hr-nm-grnd-zr · 11 months
"They just vavoomed" you said, as you watched them through the window.
S2 fix it fic, hurt comfort, no warnings
It was pouring. Aziraphale’s hair flattened by the water. Their tears visible even through the rain drops rolling down their face. Crowley was standing under the canopy. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t think. After everything that happened the past few months… Aziraphale had never hurt him before and no one had ever hurt him as much as they had then.
Crowley felt as if his heart was tearing into pieces. He imagines this is close to what a heart attack must feel like. The demon wanted to punch the angel in the face, push them in front of a car and set all of their books on fire! He wanted to hurt them just as much as they hurt him. It had been hard to process and he was still not over it. But seeing Aziraphale like this. Standing in the pouring rain, their hair and coat soaked, face scrunched up from trying and utterly failing not to cry. Aziraphale looked absolutely miserable.
He couldn’t bare seeing them like this. He was still in love with this angel, obviously. But Crowley could only watch them standing there, not able to move. “I love you.” the angel spoke first. It came out quiet, the loud rain almost drowning it. Crowley couldn’t think.
He saw the angel was shaking now. Aziraphale looked scared of what his reaction might be. What would Crowley do? Crowley doesn’t know how it happened. If you were to ask him, he wouldn’t be able to explain it. The demon stepped out into the rain, grabbed his angel by the collar of their coat, like he’d done so many months ago, pulling them close and kissed them.
For a moment there was a squeeze in his heart, afraid Aziraphale would push him away again. Then he felt the angel’s arms wrap around him, holding on tight on the back of his own coat and pulling even closer, their whole bodies embracing each other. That was the moment when the sparks started.
Neither of them both could tell how long the kiss had lasted. Nina and Maggie however, who were watching the scene from the coffee shop window, would be able to tell you that it had lasted a whole of 40 seconds at least.
When the kiss stopped they didn’t pull apart. Instead Aziraphale hid his face in the crook of his demon’s neck. They were still shaking, maybe even more than before the kiss. “I’m so sorry.” the angel blurted out. “I was so stupid, you didn’t deserve this, I …” “Don’t bother, angel.” Crowley interrupted them, his voice soothing. That was when Aziraphale started sobbing.
Pulling Crowley even tighter, they let out all of their anger about themselves and all of the frustration which had build up over the past few months. If someone would mention it, Crowley would totally deny what he did then. He held his angel close, kissing the top of their head. “I forgive you” he said honestly. Burying his face in their wet hair he, subconsciously, rocked them both back and forth.
They were both drenched now from the rain. Yet they stood there, a demon soothing his crying angel, letting the rain do what rain does. This part as well, they weren’t able to tell afterwards, how long it had lasted. Maggie, if you were to ask her, could tell you it was about 10 minutes and she would totally admit that she had watched the whole time, while Nina had to resume serving customers.
When Aziraphale had calmed down they barely broke apart to look at each other. The rain too, one could say almost miraculously, had calmed to a light shower completing the now softer mood of the atmosphere.
Aziraphale’s face was still red, their eyes a bit puffy from crying and they had definitely smeared some snot on Crowley’s black coat. But in that moment Crowley swore he had never seen anything more beautiful in all of his existence. Not even his nebula could compare.
Aziraphale lifted one of his hands to take off Crowley’s glasses. Instinctively Crowley grabbed their hand to stop them. “We’re outside.” he argued. “Let me see your eyes. Please.” the angel insisted and took off the glasses revealing the demons surprised expression.
They observed the demon’s face for a moment. “Never change Crowley. Not who and not what you are. Not for anyone.” Aziraphale stroke a finger over Crowley’s cheek wiping away a tear, which had escaped his left eye while he was still processing. “You are perfect just as you are.” Crowley didn’t know what to do. His heart was pounding loud in his ears. This was his biggest fear. That him being a demon would never be good enough for an angel.
This time it was Aziraphale’s turn to kiss Crowley. It was soft, longing and full of love. Even though he would definitely deny it if Maggie were to mention it the next day when they met at the café, saying it was just the rain and she surely must have imagined it, there were tears rolling down his face now. They were many but they were happy tears. A huge weight had just been lifted from the demon’s shoulders.
When they broke apart Aziraphale kept wiping them away, which didn’t help anything considering there was now water dripping from Crowley’s hair. “Let’s go inside the bookshop, get a change of dry clothes and make a hot cup of tea.” they suggested. “And put some gin in it.” Crowley agreed and held out his hand. Aziraphale took it without hesitation and, just like when they had danced together, giggled and pulled the grinning Crowley over to the bookshop.
They had a lot to talk about. They needed to sort out their feelings, which Crowley wasn’t looking forward to at all. Then there was also the matter of Armageddon 2. But this could wait for a few moments. Because right now they were both in heaven. Not the same heaven which Aziraphale had just escaped from, no. The sort of heaven that went with them wherever they were together. Crowley was very much looking forward to that part, he might even admit it if anyone were to ask him.
Aziraphale also had a short dance to perform. If you were there, watching through the shop’s windows, you would be able to see the rose the angel miracled into their hand at the end of their dance, offering it to Crowley. And if you were to stay a bit longer, you would see the demon rolling his eyes and groaning but accepting the rose anyway.
Thanks for reading and let’s hope for a good ending in Season 3.
And if you were to come by the shop later that same day, you would be able to see Aziraphale and Crowley moving the demon’s plants inside the shop. There they would get a nice place by the windows, where they were to stay for a very long time to come.
notes: I hoped you liked it. In my headcanon they both use he/they pronouns. I used they/them for Aziraphale and he/him for Crowley just to make it easier telling the two apart.
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nightskylonging · 9 months
Android AU, Part Two
So, who in this AU is an android? Oh boy! Let's talk about it!
Some quick worldbuilding first: I already said that the androids chose their own names and that the teams don't know about this. So, what does the world know them by? This has changed over time. Originally, it was generally by the name of the model - so a Red Bull android, say, the seventh, would be RBAP-7 (Red Bull Android Program Seven). Ferrari have the SFAP line, Mercedes the M-P-AMG? AMG-M-P? But humans are incapable of not naming things, so that got thrown out the window. Now, it's common for an android to have a sort of logo animal (coughhoneybadgercough).
Now, let's get into the meat of this post.
Daniel Ricciardo: Android known as the Honey Badger. Brought in by Red Bull.
Max Verstappen: Human. Second person Daniel trusted with his name. These two get along insanely well, and even though androids don't usually do a lot of marketing work, people clock this.
Seb Vettel: Human. The first person Daniel trusted with his name, after Seb figured out that he was sentient. By 2022 has gotten to know most of the androids on the grid through patience and some trial and error. (It doesn't always go over well when you blindside your teammate with 'sentient?, 'course you are, how's your day going?')
Carlos Sainz: Android from the Red Bull program. Known as Meerkat. (Chose this one because he's said a couple times that it's his favorite animal. Also big eyes go stareeeee.)
Charles Leclerc: Android from the Ferrari program that debuted with Sauber. Known as Mouse. He does tell Seb his name while they are teammates, though it takes him a good long while.
Quick sidenote here: I've gone the combo route with the androids. They do have hardware (Ultralight skeletons and insanely fast processing most notably), but wetware is a big component, because it's lighter. So their musculature and external appearance is quite within the norm. Long way to say, C2 are still the 'This is Charles. Charles loves his personal space. This is Carlos. Carlos also loves Charles's personal space' meme, Mediterranean limpets that they are.
Lando Norris: Human. Knows about Carlos's sentience, and by extension has put together that the androids on track are hiding this from most everyone involved in the travelling circus. Puts his foot in his mouth with this a bit, early on with Daniel, who was not expecting Lando to cotton on to this.
As a matter of fact, the 2019 season was notable for all three rookies being human. This doesn't stop rumors from cropping up the way they tend to about 'x driver is secretly an android', usually targeted at George.
Fernando Alonso: Android. Goes by his name. The old man war criminal we all love. Delights in baffling people, and it's extremely common for f1 newbies to just assume he's just a Dude. (That doesn't sound like it might come up when people start discussing android sentience openly, not at all...)
Other human drivers: Lance Stroll, Esteban Ocon, Kimi Raikonnen, Oscar Piastri, Valterri Bottas, Lewis Hamilton, Nico Rosberg, Alex Albon.
Other android drivers: Yuki Tsunoda, Pierre Gasly, Logan Sargeant (Not relevant to the story at all, I think), Nicholas Latifi.
A note on team principals: Christian Horner Knows. Never says anything, but he Knows. Toto Wolff would know, but none of the Mercedes drivers are androids. Mattia Binotto does not know, and it's probably a good thing he doesn't.
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sparebutton · 1 year
(Across the Spider-Verse spoiler)
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pigswithwings · 7 months
the angel staying over at my house asked for a nightlight in their room and i told them buddy, don't you produce your own light? what're you gonna do with more? and they said they wanted to see why people like it so much. and also that the nightlight i own is blue and they've been trying to understand color. anyways i think they've stared at it for an hour now
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demaparbat-hp · 5 months
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Maybe... the Fire Nation's got a point?
AKA the Katara Willingly Joins Zuko In His Quest To Find The Avatar AU
#atla#zutara#zuko#avatar the last airbender#katara#atla zuko#atla fanart#prince zuko#atla art#atla katara#atla netflix#katara of the southern water tribe#katara art#katara fanart#zuko fanart#zutara fanart#zutara au#Katara Willingly Joins Zuko In His Quest To Find The Avatar AU#I need a proper title for this AU. I'm up for suggestions!#Okay so Katara isn't raised in the FN. She isn't captured or infiltrating Zuko's crew.#When I said she willingly joins him I meant it. She's absolutely genuine about it.#For context in this AU she doesn't see the Avatar as a beacon of hope. Rather she resents and blames them for the war and running away#(No Aang bashing. But! he isn't a child here and thus has to accept full responsibility for his actions and their consequences)#Aang gets out of the Iceberg by himself and arrives to Katara's village. They believe him to be a surviving air nomad and take him in.#He learns everything about the war and Katara's opinion about the Avatar. Aang keeps quiet about his identity. He's afraid and in denial#Then everything changed when Secretly A White Lotus Member and Traitor To The Crown! Zuko arrived#Their first meeting was miles away from canon. Zuko arrived rather peacefully and his strange actions were enough to make Katara's...#... decision easier later. On the other hand there's a incident and... yeah. Katara learns that Aang is the Avatar and has been lying to her#In short: shit happens and suddenly Aang is leaving for the North Pole on his own and Katara becomes a crew member in Zuko's ship#She's his right hand and his partner in crime and the only one besides his uncle who can beat him at Pai Sho. They kick ass and hunt Avatars
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terracottakore · 2 months
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on his way home 🏠
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have not spoken much of Rien on here but he is the Dark Souls 1 oc i will never play bc dear god i cannot play dark souls. bloodborne has already consumed me.
ANYWAYS. werewolf au for bloodborne. has dark souls in it too. Rien and Antal are half siblings (bc i think itd be funny if they both ended up with a cheerful sunshiney dude. altho Alfred's a little more. feral than Solaire is. it's okay. Antal's not the most nornal dude either)
Rien + Antal (+ Jackie, Antal's little sister) share the same father but only Jackie and Antal grew up together
Rien has another half brother that he grew up with. Diederick aka Didi. they didn't get along for a long time until Rien got hurt bc Diederick was ignoring him and he went "oh fuck. I'm being an asshole" and Amias helpfully said "yeah. now take me to my best friend 🔪"
ANYWAYS the point is i decided Rien got in trouble for making thermite in his high school labs so he could break one of his friends out of her house and then proceeded to blackmail her mayor father into giving Rien her medication. said blackmail included photographs of a political rival getting Dealt with. Rien was not as sneaky as he should have been and shit happened and then he had a hitman/whatever following him home bc "holy shit this kid is stupid what the fuck"
Didi was not aware of this and thought the car hanging around was an ex-friend who got a little too interested in Rien for his liking and so he immediately grabs a bat. cue Rien tackling him because
Diederick: WHAT HITMAN
Zita: ????
Rien: it's fine, don't worry about it Zizi, eat your cake, you deserve it
Diederick: HITMAN. WHY
Aldert: because your brother is so monumentally stupid, it's impressive
Aldert: *looks at the bat* I think it runs in the family
Rien: I thought i told you to fuck off, dude
Aldert: no, you said to get out of the car. which was fair. you should also be aware that blackmail of yours has now achieved a price on your head
Rien: why? because the mayor is weird about having sex with men and–
Aldert: no because you're blackmailing him with threats of a fake federal crime
Diederick: RIEN
Aldert: fortunately for you, I find your antics amusing and I loathe most others in this profession
Rien: can i take my chances with the–
Aldert: if you want to die, sure
uh. anyways. i also think it'd be funny if Diederick and Aldert ended up together bc Rien would give Didi so much shit
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alicenpai · 1 month
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the girl from the other side ✨ this series gave me hope a million times but simultaneously shattered my heart into the same amount of pieces </3 (flower symbolism under cut)
sticker sheet for anime north 🍀🥧🖤🤍
forget me not - obvious reference to the Black Children and how they eventually forget who they are as they near the end of their "life cycle".
white clover (in coffin) - white clovers typically symbolize innocence.
4 leaf clover - like I wrote in a previous post on my Witch Hat Atelier seasons piece, the 4 leaf clover symbolizes luck and good fortune. Like Coco, Shiva to her loved ones is a symbol of fortune, though to the Inside Kingdom, a symbol of misfortune.
sunflower - typically symbolize strength and warmth, a fitting flower for Shiva, the light illuminating Teacher's dark past.
nasturtium - another flower symbolizing strength, and has strong ties to the "victory" after battle. apparently soldiers used to don them as a sign of a long battle won. fun fact they are also edible (don't take my post for nutritional advice please) (ill probably write a bit more on this topic when my head is more clear)
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meep--tm · 11 months
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i can shut the door on us but the room still exists
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dozydawn · 2 years
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Melissa Hamilton and Rupert Pennefather.
Lauren Cuthbertson and Thiago Soares.
Natalia Osipova and Edward Watson.
Melissa Hamilton and Rupert Pennefather.
Natalia Osipova and Edward Watson.
Sarah Lamb and Steven McRae.
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aychama · 5 months
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Butcher Lamb.
Necromantic Axe
Timelapse ;
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Bucktommy-missing scene: 7x09-265 words
They sit back at their table, the only ones there for the moment. Chim follows them.
"So he was calling you a-" Buck says slowly as they sit down.
"Yep," Tommy says, popping the 'p.' "Thanks, Howie. You didn't have to do that."
Chimney shrugs, grabbing a piece of food off his plate and popping it into his mouth. "I wasn't sure he knew about you, but you guys aren't exactly subtle, so I thought it was better safe than sorry. Also it was safer than punching him in the face."
"Hey!" Buck protests. "I have not grabbed his ass once today, thank you very much."
"I saw you guys making out in your jeep on my way in."
Tommy snorts and Buck can feel the heat suffuse his cheeks. "Have you seen him, Chimney?"
Tommy says "Evan, for goodness sake-" and Buck shoots him a wink, glad he's managed to get that Gerrard-related look off his face.
"Not my type, Buckaroo," Chim says as he eyes Maddie talking to Athena. "But you do you."
"I will, thank you," Buck says primly. He glances at Tommy a little uncertainly because he'd like to kiss him, but he also doesn't want to put Tommy in any weird spots with Gerrard just having done what he did.
He needn't have worried. Tommy leans forward and plants a sweet kiss on his mouth.
"Ugh," Chimney fake-gags. "You guys are gross. I'm gonna go kiss my wife."
"Bye," Buck says, not taking his eyes off Tommy, who's eyeing him with an expression of affection and fondness. Buck loves that look.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 21 days
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[Based on a group chat (I was Wen Ning)]
Congratulations to everyone who graduated recently, or is soon to graduate!!!
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planetsandmagic · 8 months
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the weight of a dying star
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choccy-milky · 2 months
I just can’t wait to see if you end drawing tortured sub seb, our poor boy was heaving at the mouth!!!!! Also I’m gonna need a visual on freaking Henry I need to look at that mf in the face
Also I did sorta get fooled into thinking the favorite boy was Henry for a second but 10/10 loved the chapter.
AWW THANK UUUU💖💖AND OK i was actually gonna include a link to some doodles of henry at the beginning of the chapter but i couldnt decide on how i wanted him to look BUT I THINK I GOT IT, SO HERE
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that smile..................that damned smile ((also we know by now i love torturing seb, and i defs have a wip of tortured sub seb/dom clora in the works too, rest assured👀))
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pillow-boi · 1 year
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what if… he reached him…🌌
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