#ch: amias
paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
have not spoken much of Rien on here but he is the Dark Souls 1 oc i will never play bc dear god i cannot play dark souls. bloodborne has already consumed me.
ANYWAYS. werewolf au for bloodborne. has dark souls in it too. Rien and Antal are half siblings (bc i think itd be funny if they both ended up with a cheerful sunshiney dude. altho Alfred's a little more. feral than Solaire is. it's okay. Antal's not the most nornal dude either)
Rien + Antal (+ Jackie, Antal's little sister) share the same father but only Jackie and Antal grew up together
Rien has another half brother that he grew up with. Diederick aka Didi. they didn't get along for a long time until Rien got hurt bc Diederick was ignoring him and he went "oh fuck. I'm being an asshole" and Amias helpfully said "yeah. now take me to my best friend 🔪"
ANYWAYS the point is i decided Rien got in trouble for making thermite in his high school labs so he could break one of his friends out of her house and then proceeded to blackmail her mayor father into giving Rien her medication. said blackmail included photographs of a political rival getting Dealt with. Rien was not as sneaky as he should have been and shit happened and then he had a hitman/whatever following him home bc "holy shit this kid is stupid what the fuck"
Didi was not aware of this and thought the car hanging around was an ex-friend who got a little too interested in Rien for his liking and so he immediately grabs a bat. cue Rien tackling him because
Diederick: WHAT HITMAN
Zita: ????
Rien: it's fine, don't worry about it Zizi, eat your cake, you deserve it
Diederick: HITMAN. WHY
Aldert: because your brother is so monumentally stupid, it's impressive
Aldert: *looks at the bat* I think it runs in the family
Rien: I thought i told you to fuck off, dude
Aldert: no, you said to get out of the car. which was fair. you should also be aware that blackmail of yours has now achieved a price on your head
Rien: why? because the mayor is weird about having sex with men and–
Aldert: no because you're blackmailing him with threats of a fake federal crime
Diederick: RIEN
Aldert: fortunately for you, I find your antics amusing and I loathe most others in this profession
Rien: can i take my chances with the–
Aldert: if you want to die, sure
uh. anyways. i also think it'd be funny if Diederick and Aldert ended up together bc Rien would give Didi so much shit
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hadeselegy · 5 months
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quick and lazy gpose zzz
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So 27 was favorite hypno erotica
Ironically the person who made the post made my favorite hypno erotica (I don't wanna @ her so the name of the blog is Kallie's Hypno Den) and the name of it is called 'Subroutine'
it's a hypno dronification story, which I'll spoil the beginning, the mc-Lori accidently is triggered into her drone state and her roommate finds out and shenanigans take place as they figure out who did it.
I hope this doesn't spoil too much but:
I really like stories especially nc stories like this where the Hero's and their allies all make it out safe (because otherwise I get worried for everyone who didn't make it out safe) and while there is some of a happy end they don't show what happens to they're friends and I was really stressed about it after reading it
But it is an amazing story tho my autism was going off like CRAZY when I finished and while reading it I had to pause and circle my room bc it was SOO GOOD AND JUICY AND EXCITING but yeah I read it before I got tumblr and thankfully the browser I was reading it on never triggered the "Ah, ah, ah, you don't have an account, you can't read this." Because whenever they do that, it's obnoxious and makes me not wanna get the stupid thing, but tumblrs cool so I got it anyway.
Here is the link to the story btw bc fuck I can't NOT link it:
This link will lead to the final chapter but the links to all the other chapters are there too
(I don't know what to tag it so just my generic qna tag)
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zuunnast0424 · 1 year
Zaa dahiad neg buteegui udur. Bi ymr teswer tewcheertei bsn bileede. Harin odoo ysn. Hun ene amidralaas ywahdaa hen negnii bas chuhal zuiliig awaad ywchihdag ym baihdaa. Aaw ywahdaa muu balchir ohindoo buten baigee geed uldeechihguigeer teswer, bayr huur, itgel naidwariig ni awaad ywchihsan ym shig baina. Erguulj oloh yostoi bolchihson ene zuilsiig yuni tuslamjtaigaar awah we?
Minii ohin goy zurdag geed hawiin hamaatan sadan irsen hun bolgond har harandaagaar haltarduulan baij zursan zuragnuudig maani uzuuleed suudagsan. Gaihuulah ym bish baihad l gawiya baiguulaad baatar bolchihson ymshig baidag baisan. Uuruu umduu oyohooroo hachin muuhai bolgood haychihdag bolohoor "Bi oyood ugiilduu" geed zaginan barin neg udaa oyj ugsun. Minii oyoson umd dahij uragdaagui bolohoor "Aawinhaa ymig oyood ug" geed awchirdag. Bi odoo yagad tuwugshuugud baidag bsn ym boldoo. Dahij oyulahgui gej medsen bol. Hoyulaa busdaas ni ym nuuj idchiheed "Ed muriin barimtaa usgay"geed tsaasig ni nuuj bilee. Jaahan huuhed shig l hun baijdee ta. Tanig yu bidnees holduulsaar iim baidald hurchihsen ym bol. Ta ghdee hund gomdoj meddeggui ymu. Tursun aawiigaa ch hurtel dutuu hairalsan ymshig sanagdaad baij suuh gazra olohgui baigaa nadaas hed dahin uur. Hunii amidral iim bolohoor hargis hatuu ymshig. Tanig baihgui bolchihson chin oroi bolgon amttai ym iddeg bsn alga bolchihson. Ta l erhluulehgui ym bol uur hen bidniig erhluulehwede. Bi nasni etsest bienii tal geh hun baihgui bol gehees uneheer ih aij bhd eejiigee odoo yayda. Bid hoyr eejig tani hairaar hairlaj chadahgui shude. Eejiig " Ta hoyr huntei suugaad ywchihaar eej ni gertee gantsaaraa yah boloo" gej helehed gol zuragdaad heleh uggui baisan. Tiim bolohoor "Huntei suudaggui ch ymu? Eejiihee hajuud nasaaraa baidag ch ymu?" gej boddog bolchihson. 6 han sarin dotor ireeduigee tuluwluj bsn buh zuilee orwongoor ni uurchilchihsun. Zuw buruug ni medehgui ch nadad l zuw sanagdaj baigaa ym chin gaigui bailguidee. Tani hajuud tom boloogui ymshig sanagdaj bsn bol baihgui bolchihoor chin mash hurdan hugshirchihsun ymshig. Ymig tom hunshig shiideh gej oroldood. Ingeh ni zuw bish biluu. Tand bas gomdood l baih ym. Amia hicheesen uildel bish biluu. Tani hairaar bidniig hen hairlahwedee. Dutuu bolgoj haychihaad ywchih ymdaa. Bur buh zuiliig shu.Ghdee uurtuu gomdoj baigaa shigee tand gomdohgui baigaa. Uurtuu l mash ih gomdoj baina.
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moon-hackes-7 · 4 years
And now...
Luna when I won't go to sleep.
(Just to clarify she's yelling at me, not you guys... But do sleep)
Me:*laughing my a off!* I swear Luna read the book of cursing!!!
Rina: Yep, when she tells you off, SHE. TELLS. YOU. OFF!!! I would know, I MADE that mistake once,,, never again, cause let me tell you, that srit is HORRIFIEING!
KC: you finally have ri mercy!!!
Luna: F--K YOU!!!
KC: F--K YOU TOO!!!!
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thewollfgang · 6 years
WIP Meme
@pellaaearien tagged me because she's MEAN (I love u)
The Rules:
I’ll post the names of all the files in my WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Pick out the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
A lot if these are temporary titles, but anyways. Here we go!
A Discovery of Lucifer
Asb Day 06
Apocalypse frags
Angel Au
Body Swap Fic
Coffeeshop au
Amias cont.
d/s fic
AU cont.
Body haunts mine ch 2
Miranda crossover
Our lady Charlotte
So ask me about them I guess?
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ukaxx · 2 years
oird uhliin tuhai ih muruuduh bolov. amia horloj chadahguigee bi mash sain medne. gevch haa negteges chuluu usreed gantshan naddeer unaasai, mashin mine joloodlogogui bolj guuren deeres usreesei, genet samarnas harshiltai bolood amisgaa mine boogdoosoi geh metchilen bodluud davtamjtaigaar nadruu dovtolno. Amidrah amid yavah hoyriin yalgaanii zaag deer bi suhurj unalaa. Dahiad nar mandaad jargana gesen ch dahiad tenger burhej aynga tsahilna. Zovlongoos zovlongiin dund aylahdaa heseghen ch bolov gegeerehgej oroldoh n farmiin unee shig durslegdene. Ter heseghen gegeeg uzehiin tuld naidah hergtei yu? esvel nadruu chigleed guij baigaa zovlon buhentei evlerehiin tuld beltgel hiihuu? hairtai buhneee nudendeeree aldaj hursen buhnii hoosniig tanij tugsgulgui uruudah ertuntsud gomdson setgelee barij daaj yadan hoyor hulun deeree denchignene. Horsloor duurseb gashuudlin nulimsiig amidraliin jam geed tolgoigoo dohiloo. Yamar hurdan evlerj baigaagaa bodood ulam uuriiguu uruvdun uillaa. Hatuujil. Huiten mus haildag shg hailaad tgd uurshdag shig hunii amidraliin ehlelees tugsgul hurtelh tseg baigaliin huulind zahiragdah aj. Uurd gedeg ugiig zohiohdoo uunees hamaaraltai uuseh zovlong bid bodoogui bololtoi. Ertuntsiig zahirah huch nadad hairlaval uurd gedeg ugiig uurd bi ustgana.
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Finding Flight 4/?
tumblr: ch1 / ch 2 / ch 3 / ch 4
ao3: ch1 / ch 2 / ch 3 / ch 4
Castiel is still staring at the fallen chair, wondering what he did to upset Dean, when the silver band wrapped around his wrist buzzes slightly. He twitches his hand at the unfamiliar sensation, then remembers--it’s the Star Voyagers communications device he was issued when he’d arrived on the station. Just one more thing to get used to on this place, he thinks, looking around. He depresses the small indent on the band and says to the air, “This is Castiel.”
A squeaky voice answers, “Ambassador Novak. This is Charruk Tok of the Preet delegation. Please report to Ambassador Flrr on deck 24. You are late.”
Castiel sighs internally but keeps his voice pleasant when he answers. “I was not made aware of any appointments until tomorrow morning’s briefing. I apologize for the misunderstanding; I will be there momentarily.”
“We will be expecting you,” Tok answers. The communicator buzzes again to let him know that the channel has been closed. Standing, Castiel flicks his wingtips, hoping none of the humans in the lounge know Astorians well enough to recognize it as a visible sign of frustration.  The sound of his steps on the hard floor fills him with a flood of…it’s not homesickness, not exactly. This place is metal and glass, shiny and black and grey, hard and bright. What he misses is the softness of home, the green and brown. Astoria is towering trees and trailing vines, flowing rivers and wide lakes. Even the sun, due to the makeup of the stratosphere, gives off a pale greenish glow.
He also misses having a place to stretch his wings.
Castiel has been a negotiator of sorts for the past ten years. He’d been traveling off planet—a very un-Astorian thing to do, as his siblings remind him as often as possible—when he’d found himself in the middle of a dispute over farming rights to a tract of land between two neighboring families. Without even realizing what he was doing he’d stepped in, gentling the arguing neighbors into actually speaking rather than ranting and raving until they’d landed on a compromise that left both sides happy for the first time in several years.
It had been a small thing, really, barely worth notice. But a high-ranking officer from the local military happened to be visiting friends in the nearby village, and she did take notice. She’d been impressed by how he’d known just how to handle the arguing families. She didn’t know much about Astoria--no one did, really--was he a middle child from a big family who was always trying to help his brothers and sisters work things out? Was it something all Astorians learned, a subject taught in school alongside math and reading and coloring in the lines? Or was it a skill specific to Castiel alone, one he’d just discovered one day and nurtured until it bloomed?
Slightly overwhelmed by the expectant, chatty woman standing before him, Castiel had smiled slightly and said, “Actually, I’m not sure how that happened. I’ve never done anything like that before.”
And with that simple statement began Castiel’s second life. The officer, Admiral Amia, took him under her wing...so to speak.  Much to the disdain of Castiel’s people, he left Astoria and studied negotiation and mediation tactics under the Admiral’s direction. Even as he studied he had work; first nearby but then farther and farther afield. Almost immediately Admiral Amia sent him to a neighboring colony world, where he successfully negotiated a compromise between two rival clans who had been vying for a small island in the river that separated their two lands. To Castiel’s surprise--but not to the Admiral’s--his reputation spread quickly, all across the galaxy. He didn’t work specifically for her government; soon he traveled from planet to planet, living mostly aboard spaceships, going wherever he was needed. Soon he was in demand, and he could go where he wished. He enjoyed the freedom to choose, something he never really had on Astoria, but he did miss waking up with the sun on his face and the wind ruffling his feathers, the way it did on the open aeries of his homeworld.
What he doesn’t miss is being told what to do all the time. How could I, he thinks, making his way toward the lift. His brothers, his sister, his parents. They haven’t exactly stopped.
His mind flits back to the latest message from home, this one from Gabriel, one of his older brothers. “It’s been ten years, Castiel. Hasn’t this ‘finding yourself’ thing gone on long enough? Time to grow up!” Castiel’s feathers ruffle involuntarily. Grow up indeed. Castiel may be going against normal Astorian behavior by living among other species, but Gabriel is inarguably the most childish of his siblings. He flies through life seemingly without a care, playing practical jokes on his brothers and sisters, barely more mature than his own children. He did finally settle down with a mate, but that’s as close as Gabriel has ever come to “conforming.”
It’s not that Castiel dislikes his family. He’s just always felt…different. Even when he was very small he knew he wasn’t going to stay on Astoria all his life. He loved to soar above the treetops, to feel the warmth of the sun on his feathers, to smell the damp, rich smells of the forest. But while Astorians were very integrated with their ecosystem, they also spent their whole lives learning, and were actually quite technologically advanced. And Castiel just didn’t have the drive to spend his days in a lab trying to find a better treatment for an old sickness or reading stacks of books to determine the best place to build a new village to have the smallest impact on the local ecology. He didn’t want to sit and study. He wanted to get out and see what was beyond Astoria.
Even if that means living on crowded space stations from time to time.
Castiel suddenly remembers blushing cheeks and moss green eyes, a warm voice calling him Cas. He smiles to himself. Perhaps this particular space station will be better than most. The smile falters a bit. Why did Dean run away? He must have felt the spark between them.  Castiel is looking forward to these peace talks more now: Dean will be there.
Lost in thought, Castiel reaches the lift, bracing himself for the uncomfortable ride to come. If being on a spaceship or station feels cramped, being inside a lift is nearly unbearable. He bites back a shudder when the doors open to show six people already inside; if the Preet weren’t already upset that he was late for a meeting he didn’t even know about he would have let the doors close without entering. Instead he takes a deep breath and steps onto the lift, pulling his wings as tight to his back as he can. Looking at the ceiling, he makes a mental note to find out where on this station he can go to stretch his wings, to fly. Even if it’s just a cargo bay.
“Hi,” says a breathy voice. Castiel looks down to see a young woman with dark blond hair staring up at him with wide, intense eyes, her face only inches from his own. Startled, he nearly takes a step back, but the wall of the lift is directly behind him and he manages to stop himself before he crushes his wings. Apparently this particular human doesn’t recognize his need for personal space.
“Hi,” the woman says again, then she giggles. “I mean, I’m Becky. It’s so amazing to meet you! Your wings, your feathers, they’re breathtaking. Can I touch them?” The fingers of one hand stretch toward him.
It is only years of training that keeps him from shuddering, although his insides heave at the thought of this stranger’s hands on his wings. He keeps his voice calm, even as he wants to shout. “Please. No. What you are asking…it is very intimate. Among my people a parent will preen a child’s wings until he is grown, but after that wings are only ever touched by a lover.”
“Oh!” Becky giggles again, eyelashes fluttering. “Of course, I’d never touch you…unless you wanted me to,” she breathes. Again her fingers twitch in his direction.
“Good god, Rosen, leave him alone! He’s not your pet.”
Castiel looks up, blinking in surprise. While fending off Becky’s advances he failed to notice the lift stopping and emptying out; the only other occupant is a small, dark-haired woman. She’s glaring at Becky, arms crossed over her chest. When Becky turns to face her the change in her body language is instantaneous; instead of an expectant huntress she is a feral cat. “It’s none of your business, Masters!” she practically hisses. Castiel almost expects claws to extend from the ends of her fingers.
The woman called Masters is not cowed in the least. She nods her head toward the opening doors. “Isn’t this your deck?” she says pointedly.
Becky glances at the numbers displayed by the open doors and then turns to take one last, lingering look at Castiel. “I’ll see you around,” she says, all seductive sweetness again, no trace of feral Becky.
When the lift doors close, Castiel lets out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. “Thank you,” he says. “That was…uncomfortable.”
The woman chuckles softly. “Yeah, I could see that, Clarence.”
Castiel squints at her. “My name is Castiel.”
She barks a laugh. “I knew Astorians were intelligent and beautiful. I didn’t know you were funny.”
Castiel quirks a smile. “Most aren’t. I’ve never really fit in.”
“Seriously, though. Stay away from Becky Rosen. The last man she took a liking to…well, he’s not here anymore. She followed him around, tried to break into his quarters, even showed up on the flight deck.” At Castiel’s confused look she adds, “He was a pilot.” He nods, understanding. “Anyway, he asked for a transfer. He never told anyone why he left, but he was pretty freaked out about something. She’s never been officially reprimanded because she’s never been caught doing anything that’s technically wrong. But the way she looked at you just now, you’re definitely in her sights. She looked like she wanted to marry you. Or eat you for breakfast.”
The tips of Castiel’s wings flutter. The woman glances down, then raises an eyebrow. She knows about Astorians, Cas thinks, surprised. Some things, at least. She knows that means I’m frustrated. “I’ve only been here for a few hours, but already I’ve found the people on this station to be full of surprises,” Castiel says genuinely. “Thank you for the warning about Ms. Rosen. I’ll do my best to keep my distance.”
Scowling, she looks away. “Don’t get any ideas. I’m not a very nice person.” After a pause she adds, “You seem like a good one, though. Too good to get tangled up with Becky Rosen.”
The lift stops and the doors slide silently open. “See you later, Clarence.”
Off balance, Castiel doesn’t speak until she’s moving out of the lift and down the hall. “What’s your name?” he calls after her.
“Meg,” she says. She doesn’t look back.
The lift doors close. “Nice to meet you, Meg,” he says to the empty air.
thanks to my betas! I got lots of help with this chapter (which tried to kill me)... @bend-me-shape-me and @ajacentlee
tagging: @unlikelyteller
If you’d like to be tagged in future chapters (chapter five is coming soon!!) just let me know, I’ll keep a tag list. :)
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Romansh and romantic is not quite the same, but being able to speak a few words in Romansh might turn your next date with a local voluntari into a romantic affair you won't forget. Check out the dictionaries on the official championship app or attend the crash course next Wednesday. Romansh makes you different!
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Attenziun da nu's ferir! Scu act da prevenziun fo attent il militer, cha l'entreda in sia tenda da sanited sü Salastrains pudess esser prievlusa. Fotografia: Jon Duschletta
Che frustraziun! Schi, schi, nossa chera quarta lingua naziunela. Quaunt lönch restaro‘la que auncha? Quarta! Ils champiunedis mundiels da skis ans muossan in quists dis nempe que, cha grazcha a Pia Valär e sias illustraziuns vains già pudieu constater in quist blog: Vandscheder u vandschedra, that is the question! (interpreto libramaing da William Shakespeare e sieu prinz da Danemarc). Già esser quart sün livel naziunel es taunt stimulant scu lascher passer il tren per duos minuts e river tres que cun üna mezz'ura retard ad ün apéro riche. Ma in quists dis, chera glieud, discurrinsa da champiunedis mundiels. Mundiels!
Dimena, niauncha da penser al frust da la tudas-cha Viktoria Rebensburg u dal norvegais  Aleksander Aamodt Kilde düraunt las «ceremonias dals vandscheders». Ster lo in pè ed applaudir als vandscheders – quella schmaladida graduaziun pü bassa e quel maladet mielin memma a schnestra (our da vista da l‘atlet, da l'atleta).
La Lia Rumantscha circumscriva la situaziun in ün inviamaint culs pleds: «Rumauntsch – la lingua ufficiela inuffiziela.» Radschun cha l‘ho. Taunt scu culla constataziun, cha'l Rumauntsch, per esser precis, l'idiom puter, tuocha tar San Murezzan scu la Corviglia, la «muntagna da chesa». Eir scha que pera d'esser üna floscla casuela, ün slogan exagero u forsa dafatta üna parola per surviver – ils champiunedis demuossan, cha'l rumauntsch viva vairamaing ed eir cò a San Murezzan. Eir quist, vis our da la perspectiva d'ün Rumauntsch, d'ün Vallader, per esser precis. Eir scha‘l bes-chun d'ün portier a l'entreda dal «House of Switzerland» discuorra be bun tudas-ch, dadainsvart vain discurrieu rumauntsch. Dals fans, ed in marculdi zievamezdi eir da divers grand cusgliers opür dals duos regents engiadinais chi eiran lo in visita.
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L'agüd digitel per chatter adüna il pled adatto es integro illa app ufficiela dals champiunedis mundiels da San Murezzan.
Ma cu guarda que our cul rumauntsch our da vista dal na-Rumauntsch, dimena, per rester in Svizra, dals rapreschantants dals vandscheders dal set da medaglias? Bainschi vegnan quels bainvgnieus illa Viafier retica in rumauntsch. Rivos a San Murezzan as perdan però ils stizis rumauntschs. «Immundizchas» es bainschi auncha scrit süls recipiaints dal rüt, «glisch» sün ün placat sülla tenda dal post da sanited dal militer e «capuns» sül placat dal «St. Moritzer Stübli» sü Salastrains. That’s it, chers amihs, cheras amias dal rumauntsch. U am sbagl eau?
La Lia Rumantscha prouva bainschi da der cuntrapais, cul «Crashcuors» per exaimpel. Quel ho lö darcho marculdi, ils 15 favrer, a las 16.00 illa zona da peduns. Opür cul vocabulari rumauntsch sülla app ufficiela dals champiunedis mundiels chi’d es gnida sustgnida finanzielmaing da la Lia Rumantscha e chi as basa sül dicziunari da Gion Tscharner. Uschè paun ils na-Rumauntschs incler noss pleds. La app as chatta suot: www.stmoritz2017.ch. Ella güda a tradür pleds tudas-chs i'ls idioms vallader e puter. E, be per dir, il vocabulari as chatta sülla app – cun ün pô pazienzcha – suot: Menü-Specials-Wörterbuch.  
Hoz prelegia l'autur grischun Arno Camenisch a las 16.00 ed a las 17.00 illa zona da peduns ed a las 19.00 cumainza lo il concert dal rapper indigen Gimma.
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pathetic-moon · 5 years
Xun xzee ch xuniixaa tuluu bn gj bdgum bn kkkk nzuud ch bai xn ch bsn xmgaagu xn ch xzee ch xnii ch tuluu bddgu xun gdg amitn zuvxun amia xicheesen l amitn um bn.
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telmenamar · 6 years
To cleo...
Bi chamaig say uruunuuus garaad yavhad chin tevreeed yavuulahgui yaavdaa gj mash ih haramsaj bn. Ene buh hugatsaand bi l gantshan amia hicheesen n baisniig oilgoloo, yum l bol chmg harduulj chms hair mederdg, chmg insecure blgohiin tuld togloom hiideg. Bi chmd muugaar nuluulsunduu uuriiguu chmg sainaar um shg bsandaa chinii memorynoos bur musun ustgachihmaar bn Boldog bl 5.29nd ergeed ochmoor bn. Bi ch chmtai adil hun bolj tursunduu amidraldaa anh udaa az jargaliig mash iheer mederch uzsen. Chmg az jargaltai bailgah daalgavar uurtuu ugsun daanch ive ruined everything. Bi chmd toglood heldeg bsan ch chinii buh yum chn ndd uneheer tugs sanagddag shuu. Yalaguya bi chinii dotor hund mash ih baharhdag minii tuluu baidagt chn namaig hairldagt chn nmg halamjildagt chn bi chmd hairtai baidag um. Bi chmg aldah gj bdag ene horvoogiin hamgiin azgui hun shg sanagdaj bn, Ghde chinii setgel hurchuud nd dr irvel bi huleej avch chdhque. Magadgui hedn jil sariin daraa neg gazar taaraad buhniig shineer ehleh bolomjiig huleeh baih. Chi minii ungursniig martuulj chadsaan, chi ndd amidralaa shineer ehleh bolomj olgoj ehluulsen. Bi amidraldaa anh udaa ireeduigee gerelteigeer harsan. But im too lazy to purge my past. Bi amidraldaa anh udaa chmg l tgj hairlaj uzsen. Bi chinii ugsun dernii uutnaas chmg unerlej uuruusuu gutaj bn. Bi uuriiguu heterhii sain hun gj uurtuu itguuljee. Chi minii ungursniig balluurdaj bhad bi chinii ireeduig balluurdaj bsn bn. Chinii tuluuu chmg dursamjaa blgoj uldeej chdnaa hairaa. Ghdee hzee ch nmg bitgii uruvduurei. Minii chmr togloom tohuu hiij uuriiguu l bayasgadag baisniig hzee ch bitgii uuchlaarai. Bi anhnaasaa chmtai honest bhiig l hicheesen ghdee. iluu honest bh tusam chmg alj bgaagaa mdsen chmg ahij gomdooj chmg ahij chmg uiluulhiig, chinii hairiig hurhiig harahiig uneheer huseeguie. Bi chmd buh ungursnuu yarihaar shiidsen bhdaa bi mash ih bodson ghdee helj chadaaguue, ugiin surtei um bhq, chamd buh uneneee l helsen gj uurtuu itguulsen, bi chinii ireeduid sainaar nuluulnu gj uurtuu itguulsen odoo harin neg muuhai bodol ni iim hariltsaandeer erthen l turshlaga suuj bhq yaavda gj bodogdoh. Chmg nds hzee ch yavahq um shg ndd uurt hairtai bh um shg aashilj baisniig mine harin uuchlaarai. Bi chmd ymr feeingtei ymr bodoltoi bdag tr buhen 100% unen shuu. U r my first love and ever. ygd ch um bi ert uheh um shg bodol ahial orj ireed bn. bi bs aihgui baina. Bi chinii mederch bgaa insecure medremjiig ehnii 2,3 sar medreed uzseen ymr bdgiig ni sain mdj bn aaa bs udhq hotruu ochood mederch ehelne gdgtee itgeltei bn zuvhun mungu huilj l uuriigu tur l argatsaana. Bi chamd ugsun amlaltuudaa hzee ch zurchihguiee. ene udaad l uuchlaarai. Uuuchlarai gj ug buur une tsenegui bltson bgaa bh. i am weak af. ingj bodohoorl im not good for you. herev bid 2 ingd yavtsgaaval nadaas iluu sain huntei uchraarai. Ghde medhiin tuld tsag ordog um shg bn. Ndaas turshlaga avch uldsen blhoor hair n itgeltei bnaa chi chdna. Chamtai ungurvvlsen ter buh udrvvd uneheer real bsanshuu. Bi jinheneesee uuriihuu baij chdsan uyuud mine tend l baisan. Harin hazaij irhed buh um duuusdag um bn. Minii lowest point-d bsn suuliin 2 jiliig mine uneheer uuchlaaraii, bi uuriiguu haysan bsnaa, ymr hun blj uurchlugduj bsniig chi ndd uhaaruulj chdlaa. Bi ter amidralruu uneheer butsmaargui bn, burhan gj bdg bl guij bgaad ene uhaantaigaa butsaad 7 sard ochmooor bn. Chinii nudend harsan zurguud chn bgaa gdgiig mdj bn ghdee minii nudend chi l haragdaad bn. Bantsan tsaraig chn harah ymr huurhun bdg geech. Bs neg guilt ni minii orond oruulj uzeh... Bi chamd hairtai
Bi udur blgon zahia bicheed chmd yavah udriihuu umnu yavuulay gj bodoj, Zaaval itgeh shaardlagaguiee ghdee ene zahianuud will contain no lies bi eejiinhee nereer andgailj baina. Bs chmg jargaltai baihad l bi jargaltai bn gdgiig oilgooroi. Hedii uur huntri ch gsn bi chmd tgj ih goy dursamjuud uldeej chdsandaa l uuruuruu baharhaj bn...
2018.12.31. 11am 
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thaiminhbn · 6 years
Mẫu sofa văng 3 chỗ ngồi kê phòng khách SFV 28263
Mẫu sofa văng 3 chỗ ngồi kê phòng khách SFV 28263
Mẫu ghế sofa văng SFV 28263 được bọc bằng chất liệu nỉ nhập khẩu. Kiểu thiết kế dạng ghế văng dài 3 chỗ ngồi. Không gian sử dụng khá rộng rãi, đủ chỗ cho khoảng 3-5 người ngồi khi kết hợp cùng ghế đôn nhỏ đi kèm. Tuy nhiên do là sofa văng nên không tốn nhiều diện tích kê, có thể kê sát mép tường, chừa lối đi… Rất thích hợp với phòng khách nhỏ, hẹp một chiều…
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