#ch: alcryst
kaizokucujoh · 2 years
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wrenhavenriver · 1 year
hey only fe fan i follow, how have you been liking engage? i've been torn because it has some fun moments and the characters are all great but the main plot is bonkers balls to the wall weird. but it's nice to have supports that aren't just someone trauma dumping for 15 straight minutes (i like 3h but its supports were sometimes difficult to get through) so i'm back and forth overall.
yeah, there are a handful of characters i like or find interesting and a few moments of actual earnest emotion scattered throughout the story but for the most part the writing is shallow as all fuck. i've read that this is the same writing team that did Fates, and it really, really shows - i know that this was meant to be more of a fun game celebrating the franchise anniversary than anything heavier or more philosophical/political (plus the devs are on the record as stating they wanted a "simpler" story so players could spend most of their attention on the new gameplay additions), but i really do think there's a much better middle ground out there than...what they ended up with, which mostly just smacks of minimal effort/resources. it's especially obvious with the quality (or lack thereof) of some of the support chains (and most of the emblem bond conversations, tbqfh). i'm also not a big fan of the art style or the return of more overtly fanservicey designs, but the colors and smoother battle animations are nice to look at. and the gameplay is definitely fun, even if i have to turn off my brain for the story segments in between. idk, it's never going to mean half of a percent as much as awakening or three houses does to me, but i guess it's a decent enough time kill while waiting for what's next, possibly the rumored fe4 remake?
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windywhispers · 2 years
i needed to post this here aside from like some other place i noted but i was really keen on just letting diamant end hyacinth and morion but have alcryst have a hit at morion
but then alcryst said no and crit morion so diamant didnt get a hit. and somehow alcryst's whole line about "not wanting diamant to bear the burden" hit a lot harder like wow alcryst you really didnt want diamant doing this 😭
but positive: diamant got the final hit on hyacinth. and he wouldve gotten away with it too if it werent for THEM.
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braveryhearted · 6 months
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"At least people won't be mean and call you a pineapple anymore". He couldn't believe that actually worked. And bunnies are fluffy, just like wolves are. <3
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Engage 9 - 11
Spoilers and thoughts below the cut. Pretty big spoilers for the story this time.
You know it's a good sign when I'm already making plans for the next playthrough. I still want to finish Three Hopes, but Engage is so much fun to play, and there's already so many things I want to do differently to optimize more.
Alcryst and Celine's C support was pretty deep for a C support. They bonded over worrying about their older brothers dying.
Chloe is such a hopeless romantic.
I sense Louis and Chloe may have a romantic leaning support. She understands his ways and he finds her interesting. Their hobbies overlap. He said some stuff that could easily sway romantic is anyone but Louis was saying it . . .
Alfred is so fucking precious, omg. It's so funny remembering people were suspicious of him after his official art was released. Like, I doubt it would even occur to this guy to do something shady or devious. His and Yukana's support started pretty good.
One of my favorite things about Alear is that she's not stupid. Sure, the MC is very basic and generically heroic, but isn't annoying either. Doesn't rush into battle. Isn't irritatingly naïve, etc . . . It's nice.
I'd really like to know more about why Brodia keeps invading the mage country. They said some generic stuff about the mages wanting to wake the fell dragon up, but I hope there's more too it than that.
Oh, shocking, the Brodian king dies (is dying, got shot by that baddie). I'm so surprised. Parents. Dying in my Fire Emblem?
I have a feeling Ivy will be recruitable soon. All her retainers felt guilt fighting the divine dragon, and now her dad left her here to just die. She also lost her ring to us, so that's probably lowered her status on the enemy side too. She also offered her allies a chance to retreat. Definitely doesn't seem evil.
Found Citrinne and Diamant's support interesting. Diamant says he doesn't plan on waging wars when he's king. He acknowledges that it's good for his nobles because it makes them rich, but otherwise is something he wants to avoid. Citrinne supports this and seems to have some kind of diplomatic/messenger role in Brodia.
One of Alfred's talents is making flower garlands 😊. Pretty sure I'm picking him for my S-Support. He's just too adorable, plus I think he and Alear work. Right away he offered friendship and help, and they just have compatible personalities.
Forget Alfred being Dimitri's child, Dimitri is Alfred and Diamant's child. Like he is a bit like both of them smashed together.
Ok, I'm worried. Marth told me I need to stock up on supplies before ch 10 started. This reeks of back-to-back chapters.
I want Rosado on my team so bad already. And Hortensia is not annoying me anymore. She seems honestly worried about Ivy and seems to have no idea what her father is up too.
The artwork for all the places in this game are gorgeous.
Another parent bites the dust. The Brodian king got corrupted. I feel bad for the two brothers.
I made Alcryst attack his own dad. The dialogue made me feel so guilty. It made me feel much worse than Diamant's, until his second half. Alcryst is really growing me as a character too.
Glad the good guys actually tried to kill the villain even though he begged for mercy. That mysterious hooded person showed up (bet it's that girl Alear keeps talking too who had chains on her legs). Also bet it's brainwashing thing. Edit: At least 1/2 guesses right. Ok, probably 2/2 right since this version has never spoken to Alear.
Fell dragon about to eat the king lamo. Literally ate him in a cut scene lol.
Ok, so the 4 wolves are 3 unhinged people and the old guy, who is either a Camus or recruitable later.
Oh. Shit. We just lost the rings. Honestly, I'm more upset seeing all my old protagonists getting turned evil against their will than losing them in gameplay. To be honest, I didn't use them THAT much. It hurts way worse seeing red Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Micaiah, Roy, and Lief.
Losing the Time Crystal. THAT hurts like shit.
Our team took a major L. Honestly, good. 3H's storyline blows this one out of the water, but part of the issue with it was that Edelgard always got her ass kicked except in CF where you just romped over everyone as easily as everyone railroaded over her.
I'm really regretting bringing Citrine and Amber right about now. They're dead weight compared to everyone else who more or less can handle themselves with Alfred, Celine, and Yukana being neigh unkillable at this point.
Fuck yeah! Ivy is here to help me out. And her retainers.
She brought rings. She brought the time turning thingy. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank GOD. It's annoying as fuck to reset an entire chapter over a misclick or something and I can't ever let anyone die. I literally think I allowed one person to die the entire time I've played Fire Emblem lol, and this was before turnback was ever a thing too. Zelkov is my new favorite for this. I could kiss him.
Ah!!!! Lyn. And Lucina 😭😭😭😭😭 My girls. 😭😭😭 Lamo, Alear confused Lucina for Marth.
Ok, that chapter was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I stopped after ch 10 yesterday and was wondering about 11, but not too bad. So far, the difficulty balance in this game is pretty good.
Ivy MVP. Happy to have her after that.
Alear, Alcryst, and Diamant all being like "I'm sorry. It's my fault!" Ivy being like "kinda is a bit my fault." Meanwhile Alfred is just awkwardly sitting here being like . . . "I'm the only who didn't make a dumb call here."
I like seeing Alcryst get angry with Ivy. It seems so human. I like the royal characters so far a lot, except Hortensia but she's growing on me. I just wish Celine also got more attention.
This kinda feels a bit like the end of a part 1.
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mr-legoman · 2 years
Only just making it to Ch.11 in Engage but so far, Alcryst and Céline have my favorite support.
It just wholesome. The two younger nobles comforting and supporting each other over their fears of their older brothers dying. It's a nice moment.
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sevarix-blogs · 2 years
engage chapter 10 spoilers. special conversation between diamant and alcryst and one of the ch 10 bosses
diamant talking to morion 🥺
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and then alcryst
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economy-wonderglue · 1 year
Oh yeah I wrote a fire emblem engage fic
Post-canon times in which Alear realizes he has zero mentors, parents, or otherwise guiding figures to help him figure out how to be a god-king, and manages to get the help of a quasi-deity in human form to help balance living among humans with the general bonkers mindset that comes with being a god. And also trying to keep Brodia and Elusia from blowing up, in the background.
Student Alear & mentor OC, post-game, canon compliant for the most part (except when the canon is weird and fucked up). Background Alear/Alcryst but it’s hardly relevant to the overarching story. Several characters show up, with varying levels of story relevance.
Check chapter notes for content warnings, when applicable. Ch 9 has blatant Fell Xenologue spoilers.
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house-vestra · 2 years
fe17 thoughts (part 2)
similar spoiler warning as last time; i’ve now beaten chapter 18 but this post is about the brodia gang in this post so mainly spoilers for mid-game
first up in the brodia gang is yunaka. she’s fine. her personality is cute, just not my type of chara, and her design doesn’t work for me so she’s just mid-tier. covert units are good but i prefer zelkov
i unexpectedly like alcryst. i don’t care that much for bernadetta so i wasn’t expecting to like him, but his portrayal balances the serious and comedic elements of his personality better imo. i like that he threatened my life and i also do find extreme apologizing funny (it must have been a direct reference, right????) i think this type of character is very interesting against the backdrop of brodia, and despite his self esteem, he still has a backbone of steel on him, which is all. very. interesting.
i also like his evil-looking eyes. i don’t think diamante has them
(get his pandreo c-support if you can. awoo!! awoo...)
i was worried lapis looked super generic in the character previews but she’s grown on me. actually my first in-game impression of her was very positive because she and citrinne were totally ready to shank us from the front even after they knew who we were, which was refreshing after firene. but then she became nice and i was worried again. now i’ve decided i like her; i need to get more supports with her but i felt the signs that she grew up in extreme poverty were well done, things like being grateful for any type of thing you give her and, obviously, the milk convo. i’ve only gotten the c-support and it’s definitely funny but you can see lapis piecing it together at the same time you’re realizing what she’s talking about (i think the clip circulated on twitter/tumblr on release or near release, and seemed the idea online was that it was a joke about a white person thinking milk needs to be watered down, but the real context is much more interesting). ANYWAY i need to get more lapis supports but also unexpectedly ended up liking her.
citrinne is a hot rich lady. i uncomplicatedly like her. also need to get more supports with her. 
diamante... he’s fine. his thing with his dad was neat; that whole family’s dynamic is fun. otherwise, he’s very... there. i do like giving him lyn for the same reason ppl use sylvain to kill felix. i just got a diamante/jade support where diamante fully guffaws out loud for like 2 whole lines and that decimated my grasp of what his character is.
i didn’t notice it for a while, but i think diamante has 2-color hair too? he has a bright red streak at his temple that kind of looks like light glare but it doesn’t move even when he turns around, so i think he has like... idk just one patch of hair that grows differently...
amber. alpaca. he definitely comes the closest to the hisame/pickle situation just bc... alpacas are such a specific animal lol and very like 2011-brand “i love alpacas and sloths bc i’m so random” but from an adult man. his alpaca sweater is cute. his support with vander is funny.
i have no thoughts on jade except that her c support with bunet was funny.
i mentioned i needed master seals last time but actually after ch. 17 you get finally get unlimited seals in the shop so i’ve been rescued. everyone is now promoted except for clanne... i may go back to him but he’s only level 9; we’ll see if he can net any arena exp.
i appreciate that everyone’s default outfit changes with their base advanced class! i haven’t used a second seal so don’t know whether there are reskins for different classes but it’s reminiscent of the RD promotion outfit changes. i imagine if this game had had sprites, we might not have gotten this? i would have liked to see sprites by mika pikazo though; possibly some character designs might have clicked better visually.
supports are annoyingly hard to get?? i feel like after most battles i’ve only gotten 2 or 3 supports unlocked, and even after unlocking gifts to give people (which are SO EXPENSIVE), it feel like gifts and meals had more of an effect in 3h (altho u did get to eat a lot more meals in that game lol)
misc. but i wonder how many people entered the series with fe17? ig we’ll get more of an idea over time because those people probably wouldn’t get it on release. 3h was a huge entry game but i feel like everyone who is talking about engage is just like.... a series veteran lol i was on reddit and people are like “you couldn’t do that map?? unless this is ur first FE, you should know the optimal way is to do this” which struck me as an incredibly weird thing to say if any other game was in discussion?
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sharowolet · 2 years
fe: engage(ment)
disclaimer i have horrible taste in men and any blonde howl-adjacent looking man will immediately make their home in my arms
one arm is for alfred and the other arm is for amber, i do not take criticism thank you have a good day
but anyway :3 i did the divine paralogue! tiki!!! hehe... i loved her convo with marth, sooo cute!!!
i just finished ch 9 and i am aware i lose my rings after ch 10 so i am frantically trying to grind ring skills before i go cry :) who am i without my rings...
anyway back to amber, the man told me about his alpacas and i immediately got on one knee
honorable mention to alcryst for your fat crits and corner shots, and chloe for just existing
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Fire Emblem Engage 21 - 23
Spoilers for FE Engage beneath the cut. This game doesn't have the deepest cast, but all of them are pretty enjoyable and there's less that are just a single gimmick like in the old days.
Let me guess who the boss is for Ch 21. Some of the hounds?
Sombron trying to revive Atlantis is certainly a new villain motivation. Oh, now we're back to the typical stuff. He wants to invade other worlds also.
So I don't think we get Marni as a unit, but pretty sure we get Mauvier. And now sobstory incoming for Marni. She dead.
I really hope Griss doesn't get a last second sob story. I want him to just be an unhinged psychopath.
And, like, I buy Mauvier's behavior because we had a lead up to it. But Marni's been nothing but an unrepentant killer. Having a hard time caring at all about any of this. I want Alfred, Ivy, and the other rulers back.
I'm trying also to take this seriously that everyone here is chit-chatting instead of trying to kill each other lamo. Like, bitch!Veyle has tortured Marth and we're just watching her. (and Zephia and Griss).
Aw, man, I thought we were going to get Marth back :(
Alear's getting a Disney Death I see. Poor Alfred's so stressed. And Veyle, but I can't bring myself to care about her yet.
Are we losing the rings again? Aw, come on. 😭 Alear, you fucked up. I'm amazed Sombron didn't just wipe out Alear and co tbh. This is a bigger L than ch 10. At least Veyle is actually planning on killing all the heroes bc it's about time someone tried to actually kill each other in a cut scene.
Is this when Deus ex machina steps in? Because we lost the rings. Alear's dead. Veyle's evil again. And she's about to murder everyone else.
Oh, that's actually kinda cool. Alear's coming back as a corrupted. So not Deus ex machina. Since this was already established (Deus ex machina incoming to revert Alear back to human from a zombie).
Zombie!Alear didn't last long. Good voice acting though. It's obvious she'll come back. Which, that means she had two deaths in back-to-back chapters. Impressive? Is this the "miracle" thingy the emblems talked about once? Lamo. This plot. I swear. Ah, and the mom's ring.
But, hey, gotta say it's nice there's real consequences for what she does.
OMG her hair is all blue. Does it stay that way? Is it bad that I don't want it too? I'll miss the Pepsi and Colgate look.
Alear's the Fire Emblem. This is both ridiculously cheesy but also kinda awesome. I wasn't even looking for the "Fire Emblem," but I never would've guessed it was the MC lamo. All the past lords are simping. Do I get Alear as a ring though? Can I give it to Alfred?
The goofy hair is still here!! Yessss.
Alfred and Veyle's C support was hilarious. Mostly because of Alfred. Also, don't give him spicy food lol.
After some suggestions, I put Lyn on Alcryst and lamo. Alcryst + Brave Bow + Alacrity is just disgusting.
The hottest man in this game is Sigurd. This is an unarguable fact.
Is it me, or does Veyle build support REALLY fast?
Ok, but can you imagine your parents tell you that you have no choice, you must be X's retainer. And you expect some boring, stuffy, stuck-up noble - but instead - it's Alfred. 😅 I've seen people describe him as a "human golden retriever" and honestly, they're not wrong.
Ok, guys, I'm about to S-Support Alfred. The ring said it's your "trusted partner," so it might not be explicitly romantic, but as long as it's good, it'll stay my #1 ship in this game.
OMG, that was really cute. 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Alfred essentially says he wants to be more than friends and gives Alear an embroidery piece that's basically a Firene royal engagement rite. Alear says she's felt that way about him since she first saw him. She puts the ring on his finger, and he straight up says "I love you." Shit's pretty explicit and furthers my "devs wanted you to pick Alfred" propaganda. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
So do the two hounds finally die?
Kinda annoyed Veyle replaced the royals, ngl. She's probably the only character I dislike, meanwhile Ivy and Alfred are my two favorites and Diamant and Timerra are both solid.
So the Hounds ARE finally dying. Finally. But why is Zephia helping us? Telling us about other shards? Also, why is Madonna/whore complex the character talking more than Alear now?
This last minute throw at sympathy for these two is wasted. Like, they were one-note evil before this, lamo. Even the game is like "this makes no sense, please ignore it" with Zephia's dialogue. I'd rather hear Amber talk more about alpacas.
Lamo, Alfred is surrounded by lava and he's like "look, a flower, isn't that amazing!" I love him.
More time wasted on the 2 hounds, though Griss faking dead so he can enjoy the pain is on point. Not even Timerra got this much dialogue.
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