legacy of excellence. For those eager to learn, grow, and soar, HAL's Trade Apprenticeship Recruitment 2023 stands as a gateway to a future adorned with innovation and achievement.
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kokaniudyojak · 1 year
Central Bank of India Recruitment : थेट मॅनेजर पदावर काम करण्याची संधी, सेंट्रल बँक ऑफ इंडियामध्ये १००० रिक्त पदांसाठी भरतीला सुरुवात.
Central Bank of India Recruitment :- सेंट्रल बँक ऑफ इंडियाने व्यवस्थापक पदासाठी 1000 रिक्त जागांसाठी अधिसूचना प्रसिद्ध केली आहे. ज्या उमेदवारांना सेंट्रल बँक ऑफ इंडियामध्ये जॉईन किंवा नोकरी करायची आहे त्यांनी ही पोस्ट शेवटपर्यंत तपासा. CBI बँक भरतीसाठी ऑनलाइन अर्ज करण्याची अंतिम तारीख १५ जुलै २०२३ आहे. इच्छुक आणि पात्र उमेदवारांनी या भरतीपूर्वी ऑनलाइन अर्ज करावा. अर्ज करण्याशी संबंधित सर्व माहिती…
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thebharatexpress · 2 years
पुरानी पेंशन पर केंद्र सरकार का बड़ा ऐलान! योजना की बहाली की मांग कर रहे कर्मचारियों को कही ये बात
old pension scheme latest news: केंद्र सरकार ने अपने कर्मचारियों को पुरानी पेंशन योजना (ओपीएस) की बहाली की मांग को लेकर हड़ताल या विरोध में भाग लेने पर चेतावनी दी है और इनमें भाग न लेने की बात भी कही है। हाल ही में कार्मिक और प्रशिक्षण विभाग (डीओपीटी) ने सभी मंत्रालयों को भेजे पत्र में कई निर्देश दिए गए हैं। बता दें कि पुरानी पेंशन योजना को लेकर देश में बहस छिड़ी हुई है। इसको लेकर सरकारी…
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grantsuk · 2 years
Free Central Heating, Central Heating Grants, Gov Uk Grants
Free central heating refers to a system of heating a building or a home using a central source of heat, such as a furnace or a boiler that is provided at no cost to the occupants. This type of heating is typically provided by a government agency or a utility company as a public service. In some cases, free central heating may be offered to low - income households or to people with disabilities as a form of assistance. For further information, visit https://govukgrants.co.uk/
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newscontinuous · 2 years
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warningsine · 2 months
Bangladeshi student protesters stormed a prison and freed hundreds of inmates Friday as police struggled to quell unrest, with huge rallies in the capital Dhaka despite a police ban on public gatherings.
This week's clashes have killed at least 105 people, according to an AFP count of victims reported by hospitals, and emerged as a momentous challenge to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's autocratic government after 15 years in office.
Student protesters stormed a jail in the central Bangladeshi district of Narsingdi and freed the inmates before setting the facility on fire, a police officer told AFP on condition of anonymity.
"I don't know the number of inmates, but it would be in the hundreds," he added.
Dhaka's police force took the drastic step of banning all public gatherings for the day -- a first since protests began -- in an effort to forestall another day of violence.
"We've banned all rallies, processions and public gatherings in Dhaka today," police chief Habibur Rahman told AFP, adding the move was necessary to ensure "public safety".
That did not stop another round of confrontations between police and protesters around the sprawling megacity of 20 million people, despite an internet shutdown aimed at frustrating the organisation of rallies.
"Our protest will continue," Sarwar Tushar, who joined a march in the capital and sustained minor injuries when it was violently dispersed by police, told AFP.
"We want the immediate resignation of Sheikh Hasina. The government is responsible for the killings."
'Shocking and unacceptable'
At least 52 people were killed in the capital on Friday, according to a list drawn up by the Dhaka Medical College Hospital and seen by AFP.
Police fire was the cause of more than half of the deaths reported so far this week, based on descriptions given to AFP by hospital staff.
UN human rights chief Volker Turk said the attacks on student protesters were "shocking and unacceptable".
"There must be impartial, prompt and exhaustive investigations into these attacks, and those responsible held to account," he said in a statement.
The capital's police force earlier said protesters had on Thursday torched, vandalised and carried out "destructive activities" on numerous police and government offices.
Among them was the Dhaka headquarters of state broadcaster Bangladesh Television, which remains offline after hundreds of incensed students stormed the premises and set fire to a building.
Dhaka Metropolitan Police spokesman Faruk Hossain told AFP that officers had arrested Ruhul Kabir Rizvi Ahmed, one of the top leaders of the main opposition Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).
"He faces hundreds of cases," Hossain said, without giving further details on the reasons for Ahmed's detention.
'Symbol of a system'
Near-daily marches this month have called for an end to a quota system that reserves more than half of civil service posts for specific groups, including children of veterans from the country's 1971 liberation war against Pakistan.
Critics say the scheme benefits children of pro-government groups that back Hasina, 76, who has ruled the country since 2009 and won her fourth consecutive election in January after a vote without genuine opposition.
Hasina's government is accused by rights groups of misusing state institutions to entrench its hold on power and stamp out dissent, including by the extrajudicial killing of opposition activists.
Her administration this week ordered schools and universities to close indefinitely as police stepped up efforts to bring the deteriorating law and order situation under control.
"This is an eruption of the simmering discontent of a youth population built over years due to economic and political disenfranchisement," Ali Riaz, a politics professor at Illinois State University, told AFP.
"The job quotas became the symbol of a system which is rigged and stacked against them by the regime."
'Nation-scale' internet shutdown
Students say they are determined to press on with protests despite Hasina giving a national address earlier this week on the now-offline state broadcaster seeking to calm the unrest.
Nearly half of Bangladesh's 64 districts reported clashes on Thursday, broadcaster Independent Television reported.
The network said more than 700 people had been wounded throughout Thursday including 104 police officers and 30 journalists.
London-based watchdog NetBlocks said Friday that a "nation-scale" internet shutdown remained in effect a day after it was imposed.
"Metrics show connectivity flatlining at 10% of ordinary levels, raising concerns over public safety as little news flows in or out of the country," it wrote on social media platform X.
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townpostin · 2 months
SBI Hosts Event to Highlight Government Schemes for Entrepreneurs
Adityapur branch organizes customer meet to promote Central initiatives State Bank of India’s Adityapur branch held an informative session for local entrepreneurs about Central government schemes. JAMSHEDPUR – The State Bank of India (SBI) Adityapur branch organized a customer meet at an Adityapur hotel to educate local entrepreneurs about Central government schemes. The event, which took place…
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fatehbaz · 1 year
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Despite its green image, Ireland has surprisingly little forest. [...] [M]ore than 80% of the island of Ireland was [once] covered in trees. [...] [O]f that 11% of the Republic of Ireland that is [now] forested, the vast majority (9% of the country) is planted with [non-native] spruces like the Sitka spruce [in commercial plantations], a fast growing conifer originally from Alaska which can be harvested after just 15 years. Just 2% of Ireland is covered with native broadleaf trees.
Text by: Martha O’Hagan Luff. “Ireland has lost almost all of its native forests - here’s how to bring them back.” The Conversation. 24 February 2023. [Emphasis added.]
[I]ndustrial [...] oil palm plantations [...] have proliferated in tropical regions in many parts of the world, often built at the expense of mangrove and humid forest lands, with the aim to transform them from 'worthless swamp' to agro-industrial complexes [...]. Another clear case [...] comes from the southernmost area in the Colombian Pacific [...]. Here, since the early 1980s, the forest has been destroyed and communities displaced to give way to oil palm plantations. Inexistent in the 1970s, by the mid-1990s they had expanded to over 30,000 hectares. The monotony of the plantation - row after row of palm as far as you can see, a green desert of sorts - replaced the diverse, heterogenous and entangled world of forest and communities.
Text by: Arturo Escobar. "Thinking-Feeling with the Earth: Territorial Struggles and the Ontological Dimension of the Epistemologies of the South." Revista de Antropologia Iberoamericana Volume 11 Issue 1. 2016. [Emphasis added.]
But efforts to increase global tree cover to limit climate change have skewed towards erecting plantations of fast-growing trees [...] [because] planting trees can demonstrate results a lot quicker than natural forest restoration. [...] [But] ill-advised tree planting can unleash invasive species [...]. [In India] [t]o maximize how much timber these forests yielded, British foresters planted pines from Europe and North America in extensive plantations in the Himalayan region [...] and introduced acacia trees from Australia [...]. One of these species, wattle (Acacia mearnsii) [...] was planted in [...] the Western Ghats. This area is what scientists all a biodiversity hotspot – a globally rare ecosystem replete with species. Wattle has since become invasive and taken over much of the region’s mountainous grasslands. Similarly, pine has spread over much of the Himalayas and displaced native oak trees while teak has replaced sal, a native hardwood, in central India. Both oak and sal are valued for [...] fertiliser, medicine and oil. Their loss [...] impoverished many [local and Indigenous people]. [...]
India’s national forest policy [...] aims for trees on 33% of the country’s area. Schemes under this policy include plantations consisting of a single species such as eucalyptus or bamboo which grow fast and can increase tree cover quickly, demonstrating success according to this dubious measure. Sometimes these trees are planted in grasslands and other ecosystems where tree cover is naturally low. [...] The success of forest restoration efforts cannot be measured by tree cover alone. The Indian government’s definition of “forest” still encompasses plantations of a single tree species, orchards and even bamboo, which actually belongs to the grass family. This means that biennial forest surveys cannot quantify how much natural forest has been restored, or convey the consequences of displacing native trees with competitive plantation species or identify if these exotic trees have invaded natural grasslands which have then been falsely recorded as restored forests. [...] Planting trees does not necessarily mean a forest is being restored. And reviving ecosystems in which trees are scarce is important too.
Text by: Dhanapal Govindarajulu. "India was a tree planting laboratory for 200 years - here are the results." The Conversation. 10 August 2023. [Emphasis added.]
Nations and companies are competing to appropriate the last piece of available “untapped” forest that can provide the most amount of “environmental services.” [...] When British Empire forestry was first established as a disciplinary practice in India, [...] it proscribed private interests and initiated a new system of forest management based on a logic of utilitarian [extraction] [...]. Rather than the actual survival of plants or animals, the goal of this forestry was focused on preventing the exhaustion of resource extraction. [...]
Text by: Daniel Fernandez and Alon Schwabe. "The Offsetted." e-flux Architecture (Positions). November 2013. [Emphasis added.]
At first glance, the statistics tell a hopeful story: Chile’s forests are expanding. […] On the ground, however, a different scene plays out: monocultures have replaced diverse natural forests [...]. At the crux of these [...] narratives is the definition of a single word: “forest.” [...] Pinochet’s wave of [...] [laws] included Forest Ordinance 701, passed in 1974, which subsidized the expansion of tree plantations [...] and gave the National Forestry Corporation control of Mapuche lands. This law set in motion an enormous expansion in fiber-farms, which are vast expanses of monoculture plantations Pinus radiata and Eucalyptus species grown for paper manufacturing and timber. [T]hese new plantations replaced native forests […]. According to a recent study in Landscape and Urban Planning, timber plantations expanded by a factor of ten from 1975 to 2007, and now occupy 43 percent of the South-central Chilean landscape. [...] While the confusion surrounding the definition of “forest” may appear to be an issue of semantics, Dr. Francis Putz [...] warns otherwise in a recent review published in Biotropica. […] Monoculture plantations are optimized for a single product, whereas native forests offer [...] water regulation, hosting biodiversity, and building soil fertility. [...][A]ccording to Putz, the distinction between plantations and native forests needs to be made clear. “[...] [A]nd the point that plantations are NOT forests needs to be made repeatedly [...]."
Text by: Julian Moll-Rocek. “When forests aren’t really forests: the high cost of Chile’s tree plantations.” Mongabay. 18 August 2014. [Emphasis added.]
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mariacallous · 16 days
In late August 2023, Ilya Gambashidze was in a conference room at the office of Social Design Agency, a Russian IT company he founded that is based in Moscow, close to the world-renowned Moscow Conservatory. Gambashidze was relatively unknown in Russian politics at the time, but just a month earlier his name had appeared on a Council of the European Union’s list of Russian nationals subjected to sanctions for playing a central role in a sprawling disinformation campaign against Ukraine.
In the conference room, Gambashidze was laying out his plans for a new target: Along with his colleagues, he began drafting what would become known as the Good Old USA Project. The project was supposed to influence the outcome of the US presidential election in favor of former president Donald Trump, specifically targeting certain minorities, swing-state residents, and online gamers, among others, in a scheme that included a full-time team dedicated to the cause.
On Wednesday, Gambashidze and his company were named by the US Department of Justice among the architects of a disinformation campaign known as Doppelganger that has for the past two years been targeting Ukraine and, more recently, US elections. The Doppelganger campaign uses AI-generated content on dozens of fake websites designed to impersonate mainstream media outlets such as The Washington Post and Fox Business, using a network of fake social media accounts to disseminate pro-Russian narratives targeting audiences across the globe. Doppelganger is a Kremlin-aligned disinformation campaign that was first linked to the Kremlin in 2023 by the French government.
On Wednesday, the Justice Department announced the seizure of 32 internet domains it says are linked to the Doppelganger campaign which violate US money laundering and criminal trademark laws.
“Today’s announcement exposes the scope of the Russian government’s influence operations and their reliance on cutting-edge AI to sow disinformation,” FBI director Christopher Wray said in a statement. “Companies operating at the direction of the Russian government created websites to trick Americans into unwittingly consuming Russian propaganda.”
The Treasury Department had previously sanctioned SDA and Gambashidze in March for its part in the Doppelganger campaign. But the court documents unsealed on Wednesday contain a treasure trove of documents and meeting notes from Gambashidze and his colleagues, outlining in unprecedented detail the goals and tactics that the Kremlin has been deploying in order to influence the outcome of the 2024 US election.
The records also reveal the plan was discussed at the highest levels of the Russian government, with Sergei Kiriyenko, the first deputy chief of staff of the presidential executive office, playing a key role. The notes appear to show that President Vladimir Putin may have been updated on the campaign; in one meeting with Russian government officials, Gambashidze wrote that government officials told him they had “reported to the President about the project,” which the FBI agent who authored the affidavit said he took to refer to Putin.
The documents show that the orchestrators of the campaign targeted existing divisions within US society, using racist stereotypes and far-right conspiracies to target supporters of former president Donald Trump.
​​"They are afraid of losing the American way of life and the ‘American dream,’” Gambashidze writes in one document outlining his “guerrilla media” plan. “It is these sentiments that should be exploited in the course of an information campaign in/for the United States.”
The same document is full of racist and conspiratorial claims, including that Republicans are “victims of discrimination of people of color.” It adds that white middle-class people are being discriminated against with high inflation and rising prices, while “unemployed people of color end up being privileged groups of the population.”
And the goal of the campaign, from the beginning, was crystal clear: “To secure victory for [Donald Trump],” Gambashidze wrote in the Good Old USA Project planning document.
The Good Old USA plan openly admits that “none of the significant American politicians can be considered pro-Russian or pro-Putin,” and so rather than focus its efforts on trying to convince people that Russia is great, the plan called for promoting the idea that the US should be focusing its resources less on Ukraine and more on domestic issues, such as rising inflation and high gas prices.
“It makes sense for Russia to put a maximum effort to ensure that the Republican Party’s point of view (first and foremost, the opinion of Trump supporters) wins over the US public opinion,” the Good Old USA Project planning document reads. “This includes provisions on peace in Ukraine in exchange for territories, the need to focus on the problems of the US economy, returning troops home from all over the world, etc.”
As well as getting Trump elected, the campaign’s secondary goals included increasing the percentage of Americans who believe the US is doing too much to aid Ukraine to 51 percent, and reducing the percentage of Americans who have confidence in President Joe Biden down to 29 percent.
The plan lists a variety of audiences the campaign specifically wants to target, including residents of swing states, American Jews, “US citizens of Hispanic descent,” and the “community of American gamers, users of Reddit and image boards, such as 4chan.”
The document describes this category of gamers and chatroom users as the "backbone of the right-wing trends in the US segment of the Internet.” In recent months, the Trump campaign has embraced many of the most influential figures within these communities, including many who share deeply misogynistic rhetoric on a regular basis.
To spread their narrative, the plan called for the creation of YouTube channels that shared pro-Trump content as well as other viral videos (“music, humor, beautiful girls etc,” according to the documents) in order to appear at the top of search results for “US elections.”
Meanwhile, Gambashidze and his colleagues used Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit to create community groups of Trump supporters, with one sample name given as “Alabama for America the Great.” The document also reveals that the Russians planned to use Reddit as a vector to disseminate their propaganda as it is a platform “free from democratic censorship.”
Gambashidze’s plan outlined how Doppelganger would create 18 “sleeper cells” on social media platforms in each of the swing states, which would “at the right moment, upon gaining momentum, become an important instrument of influencing the public opinion in critically important states and portals used by the Russian side to distribute bogus stories disguised as newsworthy events.” It’s unclear if these so-called sleeper cells were created and, if so, whether they are still present on the platform.
The campaign also used targeted ads on Facebook to not only promote their narrative but also to gain valuable insight into what messages were sticking and which were falling flat. “Targeted advertising in Facebook allows tracking reactions of users to the distributed material in real time and directing the psychological response group to contribute to comments thereof,” the document reads. “With the help of a network of bots the psychological response group moderates top discussions and adjusts further launches depending on which group was affected the most.”
One of the key aspects of the Kremlin’s campaign is also to engage with influencers. According to the FBI’s affidavit, Gambashidze’s company ​​“extensively monitors and collects information about a large number of media organizations and social media influencers.”
According to the Good Old USA project document, the Kremlin was seeking to work with influencers who are “proponents of traditional values, who stand up for ending the war in Ukraine and peaceful relations between the US and Russia, and who are ready to get involved in the promotion of the project narratives.”
Among the types of influencers listed as possible collaborators are actors, politicians, media representatives, activists, and clergymen.
The affidavit references one document maintained by the Social Design Agency, which is not included in the unsealed court documents, that contains a list of more than 2,800 people identified as influencers. While this list is global, US-based influencers account for around 20 percent of the accounts being monitored, including many US lawmakers, according to an analysis of the list by the FBI.
The Social Design Agency also maintains another list, again not included in the court documents, that tracks over 1,900 “anti-influencers” from 52 different countries, with US-based accounts. The FBI agent who authored the document assessed that “anti-influencer” refers to accounts which post “content that SDA views as contrary to Russian objectives.”
In a note from one of the meetings with Russian government officials discussing the campaign’s use of influencers, Gambashidze wrote: “We need influencers! A lot of them and everywhere. We are ready to wine and dine them.” Though no links have been confirmed, hours before the Doppelganger affidavit dropped on Wednesday, Tenet Media, an organization that features a slate of right-wing commentators, was alleged in an unsealed Department of Justice indictment to have been largely funded by Russian state-backed news network RT.
The Social Design Agency operation appeared to be extremely well-run and well-resourced. There is a “project office” consisting of four teams that include one entire group dedicated to monitoring the social media posts from GOP lawmakers in order to generate ideas for topics to cover.
These would then be handed to a “text factory," with orders to whittle down the topics handed to them by the monitoring team to four to five main issues, along with eight to 10 basic posts for social media platforms and 40- to 60 comments to post under those social media posts for the network of bots. Another team was called the “manga editorial office,” which was charged with producing a daily output of three to four images, including memes. Finally, a video team was tasked with producing three to four videos each day.
“In order for this work to be effective, you need to use a minimum of fake news and a maximum of realistic information,” the document’s authors wrote. “At the same time, you should continuously repeat that this is what is really happening, but the official media will never tell you about it or show it to you.”
Antibot4Navalny, a group of anonymous Russian researchers who have been closely tracking Doppelganger’s activity, are doubtful that the affidavit will have a significant impact on the campaign’s activity.
“Frankly, I believe it's whack-a-mole as long as EU providers keep doing business with [Social Design Agency], and UK-registered shell companies keep helping SDA with its operation,” the researchers told WIRED, citing their own investigations earlier this year.
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sparkplgggrrrrrrr · 26 days
Modern day Affogato AU
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✦ Characteristics:
For the sake of confusion, we’ll call this AU version of affogato „corpogato” because he runs a big ass company, obviously named Affocorp because he’d NEED his name plastered everywhere in the cacao kingdom, but in the modern day it would be called “The Cacao Republic”, as I believe it would be a communist country. The Cacao Republic is based off South Korea and Modern China. With the two cultures blending, representing the choco and coffee cookie descendants being in a cultural melting pot. This is not to be orientalist or mix two completely different cultures or ideas. The cacao republic faced a similar cultural revolution to China, heavily industrializing in its later days, and cacao’s leadership costed thousands of lives even if it wasn’t intentional. Many cacao residents suffered under said communism. For the conditions of these people, I referenced my own family’s experience in communism and stories I’ve read in books.
Affocorp is this mega corporation that started out as an unethical pharmacy, based on canon affogato’s link to medicine malpractice. At the time this pharmacy was called Affolabs, founded when Corpogato was just thirty. He has a master’s degree in pharmaceutical chemistry, so he is well aware of what substances do what, but he isn’t too concerned of the harm. The scientists backing him were apart of a union he started in secret, composed of underpaid scientists with a vendetta against Dark Cacao. Soon enough, they practically became his most loyal subjects.
Affolabs created pills that were advertised as pain medicine and antibiotics, but they were either placebo or hallucinogenic. Some even made the symptoms of ailments worse so they bought more. This “get rich quick scheme” seemed to work pretty well for the soon-to-be corporate giant, because corpogato got the “BRILLIANT” idea,, to look at other avenues of manufacturing. Keep in mind, this man is fucking evil. He’s not a misunderstood villain, he’s not morally grey, he’s EVIL. VILE. FOUL. PUTRID. So, he looked at the rise of online clothing shopping, and how people were just looking for affordable clothing. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he found a poor community, and took advantage of their labor. He set up a sweatshop, one of horrid conditions, set in the coldness of the northern cacao countryside. These workers had a terrible life ahead of them. Corpogato made their lives miserable, only working for a few coins an hour., yet the clothing was labeled as ethical, made from choco bamboo fibers or recycled material.
While he ran this hellscape, he set up his clothing brand extension: Affoexpress. Affoexpress was very much like what you think of when you imagine fast fashion. Think of it like Shein, Zara, or Romwe. Affoexpress, little by little, gained popularity, before exploding in sales with many cacao residents for its affordable prices. Many cacao residents are in poverty or at least close to it, because cacao cannot for his life manage the republic’s money, leading to a command economy. Corpogato jumped on this shit immediately. He took advantage of his preexisting close ties with cacao to “take his place.” He essentially began to expand the branches of his companies to manufacture more and more products until eventually he could make it so people could ONLY buy his products. As this plan took motion, he centralized his companies, it was now Affocorp. Each of his other companies were now just branches of Affocorp, so he could now keep a watchful eye on all of them. Corpogato had a stiff hold on his employees, he had practically a cult following on social media, and a quite literal cult underneath the layers of Affocorp. The cult in secret was very ritualistic, made up of Corpogato’s early team of scientists, who have slowly been brainwashed into unwavering loyalty. Affogato now with government power, as he did take advantage of his closeness with Cacao, bought properties, and housed his most loyal subjects. They viewed him as their savior, getting them out of the grasp of poverty, “saving their career” and now they repay him by practical worship. Corpogato made it get to a point to where they started to view him as a prophet of sorts, as Corpogato slowly laced their food and residential running water with the very substances they created.
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Affoexpress started to sell more than just clothing, they began to sell cheap electronics and mini appliances. In order to do this, corpogato had to set up more and more factories, contributing to the growing air pollution of the cacao republic, leading the cacao citizens to go to his companies for medicine and masks to wear for protection from the air.
He essentially made the cacao people rely on his affocorp for every day life. Under all of this was something more sinister if you thought it couldn’t get any worse, corpogato was looking at oil drilling in secret, because once you get ahold of oil, you get ahold of the world.
Design choices:
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His cult emblem, its central to his body because it is central to his existence, he cannot keep on if his cult cannot.
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He was given soft curls as it was remnant of his milk ancestry.
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His jacket was based off of his Silla Era hanbok in his canon design.
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I imagine affogato has weak knees, as he probably grew up malnourished with a genetic disposition to low iron from a very young age, which can lead to various health problems. So his staff is likely functional, and that’s why I gave him a dripped out cane.
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These pants are based off of the “Baji” or pants of the hanbok.
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His eyes were tilted further to the center of his face to have a more direct stare, like he’s staring into your thoughts. I also gave him little blush marks because he’d likely apply that to appear more approachable and harmless. I also gave him a wrinkle thing that most older cookies have because this man is probably pushing 50.
If you use the sprite anywhere credit would be kewl
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racefortheironthrone · 11 months
In a world where Robb Stark wins his war and manages to consolidate his realm, with the 7K being no more, lets assume he also annexes the northern crownlands too, what kind of council or burocracy would he establish to govern and how much of your economic development plans could he reasonably carry out in his lifetime and how could he unify his 2 realms economy into a cohesive unit?
In a Stark victory scenario, I think annexing the northern Crownlands would be an overstretch and something of a distraction from more important tasks (like bringing the Iron Islands and the Vale into his sphere of influence so that he can govern a geographically, economically, and politically coherent kingdom/coalition of northern Westeros).
To quote King Robb:
"Duskendale, on the narrow sea? Why would they go to Duskendale?" He'd shook his head, bewildered. "A third of my foot, lost for Duskendale?"
What matters in a brand-new Kingdom of the North is things like whether Gulltown accepts silver coins minted in White Harbor with Robb's face on them as valid payment for debts and taxes, or whether the Ironborn agree to keep their reaving south of Ironman's Bay, or whether the Stark navy can keep the Trident open all the way to the Bay of Crabs so that the Riverlands can keep trading directly with Braavos.
I did some back-reading through various economic development posts to see what I'd said in the past about the tricky scenario of how one balances the interests of multiple kingdoms in pursuing economic development. One of the things I'm noticing is that there are some reforms where there is real issues with competition/duplication of efforts (a Kingdom of the North can probably only support one Bank, one canal scheme, one sub-treasury system, one purchasing/marketing cooperative, etc.), some reforms where individual kingdoms can pursue their own goals but where there would be an issue about how the king balances the rewards he's doling out between the kingdoms (do you put your marginal dragon into winter schools and greenhouses for the North or church schools for the Riverlands or roads for the Vale?), and some where every kingdom can pitch in in a common effort (if there's going to be one sub-treasury plan, you're going to need a network of granaries along waterways from the Last River down to the Trident, the same information about how to improve agricultural productivity can be shared between the North, the Riverlands, and the Vale basically for free, etc).
That being said, one of the major political challenges of the Kingdom of the North was always going to be how you balance the interests of the component kingdoms and make everyone feel like the central government is giving them a fair deal and being attentive to their interests - and as you say, forging them into a cohesive economy would go a long way into doing that. So for example, one priority should be in working out reciprocity in trade between the newly-chartered cities. It certainly helps that a bunch of them (White Harbor, Gulltown, Maidenpool, Lord Harroway's Town, Saltpans) are along the same coast of the Narrow Sea or just upriver from the Narrow Sea, which makes close trade links more likely. However, you're going to want to make formal legal arrangements that, when it comes to port fees and staple fees and warehousing fees and the like, all of the North's cities agree to set them as low as possible for other Northern cities (if not an outright zollverein), and that burgher rights are transferrable between cities and that city ordinances will be honored by other cities, and so on.
In terms of "council or burocracy would he establish to govern," Robb was already taking a decent first step to bolster Lord Paramount Edmure Tully by appointing Brynden the Blackfish as Warden of the Southern Marches.
As I've written before, issuing city charters would be a crucial element of governing the Riverlands effectively. Giving Maidenpool, Lord Harroway's Town, Stoney Sept, Fairmarket, and Seagard a combination of economic and political self-governance would paradoxically allow King Robb to project royal authority more effectively - especially when it comes to generating revenue and manpower and enforcement of economic regulations.
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feminist-space · 6 months
"We are fundraising to purchase 288,000 3M 9501+ KN95 masks from government surplus!
Our goal is $9,000 to win the auction and pay for transportation of the masks from VA to mask blocs across the country.
These include mask blocs in DC, Northern Southern and Central Virginia, New Orleans, St. Louis, and Champaign Urbana, New York City, Kansas City, Tulsa, Knoxville, Long Island and more.
Currently, a pallet of 12,000 KN95 masks is 200 dollars each. We are aiming to buy as many pallets as possible and deliver them to whoever wants them! If you want to support but can't contribute, consider sharing this to your socials.
#MaskBloc #MaskDistribution ⁠fundraising #COVIDIsntOver #MutualAid"
"We’ve made contact with the seller, and they’ve agreed to sell them directly at $200/palette!
By buying directly instead of through the auction, we will definitely be getting these masks. The only question is how many.
The more money we raise, the more palettes we can buy, and the more transportation we can pay for to get these masks to communities across the country!
ALMOST HALFWAY THERE!!! LETS GOOO!!!! Thank you all for your support, sharing and contributions. Speaking on behalf of all of the organizers, we are so stoked that this campaign is going well and about how many masks we are going to be able to get. Thank you!!!
Alt text: Flyer with periwinkle and orange color scheme. Text at the top says “Mask Fundraiser. Joint mask bloc effort (14+ blocs). Bulk discount on high-quality KN95s at surplus sale. Every dollar makes a dent. Asterisks. $4=240 masks. $200=12,000 masks. Goal: 280,000 masks.”
Underneath is an image of a large metal shipping container with 10 big visible cardboard boxes. Next to that is an illustration of a hand holding a white respirator with ear-loop straps that shows the text “kn95 gb2626-2019.”
Text at the bottom of the flyer says “donate: tinyurl.com/bulk-kn95s. Going to mask blocs in: DC, Northern/Southern/Central Virginia, New Orleans, St. Louis, Champaign Urbana, Chicago, New York City, Kansas City, Tulsa, Knoxville, Long Island, Cincinnati, San Jose & more. To be distributed for free to all of our communities.” Asterisks mentioned at top of flyer are resolved here, with an asterisk next to text that says “Portion of money also going toward transport and associated costs.""
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