#cg!dark wolf headcanons
koithelittle · 6 months
I was wonderin if you could make a cg darkwolf moodboard, maybe some hcs if im lucky?
No pressure to do both ofc, have a nice day/night!!!!!!
cg!darkwolf moodboard + hcs
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note; i will happily write some hcs and i have to do this flippin quick bc tumblr is mean and i only have one chance to fill this out or else.. yeah i have one chance (at the time of starting i couldn't edit drafts but i now can so-)
paci creds; littlest._.creations on ig!
other moodboards (requests are open :3)
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower @whos-nicooo @littlerosiesoot (ask or dm to be added!!)
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- he likes to call his little by a lot of names but pup is his favorite
- taking you to book club is usually out of question, since he doesn’t want you to get hurt but if he doesn’t have a sitter for whatever reason, he brings you. he has you stay by his side the whole time and anything dangerous he immediately opts out so he can keep his eyes on you.
- gets you a cape just like his because you told him you wanted to be just like daddy! (he cried a little bit tbf)
- wolf plushies all of the time any time. like- there's so many in your house together.
- he makes blanket nests with you in the corners of rooms. stuffies, blankies, pillows, etc!!
- likes to do your hair all the time
- asks you if you want his hand/fingers to hold when you're anxious or you're out with him
- has wolf bandaids to put over any boo boos and gives you five kisses on your boo boos!!
- honey milk. he loves to make you honey milk, and you love it too so!
- he'll take you out by the lake to go rock finding and let you swim a bit. he'll sit by the edge and just find rocks for you to play with and paint while you're playing in the water and then you help him find some more pebbles!
- moon gazing with you all the time!!
- tells you silly stories of how some people turn into wolfs on full moons
- tries to scare you but you just giggle!
- in all seriousness he does his best to keep you away from violence and makes a big big effort to be as quiet and soft as possible.
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story-book-sillies · 1 year
can i request little!wednesday headcanons? maybe with cg!enid or something? ty if you do do this request eek
Wednesday Addams as a Regressor
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Characters from Netflix’s Wednesday
-Little age is 3-5. She sometimes regresses older to maybe 6-8 as well!
-Her main caregiver is Enid (I headcanon Enid as a flip, because I definitely think she would regress too!) but sometimes Xavier and Eugene will act as a caregiver for her too!
-Also Ajax! If he’s ever hanging out with Enid he will definitely act like a cool older brother type of caregiver if Wednesday is regressed around them
-It’s difficult to tell when she’s regressed because she doesn’t act much different from when she’s big.
-The biggest tell that she’s regressing is that she gets SUPER sleepy!
-When she starts yawning and rubbing her eyes, Enid immediately knows that Wednesday is starting to regress
-Wednesday normally naps a lot when she’s little
-She chews on her sleeves instead of sucking on her thumb.
-Enid was super excited to find out that Wednesday is a regressor because Enid always wanted to try out being a caregiver
-That’s how Enid figured out that she was a flip!
-Enid makes Wednesday a deco paci that’s covered in black jewels and says “Spooky” on it. It even has a bell attached to it!
-Wednesday has many nicknames, but some of the more popular ones are “Little bat,” “Baby spider,” and “Spooks”
-Wednesday whispers very quietly when regressed
-Normally, she doesn’t like physical affection, but when she’s regressed and trusts someone a lot, (like Enid) she will allow cuddles
-But only for a little bit! She gets squirmy after awhile
-She has an agere journal!
-She mainly writes in it (lists, about her day, facts, feelings, etc.) but sometimes she doodles if she’s in the mood
-When regressed, she allows herself a teensy tiny bit more feelings than usual
-She still never cries, but she gets a little mischievous and playful, wanting to play tricks and pranks on her friends
-Enid, absolutely loves being her caregiver!
-She’s the type of caregiver to ask a lot of questions
-“How many are there? Do you want this or that? Do you want to stay inside or outside?” Stuff like that. Enid likes to give Wednesday options!
-She definitely prints out worksheets too! They do them together if they’re both regressed
-Xavier has zero idea what’s he’s doing as a caregiver, but they draw together sometimes and he brings her drawings to life
-Eugene will talk about his bees and give her random facts about them. She listens intently, even if she’s heard them a million times
-Ajax plays fun games with her on the rarer occasions when she’s in a mischievous mood.
-He gives her piggy back rides, chases her around, and they play this game where she tries to snatch his beanie away. Luckily, she’s too short to reach!
-Enid likes to brush and braid Wednesday’s hair
-She will tie black ribbons on the ends of her braids to give them a more childish look
-Enid plays with her hair too whenever Wednesday will let her
-Wednesday likes curling up under lots of blankets
-She mostly regresses in the evening or before bed
-Likes star gazing
-Will walk outside in the dark with Enid and friends to “play”
-She pretty much just collects sticks, rocks, leaves, and various types of bugs
-She records them in her journal
-Almost completely nonverbal
-She will say one word to explain what she means or needs
-“Look,” “Mine,” “Want,” Etc.
-Enid gifts her a few plushies that are more up Wednesday’s alley, like a black cat and bat. She got her a wolf plush too.
-Wednesday keeps them hidden under her blankets and pillows until just before bed
-She brings them out to cuddle with as she’s dosing off
-Likes to watch Tim Burton movies like The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride when regressed. They’re still “scary” enough to keep her entertained
-Enid will play simpler games like peekaboo with her, which manages to get a tiny little smile from Wednesday from time to time
-Also, I headcanon that Wednesday’s family knows about her regression and are extremely supportive, but she barely brings it up around them. They respect her privacy
-But sometimes she will receive a gift sent by them that’s related to her regression, like “Baby’s book of ghost stories,” or a rattle that looks like it’s made out of bones
-They don’t ever mention it to each other, but there’s a mutual understanding between them, and Wednesday secretly appreciates it
Thank you for the request! I am obsessed with this show, so I was really happy to get an ask for it! It was a little hard because I’ve seen other people’s headcanons for Wednesday before and I didn’t want to copy! I definitely tried my best to keep my ideas different from what I’ve seen! Also, I hope you don’t mind that I added interactions with other characters from the show along with Enid! I couldn’t help myself! I hope you like them!
If you want to request headcanons or moodboards, whether they be age regression or tickle related, my requests are open! Please read my pinned post before making a request! Also keep all requests sfw! Thank you!
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littlesoot · 5 months
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wilbur soot/bursonas:
unknown visitor - cg!simpbur x shy!little
stargaze - cg!kleptobur x ghost!little
little!dark wolf
sleeping beauty themed - cg!wilbur
cinderella themed - cg!wilbur
belle / beauty and the beast theme - cg!wilbur
where the wild things are theme - cg!wilbur
au theme - cg!klepto!wilbur
ted nivison:
brownish theme - cg!ted
tinkerbell themed - cg!charlie
outdoorsy themed - cg!tommy
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adiabolikpastel · 2 years
I have some ideas/headcanons about the different kingdoms and clans that are in the Demon World, (I hope you like them).
Vibora's kingdom is to the west of the Demon World.
Viboras are the closest allies of the vampires.
They possess a lot of political and economic power.
Their castle is known to be extremely beautiful and elegant (the bastards like to show off their wealth and good taste).
Viboras are famous for the beautiful flowers that grow in their lands, however, many of them are poisonous, (Reiji loves to study the effects that the poisons of these flowers have).
Vibora's territory is very similar in architecture and landscapes to modern Germany.
Viboras are also known to have some of the most luxurious districts in the Demon World, specializing in jewelry, fashion and perfumery.
The boutiques in vibora territory are the most exclusive and elegant.
Viboras are excellent swordsmen, they are also expert users of dark magic.
The wolf clan is located in the north of the Makai.
Their territories are surrounded by huge snow-capped mountains and inhospitable forests that almost no one dares to enter. Nevertheless, its districts are quite peaceful and beautiful, (if I had to compare the wolf territory with any real country, it would be Romania).
King Eberto's castle is located deep in the forest.
Wolves are excellent hand-to-hand combatants and their monstrous strength surpasses that of any demon.
Wolves sell the best meat in the Demon World.
Wolves suffer from the most brutal winters.
Adler territory is located east of the Makai.
Adlers have several natural wonders, their spectacular cliffs and beautiful beaches (mostly unspoiled) are a major tourist attraction.
Adlers have a powerful military force, however, they prefer to maintain good relations with the other clans and avoid conflict.
They are a fairly wealthy society due to the fact that their mountains are rich in precious stones.
The castle of the adler king is located on top of a cliff by the sea, (something very similar to the Cair Paravel castle from the Chronicles of Narnia).
The bat clan's territories are south of the Makai.
They are the richest and most powerful clan in the Demon World.
Their territories are the largest and have all kinds of landscapes; from forests, rivers and mountains to beautiful beaches.
Karlheinz is the only king to own two castles: the Sakamaki family castle and Eden, both located on top of a mountain so that everyone in the Makai can contemplate them in all their splendor.
Vampires, like viboras, are expert users of black magic.
It is well known that vampires traffic in human beings, they sell them as slaves to the other clans.
The Founders' territory is in the farthest part of the Makai, beyond the north.
The Banmaden is the largest castle in the Demon World and is on top of a cliff by the sea, (like the adler castle).
The Founders are separated from the rest of the Demon World thanks to the high and extensive mountain ranges that surround their territory, (something like the Carpathian Mountains in Romania).
The Founders are obviously the most powerful demons that have ever existed, and if it weren't for the endzeit they would still be ruling.
I know my descriptions must have been somewhat repetitive and boring, but in all the official CGs where Rejet shows us what the demon realm in Diabolik Lovers is like, there are forests, mountains, beaches, cliffs and waterfalls, (also, all the architecture reminds me a lot of the gothic architecture of Germany and other countries in Europe). I think Rejet's intention was to create a luxurious world full of nature and beautiful landscapes.
By the way, sorry for my shitty english.
Before I dissect and dive into this - lemme just say - you, my sweet anon, are a blessing.
Whomever you may be, thanks for sharing all of your thoughts with me. You have gone so far above and beyond - Reject needs to hire you now. The vivid picture you have painted with these ideas are simply *chef's kiss* beautiful.
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Due to the length of my response, I will place my thoughts under the cut.
I think that a lot of your ideas are spot on with them! Since the Vibora are the current 'heads' of the demon realm, it makes sense for them to have a more luxurious kingdom. Considering their main ruler is Burai - who is seen as this picture of pristine, it stands to say that their kingdom would be immaculate.
The thought that this kingdom feeds into the idea of Gluttony is a big thing for me. I feel like your head cannons align with that! Having extravagant buildings and their natural environment's flourish.
I simply adore the idea of the architecture you picked out - Germany is a perfect idea. There is such a balance of industry and nature. I feel like the Vibora are a perfect fit for that! They are modern, yet still in the old ways.
When I look at the Mukai, I think of it as something connected yet also completely disconnected from the Human World. We can see that similarities, yet their way of living is something that has evolved past what we have now - yet looks like something we used to know. If that makes any sense! The Vibora clan, in particular I believe, has this vibe the most.
Their way of living is both evolved beyond what human's have - yet if you give them a smart phone, they have no idea what that is. Something so primitive - yet advanced all at the same time. Their proficiencies in magic have advanced their society beyond what other's have.
This is mostly due to the involvement of their King. Burai is VERY involved in the affairs of his people. Simply for the fact that they are a reflection of himself. There are no slums in the Vibora Kingdom - like we saw in young blood - as Burai does not allow those types to live in his immediate presence. While I don't think their is a wall around the Kingdom - he does toy with the idea often.
I think that only demons who can maintain a beautiful form are allowed to call this place home. While not all of them are Vibora, the greater population is. If a demon cannot present itself in a dignified manner, they are not allowed to live within the kingdom's boarders.
The group of demon lords that I have thoughts about the least - and your head cannons got a good idea going! I think that the idea of them working more in a more natural environment checks out for them. When we think of a predator in nature, one of the top things people will say is a wolf.
Romania is so beautiful - and I think they embrace and build around nature, rather than try to be apart form it. That is an ideal location for the wolves! Building their communities as a part of their natural environment, and proving themselves by living in a more rough terrain.
While I do agree that there would be unity and peace under King Eberto, I think that fighting would be a traditional means of communication. Something like an unspoken language for all of them, that dictates a hierarchy. From all of the different major demon races, wolves are the only ones that actually have a pack. To them, there is nothing more important than their people. So, while there is no inner conflicts with one another, I think that authorities do get tested with the youth from time to time.
I think that, they more than any other, do not simply allow the child of their king to take over. While we do not know if Eberto is Gottfried's son, we do know that he is the current King. In the Wolf culture the strongest leads the pack. So, if Gottfried's children were not strong enough, they would not succeed their father.
Demons who are more in touch with their natural forms are the ones who live here. While that does not apply to those who would make trouble - more so those who simply wish to be in touch with their inner selves. So there are no rampaging demons - but do not be surprised if you see a more wolves, dogs, or cats before you see 'people'.
Oh my sweet birds~ I am sad that there is literally nothing on them - other than the fact that they exist. I have talked about them before: here.
The idea of their kingdom being full of wonder is what stands out to me! The views from high above the kingdom are like none other in the entire Mukai. They natural beauty of their territories' are awe inspiring. I love the idea of them having beaches! That's an idea I had never thought of, but can totally see.
As far as combat goes, I think that, yes they would have a notably capable military force. However, as you said, I think they would refrain from conflict as much as possible. They are truly neutral in fights, and while it was stated in Lost Eden that they were apart of the war, I feel they only get involved when they need to.
Money to them - isn't something they worry about. Sure, they kingdom stays thriving, but I believe it's mostly due to the individual work they put into it. My head cannon's for their society is a value of freedom. Their king does not force himself into their daily lives. He allows them to take care of themselves, and leaves it up to them to take care of their territory.
While sure there are rules in place, they are more so taught to the children and the way they are raised. They are brought up being taught that they are all individuals of a larger picture. That what they do matters and makes a difference for everyone - as such - be conscious of your decision. Live your desire's but do so in a way that wont harm others.
I agree that the castle of the king is up on a high location. It is rather large, but only for the fact that there is so much open space. The king does not keep himself locked away in the castle - rather - they move throughout the kingdom freely. Or they are simply away. I feel it can be a hard time to get ahold of him at times.
Most of the residence in this kingdom are some breed of bird based. While there are a few that make their homes on the ground, most of the citizens have wings to get form place to place. Since they have an ocean, there are also plenty of semi-aquatic races that call this home as well.
While they are definitely the richest and most powerful - they do not show it. Since Karlheniz prefers to work in private - his kingdom reflects that. He does not see to the matters of this people, and frankly because of that, things have gotten rather violent. While none of them dare to challenge him - I think that there would be conflict with the different territories.
This kingdom is where you would see an over arching lack of community - and that's mostly because of the lack of a leader. While Karlheniz does enforce his own will, he does not govern his people. They are simply not to mess with him, or declare fights with others without him. I like to think there is a council of all the different races in his kingdom who run things for their own unique race inside the kingdom.
They all meet with Karlheinz once in a while - or at least his image - and present matters to him. To which he will either deal with or ignore. These select few would have been picked by Karlheniz himself, and they would be the ones who live in the 'castle' which everyone can see and have access to.
I think that Eden castle is more Karl's personal estate - where he have all of his work done. This is where he would entertain other leaders from the major kingdoms -but not for his people. Billy the demon could not get into Eden so easily.
The idea that they traffic humans is perfect. I think that the members of this kingdom do the most harm to the human world. Whether it's through kidnapping or simply tormenting in their own world - the Bat Kingdom's people are ruthless to these lesser beings.
This, I think, is because aside from the Bat clan - the demons of the kingdom are rather weak. They might find strength in numbers, but they are not too powerful. Not that something as weak as say a Lapin (rabbit demon) - but they are not strong.
With such a diverse landscapes, there are many different kinds of demon who call this kingdom home. While perhaps not the 'slums' of the Mukai, it's definitely the most crime ridden. Races that think for themselves and do not form lasting attachments thrive in this kingdom. In fact, a Bat demon is one of the more rarer sights to the population.
While their kingdom was great, all such things fall to ruin. The once immaculate buildings are now dilapidated and have crumbled to the ground. Since this kingdom lay beyond the mountains in the north, only those of the purest of bloods had made their homes here. The citizens have long since moved on from the area, having to make a home in the other kingdoms.
I think that the territory now lays abandon - a finally curtsy left behind by Karlheinz. While he did kill and de-throne their king, he left everything once that happened. Endzeit took the lives of the people who were of the blood. And the kingdom itself has become lost to history.
While there is no official cannon of this, I like to think there is an entire underwater kingdom in the Mukai. There are so many aquatic like demons that could exists, and I believe they have a home as well.
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stayinurlaneboi · 4 years
Pics Text Masterlists Gifs Videos Audio CGs
last updated: April 14, 2022
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picking outfits for the ball 
general headcanons 
home sweet home 
touch starved 
mc finds a starving cat and brings him in 
things he would definitely do 
can’t let go yet kisses 
drunken convos between asra and nadia
maybe it’s the magic in the air and the stars in your eyes 
lazy morning kisses 
asras tired so mc takes care of him 
he takes care of mc when theyre hurt 
something about your bleary eyes and messy hair 
baby its cold outside 
one frigid winter day  
soft hugs cold hands 
accidentally calling mc my love
cuddle hc
domestic life 
stealing mcs blanket 
sleeping habits 
hella affectionate mc 
they realize they’re in a game but they fall anyway 
spell gone wrong
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Humans Are Space Orcs 
rage and wrath 
fueled by hatred 
duality of the soul 
the heavens wept 
i remember
humans dont notice that there are reality bending infestations everywhere 
fey prompt list
fairy writings
Heros and Villains
a courtesy
it was cruel of them, you could have never won
superhero and villain has a mutual friend group
a villain love story is simply superior
come to the dark side we have insurance
jealous/drunk kun
yanchen + cuddle time before deadlines
yuhua groupchat imagine
xukun + soulmate au where emotions can be seen as colors
nine percent + being protective
bias + firsts
astro + types of affection
eunwoo + baby its cold outside
eunwoo + sweet dreams
summer dream + bias of choice
Dangerous Fellows 
short s/o
zion + touch starved
dating alec
alec + prom
camping headcanons
alec + its not jace
Teen Wolf 
cuddle puddle 
Court of Dreams 
another what if au
at the moonstone palace
what ifs…. 
the dragon circlet
a different first meeting
pining!arthur and oblivious!merlin
arthur is so so in love with merlin he’s barely even hanging in there 
sorry, dropped your coat! 1 2  3 4
↳ first steps 1 2
The Witcher
what if jaskier was immortal lol
jask is part elf and geralt is like wbk
jask is rly good at throwing knives
immortal!jask modern au
jask and his ye olde yelp reviews
jask can see ghosts
yen is going around and invoking the law of suprise 
jask buying geralt matching hair ribbons
modern au where everythings the same except for jask
characters who don’t get phased by things suddenly have smth bad happen to them
imagine waking up in a fictional world
imagine killian and peter at disney world
fake married is the best trope prove me wrong
phan +  platonic relationships
being with hiccup when he meets his mother
characters eyes glow when they use their powers
the “who did this to you” trope
a death thats on the side of the good guys bc death is inevitable
fake relationship au ver2
fae are just real mad that we can lie and they cant
the fae said trans rights
some dope ass tropes
peak fantasy environment designs
free boys + youtuber s/o
i enjoy being with you turns into i want to be with you
when 2 people have been separated for too long
feral!tomoe relationship hcs
fake married/dating is the best trope
Percy Jackson
percy jacksons popular but Not Like That  part 2
percy is kind of an enigma at school
pjo mini comic
demi god conspiracy theories
rachel is one of the richest people in the country
Short Stories
every 20:17 you become impossibly productive for just 60 seconds
your heroic nemesis is a teenager and your their emergency contact  round 2
date a selkie but dont hide her cloak
you’re a powerful magic being except you’re not
star wars alternate universe
local house ghost adopts some kids
give me your name child...
you’re now a earth parent now oops
dating mr frost and being a guardian
aliens have taken over but they didn’t plan on the old gods returning
beauty and the beast au where belle falls in love slowly
crowleys replacements dont last very long
vulcans and touching hands 
agnieszka of the wood and her dragon 
city girl!mulan 
once there was a witch who lived in the woods… 
a couple of witches decide that they’d make a better chosen one then a 15 y/o 
an old tale 
fey: give me your first born human: ok when do we start 
anakin and padmes kiddos and how much of them are in them 
magic sandwich nonsense 
morally grey captain is cursed to die and the only cure is.... 
candles are just fire pets 
pumpkins left out on a full moon turn into vampires
everyone can teleport within 10 feet of the person they love most
once “defeated” demon king
a detective and a thief walk into a bar..
the story of Eowyn
wei wuxian and what he gets away with
baskin robin commercials as unsent love letters
Text Posts
mafias and their restaurant fronts
plants producing actual poisons and humans coming around be like yum:)
pirate queen elizabeth
star trek and two dumbasses
the addams family rents out rooms in their house to students
the swan princess turns feral
dont live your life looking back 
but what if the princess went into the tower because shes the dragon
sorry but if i saw a ddoor to another world id go rip to you but in different
old lobster quote
stupid leftists and their intrinsic value of human life
the idea of showing someone the worst parts of yourself and still being loved
gordon ramsey and his various sides
me: i have nightmares about school school: this is normal
if you think you can go anywhere in europe easily have never been to italy
secretly in love with your roommate? your not the only one!
my ancestors are proud of me
jack sparrow: he’s been through it all
alignment chart
i am kind because i cannot allow anyone to go through what i did
hi yes i have your long lost statue.. do you want it?
“your fathers darth vader” “haha very funny” “its true” “no its not”
the plot of yuri on ice is just too fuckin ridiculous
science people are losing it
goofus the murder peacock
birds are really fuckin smart and you should fear them
quotes that hit different and their origin stories
art for arts sake
amateur comes from the latin word for love
matchmaking service to find a dragon his hoard of people 
lesbian fake dating au
types of stupid characters
how to subtly name your kids after comic book characters
there is nothing more human than to play
the best adaption for a christmas carol
ily in any other language is too fuckin intimate to say out loud
educating people on their pets
this lady and her mom an aunt are bamfs
tolkien went to war and based his books off of his experiences
the council of retired white moms gets a scare of a lifetime lol
children v religion is so funny
if you dont think people will document historically significant events then...
the story about the RMS Carpathia and the the tragedy of the Titanic
“scam artist” caought selling immortality in a bottle
your most important survival skill is asking for help
competitive found family
when you are effectively are a cryptid but all it brings you is minor troubles
elizabeth swan was a lot of peoples gay awakening
nude modeling is not as sexy as you’d imagine it to be
hanging out with old people rock 
its a taboo to admit that your lonely
jurassic park except they have proper enrichment programs
the aadams family rents out rooms in their mansion for broke college kids
vegans need to make peace with honey
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koithelittle · 6 months
Hai!! I’m new to your page, but can you do hc’s for agere + petre dark wolf?
little!dark wolf headcanons!
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note; i’m unfamiliar w petre and don’t wanna write something I don't know much about but I will happily write the agere part !! anyways here they are! love love dark wolf so much so i had fun even if this is nt the longest hc post i’ve ever made-
taglist; @jjtheresidentbaby @lillylvjy @wilmaslittleflower
- no one really knows about his regression, he keeps it to himself mostly but he's told charlie and ranboo, they're both so supportive and will happily care for him whenever needed
- he likes to chew on stuff but he has to have the heavy duty teethers bc he chews them up too quickly (me, fr)
- he usually regresses from 2-6, the more verbal he is, the older he is!!
- he loves to read story books when he's little, but esp likes it when ranboo reads them to him
- favorite little activity is to color !! just anything, he has a lil notebook ran gave him that he draws and colors in and Charlie brings coloring books for him and he just happily sits in the corner and colors and hums and !!!
- when he's really overwhelmed he freezes up and zones out, he's just lost to the world and feels so overwhelmed. it's worse when he's little bc it makes it worse and he just feels so so small and doesn't know what to do
- Ranboo notices and will hold him and talk to him to get him back into the present
- clingy little!! loves loves loves hugs!!
- big on cuddling too
- he likes rolling around in the grass and giggling, ranboo gets onto him for getting his clothes dirty but finds it adorable still !
- only likes soft clothes !! like- even when hes not little, he has to have soft clothes or else- bad !!
- has a lil wolf stuffie he carries around with him
- ranboo is his main cg but sometimes charlie is his sitter :3
- tom doesn't know bc- tommy- but Phil has suspicions!
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koithelittle · 7 months
little!dark wolf moodboard || x
day 1 of f.a.c. (fictional agere challenge) // no warnings // wolf themed
cg!wilma soot moodboard + headcanons || x
gn!little!reader // day 2 of f.a.c. // no warnings // artist + bear themed
flip!argbur moodboard || x
day 5 of f.a.c. // no warnings // winter blue theme
regressor!ghostbur moodboard || x
day 8 of f.a.c. // no warnings // baby blue and white theme
cg!godbur moodboard || x
day 9 of f.a.c. // no warnings // blue stars and Christmas theme
cg!clinic wilbur moodboard || x
siren/wilbur from tcfsv // no warnings // dark teal and black/white theme
cg!wilma moodboard || x
requested by @wilmaslittleflower // no warnings // yellow, brown, bear and art theme
cg!vampire!wilbur moodboard || x
no warnings // black, red and white theme
cg!cc!wilbur moodboard + headcanons || x
no warnings // brown, bear, bunnies and dear theme
cg!revivebur moodboard || x
no warnings // brown, yellow and white theme
cg!goddess wilma moodboard + headcanons || x
no warnings // pink, white and brown theme
cg!wilbur + puppy obsessed little moodboard || x
requested by @ax-y10 // no warnings // pink soft puppy theme
cg!wilbur with space/poetry loving little moodboard || x
requested by @burgundy-baby // no warnings // blue, tan and spacey theme
burgundy wilbur moodboard || x
requested by @burgundy-baby // non agere, standard moodboard // reddish burgundy theme
cg!darkwolf moodboard + headcanons || x
requested by @corner-of-void // no warnings // blue, grey and wolf theme
christmas with cg!wilbur moodboard + headcanons || x
no warnings // red christmas theme
cg!wolfbur moodboard + headcanons || x
requested by anon // no warnings // black gold and wolf theme
cg!simpbur moodboard + headcanons || x
requested by anon // no warnings // white, silver webcore theme
purple cg!wilma moodboard || x
requested by @ax-y10 // no warnings // purple soft theme
cg!wilbur stimboard || x
no warnings // bear + yellow/brown theme
cg!purple fairy moodboard || x
requested by @burgundy-baby // no warnings // pink, purple + fairy theme
cg!wilbur purple witchy moodboard || x
requested by @burgundy-baby // no warnings // pink, purple, witchy theme (candles, crystals, etc)
cg!knightbur moodboard (sorry boys) || x
requested by simpbur anon // no warnings // red, grey, brown + knight theme
cg!wilbur purple space moodboard || x
requested by @burgundy-baby // no warnings // pink, purple + space theme
cg!zombur moodboard (sorry boys) || x
no warnings // yellow + brown theme
cg!wilbur cozy yellow moodboard || x
no warnings // yellow + cozy vibes theme
content creators
sitter!tommyinnit moodboard || x
no warnings // yellow and red theme
cg!ranboo moodboard || x
no warnings // pink, gray and bunny theme
cg!markiplier moodboard || x
requested by // no warnings // red and black theme
cg!charlie slimecicle moodboard || x
no warnings // light green theme
sitter!ranboo with dino obsessed little || x
requested by @dino-boyo-agere // no warnings // green dino theme
cg!fox mulder moodboard + headcanons || x
gn!little!reader // no warnings // space/blue themed
cg!mike schmidt moodboard || x
requested by @jjtheresidentbaby // no warnings // soft, brown theme
cg!glamrock freddy moodboard || x
day 7 of f.a.c. // no warnings // orange blue theme
marionette moodboard || x
requested by anon // no warnings // purple, 80s arcade theme
cg!steve harrington x little!eddie munson || x
day 3 of f.a.c. // no warnings // there was no theme
regressor!loki moodboard || x
day 6 of f.a.c. // no warnings // green frog theme
havenplace dr moodboard || x
day 10 of f.a.c. // no warnings // green, winter and Christmas theme
twenty one pilots moodboard || x
requested by @justyouraveragealien // no warnings // white, grey, blue, black, red theme
cg!dean winchester moodboard || x
requested by anon // no warnings // brown grey theme
cg!steven grant moodboard || x
requested by 🎀 anon // no warnings // moon, yellow/grey/white theme w moons
curious george moodboard || x
no warnings // yellow and brown theme
winnie the pooh moodboard || x
requested by @aew-kun-age-regression // no warnings // yellow theme
cg!argyle + dino obsessed little moodboard || x
requested by @dino-boyo-agere // no warnings //dino, green theme
cg!connor rk800 moodboard || x
no warnings // blue, white + well.. Connor themed
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