#ch: letho
elinspos · 10 months
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This is a sideblog for character inspo. Feel free to spam like/reblog, I don't mind. 18+ and no triggers are tagged. If you have any questions about my little guys, I'd be delighted to answer them!
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Deep into ch 2 of the witcher 2, having only seen the show. Seems like...geralt already has yennefer AND ciri in his life?? Waiting for the other shoe to drop on that one. Also letho is thot
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kingsroad · 2 years
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favorite 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 characters + 𝒈𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕.
❝ Who takes an interest in cobblers? No one. ❞
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on-a-lucky-tide · 4 years
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Brrrpp. Ah-ah-ow. Brrr-oww. Mrrr. Brrrrp-ahh-ow.
Four days. They’d tracked this damned thing for four days. Letho was about to throw in the towel, take an easy assassination two towns over, gorge himself on food and then collapse in front of a fire somewhere for a long nap. But the keen glint of excitement in Gaetan’s eye had convinced him to press on. His little Cat was a small, fierce ball of energy when on a contract, and the post-hunt sex was never anything to sniff at. All that athletic muscle taut and glistening with sweat, and –
Focus, Letho.
Wyvern first. Dick later.
The beast had landed near a fast-flowing river for a drink; its first rest stop in about two hours. The two Witchers crouched in the underbrush, obscured by the long shadows cast by a setting sun. A well-placed knife would hamstring it long enough to –
Letho’s gaze snapped left and narrowed in on Gaetan. His Cat crouched low to the floor, his eyes swallowed by the expanse of his pupils as he eyed his prey. His mouth was clamped shut, his hand already curling around the hilt of the sword on his back, Letho looked away. Must be hearing things. Hunger always did funny things to his –
Definitely not hearing things. Letho hunkered down as the wyvern flicked its tail. “Gaeten,” he hissed. “What the fuck?” 
“Sorry,” Gaetan grinned, sheepish. “Thrill of the hunt, y’know?” 
“Thrill of the hunt?”
“S’murder chirp. For murder.”
“A murder ch - ?” 
A low, rumbling growl distracted his attention. The wyvern’s wings flexed, its head tilted to the side. Listening.
“Ahh-ahh-brrrpp.” Gaetan chirped, practically shaking with coiled tension, and then sprinted from the brush. Letho only just managed to keep up with him. Between them, the wyvern didn’t last long. The agile kitty dodged beneath the swinging, barbed club of its tail and eviscerated it while Letho gripped its snapping jaws.
As the beast lay dead at their feet, Gaetan placed his sword at its side and turned to Letho. Two bloodied hands reached out to settle on the Viper’s chest and the Cat arched into a deep, contented stretch. His murderous instinct to hunt the flying thing appeased by their successful kill. 
Letho hummed appreciatively. “You’re fuckin’ weird, you know that?”
“Mm,” Gaetan smirked, one pointed canine poking out from beneath his upper lip. “Wanna’ fuck?” 
“More than anythin’ on the Continent,” Letho chucked his dual swords to the floor and scooped that small, toned form from the floor. Lithely muscled legs wrapped his waist as he carried his Cat towards a stout tree. What was a little murder chirping between lovers?
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kittynannygaming · 4 years
Melitele’s Blessing - Ch. 02
Title: Melitele’s blessing
Author: KittyNannyGaming (UldAses)
Fandom: The Witcher
Summary: Melitele looked at her child, her beautiful songbird, whose heart was full of love for the Witcher. She saw also all his pain and suffering and decided that enough was enough. Her boy will have someone to love and who will love him in return even if it’s not the White Wolf. After all, it’s not her fault that he can’t recognize a blessing when she send him one.
Rating: T (just to be sure)
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Little girl’s picture by Ryan Smith Photography (I just changed her eyes’s color)
Bottled appetites AU. Mpreg (Jaskier will be pregnant)
  English is not my first language
No Beta
  Never played the games
  Never read the books
(But I’ve finally bought the first one!)
  Only saw the TV Show and fell in love with Geraskier
  Sue me
Destiny was pissed. She wasn’t that pissed since “The Great Cleansing”. And since they didn’t catch the one divinity responsible for that - yet -, she was even more pissed. Heads were going to roll. She separated the string of this reality from the Great Tapestry and took a look to see where exactly everything went shit. Meaning where exactly a divinity decided to make a complete mess with the statistics. See, that how Destiny worked: beings are presented with choices. With growing up came the behavior and morals, so the statistics were more refined as the being is older. And the being made the choices. Sometimes, the choice are the obvious one. Sometimes, the choice are the road less traveled. But the choice remained in the hands of the being. But, fortunately, she could see where someone tried to undo the complete work of the Tapestry. And… there! The last wish.
“What the f…! It wasn’t even in the statistics! No one is THAT stupid!”
And there, for all (who knew how to do it) to see, the statistics for the last wish of Geralt of Rivia, linking is destiny to Yennefer of Vengerberg: 0% to 99%. The change was made after Geralt saw Jaskier out of the mansion. Jaskier would have been able to persuade Geralt to let Yennefer at her fate. Yennefer would not have died but she would have learn a valuable lesson: “Don’t mess with what you don’t understand.” Yennefer had the bad habit to think that everyone worked against her and so that she was allowed to do as it pleased her to compensate. There is a difference between being cautious and paranoid. Djinn’s magic was elemental in nature. Yennefer’s magic was chaotic. It wouldn’t have worked. It would have tried to escape, tried to win it’s freedom back and increased Yennefer’s bad habits. But Yennefer thought that she knew better, that the warnings given to her by Tissaïa or Triss, was just maliciousness or cowardice on their part.
Destiny didn’t forced an event that often. The last one was the “Conjunction of the Spheres”. But she was going to make an exception. She looked at the strings and found one who could work. Letho of Gullet.
Letho wasn’t blasé yet. But he was almost there. He had (what could have been) a wonderful affair with a sorceress, only to be rejected when she got what she wanted. Well, she shouldn’t have turn her back on him and fed him love potions. He burned her corpse and her house, with all her notes, just after setting free all poor creatures she kept in a cage. He could remember his little sister, setting free foxes in cages (ready to become preys to hunting-dogs-in-training), dogs on leash with no shelter from the rain or the sun and more.
“If someone could set me free, Letho, I would be forever grateful to them.”
And then, he was given to the Viper School, as payment of a debt and he didn’t see his sister until later. He was 30 and her 27. Their father married her to a man who, without being outright abusive, was a least very neglectful. They just had another baby and his poor sister was exhausted.
He looked at her and didn’t smell the fear that is appearance usually induce.
“Letho? Is that you?”
“Hello, Chiara.” She gave him a hug and began to cry. “Sister. Sister, what’s wrong?”
“I missed you so much, brother!” He kissed the top her head and asked if he could see her children.
“You’re their uncle, Letho! Of course you can see them! Children, your Uncle Letho is here!” He could hear them coming from the garden outside. The first one was a boy, around 4 years old. The smile became a look of wonder, mouth and eyes wide open.
“Hi Uncle Letho! I’m Jareth!” And he ran and jump on his uncle who caught him and lift him. Their eyes meet and he could see that he had his mother’s eyes. “Your eyes are amazing, Uncle Letho!” Well, that was a first.
“Jareth, let your siblings welcome your uncle.” Letho put the kid on the floor and looked at the others two.
“Welcome Uncle Letho, I’m Dawid! I’m 7!” He gave Letho a big hug and the Witcher ruffled his hair. The girl looked at him and said
“I’m happy to meet you, Uncle Letho. I’m Lethe and I’m 10.” She hugged him, her arms around his neck, and kiss him on the cheek.
“I’m happy to finally meet you.” His sister gave him the last one. The baby.
“That’s Daria. She’s 6 months old.” The baby giggled and caught Letho’s finger in her tiny hand. Letho was happy.
Fortunately, they were good children. But they could only do much. Letho helped his sister as much as he could and put the fear of the Witcher into his good-brother. For a few years at least. When Lethe turned 15, a rich merchant wanted to wed her. He was 45. Letho wasn’t impressed when his sister’s husband accepted the deal. His sister wanted to get out with her children, Letho made it happen with the help of Auckes and Serrit. They took everything except the furniture and burned the farm. They traveled until they reached the closest location to Kaer Morhen. He wasn’t fond of the Wolves, but they were honorable. His poor sister was now dead and his nieces and nephews, grand-parents of their own. But still, he went to see them, went to weddings and births and funerals (Chiara remarried a widower with 2 children) and, at least for now, none of them were afraid of Witchers. One of Chiara step-child even open an inn/tavern so Witchers could have a safe place to rest. He decided to go there.
He was almost there when he saw a shiny light coming from under a tree. Curious, he dismounted his horse and walked toward the light. A golden box was buried. Not one to pass such an opportunity, he dug the soil and get the box. It was magical, that was for sure. And, if not mistaken, related to air magic, maybe even a djinn! What a boon that could be! Opening the box, he found a bottle, one containing a djinn and a scroll. Not wanting to caused some gigantic curse, he read the scroll first.
“In this bottle is prisoner the Djinn Jannah who rebelled against her Masters and lead the rebellion with a hundred of others djinns. As punishment, she was sealed in this bottle to endure an eternal agony.”
Not a curse, then. But still, he took precautions. And opened the bottle. The wind became stronger and the smell of rain appeared. When everything became quiet again, Letho found himself looking at a cute, a little bit chubby and very naked woman. He could see that she was trembling.
“Are you well?” The djinn, Jannah, looked up at him, took a deep breath and spoke
“I’m the Djinn and you’re my Master. Tell me of your wishes and I will make them come true.” Her voice was so devoid of life. It was the voice of someone broken.
“I may be your Master but I’m not like those idiots back then. I have no wish for now. But if you need healing or food or something, you tell me.”
Jannah was surprised. Favorably surprised. The one who opened the bottle didn’t do like all the others, spouting wishes of riches or power.
“I… I would like a bit of food and water, if I could?” Letho said nothing but went to his horse to retrieve some fruits and water to give her. “Thank you.” she said, before biting the apple.
“So, not a lot is known about your kind. Can you tell me more?” Jannah drank a bit of water before answering.
“You’re probably the first asking that. All the others just spouted their wishes. Hmmm. They’re three sort of Djinn. My kind, the Sylphid, are the wind-based djinn. We are the most sociable of the djinn even if we’re not the most powerful because of that. Then come the Ifrit. They’re fired-based djinn and interact with human when they found it necessary. You won’t recognize them at first because they look human but their task is to recognize and fulfill the deepest wish of your soul. Their flame can light the way into the darkest part of your soul. Finally, the Marid are water-based djinn and the ones who interact the less with humans. They’re only needed when testing a hero. They often appeared as a beautiful woman, offering some sort of quest and an object. A magical sword, mostly.”
She stopped to eat another fruit and drink some more.
“People don’t understand that you can explain what you want before making the wish so the djinn knows what to do and not do. And there is three forbidden wishes: I cannot kill anyone on command, I cannot make people fall in love, I cannot resurrect the dead. Because it touches to the Matter: Life, Love and Soul.
“I wouldn’t wish anyone fake love. I just get out of an affair with a sorceress using love potions on me. I didn’t took it well.”
“Still using this? It was invented by magic users because they couldn’t ordered  us to do it. Bastards always thought they’re justified.” Letho nodded. Mages and Sorceresses always thought too high of themselves.
“You told me that I can explain what I want from a wish before I make it.”
“Yes. You have an idea? I can help you sort it out.”
“I don’t want love potions and stuff like that, things that deprives someone of their free will to exist.”
“I can understand why you would want this. So, your first wish could be to cancel every objects or products, in use now or later, that would induce a partial or complete lack of free will.”
“I suppose, you can’t do that with magic?”
“No, unfortunately. It’s… how to say that. It’s part of the “human’s curse”. They had to choose what they want to do with their powers.”
“And you can do it for everyone?”
“We are the weakest djinns but that didn’t mean that we are not stronger that the strongest magic user.”
“I wish to cancel every objects or products, in use now or later, that would induce a partial or complete lack of free will.” Jannah smiled and began to glow. Green and Golden sparkles flew in every direction, probably seeking every corner of the Continent for the now-forbidden objects.
In Rinde, a Witcher woke up suddenly, with a Sorceress in his arms and whispered
“What I have done?”
Jannah ⬇⬇⬇⬇⬇
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kingsroad · 2 years
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favorite 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐫 characters + 𝒈𝒘𝒆𝒏𝒕.
❝ At least you now know I don't easily lose my head. ❞
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