#rel: diederick & rien
paranormal-potatoes · 2 years
have not spoken much of Rien on here but he is the Dark Souls 1 oc i will never play bc dear god i cannot play dark souls. bloodborne has already consumed me.
ANYWAYS. werewolf au for bloodborne. has dark souls in it too. Rien and Antal are half siblings (bc i think itd be funny if they both ended up with a cheerful sunshiney dude. altho Alfred's a little more. feral than Solaire is. it's okay. Antal's not the most nornal dude either)
Rien + Antal (+ Jackie, Antal's little sister) share the same father but only Jackie and Antal grew up together
Rien has another half brother that he grew up with. Diederick aka Didi. they didn't get along for a long time until Rien got hurt bc Diederick was ignoring him and he went "oh fuck. I'm being an asshole" and Amias helpfully said "yeah. now take me to my best friend 🔪"
ANYWAYS the point is i decided Rien got in trouble for making thermite in his high school labs so he could break one of his friends out of her house and then proceeded to blackmail her mayor father into giving Rien her medication. said blackmail included photographs of a political rival getting Dealt with. Rien was not as sneaky as he should have been and shit happened and then he had a hitman/whatever following him home bc "holy shit this kid is stupid what the fuck"
Didi was not aware of this and thought the car hanging around was an ex-friend who got a little too interested in Rien for his liking and so he immediately grabs a bat. cue Rien tackling him because
Diederick: WHAT HITMAN
Zita: ????
Rien: it's fine, don't worry about it Zizi, eat your cake, you deserve it
Diederick: HITMAN. WHY
Aldert: because your brother is so monumentally stupid, it's impressive
Aldert: *looks at the bat* I think it runs in the family
Rien: I thought i told you to fuck off, dude
Aldert: no, you said to get out of the car. which was fair. you should also be aware that blackmail of yours has now achieved a price on your head
Rien: why? because the mayor is weird about having sex with men and–
Aldert: no because you're blackmailing him with threats of a fake federal crime
Diederick: RIEN
Aldert: fortunately for you, I find your antics amusing and I loathe most others in this profession
Rien: can i take my chances with the–
Aldert: if you want to die, sure
uh. anyways. i also think it'd be funny if Diederick and Aldert ended up together bc Rien would give Didi so much shit
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