#ch: nebetah
What are the ROs MBTI if you dont mind me asking, along with other characters ☺️
that emoji is so menacing, it's like you're pointing a gun to my head fr 💀
ronan bennett: INFP // the healer. cinnamon roll. pure and simple. most of the things that keep him up at night is thinking about how he can find a way to rehome every orphaned animal in the world. he will definitely cry if he comes across an injured baby animal and while they get necessary treatments in the veterinary clinic (which he drove to at 2 in the morning), he will be sniffling outside and overthinking everything. i would go as far as to say ronan is the waymond wang of the TCS universe, honestly.
célia dupont: ENTJ // the commander. she is definitely not the kind of person you'd wanna cross. besides the fact that she has been brought up all her life to fill the role of the CEO for her family's company, she is a natural leader and tolerates no nonsense. one of the only exceptions to her criticality and cool wrath is the MC who rarely ever faces her ire. célia is scary to almost everyone who works under her, which also doesn't help as she loathes those who bow and lick someone's shoes to get up the high charts. think blair waldorf or jude duarte but a lot less bloodthirsty.
s bakkoush: ENTP // the debater. was this even a surprise? cocky. smart. charismatic. they tick all the boxes for the aforementioned personality. they love engaging in banter with almost anyone when it comes to random things that neither of them would even remember the next day. S is also very competitive, never backing down from a challenge and always aiming to win. this attitude of theirs had greatly helped them in their career but hasn't made them too popular among their competition. but honestly? they do not care about that a smidge 💀 their personality is reminiscent of nick wilde and hange zoë.
i tachibana: ISTP // the virtuoso. their personality is largely individualistic and pragmatic. this all stems from the fact that they has spent most, if not all, their life fending for themselves. it was a ‘survival of the fittest’ kind of world for them and it didn't do their reserved and short-tempered nature any favour. tachibana is also very distrusting, and once their hard-earned loyalty is lost, it is lost forever. while the MC just chips away at the walls they have built, you can tell that they've complicated feelings about it along the story. levi ackerman and katniss everdeen would pretty much come close to summing up their personality.
as for the other characters, these might be a bit skewed cause i had to scratch my brain for them a bit:
james whelan: ENFP // the campaigner.
nebetah: INTP // the logician.
phaidros: ISFJ // the defender.
[redacted]: ISFP // the adventurer.
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MC at the end of the book: “the real treasure was the memories we made along the way.”
nebetah: “[redacted] is dead.”
MC: “ah yes, my fondest memory.
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since the release day is almost here, i wanted to post some character portraits + edits 😌
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I saw the list featuring what the lad James can do aight? As a Dullahananaana.
But, vampires. So speed, bonk hard, slurp the blood and Nebby can float yeah? Does our vampire have some slick trick up their sleevy? I mean, stomping on an entire group of bandits ain’t easy if you’re just fast and smack like my Yiayia.
well vampires are pretty powerful and since MC is (apparently) the oldest, they are significantly more powerful than other supernaturals, not including [redacted]. generally speaking tho, they can fight hunters after hunters and not get tired, but you also have to understand that these people have trained and studied the patterns of supernaturals for most of their life. i'd really advice you to not ruffle their feathers for the hell of it because it won't end prettily.
however, if the vampire's rage was untameable, they are capable of devouring NYC from the ground up and no one will be left alive 💀 but it's not a ‘mode’ that will come out of just being normally angry, y'know? and the other two of ‘the big three’ vampires would have to band in to actually make them stop.
remember the massacre in the prologue? young vampires aren't capable of doing that even to humans, let alone 30 armoured ones with weapons and enough experience to skewer you through the heart. not to mention that MC was turned not even 24 hours before that 😕 same goes for the end of sugiwara's story. pure anger and a profound sense of loss will always drive them over the edge. thankfully, their emotions have mellowed out over the years so 🤷🏻
hence, i'd say their greatest weapons are their emotions.
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Because here we love to shoot ourselves in the foot with angst apparently:
MC who feels horrible. Who can't look Nebetah in the eye. They are so jealous of her their Soul shudders with envy, for getting to follow their lover till the end of his life. They know it is not "better". It is not "worse". They know it hurts just as bad, feels just as raw... but it was something they dreamt about.
Back when they were young, when their heart still beat. They craved the light and airy feeling of young love when it's all still so fresh, when you discover something new about each other every day. The steadiness of years spent together, of knowing them and being known and choosing to stay together every coming day because you fit just right. And of growing old side by side, of having a (beautiful, difficult, long) life to look back onto, having your people and their people around. "Our" people now. A family. Making jokes about haunting the other if one of you goes first, "What kind of song should I sing at your funeral darling?", promising to wait on the other side with baited breath neither of you will need any longer.
By the time MC met their One they knew they would not get some those things. They might have even though they wouldn't get any of it. But even if the moments from their naive, hopeful daydreams were not in the cards they wanted the next closest one. If they couldn't follow the path their most treasured one will take one day? They just had to make sure to stick around until then. To cherish their love and their moments together all the more fiercely. . . Who would have thought the day will come so soon? So h o r r i b l y?
The vampire is looking at their friend and can't meet her gaze still. She still lives in the home (is it still one? after) the two of them build with love and care. MC can't tell if there are traces of Eduardo but Nebetah must be able to. Must see them even when they wish not to. The memories must be haunting, full of hurt. One that comes from wonderful, distant memories you will never get to experience again. Ones you miss so terribly.
All the broken hopes burn, they pierce. But the thought of telling them hurts almost as much. What will become of them when she leaves them alone, forgotten? For their terrible envy, for their voracious greedy cravings. When her grief is so vast, when their heart must ache unbearably. How could they possibly speak the words: "What hurt you so much is my deepest wish".
😅 So this has gotten shamelessly long. I'm sorry🙏 But I felt bad about deleting it so here we are. Thank you so much for your work I hope this brings you a smidgen of joy. I will now go drown in my tears how do you write all this delicious angst I know not.💖❣️🩸
you knock on the door with some hesitance, not really sure if this is actually a good idea or not. before you can second guess, however, the door opens and you're greeted by a bespectacled face peering at you with turquoise eyes. he looks to be in his mid thirties, wavy black hair swept over his forehead and giving him a laidback appearance. overall, not a bad looking guy.
you blink and look around the hallway, thinking that you may have picked the wrong door before the human speaks up in a thick italian accent: “are you nebetah's friend?”
your jaw clenches automatically at the mention of her name but it's only out of habit. looking at him warily, you give him a nod.
“ardo, chi è il visitatore?” an all too familiar voice calls out from somewhere inside the apartment. [ardo, who is the visitor?]
“penso che sia tuo amico, mia cara.” the man in front of you replies back, curious eyes not looking away from you. [i think it's your friend, my dear.]
in a second, nebetah is in front of you with a guarded smile, clearly not having believed that you'd actually come to visit her.
“well i'll be damned,” her voice is tinged in disbelief. “how long has it been?”
you nervously smile with a shrug. “long enough, i guess.”
the human looks between the two of you, the tension in the air clearly noticeable. “perhaps we should take this conversation inside?”
nebetah looks over at him and smiles with a nod. it's... a little weird, if you're being honest, seeing her be so openly happy because of someone. you had usually just seen her with an expression that lacked emotions. glares, laughter, tears, they were not common when it came to nebetah. back then, you had simply thought it's just how she was and even a simple smile from her was considered a rarity.
you take a seat on the living room couch as the man, whose name you now learned was edoardo, constantly checks up on nebetah in rapid italian. the woman simply holds his hand and tries to reassure him that she feels fine.
edoardo then excuses himself, saying that he'll be right back with some cold refreshments. you kind of wished he had stayed, at least that would probably take some heat off of how nebetah is staring at you.
“nice home you have here,” you try to dissipate the growing silence. “very much...” you trail off, looking around at the heavy hardcovers and antiques that line up the living room shelves, “musuem-y?”
nebetah's voice takes on the same monotonous quality you remembered from years ago. “yes, that's because we both work in a museum. excellent observation.”
you don't even know if she's being sarcastic at this point, her poker face and unemotional voice is too hard to read.
you sigh, twiddling your thumbs awkwardly. “maybe i should have come here when your boyfriend wasn't ho–”
“husband,” nebetah corrects you.
you stare at her, dumbfounded.
“i'm sorry, maybe i misheard you. he's your husband?”
“first of all, there's like five percent chance you misheard me with that enhanced hearing of yours. not to mention i'm not even sitting seven feet away from you. second of all, yes, edoardo is my husband.”
you open and close your mouth like a fish out of water. “w-what? when did this happen?”
“nine years ago,” comes nebetah's casual reply as she shows you her hand, a ring fitted snugly on the fourth finger.
you can't believe it. not only did nebetah fell in love with someone, she also got married! and the most insulting part of it all, you didn't find out until now!
“why didn't you ever tell me?”
“are you kidding me?” her voice is sharp and you try not to flinch. “after everything that happened, you really think you deserved to know what was going on in my life?”
“it doesn't matter anyway,” she looks away from you, now staring out of the window. “it's not like you'd have dropped everything to come to the wedding.”
edoardo's appearance saves you the discomfort of replying back to that statement. he puts the drinks, one iced blood and two lemonades on the table. “i didn't know if you would like lemonade too so i just poured in some animal blood we had in the cooler.”
you suppose it's not a surprise that nebetah has been sustaining on animal blood, she looked a tad bit paler than you had last seen her. edoardo sits beside her, taking her hand in concern and rubbing gentle circles on it with his thumb.
a ferocious emotion takes over you when you sense the love exuding from him in that simple gesture, envious and loathing. images of a lover you once had flashes in your mind like a replaying film reel. you can clearly picture you and them in the place of the couple in front of you. the only difference being that you hadn't even gotten the chance to... to...
to what? get married? spend the rest of their mortal life together? maybe have or adopt one or two little ones along the way?
maybe. but we never even got the chance to do it, did we?
you suppress the bitter smile that tries to take over your face, glancing away from the couple.
“you know,” you hear edoardo speak up, “we did try to send you an invitation to our wedding.”
a tentative glance is spared to them by you as he continues, “but we couldn't really get a hold of you. wherever you were, whoever you were with, it wasn't easy to pinpoint.”
you close your eyes briefly. he was right, you didn't stay in one place for too long. avoiding attention, staying under wraps, it's what you had always done since that fateful night. you thought it was for the best, to keep yourself safe, to keep nebetah safe. but...
“ardo, that's quite enough,” nebetah says, although her voice lacks any anger. he just shrugs, giving her an encouraging smile.
“i just think even immortality isn't a good excuse to hate a friend forever.” he then looks over at you with a nod. “soprattutto quando li ami ancora come se fossero la tua famiglia.” [especially when you still love them as if they were your family.]
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spare some facts about nebetah? what does she look like? 🥺
friendly reminder that nebetah's pronouns are she/they!
nebetah spent their mortal life in ancient egypt as a priestess, although they were not very fond of their job.
they were around 18 years old when they were turned.
they have long dark brown hair, hazel eyes (that looked green or brown depending on the sun) and tanned skin. a smattering of freckles adorn their back like constellations. their faceclaim is sherouk farid.
personality wise, they're quite mellow. they don't have an extreme range of emotions and were quite often dubbed as the ‘mediator’ of the group.
they have a fondness for gold jewels (likely from their mortal days) and art.
they don't necessarily regret being immortal either, it was their own request after all.
they fell hopelessly in love with a mortal once. he was an italian museum curator with these big glasses and sunshine smile. nebetah still lives in the same apartment where they lived together until his death from old age complications.
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I'm sorry but who is nebetah?? 😭
i swear i get the same question every time, i need to make an faq page. she is a vampire who is around 2000 years old and has known the MC for a very, very long time.
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Are we gonna get to meet Nebetah and [REDACTED] in the earlier chapters or do they only appear later in the story? i'm so excited for this story 💖
you're gonna meet them in the interludes first before they make a present day appearance in part 2! i'm pretty sure half of y'all have already made connections to how [redacted] comes in the picture of MC's life 😭
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I’m going to assume that MC has really messed up origins 👀 Will we have a choice to see if they would be ‘evil’ at some point?
let me just tell you that the vampire's conscience is not clear at all, they have done their fair share of ‘evil’ things. maybe not on the same level as [redacted] but still. how tf can you be super powerful and living for 3 millennia without doing a damn thing that might be considered ‘evil’ to at least some people, hm?
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The more you rb quotes and other things about Redacted, Nebetah and MC, the more I think they are all connected in some ways
aren't all vampires connected, dear bonnie? their inhuman selves rise up because of the ancient curse that runs amok inside them. some embrace it readily, some are indifferent, some downright loathe their existence. all of that aside, they can't change what they are, how they came to be.
but if you mean if they're connected on a level different than that 👀 who know? who is to say that all of those reblogs aren't just ramblings of a mad man (a.k.a. me) and those big three are connected in any way? after all, even the thickest of blood dissolves away in water if you add the latter enough.
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Let's uhm change the subject wksjjd
I don't know if you've asked this before but can vampires fly?
(let's say the mc lives in a tall ass building for this) how would the ros react to seeing mc step off the ledge of their balcony to like get the adrenaline pumping in their veins then after a few minutes they just see them levitating back up.
no, vampires can't fly in axelverse, unfortunately 😞 however, they can float for a bit! not every vampire can do that but there are a few exceptions like MC and nebetah.
fun fact: nebetah is probably the only vampire in the world who can almost fly, since they can levitate higher than even the MC.
some vampires are created with their own few special abilities, it takes quite long for them to tame those abilities tho
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Hiiii, I saw the option of having kohl around the eyes of mc and I love it so much? I have never seen an IF do that before. Will it be canon? And do you have any reference to how it will look or is it fixed? I have so many questions.
i'm a few days late to this but yes! the smudged kohl (with hints of glittery gold on some occasions) is canon and i think the snippet i posted from juliette's route made it obvious 💀 i just like the intensity that it exudes and it essentially blends in with the MC's sclera when they go vamp mode. it also accentuates their eyes in general (which are somewhat symbolic as i'll mention them in so many scenes). the smudged look gives them a disheveled vibe too, a flaw in an otherwise perfect face. but lawd, do they make it look good.
here are some references but ofc, you're free to headcanon your own since it's literally just mentioned as ‘smudged kohl’ canonically.
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