#ch: vanity
atiny-piratequeen · 3 months
Against the Tide: Eighteenth Dal Segno (Ch. 18 Pt. 2)
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Pairing: Poly OT8
•❥ Rating: Explicit (18+)
•❥ Genres: Heavy Angst, Action, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Fantasy
•❥ Series AU Tags: Demon Pirates, Supernatural, Poly Relationship (mxm), Past and Modern Day AU, Mythology Au, Slow Burn, Slice of Life, College Au, Rock Band Au, Happy Ending Endgame
•❥ Chapter Tws: Migraines, Nosebleeds, Blood, Guilt, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Misunderstandings, Poison
•❥ Chapter Sws: Foursome, Consentacle Tentacles (lets go Whiro!), Temperature Play, Comfort Sex, Finger Sucking, Jacob's Ladder Piercing, Hair Pulling, Blowjob, Frottage, Bareback, Auralism, Scent Kink, Cum Swallowing, Biting, Dacryphilia
•❥ WC: 14.6k+ out of 25.5k
•❥ A/N: The blue hellsite's devs are full of shit and my chapter was too big to post all in one so now I have to break it up into two posts. It would be real lovely for my AtTiny enjoyers to make sure to reblog my work when they're finished :3 This was going to be the reveal chapter but it was already 25k so I decided to break it up. Which...was clearly the right option since tumblr's new posting limitations hates me and my big chapters lmao. Thank you for waiting and stay tuned :) Also, if you haven't yet, maybe check out my new universe Ataraxia while you wait for the next chapter?
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•❥ ©atiny-piratequeen 2024. do not repost, translate, or use my works.
•❥Network Pings: @kwritersworld​ | @cultofdionysusnet​ | @k-vanity​
•❥← previous dal segno                 next dal segno –>
(banners used created by @cafekitsune thank you sm!)
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April 1st
-220 Days Remain-
“Hold your head up. Keep your back straight. Slouching is unbecoming of a Prince.” 
Seonghwa opened his eyes, looking to his left, and spotting the form of his child self, staring at his old instructor. 
Ah, a dream. 
He watched his child self stand straighter, his grey eyes hardening as stared at his instructor, his jaw, as cherub as it may be, locking. 
“Yes, Teacher. I apologize.” 
“Perfect, Prince Seonghwa. Now, raise your sword. To be a leader, you must never show that you are tired. Never show weakness. Those who follow you will sense something is amiss and if their leader is weak, they will lose hope. Even if you know your back is against the wall, you musn’t show your subordinates. Always remember this.” 
Seonghwa’s child self gripped the practice sword tight, nodding as he once again began to swing at the dummy before him, keeping his posture perfect. 
The current Seonghwa watched his younger self before turning, exhaling gently and heading in the opposite direction. 
He walked through rustling trees and the scenery began to melt into something different. 
Intricate designs on the carpet beneath his feet, expensive paintings lining the walls of rulers before him. Beautiful vases full of freshly picked and tended to flowers. 
The hall stopped on two frames. 
One, burned to cinders, of his father. Through the ash and damage, Seonghwa almost could not recognize him. 
He, however, knew the hilt of that falcata well. 
The very one situated on his hip currently. 
Seonghwa grit his teeth and looked to the final frame in the hall of rulers. 
Staring back at him was an image of himself. Or, rather, his other self. 
Inky black hair, piercing ice blue eyes, the deep crimson streaks on his eyes and along his lips. A crown of ice sat atop his head. 
Seonghwa approached ‘himself’, staring into his own eyes. The painting smiled back at him, tilting its head slightly before leaning out of it and towards him. 
The ex prince did not shy away, even when ‘he’ reached out, grabbing his wrist and smearing paint all over Seonghwa’s it, right over his compass stone. 
Seonghwa glanced down before looking back at ‘himself’. 
Crimson lips opened. 
“Come. It is not these halls you wish to walk through, now is it?” 
Seonghwa opened his mouth to question ‘him’, but was yanked through the painting. 
He fell through the painting, careening downwards, eyes widening as the color began to fade around him. His ‘other’ self gripped his hand tight, a wild smile on his face as they fell. 
“Where are we going?” Seonghwa hadn’t opened his mouth, instead he heard his own voice echoing through the space they were falling through. The ‘other’ him glanced over his shoulder at Seonghwa before looking down. 
“The place we’ve been yearning. Even if its for a little bit.” 
Before Seonghwa could reply, the gray blur around him as he fell began to rapidly fill with color once more until it cradled him like a blanket. He could no longer feel ‘him’ holding his hand. 
Seonghwa did not know when he’d closed his eyes again, but when he opened him, he was…home. 
No, not the castle, not the house in Seoul…he was home. 
The scent of salt from the ocean filled his nose first, then the rhythmic sound of water splashing along the hull of The Utopia. 
Seonghwa felt his throat tighten as he looked around. 
“I’ve never cooked swordfish before, but I’m excited to try!” 
He turned his head, watching as Yeosang stood with his hands on his hips, admiring the giant swordfish Jongho and Whiro had hefted aboard. San and Wooyoung stood not too far off, with Wooyoung singing a song they’d picked up in the last port town, slowly forming a new set of knives for their beloved chef to hack apart the fish for easier transport down into the galley. 
“I don’t care what ya do with it, just make it good for all the damn effort it took for us to bring this big ass fish up here, yeah?”
“Don’t be so fucking rude when asking for something, jackass.” 
Yeosang smiled patiently as Whiro rose from Jongho’s skin, growling and starting another one of their usual arguments. 
“Thanks so much, Doc. I drank that concoction you gave me yesterday and I feel leagues better than I did before!” Sana cheered, slapping Yunho on the back before she rushed over to get to work, tying her hair back as she did. 
Yunho watched her go with a smile, muttering thanks to Geb as he checked his watch and startled. 
“Ah! I’m late! I have to feed Atlas.” He rushed past Seonghwa, smiling and waving at him before hurrying below the deck. Seonghwa waved back and continued walking, finding Mingi seated on a barrel, glasses balanced on his nose as he scanned whatever was on the report in his hands. 
Seonghwa felt his heart clench for a moment. 
He stopped in front of Mingi. His presence drew the boatswain’s attention in an instant, with Mingi peering up at him over the rim of his glasses. Once he realized who it was, he set the report down. 
The dark-haired man sent him a big, genuine smile. 
“Hey! We’re lookin’ good. I think I finally got the hang of the numbers Cap’n wants to keep while also being mindful of resourc-Oh!”Mingi stopped short when Seonghwa threw his arms around his frame. 
He looked at the First Mate with concern before closing his eyes and rubbing his back. 
“It’s not like you to slouch, Seonghwa.” 
“I just want to hold you again, it’s been so long. Please…please let me just hold you a little longer.” Seonghwa almost didn’t recognize his own voice as he pushed it out. Mingi hummed before looking towards the sky, exhaling a small, good-natured laugh. 
“You’ll hurt your back if you don’t stand up straight.” 
“To hell with my back. To hell with it all. I just want to fix this. I miss…I miss this. I miss us. All of us.” 
Mingi gently pulled him away, smiling at him and cocking his head. 
“I know you do. After all, if it were just him you cared about, wouldn’t you have run into him first?”
Seonghwa watched as Mingi hopped off of the barrel, standing taller than him and cupping his face. His rough thumbs wiped Seonghwa’s cheeks of tears that had yet to fall. 
“I need to get stronger.” 
“I agree with you.” 
Seonghwa stared at Mingi, his heart pounding as the boatswain leaned in. Instinctively, he closed his eyes, expecting to feel the phantom brush of lips against his own. 
Instead, Mingi placed his lips near the shell of his ear. 
“We are in the past, Seonghwa. Nothing is going to change that. You can only change the future.” 
Seonghwa exhaled shakily, holding Mingi tighter. He pulled the ex prince closer and set his chin on his shoulder. 
“Regardless of what has happened, what will happen. I want you to know something. Take it to heart, okay?” Mingi ran his fingers over the fabric of Seonghwa’s clothes, admiring it as he spoke. 
“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you…that all pales in comparison to what lies inside of you, Seonghwa. And this goes for all of us.” Mingi pulled away for the last time, stopping to steal a long awaited kiss from Seonghwa’s lips. He kept their heads together, staring into Seonghwa’s teary eyes before grabbing his report and turning. 
“Go on, you should see him before you wake up.” 
With that, he walked away from Seonghwa, leaving the ex prince there to collect himself. 
It took the blonde longer than he would like to admit, but once he did, he exhaled and turned on his heel, rushing through the bodies on the ship. 
He did not care for the fact that he ran through some figures, with them blurring into vague aberrations before returning to the familiar faces of his old crew members, going about their business as if they hadn’t been disturbed. 
He found him on the quarter-deck, his back to him as he checked the compass in his hand. 
Seonghwa flew over, hugging him tight, burying his face into his back and letting the tears he’d barely reeled in freefall from his eyes. 
The man grunted before he glanced back, chuckling softly and placing a hand on Seonghwa’s.
That laugh, that beautiful sound. 
“It’s not often I see ya cryin’. Can’t say I’m a fan of seein' ya all messed up like this when yer not feelin’ good.” Captain Hongjoong turned in his arms, kissing the top of Seonghwa’s head and then laughing when the prince pulled him into a desperate kiss with no fanfare. 
“Please, stay with me. All of you please don’t go again. I…I don’t want to wake up please just let me stay.” 
Hongjoong looked at him before he glanced off towards the sea. There was a pained look in his eyes, but it was gone a moment later, as he turned his attention back to Seonghwa. 
“I know it’s unfair, but I’m askin’ ya to stand up straight and be strong.”
Seonghwa felt pain in his chest as he stood up, watching as Hongjoong leaned over the monkey rail. He wanted to scramble to grab him, to yank him back into his arms, but the rational side of him knew if he panicked, he’d awaken from this much earlier than he was willing to risk. 
Not now. Please, not now. 
He just wanted to talk for a bit longer. Just to hear his lover’s voice. Seonghwa focused when Hongjoong’s voice carried over the sound of the splashing waves. 
“What do you think it means to be a Captain?”
Seonghwa stared at Hongjoong’s back for a long time, watching as he gazed down to the deck below. Occasionally, someone would look up, notice the man's watchful eye, and give him a respectful nod, a wave, a fist pat across their own chest in acknowledgment.
Seonghwa watched them silently. 
“I haven't the slightest clue, putois. I don’t…I don’t think I’ve done you any justice in your… absence.” Seonghwa cringed, glancing at the deck below his feet. 
Hongjoong laughed and leaned on the wooden rail, the wind sweeping his hair. A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips. 
“Ah, after all of this time, you’re still thinkin' with that Princely mindset, eh?  C’mon, Seonghwa, think out of tha box!”
Seonghwa’s lip curled but he held back the tongue lashing he had for him, instead watching Hongjoong shift from foot to foot, humming. 
“To me,” he started. “Every breath I take is for my crew. I would do anything for them. No pain is too great. No injury too grave. As long as I can move, I will ensure my crew is protected.”
Seonghwa looked down at the men shuffling about, lips slightly pursed. He could see Daniel gently motioning in a direction, followed by half a dozen members trotting down below the deck in mismatched harmony, carefree smiles on their faces. 
His eyes drifted back to Hongjoong.
“And what about you?”
Hongjoong glanced over his shoulder.
“What about me? I have this gift now. And with it, I protect my crew. My ship. I can be cut to pieces, but the moment I mend myself back, I will come back. Better. Stronger. This is what a Captain does. At least to me. No matter how much it hurts, no matter how much sleep I lose, I pledged to do right by my crew.”
Seonghwa hummed, closed his eyes, and let out a shaky exhale.
What it means to be a Captain, huh?
“I don’t think I have what it takes.” 
“I think that’s bullshit.” 
Seonghwa opened his eyes, and all seven of his lovers stood before him.  He looked around, his brows pinching together as his lip wobbled again. Hongjoong walked over to him, cupping his cheek. 
“I have to go, Seonghwa. It’s about that time, eh?” 
“No! No wait, please!”
“It’s going to be okay. I believe in you. I wouldn’t have trusted my crew with you if I didn’t. Don’t give up. Not when you’ve found me. Keep going.” 
“Hongjoong, I can’t, okay?! I’ve..I’ve ruined everything. Mingi hates me…you don’t remember us, please. Just…just let me stay-”
“It’s time to wake up, Seonghwa.” 
Seonghwa watched as the man before him changed, the shaggy chestnut mullet now a well trimmed and fluffy black and white nest of loose curls. Soft, honey brown eyes stared up at him and Seonghwa looked down at the image of the current Hongjoong. 
“I…I don’t want to wake up-”
The musician placed his hand on the center of Seonghwa’s chest. 
“Get up, Seonghwa.”
“No! No, no, no, just a bit longer-”
“It’s time to get up.”
Hongjoong pushed him, and Seonghwa found himself powerless to stop it, falling back with the image of his lovers staring back at him being the last thing he saw before he fell through the deck. 
Once again…the color around him began to fade to gray as the ship got further and further away.
And then-
Seonghwa jolted up, the sensation of falling the second time triggering his instincts. In an instant, Cheese came storming towards him, knocking him out of his bed and onto the floor before pressing onto his chest. 
“Live, Master Captain Seonghwa!!! LIIIIIIVE!”
“C-Cheese, he’s immortal, he doesn’t need you to do chest compressions-” San frowned, brows furrowed. Whiro cackled from where he’d pulled himself up from Jongho’s skin. 
“No, no, please let him continue, this is fuckin’ hilarious.”
Jongho rolled his eyes and made his way over, picking Cheese up and frowning down at the oldest immortal. 
“Hey, you alright?” 
Seonghwa sat staring at the ceiling in shock for a moment before he pushed himself up into a sitting position. 
Jongho and Yunho stood closest to his bed, worried expressions on their faces. Wooyoung was not too far off, holding a bowl of cool water as Yeosang wrang out a rag, paused mid-way as he stared at Seonghwa, bewildered. San sighed, setting aside the smelling salts he had fished out of Yunho’s room, pursing his lips in concern. 
Mingi stood in the doorway, quietly observing. 
“You were…screaming and crying in your sleep. We couldn’t wake you at all. Are…are you alright?” Yeosang inquired, rushing over to place the rag on his head. Seonghwa momentarily forgot the nature of the very powers inside of him, instead relaxing the instant the cool rag touched his head. 
He was covered in a fine sheen of sweat and his eyes and throat stung, proof of the aforementioned screaming and crying episodes. Yunho ducked down and picked him up, setting him in his bed and holding a hand over his body. A faint green glow emitted from it as he seemed to check Seonghwa’s body with his powers. 
“Your vitals are good. It seems it was only a nightmare. However, I am detecting traces of-” Geb’s tender voice sounded from Yunho’s lips and Seonghwa shook his head, cutting him off. 
“I’m fine, Geb, please don’t worry.”
Yeosang clenched his fists.
“You’re doing it again. Why?”
Seonghwa’s gaze lifted to Yeosang, blinking in surprise.
“Doing…? What am I-”
“Did you know? Your scent changes when you lie. When you tell half truths, even. Everyone’s does.” Yeosang walked up, eyes blazing. Seonghwa stared up at him, pressing his lips together. There was a flash of something in his eyes, Mingi knew it well. The oldest of their group of immortals didn’t like to be challenged, and would usually respond accordingly. 
However, this time, as quickly as the look crossed his face, it was gone, replaced with a stone-esque poker face, albiet a bit too late for those who knew him well.
So…everyone in the room. 
“Yeosang, there is no need to be concerned.”
“Show me your side. Lift your shirt up, actually.”
“If there’s no need for concern, there’s no reason to not show me, right? My nose can just as easily be playing tricks, right?” He pointed to Seonghwa, eyes bleeding to crimson.
“Explain to me why I smell your blood, since there is no cause for concern, Park Seonghwa.”
A silence fell over the room that instantly made the air stifling. Seonghwa rubbed his tired eyes and let out an exhausted sigh before sending his lovers a smile that didn’t convince a single one of them he had pulled it together. 
“I…truly do not wish for any more fighting between us. I’ve been the reason for so much, already. They will heal. I’m sorry to disturb everyone so early. Thank you for checking on me. I…need to organize my thoughts and I will be alright.” He ran a hand through Cheese’s fur as he spoke to them. 
San looked down as he did. Seonghwa’s hand was trembling. 
“Seonghwa…” Yeosang realized his out of character outburst had made the man put up his walls again. A pang of guilt struck him hard and reached for him. Seonghwa caught his hand, turning it in one fluid movement and placing a kiss to his knuckles. 
“I’m sorry for worrying you.” He spoke softly, a sense of finality in his tone. 
Drop it, please.
“We’re gonna get him back, Hwa.” San sat on the edge of the bed, putting his hand over Seonghwa’s free one. The ex prince let out a small exhale. He turned his hand up, taking San’s in his and raising it to his lips like he had done with Yeosang’s. San didn’t move, his expression softening as Seonghwa brushed his lips over his knuckles and pressed San’s palm to his cool cheek. 
“I…I know. I won’t stop until I do. I want…to be a man worthy of guiding and loving all of you.” His normally sure and bold voice came out as a mere whisper. 
Wooyoung came to his side quickly. 
“Of course you are!” 
Seonghwa could sense out of his peripheral that Mingi was still there, watching quietly. He had the hindsight not to glance in his direction and risk sending the wrong message. Instead, he closed his eyes, speaking clearly as he held San’s hand in place. 
“Do not misunderstand. I do not say these words because I wish for any of you to feel pity for me. I say them because I have made grave mistakes and I wish to atone for them. Until I do, how can I look any of you in the eyes and call myself a leader? How can I call myself an adequate lover when I have let you all down so tremendously?”
Jongho glanced at Yunho, who seemed to have a comment on the tip of his tongue but refrained. A guilty look settled on his face instead. 
‘I’ve pushed him too much, Geb.’
“My actions and…the harm they have caused are my own. It is on me to right these wrongs. My body will heal from these wounds in time. With that being said,” Seonghwa got out of his bed, looking around everyone in the room. 
“I wish to try that trial once more. But I don’t want anyone to feel rushed or pressured into doing it instantly like we had before.” he ran a hand through his hair and nodded. 
“I will be down for breakfast soon, I just…I would like to shower first, I'm covered in sweat. Thank you all for checking on me.” He stood, gently maneuvering around Cheese so the canine didn't fall. 
His remaining lovers exchanged concerned glances at one another before Jongho reached for him, catching his wrist and sending him a smile. 
“Mind if we join?”
Seonghwa’s lips parted, before he glanced down, finding a shadow subtly looped around his ring finger, tugging gently. 
The ex prince looked up, pressing his lips together to hide the small wobble. Gods, was he not done with the crying? Did it follow him into the waking world?
“C'mon.” Even Whiro regarded him with a tender tone, and Seonghwa found himself nodding, his feet slightly dragging along the cool floors. 
Mingi stepped out of the doorway as Jongho and Whiro ushered Seonghwa out.
The blonde perked, looking over his shoulder at Mingi. He rubbed his arm slightly, looking to the floor. Cheese had appeared at his side, rubbing against his leg before sitting at his feet.
“...Make sure to wash your face. It's…puffy. And, um. Drink water. So you don't get a headache. From the…crying and all.”
Seonghwa slow blinked at him before he let out a small exhale, the tears he'd been trying to force back down flowing from his face at the clear-albeit a bit awkwardly executed-words of concern.
“Thank you, Mingi. I'll be back soon.” Seonghwa’s voice somehow remained stable despite his tears (and the occasional laughs as he tried to wipe his face)
Jongho ducked down, looping his arm under the taller immortal's legs, picking him up.
“I got you. Just put your head on our shoulder and let us take it from here.” Jongho’s voice grew further from everyone as he carried Seonghwa down the hall.
Yeosang looked at the floor, guilt tearing at him. He quietly excused himself, cursing in several tongues as he maneuvered past his lovers. 
“I…I’ll make breakfast…”He trailed off, the usual excitement in his voice to do so gone as he jogged downstairs.
It wasn’t like him to lose his cool like that, but he could see the clear hurt on Seonghwa’s face and it was like watching a horrible accident in slow motion.
Still in the doorway, Mingi glanced into the room at the remaining occupants before ruffling Cheese's fur.
“Come on, let's go help Yeosang.” He nodded towards the stairs and Cheese happily trotted after him. 
In the bathroom, Seonghwa watched as Jongho and Whiro spoke back and forth to one another in Māori, moving about the room and grabbing different items. 
“Should we do a bath or shower?”
“Shower. I don't know if he's going to want to sit and be in his own head in a bath. Plus, foxy is making breakfast. It'd be rude to let it get cold by spending all day in the tub.”
Seonghwa couldn't understand a word they were saying, but he could tell they were working harmoniously, probably bouncing ideas off of one another.
“It's…nice seeing you two like this.” He softly spoke. Jongho perked for a moment before he extended his hand.
“We love you.” 
Seonghwa took his hand without hesitation, leaning into his space and holding his forearms gently. He pressed their foreheads together, staring into Jongho’s eyes. 
He noticed the right one had gone red, and his gentle smile grew as half of Jongho’s silken locks went blonde. 
“Couldn't wait your turn?” Seonghwa tried to jest but both of them cupped his face.
“I'm okay with sharing.”
“Just enjoy the pampering, pretty boy.”
Seonghwa ignored the latter response, closing his eyes and letting both tug him into a kiss. 
The two of them kissed him with a sense of gentleness foreign to Seonghwa. He was used to the demanding push and pull energies Whiro often put into his kisses, fighting without pause to control every aspect. 
Kissing Jongho was like approaching a newborn fawn in a way. He was far from the most delicate of the bunch. Still, Seonghwa always held in his subconscious the boundaries that the youngest had set in regards to his personal space and what did or didn't make him uncomfortable in moments in intimacy, even if he insisted on it being 'okay because it's you'.
Now, in this moment, Seonghwa felt he was being lead through the kiss. Their lips moved against his, and once he closed his eyes, he found he couldn't tell if it was Whiro or Jongho kissing him when the two had begun to switch off every now and again. 
A shadow wrapped around his hip, pulling him closer until Jongho wrapped a strong arm around his midsection, pulling him into the shower and pressing him against the wall under the overhead spray. 
Seonghwa cracked his eyes open, staring through a half lidded smolder. He was met one deep crimson eye and one dark brown one staring back at him, two toned silken locks clinging to Jongho/Whiro's body. 
"You two weren't kidding about sharing, huh? How long has it been since I've seen this?" Seonghwa spoke softly, a cool hand coming up to touch what was now Whiro's cheek as he kissed under Jongho's eye. 
"We'll take care of you. Don't worry ‘bout it." 
Seonghwa smiled softly and let the two pamper him, relaxing and giving himself up to them. 
For a little while, he’d just let his mind shut off. 
“Seonghwa, do you want to tell us what happened to cause these?” Jongho touched the purple splotches littering Seonghwa’s body, frowning at the wounds the ex-prince had been hiding underneath his clothes. 
“Training,” Seonghwa answered, cringing slightly as Jongho’s fingers brushed over some of them. He hissed slightly before avoiding the sharp gaze the Maori man (and Whiro) fixed him with. 
“Who did this to you?” Both of them growled out. Seonghwa shook his head and laced his fingers with theirs. 
“Aren’t you supposed to be taking care of me? If that’s your intention, how about you make me forget instead?”
The two of them leveled him with a stare before they moved in for a kiss. 
“Consider it done.”
Down in the kitchen, Yeosang stirred his pot with a conflicted look on his face. 
Everything around him seemed to be caving in on itself and he still felt they were leagues away from actually being ‘on the same page’. And he’d hurt one of the loves of his life.
How much longer was he going to be a useless backdrop while everything happened around him? If he stood aside and let the others do all the heavy lifting, he was nothing but a bystander.
He should know, more than anyone, the harm that causes.
The kitsune grit his teeth and set the handle to his spoon on fire.
“Y-Yeosang?!” Mingi’s voice made him focus and he put the fire out in an instant. 
“Sorry, I just…” He let out a frustrated sigh and took the apron off, tossing it aside.
“Mingi, most of it is ready, you only need to stirr it in ten minutes and then let it simmer for another five and then you can all eat. Don’t wait for me.” 
He spoke with an authority they weren’t used to as he made his way upstairs. 
He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he had to do something. Had to say something. Seonghwa was doing it again, taking so much on his plate in order to take the chaos off of the others.
But he wasn’t making it any better, putting him on the spot, lashing out at him…it broke Yeosang’s heart watching those icy walls go up. 
‘Communication, Yeosang. By the gods, talk to each other’ 
How much longer was he going to sit on the sidelines passively, hoping a ‘positive attitude’ and his cooking would continue to put bandaids on the problem?
Gods, he could hear his sister laughing at him in back of his mind. 
“Look at you, a big crybaby with no backbone. This kingdom can’t be led with anyone like you.”
The kitsune marched directly up to the bathroom, opening the door abruptly and coming face to face with Seonghwa covering his mouth, stifling noises as Jongho and Whiro washed him probably a lot more thoroughly for it to be considered ‘innocent’. 
“Gods above and fucking below-What is it?” Whiro grunted, barely hiding his annoyance. Jongho was a lot more understanding, turning his head towards Yeosang. 
“What’s wrong? Do you need us?”
Seonghwa seemed to have been sobered out of his daze, body tensing despite the swearing from Whiro at the immediate reversal of what he and Jongho had tried to do. 
“I…” Yeosang’s ears got hot as he stared, losing track of what it was he exactly wanted to articulate. Whiro noticed and rolled his eye, picking Seonghwa up unceremoniously. 
“Fuck’s sake, Foxy. If you’re gonna interrupt when someone’s in the middle of somethin’, at least have your shit together. Come on.” he stopped in front of Yeosang and tossed him over Jongho’s other shoulder. 
He carried the two ex princes unceremoniously down the hall to his room and opened the door with a shadow, dropping them both to the bed. 
Both Seonghwa and Yeosang bounced and Yeosang opened his mouth to let out a flustered serious of noises before he caught sight of purple splotches all over Seonghwa’s body and slowly-healing wounds. 
“My gods they’re worse than I thought-”
Seonghwa looked at them before looking away. 
“They’re from training, I’ll heal back up. Really, it’s not that bad.”
“What the hell training are you doing that you haven’t healed up the next day? You heal faster than I do; if it were a simple cut, they’d be gone. Who did this to you?” He panicked, looking at the splotches. Seonghwa glanced away. 
It’d cause a lot of trouble if he said he’d been poisoned by Hongjoong’s brother, wouldn’t it? He didn’t want anyone getting mad at Yuta. As much of a little shit as he may have been, he still only fought Seonghwa at his request. 
“I’ll be alright, please do not worry. These are just healing slower.”
Yeosang cupped his face and forced their foreheads together, staring into his eyes. 
“Why won’t you lean on us? Why do you keep putting yourself through hell alone?” 
Seonghwa’s eyes widened before he sighed. 
“I hate to interrupt, I really do, but Whiro and I were trying to get his mind off of things and I don’t want things to spiral back into that right now.” Jongho cut in, moving to grab some bandages and salves from his dresser. Geb and Yunho had made sure every room in the house had it stocked. 
It was polite, but the message was clear; 
Get out if you’re going to upset him again.
Yeosang looked at Seonghwa and pressed his lips into a line. 
“Give me the salve, I’ll help.”
Seonghwa blinked in surprise as Yeosang began gently rubbing the salve onto various parts of his body, his concern shining on his face. 
“Let me know if I’m hurting you.” Yeosang muttered, hand shaking as he looked at the wounds. 
Now that he was focusing, they were slashes caused by some sort of blade…the edges of the torn skin were glowing faintly, and Yeosang worried his lip between his teeth. 
“I…I’m sorry…I lashed out at you and that was not…even remotely appropriate.” He spoke softly. Seonghwa’s shoulders lost a bit of their tension and he hummed, only hissing slightly at the sting of the salve.
“I understand. I’m sorry for worrying you.” He hummed. Yeosang pressed his lips into a line, eyes bouncing from wound to wound.
Who the fuck did this? Who the hell had….what he assumed was poison strong enough to slow down an immortal’s healing? Seonghwa’s healing was a league of its own, coming only after Yunho, Jongho, and their Captain. 
“Raise your head, Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa tilted his head back and let out a muffled noise of surprise when Jongho cupped his face, kissing him deep and slow. Yeosang’s ears twitched, glancing up a the men kissing above his head. Jongho held him firmly, tilting his head once and keeping Seonghwa locked in the intimate kiss without pause.
He could smell the way Seonghwa’s scent changed, sweetening subtly as he leaned into it a few moments after realizing Jongho was not giving him a mere peck.
Yearning. Need.
Yeosang liked this a lot more than the wilted scent that had clung to Seonghwa as of late. He’d…figure out what to do later in regards to easing the conflict in his partner’s heart. For now, he shifted his focus, wanting to match Jongho and Whiro’s energy when it came to distracting the blonde from his troubles, even if for a few moments.
His tails appeared and he curled one against Jongho’s waist, pulling him close before he leaned over to one of the gashes, pressing a warm kiss to Seonghwa’s chest. 
Each kiss left a lingering warm tingle to the ice prince’s body and he arched into both kisses, droplets of water rolling down his body. 
“S’pose we should dry him before moving on, hm?” Whiro reminded them, smiling devilishly at the dazed and needy look that had once again graced Seonghwa’s face. 
Yeosang waited until the Maori men moved away from Seonghwa’s lips before he leaned up, cupping his face and kissing him breathless, pushing him onto his back.
“Yeosa-mmff-” Seonghwa groaned, his hair clinging to his forehead and his neck as Yeosang poured all of his emotion into the kiss, tails stroking his arms, abdomen, and legs, leaving feather-like trails of warmth in their wake. 
“H-Hold on, wait-” Seonghwa blushed, cheeks ignting as he broke the kiss. Yeosang panted, holding his gaze, worry shining in his expression. 
“Did I hurt you?”
Seonghwa laughed gently, an alluring and sticky-sweet scent drifting off of him. 
Yeosang tilted his head before a shadow worked its way between them, lifting him enough to get Seonghwa back in a sitting positon. 
“If that’s the mood you’re in, I’m happy to oblige. Let’s get you wrapped up, first.” Jongho’s voice cut in. Yeosang glanced down, his cheeks going beet red when he noticed Seonghwa had gotten aroused from the touches and kisses. 
“You don’t have to-”
“We want to, pretty boy. Trust me.”
Seonghwa’s lips parted in surprise before he looked down at Yeosang, a rare embarrassed expression crossing his face. Yeosang grabbed the bandages and began patching Seonghwa up, leaving kisses after each one. 
“I want to, as well. If you’ll have me.”
Jongho smiled and put his head on Yeosang’s shoulder.
“Now we’re on the same page.”
It took minutes before Seonghwa was splayed across Jongho’s lap, his chest rising and falling quickly as Jongho’s shadows stroked and caressed along his skin, tugging gently to leave him spread open for Yeosang to kiss and caress down his body. 
“Y-You don’t have to be so ge-gentle with me.”
“Really? Because you’re enjoying it just fine.” Whiro taunted, rising off of Jongho’s arms, taking his spot beside Yeosang between Seonghwa’s legs, kissing and biting at his thighs. 
Seonghwa let out a startled gasp before feeling Jongho’s fingers turn his head to kiss him, pressing flush against his back. 
“It’s okay. We got you.” Jongho muttered between his lips. Seonghwa whimpered before his hips jerked upwards, engulfed by the soft warmth of Yeosang’s mouth. 
Yeosang’s tails swayed and wagged gently, brushing along all three of the men. He kept his eyes up on Seonghwa, crimson eyes gleaming as he studied Seonghwa’s face. 
How long had it been since he’d seen this look?
The one the ex prince and First Mate wore well. The utterly ruined yet sultry expression that fit so well. His eyes rolling back, brows pinched together, tongue flicking out of his mouth-
Jongho reached around and tapped two of his fingers against Seonghwa’s lips, smiling in approval from behind him and kissing his shoulder as Seonghwa closed his lips around his fingers, licking and sucking as he spread his legs wider.
‘Gorgeous….’ Yeosang mused, swallowing around Seonghwa as he stared lovingly at the two. Whiro shifted from beside him, trailing rough fingers through his silken fur before he grabbed the base of them.
Yeosang jerked, nearly choking on Seonghwa’s cock as the deity turned his attention to him. 
“Stay focused, Foxy. Look at how good you’re doing.”
Yeosang shivered, feeling Whiro’s big hand tangle into his hair, guiding him up and down on Seonghwa’s length while holding him at an angle where he could see both Jongho and Seonghwa peering down at him. 
Yeosang felt himself throbbing before he moaned, sinking deeper and keening when he felt the head of Seonghwa’s cock brush against the back of his throat. 
“F-Fuhhh-”Seonghwa whimpered, drooling around Jongho’s fingers as he twitched. The shadows tightened around his thighs slightly before Whiro smirked, holding his head down for a few moments as he casually spoke to their blonde lover. 
“You’re making a mess, pretty boy. Been that long since you had something occupy your mouth?”
Seonghwa shuddered, body hyper sensitive. 
Gods, how long had it been?
“That’s not good. Knowing you, you haven’t even touched yourself, either?” Jongho sighed softly, biting and suckling his shoulder until a splotchy mark was left on the side of his neck. 
“H-Hadn’t crossed..nn..my mind. Been…occupied-”
“And that’s enough of that for now.” Jongho cut him off, using his free hand to come around and tease his nipple, making eye contact with Whiro across from then and tilting his head towards Yeosang.
Being connected like this had its perks and one of them was that they didn’t have to share their thoughts verbally. 
Yeosang hadn’t even realized Whiro’s hand was out of his hair until it returned to his tails, pushing them up and out of the way as he kissed and bit along the curve of his ass cheek.
Yeosang gasped and jerked, feeling those shadows tug his knees apart so he had better access. 
He glanced back at him, flushed and embarassed when the god spread him wide without hesitation. 
“Don’t worry about me, Darling. I’m just having breakfast. You focus on making our favorite blondie feel good.”
Yeosang’s tails flexed and trembled before curling around the three men in some way, shape, or form as Whiro’s tongue delved into him. 
Seonghwa cupped his jaw, sending him an adoring gaze as he moved his thumb lower, brushing his fingers over the slight bulge of Yeosang’s throat. 
“My darling fox. N-Ngh, thank you so much.” He praised him softly, thighs twitching and flexing in the shadows’ grip. Jongho smiled and moved his lips to his ear. 
“Your drooling all over yourself, Hwa.”
Seonghwa glanced over at him out of the corner of his eye, his teeth grazing along his fingers before sucking suggestively, curling his tongue around the calloused digits before sticking his tongue out between them, letting a bead of his saliva fall between them. 
Jongho narrowed his gaze at him, throbbing at the display. 
“I’m supposed to be gentle with you this morning, don’t make this harder on me.” 
Seonghwa’s lips quirked, challenging him with a subtle cock to his head. 
“I’m in your care.”
Yeosang’s voice drew their attention back between Seonghwa’s legs as he arched his back and let out a loud moan, trembling as Whiro’s tongue curled deep inside of him. 
‘Almost forgot how cute this one sounds’ Whiro’s voice echoed in Jongho’s head and he smiled, watching Yeosang’s eyes shine brighter, his tails twitching and wagging, going back and forth between clinging to them and jerking with each breathy and muffled gag and moan that came from his muffled lips.
“C-Close, hold on-” Seonghwa moved to reach for Yeosang’s head, trying to pull his hips back in a feeble attempt to still him so he didn’t cum down his throat. 
Two of Yeosang’s tails flew up the moment he did, grabbing his wrist and keeping him from stopping him as he looked up at him once more, holding his gaze as he sped his head up. 
“He’s doing his best to make you feel good, Seonghwa. You don’t have to hold back right now.” Jongho coaxed him, reaching down and cupping his balls, speaking into his ear once more. 
“Look at how desperate he looks, are you really going to keep it from him?” 
Seonghwa arched, body shuddering. Whiro rumbled from behind Yeosang, pulling away from the mess he’d made of his ass to lean over him, partially pinning him in place and grinning wildly up at Seonghwa as he took one of the kitsune’s ears between his teeth. 
“Don’t waste a drop, Foxy.”
Yeosang arched and swallowed hard the moment he felt Whiro’s canines clamp down on his fluffy ear. Everything was dizzying for the kitsune, the scent of arousal, need , and desperation along with everyone’s voices was driving him mad. 
Did none of them think about his poor heart? He could smell and hear everything tenfold because of what he was. 
If the deep, growling chuckle coming from the god currently pressing his cock against his ass as he suggestively caressed his throat where Seonghwa had made him bulge was anything to go by, he was sure they all knew exactly what the hell they were doing to him. 
The moment Yeosang and Seonghwa locked eyes again, the older of the two ex princes cried out in delight, arching his back as much as he could in Jongho’s strong grip, thick, sweet ropes of cum coating Yeosang’s throat. 
The smaller man let out a muffled moan, cumming messily onto the sheets below. Yeosang mewled, eyes fluttering momentarily as he swallowed each drop eagerly. It took a colossal effort for him to keep them open, but he wanted to drink in every expression on Seonghwa’s face. 
He slowly pulled off with a wet pop when he was sure Seonghwa had finished his first orgasm. 
The blonde sat there in a daze, panting with his legs spread wide by the shadows. Jongho kissed his shoulder, tracing patterns and symbols on his abs as he throbbed against the small of Seonghwa’s back. 
“Did that feel good? Your voice cracked for a moment.” He rumbled, leaving a biting kiss on the top of his shoulder. Seonghwa groaned and looked behind him. 
“You haven’t came yet. Don’t stop. Please,”
“We’re not done, Hwa. Far from it.”
While the two spoke and changed positions so Jongho could stretch him properly after getting lube, Yeosang felt a firm grip turn his head. 
He found himself staring deep into Whiro’s crimson eyes, and his breath caught for a moment. 
“Now, what’s a position fitting enough for the cute little cook that keeps all of us nice and fed mm?”
Yeosang shuddered and scanned his expression, lips parting before he closed them, shyness overtaking him. 
“Oh no no. You’re gonna tell me. Go on, tell me how you want it. I’ll do it, Yeosang.”
Yeosang would later reflect and curse himself at the way he’d gasped at Whiro calling his name. His eyes widened for a moment before he bit his lip and leaned close to his ear, shakily whispering to the god. 
In hindsight, he wasn’t sure why. The only one who couldn’t hear him would be Seonghwa. 
He was preoccupied with other matters, though, his cheeks going bright red when Whiro easily picked him up, setting him on top of Seonghwa with his knees at either side of Jongho’s hips.
The first thing both men realized with the new position was the temperature . 
Due to the nature of their powers, Seonghwa's skin and tongue always ran cold, while Yeosang was opposite of him. Both of them being chest to chest like this created an immediate back and forth between their body temperatures that made both of them writhe. 
Said writhing lead to both of their cocks rutting against one another. 
Both of them jolted again before Seonghwa reached out and grabbed Yeosang’s face, kissing him sloppily. Yeosang could tell he’d chilled his tongue on purpose and he responded in kind, raising the temperature of his own tongue slightly as he humped the older immortal. 
“Can’t have you forgettin’ about us, can we?” Whiro’s deep growling voice made Yeosang’s ear flick backwards, though he found himself unable to break the kiss. Instead, he subtly spread his knees wider, lifting his hips and raising his tails to present himself to the fractored deity. 
If the growl he was met with was anything to go by, his display was well appreciated. 
‘I’m going to fucking ruin him’ The god growled, still taking care to make sure he was properly lubricated. Jongho watched the two kiss on top of him and guided his own cock to Seonghwa’s prepped entrance, meeting Whiro’s gaze over both of their shoulders. 
There was a mutual understanding as they pushed into their respective princes at the same time. 
Yeosang groaned, nearly breaking the kiss if Seonghwa didn’t cup his cheeks, kissing him with renewed fervor as he clenched around Jongho’s cock. His eyes fluttered as each piercing rubbed against his rim before massaging along his walls once the ex gunner was fully settled inside. The kitsune rutting against him was equally delighted by the additional pleasure the piercings caused as Whiro’s cock mirrored Jongho’s, throbbing inside of Yeosang as he bit down on his ear again. 
“N-Ngh! S-Stop biting them, they’re sensitive-”
“That’s exactly why I’m gonna continue. Especially when you sound like that afterwards.” Whiro teased against the fur, grinding deep into him as he gripped the base of his tails. 
Yeosang’s eyes widened and he bucked, his cock drooling messily against Seonghwa’s as he swore in a different tongue. 
Jongho, on the other hand, reached around to hug Seonghwa’s midsection, keeping him from moving too much and possibly sliding his cock out. 
“You’re clenching me s-so tight. Mmm…fuck, I’m not going anywhere, Seonghwa, don’t worry. I’m right here.” He coaxed the ex prince into relaxing with his honeyed words, his hands roaming, calloused fingers mapping out Seonghwa’s body like it was the first time. 
Seonghwa finally broke the kiss, reaching behind Yeosang and fisting a handful of Whiro’s blonde locks, yanking him down roughly to kiss him as feverishly. 
Yeosang squirmed, effectively pinned between the god and the First Mate. His ears flicked, hearing every growl and groan directly beside his head as Seonghwa and Whiro bit and kissed at each other. 
“Y-Yeosangie~ Mmm-”
Jongho’s voice drew his attention and he looked down, finding the man had raised his chin, staring adoringly at him as he subtly puckered his lips. 
Yeosang didn’t hesitate, maneuvering around and eventually settling for pushing Seonghwa’s thighs up and folding him with his weight as he sought out Jongho’s lips.
Seonghwa’s moans rose an octave at the stretch, though his body was flexible enough to accommodate the new position, his heart pounding and his cock throbbing as he broke the kiss for air. 
Whiro growled, wrapping shadows around Seonghwa and Yeosang’s cocks, keeping them trapped together as he stroked them in time with his thrusts that began to steadily increase in speed until he was pounding the kitsune into the First Mate. 
“Yes! Yes yes please right there yES! ” Seonghwa had nearly began crying below them, his face screwed up in pleasure as different languages tumbled from his lips. Yeosang matched him, arching his back when he felt the shadows stroke them both faster. 
“L-Look at you two,” Jongho grit out, his grip on Seonghwa locking the taller man in place as he thrusted deeper and harder into him, searching for that sweet spot inside of him. 
“Pretty fuckin’ sight, yeah? Two pretty Princes moaning and makin’ a mess out of each other. And we get to see it from both sides~” Whiro’s voice was a deep, near feral purr as he tugged at the base of Yeosang’s tails, striking his prostate with one of his powerful thrusts. 
In an instant, Yeosang felt his vision go nearly white, arching his back sharply as a LOUD cry spilled from his lips, followed by him cumming all over himself, Seonghwa, and the shadows that kept their cocks together. 
Seonghwa’s eyes rolled, and he nearly arched and squirmed out of Jongho’s lap, had it not have been for the way the younger man tightened his grip, keeping him still as he rocked into him. 
“Don’t go anywhere, nn..right there, stay right there please please-”It wasn’t nearly as loud as the two (even three, Whiro was rather vocal with his growled out groans), but Jongho’s heated begging had shined through. Seonghwa’s hips bucked, thrusting against Yeosang’s as he clamped down on Jongho. 
“G-Give it to me, I’m here I won’t waste a drop c-cmon-” Seonghwa began babbling in his lust-drunk daze, grabbing Yeosang’s ass and keeping his cheeks spread for Whiro to see his own cock sliding in and out of the younger prince before he felt heat flood into him. 
Jongho bit down on his shoulder, eyes rolling as he came, the muscles in his thighs tensing as he felt it wash over him. 
Yeosang glanced down, watching the mess begin to coat Jongho’s cock. Whiro pressed against his back, the growl that left his lips vibrating through Yeosang’s very being as he chuckled. 
“Don’t worry, Foxy. I got somethin’ for you, too.”
Yeosang made the mistake of nearly questioning the got before he felt his prostate getting struck full force. He choked on his own breath for a moment, arching his back and crying out as Whiro looped his arms through Yeosang’s pulling them behind his back so he was arched and on display for Seonghwa and Jongho to see. 
Yeosang noticed this face and whimpered, his ass bouncing with every powerful thrust, unable to keep his eyes open as Whiro rocked up into him. 
“That’s it~ Mmm, such a pretty little fox for us, look at them, they’re practically drooling over themselves for ya~”
Yeosang still couldn’t open his eyes, drowning in the pleasure of each calculated thrust before he felt heat flood into him. His tails tensed, and he nearly passed out from the second sudden orgasm that slammed into him. 
It took a few moments…minutes…? For him to realize he had passed out momentarily from the pleasure. When he was able to focus again, he found Seonghwa was caressing his face lovingly, smiling at him. Yeosang stared up at him, panting as he cupped his hands over Seonghwa’s to keep him flush against him. 
“I love you.”
Seonghwa’s gaze softened and he leaned down to kiss him softly. 
“I love you too. Can you move or do you need a moment?”
Yeosang rose his head in confusion. 
“A moment?”
A slow, seductive smile crossed his face. 
“Darling, we’re not done.”
Downstairs, Yunho glanced up from his bowl, cheeks beet red. 
“Should I bring them some water…?” He muttered. Geb rumbled inside of him, considering making them some cucumber water or-
“We should let them have this time to themselves,” San spoke, washing his dishes. Wooyoung stood beside him drying them while Mingi ate quietly at Yunho’s side, eyes fixed on his plate, pushing around a piece of food. 
“You’re right.”/ ”We will need to see Seonghwa afterward, though. He may be convinced he will just power through, but I am concerned over the potency of the poison in his body.” 
The other three men in the room froze, eyes widening. 
“The what? ”
Upstairs, Seonghwa kissed the space between Yeosang’s shoulder blades as he held his hips, grinding deep into him at a near methodically slow pace. 
Jongho caressed the Kitsune’s face, his gaze soft and loving as he guided his head up and down his shaft, making sure he didn’t choke between his muffled moans. 
Whiro wasn’t too far off, claiming Seonghwa’s lips in a demanding kiss that made him lose his tempo several times before he’d reaffirmed his grip and continued. 
It had been…many moons since Seonghwa had been intimate with any of the loves of his life and Yeosang was quickly remembering that the taller prince was quite insatiable when he slipped into the waves of passion. 
Every mood was calculated, and every motion Seonghwa made when he was like this felt like a master chess move. 
He knew all of their limits and stamina, knew who could match his energy, who could surpass it, who may fall behind. Everything he did, it was to maximize their time together and leave them satisfied and honestly? Craving more. 
“Where is your mind, my love?” the chill of his breath fanned over Yeosang’s ear and he bucked, swallowing around Jongho in surprise. When had he and Whiro stopped kissing?
 Seonghwa chuckled, cold fingers roaming his body. 
“I can feel you tightening up, why don’t you let go for me? For us? We got you.” 
Yeosang had half a mind to remind the blonde that they were supposed to be doting on him , but all that came out was a pathetic whimper in need as he once again fell apart, sending a pleading look at Jongho that made him follow suit. 
Yeosang would be flustered to admit later that he’d lost track of how many different positions they’d shifted in and moved to before all three (or, rather, four) of them were satiated enough to collapse in a pile in the center of the bed. 
Yeosang panted, his hair unkempt, and bites covering his body. As he turned his ruby-eyed gaze to Seonghwa, he smiled, finding the man had actually been properly tired out and also was covered in the same bites (and scratches). 
Jongho ran a hand through his hair, looking at the two ex princes with a gentle look. He didn’t verbalize what was on his mind but Yeosang noticed the serious settle in his features as he idly ran his hand through both of their hair. 
Whiro returned to his skin, only after placing surprisingly tender kisses to each of them and holding a stare with them that was rife with words unsaid before he settled along their ex gunner’s skin. 
I love you
They knew the words well, even if the god hadn’t uttered it. It was in his eyes, it was in Jongho’s eyes as he continued to stare at them before he rolled his neck. 
“I should get Yunho and Geb in here. Have them get that poison out of your system.” He looked like he didn’t actually want to get up but he still did, stopping only when Seonghwa reached out to him. 
“Please….have him leave the marks be.” 
Jongho’s lips quirked for a moment. 
“I wouldn’t dream of telling him to get rid of them. If they’re healed in the process, We’ll just have to give you some more of them.” 
Seonghwa blushed before letting him go, closing his eyes and letting his eyes close. 
“Very well. Thank you.”
He left the two prince’s in the room to fetch the doctor. Yeosang gently rolled over, running his hand through Seonghwa’s damp hair and watching as he took a moment to open his eyes again, exhaustion clear on his features now that he wasn’t putting on the front of ‘everything being fine.’
“...I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to…be helpful. To try and walk beside you instead of behind you.”
Seonghwa’s tired expression began to sharpen, and he lifted his head. 
“I won’t be walking behind any of you anymore. I swear.” Yeosang laced their fingers together and gave his hand a squeeze. 
“Standing on the sidelines being passive is everything I hated one of my sisters for. I…have done no better than her in that right. I will work harder to never, ever be that man again. So…let me take some of the burden, okay?” He gently caressed his knuckles. 
Seonghwa’s gaze softened, brows pulling up. 
“That goes the same for us.”
Seonghwa turned his gaze to the doorway, finding Yunho walking in quickly with Jongho in tow. Seonghwa moved to push himself out of bed, but Yunho placed his hand on his chest and pushed him back down, shaking his head. 
“Stay there. We’ll get the poison out of your system and heal the wounds your body has been trying to close.”
Seonghwa laid back down, watching as Yunho took a pair of bandage scissors to the wraps around his midsection, narrowing his gaze at the wounds. 
There was an unfamiliar noise that left the man’s lips has he stared at the wounds. He summoned a gerbera daisy and let it over over the wounds, his eyes trained on each one as the magic coming from the flower drew the poison out of each gash. 
They all watched as droplets of purple absorbed into the petals of the daisy. 
“It’s a poison that continues attacking. It’s no wonder your healing is slowed. It’s trying to attack even us through the flower.” Geb rumbled, looking over a the wilting petals of the daisy with a narrowed gaze. Seonghwa’s brows rose in surprise before he looked away from him the moment both the earth god and Yunho fixed im with a stern gaze. 
“When we find out who poisoned you-”
“That won’t be necessary, puppy. Truly.”
Yunho looked unsatisfied, lips pressed into a fine line as he stared at Seonghwa, drawing the last of the poison out and setting the daisy aside. 
He cupped Seonghwa’s cheeks and sighed, pressing their foreheads together. 
“You’re still doing things all on your own, you know.”
He lightly scolded him, though nothing but concern shone in his eyes for the blonde before him. Seonghwa stared back at him, his thumbs gently rubbing patterns in the blanket below him. He wouldn’t bother wasting his breath denying it, especially when they all knew it was true. 
Yunho heard Geb rumble in concern inside of his head and he sighed softly, pulling away from the blonde. 
“Seonghwa, I owe you an apology.”
Seonghwa’s brows furrowed. 
“Seriously, you all do not need to keep apologizing-”
“I told you you weren’t working hard enough and suddenly you’re out here doing reckless things, getting hurt all alone , keeping yourself awake for ungodly hours of time, all in the sake of ‘trying harder’, aren’t you? Is that not a direct result of me unfairly forcing my own inadequacies on you instead of acknowledging we all failed and we all need to try harder? Be better? I fucked up, and I’m sorry.” he pressed a kiss to Seonghwa’s head before pulling away, rubbing his thumbs over the man’s cheeks.
“We can…sit down and hash it all out a bit later. For now, you need rest. Between the poison and….your activities this morning, I imagine you’re exhausted, right?”
Seonghwa flexed his fingers, looking at his compass mark for a moment before he nodded, laying down and pressing his cheek to the pillow. 
“Then…if its all the same to you…I’ll rest a bit more. If you need me, please wake me.” He muttered, letting the threads of exhaustion and sleep finally lace into a net, pulling him into sleep not too longer after Yunho nodded at him with a tender smile. 
Once he was sure Seonghwa was asleep, his smile fell and he turned to the others. 
Yeosang looked equally exhausted, but he perked when he saw the frown cross his lover’s face. Jongho was alert and standing not too far off from the bed, a pair of sweatpants settled loose on his hips as he watched the three of them. 
“You all can rest. I…I’ll work on a plan-”
“Nah. How about we wait until we’re all up and about and make a proper plan of action this time?” Jongho and Whiro cut him off bluntly, finger tapping against one of Jongho’s biceps after he crossed his arms. 
Yunho paused for a moment before he looked down at the exhausted blonde sleeping soundly, his brow occasionally twitching every now and again. 
“....Yeah. Actually, that sounds like a better plan. I’ll leave you two to rest, as well. Do either of you want any food?” 
While the three of them chattered, San made his way down the hall in the opposite direction, slipping into Seonghwa’s room and glancing around. 
He probably should wait until the blonde was up and about to do all of this, but San knew the ex prince well enough to know they would continue to dance around everything if he did so. 
San tried not to make it a habit to revert back to his old behaviors from centuries ago when his street smarts and quick hands could get him into whatever locked box or door he needed them to.
Tried to , did not mean he was above doing so. 
San scanned the room carefully before he found a box with a few papers sticking out from it. He made his way over to it, scanning the contents inside before humming and grabbing the papers, laying them out and reading through them. 
His lips pressed into a fine line the more he read before his eyes widened. 
He glanced behind him at the door as if he could peer through it before having a seat at Seonghwa’s desk, reading everything with increasing amounts of worry settling in his being. 
Outside, Mingi passed by the First Mate’s door, casting a sidelong stare at it. Cheese perked, sniffing once, twice, before wagging his tail, seemingly unbothered. 
Mingi, however, stared at the handle for a long time before he let out the smallest scoff and continued his way down the hall. 
2:30 pm
“Can…I ask your advice on something?” 
Miyavi looked up, stopping mid guitar pluck to look at Hongjoong as he stood in the doorway to his and his wife’s room. 
He sat up in an instant, setting the guitar aside and nodding. 
“Of course, little one. C’mere. What’s up?”
Hongjoong plopped down across the foot of the bed, his legs dangling over the edge as he stared at the ceiling. Miyavi looked at him curiously, waiting for his son to gather his thoughts. 
“I…I’m confused.”
“Okay, about what?” 
Hongjoong paused again, worrying his lip between his teeth. He wanted to blurt out to his father that he’d been having dreams that feel like memories, about the fact that he’d seen at least two men with some form of supernatural powers, gods are real and one of them is inside of his boyfriend and-
-instead, something else tumbled from his lips. 
“I only just started dating Yunho but I also feel an attraction towards some of the others.”
Miyavi blinked. Hongjoong blinked. 
It took everything in him not to facepalm. 
“...It must be overwhelming, yeah? All of these new emotions so suddenly.”
Miyavi hummed quietly, reaching over to ruffle his son’s two toned hair. Hongjoong let him, nodding quietly. 
“I…don’t know what to do…”
“What does your heart want?”
“Yunho’s the only boyfriend…the only partner I’ve ever had. I can’t just go ‘hey, we’ve been dating for about a week but your boyfriends look fine too’, y’know? That’s just…”
Miyavi laughed, smiling down at his son and tilting his head. 
“So be honest with Yunho, but also take your time. You know where your heart is tugging you, but you’ve got a good enough head on your shoulders to know that Rome wasn’t built in a day. It takes time. But the first step is to make sure you’re clear and on equal footing and understanding. Misunderstandings and secrets are the downfall to any relationship.” He pressed his index finger lightly to Hongjoong’s forehead until the younger musician met his gaze, nodding with a small sigh.
“You’re right…”
“Yunho looks like an approachable man, just be honest with him and reassure him your gaze isn’t wandering…it’s simply…mm…expanding? Yes, that makes sense.” He chuckled having paused to find the words for his analogy.
Hongjoong laughed lightly before he looked at him. 
“You….don’t think it’s weird?”
“Polyamory? Not at all. I just care first and foremost that you are safe and happy . You’re my son, I’d give my world to make sure you and your siblings are smiling and happy. I’ll be with you every step of the way to make sure that happens.” He smiled and watched as Hongjoong sat up, fixing his hair before a bit of the tension he was holding in his body was lessened. 
“I….I have more I’d like to talk about but I….don’t know how to word it yet. It kind of makes my head hurt when I think about it.” Hongjoong rubbed his neck. 
It wasn’t a complete lie, but still. 
Miyavi watched him silently. He had a good hunch on what it was, but that would be a far more treacherous conversation to wade into than relationship advice on rekindled feelings. 
“Whenever you’re ready, your mother and I are here to listen. Just let us know.” Miyavi stood and rolled his shoulder before setting his guitar back in its case. 
“C’mon, let’s head out for a walk, it’s a beautiful day out.”
Hongjoong glanced outside, blinking in surprise at the sunshine that had begun to peek through the clouds. He could’ve sworn the forecast said it was supposed to be overcast all day. He stood and nodded, smiling at his father as they made their way to the door. 
“Let me get my shoes, then!” Hongjoong darted out and Miyavi laughed, sticking his hands in his pockets. 
“Slow down, we have time.”
April 3rd
-218 Days Remain-
Seonghwa sat up, rubbing his neck and sighing. Today was the day. The scent of cinnamon off to his left nearly distracted him from his thoughts.
He had to go train with Jaemin and see if he could come up with a method to-
“Oh, good, you’re awake.” 
Seonghwa’s eyes snapped to the corner of the room, landing on San as he smiled from ear to ear, his eyes crescents. 
“Good morning, handsome. Slept well?” 
Seonghwa’s brows furrowed as he looked to the man sitting at his desk, a bright smile on his face. 
San held up the papers, head tilting. 
“Planning to go train all on your lonesome today, hm? Do you even know what today is?” He inquired. Seonghwa’s lips pressed together, racking his brain. 
It didn’t bother him that the younger man had gone through his papers nearly as much as it did that he had missed something important. 
April, it was April, he’d been in his own head so much, had he missed someone’s anniversary or-
Seonghwa had a sense of dejavu as Cheese threw himself onto his bed once more, landing on his chest. A muffled groan came from his left and Seonghwa finally clued in to the others in the room. 
Yeosang was beside him, ears twitching as he rubbed his eye. The groan came from his left, as Yunho lifted his head, squinting into the room at the excited dog. 
“Cheese, its so early….”
“Why is everyone in my room?” Seonghwa inquired, sitting up more and spotting Wooyoung curled up in Yeosang’s arms, still asleep. 
“To make sure you don’t try and do something silly like go off fighting whoever it is you’re fighting on your birthday .” San set the papers down and sighed, leaning on the table.
“I’m sorry for snooping, but I don’t…like seeing you with these dark circles and slumping from exhaustion. You’re…working really hard, aren’t you? At least for a day, let’s all take some time and decompress. We can talk about your findings and train together, I’m still pissed I got my ass kicked so easily…but above all else, we need to do better to take care of each other.” He tapped his finger against the table and smiled at Seonghwa. 
“So, will you join us for the totally not at all planned birthday celebration?” 
Seonghwa laughed softly, petting Cheese and nodded. 
“Where’s Jongho and…?”He trailed off, leaving the tail end of his inquiry open ended. San’s smile faltered slightly, brow ticking in subtle annoyance before the look cleared up. 
Seonghwa caught it.
Ah, Mingi probably didn’t want to share a room with them, so Jongho stayed with him so he wouldn’t be alone.
He sighed, shoulders dropping before he was immediately distracted by Cheese thrusting his snout in his face.
Seonghwa tilted his head and watched as Cheese nudged his palm open. Once Seonghwa obliged him, he dropped a spear-tip shaped piece of ice into it, tail wagging. 
The ex prince cocked his head, looking at it in wonder. 
“There’s some kind of…power surging through this. What is this, Cheese?”
“CHEESE TOOK A TRIP TO THE LAND OF FROST GIANTS AND ASKED LADY SKADI IF CHEESE MAY HAVE SOME ICE! Cheese is friends with Kaldr so she said yes. She is a very nice lady.”
“I’m sorry, did you say the land of the frost gi-”
Seonghwa stared at the dog, aghast. He really needed to keep track of him when he went running off. In the meantime, he looked down at the shard, rolling it around in his palm. 
“....thank you, Cheese. You’re a very good boy.”
Cheese’s tail stopped wagging in an instant and he stared at Seonghwa for a while before pressing his head to Seonghwa’s. 
“Cheese…is not the smartest Cheese, but Cheese loves his masters very much and will do anything to make them happy. Happy birthday!”
Seonghwa laughed softly and made room for the dog to lie down on his chest. 
“Fine…if you insist, I’ll take the day off. We should sleep in.” He nuzzled the canine and San smiled, moving to lie beside Yunho. 
“That’s a lot more like it.”
“You look handsome.”
Seonghwa smiled softly, looking at himself in the mirror. Yunho, San, and Wooyoung had bought him a new outfit. 
Wooyoung adjusted the black turtleneck on the taller man, brushing his fingertips over Seonghwa’s jawline. There was a matching black thigh-length pea coat that was left open. His pants were form fitting-also black-, with shimmering chains dangling from his belt hoops and pockets. 
“You look like a model.” San nodded in approval and Yunho held his hand out, creating an ice blue flower to tuck into his chest pocket. 
Seonghwa smoothed his hands over the clothing, smiling. San had styled his hair, brushing his bangs out of his face before smiling and pointing to the seat. 
“Yeosang said he’d do your makeup, then we can get going.”
The blonde would be lying if he said it didn’t feel good, to be doted on by everyone. It reminded him of when he was a prince, the days he’d spend seated on a cushion between his mother’s legs as she gently combed and brushed his hair. 
“Mon bebe, such beautiful hair. Not a knot in sight. One day, you won’t need your mother to brush your hair.”
“No, Mother, I will always want you to…it feels nice and you always have this pretty smile when you do.”
Seonghwa felt himself tearing up, startled as Yeosang paused with a brush hovering over his cheek. 
“S-Seonghwa…?” He frowned, leaning away from him. Seonghwa blinked before straightening up. 
“Apologies. I was…thinking of my mother.” He smiled and sat down, pulling Yeosang into his lap. 
“I will sit still, continue.”
Yeosang straddled him, wiping his tears and carefully doing his makeup. He’d learned a lot in the time they’d spent with Hongjoong and his friends. 
Honestly, he was surprised Seonghwa agreed to let him do this for him. The older immortal held his hips and sat in silence, his eyes trained on Yeosang. 
“It's truly amazing.” 
Yeosang blinked down at him. 
“What is?”
“It’s been centuries, and my heart still flutters when I’m this close to you all.” He reached up and caressed Yeosang’s cheek with the back of his knuckles. 
“No matter how many moons have came and went, I still love the seven of you with my whole heart.”
Yeosang bit his lip, feeling his eyes get misty before he stole a kiss from Seonghwa. 
“D-Don’t make me cry, dammit. I’m trying to dote on you.”
Seonghwa chuckled and nodded, not saying much else as he stared at the kitsune.
When they were finished, Seonghwa walked downstairs, looking around subconsciously, counting the heads. 
He paused, eyes landing on Mingi, and he perked.
“Are you coming?”
Mingi cast a glance at San, arms crossed. San stared back, cocking a single brow at him.
‘Someone wouldn’t leave me alone until I did’./ “Yes. It is your birthday.” He answered, rubbing his ear and toying with the strap to his satchel.
Seonghwa fought back the way his smile nearly faltered from his face. Everything in his body language screamed that he didn’t really want to go out. 
He took a breath and pushed down any of those emotions and walked up to Mingi. 
“I appreciate you getting dressed. I…know you’re not very fond of me anymore, if you don’t want to come out, it’s alright. We can…reschedule? Or maybe I can break the day up so you’re not left alone?”
San bristled behind him and Jongho frowned, pushing himself off of the wall he’d been leaning against. 
“Hold on-”
“I’m not going to force him to come. I know Mingi has been hurt the most by me in these years, he has every right to not come with me.” Seonghwa spoke firmly, glancing at the others one by one before looking back to Mingi. 
Mingi held his gaze for a long while before sighing softly and rubbing his neck. He felt the gaze of everyone land on him and it immediately made him feel ill.
“I’m going. I…don’t have a gift for you, though. I’m sorry.”
Seonghwa’s smile softened. 
“Are you sure? I will not take offense if you don’t want to?”
“Staying cooped up in the house isn’t going to help me get out of my own head, either.” 
Seonghwa smiled wider, gently touching the back of Mingi’s hand for a brief moment. Mingi didn’t pull his hand away and Seonghwa took it as a small victory, turning to the others. 
“Alright, gentlemen, where are we going?”
Yunho placed his hand at the small of Mingi’s back, making sure he was truly alright before smiling at Seonghwa. 
“Let’s get in the car. We got an idea from Hongjoong and the others.”
One by one, the men walked out of the home with Cheese faithfully trotting beside them. 
San followed Mingi with his eyes, pressing his lips together in a frown before taking his place at Wooyoung’s side as they piled into the car.
12:30 pm
“Woo~ Well hello handsome~” Yeonjun whistled, their hands on their hips as the group of immortals walked up to their human friends. 
Seonghwa bowed in greeting, smiling at the others. 
“Oh, are you all going to enjoy this day with me?” 
“Of course, you’re our friend now!” Moa beamed, handing him a wrapped gift. 
“What is this?” He inquired. She smiled and put her hands on her hips. 
“It's a set of earrings! We all pooled together and had them made for you in a jiffy!” 
He opened the box, surprised by the green stones. He took a close look at the pattern in the snowflake-shaped stones and blinked in surprise.
They looked like feathers.
“It's a seraphinite stone. They bring out the color in your eyes.” Chungha told him, rocking on the balls of her feet. Seonghwa’s eyes softened as he put the earrings in. 
“Snowflakes, eh?” He smiled. 
“I suggested it.”
Seonghwa turned his attention towards the back of the group, watching as Hongjoong came up to him. His heart squeezed and he looked down as Hongjoong stopped in front of him. 
“Snowflakes. And why did you choose that shape?”
Hongjoong scratched his cheek, his free hand barely hiding a different bag from you. 
“Something about you just…reminds me of the night of a fresh snow. It’s cold, and for some people, it appears to not be very welcoming but it's actually one of the most beautiful gifts nature gives us. Ah, sorry, that sounds really cheesy-” He went beet red and handed him the bag, his ears burning in embarrassment. 
Seonghwa blushed, as well, looking down at the bag. 
Inside, bold red letters stared at him. 
“What is a…’Lego’?”
Chan looked at Hongjoong in confusion. 
“You got him a Lego set?”
Hongjoong blushed as Seonghwa pulled out one of two boxes. 
“I got him two, actually.”
Seonghwa stared at the first set. There were over 300 pieces to the set and a bunch of small little…animal mascots?? on it.
“This is…cute? I never expected something like this as a gift. Do I just assemble-”He choked on his own words as he looked at the second box.
Seonghwa’s hand shook subtly as he picked it up, staring at the second large Lego set. 
It was a pirate ship. 
“It…felt right. Sorry if its childish.” Hongjoong muttered. Seonghwa bit the inside of his cheek, his lips trembling as memories hit him like a brick. 
-”This ship is my pride an’ joy, Hwa. Everyone aboard it is essential to her smooth sailin’. Tha’s why a good Captian needs to take care of his crew like he does his ship.” 
Seonghwa rolled his eyes, listening to the short Captain once again boast about his ship to him. 
Seonghwa’s kingdom had more impressive ships, that much was for sure. He also found it interesting, a ship being ran by women fleeing their lives in lieu of one on the great blue sea. 
One misstep and they’d all be hunted down and destroyed, but oddly enough, Seonghwa had never seen a happier bunch. 
“Putois, you don’t need to sell me on this ship. I’ve already agreed to sail with you on it. I wouldn’t still be on it if I thought it would fall apart.”
Hongjoong laughed and leaned over the rail, the wind blowing his bangs wildly.
“Maybe, but I’ll keep singin’ her praises until you love her, Seonghwa.”
The blonde stared at him for a long time before coming to his side, arms brushing as he leaned against the rail.
“....I suppose she is quite beautiful, Captain.”-
Hongjoong let out a noise of surprise as Seonghwa pulled him into a strong hug, tucking his face into the crook of his neck. 
“It makes me very happy to know you got me gifts despite knowing me for such a short period of time. I will cherish them for the rest of my life.”
Yeonjun pouted from behind them and Changkyun cleared his throat. 
“We should go inside. We have a lot to see.”
Seonghwa looked up at the art museum and smiled. 
“Let’s go. Its been quite a while since I’ve been to a museum.” 
“We found one that will allow Cheese, too. Are you excited, little dude?” Felix inquired, petting Cheese. Cheese wagged his tail, walking directly beside Seonghwa, ears perked and alert. 
The boys bit back their laughs at the energetic hound and walked inside. 
Seonghwa found himself enjoying the pieces between scanning the crowd, making sure he had laid eyes on all of his loves and their friends. 
“You’re supposed to be enjoying yourself.” Wooyoung’s soft voice drew his attention as he stopped beside him, looking at a set of blown glass animals. Seonghwa looked down at it, humming. 
“I can’t help it. No matter where I go, I find myself looking for the seven of you.” He answered honestly. Wooyoung glanced over at him, gently taking Seonghwa’s free hand, rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. 
“There’s always been something so…inspiring about the way you say things, Seonghwa.” He rocked on the balls of his feet, guiding Seonghwa and Cheese to the next painting. The three of them looked at the goofy art, with the card beside it explaining that it was made by the art director’s pet cat running across their paint and then the canvas. 
“There have been plenty of times, especially as of late, where I find myself at a loss for words or lacking the proper ones to say.” Seonghwa spoke honestly but Wooyoung shook his head once. 
“You still have this…unwavering determination I’m honestly jealous of. It takes me so long to get the words out for things I want to say and by time I’ve gathered the heart to do so, the words get caught in my throat.” 
Seonghwa put his arm around Wooyoung’s shoulders, pulling him closer. 
“If its about not speaking up when Mingi and I would argue, do know I do not hold it against you, or anyone. My behavior, the cause and effect they have created, are my own fault and its no one else’s fault but mine. If there’s anything our Captain has instilled in me, it’s an unwavering, bullheaded and sometimes idiotic determination to charge forward towards what you believe in.” Seonghwa ran his cool fingers over Wooyoung’s shoulder, putting his head above his. 
“Even if it hurts, even if I get tired, I won’t ever give up. You all are worth fighting for, and come Hell or high water, I’ll repair what was lost.”
Wooyoung looked up at him, lips parted, before he closed his mouth, standing on his tip toes to press a small kiss to the corner of Seonghwa’s lips. 
“I…have a lot to learn from you all. But I’ll get the courage and get on the same level as you one day.”
Seonghwa chuckled and guided him to the next one.
At some point, Hongjoong beckoned them over, pointing to a painting of a large wolf in a snow storm that was made entirely of different shades of blue.
Yeonjun stared at the painting in delight, chattering about different painting techniques to Chungha. Seonghwa stopped beside them, the art reminding him of the painting he had made for his beloved all those centuries ago.
“This one grabbed my interest,” Hongjoong explained, looking up at it with a gentle smile. Cheese carefully approached, nuzzling Hongjoong’s hand and wagging his tail when the pianist gently gave his head a pet. 
Seonghwa took in the brush strokes, staring into the eyes of the wolf for a long time before he nodded. 
“It is quite eye-catching, isn’t it? I wonder what kind of story it has to tell.”
“Cheese thinks Cheese is a more handsome doggo than the painting doggo. Though Cheese wonders if the blue doggo has blue toe beans.”
Seonghwa snorted quietly, looking down at the dog incredulously. Yeonjun perked, tilting their head. 
“Your dog is very chatty today. Isn’t that right?” They grinned, bending to pet Cheese. To them, it simply appeared to be gruff dog babbel. Cheese’s tail wagged and he licked Yeonjun’s face. 
“You have no idea! Cheese can talk faster than any doggo!”
Seonghwa smiled fondly at them before noticing Hongjoong’s hands, slightly wringing the bottom of his jacket as he stared at the painting. 
“Hm…would you like to go on a walk with me, Hongjoong? I’m a bit famished.” Seonghwa offered. 
Hongjoong perked and nodded, smiling. 
“Have you not eaten yet? C’mon, there’s a food court around here somewhere.” He looked towards Wooyoung and Yeonjun, but the former waved a hand kindly. 
“Go, go. I’ll bring Cheese over to the others so he can keep looking at exhibits.” He beamed. Yeonjun arched a brow at their friend, but Wooyoung hooked an arm under their arm, dragging them off before they could say a word. 
Seonghwa watched the trio go before turning his attention back to Hongjoong. 
“I’ll follow your lead.” 
Hongjoong walked through the art exhibit, only a few paces in front of Seonghwa. He slowed after a minute or two, rubbing his neck. 
“I…want to ask you something.”
“I figured you wanted to speak with me. What is it?” 
Hongjoong stopped, reaching and touching Seonghwa’s wrist over the compass mark he knew was there. 
“I…know you all, don’t I? Somehow…and you all know me.”
Seonghwa could see the frustration settle in his brow, and he knew the smaller man had probably been having the beginning pulses of a migraine. Seonghwa hummed, flipping his hand and taking Hongjoong’s. 
“I am learning a lot about you, yes. It’s very pleasant.” 
Hongjoong looked at him in confusion, staring at their hands. 
“But…That’s not what I mean. Not ‘me’ but-”
“It doesn’t matter much to me if I knew you before or if I’ve just met you now. My feelings are the same.” 
The two toned man’s eyes widened, staring at him in surprise as Seonghwa chuckled and brought his hand up to his cold cheek. 
“It’s my birthday, yes? May I be selfish and ask to enjoy this time with you without stress and worry? Even if its only for the day, whatever hard conversations may come, they can come on another.”
Hongjoong cleared his throat, feeling flustered as he moved his hand. 
“I’m going to get flustered if you talk like that.”
“Is it the worst thing if you do?” Seonghwa laughed gently and moved to the vendors selling food. Hongjoong watched him before he snapped back to reality and shuffled after him quickly. 
The two sat together, quietly people-watching as they ate some rather generously sized crepes. Hongjoong’s eyes were fixed on Seonghwa’s side profile more than the people around him, though. 
He really did look like a prince. His face was all sharp angles, yet they had a…soft quality to them that had the musician idly thinking he’d be a great idol.
“Did you do your makeup today?” He spoke without thinking and Seonghwa cut his steel gaze at him, humming as he licked creme from his lips. 
Hongjoong would admit to no one that he followed the motion like a hawk before looking back into his eyes. 
“Yeosang did. He’s learned a lot from Chungha, it seems. He was happy to try it on me so I let him. I’m not displeased.” 
“You look… really good.” 
Seonghwa chuckled and took another bite of his crepe, chewing thoughtfully. Hongjoong felt embarrassment creep into him once more. He’d asked Seonghwa to come with him, but now he was at a loss as to how to proceed now that Seonghwa had gently steered him away from prying on this whole…memory business.
Instead, he shoved a bite much too big to be considered polite into his mouth to keep himself from blurting out anything else in embarrassment. 
Seonghwa stared at him before he covered his mouth to keep himself from possibly spitting out any food as he laughed. 
“Dun lauf at meh!” Hongjoong struggled, cheeks round as his face went beet red. Seonghwa laughed harder still, joy shining in his eyes as he looked at the goofy two toned man in front of him. 
“Ah, apologies apologies. You just…you look very cute.” He smiled, one that reached his eyes as he put his head in his palm, staring at Hongjoong in a way that certainly didn’t help his flustered demeanor.  Seonghwa took in his appearance, cheeks rounded and his mismatched hair falling over his forehead as he tried to avoid his gaze.
"Küçük çizgili sincap~” 
Hongjoong blinked in confusion, swallowing his food before he squinted. He had recognized when Seonghwa had called him a small ferret before, but whatever he had said a moment ago went right over his head. 
“What did you say just now?” 
“Oh, nothing.” Seonghwa stood, a triumphant smile on his face as he turned away from him. 
“Shall we head back, küçük çizgili sincap ?”
“What are you calling me? Hey! Park Seonghwa-ya, wipe that smile off your face, what did you call me?!” Hongjoong complained, following close behind the blonde as he walked away. Seonghwa smiled, glancing at him out of the corner of his eye. 
“Oh, just something just for you.”
“What does that mean? Seonghwa? Hey, don’t speed up your paces! God, why are your legs so long- Seonghwa!!”
Jeno watched as Jaemin cursed and swore up a storm, referring to the blonde ex prince. He glanced at Renjun and the man waved a hand, indicating he’d pay Jaemin’s ire no mind. 
“I’m sure there’s a good reason. Take the time to prepare.”
“I’m gonna wring their damn necks, wasting my damn time!”
Renjun rolled his eyes. 
“You’re the god of it. Just make more time.”
“Easy for you to say!”
@jacksons-goddess-gaia @kimnamshiks @atiny-dazzlinglight @angel0taiyo @gettin-a-lil-hanse @aeyla @eversionic @itsatinyworld @unatempesta-dipensieri @lonely10vely @yunhosblackgf @not-majestic-bluenicorn @moonmin-miya @snowstaytiny @delphinium3000 @just-a-starfruit @skmoonchild @allthestarsrcloser @im-what-iam @stayatinyfics @smallfrye @atinyteez @bangteezbaby @seomisaho @kirisimpma @chaos-ground-writing @daniblogs164 @yunhofingers @stormiestories @billboard-singer @asyamonet22 @perfectlysane24 @drunk-on-hwa @shingisimp @xuxibelle @twistedsiren @heesuncore @dreamyinception-world @justatiredhuman @serialee @eribear23 @spooo00oky @shymexican @stardragongalaxy @horizonmoonfics @ateezswonderland
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columnquills · 2 months
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@ofxsorcery ✧ @thelionshrt ✧ @emmasvanity ✧ @epithclial
9 notes · View notes
shadowglens · 3 months
i know she’s currently rotting somewhere in the fade, but the veilguard teaser just made me think of milf frances with some grey streaks 🫠
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ophcliaswrites · 1 year
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TED LASSO — 3.06 “Sunflowers”
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skysaunter · 1 year
𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚢𝚖𝚘𝚞𝚜 𝚊𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚍: Hey Anakin have you been called attractive before? Like… to your face?
    𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝙱𝚁𝚄𝙽𝙴𝚃 𝚀𝚄𝙸𝚁𝙺𝙴𝙳 𝙰 𝙱𝚁𝙾𝚆 , his simper bordering too close to a smirk.
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❝you don't find me handsome?❞
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aworldofyou · 1 year
Molly O’Shea Tag Dump.
[ molly o’shea ] you stole the heartbeat outta me. I’ve nothing left; I gave you all.
[ molly o’shea / ic interactions ] I sit in solitude and scrawl these wretched words.
[ molly o’shea / inquires / ic interactions ] all of you! just leave me alone!
[ molly o’shea / visage ] vanity is a sin; and so is love it seems.
[ molly o’shea / musings ] lie to lie; make a fool out of men; always laughing at me.
[ molly o’shea / ch. study ] your land and love are vast and free.
[ molly o’shea / dyn: dutch ] I loved you; you goddamn bastard. Go on shoot me.
[ molly o’shea / dyn: anne bonny] it was easier to hate her than to hate him.
[ molly o’shea / dyn: arthur ] trust dutch; mr. morgan. you have to. 
[ molly o’shea / dyn: karen ] I’m not quite a fool; yeah well. turns out I am.
[ molly o’shea / v: red dead redemption ] I’m a fool for believing I was better somehow.
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ustalav · 2 years
you see i LIKE mage hawke being absolutely shredded but also i feel like the muscles are mostly for show. it’s just good genetics, hawke loses to merrill in an arm wrestling match at the hanged man
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ifacotarwasgood · 1 year
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CHAPTER 7 - page 16/?
original word count: 5525
revised word count: 2742
click for ch 7's full comparison document.
“All of them,” Alis said. “My master’s protection only goes so far. They’ll want to hunt and kill you just for being a human—regardless of what you did to Andras.” Another useless answer. I dug into my breakfast, savoring each rich sip of tea, and she slipped into the bathing chamber. When I was done eating and bathing, I refused Alis’s offer and dressed myself in another exquisite tunic—this one of purple so deep it could have been black. I wished I knew the name for the color, but cataloged it anyway. I pulled on the brown boots I’d worn the night before, and as I sat before a marble vanity letting Alis braid my wet hair, I cringed at my reflection. It wasn’t pleasing—though not for its actual appearance. While my nose was relatively straight, it was the other feature I’d inherited from my mother. I could still remember how her nose would crinkle with feigned amusement when one of her fabulously wealthy friends made some unfunny joke. At least I had my father’s soft mouth, though it made a mockery of my too-sharp cheekbones and hollow cheeks. I couldn’t bring myself to look at my slightly uptilted eyes. I knew I’d see Nesta or my mother looking back at me. I’d sometimes wondered if that was why my sister had insulted me about my looks. I was a far cry from ugly, but… I bore too much of the people we’d hated and loved for Nesta to stand it. For me to stand it, too.
[nothing to see here - the comparison software spaced it this way because my revision has significantly fewer words!]
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personalized-plates · 2 years
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slasherbvnnie · 2 years
Until We Found You | Part III
Part III is now up and running! P.S. there are two playlists I listen to while writing these, they don’t necessarily go with reading them but you totally could listen to them as you read! Let me know if you would like the playlists. As usual, heed the tags. 
Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Eventual Poly!Ghostface x reader,NSFW, All characters 18+, P in V, Fingering, Overall smut 
Part I Part II Part IV Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX
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The next few days were pretty dull, you spent a few days over at Sidney’s, the first night it was just you two but the third day Tatum, Billy, and Stu all spent the night- it was a group decision to leave Randy out because he would just go on and on about who was the killer and why they were targeting the victims. Ghostface was pretty quiet too, with no killings or attempts since you, you were starting to wonder if you were meant to be the last victim, you also wondered if you had pissed them off by not going home. Luckily today you were returning home, back to see your parents and Irena and your brand new door- no shining scene included this time.
“Need a ride? Me and Stu are going to the movie store,” Billy asked, making you turn to him after you and Sidney had pulled away from a hug. “Sure, my parents haven’t left my aunts yet so I would appreciate it,” you said before turning to Sidney again. “Thanks for letting me crash at yours, I’ll call if I have anything weird going on again,” you promised her, waving bye as you left with the boys.
“You should call us if that creep comes back, me and Billy can put him in his place,” Stu said, giving his signature laugh and smile, making you laugh. “That’s a great idea, Billy can scare him away with his crazy eyes and you can bore him to death by telling him all about horror movies,” you joked, earning annoyed glares from both boys, making you laugh again. “I’ll call if I see them again, okay? Don’t worry about me, I can handle myself,” you promised the boys as you climbed into the back seat, throwing your bag in next to you.
The day passed by smoothly, the boys had taken you to the movie rental store and bought you some candy along with a movie, which Stu insisted you watch and even rented for you. Prom Night, another fucking Jamie movie. You had popped it into your laptop that night once you were home. Irena sat on your lap as you caught up on some homework due the next day, occasionally you glanced at your laptop to watch the movie, not noticing when Irena had moved from your lap and moved to your vanity. She sat down, her tail twitching angrily, your attention finally moved to her when you heard a little growl escape her.
When you got up to see what had angered her you saw the window slide open, the same masked killer from the other day climbing in through your window. You paused, looking at them with wide eyes, wondering if the flirting over the phone had all been a plan to get you off guard, to either kill you or kidnap you so they could set you up for the murders of Casey and Steve. Your nerves didn’t calm down when they motioned you closer after closing the window, still, you walked over slowly to them. Their hand reached up to your face, cupping it gently before gripping it more firmly, holding the knife in their other hand up to your cheek. Your breath hitched, feeling the cool touch of the steel against you, but they made no movements to harm you in any way, not really at least.
The knife ghosted over your skin, not enough to cut but enough for you to feel scared and strangely turned on at the same time. Your eyes studied the mask in front of you, you couldn’t make out their eyes behind the mesh, but you could feel their eyes piercing into yours. They removed their hands from you, pushing you towards the bed, you complied but paused when you sat down on it. “My parents are home…can-can you lock the door at least,” you asked, they tilted their head towards the door and you swore you heard them chuckle as they most likely recalled how they broke the last one. They walked over to the door, locking it before making their way to you. Your legs clenched together, your ever-growing nervousness and excitement now showing to them as you wondered what they were going to do.
They looked over you for a moment before holding the knife right up to your sternum, pressing the knife onto your clothes as they began to drag it down, leaving a trail of torn clothes in their wake. “I kinda liked those…” you murmured, if they hadn’t had the mask on you may have seen the shit-eating grin they had on their lips as they pressed the knife harder against your skin. Your cheeks heated up, taking the hint to shut up as you let them continue. You had already changed into pajamas earlier in the night, your Carrie shirt now tattered and torn, exposing your top half to them. Once they reached your groin, they paused and moved the knife away, pocketing it before pushing you back onto the bed so you were laying down.
They hovered over you, tracing your face again, the rough texture of their glove trailing down your body before their fingers hooked under the waistband of your pj pants, tugging them off slowly. Your skin grew goosebumps all over, the cold air in your room felt like mercy against your warm skin, which was only growing hotter by the second. A small whimper left you as you felt them place their hand over your panties, you hadn’t even noticed until that moment but your arousal had shown even through the fabric, feeling a little embarrassed that you were so needy without much effort.
Your hand flung up to your mouth as you felt them reach into your underwear, you could feel how cold their fingers were even through the gloves as they ghosted over your clit. You bit down on your hand as they pressed on your clit, circling around it as you closed your eyes and tilted your head back. The texture of the glove bothered you a little, which they must have noticed as you bucked against their fingers. A whine left your lips as their hand pulled away, opening your eyes to see them reaching into their pocket and pulling out some torn piece of fabric. They spread it out in their hands, showcasing it to you, a blindfold. Another blush rose to your cheeks as you tilted your head up for them to put it on, a silent understanding between you two that they wanted you to stay clueless about who they were. They reached around your head and tied the fabric over your eyes, your heart began to beat faster realizing that you were completely at their mercy now.
They reached back into their pocket, bringing the knife out and making a stabbing motion at you, bringing the knife inches from your forehead. When you didn’t flinch, they felt comfortable knowing you couldn’t see behind the blindfold and began to undress. You heard them shuffling in the outfit, hearing a thud on the floor, wondering if that was the knife or their mask. You received your answer when you felt the knife against your cheek again, you felt yourself grow wetter, partially because of the knife, partially because ghostface was standing right in front of you unmasked and you couldn’t see them. Your hand tried to move to touch them but before you had the chance they pinned you down by your wrist. You whined but they only gripped you tighter, they dropped the knife and instead grabbed your torn t-shirt and tied your wrist together with it.
You didn’t have to wait much longer before their mouth was latched onto your neck and their fingers were tracing over your core. Their fingertips teased you, running over your folds as they carefully placed a hickey on your neck. You could feel a grin on their lips as they bit and licked at your skin, feeling your pulse under their tongue. You did your best to keep your voice down, your heavy breaths bounced off of your bedroom walls as they pushed two fingers into you. A louder whine sounded from you, to which they comforted you by planting a kiss against your lips. You didn’t need to see them to feel the passion in the kiss, they pushed against you with such need, teeth clanking together and making your bones shake as their thumb moved to your clit.
Your thighs opened a little wider to allow them more access, relishing in the pleasure their hands brought you. The familiar tension in your stomach was slowly beginning to build, sweat began to form on your skin from feeling their hot breath against you. You felt their eyes on you, it only made you more turned on knowing they were watching every little reaction you had to their movements. Another finger entered you, hitting a spot inside that made you toss your head back and thank any supernatural being or god there was that they were quick enough to swallow the moan you let out in a kiss. They took the opportunity to snake their tongue into your mouth, making you melt even further as their pace quickened.
Your chest began to rise and fall quickly as that knot in your stomach threatened to break. You moved slightly, your hips bucking and moving against their fingers as you let the pleasure take you over. Before you could tip over the edge they pulled away, which made you whine and squirm in protest. “Not fucking fair,” you breathed out, to which you were met with the cold blade of their knife again pressing against your neck. You pouted, realizing ghostface probably didn’t like your bratty attitude too much but it was all fixed when they kissed you again. Your legs slowly fell open again, allowing them to situate themself in between them. Their hand let go of the knife again and instead took the opportunity to roam over your body, little whines coming from you when they ran over- and teased- all the spots you reacted to.
Finally, they trailed their way back to your core, watching as your face scrunched up with pleasure as they circled your clit again. “Please…” you whined to them, their other hand gripping your thigh as a warning, “I want you in me already, please.” You begged, their grip growing even tighter, likely to leave a bruise before they finally let up. You barely took a breath before you felt them against you, your body tensed slightly but soon calmed down as you felt their lips on yours again. They were more gentle this time, but you could feel the tension they held by holding themselves back. “It’s okay., you can ruin me. Please ruin me,” you begged again, whimpering when their hand gripped your neck, squeezing the sides as they quickly entered you.
Ghostface was smart enough to put their mouth on yours again to cover up your moan, melting in their hold as they began to set up a steady pace. You wondered if they were taking it slow to let you adjust or to tease you, but they quickly had your attention again when their free hand returned to your core. Your stomach tightened once again, your head spinning with all the pleasure they were giving you. When their thrusts began to quicken you couldn’t help but arch your back, your ankles hooking around them and trapping them in between your legs, but with the way they thrusted even harder into you, you don’t think they minded it one bit.
It wasn’t long before the two of you were close to coming undone, both of your hips stuttered and bucked, their hand that played with your clit quickened a little as well, paying attention to the spots that had you shaking. “Fuck, gonna-“ you whined again, your head tilting back as they hit your sweet spot, “gonna cum,” you whimpered out between moans, trying to keep quiet. They continued the torture they were inflicting on you, your black vision turning white as you finally reached your climax. Your thighs shook around them, pulsing around them before they came.
You felt their muscles unclench, glad that you finally came to the realization that they had worn protection, mentally cursing yourself for not even checking before. They pulled out slowly, gently touching your face as you whimpered from the loss. You adjusted yourself on the bed as they finally peeled away from you, hearing the shuffling of clothes again as they got dressed.
After a moment you felt a dip in the bed, feeling them untie you but held down your wrists as they leaned in for one last kiss. You smiled into it, giggling as they pulled away. “Come again tomorrow, with a new Carrie shirt preferably,” you asked playfully, feeling their lips curl up into a smile before they pulled away. You heard the thumps of plastic before your blindfold was taken off, your eyes meeting the masked killer after adjusting to the light.
“Was that smile a yes,” you asked, smiling when they nodded. “You can take the torn one as a momento, and so you know what size to get,” you offered, holding out the piece of clothing to them. They grabbed it, heading back to the window as you stayed on the bed and watched them. They climbed out of your room while you finally stood up and watched them take off. You sighed, running your hands over the little hickeys and bruises they left on you before heading to your bathroom to get cleaned up.
There was the ringing of a phone, only sounding for a few seconds before the other line picked up. “Hey Stu, let's take the girls shopping tomorrow, we owe someone a new shirt. Also need to get you all fancied up too, you have a date tomorrow night,” Billy said, Stu laughing before beginning to question him on the details.
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fallingformatt · 3 months
Matt x fem!reader
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summary: as you’re trying to get your mind off of Matt you bump into someone, who could it be?
warnings: smutttt!!!!! unprotected sex, overstimulation, praising.
word count: 2.8k
a/n: the first part is available here
at first I didn’t know where to start on this one, but bro I’m actually in love with this second part.
I also made my account pretty and made a masterlist with all of my works it’s available here
feel free to leave requests on what I should write next or what you would like to read in general ;) or just yap w me
this post is not proofread
"You taste so sweet, I could eat you out all night."
"Shit, you feel so good around my cock baby."
"You're such a good girl for me, fuck."
It has been 3 days since I bumped into him, and every night as I was trying to fall asleep, vivid flashbacks were running through my head, subconsciously making my hand slide down my panties, pleasuring myself, desperately trying to catch the pleasure from that night but with no success.
I was going insane. Recalling that night I was tipsy and I don't quite remember his name, I think it was Matt, but I do remember everything else. His eyes, his fluffy hair, his moans and his dick. His cold rings on my skin, his grip on my thighs, the cold counter against my ripped tights as he was eating me out, overstimulating me.
I groan as I turn around in my bed laying down on my stomach, pulling my pillow under my head as I grab it with both of my hands and let out a scream of frustration, still thinking about that night, and then it hit me, 'his number. He gave me his number before I left, and I wrote it down somewhere' I think to myself, my eyes shoot open as I reach for my phone sitting up in my bed, and unlocking it. I start scrolling through my phone frantically.
"Think, think, think, think, come on, where did you write it down," I say out loud to myself trying to find his number.
I continue scrolling through my phone, it now has been 30 minutes, no luck. I groan as I throw my phone off my bed.
'Maybe it was meant to be just one time.' I think to myself, trying to console myself. I lay down, now laying on my back, staring at the ceiling. 'This can't be true, there is no way this was meant to be one and done, I refuse to believe that.' I think to myself
"I need to get my mind off of him," I say out loud and slide out of my bed similarly to as a snake would. Now laying on my fuzzy rug next to my bed I grab my phone I previously threw and unlock it searching for my best friend's number. I start calling.
"Hey let's do something, I need to get my mind off of some things," I say hopeful that she has something already planned.
"Yeah I'm down, what do you want to do?" She answers and my face grows a small frown.
"I don't know, to be honest, I was hoping you would have already something planned," I say truthfully.
"Well it's your lucky day, I do have something planned, I just wanted to know what mood you're in, let's meet at my place in like 2ish hours" my friend answers.
"Oh my god ur the best, I love you," I say and end the call.
My mood is already getting better. I get up from the floor and walk to my vanity excitedly. I sit down and put in rollers in my hair before starting on my makeup.
Once I finished my makeup I got up from the chair and walked to my closet. I swung open the closet door and started searching for something to wear. I don't know what to wear, and I don't know what occasion to dress for since I forgot to ask my friend where we're going or what are we doing.
I pulled out a dark red, leather miniskirt and put it on, I paired it with a black, skin-tight short-sleeve top, that had a huge cutout in the back, and put on black kitten heels that matched the vibe of the outfit perfectly. I walked to the mirror to see if I liked the outfit.
I went back to my vanity and took out the rollers in my hair, I put in some gold jewelry and was ready to head out.
Before leaving my apartment I check the time and it reads 3:26 PM, I text my best friend that I'm heading out and walk out of the door, I get in my car and drive to her place.
"I'm here," I say loudly as I walk into her apartment, I put down my purse on the couch and head to her room, I open the door and see her doing her makeup. "Heyy girl," I walk over to her, and hug her, greeting her. I sit down on her bed and watch her get ready as we chitchat.
"Like ever since that night, I literally can't stop thinking about him," I say looking at her. She turns to look at me removing the lip liner from her lips. "This sounds bad, I know what we need," she says. I tilt my head in confusion, waiting for her to finish her thought. "There's our favorite wine in the fridge," she signals to the kitchen with her head before she turns back to finish her lips.
I head over to the kitchen, open the fridge, and take out the wine, I get two wine glasses and walk back to her room. I set the glasses down on her table before opening the bottle of wine and pouring some for the both of us.
"Oh my god ur finally ready," I say as I get up from the bed. While she was getting ready we finished the bottle of wine. "You look great," I say and she blows me a kiss as a thank you.
"Where are we going?" I ask raising an eyebrow. "Well I thought we could head out to a bar, then see where the night takes us," she says. "What bar did you have in mind?" I ask. "Well the one we went to recently, the one with the cute bow mirror," she answers me and my smile drops. "Girl, I'm trying to forget about him, not retrace my steps," I say as I cross my arms. "Well it's not the only bar, we can go to a different one, or we can go to a party one of my friends is throwing," she offers.
We get out of the apartment and get an uber to drive to the party. When we pulled up to the beach house it was still light outside, the loud music and people were buzzing all over the place. We get out of the car and head to the front door which is left open as people are constantly walking in and out.
We head in and there are a lot of people here, some are dancing, some drinking their drinks and talking, and there are even people swimming in the pool in the backyard. The view of the beach is beautiful, "Do you want anything to drink?" I ask my friend. "Yeah, I spy with my little eye a red wine bottle that just screams 'drink me, drink me', " she says making me laugh.
I go to the kitchen where all of the alcohol is, I pour the wine into some cups for me and my friend, I take both of the cups in my hand and turn around to walk back to the living room where my friend is, but before I get the chance to start walking I smash into someone, wine spilling everywhere. "I am so sorry," I say as I immediately bend down to pick up the cups without looking at who I smashed into, embarrassed that I have caused a mess in the house of a person I don't even know.
I feel a thumb press against my chin and another finger below it as someone pushes my chin up so I would be looking up. When my eyes travel up my stare widens as I see who it is. I stand up putting the spilled cups on the kitchen counter without looking, "I am so sorry Matt," I say as I'm once again looking at the fluffy haired guy. I already feel myself getting wet.
"You're so clumsy," he says as he looks down, making me also look, his white shirt is now covered in dark red liquid. I grab some paper towels and start rubbing his shirt frantically. "I didn't mean that to happen," I say focused on the stain. He grabs my wrists to stop me. "It's okay, besides you're not gonna get that out with just some paper towels," he says trying to calm me down.
"Let's go to the bathroom, and run it under some water," I offer, he nods in agreement. I take his hand as I lead the way to the bathroom. This house is huge and I can't seem to find the bathroom anywhere, I hear Matt laughing from behind as I open every door, hoping that it's the bathroom. "Stop laughing at me, I don't know where shit is, I don't live here and I've never been here before," I say, anger and frustration can be heard in my tone. "You're hot when ur angry," Matt says, taking the lead as we head to the bathroom.
"Did you know where it is all this time?" I ask entering the bathroom. He nods his head, "my friend is throwing a party here, it's his house," he says also walking in and closing the door behind him. "What ar-" Before Matt gets to finish his question I smash my lips onto his, my hands immediately traveling to his fluffy hair. He grabs my ass, his one hand traveling to the back of my upper thigh signaling me to jump and I do just that. "It's cold," I say and Matt looks at me completely confused. I look down at his shirt which is drenched in wine. He also looks down and chuckles a bit.
Matt sits me down on the counter of the sink. Flashbacks immediately run through my head, "It doesn't matter, I need you," I say as I pull him closer to me pushing my lips onto his once again, he picks me up and presses me against the bathroom door not breaking the kiss. He breaks the kiss, letting go of my ass and letting me down. I look at him confused. "Not here," he says before he opens the door pulling me out of the bathroom by my hand.
We walk through the living room passing the crowd that's dancing, my eyes lock with my best friend and a huge smile creeps up on my face as I point to Matt with my head waving at my friend. Matt's leading us to the second story of the house, his steps are fast, as we walk up, the music gets quieter, and he opens the door to what I'm guessing is a guest bedroom.
He pulls me into the room, closing the door before pushing me against it, his lips traveling to mine. As the kiss deepens I can feel Matt smirk, my hands travel down to his crotch, and I move my hand up and down, massaging his cock through the jeans, and he lets out a moan.
"C'mon baby," Matt says as his hand moves to mine. I remove my hand from his crotch and unbutton his jeans, his lips meet mine again, his hand traveling to the nape of my head. I slowly walk towards the bed, guiding Matt with me, not breaking the kiss.
I break the kiss pulling and tugging Matt's stained shirt, signaling him to take it off. He pulls it off over his head, and I wrap my fingers around the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head. I watch his face as his eyes move to my boobs. I unbuckle my leather skirt, pulling it down along with my panties.
I give Matt a slight push, he sits down on the bed behind him and I get on top of him. I press my lips on his neck leaving sweet, wet kisses on his neck, sucking on it leaving a mark. I feel his hips buck up yarning for me, I start grinding my hips against his clothed dick and he lets out a moan. I push my lips on him as I feel his hands travel to the waistband of his boxers and jeans, I pick up my ass so he can push them down.
I feel his hard cock brush against my pussy before I grab it and guide it, aligning with my entrance. I slide down on it letting out a loud moan as I throw back my head. "You feel so good on my cock princess," Matt moans out. His lips leave a trail from my neck to my breasts as I bounce on his cock. "Oh my god Matt," I moan out.
His mouth wraps around my nipple, sucking on it as his hand rests on my ass, he gives it a slap before sliding up my waist, and my back and stopping at my other boob massaging it.
I fasten my speed as I feel the climax coming, I let out a loud moan, "I'm close Matt," I moan out, he wraps his hands around my back and turns me around, laying me in the bed, he's now on top of me, he starts pounding into me as he rests his elbow next to my head, his lips attacking my neck leaving dark marks on my skin.
My hand travels to his hair, my fingers playing around his fluffy hair, "don't stop Matt, ple-" I moan out and he starts thrusting deeper and faster, his hand travels down my thigh sliding it up and down before he guides it to wrap around his waist. I let out a moan as I felt the knot in my stomach about to burst. "I'm cumming," I scream out as I feel my walls tighten around his cock, my back arching.
He continues planting deep and fast thrusts, my back still arched, my legs lightly starting to shake around his waist. "Matt," I cry out. "Shhh baby, not yet, I know you missed this," he says his voice deep, he buries his head in the nape of my neck, fastening his speed, my hands traveling to his back, my fingernails digging into his skin, I hear him hiss through his moans as I leave marks on his back.
He picks up his head, "your pussy feels so good around me," he moans out. "Look at me," he says, his voice filled with lust as he starts to move even faster making my head roll back as the pleasure takes over my body and I feel a knot forming in my stomach once again.
"Look at me," his voice is demanding and strong, his hand wraps around my jaw pulling it down, making me look at him, his eyes are dark. "Did you miss my cock?" He asks keeping his thrusts strong and fast. I nod my head. "Words baby, I need words," he growls. "Fuck yes, yes Matt I missed your cock so bad," I blur out "Good girl," Matt says pushing his thumb against my lips. I part them open sucking on it.
My hands reach for the sheets as I grasp them in between my fingers. "I bet you rubbed your clit thinking of me," he says with a smirk on his face, my eyes widen as I let out a moan, "that's right baby, you missed me," Matt says as he pulls his thumb out of my mouth, his thumb travels to my clit as he starts rubbing circles on it. I throw my head back as I let out a moan, "I'm close, don't stop," I let him know.
He buries his head in the nape of my neck once again, pushing in me, "fuck you feel so good princess," he moans against my skin pushing me over the edge. "I- I-," I can't seem to finish my sentence as I feel my climax taking over me once again. I ride out my high as I feel him twitching inside of me, "fuck," he breathes out before planting his seed into me, his teeth coming in contact with my skin in order to not let out a moan.
He lays next to me, pulling me next to him, I lay my head on his chest and I look up, "we managed to bump into each other 3 times," I say and feel his fingers brushing through my hair. "I guess it's settled then," he says, his breathing still uneven, "we're a thing, so we don't have to bump into each other again," he lets out a chuckle looking outside the window, his hand traveling down to my ass, "wanna go to the beach?" He asks and a smile creeps on his lips. I nod my head and push my lips onto his, kissing him.
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atiny-piratequeen · 3 months
Against the Tide: Eighteenth Dal Segno (Ch.18 Pt. 1)
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Pairing: Poly OT8
•❥ Rating: Explicit (18+)
•❥ Genres: Heavy Angst, Action, Romance, Fluff, Smut, Fantasy
•❥ Series AU Tags: Demon Pirates, Supernatural, Poly Relationship (mxm), Past and Modern Day AU, Mythology Au, Slow Burn, Slice of Life, College Au, Rock Band Au, Happy Ending Endgame
•❥ Chapter Tws: Migraines, Nosebleeds, Blood, Guilt, Nightmares, Panic Attacks, Anxiety, Misunderstandings, Poison
•❥ Chapter Sws: Foursome, Consentacle Tentacles (lets go Whiro!), Temperature Play, Comfort Sex, Finger Sucking, Jacob's Ladder Piercing, Hair Pulling, Blowjob, Frottage, Bareback, Auralism, Scent Kink, Cum Swallowing, Biting, Dacryphilia
•❥ WC: 10.7k out of 25.5k
•❥ A/N: The blue hellsite's devs are full of shit and my chapter was too big to post all in one so now I have to break it up into two posts. It would be real lovely for my AtTiny enjoyers to make sure to reblog my work when they're finished :3 This was going to be the reveal chapter but it was already 25k so I decided to break it up. Which...was clearly the right option since tumblr's new posting limitations hates me and my big chapters lmao. Thank you for waiting and stay tuned :) Also, if you haven't yet, maybe check out my new universe Ataraxia while you wait for the next chapter?
•❥AO3 | Taglist Form (Please make sure your urls are updated and able to actually be tagged) | Commission Sheet𓆩⟡𓆪
•❥ ©atiny-piratequeen 2024. do not repost, translate, or use my works.
•❥Network Pings: @kwritersworld​ | @cultofdionysusnet​ | @k-vanity​
•❥← previous dal segno                 next dal segno –>
(banners used created by @cafekitsune thank you sm!)
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Friday, March 27th
-225 Days Remain-
Siyeon sat in the center of her room, eight flowers in front of her. She glanced from right to left, pursing her lips before she exhaled and shuffled her cards. Her deck had begun to call her, awakening her from a recurring dream she was in. 
“I hear you, give me a moment.” She spoke to the cards as she shuffled them, placing a card before each flower. The ex-pirates had yet to come back to her to ask to do another Trial. 
She did not press the issue, they had time before she would feel the need to pressure them to do so. 
A stream of sunlight came in through her blinds, landing on her face and that was the moment she stopped shuffling. She smiled softly at the sunbeam, pulling eight cards and placing them before each flower. 
“Yes, thank you, I’ll have a look.” She spoke directly to the ray of sun and then reached for the card she’d set in front of the gladiolus. 
“Jongho and the Evil God, huh? I seem to remember those two being… strangely the second most in sync and harmonious of the bunch. What do we have?” She spoke to herself, looking down. 
“Seven of pentacles…I see. For a god like Whiro…both of you are startingly consistent…and positive?” She placed the card aside and looked towards the next flower, Wooyoung’s purple hyacinth. 
Siyeon stared at it for a long while before flipping the card. 
“Reversed…five of wands.” She brought her knuckle to her lips, staring at the card. She grabbed her notebook, muttering something under her breath as she recorded her findings, tapping her pen against it. She glanced at the recent reading and the one she gave the men after their trial, pressing her lips together.
The sun witch set the card down without another word, sighing softly before her eyes landed on Mingi’s yellow carnation. 
“Two of swords….You’ve had an especially hard time for all of these centuries, haven’t you?” She set the card down and adjusted herself on the cushion she’d put under her knees. 
“I hope you can find your peace soon. I’d love to do a full pull for you but my cards are already painting a clear enough picture…” she glanced at San’s snapdragon and the card in front of it; a reversed five of swords. 
“A clear enough picture for all of you.” she closed her eyes, feeling the next card pull towards her. 
She set the reversed card down and looked towards Yeosang’s lavender. Her brows went up in surprise as she picked up the King of Wands. 
“Oh? How…curious. Are you to experience a breakthrough soon? Will it be your time to show and prove?” She smiled softly and looked beside it to Yunho’s chamomile. 
“Justice? Very fitting.” She hummed, curious it wasn’t tied to his recent romantic accomplishment, but given the theme of the cards, she figured the full picture would clear itself to her soon. 
“Seonghwa…reveresed death?” She stopped short, brows pinched together. 
That…wasn’t great. 
Far from it, actually. 
She looked to the final flower. 
A lotus, for Hongjoong. 
The card in front of his had an…oppresive amount of energy. She pursed her lips together, reaching towards it before startling as a knock came to her door. 
Siyeon placed her hand over her chest and stood, heading over to the door. When she opened it, Chungha looked up at her, smiling softly. 
“Sorry, did I wake you?” She inquired. Siyeon shook her head, relaxing her shoulders. 
“Not at all. What is it?”
“Breakfast is done. I didn’t want yours to get cold.” 
Siyeon looked at the spread she had and nodded, smiling softly. 
She could finish her read later. 
“I’m on my way, thank you for waking me, sweetheart.” She winked at Chungha, pretending cheekily that she didn’t notice the way the woman’s cheeks went bright red before the two walked down to the kitchen. 
In her room, a strong gust blew in through the curtain, scattering the flowers and their cards, sending them and the rest of Siyeon’s deck scattering throughout her room before the curtain settled, obscuring the rays of sun from coming inside.
Downstairs, Hongjoong was lacing up his shoes, adjusting to make sure they were situated properly on his feet before glancing between his coat and the one Yunho had let him borrow. 
Siyeon glanced at him, head tilted. 
“Heading out?” She inquired, leaning on the railing at the foot of the stairs. He glanced over his shoulder at her and nodded. 
“Yeah, I finished my breakfast already so I was going to go ahead and start placing our orders for everyone since Yeonjun had a slow start this morning and the others are still eating.” He sent her a sweet smile and turned to the door, holding Yunho’s jacket tight to himself as he moved to the handle. 
He turned to look at his friend, tilting his head. Siyeon smiled gently at him and nodded once. 
“Maybe we get you a belt for that coat, mm? We don’t want it dragging the ground, after all.”
Hongjoong blushed and nodded. 
“Right. I’d feel horrible if I returned it to him all torn and damaged. Thanks. I’ll ask Chungha-noona to make me one soon.” 
With that, he waved and left the home. Siyeon pushed herself off the railing and moved quietly to join the others. 
Outside, Hongjoong shuddered as the cold air hit him. He tucked his face into the coat collar and headed down the sidewalk toward his favorite shop. 
“I wonder how much longer it is until the seasons change…?” He mused to himself, smiling as the scent of flowers and dried tea leaves wafted gently up to his nose with every step. 
Idly, Hongjoong wondered how Yunho was. 
He hadn’t texted him yet this morning, too flustered from yet another dream he had about his encounters with both the doctor and the god inside of him.
Hongjoong’s boots crunched in the snow that coated the sidewalk before he stopped, lips pursed. 
He’d started out having…rather… avantgarde and very intimate dreams after meeting the men. But then he…remembered?? A man he was certain he had never seen before in his entire life and the whole ass god inside of him .
He remembered him, their intimate touches shared that were impossible for him. 
Just…who was Yunho? How did Hongjoong know him? Who was Hongjoong if somehow the man in question (and Geb) remembered him both inside and out. 
Hongjoong felt that sensation come back. The head splitting pain, the world spinning. It happened every time he tried to pry a bit too deep. Analyze the situation he was in. 
Just a bit more, let him think a bit more.
Gods are real….obviously.
Even if they weren’t, magic or super powers…that was absolutely real, he’d seen and felt it himself. 
If Yunho knew him, and Geb knew him, and he clearly held memories from somewhere , did that mean the others-
The head splitting feeling amped up and Hongjoong felt his throat begin to tighten. His body tensed and the telltale sensation of blood running down his nose startled him back into focusing and he coughed, stumbling slightly. 
He’d gotten weird, concerned glances from others on the side walk but it was a warm hand on his shoulder that made him focus. 
“Excuse me, do you need help? Huh-Hongjoong? Oh my goodness! Are you alright?!” 
He looked up and locked eyes with Yeosang, blinking in surprise as the slightly taller man hurriedly put his sleeve to Hongjoong’s nose, holding his arm to steady him. 
“Hey, hold on, let’s get you seated somewhere-San, can you open the door?” 
Hongjoong let Yeosang guide him into a nearby shop, cringing at the series of surprised gasps and chatter that erupted as the bloodied man and San came shuffling in. 
“I’m sorry, my friend got a nose bleed and he’s a bit dizzy, can we please have some water?”
Hongjoong looked up at Yeosang, feeling nauseous as the world continued to spin. 
‘I’ll stop for now, I’ll stop-’
He thought frantically, cringing as whatever it was that was bringing on the headsplitting migraine began to slowly ebb away, like a predator stalking their way back into the bushes. Never too far, simply waiting for the next time he had the audacity to try and figure out the chaos in his life. 
His vision focused on Yeosang, staring into soft, concerned eyes. 
“Can you hear me? What happened?”
San rushed over to where Yeosang had sat Hongjoong down, holding out a cup of water to him. 
“I uh…I have these bad migraines sometimes. I think it may be from stress or something. Sorry if I startled you. Uh, good morning-shit, I ruined your sleeve-” 
Yeosang looked at his bloodied sleeve and shook his head. 
“Clothes can be changed. Here, drink this.” He moved so Hongjoong could drink the water, giving him a bit of space. 
“Do they happen often?” San inquired, eyes scanning Hongjoong’s face for signs of injury. Hongjoong shook his head, taking some of the napkins the younger man had gotten together and dipping some in the water glass, he wiped his nose and sighed at the amount of crimson that he saw staining the white napkin. 
“Uh, not…often.” 
They weren’t happening at all until he met the group of seven. 
“They are happening more frequently, though.”
 Every time he flew a bit too close to the sun and tried to unravel whatever mystery had fallen into his lap. 
San and Yeosang exchanged a look with one another that Hongjoong pretended he wasn’t privy of before Yeosang placed his hand near his on the table. 
“Where are you headed? If you don’t mind, can we head out with you? Not that I don’t believe you but I don’t want to risk you having another bad nosebleed…” Yeosang trailed off and Hongjoong nodded without hesitation. 
“No, I don’t take any offense to it. I was heading to the cafe to order some things for the others.” He sent them a tired smile. Yeosang nodded and stood, offering his clean hand to Hongjoong. The pianist took it and stood. 
“I’ll wash my hands and be out in a moment, then we can head out if that’s alright with you?” Yeosang tilted his head and Hongjoong nodded, watching as Yeosang headed to the bathroom, bowing in thanks to the staff members of the small shop who helped them out. 
Hongjoong glanced over at San, finding the man already staring at him, a stormy expression in his eyes.
“You look like I’ve died, San-ah. I’m alright.” Hongjoong tried to joke, but San’s brows pinched together in displeasure at the metaphor.
He glanced away before looking back to Hongjoong as he spoke. 
“I…I'm not good at healing ailments and helping nurse others back to health like the others. I just kind of. Lock up and panic."
Hongjoong blinked at the honest way San spoke to him. 
Something else is there, isn’t it?
Also, he didn’t mind that San felt that way, but were they close? Close enough that he’d be this torn up about him having a nose bleed and dizzy spell?
There was more. His head was pounding once again, so he knew he was on the right track. Whatever…that was supposed to be.
“I’m back!” 
Hongjoong looked up when Yeosang came back and decided he’d approach San another time with his inquiry. He waved and apologized to the staff and lead the way out of the store, the March chill once again blanketing over him. 
The shock of the temperature change helped him focus a bit as he walked with the other two men. 
“How is everyone at home? It’s not often I see you guys split up.” Hongjoong smiled and looked at both of them. 
“I’m just checking out some grocery stores to see if they have the ingredients I need to make Seonghwa his birthday dinner.” Yeosang responded, sighing softly. 
“He’s been…under the weather recently and I’m sure he has no excitement for his birthday. So I want to give him something hopefully he’s never had before…or maybe something that reminds him of home…Oh, or even-” Yeosang began speaking to himself, muttering the names of things Hongjoong had never heard before. He was unsure what was supposed to be an ingredient and what was supposed to be the dish itself. 
“And you, San? Are you out here looking for a gift for Seonghwa?” Hongjoong turned his attention to the other man. 
San's fingers tightened on the handle of the coffee shop door. He paused, eyes focused on the worn brass of the handle before he shook his head. 
“No, I’m just helping out Yeosang. I’ll help him cook the meal. I’m not the best at giving gifts.” He rubbed his neck and pulled the door open, ushering the two men inside. 
It wasn’t the first time he’d heard one of them say that. Last time, it was Wooyoung, but he figured it was a sore spot and opted to leave it be, looking towards the counter. 
“Well, if I can help, please let me know. I can’t put on another big performance for a while since Yunho and Seonghwa’s birthdays are so close to each other….but if you need a singer or a keyboard player, I’m your man.” He sent them a big smile and both of them sent him a grateful one back. 
“We’ll certainly keep that in mind, Hyung.” Yeosang laughed. 
“Thank you very much.” Wooyoung nodded before looking to the menu.
“While we’re here, we might as well get the others coffee.” He mused. 
The three fell into a comfortable lull, discussing different menu items as they ordered for their respective groups of loved ones. 
Outside, a few flakes of crystalline snowflakes began to fall. Soon, others joined them, as the day’s gentle snow covered the city in a fresh blanket of white. 
“What do you mean e n d of the world?”
“If you don’t succeed…the world itself as you know it may fall to utter ruin. I don’t want to…pressure you, but if you don’t succeed this time, there’s a very real possibility you won’t get another chance.”
“Aren’t you supposed to, like, be in some college classes or something, pretending you’re a normal boy or something?” Jaemin squinted, holding a cup of coffee as Seonghwa sat in his living room, books scattered all around him. 
“I’m sorry, I just…I need to look into a few things.” 
“I let him in, don’t worry. As long as someone is seriously pursuing knowledge, my home is open.” Renjun lightly scolded as he made a sweeping motion with his hand, plucking a book from the top shelf with his magic and bringing it down for the ice prince to have a look at. 
“ Your house? I live here too, and it’s way too early for me to have someone rummaging around with books everywhere.”
“Jaemin, by the gods, you are a god of time , just rewind or some shit or put yourself in a chronic stasis so you can sleep for as long as you want, then.” The two began to bicker and Seonghwa perked. 
“A god of time? Could you perhaps-”
“Absolutely the fuck not. No . I am not interfering with any curse brought onto you and your pirate boyfriends because you pissed off Poseidon’s daughters or whatever. Besides, it takes a LOT of energy for me to rewind time and it has been centuries since your little uh oh. To rewind so far back a alter so many lives for the sake of you eight would cause catastrophic levels of damage control. And think of the PARADOXES-”
“No, I’m not asking you to go back.” 
Jaemin paused mid-rant and blinked at Seonghwa, squinting. 
“I would like to ask if it is possible for you to…put me in a kind of…stasis, as Renjun put it, so that I may train? How do I describe it…”
Jaemin deadpanned and pinched his brow. 
“Dude, it’s an anime concept you just hit me with.”
“...I do not know what you mean. Are you saying you cannot do it?” 
Renjun snickered behind his hand while Jaemin twitched and crossed his arms, eyeing the prince. 
“You all really like demanding things of us. What exactly is in it for me? Why on Earth would I exhaust so much magic so you can have some shonen anime montage?” 
Seonghwa looked at him for a while before he plucked a few books from the floor, beginning to straighten up the mess he had made as he began researching. 
“I know I’m asking for a lot with nothing good to offer in exchange.” he sighed and put the stack of books beside him, pressing his hands together to the floor and bowing, letting his forehead touch the floor. 
Renjun and Jaemin looked at the ex prince in surprise as he stayed bowed. 
“But I have a hunch on what we’re facing if we fail. I can’t do this alone. I love my boys, but I don’t think we can do it without any aid as we are now. Please help me. Help us . I will be forever indebted to you. I just…I’m so tired, Jaemin. I just want to protect them. I want to save them, myself…and apparently, the world.” 
Renjun’s sympathetic expression shifted to one of confusion. Jaemin squinted and walked over to the bowing pirate, hands on his hips. 
“What the hell does that mean?” 
Seonghwa rose his head, grabbing the book he’d placed at the top of his pile, opening it to a page and turning it towards the time god. 
His eyes drifted down, widening as he stared at the page. 
“What…about it?”
“If I don’t get my Captian back and he doesn’t remember us, that thing’s getting loose. The God of the Sun didn’t tell me explicitly, but I have a strong hunch I’m right.” 
Jaemin ran a hand through his hair, swearing. 
“You got a week, pretty boy. I’ll prepare. Come back then. Bring your A game because I can’t do the stasis too many times without fucking over my powers and if I ever truly get exhausted, time itself is going to be all out of whack.” He warned. Seonghwa nodded and smiled, grabbing the books he’d be borrowing. 
“Thank you, I will work hard. Thank you. I need to go before I’m late.”
Jaemin frowned, watching the taller man leave, shaking his head. 
“Park Seonghwa.” Jaemin called to him, eyes hardened. Seongha glanced over his shoulder at him. 
“You better not be late. I hate having to waste time.”
Seonghwa nodded and hurried out of view, the wind whipping his blonde locks over his forehead before the door closed behind him. 
A beat of silence passed between Renjun and Jaemin before the latter sighed.
“Gods dammit, how did I get roped into this shit?”
Renjun pushed his glasses up and watched Seonghwa leave through the window. 
“The sun witch girl did tell us things were bad, Chronos.” 
Jaemin scowled, tapping his foot. 
“I still don’t have to like it, Thoth. A simple curse should never have spiraled into whatever clusterfuck this is.” he hissed. Renjun hummed and nodded, moving to the kitchen. 
“I can’t say I disagree.” 
“ Mon Dieu , what the hell happened to your arm?! Are you hurt?!” Seonghwa was startled when he finally rejoined with the others, eyes landing on the bright red of Yeosang’s sleeve. 
The smaller of the two ex princes sent him a soft smile, shaking his head. 
“No, our Captian had a nosebleed on the street and San and I helped out. I’ve long since fallen out of the habit of carrying handkerchiefs with me so I didn't have anything else to use at the time….” Yeosang trailed off, noticing the heavy-looking satchel settled against Seonghwa's hip.
“Is that why you were missing at breakfast and were late this morning to class?” He inquired softly, eyes locking with Seonghwa's.
The other ex prince glanced down before looking at him. 
‘I'll know if you lie to me.’ Yeosang didn't break his gaze with Seonghwa.
“I stopped by Renjun, Jaemin, and Jenos's place. I wanted to look into a few things and see if I can come up with a plan of attack for breaking the curse as quickly as possible.”
Yeosang continued staring at him before his shoulders subtly relaxed and he cupped Seonghwa’s cheek. 
“Can I help?”
Seonghwa pressed his face into Yeosang’s palm, the chill of his skin contrasting with the warmth of the kitsune's.
“Yes… I just haven't gotten to that part of my brainstorming. But… I will need everyone's help.” He closed his eyes, simply enjoying the intimacy. 
Yeosang rubbed the curve of his cheek with his thumb before glancing behind him.
Yunho had met up with Hongjoong, smiling wide with his arm around his shoulder and Jongho and Moa trailing not too far behind them, the quartet engaged in light-hearted chatter. 
Chan, and Felix had roped Mingi's introverted self into an animated conversation about something that seemed to have made him comfortable after the initial shock of the two singling him out to talk to. 
Wooyoung and San were leaning against a wall a bit further off, sharing a pastry Wooyoung had gotten this morning and talking softly, not even Yeosang could hear them. He wondered for a moment if they were talking at all, or simply reading each other’s lips before he turned his attention back to Seonghwa.
“Just let us know what you'll need and I can assist. I've never been the greatest at organizing anything in combat, but food is always a good icebreaker for motivating troops.” He joked, pulling Seonghwa into a kiss.
Seonghwa let him, melting slightly into the hold before breaking it, pressing their heads together. 
“I appreciate you.”
Yeosang smiled. 
“And I appreciate you.”
Hongjoong glanced over his shoulder at the others before looking up to Yunho, nudging him lightly. 
“Do you want to invite everyone over? Have a movie date or something at my place?” He inquired. Yunho smiled and nodded. 
“I’ll ask the others. 8 sound good?”
Hongjoong smiled and nodded, a pep in his step afterward. 
“Wait, you’re not coming?” 
San frowned, watching as Seonghwa placed books down on the dining room table, spreading them meticulously. 
Wooyoung, Yeosang, Yunho, and Jongho all stood near the door, staring at the ice prince in shock. 
“Non, I will pass this time. Please tell everyone I said hello and I hope you all have a good evening. I’ll be up when you get home.” He waved at them and an immediate curtain of confliction fell over the men. 
Mingi decided he wouldn’t be joining either, telling the others he’d be familiarizing himself with the new culture they were surrounded with so he wouldn’t stand out so much when he spoke to the others surrounding their resurrected Captain. 
No one believed him, but for the sake of avoiding an argument, no one pressed him. 
“Maybe we should reschedule…” Wooyoung trailed off and Seonghwa waved a hand, cutting him off briskly. 
“Nonsense. It’s been…centuries. Please, you all deserve to unwind we have enough looming over us. Go.” He spoke a bit more firmly, leaving less room for them to contest him. 
“Next time,” Yeosang spoke up, his eyes landing on Seonghwa’s. 
“-next time, you’re coming.” His voice matched Seonghwa’s authoritative one and the older immortal smiled softly. 
The remaining five ex-pirates filtered out into the cold night, leaving Seonghwa in the quiet home. 
As soon as the door closed, his shoulders slumped, his eyes landing on the scattered papers before him. 
Gods, he felt like he was going mad. 
“A week. I have a week. Come up with a plan, Park Seonghwa.” 
He spoke to himself, grabbing a pen and a notepad and beginning to scribble wildly, jotting down every single plan of action that came to him. 
Devise a plan, find the flaws, throw it out, repeat. 
Adjust the plan, weigh the variables, revise once more, repeat.
This won’t work. 
That won't work, either.
It won’t work. 
None of it. 
Is this all a strategist like him has to offer?
Seonghwa grit his teeth and ran his hand through his hair. 
“Come on, Seonghwa. It’s not that hard.” He scolded himself and looked back at the papers around him. 
From the top of the staircase, Mingi glanced down, watching Seonghwa work almost manically, muttering to himself and making plan after plan, only to crumple them up and toss them away.
“....” The ex boatswain pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and turned to leave, disappearing back down the hall.
“Oh…they stayed home?” Hongjoong frowned after San delivered the news. The “younger” man nodded, putting his hands in his pockets. 
“Mingi wanted to study and Hyung is keeping him company.” He lied without missing a beat and Hongjoong glanced at the remaining men. 
“Are you sure you don’t want to reschedule? We have these little family game nights like, multiple times a week-”
“We made them promise to come next time.” Yeosang piped up, sending him a reassuring smile as he held up a platter of snacks he made. 
“I made these. Where would you like me to put them?”
Hongjoong glanced at the platter and smiled, reaching over and taking it from him. Their fingers brushed against one another lightly as he did, and Yeosang almost recoiled at the small static shock that ran through him the moment they did. 
“Oh? Oh thank gods, they brought food, c’mon, get out of the doorway and get inside.” Yuta’s voice startled them all to attention as he leaned against the staircase. 
Jongho noticed the subtle headcount Yuta did with his eyes before arching a single, sharp brow. 
‘Keep an eye on that one, yeah?’ Whiro growled inside of him. He hummed in agreement before taking the first few steps into the home after toeing off his shoes at the door. 
The others followed suit, following Hongjoong and Yuta deeper into the home. 
“Oh! Just in time, I just counted and set up the controllers for smash bros, and Yeonjun-ah found the Uno deck for those who need to sit out between rounds.” Chan greeted them with a big smile while Suzuka pointed to the table at the corner of the room. 
“You can set the food there. Moa and Yeonjun have the drinks set up.” 
The boys dispersed into different groups, some curious to play smash brothers, some watching over as Chungha, Felix, and Yuta showed them how to play Uno. 
Hongjoong relaxed into Yunho’s chest, sitting comfortably in his lap as he explained how to play smash brothers, occasionally stealing kisses from the man behind him between character selection screens. 
It was a bummer that they weren’t all together, but he intended on making the next gathering even more eventful so Mingi and Seonghwa could enjoy it just as much. 
“Goodness, they might as well stay the night.” Siyeon exhaled softly, taking a blanket and pulling it over Hongjoong, Yunho, and Jongho. The trio lay in a heap on the floor, sprawled over each other after an exciting series of Uno matches. 
The shadows shifted along Jongho’s skin for a moment. Small, subtle movements Siyeon caught from her closeness, pulling the blanket snugly against them before settling back onto him. 
She smiled. So it was true. The God of Evil and darkness wasn't so bad after all now that he'd been stuck inside of the ex-gunner, hm?
Curiously, she moved her finger to poke Jongho’s arm, biting back the small laugh that nearly bubbled out as a shadow subtly pushed her finger back. The lines shifted before settling once more.
It was endearing. 
“I’ll grab some pillows.” Chungha disappeared down the hall and Siyeon looked around, finding that San and Wooyoung had fallen asleep with their heads in Yeosang’s lap as he gently pet them, watching over them all with a quiet gaze. 
“You are still awake? Aren’t you tired?” Siyeon approached him, cleaning up some of the refreshment platters that were on the coffee table. 
“We all are. I’ll rest in a moment.” He spoke softly, gently scratching his nails along their scalps. Siyeon nodded and continued cleaning up. Chungha helped her put the pillows under Hongjoong, Jongho, and Yunho before passing Yeosang one of the others. 
“You sure you want to rest there? You may have a sore neck if you stay like that.” Chungha warned him. Yeosang sent her a soft smile. 
“I’ll be okay, Noona. Thank you.” 
She nodded and turned to Siyeon. 
“Unnie, I’ll be in the kitchen cleaning up. Are you heading to bed?”
“No, my sweet. I’ll be there in a moment to help out. You shouldn’t have to clean up after everyone.”
Chungha’s cheeks went bright pink and she quickly darted into the kitchen, leaving Siyeon alone with the slumbering boys and Yeosang. 
“Siyeon, how long have you known Hongjoong?” 
She smiled softly and put the Uno deck away on the shelf in the room. 
“Mmm, in his last lifetime or this one?” 
The kitsune perked and stared at her, following her movements before she knelt down in front of him. 
“Tell you what. If you want to sit down with me and talk a bit, I am willing to do so.” She looked towards the men in his lap before meeting his eyes. 
“I’d love to do a proper reading on you all one day. No charge, of course.” 
As she turned to leave, Yeosang’s voice called out once more.
“What…what was the old Hongjoong like? The one from…your other life time?” He squinted and tilted his head. Siyeon laughed lightly and looked at him over her shoulder. 
“Joong? He was a chaotic jackass but he was the bestest friend a girl could ever hope for. That’s why,” She looked to the pianist, his face tucked into Yunho’s clavicle. 
“That’s why I’m honored to protect his reincarnation and help you all. I won’t ever get my Joong back, but I’ll give everything to help you all save our little artist and your Captian.” Siyeon walked away after quietly saying her peace. 
If Yeosang noticed the quiver in her voice, he was polite enough not to mention it, settling into the couch, his hands going back to running through San and Wooyoung’s hair. 
Saturday, March 26th
-224 Days Remain-
Mingi heard the door to his room opened and was fully alert in an instant. The stress had made him a lighter sleeper than usual, and while he didn’t open his eyes immediately, he was tensed and on alert. 
“Cheese, can you please stay here so the house isn’t empty when he wakes?”
Mingi’s brow twitched. 
“Cheese will remain by his side but….where are you going, Master Captian?”
“Seonghwa is fine, Cheese. You needn’t waste your time calling me things I have not earned.”
“Okay, Master Captian Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa paused staring at the dog. Cheese wagged his tale, tongue out and delightfully happy. Seonghwa let out an amused exhale before he scratched the Jindo behind the ears. 
“Nevermind. I’m going out to train. If anyone needs me, please come get me, okay?” He lowered his hand, offering his scent to the Jindo out of a formality. 
The spirit hunting dog had long since imprinted their scents into him once they got him.
Still, the canine sniffed at his chilled hand before letting out a single affirming gruffaw. Cheese licked his hand and climbed into bed with Mingi, curling up at his side and settling down as Seonghwa turned his back and headed towards the door. 
He glanced over his shoulder at Mingi, his lips twitching up in a mournful smile. 
He really wasn’t very good at playing dead, was he?
Seonghwa left without audibly saying he knew the other man was awake, heading down the stairs and out of the house. 
As soon as the chilled air touched his face, his eyes sharpened. 
He had a lot to do today.
Back in their home, Mingi counted the minutes in his head before he felt Cheese nudge his hand. 
“Cheese smells the change in your scent. Cheese believes this is…’ apprehension’? Would you like to ‘vent’? Cheese may not be the smartest, but Cheese is a very good listener.”
Mingi opened his eyes and sighed. 
“I don’t know what the hell I should do, Cheese.”
Cheese shuffled closer, resting his head on Mingi’s chest. 
“Cheese believes what is often said is to ‘follow your heart’? Cheese has no idea what this means but Cheese is good at following. What does your heart say, Windy Master?” 
Mingi worried his bottom lip between his teeth. 
For obvious reasons, he was still…rather sore about some of his past lovers, and a huge part of him still wasn’t sure how he felt about this ‘new’ Hongjoong. He’d told him that he had no issues with him to quell some of the worry in the pianist, but was that really true?
No, of course not.
Absurd as it may be, wasn’t he betraying his Captian by falling for this…lookalike? 
It seems Mingi didn’t adapt to change as easily as the others. 
Part of Mingi felt horrible, harboring these feelings for someone who truly didn’t deserve it, but he still needed to sort through some of the shock before he could see himself…’letting it go’. 
“Captian, what do I do….?” He muttered into the stillness of the room. 
Joong felt his body getting violently jostled as the dragon once more began to move, dragging his tail along the floor as he rolled to his feet. 
He’d ducked back into the safety of the silken fur of his tail, but he couldn’t resist peeking out more often than he had been before, staring at the crystal whenever he had the chance. 
The man inside of it. No doubt, was him. 
Or…a version of him? He wasn’t sure what the fuck was going on at this point, if he were being honest. 
He’d never been a religious or spiritual man-that was more Siyeon’s thing-but he did believe in things he could see. 
Right now, there were ‘two hims’, a fucking dragon, and the monster the dragon had nearly killed once he found this crystal. 
It’s times like this, the motorcyclist wished he did have the guidance of his best friend. Siyeon always seemed to have a calm head and a knack for explaining things that could not be explained. 
Joong flinched as the dragon roared and slammed its head against the crack in the crystal, grunting and possibly swearing in a language he did not understand. 
He peeked out between the dragon’s bouts of frenzy and saw the small crack grow just a bit larger. He couldn’t help the anxious clench in the pit of his stomach.
The ground around him shook violently, and through those motions, Hongjoong startled awake, looking around. 
He was…in a palace, as it was, though as he looked out from the carved jade columns, he saw ocean life. He looked below him, finding the familiar scene of his feet causing ripples with every step, though they illuminated the way as he walked down the corridor. 
The shaking only grew more violent, and Hongjoong found himself stumbling. 
“What is happening?!”
His body jerked left and right before he grit his teeth and took off running down the hall. 
Where is he going? What is he doing?
These questions floating around his mind did not stop him as he threw open the doors before him, storming out. 
“Go up to the surface and find out what is causing those awful tremors. I am the Lord of these waters.”
Hongjoong looked for the person speaking, but found that everyone in the room were staring at him, their heads knelt down. 
A hulking beast stood to his full height. 
“I will go, Milord. Please leave it to me.” 
Hongjoong could not find his voice, watching as the man left. He glanced at the others in the room, pressing his lips together in a line before he turned around to leave.
He found that his head was raised higher than it was before, and he stood much taller now. The watery halls now had creatures bustling through them, all of whom scrambled to get out of his way when he walked by them.  
They uttered terrified ‘good days’, and ‘hello Milords’ to him before scurrying out of his way. Others looked upon him as if he was some kind of magnificent being.
“You look radiant today, Milord.”
“Thank you for the rains you’ve blessed the lands with, My King.”
Hongjoong walked until he reached a room he believed to be his wash room. 
It was…gaudy, certainly worth millions. He’d had plenty of dreams but this one had a bit more glitter and gold (or, rather, jade) than ever before. 
He sighed and looked to the wash basin, finding it had no knobs or faucet. His brows furrowed, but he found water began to shift and swirl around the space above the jade basin. He reached out hesitantly, startling at the turquoise scales and claws he had been met with when he brought his hands up. His lips parted in surprise as the water danced between them. 
‘This is weird.’
He looked up at the mirror, finding the image staring back at him was of his own. Two sided hair and all. He reached up to press his clawed hand to the glass and blinked. 
In an instant, the image shifted. 
Scales, the same familiar clawed hand, and piercing jade eyes.
One was a bit dimmer than the other. 
Hongjoong startled. The man looked exactly like him, but there was a frightening anger in his gaze that made a chill run down his spine. 
The pianist noticed his hand was back to normal and moved to pull it away from the mirror. As soon as he did, the clawed hand reached through, grabbing him sharply and yanking him through. 
Head over heels, he stumbled through the mirror, falling. He couldn’t find his voice, however, simply staring into those piercing jade eyes, staring back as the two of them hurtled towards the ground.
“Well, well, well~”
Hongjoong opened his mouth to ask who this man was, but the moment he did, water flooded into his lungs.
(_¸.•’´(_¸.•’´*♫♪♫♪*`’•.¸_)`’• .¸_)
“Hgh?!” Hongjoong jolted up, knocking into Jongho and making the man jolt awake. Whiro twitched along his skin, watching Hongjoong from the dark lines. Yunho was a bit slower to rise, but he looked up at Hongjoong, rubbing his eye. 
“Baby? Are you alright? ” Both he and Geb responded on instinct and Hongjoong coughed, touching his thoat in a panic as the last tendrils of the strange dream unraveled. He touched his face and looked around, unfocused. 
As if on instinct, his eyes scanned the room, counting. 
Yunho, Jongho, Yeosang, Wooyoung, San. 
Mingi and Seonghwa, where are they? He needs them all together, something dangerous is approaching he needs to protect his cre-
His eyes focused in an instant to the sound of Jongho’s voice as he cupped his face abruptly, pressing his forehead to his and staring directly into his eyes. 
“Look at me, breathe, okay?” 
Hongjoong stared, wringing his hands into the blanket Siyeon put over the three. From behind him, he could feel Yunho loop a hand around his waist, a sturdy support while he looked into Jongho’s eyes. 
“Where are you right now, Hyung?” Jongho’s voice spoke strongly and Hongjoong’s eyes broke contact only to scan the room. 
He’d woken the other three, and he felt his brows pull up, guilty as Wooyoung, San, and Yeosang scrambled over themselves to get closer, hurriedly also asking him if he was alright.
“Focus, Hyung. Where are you?” 
“Yes, you’re home. Who am I?”
“Good. Can you breathe? Does your chest hurt?” 
Hongjoong looked down, finding Jongho had placed a gentle palm over his ribs. He found himself slightly melting, putting his hand over Jongho’s, shaking his head. 
“No…No. I’m..I’m alright. Just a bad dream. I’m sorry.” He finally let out a relaxing sigh and smiled at the men around him. 
“Thank you. Sorry to worry you all.”
“We don’t mind.” San spoke, leaning out of his space once he was sure the man was doing okay. 
“So uh…good morning?” 
The six men startled, looking over and finding Felix and Changkyun staring at them curiously from the entrance of the kitchen. 
“Everything alright? Hongjoong?” Changkyun spoke firmly, eyes landing on the hand Jongho still had on Hongjoong’s chest and the…compromising position it looked like he was in.
Hongjoong went beet red and cleared his throat. 
“Yes, it’s not anything dirty, I swear.” He stammered. Changkyun’s eyes narrowed, unimpressed. A single, pierced eyebrow rose and Felix pursed his lips. 
“I didn’t say it was, but since you so graciously brought it up-” Changkyun cut his gaze over to Jongho like a disapproving older brother. 
“He had a nightmare. He was having a panic attack, it’s not anything inappropriate, Hyung.” Jongho spoke for himself without tripping over his words. Blunt, honest, and to the point. 
A moment passed before the poet’s shoulders relaxed. Changkyun seemed to appreciate it and take it for truth, if the way his eyes softened were anything to go by. 
“You’ve been having a lot of weird ones lately. C’mon, we’ll start some breakfast and get your mind off it. Let’s make today a lazy day.”
Hongjoong’s shoulders relaxed as Changkyun turned to go into the kitchen. Felix lingered for a moment longer before following his hyung into the next room. 
“Weird ones? Have you been having nightmares a lot recently, Hyung?” Wooyoung inquired, a frown settled on his face. 
Hongjoong looked around at them, rubbing his neck. 
“I’ve always had vivid dreams, they’ve just been vamping up recently.” He explained.
Yeosang watched him, noticing the small change in his scent. 
‘That’s not the full truth, is it? Is it us? Are we why you’re having the influx of dreams?’
“I’ll go help with breakfast.” Yeosang stood, dusting his clothes off. He wasn’t really…one to confront others, and he figured it would do more harm than good to pry into it a bit more. 
Instead, he’d do what he was great at, healing through cooking. 
“Ngh! Again! I can go again!”
“Forgive me if this sounds…mmm…rude, but if you intended on training, why are the others not also with you?”
Seonghwa wiped away the bead of sweat that had rolled down his brow and tightened his grip on his falcatas. 
“They will be, I just-”
Across from him, Miyavi sighed, lowering the gleaming bow he had in his hands. 
“Tearing yourself up for the past is not how you all are to overcome this. The trials, making my son remember, it its all a group effort. You called me out to train with you early in the morning and you’ve been holding your own well but-”
“ They will be involved .” Seonghwa shifted his posture, cutting the Sun God off. 
“I just. How can I expect them to follow my lead if I’m weak? I had them jump into the Trial and all of them were worse off because of it. No one was ready, not even me, but if I can get better, become stronger, I can-”
“Seonghwa, who is this for?”
The ice prince paused, staring at the deity as he dispelled his bow. 
“I don’t take pleasure in senseless violence. If you can answer for me, with full honesty, who is this for , I’ll happily train with you and give my all. I understand your urgency to have my so remember, but if your body and mind is torn up, will you truly be able to help yourself? Let alone the others.” he walked over to Seonghwa, staring down at the ex pirate. 
“Have you even realized you’ve been healing slower with each of my bows that have pierced your skin? That’s enough for today.” he sent Seonghwa an understanding smile. 
“Be kinder to yourself, Mr. Park Seonghwa.”
Seonghwa’s shoulders slumped as the god walked away from him, leaving him alone with his own racing thoughts in the abandoned warehouse they’d been training in. 
His grip on his falcatas tightened, the ice one let out a cracking noise, but did not shatter and Seonghwa’s eyes narrowed. 
He didn’t need soft words of encouragement. He didn’t need rest . He needed results .
Seonghwa let out a harsh breath, summoning a series of ice dummies, completely freezing the floor over in the warehouse. 
Again, go again.
It’s the only way.
“I’ll be back. Cheese, c’mon.”
The group of ex pirates looked up as San stood, whistling for Cheese to follow him. 
“ Cheese is right beside you, Blood Master!”
“San, it’s freezing outside, where are you going?” Yeosang inquired. San pressed his lips in a line and looked towards the stairs before looking back at the others. 
“Seonghwa hasn’t come back, you know. We haven’t seen him all day.” He reminded them. Everyone tensed, and Mingi fidgeted. The others hadn’t gotten back in until late in the afternoon and he’d…neglected to tell any of them that Seonghwa had left so early all by his lonesome at that ungodly hour. 
It really slipped his mind, he was just excited to have them return so he wasn’t alone (sans Cheese) with his own conflicted thoughts. 
Yeosang looked at the time and startled, setting aside the food he was prepping. 
“Gods above, I didn’t realize the hour. I’m coming with you.” 
Wooyoung stood, followed by Jongho and Yunho, with all of them quickly trying to devise a plan to break up into pairs to go see if they could locate the prince-
“The Master Captian is here!”
All heads snapped towards the door as Seonghwa walked through, his face pale and his posture slouched. He looked up when he felt everyone’s eyes land on him. 
“Oh, pardon. I didn’t mean to interrupt-”
“Where the HELL have you been?!” 
“Are you okay?! Where were you?!”
Seonghwa rose his hands in surprise, startled by the burst of noise as the ex pirates rushed him, all chattering over top of one another. 
“I’m alright-Goodness, I did not mean to worry anyone, I was merely out training.”
They all paused, staring at the tired man as he gave each of them a kiss, properly greeting them before he rose his head to look into Mingi’s direction, waving at him. 
“...Good evening, Mingi.”
Mingi glanced away. 
Seonghwa took it for what it was, though he smiled at not being ignored. 
“Pardon me, everyone. I’m very sore and I’ll be heading to bed after a shower. I’m sorry if I worried any of you with my absence.”
They watched him leave, glancing at one another. Cheese trotted after him, his tail curled and wagging as he occasionally nudged Seonghwa’s hand with his head. 
“Cheese has made sure the Masters are safe in your absence. cHEESE DEMANDS PRAISE FOR HIS WORK!”
Seonghwa laughed gently and summoned a bone made of ice, handing it to the canine. Cheese took it, running back and forth through the hallways, playfully growling in excitement.
Tomorrow, he’d be up early again, he had an idea of who he could ask to help him train if the Sun God was unavailable.
“We should be doin’ more too, you know.” Whiro spoke once Seonghwa and Cheese relocated. Jongho nodded in agreement as the shadows rose from his skin. 
Wooyoung and San exchanged a look, worry on the formers while an unreadable look was on the latter’s. Yeosang touched his neck gently, remembering the burning feeling of humiliation at being defeated so soundly by Yugyeom during their first fight. 
The kitsune grit his teeth and frowned.
March 31st
-221 Days Remaining-
“Is everything alright?” Hongjoong leaned over, running his hand through Yunho’s chocolate locks. Yunho put his head on Hongjoong’s shoulder, gently breathing in his scent. 
“I feel…like I’ve made a mistake.”
Hongjoong felt a pit in his stomach, hand tensing. Was Yunho referring to him…? They did start this relationship abruptly…
Yunho, sensing this, looked up instantly. 
“No, not you! Gods, no. I’m sorry my love.” He pressed a kiss to Hongjoong’s cheek and the musician relaxed for a moment before tilting his head. 
“So then…what? If you don’t mind me asking?” 
“I…said something before to Seonghwa and I think I….I’ve put a lot of pressure on him and that’s not..at all helpful. I don’t know what to do.” He sighed, closing his eyes. Hongjoong frowned and tilted his head. 
“Pressure? Pressure in regards to what?” 
Yunho kept his eyes closed, but sighed. 
“I…I’m sorry. I don’t think I can say yet without hurting you.” 
Hongjoong looked down, lips pursed. 
So it was in regards to…whatver the hell this supernatural thing was that was going on. The memories, the migraines, the nosebleeds, the dreams. 
“Is there anything I can do to help?” He inquired, pressing a soft kiss to Yunho’s head as he leaned on him. Yunho sighed again. 
“We can’t always expect you to fix our messes. I think…our reliance on one person always fixing things and leading us is part of why we’re not seeing eye to eye.”
Hongjoong stared at him. There it was again. That phrasing. It implied he’d been in this position many times before. ‘Fixing their messes’, as Yunho put it. His temple began throbbing in subtle dull pulses, but he decided not to pry too much. 
He could read between the lines, though. 
“So…have you all came together to do something for him since he seems to be stressed? I haven’t seen him in days, are you all sending him out of the house for birthday preparations? I haven’t seen Mingi, either.”
Yunho sighed. 
“Mingi has been keeping to himself, he takes a bit longer to warm up to new people so he’s been declining coming out. 
Hongjoong was about to nod in understanding when he felt his vision distort slightly. He squinted, rubbing his head before hearing distant voices rattling around in his head. 
“_____, I made friends with a shopkeep in town and she gave me a new book! Do you mind reading it with me?”
“Of course I don’t mind, baby. Let’s go get Seonghwa and we can read it together. Who knows, there may be a poem in there for you?”
“Hey, ____…?”
“Yes, Mingi?”
“Thank you…so much, for giving me the opportunity to meet so many new people and see so many new things. I can’t thank you enough”
“...Heh, of course, baby. I’d do anything for you, y’know?”
Hongjoong tensed. 
Yunho noticed and turned to him, tilting his head. 
He blinked, focusing back. 
“Sorry, I spaced out. Do you think I can help with anything?” 
Yunho smiled and nodded. 
“I think I focus better when I hold you close. Mind if I test that out?” He smiled boyishly and Hongjoong shoved his chest lightly, muttering something about him being cheesy, all whilst leaning into his arms for more cuddles. 
He couldn’t help the small downward tug to his lips, his mind wandering in concern for a different tall man.
“You’re holding back. I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Prince .” 
Seonghwa scowled and threw up a shield of ice, blocking a glowing blade. It’s owner bounced off of the shield and spun on their heel, rolling their neck and adjusting the large bladed tonfas in their hands. 
“We’ve been fighting for hours and you’ve only cut me once. You are taking this seriously, right? Don’t waste time I could be spending training on my own if you’re going to bullshit me.”
“I would hate to have to explain to my beloved why his brother is dead otherwise.” Seonghwa growled. 
Across from him, Yuta tilted his head, a bewildered look on his face before he threw his head back, peals of laughter rumbling from his chest. 
“ You ? Kill me? With that stuffy, old ass way of fighting? You wish .” He taunted, standing straighter and circling Seonghwa. The blonde mirrored him, carefully matching his steps, eyes narrowed. 
Gods above, if he knew how snarky this one would be, he would’ve asked Moa or Suzuka to help him, or even Whiro and Jongho. 
Yuta’s foot shifted, and Seonghwa had a fraction of a moment to brace himself as the man lunged towards him. 
“The cut you hit me with has already healed. Won’t even bruise in the morning. Can’t say the same for your wounds.” He teased, slashing downwards and tearing through Seonghwa’s sleeve, gashing his arm. 
He swore in one of his many learned languages and moved to parry the second blow Yuta threw his way, knocking the blade back and catching him in the side. 
The guitarist retreated, smiling like mad as the red creeped into his clothes, staining them. 
“There we go. Get angry, Blondie. Get your shit together.” He dug his heels into the dirt, the blades of his tonfas beginning to glow as he laughed. 
“I wanna see the man who’s going to save my brother go all out. If you give me anything less, I’ll cleave your damn head right from your fucking body, throw the shit back on till it reattatches, and fucking hack it right off again.” 
Seonghwa’s jaw set as he exhaled, a chilly vapor escaping as he froze over his still bleeding wound. He missed the way the edges had been tinted purple before the ice obscured it.
“Fine, as you wish.”
(_¸.•’´(_¸.•’´*♫♪♫♪*`’•.¸_)`’• .¸_)
Hongjoong looked up from his screen, startled at the 2:24am that glared back at him from the clock he kept above him in the studio. 
"Shit-" He could feel both fatigue and hunger grip him at the same time and sighed, knowing he'd ended up skipping dinner as he was engrossed in his composing and planning for the group's next piece. He stood, cracking his back and neck after a good stretch and then moving to leave his studio. 
His home was quiet and still, and the pianist felt a bit guilty as he glanced towards the kitchen. 
If he went now, he'd wake everyone up. 
Wait, there was a convenience store down the street, right?
A smile came onto Hongjoong's face as he headed to the door, sliding on Yunho's coat and heading out into the chill of the early morning April hours. As he walked, he felt the wind chill him down to his bones. His body was wracked with a shudder before he pulled the jacket taught against his body, thrusting his hands into the oversized pockets.
"It's already April..."He muttered quietly to no one in particular. In an instant, he remembered Yunho's voice from earlier in the day. Hopefully, they’d be able to come up with an idea of something that could help the man with his current stress.
"Seonghwa-ya's birthday..." Hongjoong ducked into the convenience store, bowing in greeting to the cashier before grabbing a hand basket. 
He couldn't whip up another performance like he had for Yunho so close together. He wasn't even sure if Seonghwa would enjoy that as much as Yunho did. 
What did he like again…?
Hongjoong stopped in the middle of the store, pursing his lips. 
Maybe….if he tried a bit, really tried to wring his brain a bit, he could…remember?
He knew all of them, that much was obvious to an extent. But he had yet to have the same cosmic revelation on how he knew the others like he had with Yunho. 
He couldn’t deny he saw Seonghwa in a lot of them, though. Bits and pieces, but he knew those eyes staring out from the obscure figure. He’d heard his voice through those distorted dreams. 
He just…didn’t know what the man would like. 
Hongjoong sighed and grabbed some snacks, deciding he’d make ramen and an egg using the convenience store’s microwave and he’d just eat while he was out so he didn’t disturb anyone else. 
Hongjoong sighed, swinging his foot as he ate, zoned out. 
Outside, a figure watched him through the window, sneering. 
‘Ah, there’s the brat. I’d hate to end my fun early, but if I kill him now, that shitty dragon will be out of my space.’ Pricilla watched Hongjoong before plucking a marble from her pocket. She tossed it to the ground, watching as it morphed and formed into the shape of a man. 
‘When he’s out, get rid of him. It's no fun playing with my toy anymore if the dragon is going to get in the way.’ She waved a hand and turned her back to the entrance of the alleyway. 
‘I’ve gotten sick of the pirate, anyway. He’s gotten stale and boring. I refuse to let his lizard-brained self run rampant in my space I created. He’ll regret the day he slinked out of the shadows and DARED to mess with Scylla.’ She disappeared into the night, leaving the minion she’d summoned to handle Hongjoong. 
He stretched when he got outside, the bag high above his head before he rolled his neck and headed down the street. 
Maybe he’d take the day off or something, he tried to not make it a habit of going to class exhausted and wiped out. 
‘Crunch, crunch’
Maybe if he went out later today, after a nap, he’d be able to go to a department store and get Seonghwa a gift. Surely something there should catch his eye.
‘Crunch, crunch, crunch’
Was he a fashion type of man? Maybe if Hongjoong brought along Chungha and Yeonjun, they’d be able to advise him on what would look well and suit Seonghwa. Hongjoong wondered if the man was more conservative with his fashion or if he was more daring?
Hongjoong spun on a dime, dodging a strike from the person who had been following him, grabbing their arm and twisting roughly. 
“Who are you?” He growled. The man opened his mouth, letting out a bark like a wild dog. 
Hongjoong’s eyes grew, he’d heard that bark before.
Fangs sinking into his body, tearing into him violently. 
Serpentine tendrils tightening around his form, yanking him back. 
Yunho has his hand in a tight grip, horror in his face as he tries to fight against the jaws yanking him towards the ocean.
The man turned and lunged at Hongjoong, and the pianist looked up, lip curled up as a burning, unspeakable a n g e r pumped into his veins.
White ears perked, followed by insistent sniffing. 
Cheese rolled onto his stomach, ears standing alert atop his head as he sniffed around the home for the scent. He guffawed and looked towards the front door. 
“Cheese smells….something is off.” 
“Cheese? What are you doing up so late?” Mingi inquired, watching as the dog beelined towards the door. 
Cheese did not respond, fur ruffled and eyes glowing as he phased through the door. His lip curled up, fangs elongating as he snarled. Mingi rushed to the door, opening it and watching the dog take off down the hall before vaulting the stairs.
“Mingi…?” Yeosang came downstairs, eyes squinted as he tried to wake up fully. 
“What are you doing?”
“Cheese ran out?? I don’t know why?”
Yeosang’s eyes widened and he rushed over. 
“I’m following him.”
“You’re what? ” Mingi startled as Yeosang’s tails unfurled, deep red streaks appearing along his cheeks as he looked at Mingi. 
“Are you coming with me or not?”
Mingi hesitated before sighing and grabbing a jacket. 
“Let’s go find our dog.”
Cheese was already several blocks ahead, running along the sky and chasing the bold flurry of scents that caught his attention and triggered his instincts.
Amber, bloody lotus, ocean. 
He smelled all of it. 
Amber, bloody lotus, ocean.
Amber, bloody lotus, ocean.
Amber, amber amber, blood, blood-
Cheese looked down from the platform he’d created, finding the one he was looking for and diving down, landing in the snow at the end of the alleyway. He let out a howl only a certain few could hear and rushed over, standing before the familiar oreo-haired man.
Hongjoong stared down at the fallen man that had attacked him, eyes narrowed, but still their natural brown color. 
Cheese could see the scales that had crept up to his neck and jaw as he backed away from the man, seemingly shaking off his daze. 
“W..what…? Where-” He shook his head, holding his head. Cheese sniffed, the scent of blood, lotus, and ocean water dissipating, leaving an overpowering amber. Cheese stepped forward, headbutting his hand.
Hongjoong startled and looked down, finding Cheese looking at him, his fur back to normal and his eyes normal once more. 
Just a normal dog.
“C..Cheese? What are you doing so far from home off leash…?”
Cheese glanced behind him before barking once more, spinning in a circle, and heading out of the alleyway. 
Hongjoong startled and rushed to catch up with him despite his lingering wariness around canines. He didn’t glance behind him, not remembering anything from the past few minutes in the alley as worry flooded him. 
How the hell did his boyfriend’s dog get all the way out here this early in the morning all by himself? Would the dog listen to him if he tried to wrangle him back to his home until he could call Yunho?
Gods above and below he hoped the dog didn’t bite him if he tried-
“Hold on, I should call one of your dads so you can get taken home-oof-” Hongjoong ran right out of the alley and into Mingi’s chest, stumbling back for a moment before looking up. 
The two stared at one another in surprise before Hongjoong looked to his side, watching as Yeosang quickly dispelled his tails and ears, looking at him in confusion. 
“Ca-Uh, Hyung? What are you doing out so late at night?” He inquired, checking him for signs of injury. Hongjoong rubbed his neck, explaining to them that he’d come out for food after staying up late producing. 
As they talked, Cheese slinked back into the alleyway, finding the ‘man’ had transformed back into a marble, a remnant of one of Scylla’s dogs. The Jindo bent down, taking the marble between his canines and swallowing it whole. 
“No one will be threatening Cheese’s Masters.”
“Cheese? Where’d he go again-” Mingi called for him and Cheese spun on his paws, bounding out of the alleyway once more, happily bouncing and nuzzling up to the three men’s side, tail wagging energetically.
“Cheese is here! Let us go home! Cheese will blend into the snow if he stays out like this! Now you see Cheese, now you don’t!” Cheese happily trotted forward again, jumping into a pile of snow before jumping back out of it eagerly, shaking his fur off, and rushing down the block. 
“Wh- Cheese!” Yeosang took off after him in worry. Mingi glanced down at Hongjoong, watching as the smaller man scratched his cheek in confusion. 
His knuckles were bruised. 
He glanced at Mingi and smiled softly. 
“Does this happen often?” He inquired, trying to make light conversation, seemingly not feeling the pain. Mingi stuck his hands in his pockets. 
“No, he’s normally a lot better behaved than that.” He mused before shrugging a shoulder, choosing not to address Hongjoong’s injury and beginning to walk. 
If he had, perhaps, the two of them would have noticed the way the bruising began to heal quickly mere moments later as Hongjoong began to walk a few paces behind him. 
* ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ►*
“Ugh, even in this life the shitty pirate gets on my nerves. I lost a dog, too. Ugh...Fine, I'll regroup.”
* ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ► ◄ ◊ ►*
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infamous-light · 4 months
You Belong to Me Ch. 2
Alcina Dimitrescu x F! Reader
Ch. 1
AO3: You Belong to Me
Summary: Lady Dimitrescu's obsession knows no bounds as she becomes increasingly possessive over you. Will you succumb to her dark embrace, or find a way to break free before it's too late?
Word Count: 3.2K
Warnings: Yandere, possessive/obsessive behavior
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The winding hallways of Castle Dimitrescu seemed to stretch on endlessly, leading you deeper into the heart of the imposing structure.
The palms of your hands, once steady, now grew cold and clammy as you approached Lady Dimitrescu's bedchambers. You were about to begin your new role as her personal servant, a position that no one else has held before. Your mind buzzed with questions, doubts, and uncertainties.
What if you made a mistake? What if you failed to live up to her expectations?
The weight of this responsibility pressed down on you like a leaden blanket, threatening to overwhelm you before you had the chance to even begin. You swallowed hard, trying to calm the nervous flutter in your stomach.
Eventually, you found yourself standing in front of a set of double wooden doors, looming over you like a menacing shadow. Taking a deep breath, you raised your hand and knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the silent hallway.
“Come in.” Her voice, low yet authoritative, carried through the barrier of the door.
With a trembling hand, you reached out to grasp the polished golden handle, feeling its cool metal beneath your fingertips.
Here we go.
Then, you pushed the door open.
Stepping inside, you were immediately enveloped in the grandeur of Lady Dimitrescu's bedroom.
The room exuded an air of timeless elegance, each piece and decor chosen to reflect the aristocratic taste of its owner. Silk draperies hung down in graceful folds, their deep crimson hue contrasting sharply with the white furniture. Near the back, a grand, four-poster bed was pressed against the wall, its velvet canopy cascading down like a waterfall of blood. The bed itself was lavishly covered with plush, satin pillows and a heavy, fur-lined duvet. To the side of the bed stood a nightstand, its surface organized with an array of books and papers.
A large fireplace took up the right side of the bedroom, its mantlepiece adorned with an assortment of antique trinkets. Hanging above the mantlepiece was an old vintage clock, its hands steadily ticking along.
As your eyes continued to roam her bedroom, they finally landed on Lady Dimitrescu herself. She was seated at her vanity, delicately combing through her dark hair. You almost jumped out of your skin when her piercing gaze, framed by long lashes, locked onto yours through the reflection of her vanity mirror.
“Ah, there you are,” Lady Dimitrescu said as she set her hairbrush down. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
You bowed your head, trying to keep your breathing steady. “My Lady.”
She rose with fluid grace, her movements both mesmerizing and intimidating. Her towering presence filled the room, and you could feel the heat of her gaze lingering on you, appraising you. Each step she took was deliberate, her long nightgown whispering against the wooden floor as she approached you.
“Do you know,” Lady Dimitrescu purred, lifting your chin with a single, bare finger, forcing you to meet her eyes. “How much I despise being kept waiting?”
Your heart raced, a rapid staccato in your chest. Glancing to your right, you saw the time on the clock.
9:01 A.M.
Your hands fidgeted slightly, and your voice came out a bit shakier than you would have liked. “I’m sorry, my Lady. It won’t happen again.”
A slow, knowing smile curled her lips, and she traced her finger along your jawline, sending tingles down your spine.
“No, it won’t,” she murmured. “Because I have very specific expectations for you,” she leaned in closer, her lips grazing your ear as she whispered. “And I expect you to meet them.”
“Yes, my Lady.” You said quietly.
Lady Dimitrescu pulled back just enough to look into your eyes again.
“Good,” she said, her smile widening. “Now, I want you to draw me a bath. Make sure the water is just right – hot enough to steam, but not so hot that it scalds. Add a generous amount of lavender oil. I find it most relaxing in the morning.”
You nodded, eager to get this over with, and turned toward the adjoining bathroom. As you prepared the bath, the sound of water filling the large, circular tub mingled with the soft rustle of her nightgown as she moved about her bedroom. Reaching for the small bottle of lavender oil, you uncorked it and let a few drops fall into the steaming water. You swirled the water with your hand, dispersing the oil, and then straightened back up. You couldn’t shake the feeling of her eyes on you, watching your every move.
When the bath was ready, you turned around to find her completely nude by the doorway. Her eyes held yours with an intensity that made your breath hitch. You quickly averted your gaze, feeling a rush of heat creeping up your neck. Her lips curled into a playful smirk.
Lady Dimitrescu walked past you with a grace that belied her towering stature. You could feel the heat radiating off her as she passed, a mixture of fear and fascination rooting you to the spot. She paused briefly at the edge of the tub, casting a sidelong glance in your direction, her eyes glimmering with amusement. With an almost theatrical flourish, she dipped one long, slender leg into the water, followed by the other. The water rippled and sloshed around her as she sank into the depths, her body disappearing beneath the surface until only her head remained above the water.
She reclined against the side of the tub, letting out a sigh of contentment as the warmth soothed her skin. Unsure of what to do next, you began to step away, your movements hesitant.
“I didn’t say you could leave, now did I?” Lady Dimitrescu said, her voice low and silky.
You immediately stopped in place and lowered your head.
“No, my Lady.” Your response was barely above a whisper.
“Come closer.” Her command was firm but soft.
You swallowed thickly, the tension between you two palpable, hanging in the air like a dense fog. Her eyes darkened, and for a moment, you felt like prey caught in the gaze of a hunter. Despite her relaxed pose, there was a coiled strength about her, a sense of latent power ready to spring.
You must have hesitated a second too long, because without warning, she reached out, her long fingers wrapping around your wrist with a firmness that left no room for resistance. She then tugged you down to the water's edge in one swift move.
“Don't be afraid, darling,” Lady Dimitrescu whispered. The warmth of her touch sent a jolt of electricity through you, making your skin tingle. “I won’t bite. Much.” The corner of her lips quirked up slightly, as if amused by her own joke.
Personally, you didn’t find it very funny.
Her fingers danced lightly over your wrist, her touch featherlight yet deliberate. Her index finger came to rest over your pulse point, feeling the rapid beat of your heart. She drew you in closer, her presence overwhelming and intoxicating.
“You’re such a nervous little thing, aren’t you?” she cooed, her voice a soothing lullaby tinged with amusement. “But perhaps a little fear can be exhilarating, don't you think?”
Your throat went dry, the words stuck like sandpaper as you tried to respond. “I-I suppose so, my Lady.”
Lady Dimitrescu chuckled, a predatory gleam in her eyes.
“There’s nothing quite like the taste of fear, the thrill of the unknown. I quite enjoy playing with my food, though,” she paused, going quiet. Just as quickly as the intimacy had risen, it vanished. “You’re much more than just a plaything.”
Her eyes glinted with a dangerous light as she studied you.
“Help me wash my hair.” She demanded quite suddenly.
You knelt there, slightly dazed, trying to process the whiplash of emotions she had just put you through.
The shift in her demeanor was startling but you didn’t have time to dwell on that as you rose from your position by the bathtub. You walked over to a shelf lined with a variety of shampoo bottles and grabbed a few. You turned around and made your way back over, standing behind her. The scent of sandalwood and peppermint hit your nostrils as you poured a generous amount into your palm. Gently, you began to massage the shampoo into her hair, your movements careful and precise. Lady Dimitrescu leaned back into your touch, a soft sigh escaping her lips as you worked the lather through her locks.
You couldn’t help but wonder how this had become your life.
You could hear the faint sounds of water splashing as Lady Dimitrescu prepared to emerge from her bath. You stood just beyond the threshold, made to wait by the doorway.
After what felt like an eternity, she stepped out with a fluffy towel wrapped around her large frame. She regarded you with a burning gaze, her golden eyes shining with a mixture of expectation and impatience.
“Go get my dress.”
“Yes, my Lady.” You replied promptly.
You moved toward the wardrobe that stood against the wall and opened the doors to reveal a multitude of white dresses. Carefully, you lifted one of the dresses from its hanger, feeling the fine fabric between your fingers. As you turned back toward Lady Dimitrescu, she allowed the towel to slip from her body, revealing her alabaster skin, smooth but slightly scarred. You looked away respectfully and focused on the task at hand, though the image of her naked body remained vivid in your mind.
She walked over to her dressing area and began to slip into her undergarments. Holding the dress out for her, you watched as she stepped into it, her long legs sliding effortlessly through the garment. Once the dress was in place, she adjusted it meticulously, ensuring every detail was perfect.
“Help me with the laces.” She instructed, turning her back to you.
The long, delicate laces of the dress dangled down her back, waiting to be tied. You hesitated for a moment, realizing her height made it difficult to reach the top laces. Lady Dimitrescu noticed your hesitation and glanced over her shoulder.
“Grab the step ladder in the corner of the room.” She directed, her tone patient but firm.
Nodding, you walked over to the corner and retrieved the step ladder, placing it carefully behind her. You began to climb the ladder and once you reached the last rung, you found yourself almost at eye level with the back of her head. With steady hands, you began to weave the laces through the eyelets, pulling them snug but not too tight.
As you worked, the proximity to her felt both intimidating and intimate. It made your hands shake slightly but you forced yourself to push through it. A moment later, you tied them off with a final, careful knot.
Stepping down from the ladder, you took in the sight of Lady Dimitrescu now fully dressed, her dress hugging her form perfectly.
She turned to you, her gaze steady. “I must say, you did an excellent job.”
You blinked rapidly a few times. The unexpected compliment caught you off guard.
“Uh - thank you, my Lady.”
She clasped her hands together, a pleasant smile spreading across her face. “Now, let's attend breakfast, shall we? My daughters are already waiting for us.”
Uncertainty arose within you. You’ve never worked in the kitchen before, but you don’t have much of a choice. You reassured yourself that you're resourceful and quick to learn.
“Of course, my Lady. I'll have the preparations made immediately.”
She let out a soft, almost amused sigh. “No, you misunderstand. I would like for you to have breakfast with me and my daughters.”
The words hung in the air, their weight settling heavily in the bedroom. The blood drained from your face. The thought of being around all three of her daughters at the same time made your heart almost stop beating.
“What?” You croaked out before you could stop yourself.
Lady Dimitrescu's eyes flashed dangerously. The space seemed to shrink around you as she took a deliberate step closer, her gaze never leaving yours.
“Did I stutter?” Her voice was icy.
“N-No, my Lady. I apologize for my misstep.”
She continued to regard you with that menacing glint in her eyes.
“Good,” her tone softened slightly but lost none of its edge. “Then let's not waste any more time, yes?”
You nodded quickly. She turned away, seemingly satisfied with your response.
You followed after her, trying to keep pace with her long, purposeful strides. The morning would be like no other, and you could only pray that you would emerge from it unscathed.
The grand double doors of the dining room were pushed open by Lady Dimitrescu with a flourish.
As you stepped inside, your eyes immediately fell upon her daughters, gathered at the far end of the long, polished dining table. They looked almost serene under the sunlight streaming in through the tall, arched windows but you knew better. Apprehension tightened around your chest like a vice. Memories of their previous acts of cruelty flashed through your mind. You had seen the aftermath of their games, the bruised bodies, and the blood-stained floors, and now, being in their presence, you felt like a gazelle being dragged into the lion’s den.
You forced your legs to move, stepping further into the dining room. Each step felt heavier than the last as the sisters' gazes followed you, as if sizing you up.
Bela, the eldest, sat to the right of her mother's chair, her blonde hair falling in soft waves around her face. Her eyes, a bright shade of gold, locked onto yours as you neared the table. There was an intensity to her gaze, flickering over you with a cold, calculating look that made goosebumps travel across your arms. Though you had only seen her in passing, you knew enough about Bela to be cautious. She wasn't as outwardly violent as her two younger sisters, but she could still dish out a swift punishment just like her mother.
Across from her, Cassandra was sprawled lazily in her chair as if it were a throne. She regarded you with a smirk, her eyes glittering with amusement. There was a predatory air about her, a sense of dangerous playfulness that set your nerves on edge. Cassandra seemed to be savoring your discomfort like fine wine.
Next to Bela, Daniela sat in stark contrast to her sisters. She greeted you with a wide, almost manic smile, her eyes alight with an unsettling enthusiasm. Unlike Bela's cool demeanor or Cassandra's mocking danger, Daniela's energy was chaotic and unpredictable. You were grateful that you never had to interact with her either since you were first brought to this castle.
You flinched as Lady Dimitrescu’s hand suddenly landed on your left shoulder, her grip solid but gentle. She guided you around the table and led you to an open seat next to Cassandra.
“Good morning, girls,” Lady Dimitrescu greeted as she took her seat at the head of the table. “I apologize for the delay.”
“No worries, mother. I’m happy that you’re able to be here with us.” Bela said, her voice warm. You could have sworn you’d seen her eyes sparkle with fondness as she glanced at her mother.
But your attention soon shifted to the food in front of you. The table itself was a sight to behold. A colorful assortment of freshly cut fruits and warm bread rolls were all laid out before you. Bowls of creamy porridge, still steaming, were placed around the table as well. It's a feast fit for royalty, a sight you never imagined you'd see in your life. As you grew up, meals were meager, often consisting of whatever scraps could be put together. You remembered the days when even a simple loaf of bread was a rare treat.
The doors near the back of the dining room suddenly swung open, and two maids stepped out, pushing a silver cart. The cart held a few wine glasses and one large, red wine bottle. As the maids approached, their eyes met yours. You saw a flicker of emotions – shock, confusion, and concern – pass across their faces but they quickly masked their expressions and continued with their duties. Each glass was carefully filled to just the right level. As soon as that was done, they immediately left without another glance in your direction.
You didn’t recognize them, but the weight of their stares left a lingering discomfort in your gut. You could already hear the whispers that would soon circulate among the staff. What will Catalina think once she hears about you dining with the Dimitrescu family?
You gazed down at the bowl of porridge in front of you. Your stomach rumbled in anticipation, and you just realized that you hadn’t eaten since yesterday morning, so you picked up your spoon and dug in.
The first bite was heavenly, the creamy texture and subtle sweetness dancing on your taste buds. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment, letting the warmth spread through your body. You were halfway through your meal when you felt something unsettling.
A strange, tickling sensation crept up your left arm. You glanced down and saw a small fly scurrying up your sleeve. You yelped and dropped the spoon, letting it clatter loudly against the table. Lady Dimitrescu’s gaze snapped toward you and then to her middle child.
“Cassandra.” Lady Dimitrescu's voice was a blend of warning and irritation.
You followed her gaze and Cassandra sat there with an expression of exaggerated innocence. She batted her eyes, a hint of a smirk playing at the corners of her lips. “What? What happened?”
Cassandra's eyes shifted to yours for a moment, the smirk now fully formed.
“Your games are not amusing, Cassandra,” Lady Dimitrescu began, her tone firm. “As we discussed last night. She will be sharing future meals with us from now on. I expect you all to be on your best behavior.”
Wait. They talked about you?
Before you could dwell too long on the thought, Daniela’s voice chimed in. “I’m finally happy I’m allowed to be around you now. Having to wait all this time was torture.”
You scrunched your eyebrows together in confusion, trying to make sense of what she just said. “What do you mean?”
“Never mind that, dear. Let us enjoy this meal together.” Lady Dimitrescu interjected smoothly, her tone brooking no argument.
You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, feeling like a pawn in a game you didn't fully understand.
Just then, a prickling sensation ran down the back of your neck. It was the unmistakable feeling of being watched. You tried to ignore it at first, but the intensity grew until you couldn't help but glance around the table. Your eyes landed on Bela. She watched you with an inscrutable expression, her eyes dark and unreadable. There was something unsettling in the way she held your gaze, neither hostile nor friendly, but piercing, as if she could see through you.
You couldn't shake the feeling that Bela knew something – something you desperately needed to uncover. But for now, all you could do was play along.
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moog-rt · 7 months
GO TO HELL [ch. 2]
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[Lucifer Morningstar x Fem!Reader]
Previous: Chapter One
➨ Chapter Two
Next: Chapter Three
You love your friends. You really do. But sometimes it needs reminding when one of them accidentally sends you to Hell.
Despite falling into the hands of Hell’s loveliest princess, finding a way back to the world of the living proves difficult as you tiptoe around its king.
Warning(s): daddy issues, invasion of personal space
If you'd prefer to read on Ao3, here is the link:
Otherwise, enjoy!
♡ ♡ ♡
Once again, you found yourself having no clue what you signed up for. At this point, it was on you. You should have learned your lesson the last time you put your trust in someone.
This time, instead of being booted through a portal into hell, you were being dressed up like a doll. The outfit you arrived in wasn’t ‘hellspawn’ enough so Charlie was throwing a plethora of outfits at you and seeing what stuck. You had to admit, you liked how the new clothes looked on you, but Charlie would scrutinize them before changing them again.
Personally, you thought you were being a pretty good sport about it. 
Just when you thought it was over, she dragged you in front of her vanity before darting out of the room. This worried you. It was safe enough to assume she was going to do something with your hair or makeup, but what did she need that wasn’t already here?
You began looking around her bedroom, taking in the details of the rich maroon wallpaper and the way the wood paneling complemented it in both shape and color. Her bed was truly something to be envious of, though. It seemed to be even bigger than a king, and the canopy frame allowed her to have translucent and opaque purple curtains draped in layers above it. 
It was possible the entirety of the hotel could look like this once it was thoroughly scrubbed down and decorated. A diamond in the rough, if you will.
You could probably afford to stick around for a day to help deep clean. They were doing so much for you despite being a stranger who had (politely) broken in. Had you been in their shoes, you would have done them in with an iron skillet first and asked questions later (in the courtroom).
You jumped as Charlie came scrambling back in with what seemed to be tubes of paint. You couldn’t help but feel concerned for what was to come.
The paint was squeezed into a bowl with a squelching sound similar to a ketchup bottle towards the end of its life. She reached across you to grab a makeup brush and began mixing it together.
Where did she think she was gonna put that?
You barely had time to react before she dragged the cold wet brush across your cheek. It only took her a minute to completely lather your face. You dared to look at yourself in the vanity mirror as she moved on to cover the rest of your exposed skin. Her gentleness tickled as the brush swept across your arms. She kept it rather neat to your surprise.
“Don’t worry. We just need to get the base down, and then we can spruce it up!” she chirped.
When you asked what there was to get ready for, this was not what you imagined. You could understand not wanting to look like a bum when meeting new people, but to go this far… Meeting a parent shouldn’t even matter if you’re not dating their kid. There was nothing you had to prove to Charlie’s father. Especially since you wouldn’t see him again so long as everything went according to plan.
The actual reason Vaggie suggested this was far more reasonable.
No, they weren’t just doing this to make you look pretty. They wanted to hide you completely. The idea was to make you look like a demon to the best of their ability in hopes of avoiding any unwanted attention. You understood why. Your first hour or so in Hell was pretty traumatic to say the least.
Vaggie went on to list all the things that could happen to you if you were found as a human, which did not help your nerves one bit. You could end up on someone’s dinner plate, or your teeth could be sold on the not-so-black market for a pretty hefty price. Your bucket list may be lengthy, but having your parts being used as someone else’s decor was sure as shit not on it.
Charlie tried to reassure you that her childhood home wouldn’t be so dangerous. However, she couldn’t promise her dad would have a positive reaction to a human wandering around, so it would still be safer to go in disguise. It would also draw far less attention from the staff, meaning you wouldn’t be stuck there so long.
You really got the vibe that she had daddy issues from how much she emphasized it being a quick trip. Not to mention her reluctance to go in the first place…
Charlie finished up the base coat of paint and moved on to add details to make it more realistic. She then adjusted your hairstyle to cover your hairline where the edges of paint were most noticeable.
“Okay, okay, now the final touch…” she said as she bounced over to her closet behind you.
You couldn’t see what she was grabbing. You only felt something being placed on your head. Before you could look in the mirror, Charlie invaded your view and shoved a pair of glasses onto your face.
You were dragged over to her golden cheval mirror.
“Grand reveal!” 
You certainly didn’t look human anymore. Your natural complexion was completely hidden, and the thing Charlie placed upon your head was a pair of fake horns, which she was bobby-pinning in place to ensure they’d stay put. The outfit itself you really liked, but the glasses she had chosen were in the shape of large hearts with bold red tint.
You felt so goofy.
You’d rather be offered up to one of the demonic cannibals than be caught looking like this in the living world. Your only solace was that the majority of people in Hell looked even stranger than you. That, and the amount of coverage you had made you feel like you were wearing a mask that you could hide behind..
“You look…amazing!” Charlie sang, hopping up and down a little. You may have felt a little embarrassed by your get-up, but the joy on her face nearly made it worth it. “Come on, we have to show Vaggie!”
You trailed behind her down the stairs where Vaggie was waiting to send the two of you off. She couldn’t tag along due to prior arrangements. If you remembered correctly, she was going to be interviewing potential guests for the hotel. Real guests rather than a human who had washed up on their doorstep. 
“Vaggie, Vaggie, look!” Charlie called. “You would never guess she was human, right?”
Vaggie looked you up and down analytically before locking onto your face.
“It turned out pretty good, but, uh…” She gestured at her own eyes rather than pointing at you. “What’s with the shades?”
“Well…Her eyes were the only thing I couldn’t really disguise, so the sunglasses will keep them from being visible!” Charlie said with a big grin, clasping her hands together in front of her chest. “They’re also so cute.”
She and you must have very different tastes, but who knows, this could be what was trendy here in Hell. Even if it wasn’t, she made a good point. Of the few demons you’d seen, none of their eyes looked like a typical human’s.
Two beeps from outside the hotel were your cue it was time to head out.
“It’ll go great,” Vaggie said to Charlie, rubbing her back.
“Right…we’ll be back soon!” Charlie said as she led you outside where a white and pink limo was waiting. 
Oh. So she was rich then.
You figured the hotel itself wasn’t too cheap, but the condition it was in didn’t make it seem like it would break the bank. This was a clue into Charlie’s status that had yet to be revealed to you.
The drive through town allowed you to take in the sights rather than watching it all blur by whilst running for your life. There was a good range of shops between ‘normal enough’ to ‘I’d expect no less from Hell.’ Some sold electronics and furniture while others advertised hitman services.
You were pretty sure you passed a vending machine that sold hard drugs.
Watching the denizens made you thankful that you were in the safety of the car. A woman in a business suit doing lines off a public bench before waltzing into the city library. A sketchy dude hanging around the outside of a rundown playground… He seemed to be mocking one of the kids before it launched itself at him, going straight for the jugular.
You looked away before you witnessed something you’d regret.
Charlie caught your eye, shooting you a wide grin. You did your best to smile back.
You wondered where her father would fall on the spectrum of people here. Would he be out for blood like the majority of folks you’d seen? If so, you’d be with Charlie trying to get out of there as quickly as you could.
“Park down here, please!” you heard Charlie say to the driver after a while.
Your surroundings hadn’t changed much from where you started out. The city did seem to be a bit more residential in this area, but the level of chaos remained the same.
You followed Charlie out of the vehicle, expecting to walk into one of the many townhouses lining the uneven street. Instead, she took you down a few blocks and around a corner. It was as if she didn’t want your arrival to be known. To be fair, you didn’t either. The thought of any interactions with Hell-dwellers beyond Charlie and Vaggie made you nervous.
You found yourself standing in front of tall golden gates attached to a stone wall that encircled a grand manor. It was massive, at least twice the size of the hotel, with elegant gold detailing around the windows and pillars. Even though it was gorgeous, you were a little thrown off by its odd shapes and red stripes that reminded you of a circus tent.
It was quite the niche aesthetic…
The front door opened as soon as the two of you reached the top of the stairs, greeted by a small red demon. He had black and white striped horns and wore a cute little suit that reminded you of a butler.
“Welcome back, miss,” he said, dipping his head a bit as he stepped aside to let us in. “I was unaware you would be visiting. Is your father expecting you?”
“Oh, no…” Charlie began fiddling with her hair. “We were just passing by when I remembered I wanted to…pick something up! It’s good to see you. I wish we could catch up, but my friend and I are on a tight schedule.”
Her laugh was forced as she grabbed your shoulders and began pushing you down the hall, ignoring the way you stumbled along. She told you that there would be a room where her dad kept an array of magical tools and artifacts. Most were gifts to earn his favor, she explained.
It made you wonder what sort of industry he was a part of where people were trying to suck up to such a degree.
Pictures lined the hallways with the majority having Charlie as the subject. Their golden frames contrasted nicely against the striped red wallpaper.
You couldn’t help but stop to look at one from when she was in an awkward preteen phase of her life. She was quick to notice and pull you away with a red face. You couldn’t help but chuckle.
Your relationship with Charlie was nothing deep. The two of you had only met the day before, afterall. But seeing bits of her past like this felt intimate in a way one would share memories with a friend. You hoped it didn’t embarrass her too much.
Maybe you would show her some of your baby pictures to make up for it later.
“Oh, this was my old bedroom! One second, there’s something I do want to grab,” she said as she pulled you to a stop before darting inside.
You peeked in through the doorway. It was similar to her current bedroom in some ways, another canopy bed with a plethora of drapery around it and a beautiful vanity with a soft glow emanating from behind it. Yet it was clear that it once belonged to a child from the stuffed animal collection and softer color palette.
Charlie had wandered over to a floor-to-ceiling bookshelf, rummaging through it as she searched for whatever it was she remembered.
You waited outside the doorway. It felt inappropriate to enter a place so sentimental to someone who was largely still a stranger to you. Seeing so many portraits from her past already seemed like a breach of her privacy even though you couldn’t help it. It’s not like you could wander around the halls with your eyes closed.
As you turned away from her room, a small man came strutting around the corner, donned in all white save for a red waistcoat and black knee-high boots. He was about to proceed down the hall perpendicular to yours before skidding to a halt.
His head whipped around to face you, and you froze.
His pale blonde hair, ghostly white skin, and rosy spots on his cheeks made him nearly identical to Charlie. He had to be either the father or a brother that she had yet to mention.
He stared into your damn soul, unmoving. You wondered if he could see right through your disguise. Through the paint on your skin to the blood that pulsed underneath. Past your skull to the thoughts racing through your mind.
You stood stalk still in your spot, as well, staring right back at him. You felt it was the only thing you could do. It was either that or book it, but you weren’t paying attention to the turns you took to get to this point. You’d be lost in a heartbeat. Imagine how stupid you’d look then.
So you opted to harness your inner statue. You didn’t dare move a muscle in case–by some miracle–he could only detect movement. If you were lucky, he would shrug and continue strutting away.
“Who are you?” He demanded in a deadpan voice as he jabbed his cane in your direction.
“I’m–uh…” Your eyes darted to the side before landing back on him. “Who are you?”
Meeting the parents was never your forte.
“I beg your pardon?”
Thank fucking god.
His eyes lit up and a massive sharp-toothed smile spread across his face, completely forgetting about you the instant Charlie entered the hallway. 
“Charlie!” he practically screamed, arms spreading wide into the air. You had to duck out of the way as he threw himself onto his daughter. One would think he was attempting to squeeze the life out of her with how tightly he was holding on.
She looked miserable.
You did your best to hide your smile at the exchange. You could remember all the times you were embarrassed by overly affectionate loved ones shamelessly kissing and cooing at you in front of your peers. You were sure that at least half the time it was done so with malicious intent.
On the flip side, it was always quite enjoyable to witness it happening to others.
“I know, Dad. It’s good to see you, too…” She was patting his back, an attempt to signal she was ready to be let go.
“Why didn’t you tell me you would be visiting? We could have planned something fun to do ahead of time–”
“It was a spur-of-the-moment thing! We weren’t originally planning on dropping by, but I remembered there was something I wanted to grab, so…” she lied.
You were unaware she hadn’t given her dad any sort of heads up at all. You felt bad that you were sneaking in without his knowing. Especially since he seemed so overjoyed just to get to see her.
“Speaking of,” she redirected, stepping aside and turning to you. “This is one of my friends–”
“Ah, it is so nice to meet you!” he eagerly cut in.
You were only going to exchange a small wave, but he practically jumped on you, grabbing your hand and shaking it with exuberance.
“My goodness, Charlie never brings her friends over. This–this is so exciting!”
He was so close that it gave you goosebumps. He looked less human than Charlie, but not quite animalistic like the other demons you’d seen. His red pupils were much smaller than hers, bordering on snake-like slits, and all of his teeth were akin to daggers. She must have gotten her more human qualities from her mother.
You did your very best to smile as genuinely as you could.
“It’s nice to meet you, too–uh–Sir.”
He drew back, finally giving you space. Then his eyes lowered to your mouth.
You quickly sealed your lips.
Was he looking at your teeth? They wouldn’t give you away, would they? Charlie and Vaggie had mostly dull teeth aside from their abnormally sharp canines. If he asked, you could tell him you wanted to see how far you could file them down…
Worrying about your appearance made you uncomfortably aware of the paint coating your skin. It felt so thick all of a sudden. So sticky but also dry. And the fake horns were so heavy. God, you wanted nothing more than to rip it all off.
Your heartbeat was picking up speed.
Did his eyebrow just twitch?
His eyes narrowed slightly but that grin held fast. He briefly looked down to his hands before returning to your face, rubbing his gloved fingers together. It was as if touching you left an uncomfortable feeling behind that he was trying to get off.
“I’m glad we got to run into you, but we’re on a bit of a time crunch, so we should get going,” Charlie said, laughing nervously as she tugged on your sleeve.
“It was nice meeting you,” you repeated with a dip of your head before following her down the hall.
You could feel his eyes on you while you walked away. As you turned the corner, you glanced back to confirm you were just paranoid. 
His red eyes were locked onto you. He hadn’t moved from his spot, and his smile was gone.
Relief washed over once you were out of his line of sight. There’s no way he knew you were human. He couldn’t have been able to tell from just your teeth.
But then why did he look at you so strangely?
Your anxiety began to let up more and more as you got further away. Glancing over at Charlie, you could tell she, too, was bothered. Her eyebrows were furrowed and her lips pursed. She kept silent until you finally arrived at the room you came here for in the first place.
It was filled with shelves that held a wide variety of objects. From books, to statues, to strange glowing orbs on pedestals…
If you could find what you needed quickly, none of this would matter. You wouldn’t have to worry about Charlie’s dad figuring you out. You would be back home, safe and sound.
Where it was a good thing you were human.
Where the only things you had to worry about were bills and boy troubles.
“Alrighty,” Charlie said, closing the door after you. “I’m not really sure where to start, but some of these should have labels or descriptions or something.”
That was reassuring.
You each got to work, filing through piece by piece. She wasn’t wrong about some being labeled, though their names often told you little to nothing about what they actually were or what they could do.
As you went to flip through an old book similar in appearance to Devon’s, it was engulfed in purple flames. You gasped, backing away and colliding with something behind you.
Spinning around in hopes of preventing whatever you bumped into from falling, you came face to face with Charlie’s father.
Your heart stopped.
“Might I help you find something?” The smirk adorning his lips as he leaned closer was not comforting whatsoever. You were beginning to understand Charlie’s distress. This man had no concern for personal space.
Wide-eyed, you glanced over at Charlie who looked nearly as alarmed as you to see him there. You side-stepped away so that you were no longer sandwiched between him and the shelves.
“Dad…” Charlie drawled. “Don’t you have something more important to be doing right now?”
“What could possibly be more important than my favorite daughter? It’s been so long since I’ve last seen you!” he said, facing her.
“I’m your only daughter,” Charlie groaned.
“Uh-huh, which is why I want to spend as much time with you as I can~” he sang as threw an arm around her shoulder. “Say, have I gotten to show you my newest ducks yet?”
“No…look we’re really busy right now.”
“Right, right. Looking for something that you need,” he said, waving his hand in the air as he recalled her previous words. “In this room of all places?”
That made Charlie stiffen. 
“Ah, well–uh…”
“She was just showing me around while we were passing,” you spoke up. You were so thankful that your smile didn’t falter when his half-lidded eyes turned to you once more. “It would have been a shame to have missed out on so many amazing relics.”
“I’m sure,” he hummed. “If you’re curious about any in particular, I can tell you all about them.”
He relinquished Charlie to step up to you again.
“Were you a historian when you were alive?” He asked, tilting his head.
“Ah…No…” you said, looking off to the side. There was a moment of silence before you realized he was probably expecting you to specify your occupation. “I was a clinical technician. Items such as these would be interesting to anyone though, I’d imagine.”
“And what did you do to wind up here in Hell?”
“Um, I didn’t…”
“Many would assume working in the medical field would earn you a one-way ticket straight to Heaven, so what could you have possibly done to land yourself here?” His tone turned serious, eyes narrowing.
You needed to calm yourself down. He was probably just interrogating you to ensure his daughter was keeping good company. You’d likely do the same if your child was surrounded by a bunch of sinners with some of the worst track records known to man.
What answer could you give him that was justified enough but didn’t make you sound like a psycho?
You stole a bunch of human blood and used it in a satanic seance.
He didn’t need to know that.
Premarital sex?
No, he had no business knowing about your sex life either.
“I cheated on a test once,” you answered with a guilty smile.
He gave you the most deadpan stare you’d ever seen.
“Premarital sex, too.”
“That’ll do it!” Charlie chimed in.
“That’s the whole reason Charlie and I met actually,” you said, trying to redirect the conversation. 
Both gave you odd looks. That probably wasn’t the best way to follow up that statement, but oh well. 
“She told me all about how I can redeem myself at the hotel she’s running! I hope to one day reclaim my virginity until I find that special someone.”
You smiled sweetly in hopes that it would earn you a few more brownie points. Weren’t you just the most precious little sinner?
“That’s right! She only recently got here, and she’s already seeking redemption! Isn’t that fantastic?” Charlie placed herself at your side, presenting you as if you were a class project. “She hasn’t even heard about the extermination yet!”
“The what?” You turned to face her.
“Don’t worry about it,” she waved you off.
Her father had both hands propped upon his apple cane as he squinted at the two of you. You were clearly hiding something but he had yet to figure out what.
Trumpets began to blare from right beside you, causing even more strain on your frantic heart.
“Hehe, sorry, one second,” Charlie said, pulling her phone out of her pocket to check whatever notification caused that horrid noise. There was a moment of silence as she read the message before her eyes widened, and she went slack jawed. “Shit.”
Well. That didn’t sound good.
Her father looked concerned about her reaction, as well, placing himself at her side with a hand on her arm as he looked up at her.
“Is everything alright, sweetie?” he asked in a soft tone.
“It’s nothing,” she shook her head, pulling away from him. “It was nice seeing you, Dad, but we really have to go now.”
She grabbed your wrist and dragged you out of the room with her, leaving her father behind without a second glance.
Next Chapter
♡ ♡ ♡
tag list: @spookysisters @for-hearthand-home @crescent-z
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ophcliaswrites · 2 years
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yourdarkcherry · 1 month
Seducing Rafe Cameron || Ch. 3
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Summary: You were blessed with an easy life since you were born, but it’s all threatened when your dad’s business fails and you find yourself with no prospects and no education and so your only solution is to marry rich. Who’s a better candidate than the older brother of your ex-best friend from high school? So you do everything in your power to seduce Rafe Cameron, not knowing he’s the root to all your problems.
Warnings: toxic relationship, spoiled reader, sexist elements, dark content, blackcoded reader, pregnancy, physical and emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, death threats, eventual smut.
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You swear that this could’ve been the worst day of your entire life. From the start to the current moment it was all a series of unfortunate events. For some reason, you couldn’t wake up at the sound of your alarm, and you only awakened at the sound of your mother shaking you awake and asking you why you’re not attending your pilates class.
With wide eyes, you stare at your clock and find it’s displaying a 10:43 AM to you. Jumping from your bed, you rush to your bathroom with a continuous string of swear words at not attending your pilates class, or even finishing any of the errands you had to run.
The clock on your car shows 11:52 AM when you finally leave your house. You don’t even wait for the car to properly heat up and instantly begin your trip to the location Rafe sent you this morning, right after his good morning text that went ignored due to you oversleeping.
Then in your frenzy to reach the restaurant on time, you rear end someone. It was the last thing you wanted, and even when you exit the car you prepare yourself for the fight the other person would initiate. It was completely your fault, you were texting Rafe letting him know you will be late.
You inspect your car first, seeing the bumper threatening to fall any minute now, then you turn your head to the side and find the van you rear-ended was pretty damaged.
“Lady! Can’t you see where you were going?!” an irritated man comments, and it gets nearer to the back of the car to inspect the accident.
You try to put on your best sorry look, and then look at the person only to take a second look. You didn’t have to look at him three times to know who he was. With his long locks, and tan skin, then to the light blue van.
This is the man Sarah was dating, and currently dating according to what Wheezie told you last night. He recognizes you too, for some reason as he also does a look back and his eyes widen for a little.
“I’m sorry, I admit my fault I was pretty preoccupied.” you say, then move back to your car to take your phone, but when you return you’re shocked to find Sarah Cameron in the flesh, standing next to him.
You stop briefly in your tracks, taken back at seeing her for the first time in years. She looks exactly as you last seen her, you blame your complex emotions at seeing her on the fact that she looks like she’s always did, and not a single thing changed about her.
“(Y/N).” she calls your name first, you clear your throat and walk towards her and her boyfriend.
“Hello, Sarah.” you greet, and then take your gaze off her brown eyes and stare at the man, “my insurance can cover you, I’ll call them right now and let them know.” he nods, and you take a glance at Sarah one last time as you feel her stare on your face.
You turn around and dial in the insurance company number, although your phone glitches before you can call and then it vibrates as Rafe's name flashes in your phone. You don’t need to be a genius to know you weren’t late but you were very much unclassy late.
The kind of lateness that cannot be blamed on women’s vanity.
You answer immediately, and after your first “Hello?” he asks. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhm…” you cover your forehead as you look back on the accident. “Not really, rear-ended someone.” You answer honestly.
Rafe’s voice tightens with concern. “Where exactly are you right now? I need to know.”
You hesitate, glancing around at the scene. “I’m... just near the diner on Maple Street. But really, Rafe, you don’t have to come.”
“I’m coming over,” he insists. “I want to make sure you’re okay. Don’t move from where you are.”
You wince, knowing that Rafe’s presence would complicate things even more. Sarah Cameron, his disowned sister, is right here with her boyfriend. The last thing you want is for Rafe and Sarah to run into each other. “Look, I appreciate your concern, but—”
“No arguments. I’m on my way,” Rafe says firmly. “Just stay put and don’t try to handle this all on your own.”
Panic starts to set in. You know it’s a terrible idea to let Rafe come, but you also understand how stubborn he can be. “Okay, fine. But it’s really not a big deal, and I’m dealing with the insurance already. Maybe just... wait a bit before coming?”
“Just give me a few minutes, alright?” Rafe’s tone is insistent. “I’ll be there soon.”
As you hang up, you feel the weight of the situation press down on you. You glance over at Sarah and her boyfriend, trying to avoid making eye contact. This whole thing is turning into a mess you never anticipated
You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the silver lining of the situation. If Rafe shows up and helps you sort this out, he might feel useful, which you know is something he appreciates. Men often enjoy feeling like they’re making a difference, and this could be a way to turn a frustrating situation into a moment where he feels valued.
The call with the insurance company is short, you let them know of what happened abd they let you know of what to do.
When you walk closer to the van, you see Sarah lingering awkwardly close to you as she watches you take pictures of the accident. You pretend you don’t notice her while you text the pictures to the insurance company.
“So…how have you been?” she asks first.
You clear your throat, turning around to face her. “I’ve been good.” The awkward silence makes the heat of this summer feel even worse as your cheeks burn. “You?”
“I’ve been doing good too. I remember Wheezie told me that you uhm… you started this two year college in Charlotte town.” She says, shifting her weight from one leg to another.
“Yeah…the program was called hospitality excellence and etiquette.” you answer.
Her eyes widen slightly, then she tightens her lips into a tight line before she comments, “thought it was an english literature and writing program, you always did like that a whole a lot,” she then clears her throat. “You talked about it a lot back in high school.”
You nod, feeling a pang of discomfort. “Yeah, I changed direction. It seemed like a better fit.”
Sarah clears her throat, her gaze flickering between you and her boyfriend. “Well, it’s good you found something that works for you.”
Just then, your phone buzzes with a text from the insurance company: “We’ve reviewed the details and confirmed you are at fault. Please provide the contact information for the other party so we can proceed with covering the damage.”
Before you can respond, Rafe’s car pulls up, and you feel a rush of mixed emotions. You glance at Sarah, who seems equally tense, and then back at Rafe as he steps out of the car.
You manage a strained smile as you finish texting the insurance company. The weight of the awkward situation settles heavily on your shoulders. As Rafe approaches, you feel a knot tighten in your stomach.
Rafe’s eyes meet yours, and you see his expression shift from concern to confusion as he takes in the scene. Without needing any introductions, he asks, “Is everything okay?”
You try to sound calm. “Yeah. Just trying to get the insurance stuff sorted out.”
Rafe’s gaze flickers to Sarah, his tension palpable. He doesn’t need any introductions to understand the situation. Sarah’s discomfort is visible as she shifts her weight, unable to meet Rafe’s eyes. Then, Rafe steps close to inspect the accident.
When Sarah’s boyfriend comes closer, he asks, “you talk to insurance yet?”
Before you could answer him, Rafe shields your vision of the man. “Give me your phone. I need to talk to insurance,”
“Oh, yeah sure.” you hand him your phone. “But why?”
He steps so close to you, allowing you to take whiffs of his spicy cologne and the sight of his pretty blue eyes hitting the sun so perfectly. Then his voice drops lower, “I just don’t trust that pogue, maybe he saw your car and decided to break check.”
You blink at him in cluelessness, “why would he do that?”
“To take your money, of course.” Rafe answers. “But don’t worry, I’ll let insurance know how to handle it.”
He takes your phone from your palm, your fingers brushing ever so slightly but still sending shocks throughout the rest of your body nonetheless.
He starts speaking to the insurance company, his voice low and authoritative. You watch him handle the situation with a blend of relief and unease, his presence both a comfort and a complication.
Meanwhile, Sarah stands awkwardly, her gaze flicking between Rafe and the damaged van. Her boyfriend, clearly frustrated, starts to mutter under his breath, but he doesn’t press the issue further with Rafe present.
You can’t ignore the tension in the air. The silence stretches as Rafe talks on the phone, his tone firm and decisive. You can’t help but notice how effortlessly he takes control of the situation, and despite everything, you find yourself grateful for his intervention.
When Rafe finally hangs up, he hands your phone back to you, his expression serious. “I’ve given them the details and made sure they know about the potential for fraud. They’ll be in touch with you soon.”
“Fraud?!” Sarah and her boyfriend repeat in disbelief, and exchange a shocked look before Sarah steps closer to Rafe. Her hands on her hips as she glares at him, “why the fuck would there be a possibility for fraud?”
Rafe meets her gaze evenly, not backing down. “Because it’s not uncommon for people to stage accidents to make a quick buck. It’s better to be cautious and make sure everything is above board.”
Sarah’s eyes narrow, her face flushed with anger. “You don’t know that. You’re just making assumptions.”
Rafe’s tone remains calm, though there’s a hint of annoyance. “I’m just protecting (Y/N). It’s my job to ensure everything is handled properly.”
Sarah’s boyfriend, still simmering, steps forward. “Look, we don’t need any more complications. This is already a mess.”
Sarah only looks between you and Rafe with that look she used to get when she’s connecting dots in her head. You feel like you should avoid her gaze, and cower in shame should she find out. Except, you don’t.
You have nothing to feel shameful about. She did sleep with your boyfriend in high school and betrayed your trust and broke your friendship just like that. So you think she can handle the little discomfort she will get at finding out that you and her brother are dating.
Sarah looks detached, her gaze distant as she processes Rafe’s comments. She pulls her boyfriend away slightly, her voice tight with control. “Fine, we’ll discuss it. Just… (Y/N),” she calls and you look at her as she continues, “give me your number so I can contact you about it.”
Rafe shakes his head, his expression firm, “she’s not giving her number to you. I’ll give mine to your boyfriend instead. He can handle the details and get in touch with me if needed.”
Sarah’s frustration is palpable, but she holds back her retort. She gives a curt nod, accepting the compromise.
Her boyfriend takes out his phone, and Rafe quickly gives him his number. As they exchange contact information, Sarah’s eyes flicker with a mix of emotions—anger, resignation, and something else you can’t quite place.
When Sarah and her boyfriend walk to their van. Rafe looks at your car, “you cannot drive this till it gets fixed.”
“Yeah, it’s another accident asking to happen.” you answer sadly.
“It’s okay though, I’ll take it to the shop and get it fixed for you.” He said, a hand on your shoulder, his touch warm and grounding.
“Thank you, Rafe.” you tell him. A switch in your head flips, then you add, “you’re so helpful, I wouldn’t have known what to do without you.”
His eyes slightly widen, taken off-guard at your words and attitude but he doesn’t seem like he hates it. Trying to pretend that you don’t notice the effects your words had on him, you stare at the clock on your phone.
“Your lunch break ends at 1 right?” you ask, and he hums as he directs you to his car that’s parked haphazardly. You climb up to the passenger seat of his car, then buckle in your seatbelt. When he enters his car, you say, “I feel bad for wasting your lunch break.”
“You didn’t, I’m just glad to see you.” he says, and you resist the smile that’s forming on your face but you fail.
He doesn’t see you as he starts his car once again. “I have a little more than twenty five minutes left of my lunch break, so I’ll just drive you home.”
The ride back is quiet, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. You can feel the tension from earlier slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of calm. Rafe’s presence, while sometimes intense, has a way of grounding you. You sneak a glance at him, noticing the way his hands grip the steering wheel, his knuckles white.
Seeing Sarah must’ve affected him just as deeply as you—if not more.
You decide that not speaking about it is the best option. If he didn’t bring it up first, then you won’t utter a single word.
The memory of seeing his disowned sister and seeing your ex-best friend would be buried for now.
Thankfully, your house wasn’t that far from the accident place. As you approach your place, Rafe speaks up, breaking the silence. “You sure you’re okay? That was a lot back there.”
You nod, your eyes meeting his briefly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… a bit shaken up, I guess.”
Rafe pulls up into the driveway of your house and shifts the car into park. “Well, if you need anything, you know you can call me, right?”
His offer is genuine, but there’s something in the way he says it that makes your heart skip a beat. You nod again, feeling the weight of the day starting to lift. “Thanks, Rafe. I really appreciate it.”
He turns to face you fully, his expression softening, “you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to help.”
For a moment, you both just sit there, the air between you charged with something unspoken. Then, before the moment can stretch too long, you reach for the door handle, “I should probably get inside.”
Rafe nods, he says as he’s watching you hold your purse, “I’ll check in with you later, okay? Make sure everything’s sorted out.”
You step out of the car, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Relief, gratitude, maybe even a bit of something more. Before you could close the door, you linger slightly as he watches you.
He was so helpful and reliable today, and you don’t really want to let him go just yet. You want to talk with him more, be around him. You try to pretend that it’s all for the plan, and not because of a deep want within you.
“Uhm…why…why don’t you come inside?” you ask.
His eyebrows almost raise up to his hairline comically. You look at the black leather of his seats, shyness taking over you. “I could make you a sandwich, I feel bad just for sending you to work like that.”
He opens his mouth to speak, and you fear that it’s a rejection, so you hastily interrupt him as you look at your fingers. “Something quick, I’ll take like one minute making it for you, and your break finishes in exactly twenty minutes.”
“Sure…I’d like that.” he says genuinely, and you finally look up to him to see him smiling.
He kills the engine, and then gets out of his car. You walk side by side to the door, your heart beats faster with each step.
When you reach the door, your fingers fumble slightly with the keys, but you manage to unlock it, pushing the door open and stepping inside.
“Make yourself at home,” you say, trying to sound casual, though your voice betrays a hint of nervousness.
You walk further inside to the kitchen, feeling his presence following you. As you enter the kitchen, you set your purse on the counter. Then you start gathering the things you need for a simple sandwich from the fridge, and you bring it all to the island.
He sits on one of the chairs facing the island. He looks around a little, taking in the clean kitchen then he asks, “is your mom home?”
You glance at him as you’re taking bread slices out. “Probably not, she might’ve gone out for the afternoon,” you reply, your voice a little quieter than usual as you focus on getting the sandwich together. You can feel Rafe's eyes on you, and it makes your movements slightly more deliberate, more aware of every little thing you’re doing.
He hums in response, leaning back in his chair, still watching you. “How was your pilates class?”
“Oh…I didn’t go, woke up late actually.” you answer honestly. Focusing on spreading the mayo on the other slice of bread.
Rafe’s gaze sharpens slightly as he listens to your response, though he maintains a relaxed posture in the chair. “Woke up late, huh?” His tone is casual, and you don’t think much of it as you focus on the sandwich. His eyes are still fixed on you, watching your every movement with a kind of intensity that you chalk up to concern.
“Yeah, just one of those mornings,” you say lightly, now spreading mustard on the bread. You glance up at him, catching his steady gaze, but it doesn’t faze you—if anything, it makes you feel like he’s paying attention, like he cares.
He hums again, the sound thoughtful. “You know,” he says slowly, “I could help with that. Making sure you don’t miss anything important.”
You look up at him, tilting your head in curiosity. “What do you mean?”
He leans forward slightly, resting his elbows on the island, his eyes still locked on yours. “Just thinking… I could check in on you in the mornings. Make sure you’re up and ready. We wouldn’t want you missing out on anything.”
You smile at the offer, feeling a warmth in your chest. “That’s really sweet of you, Rafe, but I think I just need a better alarm clock.”
Rafe’s lips curl into a small smile, and you take it as a sign that he’s just being his usual considerate self. “Yeah, maybe,” he says, and you hear a touch of amusement in his voice. “But, you know, I’m just a call away. For anything.”
“Thanks, Rafe,” you say, genuinely appreciating his concern. It feels good to have someone who’s so attentive, who seems to genuinely care about the little things in your life.
He watches you for a moment longer, and you assume he’s just making sure you’re okay after the stressful day you’ve had. When he finally leans back in his chair, he says, “No problem. Just looking out for you.”
You finish making the sandwich and place it on a plate, sliding it across the island to him.
“There you go,” you say, stepping back and leaning against the counter, trying to act nonchalant.
“Thanks,” he says, picking up the sandwich and taking a bite. While he’s eating you quickly take a clean cup from one of the upper cupboards, open the fridge and pour in orange juice in it. Then you slide it to him again.
You can feel him watching you as you move around the kitchen. You open the drawer and take a new ziploc bag, then head to the pantry and place in four cookies you made. You gasp as you recalled you didn’t even give him water. He watches you with curiosity as you walk once again to the drinks fridge and take a cold water bottle.
He’s halfway finished with his sandwich by the time you slide along the cookies and the water bottle to him.
“Uhm, I made those cookies…a new recipe so I’m proud of them.” You tell him while grinning as you sit next to him.
Rafe looks down at the cookies, then back at you, a smirk playing on his lips. “You didn’t have to do all this, you know,” he says, though there’s a hint of something warm in his voice, like he’s pleased by the attention.
You shrug, your grin widening. “I wanted to. You’ve been so helpful today, it’s the least I can do.”
He takes the bag of cookies, inspecting them for a moment before glancing back at you. “I’ll have to give these a try later. If they’re as good as this sandwich, I’m sure they’ll be great.” His tone is easygoing, but there’s a spark in his eyes, like he’s enjoying this little routine you’ve set up for him.
You beam at the compliment, feeling a flutter in your chest. “I hope you like them.”
“I think it’s safe to assume there will be a make-up date.” He says casually. You gulp nervously as you look away shyly. “Of course.”
“Tomorrow.” he says.
“I can’t, I have my girls' day plans with Wheezie, remember?” you say.
“Your car will be at the shop, who’s going to be taking you?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Probably call an Uber—”
“No Uber.” His tone is final and assertive, but it catches you off-guard as you watch him quietly. So he adds, “if you need someone to drive you anywhere, just call me.”
You fight the urge to refuse. It would be too much of a hassle, but your mother told you many times that men love feeling helpful. So you smile and nod, “sure.” you answer softly.
“Great. I’ll drive you and Wheezie tomorrow then.” He affirms while standing up, then washes his hands in the sink. He grabs the water bottle and the cookie bag and then heads to the front door. You follow him to his car.
Even though he barely has ten minutes to drive to work, he still cranks his window down as you approach it. His smile is soft. “Thanks for the food. I’ll update you later about your car.”
You nod at his words, smiling back too. “Drive safe.”
Rafe’s smile deepens as he hears your soft reply. “I will,” he says, his tone reassuring. He watches you for a moment longer, his gaze lingering on your face like he’s memorizing every detail.
You step back as he starts the car, waving at him as he pulls out of the driveway. There’s a strange warmth in your chest as you watch his car disappear down the street, a mix of emotions you’re not entirely sure how to process. He was so insistent, so protective—it’s nice to have someone who cares that much, you tell yourself.
Out of all your candidates, you know he’s the best. He’s always been responsible.
You don’t want to believe your mother’s theories, but she’s always been right. She did tell you that Kelce is a youngest child, so he’s pretty spoiled and probably hasn’t worked a day in his life and simply would deflect all his responsibilities. Topper is an only child, he’s selfish and stubborn and most likely wouldn’t even understand why you need help in the first place.
Meanwhile Rafe, he’s the oldest brother between his siblings. He’s always knew how to be responsible—even if Ward at first claimed otherwise. You knew that Rafe is a proactive person, he wouldn’t stand still if he knew you had a problem. He would help you if he could, and if he couldn’t, he would try everything to still help.
He's the best candidate, and you would be damned if you just let go of him.
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