#ceo of the first alastair verlac fic
Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 20/Epilogue
Summer 1908; Paris
Little Jasper Carstairs was running around the halls of his brother’s home, gigging and squealing as he went.
He was being chased by his brother’s partner, Thomas Lightwood, who was currently the tagger in their little game.
“You can’t catch me, Tommy! I’m going way too fast for you!” he called out, looking behind him to see if Thomas had indeed caught up with him.
He laughed gleefully when he realized that he had indeed outrun him. But his joy was short-lived as a pair of arms scooped him up.
It was his older brother, Alastair, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Dadash! Quick! You have to hide me from Tommy!”
“And why should I do that?”
“Because I want to win at tag!”
Alastair had a questioning look on his face and Jasper began to pout. “I don’t know. That doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for me to help you.”
“Please, Lassie, please!”
Alastair was about to respond but was interrupting by two muscular arms wrapping around his waist and lifting the two of them up. Jasper giggled as it happened.
“I caught you, Jasper! And your brother, too.” Thomas pressed a kiss to Alastair cheek, causing the latter to roll his eyes.
“Put us down, you idiot. Dinner is almost ready and both of you need to wash your hands.”
Thomas looked at Alastair with faux-shocked look. “We aren’t that dirty, darling! Tell him, Jasper.”
“Yeah, dadash! We aren’t dirty at all!”
“You still need to wash your hands, both of you.” Alastair said with a bit of finality, so neither one would question it.
Thomas put both of them down with a sigh, Jasper automatically running to the sink to wash his hands. He turned to his lover with a smirk on his face, leaning down to kiss him.
“I love you, Alastair Jahan Verlac Lightwood-Carstairs.” he whispered in his ear.
Alastair smiled, happier than he had been in a long time. “And I love you, Thomas Gideon Lightwood-Carstairs.”
The end.
It started as a oneshot, but here we are, two years and twenty chapters later!
It’s finally the end, you guys!!! Thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning and has stuck through to the end. Seriously, you guys deserve the senior discount for this blog-
But anyways, thank for you for supporting me as I wrote my first multi-chapter fic! It’s been a long journey but it’s finally over!
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 19
March 1904; Cirenworth
It had been two months since Jasper had been born. And two months since Alastair’s mother had died, but no one wanted to mention that.
And now Alastair had decided to move Jasper and himself to Cirenworth, determined to fix it up and make it a home for the two of them. He had informed Thomas of his plans, not really giving him a choice in the matter.
Which lead to now, Thomas was standing in front of the door to Cirenworth, taking a deep breath and attempting to steady himself before he just walked in and turned everyone’s lives upside down.
Or at least he hoped he wouldn’t.
For all he knows, Alastair might not even like a big gesture like this. He might hate it and send him back to London without a second thought.
And just as he was about to talk himself out of it and change his mind, a familiar voice called out his name.
“Tom?” It was Alastair, coming out from the garden with a baby buggy. He had a confused look on his face and a single eyebrow raised, making Thomas start to flush with having been caught. “What are you doing here?”
“I,um…” he swallowed his nerves and started on his speech. “I’m here to ask if I can court you-”
Alastair interrupted him. “Excuse me? Court me? Thomas, you must be joking.”
“I’m serious. Now, can I please continue?”
“No. Why me? Why not anyone else?”
“Because…because you’re Alastair Jahan Carstairs. Or Verlac, or Turan, or whatever it is you want your last name to be. I don’t care because I’m in love with you and I want to court you because that’s what you deserve.” Thomas couldn’t believe that he had said any of that out loud. Much less to Alastair himself.
The man in question seemed a bit skeptical. “Really? And what happens when you grow tired of me and this life? Do you really want to risk it all for me? I’m not worth it.”
“Yes, you are. You’re worth it to me.”
“And what about Jasper then? You’re eighteen, you don’t need to worry about playing parent to a child that isn’t even yours.”
“And you’re nineteen doing the same thing.”
Alastair scowled at him, but Thomas knew he didn’t really mean it. He was just running out of excuses to turn him down.
“I want to try, Alas. Please let me try.”
He walked over to Alastair and caressed his cheek with his hand. Alastair leaned into his touch. “Please let me try.” Thomas whispered to him, putting their foreheads together.
“Okay. Let’s try.”
Okay one more chapter to go! I’m literally going to start crying-
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 18
One Week Later…
Alastair looked down at his baby brother, who was sleeping peacefully in his bassinet, completely unaware of everything that had happened surrounding his birth.
He was an innocent being, untouched by the trauma that Alastair had endured during his childhood. He gurgled a bit in his sleep, a small smile lighting up his face.
Alastair couldn’t help but feel envious of him. Asleep without a care in the world, not knowing the feeling of a heavy burden weighing down on his shoulders. And Alastair would make sure it stayed that way for him, no matter what it takes.
“He needs a name. We can’t just call him dadash forever.” A voice said from behind him. Cordelia.
She was leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed against her chest with a small smile on her face.
“I have an idea for a name.”
“Oh really, do tell?”
Alastair picked their brother up out of his bassinet and faced him toward Cordelia. “Jasper Theodor Carstairs. Bringer of treasure, gift of God. A perfect name for a Carstairs boy. Fitting, don’t you think?”
Cordelia took Jasper from Alastair’s arms and smiled. “Welcome to our family, Jasper. You’ll love it here.”
*dance music starts playing* Guess who’s back? Back again!
It’s short but sweet and I love it
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It’s the one year anniversary of Castle Towers Fall
Excuse me, but I’m a little emotional about it
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Me in December 2020, starting Castle Towers Fall: It’s only going to be about five chapters
Me now, ten months and fifteen chapters later: Well, that didn’t go the way I planned
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 15 *Angst Warning* *TW PTSD, Panic Attacks, Mentions of Abuse* *Mentions of El*as Carstairs*
Alastair felt like he couldn’t breathe. It physically pained him to breath. Why did it have to hurt so much?
He wanted to be prepared for what his mother was going to say. He wanted her to say things about his biological father, how he was better than Elias, that he would’ve loved him.
But she didn’t.
She went on and on about Elias and how bad she felt for putting them through that. Putting him through that.
And she kept saying how good Elias had been in the beginning. How it wasn’t so bad, that he was a good father, better than he was later.
What a load of bullshit.
Maybe it was true, just maybe. But the Elias she had known wasn’t the same one he had known, same with Cordelia.
The Elias he knew was the one he dragged home drunk every night from the age of ten. The Elias he knew who would hit him on nights when the alcohol fueled his anger, rather than soothe it.
But to his mother, that was the same Elias she met and fell in love with. The father of two of her children. She couldn’t hate him and they both knew that. She couldn’t hate the man who gave her two of the best things in her life.
That Elias was the Baba to his sister, who read her storybooks and played games in the garden with her. The father who was always sick, but was amazing when he felt better.
Elias was nothing to the baby. He was merely someone who contributed half of his genes to him. But there was no doubt that he would be something to the baby. From stories told by Cordelia and his mother, this baby would never know the horribleness of his father.
Alastair would never be able to escape him. And that thought made the pain in his chest blossom farther down.
He felt like he was drowning.
Nobody could save him when he was ten years old and no one could do it now.
He wanted to scream and cry and he wanted it all to stop hurting all at the same time.
Why did it have to hurt so much? It was the only clear thought he had in his mind, everything else was garbled gibberish, all mixed up together as they raced and ran as fast as they could.
He slumped against a wall somewhere in the Silent City, he didn’t even know how far he’d ran at this point. He just wanted to get as far away as possible from his mother before he said anything else he’d regret. 
His legs were so tired from all the running, his whole body was tired. His brain was tired.
He just wanted everything to stop. He didn’t even care if it was for five minutes, he just wanted everything to stop.
He wanted the pain in his chest to go away, he wanted to breath again, but right now it seemed impossible.
“Alastair?” He heard his name being called but it was muffled, like his head was under water:
“Alastair? Can you hear me?”
Yes, I can, is what he wanted to say, but his mouth couldn’t form the words.
“Alastair, it’s Thomas. Can you hear me? Please answer me.”
It’s Thomas, why was he here?
Tom, he tried to say, he wanted to scream.
Why couldn’t he speak?
He could see Thomas’s mouth start to move, but he could barely hear him.
“Alastair, I need you to breath with me, okay? In and out.” Thomas placed Alastair’s hand on his chest. “Follow my breathing.”
In and out…
In and out…
In and out…
He could do this, he just needed to breath.
Blame Ly, she started the angst war @thomas-thedavid-lightwood
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I don’t know what everybody was expecting with Castle Towers Fall, because it definitely shouldn’t be fluff
It’s called Castle Towers Fall for a reason
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Because Ly @thomas-thedavid-lightwood has decided to post angst, I have decided to post the next chapter of Castle Towers Fall and no one is prepared for this
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Tag List Update!!!
I’m updating the tag list on Castle Towers Fall!
If you want to be tagged, are already tagged and have changed your tag, or want to be removed; please tell me!
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My brain: You should write the next chapter of Castle Towers Fall
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 12 *Major Angst*
January 1904; The Silent City
Cordelia smiled down at her new baby brother as he slept quietly in her arms. Alastair had gone to see if there’s any update on their mother, even though he was still a bit shaky from fainting earlier. Their cousin Jem, otherwise known as Brother Zachariah, had attended to him and assured her that it was just a combination of low sleep and extreme stress.
Alastair had even been forced to promise that he would take it easy and actually sleep after this whole ordeal with their mother was over. He’d done it with an eyeroll but Cordelia knew he would listen.
The baby in her arms started to fuss and stretching out his arms and legs within the swaddle. His face was all scrunched up and tears were starting to well up in his face.
“Hush, joon. It’s alright, it’s alright.” she cooed, rocking him in her arms. He calmed considerably with a small smile, opening his eyes. “You need a name, don’t you, dadash? We can’t just call you nicknames forever, you might never know you’re real name if we do that. We might just have to wait for Mâmân to tell us what you’re name is, hm?” Her brother started to gurgle, showing off his gummy smile.
Someone cleared their throat. Cordelia turned to see Alastair leaning against the door frame. “We won’t have to wait long, Mâmân wants to see all of us. The Silent Brothers just told me.” Alastair said, pushing himself off the door frame and turning on his heel.
Cordelia held their brother closer to her chest and followed behind him. “Do you think everything’s alright? With Mâmân, I mean?”
Alastair wasn’t looking at her when he replied. “I don’t know, Cordelia. I really don’t know.”
Cordelia, not Layla. That means this must be serious, a lot more serious than anyone is letting on.
Their mother was laying on a bed when they walked into the room. She looked so tired, even if she was trying not to show it. She smiled weakly at them when she heard them come in, beckoning them closer with her hand.
“Children, come here. Come sit with me.” she said in a quiet voice. Cordelia sat down first and shifted to make her brother more comfortable when she did so. Alastair was still standing in the doorway, almost like he was scared to come into the room fully. “Alastair, come sit, please.” her mother sounded desperate at the last word.
Alastair complied and sat down with his whole body riddled with tension. He was avoiding looking at any of them, preferring to pick at the skin on his hands.
Her mother made a grabbing motion with her hands, reaching out for the baby sleeping in Cordelia’s arms. “I haven’t gotten to hold him yet. How has he been, azizam?”
“Perfect, Mâmân. He’s absolutely perfect.” Cordelia gushed as she shifted her brother into her mother’s arms. He started to cry loudly, his tiny arms flailing around.
“Hush, eshgham. Mama’s here, it’s alright. You’re alright.” she cooed, looking utterly enamored with her new baby. “He looks like you did when you were a baby, Alastair. Especially with that full head of hair.” she stroked his head, soothing the little baby more.
Alastair finally looked up with a small smile on his face. “I’m sure he does, Mâmân.” he looked at their brother, looking a little shocked when his small fist grabbed Alastair’s finger.
“You both did that a lot too, you know. I remember that after you were born Cordelia, you grabbed his finger, it wasn’t much bigger than yours, but you gripped it so tight that Alastair almost fell off the bed because he jumped back so far.” their mother said fondly with a soft laugh.
Cordelia looked at Alastair with raised eyebrows. “I guess me scaring you has always been happened, eh, dadash?” Alastair rolled his eyes at her fondly.
“Oh, shush Layla.” he retorted, but his words had no heat behind them.
“Children, I need to tell you both something.” their mother was suddenly quiet, the whole room dripping in silence after the baby had finally settled to sleep. Cordelia and Alastair both focused their eyes on their mother.
“What is it, Mama?” Cordelia said, using the name she hadn’t used in years for her mother.
“It’s about your father.” their mother was avoiding their eyes, just like Alastair did when he was lying. They were all terrible liars, Cordelia was just better at hiding it than her mother and brother did.
“What about our father?” Cordelia prompted, even though she didn’t really want to know the answer to that.
“It’s not about your father, Cordelia. It’s about mine. Right, Mâmân?” Alastair said with his eyes blazing in determination. Cordelia looked at her brother in confusion. But they share the same father? Elias is their father, he always has been, even if he’s gone now.
Their mother nodded wearily before responding. “Yes, Alastair. You’re right. I wasn’t talking about Elias, I was talking about Theodor.”
Theodor? Why was Mama talking about her dead husband? Nothing was making sense right now to Cordelia.
“You see, Cordelia, Elias isn’t Alastair’s father. Theodor is.”
“That can’t be true. Alastair, tell me it’s not true.” she turned to her brother frantically, searching his eyes for an answer.
“I would be lying Layla, and I promised myself I wouldn’t lie to you after the whole ordeal with Elias.” Elias. Not baba, or papa, or even father. Just Elias. She knew he was bitter about him but she’d never heard Alastair call him by his first name, he usually referred to him as father around her.
Cordelia turned to her mother, tears burning in her eyes. “Why did you lie, Mama? Why?” she asked, close to tears.
“I didn’t know I was pregnant when Theodor died, so that was why I married Elias without hesitation. I found out after the wedding and assumed the baby-Alastair-was his.” her mother explained, looking at her and reaching a hand out to touch hers.
“How did you find out then?” Alastair asked, but he didn’t let their mother answer and kept on talking. “Is it because I look like him? Two people have pointed it out, Mâmân. Please tell me.”
She nodded. “Yes. You look exactly like my Theodor did, it’s almost like looking at a memory. You have his hair, his nose, the shape of his eyes, you even get the same determined look on your face that he did. But it’s not just that,” she hesitated, looking back down at the baby in her arms.
“What else is there?” Cordelia didn’t know what else could prove who fathered Alastair besides the way he looks.
“When Cortana chose you, Cordelia, over Alastair, I think my mind caught up with what my heart already knew. That Elias wasn’t Alastair’s father.”
She’d known for nearly five years and hadn’t said a word?
“Five years, you waited five years to say anything? Why?” Alastair beat her to it before she could even ask the question she’d been thinking.
“Cordelia, why don’t you take the baby and let Alastair and I have some time to talk?” Their mother suggested, reaching out to give the baby to her. Cordelia accepted him into her arms with a nod and left the room.
She only just got the first few words her mother said when she closed the door.
“It all started when...”
Joon - Dear
Dadash - Brother
Azizam - My dear
Eshgham - My love
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Does anyone want to guess who’s POV it’s going to be in Chapter 11 of Castle Towers Fall? Since I always change it up
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 10 *Fluff Warning* *Light Angst*
January 1904; London Institute
Alastair was kissing Thomas Lightwood. Thomas Lightwood was kissing Alastair. Alastair thought he might pass out, he’d never imagined this to ever happened, or for Thomas to reciprocate his feelings? Or did he not reciprocate them? He hadn’t had the chance to ask yet.
They’d been kissing for a few seconds when they pulled apart when the need to breathe for too strong, resting their foreheads together. The kiss wasn’t hot and quick, like the ones with Charles had been, no, it had been soft and slow, and definitely sweet. Alastair definitely wanted to kiss Thomas again, but he needed to know something first.
“Why did you do that?” he whispered, pulling away from Thomas and avoiding his eyes.
“Because I wanted to.” Thomas whispered back. He moved his hand to rest over Alastair’s, but Alastair snatched his hand away as if it had been burned.
“Why are you lying?”
“I’m not. Why would you think I am?”
Alastair let out a quiet chuckle. “You didn’t want to kiss me, it was purely instinct. And besides, everyone lies.”
“Not me,” Thomas said. “I’ve been told that I’m quite terrible at it.”
Alastair doubted that. Excellent liars always say they aren’t excellent liars, Alastair should know, Charles was an excellent liar. “But how would I know that you aren’t lying to me?”
“You wouldn’t. Maybe you should trust me.” Thomas said, moving closer to Alastair. Their lips were nearly touching.
“Oh really.” Alastair breathed out, patiently waiting for the kiss to come.
And they kissed. And kissed. And kissed. They kissed until their mouths hurt and the demand for air burned their lungs. Their foreheads were resting against each other now, both of them were pressing chaste kisses to each other’s lips.
Alastair knew he must have a stupid smile on his face, since it was the same look Thomas had on his face currently.
“I think I’ve been in love with you since Paris.” Thomas whispered, breaking the comfortable silence they had created.
“I-” Alastair was about to reply when there was a sudden crash at the library door. The two of them jumped apart at the sudden call out of Cordelia’s voice.
“Alastair, dadash, are you here?” she yelled as she came around the corner to where they were.
Alastair eyed her raggedy appearance with concern. “Layla, what’s wrong?” Cordelia looked shaken.
“We have to go to Silent City, something’s wrong with Mâmân!”
Alastair saw black.
*Riley ducks out to go to her next class like she didn’t just leave you guys on another cliff hanger*
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 5 *Slight Angst Warning* *Charles Fairchild Warning*
November 1901; Paris, France
Alastair had been in Paris for about two months now and he absolutely loved it. The first time he had been in Paris, he was ten and didn’t get to enjoy it because of his father and his “illness”. But now, he got to see the museums and the Eiffel Tower, without his father to ruin in it by passing out in a bar somewhere.
No, his family was far away in Bombay at the moment, the newest place they had moved to, right before Alastair left for his travel year. While he loved and missed his mother and sister, he couldn’t help but feel relieved to be free of his father’s burden and the stress of keeping it a secret from Cordelia. Speaking of Layla, her birthday was coming up next month and he needed to send her something. Maybe a new mythology book, he thought as he saw a mundane book shop in front of him.
He walked in and sent a small, cordial smile towards the cashier at the front as he went searching for a section on mythology. Alastair browsed for a few minutes before finding a book on Persian mythology, which happened to be his sister’s favorite. He was reading the back of the book, heading to the cashier’s desk, when he accidentally bumped into someone walking passed him.
“Oh I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Alastair apologized, turning around to look at the person he had bumped into. He had bumped into a girl with long curly hair, who looked to be a few years older than him, but there was something odd about her expression when she saw his face. She looked like she’d seen a ghost. “Miss, are you alright? You look a little pale.” he asked, equal parts concerned and creeped out.
The girl’s eyes refocused and widened at the realization that she’d been staring, and started to apologized profusely for doing so. “I’m so sorry. You just look a lot like someone I used to know. You don’t by any chance happen to have the last name Verlac, do you?” she asked and now it was Alastair’s turn for his eyes to widen. Verlac. That was the name of his mother’s first husband, the one that died within the first year of their marriage.
“No, I’m afraid not. But my mother was married to a Verlac before she was married to my father. Theodor Verlac, I believe that was his name.” Alastair replied, straightening up.
“That’s who I’m talking about. Theodor Verlac was a cousin of mine, you just look a lot like him. It’s quite odd really. Anyways, I’m Filomena Di Angelo, from the Rome Institute. And you are?” Filomena said, holding out her hand for Alastair to shake.
“Alastair Carstairs, I’m currently at the Paris Institute. It’s my travel year.” he replied, shaking her hand. “I would love to stay and talk more, but I must be getting back to the Institute. I have early patrols in the morning.” Alastair quickly bid Filomena goodbye and hurried over to the cashier’s desk to pay for the book.
Once he got back to his room at the Paris Institute, Alastair sighed and began to write a letter home to Cordelia, even though his mind was running a mile a minute. He gave up on writing the letter after three failed attempts at trying to get his hand to stop jostling the pen, creating ink splatters on his stationary. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, it was getting longer and needed a trim soon before it got too long.
All Alastair could think about Filomena’s words and how she said he had reminded her of his mother’s first husband, who was long dead by the time he had been born, nearly a year before. It wasn’t too bizarre was it? That he had been conceived within the first month of his parents’ marriage and only two months after the death of Theodor Verlac. Maybe...no, Alastair don’t be silly, he thought to himself in an attempt to make his mind stop. He knew his mother would never lie about his parentage, right? It just had to be a coincidence that he looked a bit like his dead husband.
He sighed and held his head in his hands, trying to calm himself down. He only looked up when he heard his door opening and closing. Charles Fairchild was standing there, staring at him.
“Are you alright, Alastair darling?” he whispered, coming around to wrap his arms around Alastair’s shoulders and pressing a kiss to his temple. Ah yes, that. That was new. Him and Charles.
It started two weeks after he had come to Paris, he’d been apprehensive at first, to a relationship, but it worked out well in his opinion. They would meet up in Alastair’s room whenever Charles didn’t have anything to do at night, mostly ignoring each other during the daytime. The secrecy of it all felt...thrilling. And Alastair loved that thrill, it made him feel more alive than he had in years.
“I’m just fine Charles, I have a lot on my mind.” he excused, hoping Charles would drop it and they would continue on.
Charles rose an eyebrow. “Penny for your thoughts?” Damnit, he really hoped Charles would drop it. Guess not.
“I don’t feel like talking it about it. It’s silly anyway.” It’s definitely silly.
“Are you sure?” Charles asked.
“Definitely. I think I just need a distraction.” Alastair hoped Charles knew what that meant.
“I think I can help with that.”
I’m sorry this took so long to post but I ended up being really busy this weekend and have been writing when I can. Can anyone guess what part I cringed writing? I think it’s blatantly obvious
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Me *mapping out Castle Towers Fall*: This is just going to be a oneshot about Alastair finding out he’s a Verlac
Me, three 1/2 chapters and two days later: Yeah, that plan is out the window
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