#alastair verlac
Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 20/Epilogue
Summer 1908; Paris
Little Jasper Carstairs was running around the halls of his brother’s home, gigging and squealing as he went.
He was being chased by his brother’s partner, Thomas Lightwood, who was currently the tagger in their little game.
“You can’t catch me, Tommy! I’m going way too fast for you!” he called out, looking behind him to see if Thomas had indeed caught up with him.
He laughed gleefully when he realized that he had indeed outrun him. But his joy was short-lived as a pair of arms scooped him up.
It was his older brother, Alastair, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Dadash! Quick! You have to hide me from Tommy!”
“And why should I do that?”
“Because I want to win at tag!”
Alastair had a questioning look on his face and Jasper began to pout. “I don’t know. That doesn’t seem like a good enough reason for me to help you.”
“Please, Lassie, please!”
Alastair was about to respond but was interrupting by two muscular arms wrapping around his waist and lifting the two of them up. Jasper giggled as it happened.
“I caught you, Jasper! And your brother, too.” Thomas pressed a kiss to Alastair cheek, causing the latter to roll his eyes.
“Put us down, you idiot. Dinner is almost ready and both of you need to wash your hands.”
Thomas looked at Alastair with faux-shocked look. “We aren’t that dirty, darling! Tell him, Jasper.”
“Yeah, dadash! We aren’t dirty at all!”
“You still need to wash your hands, both of you.” Alastair said with a bit of finality, so neither one would question it.
Thomas put both of them down with a sigh, Jasper automatically running to the sink to wash his hands. He turned to his lover with a smirk on his face, leaning down to kiss him.
“I love you, Alastair Jahan Verlac Lightwood-Carstairs.” he whispered in his ear.
Alastair smiled, happier than he had been in a long time. “And I love you, Thomas Gideon Lightwood-Carstairs.”
The end.
It started as a oneshot, but here we are, two years and twenty chapters later!
It’s finally the end, you guys!!! Thank you to everyone who has been here from the beginning and has stuck through to the end. Seriously, you guys deserve the senior discount for this blog-
But anyways, thank for you for supporting me as I wrote my first multi-chapter fic! It’s been a long journey but it’s finally over!
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tessherongraystairs · 7 months
My Alastair Verlac fic is three years old today 😭😭😭
Kat I’m so emotional about this
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melanielocke · 2 years
The Stars Collide - Chapter 5
In which Alastair calls his mother AO3 | Chapter list
It took Alastair a couple of tries to figure out how Thomas’ computer worked, but he managed to place a call to his mother. It should be early evening for her now if he had calculated her time zone correctly, and he hoped she would be home.
At first, she picked up with sound only.
‘Sona Turan,’ she said.
‘Maman, it’s Alastair,’ he said softly. ‘Is now a good time?’
‘Alastair… Yes, of course, azizam. Give me a moment,’ his mother said and a few moments later she had turned on her camera and was sitting at what looked like the kitchen table.
‘How are you, joon-am?’ his mother asked. ‘It’s been so long. Why didn’t you call?’
‘I’m sorry, Maman,’ Alastair said. ‘I missed you too, but I couldn’t call anyone on Turan. They were worried about a security risk. It won’t be a problem anymore, now that Charles is gone.’
He wiped some tears from his eyes. He still couldn’t quite believe Charles was dead.  
‘I heard you got married again,’ his mother said. ‘I would have come, but I couldn’t find someone to watch Rostam for over a week on such a short notice.’
‘I had to, for the treaty,’ Alastair said. ‘You didn’t have to come, Cordelia was there.’
‘What is he like? Is he kind to you?’
Alastair considered for a moment. ‘I guess he is kind. I just don’t know him very well yet.’
He didn’t know what to make of Thomas, how long he was going to keep this up. Thomas clearly hated being married to him, he was only kind because he was gentlemanly enough not to show how much he hated him. Alastair wasn’t sure how long he was going to last like this. Sooner or later, Thomas would grow frustrated. Alastair just wasn’t very likeable or easy to get along with, nor was he charming. At least with Charles he’d known Charles found him desirable.
‘And Charles? I’m so sorry you lost your husband, azizam. I know how difficult that is.’
Alastair guessed his mother did know. She had lost Theodore Verlac before Alastair had been born. Her first husband had died under mysterious circumstances and considering Sona worked with medicinal plants, people had started blaming her for his death. She’d remarried his father and he’d died a couple of years ago too. He didn’t know about Theodore, but his father had hardly been a good partner to her. Nor a good father to him and Cordelia. Drunk more often than not, Alastair imagined little Rostam would be better off growing up without him.
‘It was,’ Alastair said. ‘I miss him every day. But I have the time and space to grieve and I think I’m going to be okay.’
He wasn’t so sure if that was true, but he didn’t want to worry his mother.
‘I hope so. Do you have any plans to visit Turan? A honeymoon perhaps? Rostam has been asking about you more often lately and he’s too young to travel off planet.’
‘I didn’t know about Rostam,’ Alastair said. ‘Cordelia told me he was born after I left. Would it be okay if I talked to him?’
‘I think he’d love nothing more.’
His mother called for Rostam across the room and a few moments later a little boy climbed into her lap, staring at the computer screen. He looked like their mother with his brown skin and dark eyes. 
‘Who are you?’ Rostam asked.
‘I’m Alastair. I’m your brother.’
Rostam’s eyes went wide. ‘You’re Alastair? Where are you? Are you going to come home?’
‘Perhaps I’ll come visit someday,’ Alastair said. ‘I live on the Fair Planet now. It’s nice here, perhaps you can travel here when you’re older.’
‘You have to come visit! Maman says I’m not old enough to fly. But that’s stupid. I can read whole books already. Why not fly?’
‘Wow, then you must be really smart,’ Alastair said.
At five, he guessed the average child had not yet learnt how to read, but Alastair had been very early with that himself too. Perhaps Rostam was like him in that regard.
‘And I can write too!’
Rostam jumped down and disappeared from view. A few moments later, he emerged again, holding a piece of paper and shoving it in front of the screen. It was difficult to read, but Rostam had written down a couple of sentences.
‘That’s amazing, Rostam,’ Alastair said. ‘I hope I can see it for real sometime. Are you going to school?’
‘Yes. But it’s boring sometimes. Next year, I’m going to group 3 and then we’ll start learning things!’
‘You won’t have as much time to play anymore,’ Alastair said.
‘I know,’ Rostam said. ‘But I want to learn too.’
If Rostam was anything like him, he was going to very disappointed with how much he got to learn in group 3 of primary school, but hopefully Sona wouldn’t let him grow bored. She was far cleverer than people gave her credit for and when Alastair had been little she had designed all kinds of puzzles and challenges for him to keep his mind occupied.
He spent over an hour talking to his mother and Rostam. There was much he couldn’t say and he remained vague about his marriage with Charles. They wouldn’t understand. He told Rostam all he wanted to know about the Fair Planet, and he had so many questions. Why had he not tried harder to keep in touch with his family? Perhaps Charles just hadn’t understood how important they were to him, but it was his fault for not fighting harder, for giving up so easily.
‘When are you coming here, Alastair?’ Rostam asked.
‘I don’t know yet, azizam,’ Alastair said. ‘I’ll have to discuss with my husband, Thomas. But maybe we can schedule another call sometime. I’d love to see more of your writing.’
‘It’s bed time for Rostam,’ his mother said. ‘But if you wait a moment, I’d like to talk to you some more after.’
‘Yes, of course,’ Alastair said.
Rostam began to protest. ‘Already? But I want to talk to Alastair. I have more questions.’
‘Another time, moosh moosh-am,’ his mother said. ‘You have school tomorrow.’
His mother and Rostam disappeared from view and Alastair went looking for something to eat in the meantime. He found some of Thomas’ pancakes in the fridge and was surprised to find they were delicious. Thomas really was a good cook. He resisted the urge to smoke another cigarette and focused on the pancakes instead. Thomas had every right to set boundaries when it came to smoking. Truth to be told, it was gross. Alastair had felt the same way when he had started. Charles had always been a chain smoker and so Alastair had started himself not long after getting married. It was the only way to make living with a smoker bearable and at some point he’d smoked up to twenty cigarettes a day. It might very well be what had killed Charles.
When he returned to the computer, his mother sat down behind the screen again as well.
‘Sorry for the wait, Rostam can be difficult to get in bed,’ his mother said.
‘That’s okay,’ Alastair said.
‘I just wanted to say that I’m sorry for everything that happened with your father,’ Sona said. ‘I’ve been seeing a therapist after Elias died and I realized I never should have put so much on your shoulders. I’m so sorry for not protecting you better. And when you stopped talking to me, I thought maybe you were angry over that.’
‘I wasn’t,’ Alastair said. ‘I’ve only ever blamed him for his behavior. I didn’t call because I wasn’t allowed to, not because I didn’t want to.’
‘Okay. I’m glad I can speak to you again. But I’m worried for you too. I know how what your father did affected you, and I know you don’t like to talk about it. I told myself you were happy, building a new life for yourself on a new planet with a husband… Seeing a therapist helped me, perhaps it could help you too.’
Alastair smiled weakly. ‘Thanks for the advice. But I’m fine. It’s been so long since I left, I rarely think of father anymore.’
It was a lie, while Charles might be more common in his dreams, his father never quite disappeared from his mind either. But he didn’t want his mother to worry.
Thomas came home after another hour, which Alastair spent reading and occasionally pacing, trying to stop himself from going out to smoke. Cordelia followed Thomas inside. She had a bruise on her cheek, and Alastair got up immediately.
‘What happened?’ he asked her.
‘It’s nothing,’ Cordelia said. ‘We were sparring, it was just an accident, I’m fine.’
Alastair looked at Thomas. ‘You did this?’
‘I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to.’
‘You hit her in the face,’ Alastair snapped. ‘You expect me to believe that’s an accident? What’s wrong with you?’
He cursed himself for losing his temper already, but this was his little sister.
‘Alastair, stop! I’m fine,’ Cordelia said. ‘It barely hurts anymore. Honestly, this is not the first time I’ve gotten bruised from doing martial arts.’
Alastair took a deep breath in. Cordelia was right, he needed to stay calm.  
Alastair used to do martial arts too. He hadn’t gone to any training since he’d gotten here, he wasn’t sure if it was still for him, but perhaps he could give it a try again someday. The problem was, he didn’t like hurting people. And he had. He would never stop hating himself for that.
‘You don’t usually get them in your face, right?’
‘We’re supposed to avoid that,’ Cordelia said. ‘But I’m not used to gravity here and Thomas uses a different style. He miscalculated where I’d be. It’s not a big deal, except maybe that I look ridiculous.’
‘Come,’ Alastair said. ‘I haven’t unpacked everything yet, but I can help cover it up.’
Alastair took his sister into the bathroom and started unpacking his make up. He didn’t often wear make up in public, but he liked to experiment from time to time and he owned a lot of skin make up in particular. His skin tone varied based on the season and how much time he spent in the sun and so he had some range in his shades.
He took out a couple of foundations and tried to match one to Cordelia’s skin. She was a little darker than him, the sun on Turan shone brighter than it did here and she had tanned more than him. He applied a thick cover of foundation first, using a brush to spread it out and blend it into her skin. The tone matched rather well, but some of the bruise still shone through, and he used some green concealer to camouflage the redness.
Alastair was intimately familiar with the color patterns of bruises, and what color concealer he could blend onto skin to cover it up depending on the day. Green concealer typically worked well with early red bruises.
‘That’s better,’ Alastair said and Cordelia looked into the mirror.
‘How do you know to do this?’ she demanded.
‘It’s not so difficult,’ Alastair said. ‘There’s lots of tutorials online on how to cover up bruises. You can have this bottle of foundation, it’s not the right shade for me right now anyway.’
‘Alastair, you know you can talk to me, right?’ Cordelia said.
‘I’m fine, Cordelia,’ Alastair said.  
Cordelia nodded. ‘Anyway, I’m glad you’re with Thomas now. He seems like a sweet guy.’
‘Was that before or after he hit you in the face?’ Alastair inquired.
‘Both. Please don’t be mad at him. It’s not his fault, it was my idea to spar,’ Cordelia said. ‘I wanted to see what kind of fighter your husband is. And he immediately got me some ice to put on it. He’s a pretty good fighter, by the way, very strong on defense. Different style than we learnt, I think that’s why it went wrong. Just talk to him, okay? He’s really sorry.’
Taglist: @alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @styxdrawings @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction@imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs
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the-ethereal-aura · 3 years
Does anybody else wonder why Sona married Elias?
It's wasn't for money cause Sona was the rich one in their relationship (she bought Cirenworth).
I saw a theory saying that Alastair might be a Verlac and not a Carstairs so that might be the reason why Sona had to get married to Elias quickly but still not sure.
If anybody has any ideas do share.
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alastairxxcarstairs · 4 years
thoughts on alastair is a verlac theory? sry if this was already asked :)
okay honestly i get that we’re kind of looking for bread crumbs here and it probably won’t be canon but like... i would very much enjoy it
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spacehero-23 · 2 years
do you guys think sona really poisoned theodor? that it wasn't just a rumor?
it just seems like such a random thing to mention. and she never talks about him. I'm sure anyone who's never read the illustrated history doen't even know he existed.
we know she's no longer close with her family, and that happened after she married elias, and she wanted to run away from that wedding too..
did she fall in love with elias while she was still married and killed theodor so she could be with him?
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fairetaire · 3 years
okay this is a crackhead theory but bear with me.  what if baby carstairs isn't elias's child and sona had an affair??? this would be a parellel to how alastair  told matthew charlotte had an affair. Now alastair is gonna be going through what matthew had to go through. omg. The tables have turned. My other theory is that maybe sona had a child before she married elias bc she was married to a verlac and then divorced for some reason. Either way, we ain’t ready for this book kids. 
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redroseprincess · 4 years
I don’t want Alastair to be verlacs son because should that be true that means his whole life Sona and Elias lied to him , because it’s hard not to see the resemblance someone has of someone and doesn’t , we can say he looks like Sona a lot but that doesn’t mean there should be zero resemblance of Elias , or zero suspicion, cause should this theory be true that means Sona kept his true father away from him and lied about another man being his father , and let’s say she got married right after her husbands death which I doubt is true, either means she was preganant with Alastair when she married Elias or Alastair was conceived in her second marriage which I think is the more likely the closest scenario .
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belle-keys · 3 years
i love theories so imma talk about The Family Tree™ again and give some reminders about it
My theory on why the Carstairs owe the Herondales
My Cordelia -> Clary theory
Let's start with what we know about the Tree (sources taken from Cassie directly on Tumblr as well as canon info from SOBH):
The family tree is meant to be a ‘found object.’ Meaning that it is supposed to be created by a person, so it isn’t a piece of objective truth. There are reasons for pretty much everything in the family tree. But some of the marriages are arranged/faked, some of the people marked as dead became mundanes/Downworlders, there’s a reason the Carstairs records have been destroyed, etc. You can’t, honestly, predict the plot of The Last Hours by looking at the family tree. So even though it is a fun thing, don’t let it give you grief. By the end of the books, you will understand why even the things in it that are not true were written down as they are.
The family trees are administered by the Silent Brothers. So you can figure out who was involved!
Lucie’s age is incorrect in the family tree for Reasons.
"Also, Professor Loss warned me that a lot of the Shadowhunter family trees are inaccurate, and there was a period where Shadowhunter families would create fanciful family trees, like a… marriage wish list."
For instance, say Charlotte cheated madly on Henry with Nate. Say the baby she is having is Nate’s*. It would be listed on the family tree as hers and Henry’s, because no one knows that it actually isn’t except for Charlotte and the reader if you actually read to the end of the book.
Misinformation that has been teased by Cassie and yet-to-be-seen include: adoption/s, people being secretly dead, people being secretly other people, faked deaths, or people written in as dead when they, in fact, only turned or became Downworlders or mundanes.
Okay, so this tells us:
1. The ships on the Tree, at least some notable ones listed, are not actually endgame; they only seem that way to society, because they make sense and can be used to save face.
2. Children born out of infidelity are still listed as the children of their mother's husband to protect the family name.
3. In Chain of Thorns, at least one person is gonna become a Downworlder or mundane or perhaps fake their death. This plays into my theory that Matthew may actually be in Faerie in the 21st-century, still alive, possibly to evade punishment from the Clave for the potion incident. Also the whole thing about "people becoming other people" comment makes me think the Alastair Verlac theories may be true.
4. Do not forget that adoption tweet in my "Why the Carstairs owe the Herondales" theory, because the whole "mystery baby" theme is recurring. We also have no idea how we get from Alastair -> Emma at all, but I'm like 100% sure Emma is a tried and true Carstairs despite this. I'm also sure Jace is 100% a Herondale descended from James and Owen, but it's not gonna be stated in the Tree if James or Cordelia have any other children besides him (especially if it's a girl). Just saying.
5. As of the end of Chain of Iron, Jordelia are not actually wedded. They haven't completed the second runes. Therefore, in Cordelia's head right now, she's not exactly in any relationship with James and probably considers herself estranged from him.
6. It's obvious from Cassie's teasers that Jem made the tree or Brother Enoch, probably sometime around 2007 or 2008. Emma is listed. I'm gonna assume the Tree was made to protect the reputations of the TLH gang upon Jessa's romantic reunion or to protect Emma and/or Clary.
7. Who wants to guess why Jem listed Lucie's age wrong intentionally because I don't have a single idea why...
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Castle Towers Fall
Chapter 19
March 1904; Cirenworth
It had been two months since Jasper had been born. And two months since Alastair’s mother had died, but no one wanted to mention that.
And now Alastair had decided to move Jasper and himself to Cirenworth, determined to fix it up and make it a home for the two of them. He had informed Thomas of his plans, not really giving him a choice in the matter.
Which lead to now, Thomas was standing in front of the door to Cirenworth, taking a deep breath and attempting to steady himself before he just walked in and turned everyone’s lives upside down.
Or at least he hoped he wouldn’t.
For all he knows, Alastair might not even like a big gesture like this. He might hate it and send him back to London without a second thought.
And just as he was about to talk himself out of it and change his mind, a familiar voice called out his name.
“Tom?” It was Alastair, coming out from the garden with a baby buggy. He had a confused look on his face and a single eyebrow raised, making Thomas start to flush with having been caught. “What are you doing here?”
“I,um…” he swallowed his nerves and started on his speech. “I’m here to ask if I can court you-”
Alastair interrupted him. “Excuse me? Court me? Thomas, you must be joking.”
“I’m serious. Now, can I please continue?”
“No. Why me? Why not anyone else?”
“Because…because you’re Alastair Jahan Carstairs. Or Verlac, or Turan, or whatever it is you want your last name to be. I don’t care because I’m in love with you and I want to court you because that’s what you deserve.” Thomas couldn’t believe that he had said any of that out loud. Much less to Alastair himself.
The man in question seemed a bit skeptical. “Really? And what happens when you grow tired of me and this life? Do you really want to risk it all for me? I’m not worth it.”
“Yes, you are. You’re worth it to me.”
“And what about Jasper then? You’re eighteen, you don’t need to worry about playing parent to a child that isn’t even yours.”
“And you’re nineteen doing the same thing.”
Alastair scowled at him, but Thomas knew he didn’t really mean it. He was just running out of excuses to turn him down.
“I want to try, Alas. Please let me try.”
He walked over to Alastair and caressed his cheek with his hand. Alastair leaned into his touch. “Please let me try.” Thomas whispered to him, putting their foreheads together.
“Okay. Let’s try.”
Okay one more chapter to go! I’m literally going to start crying-
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Does my blog look weird to you-
I keep trying to edit my description but it looks weird on my end
the description stopped at alastair verlac
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Me: looking at old Shadowhunter family trees
Me: gets to the Carstairs family
*Cordelia and Alastair being white*
*Cordelia and Alastair’s mom being Colette Verlac*
*Elias dies in 1894, before COI even took place*
*everything generally being wrong*
*Jordelia being endgame*
My stubborn Jordelia-shipping ass: YOU SEE HERE IS THE PROOF
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thepictureofsdr · 3 years
snow white au where the carstairs children are actually the verlac children and alastair is poisoned by the evil stepfather and is awoken by the neighbouring kingdoms prince lightwood
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purplebass · 4 years
Alastair Verlac?
You know why I also agree with the theory that Alastair is not Elias’ son but Sona’s dead husband son, hence a Verlac? 
When he and Cordelia fought over who would be the owner of Cortana, the sword chose Cordelia instead of Alastair, who could be the only one (because of the line passing through males of the family) to pass his own name along with the sword. And, of course, he thought that the sword would choose him because he’s the oldest brother. We don’t know why Cortana decided to be property of Cordelia instead of Alastair, but if he truly isn’t Elias’ son, it would make sense. He wouldn’t be a Carstairs, but a Verlac, hence he wouldn’t be a legitimate inheritor of the sword (from the sword’s pov).
Then, there is another bit. This reason can by found by critically analyzing the plot involving Alastair. In narrative, it often happens that there is a law of retaliation when a character does something. For example, character A does this and it happens the opposite. Or character A does thing to character B and they end up on the receiving end of what they did instead of character B. You got me, I think. It’s something that the character doesn’t see coming, and it would shock the casual reader. But I’m not a casual reader, and I look for clues when I analyze books I like. Hence the reason I’m writing this.
We all know that the reason why the Merry Thieves were wary around Alastair was because of the rumor he spread at the Academy. The rumor about Matthew not being Henry’s son but Gideon’s, which gained traction in COG despite being two years old and already forgotten. This plot device wasn’t just used to create tension between Alastair and the other characters (especially Matthew), but also to remind the reader about it because it may resurface in a different way.
Let me explain.
We know that the rumor spread was false, because Henry and Charlotte confirmed that Matthew is their biological son. And we don’t question it, because we know that he is. Why? Because we’re already familiar with Henry and Charlotte and Gideon and Sophie, to know that they wouldn’t betray their spouse with someone else.
We can’t say the same thing with Elias and Sona, and Alastair as well, because we’ve seen them briefly. We know so little about them because they’re new characters. There is still so much we don’t know about Cordelia either. But let’s go back to Alastair. I don’t think he ever doubted being his father’s son until the Cortana event. Or maybe, he found some documents, he did some digging. I don’t know. He may still be in the dark about this for all we know. But he may have his doubts.
Why I came to this conclusion?
Like I said, there may be repercussions because of the previous paternity rumor storyline in TFTSA. Matthew brought it up at the end of COG to make Alastair drift further from them again and from Thomas, who was probably the only one who had been friendly with him after their meeting in Paris. But this is just a superficial reason in order to make us find Alastair’s own surprising paternity: that he is not Elias’ son. If you think about it in terms of critical analysis, it makes sense. The rumor spread by Alastair turns up to be true, but for himself. 
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bemtevis · 3 years
This is how I see Risa and Sona in canon:
Risa starting working for Sona’s family when she was a teenager, only a year or two older than Sona at the time
She falls in love with Sona but never says anything as Sona falls in love with Theodor Verlac and eventually marries him (I headcanon Sona as pansexual here)
After Theodor’s death, she sees how broken Sona is and still doesn’t tell her, thinking it will make things worse
She stays silent when Sona married Elias, despite knowing he’s not a good man for her
Risa only tells Sona her feelings one day after Alastair or Cordelia is born and she sees how Elias treats her
Sona confesses she has felt the same for a long time but was too afraid to say anything
They have a love affair for the books, a fairytale, perhaps
And when Alastair comes out to her, that’s when Sona reveals her love for Risa and she and Alastair have a beautiful heart-to-heart
Do I have more? Yes
But I feel like I’m rambling in your inbox and I’m sorry for that!
In a Modern AU, Sona divorces (is that a verb) Elias and marries her childhood best friend Risa <3
Pansexual Sona and Lesbian Risa, who's with us?!
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littlx-songbxrd · 2 years
Alastair Verlac Theory
Oh hi riley
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