#alastair carstairs fic
edwinspaynes · 24 days
Alastair: Valentine’s day is just a consumerist holiday that holds no real value other than drive people insane buying heart shaped chocolates for their significant others and pos-
Thomas: I wrote you a poem.
Alastair, already crying: You did?
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agnes-draws · 1 year
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a little birthday present i did a while ago for the wonderful @vwritesaus 💖 it's a scene from her beautiful fic (i'm begging you all to go read it if you haven't yet. it's a masterpiece.)
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vwritesaus · 1 month
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It is no secret to anyone who knows him that Alastair Carstairs is an exceptional cook. Armed with the knowledge passed down from his mother and Risa, he felt it was his duty to keep the Persian traditions alive in their family, and the only way he felt comfortable doing it was through cooking. It was his escape when the piano keys felt slimy and sticky under his fingertips, and when his thumb and index fingers slowly became more and more smudged with ink stains from the mundane newspapers. Cordelia was the taste tester every time, no matter how burnt or salty or under seasoned his food was. He could trust her to give him an honest critique—and she always did, without preamble.       ‘Dadash, did you empty the entire Dead Sea into this? My tongue is burning.’       ‘Oh, this is better than last time! Just needs more chilli, it’s a bit on the mild side.’       ‘Alastair, this is extremely chewy. It’s meant to be softer, no?’       Though he would roll his eyes and pretend to be offended by every one of his sister’s comments, Alastair was glad for it all. It was their little pocket of solidarity in an otherwise distant relationship. Alastair’s own doing, of course, but he felt it necessary at the time.       He was four years old when he first showed an interest, according to Sona. By eleven, Alastair was comfortable enough to cook a couple of simple dishes without any help. By fifteen, he was a self-proclaimed master. Yes, he made mistakes sometimes—as all good cooks do—but he knew his way around a kitchen, just as Cordelia knew her way around Cortana. Naturally it was something he kept to himself: if he had disclosed to any of the boys who bullied him at the Shadowhunter Academy that he, a male, loved and knew how to cook, and was taught how to by the women in his life, it would have given them yet another few reasons to belittle and assault him.       Being his father’s son and a boy with darker skin was already too many reasons. So Alastair kept his passion quiet, known only to his mother, his sister, and Risa. He’s sure Elias never knew, for if he had, Alastair is certain he would have put a stop to it somehow. All it took was one remark to have Alastair give up and push it down. His love for piano and singing, for instance.       But Alastair and Cordelia made it a regular occurrence to take over the kitchen and get under Risa’s feet, in her words. He cherishes those memories, where flour would coat the front of his waistcoat and parts of Cordelia’s hair, and the fragrant aroma of cinnamon, cardamom and clove would fill the entire room alongside their laughter. They were just some of the good things he held onto whilst at the Academy.       But the Academy days are no more, and Elias’s domineering presence has fizzled out through fire and ash. Alastair is free to do whatever he wants to do and be whoever he wants to be, and cooking is only a part of it.
continue reading on ao3
well well, it has been a long time, hasn't it??
but here i am, back for good hopefully!! and with a wee fic i wrote for my bestest girl @drunkonimagination for her birthday back in july ✨ it's based on one of our first interactions together before we hit the dms and the hill i will die on that is alastair carstairs is great at cooking but a terrible baker. only just got around it posting it jkahdjasd. hope you all enjoy it, and i'll be back with some more fics soon!!
also pls ignore the title, it's the best thing i could come up with :')
tagging people who might be interested: @edwinspaynes @purplebass @angeldaisies @faithfromanewperspective @tessherongraystairs @celias
let me know if you’d like to be added to or removed from the tag list!!
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heronchild-haven · 2 months
Every time I write a Heronchild AU I feel inclined to come up with a whole backstory for all the other characters, especially Cordelia and Alastair, even if they aren’t supposed be relevant to what’s happening at all. They just creep into the story organically and drag a whole Lightwood entourage + attachments in with them.
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tleeaves · 7 months
Oh, hi again, it's an update from me, that writer whose past works you might remember in a dream or in a cold sweat at night <3 Chapter 4 of Blood Upon The Snow is out. Hope you enjoy the update!
Summary: 'It's like Dungeons & Dragons, but with slightly less dungeons and dragons. Alastair, Penrose, and James make their way through Bleak Falls Barrow, uncovering its unpleasant surprises and hidden secrets. Not everyone makes it out of the mountains whole and healthy.'
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purplebass · 6 months
Oh, and a word for Thomastair: Um,,, pearl!
This is part of another longer fic idea I've had in mind for weeks where Thomas and Alastair go to Italy. After we met yesterday, I just knew that I had to use this for the prompt you asked :)
Thomas had never been on an actual beach before, so the day after he and Alastair arrived in Italy, the first thing they did was packing their bags with towels and food and go swimming in the bright blue Mediterranean sea.
They were walking on the shore when something picked Thomas’ interest and he couldn’t help but taking it in his hands to inspect it. “Look what I found,” he said to a curious Alastair, “it looks like an oyster.”
Alastair didn’t know much about seashells, but he believed that Thomas could be right. “It is really interesting,” he commented.
“There is no pearl inside,” Thomas said with disappointment after opening it, not really sure what he was expecting inside the shell.
“You are a pearl, hamsaram,” Alastair said, and that was enough to make Thomas forget about the oyster altogether.
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i don’t think that the amount of love i felt for alastair and thomas and their stories has gone down but there’s some kind of mental block that’s not letting me make any kind of content or commentary about them because they feel so faraway in some way and it’s making me sad
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thousand-winters · 1 year
I'm REALLY into the idea of Ari moving into the Carstairs house after she got kicked out. It would be a great way to foster an organic friendship between her and Alastair, and I think Sona would have been an awesome mother figure for her as well! This is so so good I LOVE it. Also, what do you think of a Grace/Ari friendship? I like that too. And Alastair/Grace of course (wrote a fic about this yesterday lol). In my mind the three of them are inseparable besties and I take no ceiticism
Oh, yeah!!! I hadn't even thought about Sona, that would have been so sweet.
Especially because I'm now thinking about how Sona was trying to give Cordelia advice and such but Cordelia wasn't communicating properly with anyone, while Ari was struggling with her mother accepting her as she was, so in a way, both of them could have been a bit of a shelter for each other in that sense, with Sona feeling protective over this girl whose mother isn't looking out for, and Ari feeling some kind of desire to repay her kindness by being there for Sona as well, when her daughter is far away. I think this could have helped Ari's storyline particularly with accepting Flora back into her life, because she would have a sort of reference for the kind of maternal figure she would start to understand she deserves, so she would approach Flora's apologetic attitude with this sort of mindset, the "I will give you a chance because you're my mother and I love you, but you don't get to try to change who I am". She would see Sona's attitude toward Alastair to know that it is possible for a mother to accept her child regardless of social conventions
Absolutely agree!!!
Those three are the trinity of personally victimized by Charles Fairchild lol. Okay, but speaking seriously, I think there are a good amount of things each of them can relate to with the other two, so they got some good points of understanding to approach their budding friendship from. In my heart, they become this tight-knit group of friends as well
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bemtevis · 2 years
thomastair had more scenes than I expected but that ending felt off. thomas never told alastair he loved him or that he likes his hair or anything like that. something was missing. someone pls tell my boy he's beautiful pls pls pls
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ilovefandoms · 2 years
Ok but like, all thomastair's makeout scenes felt like reading fanfiction, especially the one in the carriage
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caterpillarinacave · 2 years
Little WIP snippet
Alastair Carstairs takes his little brother shopping, deal with it
¨ The most confident of the group, sitting on the edge of the couch, was Zachary Carstairs. He was wearing an impressively tailored gray suit that his older brother had taken him to get a few weeks before. Zachary, who was very proud of this outfit, refused to take tea (lest he spill it), and had informed his friends (who thought he'd gone a bit mad), that he shant play any rough games whilst dressed in it. Thelma Fairchild, the younger of the Fairchild girls, had looked confused and had pointed out that one does not usually play rough games during a holiday party.
  Zachary, who had no rebuttle to that, had simply sat himself on the edge of the couch, and, sitting very straight, waited patiently for the adults to come and beckon them into the party.  ¨
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edwinspaynes · 22 days
Even with his mouth coated in cheese, Thomas was perfect. “Alright," Alastair said, "Do continue. What is your proposed plan for tomorrow?” “We go to the Vatican Museum tonight. See the artwork, enjoy the Sistine Chapel’s undoubtedly over-rated scrawl. And then tomorrow, we go to the city centre, over by the Castel Sant’Angelo.” “Doesn’t the Vatican close... well, earlier than the current time?” Alastair rolled his eyes. “What is the point of being a Shadowhunter if we do not take advantage of our glamours and our ability to scale even the most ridiculous of brick piles?” - Or, the 5 times Thomas and Alastair misbehaved in Rome (and the 1 time they misbehaved immediately upon their return.)
@alastair-appreciation-month @alastember2024
tsc taglist (lmk if you want to be added/removed): @staywildefairchild @sourlemons262 @belle-keys @drunkonimagination @alastaircarstairsismybff @vwritesaus @claritywithclary @purplebass @what-ho-christopher-put-in @life-through-the-eyes-of @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @bluewrite @lulusofis @oursoulstheyplay @tessherongraystairs @athearaej @faithfromanewperspective @vwritesaus @imabitchforjemcarstairs @emmalovesfitzloved @daisymydaisycarstairs @fangirlghost-19 @angeldaisies @celias @hanelizabeth @fangirlghost-19 @tiredandoptimistic
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brightwoods · 1 year
Cordelia Carstairs isn't allowed to date until her older brother does. Alastair is in a secret relationship with Charles Fairchild, but can't tell anyone that he's dating him. So, at Charles' suggestion, and to give his sister any chance at dating, Alastair reluctantly decides to go on a date with someone else. It's supposed to be just one date and mean nothing, but things get complicated and Alastair starts to question his real relationship.
(A modern era 10 Things I Hate About You style Thomastair AU where they’re all mundanes)
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vwritesaus · 1 year
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The first thing Thomas notices is that he is standing in a well-lit room. Sunlight streams in through large arched windows, casting long rays along the floor and opposite walls from which framed paintings hang. He can’t make out any of the faces, most of them blurred or faded from age, but he can see every miniature groove in the elaborate frames carved with fleurs-de-lis, tiny leaves and rose petals.       The second thing he notices is Alastair Carstairs sitting sideways on one of the window seats of those arched windows, his back leaning against the edge of the arch and one foot planted firmly on the seat, the toes of the other grazing the wooden flooring. His attention is fixed on the world beyond the glass panes—a streaked mass of fluffy clouds and a blue sky stretching for miles—and his expression is contemplative, almost serious. That attention quickly turns to Thomas, possibly having sensed his presence, and something close to coyness blooms to life in his expression.       ‘Lightwood,’ he greets politely.       When Thomas blinks and doesn’t respond—too shocked to do so, because Alastair Carstairs is talking to him? To Tiny Tom, willingly?—Alastair rolls his eyes. He swings his whole body around to face him, both feet on the floor and his gaze fierce.       ‘Well?’ he prods. ‘Are you simply going to stand there like a cad, or are you going to come here and sit beside me?’
continue reading on ao3
hello!! long time no see, haha...
but here i am, and i bring with me a little fic i wrote for my wonderful best girl @drunkonimagination for her birthday back in july ✨✨ it's based off this art of hers where thomas dreams of kissing alastair, only to get rather the rude awakening lol. hope you enjoy it!!
tagging people who might be interested: @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @ferrari-go-vroom-vroom @astriefer @luciehercndale @claritywithclary @bluewrite
let me know if you’d like to be added to or removed from the tag list!!
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 20/Epilogue
Summer 1908; Paris
Little Jasper Carstairs was running around the halls of his brother’s home, gigging and squealing as he went.
He was being chased by his brother’s partner, Thomas Lightwood, who was currently the tagger in their little game.
“You can’t catch me, Tommy! I’m going way too fast for you!” he called out, looking behind him to see if Thomas had indeed caught up with him.
He laughed gleefully when he realized that he had indeed outrun him. But his joy was short-lived as a pair of arms scooped him up.
It was his older brother, Alastair, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Dadash! Quick! You have to hide me from Tommy!”
“And why should I do that?”
“Because I want to win at tag!”
Alastair had a questioning look on his face and Jasper began to pout. “I don’t know. That doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for me to help you.”
“Please, Lassie, please!”
Alastair was about to respond but was interrupting by two muscular arms wrapping around his waist and lifting the two of them up. Jasper giggled as it happened.
“I caught you, Jasper! And your brother, too.” Thomas pressed a kiss to Alastair cheek, causing the latter to roll his eyes.
“Put us down, you idiot. Dinner is almost ready and both of you need to wash your hands.”
Thomas looked at Alastair with faux-shocked look. “We aren’t that dirty, darling! Tell him, Jasper.”
“Yeah, dadash! We aren’t dirty at all!”
“You still need to wash your hands, both of you.” Alastair said with a bit of finality, so neither one would question it.
Thomas put both of them down with a sigh, Jasper automatically running to the sink to wash his hands. He turned to his lover with a smirk on his face, leaning down to kiss him.
“I love you, Alastair Jahan Verlac Lightwood-Carstairs.” he whispered in his ear.
Alastair smiled, happier than he had been in a long time. “And I love you, Thomas Gideon Lightwood-Carstairs.”
The end.
It started as a oneshot, but here we are, two years and twenty chapters later!
It’s finally the end, you guys!!! Thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning and has stuck through to the end. Seriously, you guys deserve the senior discount for this blog-
But anyways, thank for you for supporting me as I wrote my first multi-chapter fic! It’s been a long journey but it’s finally over!
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purplebass · 10 months
do you also happen to have any headcanons for jesse x alastair to go with your thomas x lucie post? i feel like they’re friends for sure
anon, you're so right! and they are also two of my favorites and I can totally see them interacting more in the future. They also share some parallels and I often think about them! 🥹
I think that they would definitely have conversations about mundane politics and the like, since they are both interested in social and political sciences.
Alastair used to read about what was happening in the mundane world, and I think Jesse would also do that because he thinks it's important to know what is happening outside of their society.
They would also like to go on night patrol with each other. Not only because of their common topic interests (they can talk as they work) but also because they would know the other wouldn't make rash decisions if they happen to meet demons.
They would have each other's back in such a situation and would ask each other advice for training.
For example, Jesse liked how Alastair used his spears and he asked him to teach him how to use them properly
Thomas and Lucie would totally prank them for fun because they claim they are too serious but they would pretend they didn't know and have a laugh about it lol
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