#ch: caius trevelyan
belorage · 2 years
PART TWO of the OC names tag game. All FC5-related children can be found HERE.
NIKOLAOS DIAMANTIS ROSSI Nikolaos: Greek origin, meaning “victor of the people.” The name is apt in the context of a pyrrhic victory if you consider the way the Uncharted 4 timeline ends for him, but it was initially chosen because I wanted to steal the name “Niko” from a defunct Star Wars OC of mine that will never again see the light of day. (And because I wanted him to be Greek on his father’s side. In-universe, he is named for his father’s father.) Diamantis: Greek origin, meaning “diamond.” Chosen sonically, but the meaning is apt enough owing to his wealth and the treasure vibes of the Uncharted franchise in general. Rossi: Italian origin, meaning “red-haired.” Only my choice in the sense that I decided to make him a part of the canonical Rossi family (the “Mrs. Rossi” mentioned in passing by the floor manager in the Rossi Estate is his mother). GIOVANNA DIAMANTIS ROSSI Giovanna: Italian origin, meaning “God is gracious.” She was originally a Gianna, but this presented an unfortunate conflict with her younger sister’s name, so I changed it. In-universe, she is named for her mother’s father (Giovanni). TALIA DIAMANTIS ROSSI Talia: Hebrew origin, meaning “dew of God.” I was considering the Greek name Thalia, but realized there was an Italian-friendly alternative, as Talia is the name of a character in an Italian fairy tale. Since the sisters are more immediately associated with their mother’s side of the whole Diamantis/Rossi business model, that’s the one that stuck.
LEON VALERO Leon: Greek origin, meaning “lion.” Flop reasoning on my part. He’s a Leo and it suits him. That’s literally it. However, there’s a quest in-game where V is dubbed “the furious lion” by an NPC, which was a funny but unexpected nod. Valero: Spanish origin, a place name derived from Valero, in Salamanca province, Spain. No reason for this choice other than I needed a “V” name of Spanish origin. (He is mixed—primarily Mexican and Japanese, some Russian—but his mother specifically was a Valero, before he was raised as one of Padre’s boys.) TOBIAS LYNCH Tobias: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is good.” I like how it sounds. End reasoning. Lynch: Irish origin, meaning “hill.” No specific purpose. I knew I wanted a name of Irish origin and it flowed well with the siblings’ first names. SAOIRSE LYNCH Saoirse: Irish origin, meaning “liberty.” Again, no purpose, only sound.
GAVIN COUSLAND Gavin: Scottish origin, derived from Gawain, meaning “white hawk.” I just liked the sound and the Arthurian vibes. Cousland: Scottish origin, derived from the Gaelic form of Absolom, meaning “father of peace.” Not my choice, canon default for a human noble. CAIUS TREVELYAN Caius: Latin origin, meaning “rejoice.” In-universe, his name was plucked straight from the family tree (the Tevinter relative from way, way back—hilarious). Trevelyan: Welsh and Cornish origin, meaning “homestead on the hill.” Not my choice, canon default for a human noble (again).
GABRIEL SHEPARD Gabriel: Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength.” Chosen because I love that biblical shit; you already know. Specifically, I thought it would be funny if he was named after the messenger, because no one listens to him when he says the Reapers are coming. It’s funny. Hush. Unintentional, but it also allowed for an in-universe reference to Garrus’s vigilante moniker (Archangel), one he chose—in my personal canon anyway—as a way to honor his human friend (and known proponent of vigilante justice!) whom he thought to be dead. Shepard: English origin, meaning “sheep herder.” Not my choice, canon default. (He sure does herd sheep though, boy howdy.)
LEVI XIAO Levi: Hebrew origin, meaning “joined together” or “joined in harmony.” It’s also meant to be evocative of “Leviathan,” because his father is NOT dead, actually; he’s a god-creature from the Echo World, currently in horror-stasis at the Agency headquarters for his Crimes™, which is much better than being dead. Surely. Absolutely. The Hebrew origin is relevant because his mother’s side of the family is Jewish. Xiao: Chinese origin, written as 蕭, meaning “mournful” or “desolate.” His father’s chosen surname for passing in the human world. His father is not actually Chinese (obviously), but China was his place of origin in terms of his initial entry into the Right-Side-Up and the physical features of his human form are all reflective of this.
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belorage · 3 years
2, 19, 33, 34, and 40 for Caius please?
2. Does your OC have dreams or nightmares? What are they like? Is there a recurring one?
Caius wasn't particularly prone to nightmares prior to his encounter with the envy demon at Therinfal Redoubt. Afterward, the most frightening recurring theme is coming face-to-face with his own image.
19. If someone was describing your OC to someone who had never met them, what distinguishing features would they mention? How would one identify your OC in a crowd?
Physically, his most notable features are probably his light blue eyes, his bright, toothy smiles, and [insert Cassandra voice here] those cheekbones (high praise indeed, considering the source). For the duration of the Inquisition, the conspicuously shiny armor is also a dead giveaway. However, pointing him out tends to be unnecessary, as he has little trouble drawing attention to himself, Maker help him.
33. Describe your OC’s favorite environment. Urban or rural? Wild or controlled? What’s the climate like?
Hailing from the Free Marches means that he is, of course, partial to the sea. Looking out over the Waking Sea from its southern shore on the Storm Coast was a highlight to him, as was the constant rain (much to the misfortune of his traveling party). He enjoys urban environments when they are new to him, but he tends to tire of them quickly and finds life within walls of all kinds stuffy and monotonous—hilarious (or perhaps eminently understandable) for a noble son of Ostwick, but what can you do? In general, he prefers the wild outdoors, the notable exception being caves because “when has there ever been a pleasant story about a place like this?”
34. What would someone blackmail your OC with? Would they be successful in getting what they wanted?
Most attempts at blackmail would be laughed off, seeing as a majority would either be absurd or otherwise miss their mark as a source of shame. What are they going to say? “We have it on good authority that the Inquisitor ran naked through the streets of Val Royeaux!” Caius would find that hilarious. "The Herald of Andraste is bedding a magister's son!" Yes, and what of it? He welcomes the rumors. However, with the growing burden of leadership, threats made in an attempt to twist his words or create doubt about his motives as Inquisitor would eventually get a rise out of him. He has only ever wanted purpose, not power or authority. Still, Caius is unlikely to make a deal with a blackmailer, and the flipside of his highly compassionate nature is that he is prone to emotional outbursts under pressure. Thankfully, he has a somewhat more level-headed advisor (Josie) to step in before he makes a potentially counterproductive rebuttal.
40. Are there any habits your OC has picked up from people around them? Do they know where they’re from? Does your OC try to stop themselves from doing it?
No, none that come to mind. If he’s mimicking habits from people around him, chances are he’s doing it intentionally and in-the-moment.
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