#ch: riley matthews
purpleyearning · 2 years
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reginaldsbanjo · 4 years
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riley and maya icons (like or reblog if you save/use)
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Maya: Get ripped. Eat pasta. Be gay.
Riley: The only thing I rip is packages of pasta open with my gay hands.
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disneylasource · 7 years
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hrmionegranger · 6 years
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i am the least dramatic person who has ever roamed the face of the earth.
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cass1x1 · 6 years
OT+ (soulmates?)
How did they they meet?
Various ways. Riley met Aiden in class, and then introduced him to Matthew. Lyla ran into Matthew at a charity thing. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Um. Matthew? I guess? Idk that’s hard.
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
No idea. Lyla maybe? She hides it but she likes who she ended up with as far as soulmates go.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Various ways. Once someone was like “We’re soulmates,” Aiden probably kissed them out of some weird sense of obligation (because he’s awkward like that). Lyla....probably super late at night, in a spur-of-the-moment decision.
Who confessed their feelings first?
First, literally everyone else. Then Aiden.
What was their first official date?
As a group? Or individually? As a group, Kyan’s birthday!
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
It’s the only way they can all go out together so they’re all kinda resigned to it at this point.
What do they do in their down time?
Lyla volunteers for approximately 200 charities. Matthew has no down time because he has a child. Aiden plays video games and Riley sits with whoever is around and cuddles.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Yeesh. Lyla won’t introduce anyone to her parents. Aiden’s parents are too busy to care so they were like “Yeah cool soulmates seems nice DANIEL NO PUT THAT DOWN sorry sweetie gotta go.”
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Lyla making an ass of herself. She apologized to Kyan and eventually everyone else forgave her in turn.
Which one is more easily made jealous?
I’m not sure. I think maybe Riley by default. Because Aiden doesn’t care, Lyla is used to having to share, and Matthew is too worried about being judged to get jealous.
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
The one thing they can all agree on, food-wise, is pizza. Everything else is too complicated.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Riley and Matthew both like to be cuddled. Lyla initates cuddling the most often, though. She doesn’t even notice she’s doing it. She likes sitting on people, or having her arms wrapped around people. Aiden likes cuddling, but rarely starts it himself.
Are they hand holders?
Lyla is, but she doesn’t notice it. Aiden is not.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Aiden tries it thinking he might be more into it with a soulmate, but he’s sorta neutral on it in the end. It’s something he and Riley and he and Matthew planned out super slowly over time after talking about it, and it was fine. Lyla...it’s another spur-of-the-moment, 3am situation. It’s a few months after they “get together.”
Who tops?
Lyla is very good it, but isn’t always in the mood to top. Aiden flat-out wouldn’t. So...Matthew or Riley by default.
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Lyla being a dick? 
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Riley shops. They all cook and take turns.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Lyla and Riley are both pretty neat. Aiden isn’t a slob but I think he’s the messiest.
Who proposes?
There are too many of them to get married.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Too many.
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Tooooo many.
Big Ceremony or Small?
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
I’mma say yes. No wedding, yes lavish vacation. They go to Alaska.
Do they have children? How many?
Kyan? That’s it I think?
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waterstribe · 7 years
Riley: Maya, you’re a genius!
Maya: Huh, go figure. Would you call your dad and tell him that?
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lackedfear-blog · 7 years
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        ❛   i  have  like  a  MILLION  essays  i  have  to  write  for  school  ...  goodbye,  my  beloved  weekend  !   ❜   riley  sighed,  dramatically.   ❛   don’t  get  me  wrong  ;   i  love  shakespeare  !   i  just  would  prefer  not  writing  a  two  thousand  word  essay  on  his  work.   ❜   
    starter for  //  @ferocitatem
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purpleyearning · 4 months
The way in the pilot Riley says “How important is it that you don’t know me at all?” and it’s funny, it’s a joke… but by the finale…
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fanficsbykay · 4 years
Girl Meets Senior Year | Ch. 2
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Summary: Three years have passed since Lucas and Riley fought on the first day of High School. The two never spoke again until one fateful night, the night Lucas saved Riley. Now he must save her from herself and not fall for her in the process. Rucas AU Centric. Joshaya x Smarkle x ZayxOC
Word Count: 1,968
Trigger Warning: Sexual Abuse
Chapter 2 Girl Meets Shattered
3 Years Later
"I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together" - Julia Roberts
Riley sat at the counter of her Mother's café and scribbled feverously in her notebook.
Riley looked up and saw Zay standing in front of her with a slice of chocolate cake. Zay grinned and placed the small dish in front of her notebook. She smiled softly and stuck her finger in the chocolate mousse. Riley brought her finger to her lips and moaned at the taste of the sugar.
"Zay you are awesome! I am glad my Mom gave you this job" Riley commented as Zay passed her a small silver fork.
Zay had scored a job at Topanga's a year ago as a Waiter and it has helped him keep everything on track. Riley wasn't surprised that Zay was good at his job, he loves the people and they love him. Between serving the guest and snacking, he made everyone feel important. He was no longer Robin Lunch; he was Zay Best Waiter Ever.
"Well it does help that you are one of my best friends," Zay said as he took a bite of her cake.
"Zay!" Riley scolded with a laugh.
"Quality assurance" Zay mumbled with his mouth full.
"And?" Riley said as he took another bite.
"It's ok" He joked and Riley let out a laugh.
"Zay Man!" Riley turned around to see Maya walking with a messenger bag.
"No love for me Peaches," Riley said, taking a bite of her cake.
"Well that depends on you Honey, did you finish the next chapter?" Maya asked.
Riley smiled triumphantly and pulled out her iPad and notebook. Maya grinned and snatched the two out of her hands.
"Riles! You've been holding out on me! Now I can draw Violet and Peaches, I've been lacking some great art time" Maya cooed and flipped through the pages.
"I still can't believe you two are creating a graphic novel," Zay said as he took the last bite of cake and grabbed the plate.
Riley tilted her head in disbelief of Zay eating her snack and let out a chuckle. Yet he was right who knew that Riley Matthews could write so well. It was well known Maya had amazing artistic abilities, but one day Farkle and Maya read a short story that Riley wrote. They couldn't believe that Riley had a way to convey her emotions onto paper.
So junior year Riley and Maya began writing a series called Violet and Peaches. The series was about two best friends that fought crimes and had the ability to turn into cats. It was a silly idea, but anything could be possible in their world.
Their little crew actually would have weekly meet-ups and read the adventures and discuss what they believe should happen next. Maya would sketch the new ideas and Riley would write it all down. Farkle has even suggested that they submit it to publishing companies to get offers. However, Riley declines every time while Maya boasts about being the next great graphic designer.
"Believe it, Zay!" Maya said and stopped at a page.
"Riles this is it, this is Violet and Peaches next adventure, I love it," Maya said and a bright smile graced her face,
"Thanks," Riley said and shrugged.
"No drawing Maya we have to head to the Homecoming Game!" Zay said as Maya pulled out her sketchbook.
"Do we have to?" Maya whined and frowned.
"Of course Riley here is our homecoming queen nominee," Zay said and threw his apron onto the countertop.
"Zay you have to lock up," Topanga said as she came from behind.
"But Mrs. M, the game, Riley, Cheerleaders!" Zay rambled and widened his eyes.
"Mom, I got it," Riley said and walked behind the counter.
"Riley aren't you supposed to be at the game to walk across and everything?" Topanga asked.
"I'll be a few minutes late it's fine, really besides, we are closing in twenty minutes, guys go have fun, it gives me private Riley writing time," Riley said and placed her hands under her chin.
"Riles, you sure?" Maya asked as she stood from her seat.
"Totally fine Peaches!" Riley said and grinned.
Riley's grin faltered from her face when she heard the familiar voice. A voice that she didn't hear often, yet it still sent waves throughout her body. She looked down at the grain of the counter before she felt his presence nearby. He didn't acknowledge her or greet her, but he did glance at her.
"Lucas dude what are you doing here?" Zay asked as Maya glanced between Riley and Lucas.
"Dude you said we were meeting up at four-thirty, it's almost five" Lucas laughed as Zay patted his arm.
"Sorry late shift today, but come on we are all going to the game now," Zay said as Maya grabbed Riley's hand.
"Coming Maya?" Lucas asked as he turned to the Blonde.
"Yeah, Huckleberry" Maya retorted before giving Riley a squeeze.
The three began walking towards the door as Topanga followed slowly behind them. In a silent walk towards the subway, the three of them did not say anything. It could have been the awkward tension or the fact that Riley's mother was a few feet behind them.
"What the Princess isn't joining?" Lucas asked and rolled his eyes.
"Lucas!" Maya scolded and pinched his arm.
Maya didn't want Lucas bashing Riley especially in front of her own mother. Lucas wasn't surprised at Maya's actions; however, he was surprised at her using his name. He didn't make it easy for his friends to spend time with him whenever Riley tagged along.
Somehow he would end up canceling or make Riley feel uncomfortable that she would leave. It was like a switch came on inside of him that made him have to hurt her feelings. Maya had every right to be protective, but he just could not help himself.
"Sorry, Maya I guess I forget you have to protect the Princess" Lucas said and let out a chuckle.
Maya rolled her eyes and shoved him into Zay which made them fall on the ground. Topanga came over and Maya pulled her away from the two boys. Zay jostled Lucas off of him and stood up.
"Why Lucas? Why do you have to be an ass about Riley?" Zay demanded.
"She makes it easy Zay," Lucas said and stood up from the ground. He wiped his jeans and shook his head in anger. Lucas clenched his jaw and made fists before releasing them.
"Cut it out, at least for tonight! It is our last homecoming game and I want to enjoy it with all my best friends" Zay begged and clasped his hands together.
"Whatever let's just catch up to Maya so we can't sit with Smackle and Farkle," Lucas said as he pointed to the subway.
"Crap I left my wallet back at Topanga's, I think Riles is still there" Zay commented and smacked his pants.
"Look I got it don't worry, I won't say anything mean to the Princess," Lucas said and rolled his eyes.
Zay bit back his words and just held up his hands to allow Lucas to go to the café. At least in his mind, the two had to say something to one another. Lucas handed Zay his MetroCard before walking back to Topanga's. He had no idea what he was going to say to Riley and he hoped he didn't have to. He walked down a flight of stairs to see the door closed and the lights were off inside of Topanga's.
Lucas was surprised to see the lights were all off at Topanga's and placed his hands on the glass. He peered into the darkness to see nothing but an empty café. He pulled the door to see that it was unlocked and felt uneasy about what was going on. Despite not speaking to Riley, he knew she wasn't irresponsible to leave the place unlocked.
"Um hello?" Lucas called out as he walked into the dark café. The bell rang over his head and he reached to his left to find the light switch when he saw something from the corner of his eye. Lucas fell back into the glass door with a heavy shove shattering the glass. He groaned and noticed that the person was dressed in all black and was running up the stairs.
Adrenaline began to build up in him and he scrambled onto his feet. He scurried inside and began looking for Riley.
"Ri- Ril - Riley?!" His voice shook with vulnerability and he was surprised he even got her name out. Chairs were strewn haphazardly on the floor and the café counter was bare except for a rag. Lucas heard a whimper and knew where she was. He slid to his knees and saw Riley lying face down behind the bar. Her hair was spread out around her and her skirt hiked up.
"Riley?" Lucas cried and picked her head up as she cried again.
"Lucas?" She questioned as tried sitting up.
"Riley, please stay still I have to call the cops" Lucas begged as he searched for his phone in his pocket. His fingers trembled as he dialed the police and his voice cracked. After reading off the numbers to the police and hanging up he looked down at Riley who was curled in a fetal position.
He studied her as he noticed her underwear further away from the two and he froze. That was a question he didn't want to be answered right now. All that he knew was that she needed him and the three years of anger melted away. She pulled down her skirt and tried sitting up which made Lucas move away.
"No Lucas please, don't leave me" She cried and held him tightly.
"Please I know you don't like me, but don't leave me alone, please Lucas, please"
He held her tightly as she broke down within his arms.
"Don't worry Riley I got you, no one will hurt, no one" He whispered.
He held her for about five minutes before the cops arrived. Before he knew it Riley was on a stretcher and cops were asking him about twenty questions at once. Yet it didn't matter because he just stared at Riley as she was strapped in and crying.
"Son?" The Officer asked.
"I … I … didn't see him sir, but I know he was heavier and taller than I" Lucas croaked.
The Officer noticed Lucas's gaze and patted him on the back. He comprehended that Lucas was not going to be helpful until he knew that Riley was going to be alright.
"Lucas?" Riley cried and Lucas walked over. She grabbed his hand and began to cry as the paramedic placed an IV in her arm.
"I'm right here Riley," Lucas said as she squeezed his hand.
"Young man, only family can ride with her, you can meet us at Mount Sinai," The Paramedic said as Riley gripped his hand tighter.
"Please" Lucas begged as the stretcher moved away from him and Riley thrashed crying for Lucas.
Lucas stood dumbfounded and watched Riley begged for him. Thumps filled his ears and he realized his own heart was racing for her. He was scared for her and he did not know what to do.
"Son?" The Officer said and Lucas turned to him. The Officer handed Lucas's what he could only figure was Riley's bag and some papers.
"Go to her," The Officer said as Lucas without a second thought ran out of Topanga's.
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skyvalkers · 7 years
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character moodboard: riley matthews
“Welcome to Rileytown. I twirl around when I'm happy. I dance by myself. Because that's who I am. And if I do something good, I give awards to myself so that maybe I'll do something good again. And you're not going to stop me by showing everybody your little video that shows everybody that I do it.”
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Riley: [sees a fat cat]
Riley, in tears: You are so fucking big I love you…
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willofhounds · 5 years
Captured beast within a human skin ch 7
Newt's POV
He sat in the room he was given cross legged. Today was going to be a pack history lesson. To help with the transition and to teach another his uncle brought his daughter with him. Sophia Donner had brown hair and green eyes just like him.
Once they were settled Sherman explained, "Years ago your father had a brother. Riley Donner was the older of the two of them. As you know we change before the age of eighteen. Riley was one of the rare few that never changed. I helped him escape the town. If I had not the hunters would have killed him. Riley met a human girl and fell in love. They had two son, Theseus and yourself. You both are of magic but only you have the wolf gene. We didn't even think it was possible for a wolf to appear after so long."
Sophia stared at him for a long moment before she said, "You have our eyes. All Donners have green eyes but I have never seen any so vibrant."
Sherman snorted. Newt glared at the man who shrugged.
Matthew rolled his eyes as he said, "Knock it off, Sherman," then he turned serious, "Soph, there is going to be a meeting at the diner tonight. The entire clan is going to be there."
At his look of confusion Sherman explained, "The pack is mainly the town members. The clan is the enterity of the Wolf Lake area. There are two other packs who belong to the clan. Willard Cates is the clan and pack head. Out of all our leaders he has lasted the longest uncontested. 25 years of being pack and clan head. That may change tonight for two reasons. One Willard isn't well. He is slowly dying of a cancer that even we cannot treat. The second reason is you. Many of the older wolves will not like bringing you in. While some of the younger wolves like Tyler and the pup pack led by Lucas Cates will accept. The older wolves will see your human side as a weakness."
Being human wasn't a weakness. It was what set them apart from being consumed by the beast.
Newt asked, "What is the difference between us and werewolves? Or animagi? Why would the old wolves see humanity as weakness?"
The two men exchanged glances before Sherman replied an odd look in his eyes, "The older wolves believe that we should return to our roots. Back to the times we spent more time in our wolf skin than our human one. In a way they are not wrong about that. At the same time doing that would make us forget what separates us from beasts. Skinwalkers were what inspired the first animagus. We travel freely between wolf and human skin. Wizards are whatever animal is their animal spirit."
The man paused for a moment then continued, "Werewolves are another matter entirely. Wizards weren't wrong when they thought that the werewolves originally descended from skinwalkers. We dont know when it happened exactly but this story is passed down from black wolf to black wolf as we are the rarest of all wolves. I will explain to you in class why."
Matthew opened his mouth to question but was stopped by an upheld hand. Sherman said his eyes becoming glazed, "When wizards first decided we were dark creatures we hid ourselves. Tried to make ourselves seem more muggle. There were more of us back then and more places in the world where the moon was always full. Because of a select few there are only a handful of communities like ours left. Wizards labeled us extinct almost a millennia ago. They hunted us down like animals. Some of us were stronger in magic than others but they outnumbered us. When we tried to go into hiding that's when the certain members came out. They were the worst of the worst. Instead of helping hide their fellow skinwalkers they chose instead to betray their brothers and sisters. So many of us were lost because of them. Children killed because they had the gene. Adults trying desperately to save their cubs."
Sherman's voice was broken by the end of his recount. Somehow despite the impossibility of it. Harrison knew the other had seen the horrors he spoke of.
They all listened at rapt attention as the man continued, "Those who betrayed us were banished by the moon and Magic herself. Cursed to never change again under their own power. That their bites would forever infect others as punishment for their crimes. Two years before we were officially declared extinct the black wolves banded together. There were more of us back then. So many more," it almost seemed as if he was going to stop again. Then suddenly he spoke, "It was sacrificial magic. A very rare very dark ritual that sacrificed all but one black wolf per clan. Magic gave us safe havens in exchange. Places where the moon would always be full. A place where the betrayers could no longer go for they would be forced to change each night. This is one such community and clan."
His uncle said after a long moment of silence, "I never knew that history Sherman. How many people know about it?"
Sherman gave a grim smile in return, "Only the black wolves."
Newt asked meeting the elder black wolf's eyes, "Why is there going to be a clan meeting?"
Sherman sighed, "Two reasons. One is you. Being a half breed in their eyes is not going to help you. Even if you are a black wolf. To them that just a sign that things are about to turn for the worse. The other reason is the war. Some of us have been enlisted to fight. The younger ones of course. We just don't know if we can afford to lose any of the younger wolves."
Newt had heard about the war. His mother was downright distraught over the fact that Theseus had enlisted.
For his part, Newt had been hurt that Theseus didn't tell him. His older brother's letter had just stopped coming. In a way he felt abandoned by the older boy.
Then there was Tyler who had been drafted almost immediately into the service. Tyler who sent weekly letters despite now being out of country. It hurt that his brother wouldn't do the same.
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bestfriends-0212 · 6 years
Trust me! Ch.1
- Y/N pov first day of freshman year
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My alarm went off I shot up looking around crazy. Ugh the first day of school, I got up and got ready. I decided to keep it simple and not too flashy. I was looking around for my backpack when I heard a knock on the front door. I ran towards it and opened it to see Riley standing there looking pretty as always.
 "Hey Riles help me find my bag, " I said pulling her into a hug
 " of course, " she said chuckling a bit.
 We searched the whole apartment and found nothing. I groaned falling onto my couch.
 " how do you lose your bag on the first day of school " Riley asked falling next to me " I'm not even sure " I replied closing my eyes "come on we got to find your bag before Maya gets here " she said pulling me up " check your room again I'll check the living room " she said I nodded I went to my room and started looking . I looked under my bed and saw one of my heels
I thought I lost. I looked in my closet and saw nothing from the ordinary. I sighed where is it. I heard a knock
 " welp Maya is here and I don't have my bag, " I said walking to the living room. Riley opened the door to reveal Maya and my bag. 
" how ?" We both said
 " you left it at my house last night you just left and forgot to grab it, " she said handing it to me. 
" thank you for bringing it for me "
 " no problem ." She said giving us a hug.
 " Y'all ready for freshman year? " I asked closing and locking the door. We walked to Riley apartment
 " NOO" yelled Matthews once we stepped in
. " good morning, " I said chuckling a bit.
 " there-there it's going to be okay, " said Auggie patting his back. 
" Auggie " I yelled he ran towards me and jumped into my arms. I sprung him around till we both got dizzy and fell on the couch 
" girls breakfast, " said Mrs. Matthews 
" not hungry " Maya and I said
 " didn't ask, eat now " we sat down and ate breakfast
 " y/n where's your dad now ?" Asked Riley " not sure he was already gone last night I'm sure he'll let me know throughout the day ." I said shrugging " oh honey he's doing this for you, " said Mrs. Matthews " I know it just sucks " " it does " agreed Maya I gave her a small smile . We have had this conversation before and we both have gotten fairly emotional about this topic. "Well it's time to go, " said Mr. Matthews we all said goodbye. The girls and I took the subway while Mr.Matthews drove. I couldn't help but think life and how's it's changing. We arrived at school and went to go pick up our schedules. We were just standing in line when we heard some girls talking.
" Y'all heard there are two new students " 
" oh yeah? Boy or girl ?"
 "Boys both of them ."
 " did you hear that " asked Riley l nodded 
" so interesting, " I said rolling my eyes Maya laughed
 " come on they could change our lives who knows, " said Riley with hope in her eyes which I haven't seen in a while so I just agreed with her "you are right Riley who knows what can happen" we grabbed our schedules and locker information. We had history, chemistry, a gym and a free period together. I had Ap language arts and AP calculus. I knew I'll be with Farkle for those classes. Our lockers were in the same hallway so we weren't that far. My first class was AP calculus I said bye to the girls and walked to it. I sat in the middle row took out what I knew I would need.
I saw Farkle walk in, I sighed I miss him but he just doesn't understand. He sat next to me. "Hey y/n " I just ignored him " I don't know what I did for you to hate me, " he said with his voice cracking a bit " you abandoned us. We went through hell and back you weren't there for us Farkle" I said quietly trying not to get emotional. " I'm sorry " I nodded I can't forgive him. The rest of the class went by fast. The bell rang I shot out and left like I was flash.
The girls and I have a free period so we were going to meet at the library and just chill there. I was at my locker putting some of my books away and grabbing the clothes I needed for gym later. I closed my locker and started walking towards the library.
This cute tallboy comes to me and as soon he speaks his voice is like an angel. When I realized what he asked I told him no as fast as I could and ran to the library. Riley and Maya came up to me
 " something happened ?" They asked worried 
" no, " I said softly
 "then why did you run ?"
 "It's nothing " I mumbled
 "it's something you look like you saw a ghost, " said Riley 
"Guys it was nothing okay just drop it " they both shrugged
 " can't you believe that my dad is going to teach us history again ?" Asked Riley I chuckled a bit
 " yeah riles I do he's been teaching us since middle school "
 " Yeah, we are stuck with him till senior year," Maya added in while starting to draw
 " Preach it, sister, " I said while laughing, they started laughing too.
 " did Farkle tried to talk to y'all this morning ?" I asked getting serious they nodded their head yes 
" I miss him " Riley replied sadly
 " I know me too but he kind of abandoned us for his grades," Maya said numbly
 " he wasn't there for us when we needed it, we were drowning, screaming for help and he still didn't notice. We only have each other " I said sadly
Don't get me wrong I do miss my little genius. He was our best friend since first grade but he always put his intelligence before anything. When we needed him the most he wasn't there. When we were in our darkest times he didn't notice, when we were drowning gasping for air he didn't save us. We saved each other. He never knew what happened and he probably won't know either. I don't like holding grudges but how could you say you are our best friend but wasn't there when we needed you the most. When Riley finally realized that the world isn't as great as she thought it was. When Maya finally broke down and went into a dark place. When I got my heart broken into tiny pieces and was made a huge fool out of. When the three of us were robbed at gunpoint going home after our extra activities were done. When our world did a full 360 and he wasn't even there to tell us we were going to be okay. He was too busy getting straight A's. Don't get me wrong I love that about him cause I do believe in him and his dream of world domination but there's more in life than that. He didn't stay up at night with Maya full-on crying in my bay window asking why was she broken while swallowing your own tears telling her she wasn't because she's a great girl. He didn't stay with us when we had nightmares of the robbery because we feared our lives being taken away from us. He wasn't there and I don't think I can forgive him for that. 
" earth to y/n !" Whispered Maya in my ear making me jump
 " sorry what ?" I responded slyly
 "dinner my place ?" Questioned Riley
 " always plus my dad is in Washington for the month so your parents have to sign my syllabus, " I said laughing at the end,
 " I think mom is making spaghetti, " Riley said while closing her book
 " yum, " Maya and I said laughing the bell rang telling us that free period was over and history is next. Thank god I have them in there. I grabbed my bag throwing it on my shoulder
 " can this day hurry up so I can sleep, " I said turning around to see the guy from earlier staring at me while his friend waved in front of his face, I couldn't help but giggle. I heard two gasps from behind me and that's when I knew I messed up.
 " did I just hear a giggle from Miss. Always Serious " mocked Maya,
 " I think we just heard the famous giggle from our lovely best friend, " said Riley a little too loud for my liking from the Corner of my eye I saw the guy smirking. Damn it, Riley .
 "Nope y'all hearing things let's go to history now please, " I said pushing them out the library.
 "No we know what we heard and it was a giggle, " said Maya
 " we haven't heard that giggle in a year y/ n. It's a good thing. You can't keep hiding your emotions in. Remember what happens when you do that " she said sternly I groaned
 " Riley that was one time please don't remind me about that day. " I murmured quickly I really didn't like talking about that day. I exploded on everybody even my dad and told him that I hated him.  Which lead me to have a panic attack it wasn't a great day.
 "Sorry but still don't hide your emotions it's bad for you, " she said pulling me in a hug.
 "Moving on my tall plant we are about to be late and I don't think your dad will like that one bit "
 "oh he'll have a fit, " said Maya laughing 
" oh yeah he would that'll be funny can we be late I want him freaking out on the first day of school, " I said laughing evilly
 " see I love this y/n the one who likes doing bad things, " said Maya returning the evil laugh.
 " I hate it when Y'all do that. Now let's go we have a minute till the bell rings and we have to walk all the way to the other side. " Riley said.
 "We are going on a trip on our favorite rocket ship, Zooming through the sky, Little Einsteins. " I sang randomly
 "the hell was that, " Maya asked laughing
 " I have no idea, " I said bursting out laughing, Riley was laughing as well. We looked like a mess laughing in the middle of an empty hallway. We were definitely late oh Matthews is going to kill us. Once we got in front of the door, Riley looked at us scared
 " who's going on first ?" She asked 
I opened the door
 " sorry, we late Matthews, " I said walking in not really caring.
 " -am from Texas " I heard a voice that doesn't belong to Matthew. Oh fuck I just ruined someone introduction. I looked at the girls and they were laughing quietly. Little fuckers. 
"Ah glad you ladies could make it to class, " said Mr.Matthews 
I turned around and was met with the guy from earlier right in front of me looking straight in my eyes. Wow, he has some pretty eyes. Dang, I could swim in that water. Snap out of it y/n.
 "Please take a seat we will have a talk about this later, " Mr. Matthews said 
" yes sir " I replied while turning around for a seat
 " and don't you dare sit in the back miss y/l/ n " 
" yes sir, " I said rolling my eyes. I sat in the middle row, Maya sat in front me and Riley sat next to her.
 " you can continue your introduction Mr.friar. "
 "right uh I'm from Texas and I move a lot because of my dad's job. I like to uh play sports " he said stuttering a bit aww he's nervous that's cute.
 "Thank you, Mr.Friar, you can sit next to miss Y/LN, " Matthews said 
I gave him a what the fuck look. He just winked at me. What is trying to do play Cupid? I don't need him meddling in my love life. I glared at him. I just notice Farkle is sitting in front of Riley and he was smiling at her. God, I ship them so hard but he had to ruin it. I also notice that guy friend is in front of Maya. Friar finally sat down. Mr. Matthews gave everybody a sheet with questions about what we should know from middle school. I was about to start it when a note landing on my desk. Sighing I opened it.
 Hi :) 
I rolled my eyes what is this 6th grade I looked at friar cause I have a feeling it's him. He was already staring once he notices I was looking at him he smiled and waved. What a dork. I decided to reply what's the worst that can happen.
 Hello there :P
 I threw it back at him. I answered a few questions when the note landed on my desk again. Damn boy, did you write a paragraph? 
Thank you for running away from me earlier. It was a great welcoming gesture. I felt like home. I'll also like to thank you for interrupting my introduction.
 I couldn't help but chuckle.
 No problem I'm here all week free of charge. Welcome to Abigail Adams. ;P  
I threw it at him and it hit his face. I burst out laughing. 
" is there something funny miss .Y/l/N, " Mr. Matthews asked I tried to stop laughing but his face was so priceless and I kept replaying it in my head. Maya and Riley turned around with an amused expression. Which made me laugh harder I looked at the guy next to me and he had a small smirk.
 "Do you need to step outside? " asked Mr. Matthews I shook my head no. "Then get it together " I nodded finally stopping from laughing. I finished the sheet when the note landed again. 
Seriously out of all the places you could have thrown it at you hit it my face. Like seriously do you have bad aim. 
I smirked at him
 I'm sorrryyy my bad.
 This time when I got up I put it on his desk and gave Matthews the class work. "Behave " he whispered sternly. "I am"I whispered he shook his head. I went and sat back down I notice that the note was already there. I smirked at him.
 I'll have you know I play softball so I have great aim.
 Our conversation continued I found out he plays baseball, basketball, and football. I told him I do gymnastics and cheerleading. He said not to let his best friend hear about that cause he's obsessed with cheerleaders. He reintroduced himself and asked for my name. I told him I like to keep my name mystery for now. Before he can respond, the bell rang. The rest of the day went by like a blink of an eye. After walking home with the girls I went home to shower and sleep before going to Riles for dinner. My nap was cut short when I was woken by the FaceTime ringtone. I saw it was my dad . " hey daddy" I said happily " hey sweetheart how was your first day of high school " he asked I couldn't help but to smile he always cares about me even when he's tired . " it was good shocking news Mr.Matthews is my history teacher again. " we both laughed . "That's good darling listen I have to tell you I won't be home for a couple of months... I know that it's a lot but we need the money I need to make sure you get to college, " he said I felt like my heart was just ripped out of me. He usually gone for a few weeks tops never months. "Honey ?" I just hanged up and put my phone in do not disturb. I locked my bay window and the front door. I can feel myself starting to cry, I miss my dad I wish he was here right now but he wasn't he was in Washington for a couple months. Next thing I knew I just broke down sobbing holding my pillow as if it was my only hope. I just let everything out until darkness took over me. 
-End of y/n pov-
Feedback is welcomed!-Kat
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