#ch: jin yeong
atrial-ofhorror-if 2 years
I think there is a paragraph missing during the interview scene with the hospital director if you choose "Nursing" as your major? Since I remember previously if you had "Biology" as your major, MC would be able to ask a specific field-related question.
Do you plan to add a light mode, by the way? With white background and black text, or something similar? I tried to choose the closest thing to a light mode in themes but it didn't work.
Also, bro, Tama is something else 馃拃 "I don't want them (Courtney) to touch what's mine"? Bro, we are best friends, what's going on with you??
MC also got injured at the alley scene but it wasn't mentioned again? The talk on the bench with Tama also felt like these two were lovers or ex-lovers than best friends like I chose, since they talk of their "relationship". It just felt at odds with the previously chosen dynamics.
I love Tama but holy crap, dude. Simmer down a bit. The kid just had their stalker ex basically kidnap them and corner them in a dark alley!
Aside from that, I surprise-laughed at Jun punching MC in the stomach and MC getting knocked onto their back and unable to stand up. I did not see that one coming. Faizan to throw MC over their shoulder for touching them? Sure. Jun to suddenly appear and suckerpunch them? NO.
A spiteful part of me wished MC throw up on their shoes though, because Jun didn't know their strength (YOU KNOCKED A GROWN PERSON FLAT ON THEIR BACK WITH A SINGLE PUNCH??) and MC was woefully unprepared (and already feeling ill for different reasons by then) for it.
I had to go double-check all those passages and I forgot to add additional paragraphs 馃ゴ馃ゴ
I typically work in Word, so when I write my different variable choices, I try to write the connecting/follow-up right underneath it. BUT I also end up writing the choices altogether. Which causes a lot of confusion for me. I've started to color code the corresponding passages, so hopefully, that helps me better organize and make sure that paragraphs are fully finished and completed before I publish and transport into twine. Cause once its in twine, I focus solely on coding.
And ooop, I thought I had a theme on there called "A White Space" that was supposed to be white? I'm having such trouble making the passages white, I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board for that one 馃ゴ馃ゴ馃ゴ. Essentially it's coming, I just gotta figure it out.
Now in terms of the Tama Talk, which one are you specifically referencing? Is it after you eavesdrop, or is it when you met Jin + Faizan? I'm guesstimating that it's the conversation Tama has with you about Courtney, which highkey needs to SUPER revised.
I don't want to spoil too much, but I will say that there's a reason Tama reacts like this. It's about 70 percent not what you think it is and about 30 percent SPOILERS. Also, nonnie... did you send the ask about the Tama theory 馃憖馃憖 i wanna publish it but I'm slightly nervous.
And LMAAAOO, Jin is... special. Y'all will find out how later on. His character is semi-important to Yue's route, and partially to Faizan's.
Other than that, thank you so much for the ask~~ I love seeing peoples feedback and views on the characters and the game.
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oshieteacapella 3 years
I "tried" (with google translate) to read the last Dear Door ch. I could find (from the vietnamese scans) and I'm just... heartbroken. I really felt sad and wanted to cry because of Sid. He really loves Jin Yeong but Jin Yeong really loves someone else now (and is loved back by Aron) and is just painful to watch. Sid has a very sad story and yep, my ship will never sail (I knew it). I just want a happy and redeemed Sid that can speak his feelings.
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I don't know anyone who reads Dear Door and I don't know when the english ch. will be out because it was dropped by the group that was doing that job and... well, is just sad. It's really good.
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demonsanddoors 4 years
Gyeong Joon's glowing eyes:
In chapter 27 Gyeong Joons eyes start to glow and looks much bluer than in previous chapter. It's almost like his eyes gets glowier the more time he spends with Cain, now- why would his eyes glow if he was just a regular door/human??
If you compare Gyeong Joon to his friend Jin Yeong- his eyes dont glow even if he just like Gyeong Joon have s*x with his demon (Sid). And why is that? What makes them different from each other even though both are humans?
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When Gyeong Joon first met Cain he didnt have glowing blue eyes, he had grey eyes:
(Ch. 4)
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When Cain later flies away with Gyeong Joon, he briefly thinks to himself that his eyes glow just like Cains. This means that although he normally have grey eyes- his eyes glows blue occasionally and did so before he met Cain.
(Ch. 6)
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But why does his eyes glow?
In ch. 4 Cain is amazed by the fact that Gyeong Joon doesnt die after being used as a door. Cain is probably as powerful as Satan, and he is impressed that transporting him to hell doesnt drain Gyeong Joon's soul so much that he dies after being used one time.
(Ch. 4)
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Same thing happens when Gyeong Joon meets Gale (red head demon) in ch. 30. He is amazed by the strength of Gyeong Joon's soul.
(Ch. 30)
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When Cain and Gyeong Joon have s*x in ch. 27 Cains left eye turns blue and a blue light spreads from his heart:
(Ch. 27)
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Could this mean that Gyeong Joon's soul is so strong that it makes his eyes glow blue? Maybe Cains heart glows blue because Gyeong Joon's soul power is healing it or giving it power? If that is the case then Gyeong Joon is so much more than a door, he is basically a source of power for Cain- without the power from Gyeong Joon he might not be able defeat Satan! 馃槷
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Hotel del Luna finished yesterday and thus, possibly one of the most interesting and innovative dramas of 2019 concluded.聽
It still possessed strengths and faults and here I will break it down (for my own sanity so I can stop thinking about it 24/7).
Some Strengths in Plot:
The theme that it is entirely about choices. You can choose聽to hold onto hatred and resentment and can similarly choose聽to let it go and absolve yourself of those feelings. You can choose聽to stay the same or you can choose聽to grow. You choose聽who is important to you in your life and the things you believe and the friendships you decide to cultivate. It may not be a choice to fall in love, it may happen without you knowing it, but it is a choice聽to pursue that and cultivate it. You can choose聽to hold onto someone or you can choose to let them go. As such, one鈥檚 choices ultimately dictate their future and their chance at a happy ending.
The overarching message of the Hotel del Luna itself. I think the idea of a place of rest and respite for ghosts to fulfill their lingering desires and move on without regrets was fresh and creative.聽
The message that it is possible to let go of one鈥檚 hatred and resentment and gain closure is an important one - that inner peace is possible to achieve and people can change for the better.聽
The thought that the people you interact with and form close bonds of friendship with can become your family is also a huge one - especially for those who grew up alone or whose blood family was awful, the thought that you can create that happy family you want is great.聽
Hotel del Luna also showed the influence that people can play in each other鈥檚 lives. Chan Sung literally pulled Sanchez out of darkness when they were younger and the promise that Hyun Joong made Mr. Kim and Mrs. Choi make was the only thing that kept Mr. Kim from succumbing to humiliation and running off to the afterlife in shame without resolving his resentment.
Other Positive Points:
-IU literally carried the character of Man Wol singlehandedly as well as most of the allure of Hotel del Luna. She played a tough, sarcastic and wounded boss lady with a protective heart and an inner vulnerability with such skill. Both the verbal and non verbal element of her character were embodied. She made Man Wol perfectly imperfect. The character growth of Man Wol is one of the strongest points of the show. Her styling was also off the charts which added to the badass-ness of it all. She stole every scene she was in.
-IU also had amazing chemistry with Yeon Woo and especially with Chung Myung. The latter鈥檚 chemistry truly lifted Man Wol鈥檚 past story and gave her character so much dimension.
-The supporting characters of Hyun Joong, Mr. Kim and Mrs. Choi, along with the Grim Reaper were amazing as they provided unspoken support to Man Wol throughout her 1300 years of punishment and as much as she would never admit, she learned from them and they became people she felt protective of (not so much the Grim Reaper) before Chan Sung was ever in the picture. They weren鈥檛 flat or static characters in the slightest but were instead characters that the audience could empathize with even if they were just supporting characters.
-The ability of the actress portraying Ma Go to portray all of the different sisters with different personalities to the point where you love some and hate others and it鈥檚 hard to believe its all the same woman.聽
-A special mention goes to Yu Na, the 98th Manager, Sanchez, Mi Ra and Yeong So for taking the stage and tugging on the audience鈥檚 heart strings with the limited amount of screen time they had.
-The plots of the ghosts also touched on important aspects of forgiveness as well as problems in today鈥檚 culture (such as the hidden camera thing). I think this was a nice touch.聽
-Yeo Jin Goo and IU together. He is no doubt a talented actor and Chan Sung was an interesting male lead but I felt that his chemistry with IU was just a little flat and off somehow. I cared for Chan Sung but I was not invested聽in Chan Sung like I was with Man Wol, Chung Myung or Yeon Woo. There was no emotional attachment there. It felt hard to feel the connection between Man Wol and Chan Sung as a result (partially probably due to her chemistry with Yeon Woo and Chung Myung being so powerful and more compelling). I think if they had played it so Man Wol and Chan Sung become reluctant allies and later strong friends and almost siblings, it would have been more fitting and believable- I think they would have been able to play that dynamic much more convincingly. His portrayal of Chan Sung was good though and the charisma and stubborness Chan Sung had as well as his ability to transform any situation were only effective due to his convincing acting. I just wasn鈥檛 emotionally involved in their relationship whatsoever and looked forward to every other part of the episode. All that being said, Hotel del Luna is one of his better works undoubtably (My Absolute Boyfriend in comparison was a trainwreck).
The plot had many faults in it of itself:
-Chan Sung鈥檚 goals and aspirations, life聽in general pre-Hotel del Luna, seem to have vanished within the first couple of episodes. He was this cocky Harvard graduate who wanted to be the world鈥檚 best hotelier but besides a few mentions of the high brow people he used to serve and the mention of him coming from Harvard every five seconds (it got a little annoying at the end), it is never spoken of again. You also get little to no interaction between Chan Sung and his friends during the episodes and that is a complete shame. I wanted to cheer on the Chan Sung-Sanchez-Mi Ra (even though I loathed her in the beginning) friendship gang as they navigated life and weird paranormal events but that never happened because you never saw them together.聽
-The division of聽character angst was ridiculously unbalanced. Sanchez, though the naive and rich chaebol he is, did not deserve the titanic of angst he got at the end. Yes, we wanted character development but not through the hellfire of intense tragedy!聽
Chung Myung, without a doubt, deserved better.聽I will utter that until my last breath.
Man Wol and Chung Myung deserved peace and reconciliation instead of the minute of whatever that was聽that they got.聽
They suffered for 1300 years for what?聽
They did him dirty especially because I think they were never anticipating he would have such chemistry with Man Wol. The writers were intending to write him as this horrible person they could easily cast aside but Lee Do Hyun brought such emotion to his character that Chung Myung no longer fit that mould and we were just left with the sense of after all this time, this is all we got? This is not closure. They had so many routes to take with the back story and they chose to take the drowing-in-angst-so-much-it-may-as-well-be-an-angst-tsunami聽route (and the miscommunication and ignorance due to lack of knowledge KILLED ME!) and for the life of me, I can never think of that as nothing less as completely avoidable saturation of angst. They went so far overboard you can鈥檛 see the ship anymore. Due to character chemistry and development, I wish they focused more on redeeming that story line and doing both characters justice with HAPPINESS and potential togetherness than the Man Wol/Chan Sung romance train (though what it represented overall was important- but I still think you could have gotten the moving on without the romance).聽
聽Yeon Woo deserved better, no if ands or buts.聽
Man Wol is the pinnacle of unnecessary character angst. The show has ended and I still don鈥檛 believe that her actions in setting a palace on fire and killing an admittedly large amount of people needed to result in 1300 YEARS (looking on eternity) of punishment.聽
In general, there was an unnecessary amount of angst given to the characters (excluding the princess) of Man Wol鈥檚 sageuk past.聽
Chan Sung on the other hand, had hardly any personal angst pre-Hotel del Luna. Mi Ra (whose past life was the Princess who ordered the deaths of all of Man Wol鈥檚 gang of bandits) had no angst聽in her present life. None whatsoever.聽
Yes, Hotel del Luna was never meant to be a light TV show but聽whatever- the characters didn鈥檛 deserve to suffer that way (and I haven鈥檛 even mentioned the painful back story of each one of the Hotel del Luna gang).
- I think in general because the leads were two major names in the acting business ( IU an idol and actress and Jin Goo a child actor turned adult actor) and were drawing in most of the hype (because the promotions and the summary of the show did the show no justice), the writers decided to cram as much of the pair of them in each episode as possible- to the detriment of the development of the supporting characters and the overall plot. Again, pretty sure Man Wol didn鈥檛 need so much angst as she was given. I think if they spaced everything out a little more evenly, there would have been more plot development by far.聽聽
-The application of justice also was unbalanced and made no sense. Man Wol鈥檚 questionable punishment aside, we are introduced to this unfair justice with the hidden camera ghost. She had suffered so much because of the actions of one scum bag and his hidden camera and Ma Go#4 never sought to punish the guy. Yet, she stepped in and prevented the ghost from getting the justice she truly wanted by her own hand. Why?! She had hurt humans, yes, and this would be another human. Before and after her fate would be burning up in ashes but why not let her have that one victory? Then there is Seol Ji Won, the psycho killer ghost. At no single point did Ma Go #4 step in and burn up his ghostly self. He was allowed to run free for so long that it was almost a joke when he got caught by the Grim Reaper. It causes you to wonder what Ma Go in general is all about.
- The plot dragged on as far as individual ghost redemption stories. Each did have a different message and redemption and justice were delivered in different ways each time (just showing how smart Man Wol actually was) but it just took up too much time. I would have rather seen that time delving into the back stories of Mr. Kim, Mrs. Choi and Hyun Joong earlier (INSTEAD OF IN THE LAST FEW EPISODES).Or give me more time with Man Wol鈥檚 past in the form of her earlier interactions with Yeon Woo and Chung Myung- I would love to see how their relationships developed more or just interactions not tinted with doom, gloom, betrayal and death, even getting to know Yeon Woo and Chung Myung better individually would have been great.聽
-There was also a lack of time given to the supporting characters in Chan Sung鈥檚 modern life. We barely see Sanchez, Mi Ra and Yeong So and even more rarely see Chan Sung interacting with the three of them.聽
At the beginning, the show didn鈥檛 look like it was going in the direction of new romance at all and so, the friendship dynamic was especially important and although the direction shifted, the dynamic remained nonetheless important (especially since it was what he had to fall back on once Man Wol left) yet was given no opportunity to develop and grow. If we weren鈥檛 literally given flashbacks to Chan Sung bringing Sanchez out of contemplating suicide, you would have never gotten the impression that they were best friends (and rarely afterwards is that emphasized). We also have no link to Mi Ra and know barely anything about Yeong Su either. The ball was just dropped as far as connections Chan Sung had with other living people in his life as soon as the romance with Man Wol was introduced.聽
As a person who is friends with a lot of people in relationships, it is incredibly annoying when a person drops everyone else to solely spend time with their lover as if the friends around them never existed. Though I appreciated seeing Man Wol and Chan Sung鈥檚 relationship develop, I felt the same about them and yearned to see them interact with anybody else. It would have been great to see more interactions between Man Wol and Yeong So, given that he is the reincarnation of Yeon Woo, because it would have been nice for her to get a second chance at knowing him before her time was up.
-Ultimately, each episode was so long yet at the end I still felt unfulfilled with how much I鈥檇 learn about each character. An hour and a half would pass and I would still think about the number of things I wanted to see more or know more about that just never happened even though so much time had passed.
-The 12 Ma Go sisters were great but I was still confused at their individual purposes and motives from time to time because it had never been explicitly stated what each of them did.
-Life post Man Wol I felt was also in a way unsatisfying. I appreciate that he chose not to take that medicine so that he would always have that connection to her and that Yu Na would be able to move on with her life having taken it. Yet, the moving on process seemed very isolating. Unnecessarily isolating. One of the points of the show was that it was okay to lean on others and not have to be strong all the time, but we never see Chan Sung leaning on anyone. Even after Man Wol鈥檚 passing on, instead of leaning on his friends in Korea (some who probably need to lean on him too, I鈥檓 thinking of Sanchez here), he is shown to be up and leaving to go to New York. This method of grief further goes to push the importance of supportive friendships out of the picture. His Mount Baeku-esque dream that featured all of them again in one place and happy was a little odd in terms of composition. The location did nothing for me because at no point were all five of them ever previously in a park together. Their individual actions were also kind of confusing (though Man Wol and Chan Sung鈥檚 embrace and final words to one another were cute): yes Hyun Joong was playing basketball like the typical college student made sense because that was one of his dreams to finish his education, but Mrs. Choi never had an attachment to dogs and Mr. Kim had never been seen running a second this entire season. For his idea of an idyllic reunion to look like this was confusing and out of character even within the realms of a happier reincarnation life. I think him simply staring at the photo of the five of them that was taken in the last episode that he obtained a copy of (perhaps one of the more goofier ones) and smiling wistfully would have been a better scene to end on.聽
All in all, it was a brilliant show. One that challenged normal main character qualities and had me more invested in individual stories and character growth (in the modern time) than in the love story. The parting of the main characters at the end was tearful but fitting as the entire season and all of that character growth on Man Wol鈥檚 behalf had been leading up to it. The ending overall was bittersweet but I appreciate that each individual character got closure because it was nothing less than what they deserved. There are a lot of important messages weaved in between the mystery and the intrigue that Hotel del Luna possessed which was definitely an unexpected addition to such a genre. The costumes, setting and cinematography was fantastic and aided in the storytelling.聽
Will it be a drama I watch again in its entirety? At this moment, I am not sure. There are definite scenes that I have replayed and replayed already but I don鈥檛 think I am at the point where I can rewatch it all again. Even so, it was a show that I watched in its entirety (which is rare for me) and was on the edge of my seat throughout it all.聽
With all of its strengths and faults, it has been a worthwhile gem of a show to captivate my summer weekends.
I will miss it.聽
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malaysiankpopfans 5 years
This October, the channel with the ultimate Korean entertainment, Oh!K (Astro Ch 394), is bringing fans two new dramas; Extra-Ordinary You, premiering on Thursday, 3rd October and will air every Thursday to Friday @ 7.50 p.m. and Blessings of The Sea premiering on Thursday, 17th October and will air every Thursday to Friday @ 9.00 p.m.
Aside from that, Oh!K will be airing the final episode of Golden Garden on 27th October, Sunday @ 7.20 p.m., 100 Year legacy on 2nd October, Wednesday @ 11.00 p.m., Love Me Actually on 13th October, Sunday @ 9.20 p.m. and Iron Daughters-in-Law on 16 October, Wednesday @ 9.00 p.m..
K-drama fans looking for their daily K-fix can continue to catch new episodes of My Healing Love on Mondays @ 7.50 p.m. They can also catch I Live Alone on Sundays @ 10.50 p.m., aired 2 weeks after Korea.
Extra-Ordinary You
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Thursday to Friday at 7.50 p.m.
Cast: Kim Hye Yoon, Ro Woon, Lee Jae Wook聽
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
Eun Danoh is a 17-year-old high-school student from a wealthy family who suffers from a lifelong heart condition that inevitably means she will not live past her teenage years. However, when Danoh realizes she is experiencing long gaps in her memory as well, she comes into the unhappy inheritance of another fact in her life: she is a character in a Korean webtoon and all of her actions are predetermined by the artist who draws her. To make matters worse, she discovers she is only a supporting character in the cast. With her newfound understanding of the world she inhabits, she is determined to find true love in her own plotline and circumvent the author鈥檚 plans for her character by utilizing the flashes of storyboard she alone is able to see.
Blessing of The Sea
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Tuesday to Friday at 9.00 p.m.
Cast: Lee So Yun, Jae Hee, Jo An, Kim Hyung Min
Audio: Mandarin and Bahasa Melayu
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
The Korean tale, Sim Chung Yi is a well-known fable about a young girl sacrificing her life to save her blind father. She is often referred as the best daughter, but does she really deserve all the praise to herself? The neighboring women who breast-fed her during her childhood, the Dragon King who took her in as his wife and searched for her father Sim Hak Gyu, all supported and loved her. She could be brave because of the faith people had in her all along. Just like the fable, the Sim Chung Yi in this drama also finds her way out of the harsh reality even after聽losing both of her parents. Here鈥檚 to the modern-day Sim Chung Yis!
Golden Garden
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Sunday at 7.20 p.m.
Cast: Han Ji-Hye, Lee Sang-Woo, Oh Ji-Eun, Lee Tae-Sung
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
Eun Dong-Joo (Han Ji-Hye) attempts to get back her stolen life. When she was 6 years-old, she was abandoned at an orphanage. She did not remember anything except her name. Despite her difficult environment, she has grown into a woman with a positive and bright personality.
Cha Pil-Seung (Lee Sang-Woo) is a detective, who is good at his job. His parents died when he was young and he was then raised by his wealthy grandmother. Even though he is popular with women, he doesn't fall in love with anyone due to trauma from his parents' deaths.
100 Year Legacy
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Monday to Friday at 11.00 p.m.
Cast: Eugene, Lee Jung Jin, Choi Won Young, Yoon A-Jung
Audio: Mandarin
Subtitles:聽English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
Min Chae-won is the eldest granddaughter of a family living in the outskirts of Seoul who has been running a noodle factory for three generations. Married for three years to Chul-gyu, whose rich family owns the major corporation Golden Dragon Food, Chae-won has a difficult life because her mother-in-law fiercely opposes them and will not accept her.
When her husband cheats on her, she detaches herself from her in- laws and decides to divorce him. Her mother-in-law has her falsely committed to a mental institution as revenge for the divorce. She returns to the noodle factory and struggles to modernize and expand it. Chae-won later meets Lee Se-yoon, the son of a wealthy household, who is infamous for his disparaging treatment of all those around him. They both nurse wounds from their past romantic relationships.
Iron Daughters-In-Law
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Tuesday to Friday at 9.00 p.m.
Cast: Shin Ae-ra, Kang Boo-ja, Kim Bo-yun, Lee Honey
Audio: Mandarin and Bahasa Melayu
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
Oh Yeong-shim (Shin Ae-ra) is an excellent cook and runs the household superbly. With her down-to-earth, friendly personality, she is liked by almost everyone. But she has had difficulties in conceiving a child for years with her husband. Tragedy befalls her when her husband dies in a car accident. Widowed and lonely, she is also blamed by her mother-in-law for not bearing a son who will carry the family name. Ridden with guilt due to her shortcomings as a woman, wife and daughter-in-law, she finds it hard to endure life...
My Healing Love
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Monday at 7.50 p.m.
Cast: So Yoo Jin, Yeon Jung Hoon, Yoon Jong Hoon
Audio: Mandarin
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
The success story follows Im Chi Woo and Choi Jin Yoo as they pursue their own happiness. Im Chi Woo never wanted to become a good daughter, a good daughter-in-law or a good wife, but she sacrifices herself to take care of her family. She is married to immature Park Wan Seung and she works several part- time jobs to support her family. Under her difficult situation, she keeps smiling and maintaining her positive attitude.
Choi Jin Yoo is a divorcee and he has a daughter. He works hard and tries to live positively for his daughter. He encounters a nightmare like a scenario.
Love Me Actually
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Sunday at 9.25 p.m.
Cast: Heo Kyung Hwan, Park Sung Kwang, Kim Min Kyu, Yang Se Chan
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu
Up until now, there has not been a club like this one. The Love Me Actually club is a unique gathering of five, charming, single men, still in their quest of finding a genuine love. The five men meet other single women that join the club voluntarily to escape their dull and jaded lives. The club takes them to different destinations all over the country and gives them a chance to get to know each other. And who knows, maybe exploring new places might unknowingly spark that love they all desire. The five eligible bachelors consist of the comic Heo Kyeong Hwan, the business savvy entrepreneur Park Sung Kwang, the rapper from INFINITE Dong Woo, the irresistible smiley Yang Se Chan, and the youngest of them all, the up- and-coming star actor Kim Min Kyu. Join them and the hosts in this real romance variety show and experience the endless laughter, the awkwardness, and the affection each one of them has to offer. Maybe you should volunteer to join, who will be the one to make your heart flutter?
I Live Alone
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Sunday at 10.50 p.m.
Cast: Kian 84, Lee Si-eon, Park Na-rae, Sung Hoon, Hwa Sa, Henry
Subtitles: English, Simplified Chinese, Bahasa Melayu & Bahasa Indonesia聽
Get an inside look at the everyday lives of your favourite celebrities and their lives
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demonsanddoors 4 years
馃挄馃挆Do demons fall in love??馃挆馃挄
Throughout the chapters it's clear that Cain slowly falls in love with Gyeong Joon, and Sid seems to have grown fond of Jin Yeong too....but why does both Cain and Sid have difficulty understanding their own emotions?
Sid seems to be in denial about his feelings and Cain thinks falling in love is a evil spell Gyeong Joon put on him to mess with him. This suggests that neither Cain or Sid have ever had a crush, loved another demon romantically or been in a relationship...even though both of them probably are about 50 000 years old馃槷
They both probably have had s*x before, but feelings? Probably a nope. This means that although demons can fall in love- they rarely do and culturally- relationships and romance is not seen as something common and normal in the demon world. Cain doesnt even seem to be aware of the words boyfriend or lover, he just call Gyeong Joon his door馃槀馃槀
Could it be because of the nature of demons? Demons seem to have no problem building friendships, Cain trusts Sid and considers him a friend, same thing with Mochi- Cain is nurturing and kind towards him/her (I'm not gonna assume Mochi's gender馃槀). Aaron and Gale also seems to trust each other and be friends.
But then...why is romance and intimate relationships so rare in the demon world?
Cain is quick to threaten Sid with murder when he suspects betrayal and Sid even despises Cain for not ripping of his head at that moment. This shows that demons expect violence and backstabbing from each, and would rather kill/beat each other to solve problems than solve problems by talking or by putting bad demons in jail/punish.
....But if you observe how demons treat each other outside of friendships, their behaviour is quite hostile and threatening.
Demons also seem to view each other as expendable, they consume demons with the same amount of power without a second thought, this might make very close relationships between two demons difficult since romantic relationships require trust- if you are afraid of being eaten you are not going to let your guards down around a demon with the same amount of power as you. Might explain why Cain threatens Sid with murder but not Mochi馃槀馃槀
Cain also have no problem killing of random demons when he is angry, merely because he is in the mood and want to let out some steam. This shows that he lacks consideration for other demons and doesnt care about their lives. And the same type of behaviour is seen with Sid, Gale and Aaron- they threaten Gyeong Joon when they meet him, instead of just saying that they are demons and mean no harm馃槖馃槖
(Ch 21)
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(Ch 17)
(Ch 17)
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In conclusion: demons are savage animals and backstabbing ho*s馃槀馃槀
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demonsanddoors 4 years
Analysis: Sid and his "creatures"
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Sid is a demon who according to Cain was saved by him and then given the responsibility to guard over Cain's territory, which I assume means his kingdom since he is a prince. But what exactly was Sid saved from?
(Ch 29)
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In the latest chapter (29) Sid seems to be going through some internal struggles when he is with Jin Yeong (his door). First, he seems to be hearing something because he is holding his hands against his ears. Next, when Jin Yeong asks him if he has feelings for him, the red "creatures" that are attached to him tells him that he doesnt need emotions and that his emotions are confusing.
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Now, what are these red eye creatures that are attached to Sid? They havent been explained in any of the chapters馃 The red eye creatures seem to be attached to Sid's face which could mean that they are connected to his brain (do demons have brains??馃槀馃). The creatures being connected to his brain could be why he hears them, they are like voices in his head that he cant escape.
The question now is, why and how did these creatures get attached to Sid. Has the creatures been attached to Sid since birth or did he get them later??
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If he was born with the creatures then it basically is like a mental illness that he always had and probably cant get rid of.
If he got the creatures attached to him later on then maybe there is a way for him to get rid of them, maybe the demon doctor Cain is searching for would be able to help?
Now if you go back to ch. 3 where Cain mentions that he saved Sid, could it be that he meant "saved him from the creatures". Maybe Sid convinced him that he doesnt hear the creatures anymore (because of Cain's healing power) and therefore isnt evil because he isnt influenced by the creatures. This way, Sid gained Cain's trust and was able to help Cain's enemies. Maybe Satan attached the creatures to Sid since Sid's true allegiance seems to be for Satan.
But other than making Sid's life hell (pun intended馃槀馃槀) how does the creatures benefit Sid?
-the creatures dont like emotions, emotions confuse the creatures and they think emotions make Sid crazy. This seems very manipulative, by convincing Sid that emotions are confusing and makes him crazy the creatures keep him "evil". The creatures opinions about emotions prevents Sid from understanding his own emotions and connecting to other people (for example Cain and Jin Yeong). Without the creatures telling him that emotions are wrong, he would probably be able to connect with both Cain and Jin Yeong in a positive way.
- the creatures give him his powers. Sid has the power to alter and transform his body just like Cain, but unlike Cain he seems to be able to burn flesh, use a red "web" to restrain someone or forge/melt things together. Anytime Sid uses his powers the powers "have" a red colour or Sid has red smoke around him, could it mean that the creautures him the powers since they are coloured red?
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