#fe alcryst icons
kaizokucujoh · 2 years
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alcryst icons • like/reblog if you save or use
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engagetextposts · 6 months
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remaking my old textposts, but better. erm sorry i don't have any new ones but eh well.
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5seraphim · 2 years
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matching icons for you and your fucked up sibling. credit to use ^_^
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bigender-leth · 1 year
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asexual Alear and Alcryst for @dazzlerazz !! <3
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dilfiesz · 2 years
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cause my insides are red and yours are too 🍓
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cupoftea-oliver · 3 months
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It's like, almost the end of pride and I haven't done that many, but here are two of the pride icons I did for me and my friend :3 First one is demiboy Groom!Alcryst for my discord and the second is pan Pomni for my friend! Just quick ones I thought I should post before the month finishes
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agoddamn · 2 years
Finally got into the Engage groove. Sat down and went from 10 to 15.
Something about MC's "I can't do this without you!" at the Emblems is really funny. Big waifufag energy.
Again, another point where I wish the Emblems were original characters. You could actually do something interesting with Alear having some kinda mildly codependent relationship with the Emblems in spite of them not being truly alive if they weren't cool iconic FE characters that need to be objectively good and admirable at all times.
Heck, you could address the unsettling idea of the Emblems not being truly alive in the first place! They identify themselves as Emblem Name, which means even they see themselves as a derivative. Are they trapped in a hell of undeath, watching everyone around them age and die? Do they still feel the human need for interaction? They get used as weapons against their consent-- isn't that an awful existence? Why would they want to become an Emblem in the first place? They're like the cookies from Black Mirror...nightmarish.
Interesting characterization glimmer from Alcryst. His boss convo with his dad has him saying that he wants to be the one to kill dad in order to spare Diamant having to do it. Damn, son
The sad piano music on the retreat chapter is nice.
I don't get why localization did that with the shitenno names...they're supposed to be colors. Mauvier and Griss are recognizably colors, but the girls are weird. Zephia = Sepia, Marni = Maroon (or maybe Marron, the French version).
Fogado feels like the character the fandom wanted Claude to be lmao
Also not sure why they renamed his sister? She's Misteria in Japanese, the siblings are fog and mist, that's the joke.
...dragon badguy kinda sexy. Forehead clit is a turnoff though
I like how Hortensia wigs out thinking Ivy is dead and everyone just chooses not to correct her
Kingdom 1's name theme is French, 2 is rocks, 3 is flowers, and 4 is...not sure, actually. Jp had the fog/mist thing, but English...
Oh, the gay bandits again. Wait...do they both call one another little brother in their death lines??
Solm palace is very pretty. Easily the nicest-looking castle interior
RIP to whatever localizer got handed Fogado's fratboy retainer lmao there are plenty of things I'll drag the localization on, but the party peep lingo is so bizarre to translate. I won't even touch it. They did their best with that shit
Kagetsu has gotten str level after str level. He's terrifying. Complete animal.
Kagetsu and Zelkov feel like weird AU cousins of Odin and Zero...Koyasu voicing Kagetsu only hammers this vibe home even harder
Starting to suffer on supports. As of chapter 15, MC doesn't have one B support. They took away support-building on the enemy phase and two-space supporting, which makes it a massive pain in the ass to get support points. I've been doing arena and cafe after every battle, too! Squeezing as many support points as possible outta this, but it still ain't much
Reclassing ends up being kind of an odd beast thanks to how Emblem-dependant it is. Losing your initial batch of Emblems takes away your ability to spread weapon proficiencies around, which hobbles your ability to reclass for several chapters. Compounding that, it's a good while before you can buy Second Seals, and money is very tight. If you have a unit who starts off in a class not suited to their growths (Jean, Clanne) they're kinda just fucked. What's the point of designing a system with so much flexibility only to take away your ability to use it for most of the game? I would have preferred the system be more stripped-down and actually usable.
Goddamn, do I feel the money crunch. Buying gifts? In THIS economy?
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Clash of FE Classes Opening Round - Match 4
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(pictured: an Archer icon from Shadow Dragon, a Soldier icon from Shadow Dragon, and a generic Villager's portrait from Awakening, on a GBAFE arena background)
introductions to the classes, other closely associated classes, and explanations under the cut
Archers are bow-wielding infantry units, who promote into Snipers, still bow-wielding infantry units. they're quite possibly the one true mainstay of the Fire Emblem series, with the Sniper being the only class that appears in every single game, with the same name, using the same weapon type. as consistent as their identity can be, though, their efficacy varies wildly from game to game -- not just because their abilities do, but also because they typically have situational strengths and play best in games that actually put them in those situations at least somewhat often. the situation that they're best known to solve, of course, is an onslaught of enemy fliers -- almost invariably extra-vulnerable to damage from bows. closely associated classes include the Marksman from Radiant Dawn. Alcryst from Engage plays very similar to an Archer while belonging to a pair of Lord-unique classes.
(NOTE: Refer to Match 7 for Bow Knights, etc.)
Soldiers are lance-wielding infantry units. in some games, they're enemy-only and function as weak fodder; in other games, though, they're playable and appear as a balanced class, with a slight focus on defense -- as well as the ability to promote into the Halberdier. other closely associated classes include the Sentinel from Radiant Dawn; the Spear Fighter, Spear Master and Lancer from Fates; and the Lance Fighter from Engage. Timerra from Engage plays very similar to a Soldier while belonging to a pair of Lord-unique classes.
the so-called "Trainee" classes most often manifest in the form of Villagers wielding swords or lances, although they've generally been seen with a variety of possible weapons -- just never more than one at once. the catch-all "Trainee" term refers to various classes throughout the Fire Emblem franchise with basic, low combat capabilities, but with future potential -- often but not always in the form of high stat growths, and often but not always in the form of uniquely flexible promotion options. many of them are essentially a "tier" below the basic classes of the game, thusly requiring a spot of training just to even become part of the regular classes. the Commoner and Noble from Three Houses can be wonkily argued to fit into the category as well.
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yanderefairyangel · 1 year
Very interesting reasoning and dynamics, here’s my own setup.
Alear (M)/Marth: the iconic duo, frequently bought together, do not separate.
Alfred/Lucina, Diamant/Roy, Ivy/Lyn, Timerra/Ike: grouped together because they all share the same reason, these duos were featured together in the opening cutscene, so I decided to let them stick together.
Céline/Celica, Yunaka/Micaiah, Seadall/Corrin: These characters were all introduced with their respective Emblems, and that sort of Pre established relationship made me decide to let them continue being partners.
Chloé/Sigurd: I wanted to use Chloé since she was my favorite female character prior to the game’s release, and I decided that Sigurd would make for the best partner. Plus Chloé is a lover of fairytales while Sigurd’s story is basically one long tragedy, so that makes for an interesting dynamic.
Hortensia/Byleth: when she was an enemy she used Byleth the most and it kinda felt right to let them stick together so Hortensia could have some closure for how she abused Byleth’s power. (Read their bonds supports to see what I mean)
Fogado/Leif: …imma be real, I just paired them up due to me not being sure where else to send Leif. They do have the common thread of both having a sis they love and want to support though, so that’s sweet.
Veyle/Eirika: …would it be in poor taste to say that the main reason I gave the twins’ emblem ring to Veyle was because I wanted to reference the two versions of Veyle? It is cute how both of them talk about their desire for peace in their supports.
Anna/Tiki: Since Adult Tiki was friends with Awakening Tiki, I thought it’d be cute to let Young Tiki be friends with Engage Anna.
Alcryst/House Leaders: I thought their skills would mesh well with Alcryst’s own skill set, like the Bow Defense skill, so I paired them up. Plus Alcryst reminding Edelgard of Bernadetta is endearing.
Vander/Hector: Axe boys. Plus I feel like Vander would remind Hector of Oswin and Marcus, which is pretty adorable to me.
Clanne/Soren, Framme/Camilla: I wanted the twins to be able to get in on the action, so I gave the Emblems I felt they’d mesh well with.
Jean/Chrobin: I’m pretty sure Donnel was the first unit in Fe to have Aptitude, and since he was from Chrom’s game, I figured I’d give him the Chrobin bracelet.
Mauvier/Veronica: I feel like he’d remind her of her brother. Plus their bond supports are pretty bittersweet.
(I beat the game before the Fell Xenologue came out, hence why none of the Alt Universe characters were mentioned)
Oh Interesting choice !!
The Tiki and Jean/Chrobin are neat Awakening references !!
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Clash of FE Classes Quarterfinals - Match 2
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(pictured: a Cavalier icon from Shadow Dragon, and an Archer icon from Shadow Dragon, on a GBAFE arena background)
introductions to the classes, other closely associated classes, and explanations under the cut
Cavaliers are typically horse-riding units who wield swords as well as lances, and promote into Paladins. in some games, Cavaliers are only given one type of weapon, and divide into classes according to those weapon types, usually (but not always) remaining single-weapon even after promotion. no matter the weapon, though, Cavaliers stand out for their versatility, high movement, and balanced stats, with Paladins often being among the few physical melee classes with more than below average Resistance. Alfred from Engage plays very similar to a Cavalier while belonging to a pair of Lord-unique classes.
Archers are bow-wielding infantry units, who promote into Snipers, still bow-wielding infantry units. they're quite possibly the one true mainstay of the Fire Emblem series, with the Sniper being the only class that appears in every single game, with the same name, using the same weapon type. as consistent as their identity can be, though, their efficacy varies wildly from game to game -- not just because their abilities do, but also because they typically have situational strengths and play best in games that actually put them in those situations at least somewhat often. the situation that they're best known to solve, of course, is an onslaught of enemy fliers -- almost invariably extra-vulnerable to damage from bows. closely associated classes include the Marksman from Radiant Dawn. Alcryst from Engage plays very similar to an Archer while belonging to a pair of Lord-unique classes.
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