#ronan is just like my gf lmao
What are the ROs MBTI if you dont mind me asking, along with other characters ☺️
that emoji is so menacing, it's like you're pointing a gun to my head fr 💀
ronan bennett: INFP // the healer. cinnamon roll. pure and simple. most of the things that keep him up at night is thinking about how he can find a way to rehome every orphaned animal in the world. he will definitely cry if he comes across an injured baby animal and while they get necessary treatments in the veterinary clinic (which he drove to at 2 in the morning), he will be sniffling outside and overthinking everything. i would go as far as to say ronan is the waymond wang of the TCS universe, honestly.
célia dupont: ENTJ // the commander. she is definitely not the kind of person you'd wanna cross. besides the fact that she has been brought up all her life to fill the role of the CEO for her family's company, she is a natural leader and tolerates no nonsense. one of the only exceptions to her criticality and cool wrath is the MC who rarely ever faces her ire. célia is scary to almost everyone who works under her, which also doesn't help as she loathes those who bow and lick someone's shoes to get up the high charts. think blair waldorf or jude duarte but a lot less bloodthirsty.
s bakkoush: ENTP // the debater. was this even a surprise? cocky. smart. charismatic. they tick all the boxes for the aforementioned personality. they love engaging in banter with almost anyone when it comes to random things that neither of them would even remember the next day. S is also very competitive, never backing down from a challenge and always aiming to win. this attitude of theirs had greatly helped them in their career but hasn't made them too popular among their competition. but honestly? they do not care about that a smidge 💀 their personality is reminiscent of nick wilde and hange zoë.
i tachibana: ISTP // the virtuoso. their personality is largely individualistic and pragmatic. this all stems from the fact that they has spent most, if not all, their life fending for themselves. it was a ‘survival of the fittest’ kind of world for them and it didn't do their reserved and short-tempered nature any favour. tachibana is also very distrusting, and once their hard-earned loyalty is lost, it is lost forever. while the MC just chips away at the walls they have built, you can tell that they've complicated feelings about it along the story. levi ackerman and katniss everdeen would pretty much come close to summing up their personality.
as for the other characters, these might be a bit skewed cause i had to scratch my brain for them a bit:
james whelan: ENFP // the campaigner.
nebetah: INTP // the logician.
phaidros: ISFJ // the defender.
[redacted]: ISFP // the adventurer.
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codename-adler · 3 months
YOUR TROJAN TEAM?!?!?! flabbergasted. sooooo many lil guys u got there!!!
mayhaps some info on #21, Levi Romanov? love the name, very intriguing <3 or any of your choice, really, whichever you feel like sharing the most!!
oh boy. oh god. Levi's such a big file. u really know how to pick 'em Roo 😂 prepare to be sick of me...... (also ty sm for being chatty n enabling <3) //official unofficial USC Trojans OCs list here//
21: Levi Romanov (22) USC Trojans Backliner
Tumblr media
[ face subject to change]
aight let's bullet point this:
born in USA (Alaska); child of immigrants (Belarusian father (born Alaska, parents 1st gen immigrant), Dutch mother (1st gen immigrant))
5'6½" (the half inch is important)(to Levi)(not the Trojans tho)(esp. not Jeremy)
BA: Communication (USC Annenberg)
goes Pro after college
bffs: Nikita & Angie
brother-from-another-mother w/ Nikita Bailey (their mothers are bff, grew up together in Alaska); Nikita is his bff/older brother figure/idol so he joins him in playing Exy (v popular in Alaska) and follows him to USC when he graduates HS
now for the love & tragedy chaos...................
both he and Nikita have a steady relationship with their longtime girlfriends, so much so that Levi talks to Nikita about proposing to his gf after graduation
one day though the 4 of them get into a car/boating accident that kills Levi's girlfriend and seriously injures Nikita's; Levi and Nikita are somehow miraculously the least damaged
it's a rough fucking patch for Levi (and Nikita, but that's a story for another day!)
enter Angie Pullman, Trojans recruit (ask!!! me!!!)
both men are immediately drawn to her, and inevitably it ends up in a big fight that creates a (temporary) rift between Levi and Nikita
luckily it ends up being an Adam/Gansey/Blue/Ronan situation (do you see where i'm going with this?)
because the thing is, there's this guy, Anderson [subject to change] Atwell
the assistant coach
ohohoho yes
Anderson’s really been there for Levi after the accident, bc he's been much more of a confidant to Levi than any of the team's therapists, probably because he's not a therapist; and then the shit with Angie and Nikita really isolates Levi, and slowly Anderson can't help but wanting to help Levi as much as he can, more than assistant coaches probably normally feel...
so Levi's not as straight as he thought, not in love with Angie like that like he thought, much more in love with Nikita than he always thought, and definitely, definitely super hard in love with his assistant coach (you see the Adam/Blue/Gansey/Ronan pattern?) (except there is nothing whatsoever between Nikita and Anderson. in fact Nikita probably hates him a little bit actually. fr fr.)
also before anyone sends me anon hate about my own OCs, the Levi-Anderson age gap is 22-30, so calm downnnn
so yeah Levi & Anderson, once they're all in and go all out, are disgustingly happy; but the hurdles are many and exhausting (i have another ask incoming for Coach Rhemann, which will coincidentally explain really well said obstacles)
i would say, apart from Jean Moreau himself obv and Adèle Moreau, Levi is the most tragic Trojan :(
especially because he used to be such a goofy ass mf, and so hyped about Exy on and off the court, before the accident, and nowadays he's much more a shell of himself, doesn't care much about Exy outside the court, always plays his very best but his heart's not into it, feels disconnected from his team and teammates, etc.
Anderson's the one to lead him back to his love for the sport <3
Jeremy did try very hard as his captain to reignite the flame inside Levi, of course, but let's say he had a little less incentive than with the Frenchman... if ya know what i mean... but Levi's just glad even his captain never gave up on him
birthday's June 1st //lmao beginning of pride month and i didn't even do that on purpose//
originally Levi was named Reuben Muller and he was German-American? but i decided to split the character in 2 and thus Levi & Nikita were born!
his bestfriend, apart from Nikita who has known since birth almost, is Jack Driver; they hit it off instantly the first time they practice together on the court (it also helps that Jack is both a moron and a wise man. very in touch with his feelings. it just depends if his brain cells are activated or taking a nap…)
once the drama settles down Angie also becomes one of his close friends
he’s an only child [pitiful]
did i mention his ADHD? oh he has big big big ADHD… he often forgets his meds, and he’s prone to lash out (mostly at himself) or zone out, but Exy really helps a lot with both his bottomless restless energy and his self-worth <3
on the meds thing: that was such a battle. for everyone involved. Levi, the doctors, his gf, his parents, Nikita... it was just barely starting to go well when the accident happened, and well. the step from ADHD to depression is already so small, Levi had no chance. but he's climbing up the hill again now :)
so Levi's kind of the dark version of Jeremy, or like a past younger iteration of Jeremy before he got to be the Captain Sunshine we know and love (and that's partly why Jeremy has trouble connecting w him, befriend him, even look at him sometimes); he doesn't talk much anymore, except to fight and curse, but then he turns around and drops by with a pan of brownies for the new girl because he saw her eating one all alone and sad in the athletes' hall, you know? he's very hard to pin down, even more so now that the constants in his life have been taken away or flipped :/ but he's a precious dude, trust me!
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thursdaygrl · 4 months
i have a handle on my drafts again sooooo here's a plot specific starter call for some muses i'm really eager to use. underneath the cut i'm gonna place a list of muses + a plot or plots i'd really like for them.. if you like i'll come to you for who, but you're also welcome to reply! whether we plot it out a bit more or just jump in is up to you.
adrian — falling in love with the his kid's nanny pls. he's divorced and a workaholic, someone force him to be better.
aurelio — arranged marriage, possibly with the families being in the mafia for the drama of it. / normal people plot hehe.
dawson — figure skater/hockey player im BEGGING you. / accidental pregnancy also.
dove — this plot where dove is the one being given a makeover.
jacob — best friends to lovers, preferably with the backdrop of a beach town and the summer and lots of drama.
joseph — forbidden love with the sibling of a family his brothers hate. would love for it to get intense and messy.
kendra — visiting her hometown so her children can see her parents and running into her hs/college best friend who she has now realised she used to be in love with lmao. her circumstances are up to you, could be married, could have figured herself out earlier than kendra did.
lachlan — uncomfortably close best friends, completely lacking in boundaries, both completely unaware that they're in love. literally will f*ck and still don't realise it's weird. inspo. / bandmate's gf who he claims to hate and is irritated that she's on tour with them but he has feelings for her and also knows she's only with them bc her bf cheats whenever they go on tour.
lucien — fwb that gets complicated. assumed unrequited feelings, friend drama, pregnancy scare? you name it.
mason — i would really just love a badass woman who can hold her own who pushes him to break down his walls and we can explore lots of drama within his family and their town but i want them to get married. not a specific plot just like. vibes at this point.
niamh — football player/popstar, come on now.....
river — sense8 plot, psychic link soulmates aka my favourite ever.
ronan — would love something veronica/logan inspired / would also pay someone to use sherry-lee watson against him.
sully — roommates who cannot stand each other but... :) very much jess and nick from new girl inspired pls.
warner — jess and rory type plot pls. he has a poor rep in their small town and she's the people's princess. she's the only one who tries to see the real him.
wyatt — frenemy neighbours to lovers, preferably with fake dating. inspo.
revan — princess/criminal fantasy plot pls. / new recruit he puts through the ringer but actually likes. inspo.
EDIT: crossing out any that are taken that i don't wanna double up!
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werewolffeelings · 2 years
five favorite fics that I've written (for writer appreciation day)
the lovely @emmerrr tagged me in this several days ago lmao thank you!!
unfortunately i am not a terribly prolific writer and only have 3 to choose from so here they are because they HAVE to be my favorites by default 😂😂
the cracked and the cared for (pynch, one shot)
Adam woke up to find a pool of blood on the floor where Ronan should have been.
I wrote this fic to get it out of my system lmao. I had a vision for some art and then it turned into a whole little scene with highly self indulgent tender wound bandaging and Adam having Feelings™️ so i felt compelled to write it down for the hell of it. Wrote it down for the hell of it is basically a summation of my entire writing career
two of cups (pynch, multi chapter)
He bit the bullet. “I guess it’s… Ronan.”
Blue said, “What’d he do now?”
Adam laughed for real this time. “Nothing. I mean. Not yet.”
Blue followed the movement of his hand and cocked her head, trying to read the spread of cards upside down. She spent a moment studying them. He held his breath, knowing what she would see there. Blue might not be psychic, but she’d grown up with this stuff—she probably knew the theory behind it better than he did. He felt strangely flayed open, knowing what she was looking at. He almost wished he’d picked them up before she could see, but it wouldn’t matter once he told her, anyway.
Blue said, “You two have been spending an awful lot of time together.”
I had that first scene in my drafts for 1000 years and then one day decided to just post it and see what happened on the off-chance I somehow attained a vision of where it was all going 😂 the only things I really knew about it were that I wanted blue&adam and ronan&gansey, where they know about adam and ronan’s respective crushes.
i was like IMMEDIATELY blown away by the response to it and was like, well idk what happens at the end but people’s enthusiasm gave me the motivation to keep going and i was like, well, at least i know what happens next..... this was, for better or worse, how i wrote the ENTIRE thing, chapter-by-chapter just trying to figure out what would come next 😂 in retrospect I think i could have benefited from an outline but if i had tried to plan out this fic before posting genuinely it would not have happened.  (see: crazy ex gf au, ghost hunters au, etc which are taking me forever)
i’m still so blown away by how much people like this fic which was basically just me throwing all the things i like about pynch fic into a hat. it makes me so emo and i go reread the comments all the time lmao 🥺 and just i love this fic a lot too, it has a lot of heart and yearning and stupid boys which is my favorite 💖 so many moments i had a lot of fun with and still get a kick out of
creeping in the streetlight (pynch pre-relationship, one shot)
“Oh, so you’re alive.”
It takes a moment for the words to filter, for them to gain significance, but Ronan knows immediately that it’s Adam who speaks them. Adam’s Henrietta honey voice, twisted into the clipped and contemptuous tone he uses so often when speaking to Ronan.
“What the hell, Lynch,” he says. “Answer your damn phone, for once.”
Ronan manages to crack his eyes open but everything is distorted, blurry at the edges. He blinks, and blinks, and lifts up his arm, heavy like led, to swipe at them. He can’t feel his face. He croaks, “Adam?”
“Man, you must be drunk.” He sighs. “You never call me that.”
this one was another scene that wouldn’t leave me. it had been percolating in the brain for a long time and i eventually just decided it needed to get out of there. it came from the desire to see that nebulous period of their relationship where it was after trb and before the dream thieves, just in that moment right before they started getting closer and solidified as Friends rather than “friends” for gansey’s sake lol. and the ways in which they understood each other vs the ways they very much didn’t and how they could begin to? 
ALSO big fan of ronan whump, what can i say.... gonna go ahead and make this my brand one of these days. tender caring for ronan scenes in EVERY fic. i’ve got big plans
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yakkoblr · 7 years
92 Questions
A “should we know us a little better” tag
RULES: you must answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people 
Tagged by @karaokegoddess </br> THE LAST: 
1. Drink: pepsi 
2. Phone call: my dad?? probably 
3. Text message: from yahoo that told me my account key lmAo 
4. Song you listened to: mamasita by latino sunset 
5. Time you cried: at the fair with my friends cuz i’m a pussy ass bitch 
6. Dated someone twice: no but i wanted to
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: yea,, 
8. Been cheated on: who knows 
9. Lost someone special: yea 
10. Been depressed: every 3-5 business days and occasionally on the weekends 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: hell no </br> LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS:
12-14: black, green, gold (how on brand of me) </br> IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU:
15. Made new friends: the last year has been long and i have no concept of time so idk man probably 
16. Fallen out of love: nah 
17. Laughed until you cried: nope 
18. Found out someone was talking about you: it’s a complicated situation 
19. Met someone who changed you: they haven’t really changed me but they really made me happy just by existing 
20. Found out who your friends are: yep lmao
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: i haven’t kissed anyone since my freshman year </br> GENERAL:
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: nearly all of them 
23. Do you have any pets: at least 5+ 
24. Do you want to change your name: yes a million times yes 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: bowling?? i think?? 
26. What time did you wake up: not even like half an hour ago 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: playing fishdom and sleeping 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: death 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: not even like,, a couple minutes ago 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish i wasn’t so apathetic!! 
31. What are you listening right now: nothing 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yea he was a douchebag 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my hair not being the cute kinda curly but instead the puffy, tangled kinda curly 
34. Most visited Website: instagram 
35. Mole/s: one on my back, like riiiiight on my spine 
36. Mark/s: a shit ton of miscellaneous freckles, a birthmark on my hip, a couple scars, some bruises, some cuts, and some acne bumps
37. Childhood dream: rich af and never having to work a day in my life
38. Hair color: brown, with some blonde highlights and a red tint
39. Long or short hair: long??????
40. Do you have a crush on someone: my super amazing gf and this hot girl who’s absolutely terrible for me but whatever
41. What do you like about yourself: HA
42. Piercings: two on both ears, and a septum
43. Bloodtype: i have absolutely no idea
44. Nickname: j*dey (which i asked people to stop calling me), low-key loki, “the worst lesbian"
45. Relationship status: it’s open
46. Zodiac: scorpio
47. Pronouns: she, they, xe
48. Favorite TV Show: i don’t really watch shows anymore, but i like deadliest catch and batman beyond
49. Tattoos: not rn but i’d like some
50. Right or left hand: right
51. Surgery: never
52. Piercing: already answered this lmao
53. Sport: i hate participating in sports but girl’s volleyball is… interesting…
55. Vacation: my bed, some chips, a nice cold one (pepsi), and the ac on blast
56. Pair of trainers: idk my vans are pretty nice </br> MORE GENERAL:
57. Eating: i WAS eating mac n cheese
58. Drinking: pepsi
59. I’m about to: idk go on youtube??
61. Waiting for: nothing
62. Want: nothing
63. Get married: idk sounds nice
64. Career: rich af and never having to work a day in my life </br> WHICH IS BETTER?:
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs
66. Lips or eyes: lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: loud??
72. Hook up or relationship: hookup
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: both have advantages and disadvantages! (i didn’t even bother editing this answer lmao) </br> HAVE YOU EVER:
74. Kissed a stranger: nah
75. Drank hard liquor: nope
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: i didn’t "lose” them, i knew where they were, it’s just some assholes fucking broke them
77. Turned someone down: oh heeeeell yea i love doing that lmao 78. Sex in the first date: i haven’t even had proper sex tf
79. Broken someones heart: eh, maybe??
80. Had your heart broken: oh yea
81. Been arrested: no
82. Cried when someone died: yea but it was discrete, sorry but i don’t cry in front of others, ESPECIALLY not in front of family
83. Fallen for a friend: hahaha yea </br> DO YOU BELIEVE IN:
84. Yourself: not in the slightest
85. Miracles: god i hope they’re real cuz i super need like twenty
86. Love at first sight: no
87. Santa Claus: nah
88. Kiss in the first date: why not
89. Angels: not really </br> OTHER:
90. Current best friends name: ronan, dan, tara 91. Eyecolor: brown
92. Favorite movie(s): (i accidentally erased some of that question so idk if that is what it said but oh well) idk i really like the Descendants movie and i really wanna see the second one, Uma is like my gf and idk anything about her besides she’s a badass pirate </br> TAGGED: @transmanlukeskywalker @preciousnerd @robonino-main
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lovebtob · 7 years
tagged by  @mtvkris thank u bby ♥♥♥
this is crazy long so
instructions: You can tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people. No skipping.
Sign // GOT7
Let Them In // PVRIS
Back 2 U (AM 01:27) // NCT 127
Lying to You // Keaton Henson
You Were beautiful // DAY6
History // EXO-K
Kingdom (Kor Ver.) // B.A.P
Everything’s Alright // To the Moon OST
Don’t Threaten Me with a Good Time // Panic! at the Disco
Ribs // Lorde
5 things you’d find in my bag:
5 things you’d find in my bedroom:
my bed
a tv
soft toys
5 things i always wanted to do in life:
travel (europe especially but everywhere)
get a house w my friends
make it through uni
actually get a job as a writer ??? that would be cool
learn a language
5 things i’m currently into:
strong woman do bong soon
writing (????)
tolkien (always)
5 things on my to do list:
get a job
do absolutely nothing for the next day or so
maybe try to start my assignments before the end of break
do the dishes
make food
5 things people may not know about me:
im v introverted and idk why a lot of people find this surprising
im currently studying 2 languages at uni (french and japanese)
i want to get into screenwriting
i get to see got7 in just over a week
im a hoe for scented candles
Top 10 BTS Songs Tag:
Cypher pt 3
House of Cards
Blood Sweat and Tears
I Need U
Satoori Rap
Am I Wrong
Spring Day
10 groups/artists you like besides Kpop/liked before Kpop:
Ed Sheeran
Jhene Aiko
Hayley Kiyoko
Mumford & Sons
Panic! at the Disco
does Hamilton count bc it’s amazing ???
10 favorite non-kpop songs:
Is There Somewhere // Halsey
Happier // Ed Sheeran
House of Memories // Panic! at the Disco
Golden Days // Panic! at the Disco
Sleepover // Hayley Kiyoko
Pretty Bird // Jhene Aiko
Glory and Gore // Lorde
10am Gare du Nord // Keaton Henson
Gravel to Tempo // Hayley Kiyoko
Foreigner’s God // Hozier
10 favorite movies:
lotr: fellowship
lotr: two towers
lord: rotk
star wars: the force awakens
treasure planet
ca: tws
10 favorite tv shows, including anime & cartoons:
in the flesh
death parade
steven universe
miraculous ladybug
strong woman do bong soon
mr robot
10 things you enjoyed before kpop/enjoy besides kpop, that won’t fit in the lists above:
the raven cycle (books)
all for the game (books)
percy jackson (books)
the song of achilles (book)
aristotle and dante discover the secrets of the universe (book)
fall out boy (music)
lotr (books just bc i love them as much as the movies)
assassin’s creed (video game)
six of crows (books)
hamilton (musical)
last movie you watched: stardust
last song you listened to: sleepover // hayley kiyoko
last show you watched: goblin
last book you read: crooked kingdom
last thing you ate: stir fry
if you could be anywhere in the world right now where would you be: ,,, w my gf tbhhh
when would you time travel to: can i go to the future?
first thing you would do with lottery money: look into getting my own house/apartment/living place idc what just something that’s MINE also like probably plane tickets to see my gf
character you would hang out with for a day: ronan lynch
time right now: 12:15pm
the ‘or’ tag
build a snowman with v OR have a snowball fight with j-hope
get coffee with suga OR get ice cream with suga
go to the cinema with jimin OR the amusement park with jungkook
do a dance cover with j-hope OR sing a duet with jin
kiss rap monster OR cuddle suga
babysit with jimin OR dogsit with v
meet j-hope’s family OR have v meet your family
film a commercial with j-hope OR film a sketch with v
hug jimin OR hold hands with jungkook
go to paris with jin OR go to london with suga
film a drama with jin OR do a photo shoot with rap monster
attend an award show with rap monster OR wear couple t-shirts at the airport with jungkook
spend a lazy day with suga OR explore a city with j-hope
fall asleep next to jimin OR wake up next to jungkook
make up a silly rap with v OR a silly choreography with jin
have a fun picnic with j-hope OR a fancy date with jin
have jungkook serenade you OR have v sing you to sleep
have a dance party with j-hope OR sing karaoke with suga
go camping with jimin and v OR go to the beach with rap monster and suga
cook with jin OR bake a cake with jimin
have a sleepover with the hyung line OR a birthday party with the maknae line
celebrate halloween with jungkook, suga, v and j-hope OR christmas with rap monster, jimin and j-hope
rules: answer the questions with the first letter of your name, then tag 10 people. If the person who tagged you has the same initial, you must use different answers. you cannot use the same word twice.
What is your name? - Beth
A four letter word? - bird
A boy’s name? - Ben
An occupation? - baker
Something you wear? - bracelet
A color? - blue
A food? - bread
Something you find in the bathroom? - basin
A place? - brisbane
A reason for being late? - broken
Something you shout? - bitch
A movie title? - Brave
Something you drink? - beer (if u hate urself)
An animal? - beluga
A type of car? - bentley
Title of a song? - baepsae // bts
on shuffle (kpop edition)   rules: put your music library on shuffle and list down the first 10 songs and tag 10 people.
healing // seventeen
ace // temin
i miss you so bad // ikon
ready or not // monsta x
why so serious // shinee
don’t recall (hidden vers) // kard
moonster // exo
rush // monsta x
21st century girls // bts
hey // got7
kpop - firsts rules: list five or ten of your favorite kpop boy / girl groups. put your first bias of each group and the name of the mv you first saw them in.
bts - jungkook; dope
nct - ten; 7th sense
got7 - jaebum; girls girls girls
btob - sungjae; insane
bap - jongup; skydive
blackpink - lisa; boombayah
mamamoo - hwasa; piano man
monsta x - all of them; all in
shinee - taemin; lucifer
exo - sehun; i think it was call me baby ???
random k-pop rules: go to this website: www.random.org/lists/ and pick 15 of your bias/faves.
mum/dad: changkyun
sibling: yoongi
grandma/grandad: lay
haunts you: yongguk
boyfriend/girlfriend: bobby
your ex: zuho
your best friend: lisa
proposed to you: ten (BOI)
your boss: ilhoon
random person you meet at a bar: chanyeol
rival: mark tuan
first kiss: sehun
drunk and singing karaoke: jinyoung
played 7 minutes in heaven with: taehyung
gave you your favorite dessert: wonho
im too lazy to tag anyone lmao but if u wanna do it go for it~
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