#seducing rafe cameron
yourdarkcherry · 1 month
Seducing Rafe Cameron || Ch. 3
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Summary: You were blessed with an easy life since you were born, but it’s all threatened when your dad’s business fails and you find yourself with no prospects and no education and so your only solution is to marry rich. Who’s a better candidate than the older brother of your ex-best friend from high school? So you do everything in your power to seduce Rafe Cameron, not knowing he’s the root to all your problems.
Warnings: toxic relationship, spoiled reader, sexist elements, dark content, blackcoded reader, pregnancy, physical and emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, death threats, eventual smut.
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You swear that this could’ve been the worst day of your entire life. From the start to the current moment it was all a series of unfortunate events. For some reason, you couldn’t wake up at the sound of your alarm, and you only awakened at the sound of your mother shaking you awake and asking you why you’re not attending your pilates class.
With wide eyes, you stare at your clock and find it’s displaying a 10:43 AM to you. Jumping from your bed, you rush to your bathroom with a continuous string of swear words at not attending your pilates class, or even finishing any of the errands you had to run.
The clock on your car shows 11:52 AM when you finally leave your house. You don’t even wait for the car to properly heat up and instantly begin your trip to the location Rafe sent you this morning, right after his good morning text that went ignored due to you oversleeping.
Then in your frenzy to reach the restaurant on time, you rear end someone. It was the last thing you wanted, and even when you exit the car you prepare yourself for the fight the other person would initiate. It was completely your fault, you were texting Rafe letting him know you will be late.
You inspect your car first, seeing the bumper threatening to fall any minute now, then you turn your head to the side and find the van you rear-ended was pretty damaged.
“Lady! Can’t you see where you were going?!” an irritated man comments, and it gets nearer to the back of the car to inspect the accident.
You try to put on your best sorry look, and then look at the person only to take a second look. You didn’t have to look at him three times to know who he was. With his long locks, and tan skin, then to the light blue van.
This is the man Sarah was dating, and currently dating according to what Wheezie told you last night. He recognizes you too, for some reason as he also does a look back and his eyes widen for a little.
“I’m sorry, I admit my fault I was pretty preoccupied.” you say, then move back to your car to take your phone, but when you return you’re shocked to find Sarah Cameron in the flesh, standing next to him.
You stop briefly in your tracks, taken back at seeing her for the first time in years. She looks exactly as you last seen her, you blame your complex emotions at seeing her on the fact that she looks like she’s always did, and not a single thing changed about her.
“(Y/N).” she calls your name first, you clear your throat and walk towards her and her boyfriend.
“Hello, Sarah.” you greet, and then take your gaze off her brown eyes and stare at the man, “my insurance can cover you, I’ll call them right now and let them know.” he nods, and you take a glance at Sarah one last time as you feel her stare on your face.
You turn around and dial in the insurance company number, although your phone glitches before you can call and then it vibrates as Rafe's name flashes in your phone. You don’t need to be a genius to know you weren’t late but you were very much unclassy late.
The kind of lateness that cannot be blamed on women’s vanity.
You answer immediately, and after your first “Hello?” he asks. “Is everything okay?”
“Uhm…” you cover your forehead as you look back on the accident. “Not really, rear-ended someone.” You answer honestly.
Rafe’s voice tightens with concern. “Where exactly are you right now? I need to know.”
You hesitate, glancing around at the scene. “I’m... just near the diner on Maple Street. But really, Rafe, you don’t have to come.”
“I’m coming over,” he insists. “I want to make sure you’re okay. Don’t move from where you are.”
You wince, knowing that Rafe’s presence would complicate things even more. Sarah Cameron, his disowned sister, is right here with her boyfriend. The last thing you want is for Rafe and Sarah to run into each other. “Look, I appreciate your concern, but—”
“No arguments. I’m on my way,” Rafe says firmly. “Just stay put and don’t try to handle this all on your own.”
Panic starts to set in. You know it’s a terrible idea to let Rafe come, but you also understand how stubborn he can be. “Okay, fine. But it’s really not a big deal, and I’m dealing with the insurance already. Maybe just... wait a bit before coming?”
“Just give me a few minutes, alright?” Rafe’s tone is insistent. “I’ll be there soon.”
As you hang up, you feel the weight of the situation press down on you. You glance over at Sarah and her boyfriend, trying to avoid making eye contact. This whole thing is turning into a mess you never anticipated
You take a deep breath, trying to focus on the silver lining of the situation. If Rafe shows up and helps you sort this out, he might feel useful, which you know is something he appreciates. Men often enjoy feeling like they’re making a difference, and this could be a way to turn a frustrating situation into a moment where he feels valued.
The call with the insurance company is short, you let them know of what happened abd they let you know of what to do.
When you walk closer to the van, you see Sarah lingering awkwardly close to you as she watches you take pictures of the accident. You pretend you don’t notice her while you text the pictures to the insurance company.
“So…how have you been?” she asks first.
You clear your throat, turning around to face her. “I’ve been good.” The awkward silence makes the heat of this summer feel even worse as your cheeks burn. “You?”
“I’ve been doing good too. I remember Wheezie told me that you uhm… you started this two year college in Charlotte town.” She says, shifting her weight from one leg to another.
“Yeah…the program was called hospitality excellence and etiquette.” you answer.
Her eyes widen slightly, then she tightens her lips into a tight line before she comments, “thought it was an english literature and writing program, you always did like that a whole a lot,” she then clears her throat. “You talked about it a lot back in high school.”
You nod, feeling a pang of discomfort. “Yeah, I changed direction. It seemed like a better fit.”
Sarah clears her throat, her gaze flickering between you and her boyfriend. “Well, it’s good you found something that works for you.”
Just then, your phone buzzes with a text from the insurance company: “We’ve reviewed the details and confirmed you are at fault. Please provide the contact information for the other party so we can proceed with covering the damage.”
Before you can respond, Rafe’s car pulls up, and you feel a rush of mixed emotions. You glance at Sarah, who seems equally tense, and then back at Rafe as he steps out of the car.
You manage a strained smile as you finish texting the insurance company. The weight of the awkward situation settles heavily on your shoulders. As Rafe approaches, you feel a knot tighten in your stomach.
Rafe’s eyes meet yours, and you see his expression shift from concern to confusion as he takes in the scene. Without needing any introductions, he asks, “Is everything okay?”
You try to sound calm. “Yeah. Just trying to get the insurance stuff sorted out.”
Rafe’s gaze flickers to Sarah, his tension palpable. He doesn’t need any introductions to understand the situation. Sarah’s discomfort is visible as she shifts her weight, unable to meet Rafe’s eyes. Then, Rafe steps close to inspect the accident.
When Sarah’s boyfriend comes closer, he asks, “you talk to insurance yet?”
Before you could answer him, Rafe shields your vision of the man. “Give me your phone. I need to talk to insurance,”
“Oh, yeah sure.” you hand him your phone. “But why?”
He steps so close to you, allowing you to take whiffs of his spicy cologne and the sight of his pretty blue eyes hitting the sun so perfectly. Then his voice drops lower, “I just don’t trust that pogue, maybe he saw your car and decided to break check.”
You blink at him in cluelessness, “why would he do that?”
“To take your money, of course.” Rafe answers. “But don’t worry, I’ll let insurance know how to handle it.”
He takes your phone from your palm, your fingers brushing ever so slightly but still sending shocks throughout the rest of your body nonetheless.
He starts speaking to the insurance company, his voice low and authoritative. You watch him handle the situation with a blend of relief and unease, his presence both a comfort and a complication.
Meanwhile, Sarah stands awkwardly, her gaze flicking between Rafe and the damaged van. Her boyfriend, clearly frustrated, starts to mutter under his breath, but he doesn’t press the issue further with Rafe present.
You can’t ignore the tension in the air. The silence stretches as Rafe talks on the phone, his tone firm and decisive. You can’t help but notice how effortlessly he takes control of the situation, and despite everything, you find yourself grateful for his intervention.
When Rafe finally hangs up, he hands your phone back to you, his expression serious. “I’ve given them the details and made sure they know about the potential for fraud. They’ll be in touch with you soon.”
“Fraud?!” Sarah and her boyfriend repeat in disbelief, and exchange a shocked look before Sarah steps closer to Rafe. Her hands on her hips as she glares at him, “why the fuck would there be a possibility for fraud?”
Rafe meets her gaze evenly, not backing down. “Because it’s not uncommon for people to stage accidents to make a quick buck. It’s better to be cautious and make sure everything is above board.”
Sarah’s eyes narrow, her face flushed with anger. “You don’t know that. You’re just making assumptions.”
Rafe’s tone remains calm, though there’s a hint of annoyance. “I’m just protecting (Y/N). It’s my job to ensure everything is handled properly.”
Sarah’s boyfriend, still simmering, steps forward. “Look, we don’t need any more complications. This is already a mess.”
Sarah only looks between you and Rafe with that look she used to get when she’s connecting dots in her head. You feel like you should avoid her gaze, and cower in shame should she find out. Except, you don’t.
You have nothing to feel shameful about. She did sleep with your boyfriend in high school and betrayed your trust and broke your friendship just like that. So you think she can handle the little discomfort she will get at finding out that you and her brother are dating.
Sarah looks detached, her gaze distant as she processes Rafe’s comments. She pulls her boyfriend away slightly, her voice tight with control. “Fine, we’ll discuss it. Just… (Y/N),” she calls and you look at her as she continues, “give me your number so I can contact you about it.”
Rafe shakes his head, his expression firm, “she’s not giving her number to you. I’ll give mine to your boyfriend instead. He can handle the details and get in touch with me if needed.”
Sarah’s frustration is palpable, but she holds back her retort. She gives a curt nod, accepting the compromise.
Her boyfriend takes out his phone, and Rafe quickly gives him his number. As they exchange contact information, Sarah’s eyes flicker with a mix of emotions—anger, resignation, and something else you can’t quite place.
When Sarah and her boyfriend walk to their van. Rafe looks at your car, “you cannot drive this till it gets fixed.”
“Yeah, it’s another accident asking to happen.” you answer sadly.
“It’s okay though, I’ll take it to the shop and get it fixed for you.” He said, a hand on your shoulder, his touch warm and grounding.
“Thank you, Rafe.” you tell him. A switch in your head flips, then you add, “you’re so helpful, I wouldn’t have known what to do without you.”
His eyes slightly widen, taken off-guard at your words and attitude but he doesn’t seem like he hates it. Trying to pretend that you don’t notice the effects your words had on him, you stare at the clock on your phone.
“Your lunch break ends at 1 right?” you ask, and he hums as he directs you to his car that’s parked haphazardly. You climb up to the passenger seat of his car, then buckle in your seatbelt. When he enters his car, you say, “I feel bad for wasting your lunch break.”
“You didn’t, I’m just glad to see you.” he says, and you resist the smile that’s forming on your face but you fail.
He doesn’t see you as he starts his car once again. “I have a little more than twenty five minutes left of my lunch break, so I’ll just drive you home.”
The ride back is quiet, a comfortable silence settling between the two of you. You can feel the tension from earlier slowly dissipating, replaced by a sense of calm. Rafe’s presence, while sometimes intense, has a way of grounding you. You sneak a glance at him, noticing the way his hands grip the steering wheel, his knuckles white.
Seeing Sarah must’ve affected him just as deeply as you—if not more.
You decide that not speaking about it is the best option. If he didn’t bring it up first, then you won’t utter a single word.
The memory of seeing his disowned sister and seeing your ex-best friend would be buried for now.
Thankfully, your house wasn’t that far from the accident place. As you approach your place, Rafe speaks up, breaking the silence. “You sure you’re okay? That was a lot back there.”
You nod, your eyes meeting his briefly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Just… a bit shaken up, I guess.”
Rafe pulls up into the driveway of your house and shifts the car into park. “Well, if you need anything, you know you can call me, right?”
His offer is genuine, but there’s something in the way he says it that makes your heart skip a beat. You nod again, feeling the weight of the day starting to lift. “Thanks, Rafe. I really appreciate it.”
He turns to face you fully, his expression softening, “you don’t have to thank me. I’m happy to help.”
For a moment, you both just sit there, the air between you charged with something unspoken. Then, before the moment can stretch too long, you reach for the door handle, “I should probably get inside.”
Rafe nods, he says as he’s watching you hold your purse, “I’ll check in with you later, okay? Make sure everything’s sorted out.”
You step out of the car, feeling a strange mix of emotions. Relief, gratitude, maybe even a bit of something more. Before you could close the door, you linger slightly as he watches you.
He was so helpful and reliable today, and you don’t really want to let him go just yet. You want to talk with him more, be around him. You try to pretend that it’s all for the plan, and not because of a deep want within you.
“Uhm…why…why don’t you come inside?” you ask.
His eyebrows almost raise up to his hairline comically. You look at the black leather of his seats, shyness taking over you. “I could make you a sandwich, I feel bad just for sending you to work like that.”
He opens his mouth to speak, and you fear that it’s a rejection, so you hastily interrupt him as you look at your fingers. “Something quick, I’ll take like one minute making it for you, and your break finishes in exactly twenty minutes.”
“Sure…I’d like that.” he says genuinely, and you finally look up to him to see him smiling.
He kills the engine, and then gets out of his car. You walk side by side to the door, your heart beats faster with each step.
When you reach the door, your fingers fumble slightly with the keys, but you manage to unlock it, pushing the door open and stepping inside.
“Make yourself at home,” you say, trying to sound casual, though your voice betrays a hint of nervousness.
You walk further inside to the kitchen, feeling his presence following you. As you enter the kitchen, you set your purse on the counter. Then you start gathering the things you need for a simple sandwich from the fridge, and you bring it all to the island.
He sits on one of the chairs facing the island. He looks around a little, taking in the clean kitchen then he asks, “is your mom home?”
You glance at him as you’re taking bread slices out. “Probably not, she might’ve gone out for the afternoon,” you reply, your voice a little quieter than usual as you focus on getting the sandwich together. You can feel Rafe's eyes on you, and it makes your movements slightly more deliberate, more aware of every little thing you’re doing.
He hums in response, leaning back in his chair, still watching you. “How was your pilates class?”
“Oh…I didn’t go, woke up late actually.” you answer honestly. Focusing on spreading the mayo on the other slice of bread.
Rafe’s gaze sharpens slightly as he listens to your response, though he maintains a relaxed posture in the chair. “Woke up late, huh?” His tone is casual, and you don’t think much of it as you focus on the sandwich. His eyes are still fixed on you, watching your every movement with a kind of intensity that you chalk up to concern.
“Yeah, just one of those mornings,” you say lightly, now spreading mustard on the bread. You glance up at him, catching his steady gaze, but it doesn’t faze you—if anything, it makes you feel like he’s paying attention, like he cares.
He hums again, the sound thoughtful. “You know,” he says slowly, “I could help with that. Making sure you don’t miss anything important.”
You look up at him, tilting your head in curiosity. “What do you mean?”
He leans forward slightly, resting his elbows on the island, his eyes still locked on yours. “Just thinking… I could check in on you in the mornings. Make sure you’re up and ready. We wouldn’t want you missing out on anything.”
You smile at the offer, feeling a warmth in your chest. “That’s really sweet of you, Rafe, but I think I just need a better alarm clock.”
Rafe’s lips curl into a small smile, and you take it as a sign that he’s just being his usual considerate self. “Yeah, maybe,” he says, and you hear a touch of amusement in his voice. “But, you know, I’m just a call away. For anything.”
“Thanks, Rafe,” you say, genuinely appreciating his concern. It feels good to have someone who’s so attentive, who seems to genuinely care about the little things in your life.
He watches you for a moment longer, and you assume he’s just making sure you’re okay after the stressful day you’ve had. When he finally leans back in his chair, he says, “No problem. Just looking out for you.”
You finish making the sandwich and place it on a plate, sliding it across the island to him.
“There you go,” you say, stepping back and leaning against the counter, trying to act nonchalant.
“Thanks,” he says, picking up the sandwich and taking a bite. While he’s eating you quickly take a clean cup from one of the upper cupboards, open the fridge and pour in orange juice in it. Then you slide it to him again.
You can feel him watching you as you move around the kitchen. You open the drawer and take a new ziploc bag, then head to the pantry and place in four cookies you made. You gasp as you recalled you didn’t even give him water. He watches you with curiosity as you walk once again to the drinks fridge and take a cold water bottle.
He’s halfway finished with his sandwich by the time you slide along the cookies and the water bottle to him.
“Uhm, I made those cookies…a new recipe so I’m proud of them.” You tell him while grinning as you sit next to him.
Rafe looks down at the cookies, then back at you, a smirk playing on his lips. “You didn’t have to do all this, you know,” he says, though there’s a hint of something warm in his voice, like he’s pleased by the attention.
You shrug, your grin widening. “I wanted to. You’ve been so helpful today, it’s the least I can do.”
He takes the bag of cookies, inspecting them for a moment before glancing back at you. “I’ll have to give these a try later. If they’re as good as this sandwich, I’m sure they’ll be great.” His tone is easygoing, but there’s a spark in his eyes, like he’s enjoying this little routine you’ve set up for him.
You beam at the compliment, feeling a flutter in your chest. “I hope you like them.”
“I think it’s safe to assume there will be a make-up date.” He says casually. You gulp nervously as you look away shyly. “Of course.”
“Tomorrow.” he says.
“I can’t, I have my girls' day plans with Wheezie, remember?” you say.
“Your car will be at the shop, who’s going to be taking you?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Probably call an Uber—”
“No Uber.” His tone is final and assertive, but it catches you off-guard as you watch him quietly. So he adds, “if you need someone to drive you anywhere, just call me.”
You fight the urge to refuse. It would be too much of a hassle, but your mother told you many times that men love feeling helpful. So you smile and nod, “sure.” you answer softly.
“Great. I’ll drive you and Wheezie tomorrow then.” He affirms while standing up, then washes his hands in the sink. He grabs the water bottle and the cookie bag and then heads to the front door. You follow him to his car.
Even though he barely has ten minutes to drive to work, he still cranks his window down as you approach it. His smile is soft. “Thanks for the food. I’ll update you later about your car.”
You nod at his words, smiling back too. “Drive safe.”
Rafe’s smile deepens as he hears your soft reply. “I will,” he says, his tone reassuring. He watches you for a moment longer, his gaze lingering on your face like he’s memorizing every detail.
You step back as he starts the car, waving at him as he pulls out of the driveway. There’s a strange warmth in your chest as you watch his car disappear down the street, a mix of emotions you’re not entirely sure how to process. He was so insistent, so protective—it’s nice to have someone who cares that much, you tell yourself.
Out of all your candidates, you know he’s the best. He’s always been responsible.
You don’t want to believe your mother’s theories, but she’s always been right. She did tell you that Kelce is a youngest child, so he’s pretty spoiled and probably hasn’t worked a day in his life and simply would deflect all his responsibilities. Topper is an only child, he’s selfish and stubborn and most likely wouldn’t even understand why you need help in the first place.
Meanwhile Rafe, he’s the oldest brother between his siblings. He’s always knew how to be responsible—even if Ward at first claimed otherwise. You knew that Rafe is a proactive person, he wouldn’t stand still if he knew you had a problem. He would help you if he could, and if he couldn’t, he would try everything to still help.
He's the best candidate, and you would be damned if you just let go of him.
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keyh0use · 7 months
love putting rafebarry in one of those cliche storylines like Barry getting with Rafe for a bet but falling hard and fast, wanting the two of them to be real. which obviously starts with confessing the truth, because he can't stomach looking his boy in the eyes and lying anymore, so he sits Rafe down for the talk. no amount of but things are different now, aight? I was bein' an idiot but you gotta believe me! works because Rafe doesn't care what excuses Barry has, he's too embarrassed and upset to listen cue Barry grovelling <3
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echobx · 4 months
Barry leaves, asking Rafe to watch his sister, who overhears and objects. Despite her attempts to seduce Rafe, He declines. That night after Barry goes to sleep he confesses his love to her and they have passionate slow sex
Rafe Cameron × Barry's little sister!reader
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warnings: p in v (protected), fingering, light oral (fem receiving)
word count: 2.2k
author's note: I hope what I did here is not dissapointing you bestie 💕and if I'ma 100% honest with you, my brain never comes up with anything for Rafe so this is a blessing because I need to write him more (accidentally wanted to write "need to ride him" there lol)
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You're standing in the kitchen of your trailer, your big brother and his friend Rafe are sitting on the couch just a few feet away from you. You never intend to eavesdrop on them, especially because you really don't want to know about all the illegal shit your brother gets up to. You've learned to keep out of Barry's business and only ever do something when he specifically asks you to. Like the one time he needed you to smuggle something over the border, so you packed your suitcase, and your innocent best friend, and had a girl's trip. No one would suspect a cute and innocent looking girl like you to be the sister of one of the biggest fish in the OBX. 
“I need you to stay here, make sure no one comes around and tries anything while I go pick up the new shit,” Barry says in a low voice, not wanting you to listen of course.  “Isn't she old enough, though?” Rafe asks and you smile into yourself a little. You like that he trusts you more than your brother does, but then again it's the simple brotherly instinct to want to have you taken care of. And who better to do that then his best friend. Of course.  “Just keep an eye on her,” Barry sighs.  “I don't need a babysitter,” you speak up and turn around to look at them both.  “Who said anything about babysitting?” Rafe cocks his eyebrow up, trying his best to seem innocent.  “Exactly,” Barry hesitates. “Rafe will just wait for me here until I get back. No babysitting. Just waiting and you're here too, sis.”  “Ugh, you guys are the worst,” you groan and walk back into your room. 
You decide to go through your closet, putting on a pair of dungarees over a simple red top first and walking back into the living area. Barry had left already, and you decided to play a little game with Rafe, unbeknownst to him.  “What do you think?” you ask and twirl around, and he lifts his head to look at you.  “Cute,” he notes and dips his head again, looking back to his phone.  You go and try on something else. A mini skirt and loop top, showing off your belly button piercing.  “How about this?” you ask him again and this time his eyes linger for a little longer, but he just shrugs.  “Looks good to me.”  You groan and stomp back into your room. Picking out a shirt that is basically see-through and a pair of hot pants that really should probably not count as pants, but panties.  You step back out and walk straight over to him, placing yourself in front of him and twirling your hair.  Rafe's eyes get stuck on your tits before he looks up at you and gulps. “That's something,” he rasps and lifts his hips in his seat, but he doesn't go further. 
Not only are you frustrated because none of your attempts have shown any real effect, but also because all you want is for him to just fuck you. It's not really that easy to find a guy when you have a brother who threatens anyone you even think about bringing home. But Rafe's at your place basically every single day. Barry finds him trustworthy enough to stay with you while he's out. And on top of that, you know of the rumors. You know of Rafe's reputation. He takes what he wants, and he doesn't leave until he's satisfied. That's what you wanted for yourself. Especially for your first time.  Which is why it also doesn't make sense to you that he hasn't made a move on you yet, especially considering how you always flirt with him as soon as Barry leaves the room. 
You decide to let it go, instead only putting on an oversized shirt, no bra and a pair of shorts. Your usual look, basically.  When you come back out, Rafe's already looking at you, he's smiling.  “I like that one too,” he says, and you roll your eyes.  “Whatever.”  “Since when do you have a piercing?” Rafe asks and watches you sit down on the other end of the couch.  “Few months ago. Thought if I hide it long enough, my brother can't tell me off about it anymore,” you shrug, bored out of your mind really. And you don't realize that Rafe keeps talking to you about you, and not just about random shit like usually. He asks about your favorite things, and he doesn't even make fun of you for how polar opposite it all is to how people perceive you.  No one would expect a trailer park chick to be a math nerd, or like classical music the same amount as rap. But Rafe finds it fascinating. He's practically enamored by you, but you're too stuck in your head to even really notice it. 
“This is prolly the best shit I had in months,” Barry grins while walking in, taking a small bag of shit out of his backpack and throwing it towards Rafe. “Think we can at least triple that,” he says, and goes to stash the rest.  Rafe is dipping his pinky into the powder and rubs it on his gums. “Oh, that's good,” he nods and leans back.  They spend the rest of the night talking about how much they can take for it and the usual split. And you just sit there, watching and listening and zoning out and thinking about more fun things, like, what if Rafe didn't just see Barry's little sister in you.
The night progresses and you go to your room, telling them you're tired, when you really are just not in the mood to listen to them any longer.  That's how you found yourself, two hours later, lying in your bed, body turned away from the door but still wide awake when the door opens and closes with a soft creak.  “Y/n?” Rafe asks and you pretend to be asleep. “Are you awake?”  You keep your eyes closed in case he walks around your bed to check on it, but he doesn't, instead he just sits down next to you and sighs.  “I don't know how to keep doing this, to keep pretending like I don't care,” he whispers, and your heart starts beating a little faster. “But I can't do what I want to either. I'm not supposed to- Fuck, y/n, I wish I could tell you how much I love you,” he sighs, and you rip your eyes open. 
“You what?” You flip around and stare at him.  Rafe looks at you, completely flabbergasted, he really didn't expect you to hear him. But now it's too late, and he can't take it back anymore. “I'm in love with you,” he whispers, and you sit up. “And I don't- I can't keep going like this, not when you do shit like today and all I can think of is bending you over and fucking you until you beg me to stop.”  “Then do it,” you whisper.  “What?”  “Fuck me.” You look at him and he shakes his head.  “Barry would kill me.”  “I don't care about my brother. I don't want my brother. I want you,” you tell him and lean in to kiss him. 
It's a gentle peck that you place on his soft lips. Rafe takes his hands up to hold onto your neck as he reciprocates the kiss, harshly and with a demanding manner that makes you feel like putty in his hands.  You try to stay quiet, but the way his tongue presses against yours makes you want to moan louder than you ever anticipated from a simple kiss. But Rafe knows what he wants, and now that he's had a taste, he's not stopping.  His hands find your waist, running up and taking your shirt off you. Rafe stops kissing you to admire your body, hands groping at the flesh of your tits, and you have to bite your lip to not moan.  “Take off your shirt,” you whisper, and he follows suit, throwing it somewhere on the floor before starting to kiss down your body. Lips trailing down your neck to the valley of your breasts, then farther down, sucking your piercing between his teeth before kissing your clothed clit.  “You smell so good, baby,” he moans against your cunt, before slapping against your thigh, and you instinctively lift your hips and let him take off your slip. 
“If that's not the prettiest pussy I've seen in my life,” Rafe hums before licking a stride up your slick folds and closing his lips around your sensitive bud. Shallow moans and quiet gasps leave you as you grasp into his hair, trying to hold onto anything you can get your hands on while he edges you on.  “More, please, Rafe,” you beg and he looks up with a smirk.  “Want me to fuck you, baby?”  “Yes, please, please.”  Rafe thrusts his fingers into your tight hole and your back arches up. His fingers curl up and prod against your walls, making you squirm under him.  “God, you're tight, it's almost like-” he stops and looks at you. “Have you never had sex?”  You feel ashamed at first, but you can't lie, you know he's gonna find out eventually. So you shake your head and hope he doesn't mind.  “Jesus, baby, you should've said something. I would've come over and fucked you way earlier if that's all you wanted this whole time,” he whispers and kisses you, his hand still working on your pussy until you feel like you're about to explode.  “Cum for me, baby, I know you want to. Soak my fingers,” he growls into your ear, and you let go. Your moans are swallowed by his lips on yours and his fingers fuck you through your high until you lie there, panting and happier than ever. 
“Need more,” you rasp and pull on his shorts, trying to open the button.  “Really needy, aren't you,” Rafe chuckles and gets up to take off his shorts and boxers. Your eyes go wide when you see how big he is. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to pick Rafe of all people for your first time, but there’s no going back now. You watch him pump his dick a few times before rolling on a condom and coming back to kneel between your legs.  “You have to tell me if it hurts. I don't wanna hurt you,” he says, and you nod, biting your lips in anticipation.  His tip nudges your hole, and you take a deep breath as he starts pushing into you. Forgetting that he wanted to go slow, Rafe bottoms out, and you feel like you're being split in two.  “Shit, are you okay?” he asks, and you nod, trying to not cry from the stinging feeling.  “Go slow, please,” you whisper, and he kisses you, distracting you from the pain between your legs.  He pulls out slowly and pushes back into you, groaning quietly against the skin on your neck. Your hands are clasping his shoulders and your legs are wrapped around his middle, letting him hit even deeper inside you with his shallow thrusts. 
“You feel so good, baby. This pussy is made for me,” Rafe muses, kissing your neck and sucking on the soft skin, leaving marks for days. Your mind is dazed. The pain you had felt just minutes before is replaced with pure pleasure and the way he longingly stares into your eyes.  You didn't expect him to be so gentle with you, but now that you have it, you want nothing more than to do it over and over again.  “Fuck, you're so tight,” Rafe grunts, gradually fasting his pace. He pulls out almost completely, leaving you empty and babbling for more until he slams back in, holding onto the headboard of your bed so it doesn't hit against the wall.  “You're mine. My girl,” Rafe grunts and rams into you another time.  “Yours,” you moan softly, still trying to keep quiet and not wake your brother next door. But Rafe seems to have forgotten about it.  His right hand comes down to hold onto your neck, and he starts pounding into you harsher and faster than you thought possible. Maybe he really wants to try to impale you with his cock, and you know you'd let him. It's overwhelming, and you feel the band inside you go tighter with each heavy thrust.  “Let go, baby, I got you,” Rafe looks down at you and smiles, you can feel it inside of you, the warmth, and then you're lost. It feels like you're falling and when he pushes into you deeper and halts, you're caught again. 
Your poor cunt won't stop clenching even after he had pulled out and disposed of the condom. You're hot and cold at the same time, like a storm had just washed over you and left you speechless.  “Next time we do this, you can be as loud as you want to, baby,” Rafe whispers and kisses your neck, holding you tightly in his arms before you both drift into a deep slumber. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart
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billwidoll · 5 months
Come back to me please
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You were at Topper's party, looking bewildered for your boyfriend Rafe, you asked everyone, but no one knew where he was. Except Topper.
"Hey Topper..." You say, approaching him, getting closer as the music was loud.
"hi yn! Enjoying the party?" Topper says drinking his drink. Topper was the king of parties and Rafe was the king of Outer banks Fact.
"Not really, I'm looking for Rafe, have you seen him?"
You ask loudly, you didn't drink or like parties much, you only went because of Rafe. You were the golden girl, you didn't drink, you didn't smoke, you were perfect and everyone was surprised when you and Rafe made it official, even Topper imagined that his friend would date a bitch, But Rafe chose you because it was love at first sight.
You had already been dating for 2 years, and Rafe was making plans for your future with him, you knew Rafe's fame, but you put that aside and clung to loving him.
"I think he's smelling dust with the kelce on top"
Topper speaks normally and you immediately get angry, as Rafe had promised he would stop it. You thank him and say goodbye to Topper.
You go up and see several rooms, and you ask everyone which room Rafe was in, until they pointed to a room that was in the last one. And you go there, ready to give a scolding In Rafe, you just didn't expect what was going to happen.
You approach the room and open the door, and you see Rafe Cameron, sucking Sophia, his best friend's breasts.
"Wow!" You speak with tears welling in your eyes and impulsively end up dropping your cell phone.
Rafe quickly sees you and stands up with a pale face.
"My love....and....I can explain...." Rafe speaks stuttering and getting closer to you and holding your arm.
"friend...we can explain" Sophia adds, and you become completely mobile, without any kind of reaction, and that terrified Rafe.
"Sophia get out of here now!" Rafe shouts, thinking Sophia would ruin his explanation.
"what about us Rafe?" Sophia asks how the victim was her. Rafe takes a quick look at her and she runs away.
"Love... don't cry... don't do this to me, it hurts too much" Rafe says holding your face and you're still a statue.
You stand up and move a little away from Rafe.
"I only have one thing to tell you: I loved you and I did my part, I thought we were going to get married and have two children like you wanted"
You throw it in his face, and his heart starts beating too fast. Rafe had just had a fight with his father, and it got on his nerves, so to distract himself he went to his father's party Topper, there he saw Sophia in a tight and short dress, seducing him, he unfortunately fell for her fetish.
"Whatever you say, I love you, I'm crazy about you, you're the woman I want to have kids with and marry, I want you to be a Cameron."
Rafe speaks crying and despairing, he was very afraid of losing the only person he truly loved.
"Bye Rafe... I hope you take care, okay?" You say, approaching the door, until Rafe jumps at you.
“Don’t give up on me, please don’t give up” Rafe cries pinning you against the door.
"no Rafe, that was the last straw" you reply, and Rafe insists once again.
"I belong to you and only you, love" Rafe speaks sobbing, and perhaps it could be more emotional manipulation that he was trying to do.
But it's true that Rafe was distressed by the fact that you might disappear from his life.
"Only you, my girl, only you, love, Only you, my girl, only you, babe"
Rafe repeats several times, placing his hands on your face and kissing you forcefully, clearly you pull away.
"Rafe! You've wronged me several times, okay? And I always forgive you, but this time you really hurt me"
You explain and unfortunately it doesn't enter Rafe's head.
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"No! No! And not! You won't leave me now or ever!!!"
Rafe shouts at you and this scares you, putting you back, he approaches you to try to kiss you or hug you, but you kneel on Rafe's dick, and he falls to the floor. And you run from there. After that day, Rafe never saw you again.
Five years later
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Rafe was at the Country Club, with Topper and Kelce. Rafe didn't play golf anymore, he didn't work anymore, he didn't date anymore, and he was poorly looked after, Rafe only cared about drinking and sleeping.
"Hey man! Are you aware of the gossip?" Topper says drinking his water.
"what is it huh?" Rafe asks, drinking his whiskey as always.
"The wonderful yn, being back, married and with children"
When Topper says this, Rafe chokes on the whiskey he was drinking, he never saw you again. After the breakup, you went to Los Angeles and never responded to any of Rafe's messages.
"Married? And what do you mean with children?" Rafe asks trying to compose himself.
"and man! The girl is in luxury, her husband is a millionaire back in New York." Topper speaks, and Rafe is furious with those comments.
"so what? I'm a millionaire too" Rafe says trying to think he's better than his husband.
"Ah Rafe, let's be honest, you've run out of money and practically your father's, you haven't risen to your future friend"
Topper speaks wisely, and Rafe knew he was right and that's what you were talking about and he didn't listen and he regretted it
"you know what? I'm going to go to her" Rafe says, taking his wallet and leaving the money on the counter.
"Who she?" Topper says confused.
"the woman of my life" Rafe says looking directly into Topper's eyes.
"Man, she has two kids and a husband, do you think she's still stuck in the past?" Topper speaks leaving Rafe crestfallen, but that wouldn't stop him from going after you.
"just tell me where she is Topper!!!" Rafe yells, pulling on the ring on Topper's shirt.
"they told me she was at her old house, bro" Topper speaks in despair at his friend's desperation.
Rafe immediately gets on his bike and goes out to look for you.
Rafe arrives at his old house, and you weren't Kook, you were Pogue, and you had a simple one.
Rafe parks his motorbike, and he sees you in the garden of the house, playing with your two young children and a dog. Rafe gets emotional at that scene, and starts to cry.
It didn't take long for you to see Rafe, and when you did, you didn't know it was Rafe, you thought he was an ordinary man, watching you and your children play.
You approach the man who was watching that scene and go to him and ask.
"Can I help you?" You ask, holding one child in your arms and another in your hand.
Rafe raises his head, and you can see better that it was the former great love of your life.
"Have I changed so much that my ex-girlfriend doesn't recognize me?"
Rafe made a light humorless joke, he was very sad but wanted to appear normal in front of you.
"oh my god! Rafe! Wow! And.... you look so... different"
You say really shocked, Rafe was really different.
"Do you want to come in? Do you want anything? We can talk, don't you think?" You ask him formally, and Rafe nods his head and nods accepting his invitation.
Rafe enters your house, and everything really was the same, everything was the same when you were dating.
"Don't fix the mess, please" you say, giving Rafe a slight smile, and you put your son in the crib and your other son on the floor to play with the cars.
"no... it's perfect. It really is beautiful" Rafe says, smiling at you too and you go to the kitchen to prepare some juice.
Rafe can't help but ask, the biggest question in his celebration.
"why did you come back....?" Rafe asks creating a tension in his words.
"I'm going to renovate this house and sell it as a beach house" you say, still smiling. Rafe couldn't believe you looked like that. Were you mad at him? I was sad? Or worse, was it over? There were many questions in Rafe's head.
"Really? You came to the Outer Banks just to sell this house?" Rafe says hoping you tell him you missed him.
"No, actually I saw it, show the beaches to my children, there in New York, we were just getting used to the cold and the city." You made it by gluing the tea to the cup for you and Rafe.
"Ah... I see... your children are cute...." Rafe says, getting confused in his answers, but he was sad and depressed.
"But what about you, Rafe Cameron? How are you? Are you still the biggest playboy in town?" You say smiling and giving him the glass of tea.
"Nah...my life is...crazy as hell" Rafe says once again scratching his head and looking down "but you're okay, right? You're already married and with kids, and from what I know the guy and one hell of a Millionaire, right?”
You noticed right away that Rafe wasn't feeling well at all, and that he was suffering from anxiety, you were angry with him, you were very young when you separated.
"Yes....I evolve in life Rafe" you say a little more intensely, without knowing the relationship as Rafe was.
"that's good! I'm very happy for you..." Rafe says with tears welling up in his eyes and you realize at some point
"Rafe? Hey! Look at me, are you crying?" You ask, putting down your tea, and moving closer to Rafe.
He lowers his head trying to hide it, but he was already sobbing.
"It was supposed to be us...it was supposed to be us, my love!" Rafe says, crying a lot and putting his hand on his face.
"Rafe...what we experienced was in the past..." You try to speak in a way that doesn't hurt him.
He shakes his head no and you sigh.
"Look....I'm sure if I didn't make mistakes with you in the past, maybe we would be a perfect family!!"
Rafe says, crying with anger, he was angry with himself for doing something horrible to you. You were speechless, you didn't know what to feel, you loved your new husband, but you loved Rafe... regardless of everything.
"I love you! My life turned into hell when you left it" Rafe says, grabbing your face and getting closer to his "I fell into drugs and drinks, I never felt attracted to you again no woman , I lost my inheritance, I'm running out of YN..."
"Rafe..." Just as you were about to start talking to Rafe, someone interrupted.
"Honey, I'm here!" Her husband speaks, opening the door and finding Rafe beside her.
"Oh dear!" You speak completely unprepared, you didn't realize that it was time for your husband to arrive. Rafe's face changes to hatred and contempt
Your husband drops his suit on the chair and approaches you, giving you a peck on the lips and then holding your waist. When Rafe saw that, all he could think about was pain and suffering.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, my dear?" Your husband encourages you to talk about Rafe and you swallow hard.
"this one is Rafe Cameron, my old.... friend" you say with a heavy heart. And that hurts Rafe a lot.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Rafe" her husband raises his hand to greet Rafe, only for Rafe to leave abruptly "What did I do wrong?" Your husband asks confused.
You run after Rafe, and it was starting to rain. You keep running Rafe, who was heading towards his bike.
"Rafe! Stop! Stop! Please listen to me!" You say, grabbing his arm and trying to turn him around to make him face you.
"Stop what?! Hu?! My life is shit because of you! And you're making it worse!!"
Rafe shouts in your face, as the rain starts to get heavier.
"You betrayed me, Rafe!!! It's not my fault that your life is horrible!!!" You respond by screaming and pushing his chest
Rafe laughs without humor
"oh and? You have the husband of your dreams, a house of your dreams, you have two children and a dog, your life is wonderful!!"
Rafe says, making you so angry that you end up slapping him in the face.
"I was supposed to do this five years ago!"
When you turn to go back to your house, Rafe ends up pulling you and kissing you intensely.
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The kiss had passion, anger, sadness, longing, desire, it had emotions, and that kiss was a sudden goodbye between Rafe and you.
You stop kissing and look at each other, and your look says everything Rafe wanted to know. You were married to a wonderful man and a millionaire, you had two children and a dog, you already had a life Formed. Rafe, on the other hand, had drugs and drinks. And you couldn't let go of that, for Rafe, unfortunately.
Rafe immediately understands that and he nods, understanding what you meant.
"Goodbye Rafe Cameron..."
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wwwaegoncom · 3 days
empty office
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At a dull work event, you and Aegon sneak away to a quiet office.
modern!aegon x fem!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, p in v, fingering, drinking/alcohol, semi-public, mean aegon? (ever so slighty mean) few descriptions to what reader is wearing (skirt and heels)
authors note:
i love modern!aegon so much. Basically just sex no plot <3 this was actually originally a rafe cameron smut i wrote last year, but now i rewrote it to be an Aegon smut <333 i feel so cringe anytime i write smut... BUT MHMM HOPE U LIKE IT
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"Aegon, we shouldn't be doing this" you giggled as you let Aegon drag you into an empty office.
You and Aegon had quietly slipped away from the work event, with a bottle of wine in his hand. Your father was Viserys' business partner for more than 20 years, which led you and Aegon to meet every now and then. The event had been a dinner, the kind where people stayed afterwards to network and exchange forced pleasantries. You and Aegon had been forced to attend. Neither of you stayed for the tiring small talk - you stayed to have an excuse to get drunk.
The event was as you had expected, boring speeches, boring people, talking business like it was the only thing that mattered. You had considered going home, but that was until you heard the sound of a chair scraping against the floor, as Aegon pulled up a chair next to you. He knew the people around you were too caught up in their conversations to even notice the two of you, or too drunk to care. He was too drunk to care. He snuck an arm around you, almost as if he had done it a million times before, whispering in your ear, suggesting the two of you should sneak out of there.
And that was all it took, and know you were in an empty office with him. You could have taken a cab to his or your apartment, but neither of you wanted to wait.
You didn't know whose office you were in, and frankly, you didn't care. "Calm down, nobody will even notice we're gone" Aegon reassured you, locking the door behind him.
"If we get caught I'm saying you seduced me"
You teased, the soft clicks of your heels filling the silence as you moved over to the desk. You hoisted yourself up the desk, crossing your legs as you watched how Aegon's eye followed your every movement. A frown almost formed on his lips when you crossed your legs.
You had met each other before. Polite smiles at other work events, the occasional small talk but it was never anything more than that. Even the summer the both of you interned together, you never got to really know him aside from the formalities.
Aegon had tried his best to stay away from you, but the sweet smiles and giggles he heard escape your lips, made him crave you even more. His father had told him, warned him, to stay away from you. He knew why he said it, you were the daughter of his business partner, and you were strictly off limits. So all he got was polite handshakes and a glance.
But when he saw you sitting all by yourself, downing what was probably your 4th glass of wine, he couldn't help but make a move.
Aegon let out a chuckle at your comment, as he opened the bottle of wine, taking a big sip before putting it down on the table.
His hands slid up your thighs, as he parted your legs with ease. "Seduced you? I think it's the other way around" Aegon commented, his voice deep and teasing. He stepped closer, situating himself between your now parted legs, one hand boldly resting on your inner thigh. The smirk that fell on his lips was pure arrogance, knowing you wouldn't push him away.
You leaned your face closer to him, just enough to make his pulse skip, he could smell your perfume and the wine that lingered on your breath. But you pulled away just as quickly, holding in a giggle as you looked up at him. Aegon's head tilted to the side, his eyebrows knitting together as you leaned away from him.
His hand started to move up under your skirt, stopping right at the hem, "pretty skirt" he commented. Aegon then leaned forward, his other hand pushing the hair on your shoulder back, exposing your neck to him.
He started to kiss down your neck. The alcohol in your system made you want him all the more. You could almost feel Aegon grinning against your neck, as he let out a chuckle. "You like that?" He teased, his voice low and almost a whisper. You nodded, your breath was starting to become heavy as you wrapped your arms around Aegon, pulling him closer. Your hands made their way down his sides, slowly caressing his shirt before they found their way to his belt, which you shakily tried to unbuckle. But before you could, Aegon slapped your hand away. "Aegon" you whined his name, leaning back to look into his eyes with a pout, but he didn't let you. He held your wrists together with his hands as you tried to get your hands free.
"Gods, you're impatient" he teased, releasing your wrists, as he gently rubbed them before his hands found their way beneath your skirt.
He was lightly tugging at your nylon tights, but he didn't tear them, just yet. "That won't do" he muttered, more to himself than to you as he looked down on the tights that covered your thighs. You had expected him to pull them down, but you should have known better. Before you even had the chance to react, he impatiently ripped them apart.
Just as you were about to complain, irritated that he just ripped your tights, his hands found their way between your thighs again, as he hiked up your skirt and pushed your underwear to the side. His fingers slid through your wetness, as he found your clit. Light moans started to fall from your lips, desperate for more. Your hands found their way to his hair, raking your nails through it, not even caring about your tights anymore. You closed your eyes, biting your lip to try and suppress them.
Aegons hand found its way to your face, lightly tapping on your cheek, a playful but commanding touch. "No, no" he murmured, his fingers continuing to circle your clit. "Open your eyes" His words were low, his voice smug and direct. You opened your eyes, your lips slightly parted from the moans and your breath was unsteady.
"Such a good girl." Aegon praised, almost in a mocking tone and his fingers started to move faster, and it was getting hard to keep quiet. He knew that. Lucky for you the event was taking place down the hall, but you still didn't want people who might be walking past the office to hear the lewd sounds you were making.
You tried your best to suppress your moans. Aegon tried his best to make them louder.
He was irritated that you would suppress your moans, so he removed his fingers from your clit as his fingers found their way inside you instead. You felt the moans escaping your lips when his fingers entered you, pumping in and out, your fingers desperately holding onto his hair.
You were trying so hard to be quiet, that you buried your head in his shoulder to try and muffle your moans. You felt him curl his fingers in you, and even though you couldn't see him, you knew he was that conceited smile across his lips, pleased he was making you feel so good.
"I don't have a condom with me" Aegon groaned, his face right next to your neck, you could the warmth of his breath against you, his fingers still pumping in and out of you. You leaned your head back, your eyebrows knitting together, trying to steady your voice "I'm on the pill" you murmured, looking into Aegons eyes. "Yeah?" he started to curl his fingers inside of you, hitting just the right spot.
But then he retracted his fingers from you, earning a whine from you. He carelessly wiped his fingers on the inside of his shirt, before taking a step back, the space between your legs now empty. You almost worried you had done something wrong, but Aegon spoke before you could even begin to ask him. "Turn around." He ordered. His tone was stern and his gaze lustful. But you happily obliged, jumping down from the desk, your knees a bit weak, as you turned around, placing your hands on the desk, kicking off the heels you had been wearing for better stability. And you quickly pulled down your panties, letting them fall to your ankles.
You could hear Aegon undoing his belt, and you turned your face to see him out of the corner of your eyes, he was impatiently trying to get his belt off as fast as possible.
"Impatient much?" you teased Aegon, it was almost reflexively to do so, even at this moment. "Shut the fuck up" he groaned, even though his words were harsh, his tone stayed teasing. He finally undid his belt, releasing his already hard cock from his boxers as you felt it against your ass.
You felt Aegon against your folds, and you couldn't stop a moan from escaping your lips when you felt his tip poking against your entrance. His hand wandered from your hip to your waist finally stopping when it reached your face, cupping your face as he turned your cheek so you would look at him, the best you could. You arched your back further into him, your body begging him to just take you.
Aegon's lips curled into a smirk, as he watched you badly you wanted him inside you, "impatient much?" he taunted, using your own words against you. His hand softly glided back down, landing on your lower back, making small tender circles with his thumb. He then fully entered you with no warning, harshly, and your body instinctively jolted forward, but Aegons hands quickly went to your hips to keep you in place.
Your fingers started to curl as they held onto the wooden desk, "you're taking me so well" Aegon breathed, and you could hear how his voice had started to become unsteady.
You felt Aegon lean in closer, his breath ghosting over the side of your neck. His face nestled into the crook of your neck, as he muttered something incoherent. His thrusts became less intense. He wrapped one of his arms around your waist, trying to bury himself deeper inside you, hitting the sweet spot in you. It was almost sweet how close he was to you, but what really caught your attention, was the sounds he was making. A low, almost needy whine as he continued to fuck into you. "you feel so good" Aegon murmured behind you, you could hear how his voice had started to become unsteady. Your moans had started to slow down, and you instinctively moaned his name.
He then pulled back, and his hands went back to your hip. He started to harshly pick up the pace, you almost felt as if he was treating you like a doll. His movements were so brutal, completely different from how tender he had just been. You felt your knees start to get wobbly, as you tried to keep yourself up, using the desk as support.
You considered asking him, begging him, to slow down. But every time he pulled your hips back, slamming into you, his cock hit the right pot. So you didn't do anything but take it.
"I'm close" you purred, looking back over your shoulder to try and get Aegons attention, his gaze fixated on how he slid in and out of you. But you managed to get his attention, a smirk spreading across his face when he made eye contact with you. His hand then sneaked around you, finding your clit, as he started to play with you. The same smug expression he always had on his face. "You gotta be quiet" Aegon chuckled, as he started to slow his movements, lazily playing with your clit. He was close too. You muttered his name, feeling yourself become overstimulated, it was all too much. Anything that was happening on the other side of the door was none of your concern now. Anybody walking past this office would hear your desperate pleas. "I can cum in you, right?" Aegon breathed, as he was trying not to cum inside you right this second, waiting for you to say yes. You nodded, permitting him to come in you. It didn't take him long after that to cum, filling you up.
He stayed inside you after he came, now fully focused on your pleasure. His fingers circled your clit again, doing his best to get you to cum around his cock, staying inside you for as long as he could.
You felt your knees buckle, and you had to lean down further onto the desk, resting on your elbows. You felt the tension build within you, as you put your hand over your mouth to conceal the sounds you were making. It only took a few more seconds and you felt yourself cumming, your breath panting as your fingers dug into the desk.
Aegon then slid out of you, grabbing a tissue off the desk to clean himself off, before putting his pants back on.
“You okay?” He asked you, head leaning slightly over your shoulder, taking another tissue to clean you up. You nodded, slightly whimpering when he cleaned you up. Aegon pulled your skirt back down to cover your ass, lightly slapping your ass.
You turned around to face him, sitting back down on the desk to remove the tights Aegon had ripped earlier. Your knees were too weak, your legs still shaking so you sat on the desk, trying to steady yourself.
"We should do that more often," Aegon muttered, his voice was a mix of satisfaction and amusement. He stepped closer to you, his breath was still unsteady as he reached out, his hands finding their way to your messy hair. His fingers tried their best to smooth out the strands of hair that had become dishevelled. A gesture that felt more intimate than you had expected.
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iamasimperyk · 5 months
New assistant -Rafe Cameron
Summary: You are Rafe’s new assistant and ready to seduce him
Warnings: MDNI, Smut, Taboo Topic, name calling, cursing, English is not my first language, not proofread
Pairing: CEO!Rafe x Assistant!Reader
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It was your first day as Rafe Cameron's personal assistant.
"Good morning, Sir." You smiled brightly as you entered his office.
His eyes met yours as you came closer to his desk, a slight smirk playing on his lips, "Miss Y/l/n. A pleasure to finally meet you."
His large hand engulfed your smaller one, and you couldn't help but wonder how those fingers would feel touching your skin.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, too." You smiled at him.
"Thank you for taking over Mrs. Johnson's position so quickly," he said, looking into your eyes.
"Of course, I am happy I can work for someone like you." You tried to make him like you, "Black coffee, right?"
He nodded his head, as you leaned over his desk to place the cup, you already had in your hands, on the polished surface.
Looking up at him, you noticed he was staring at your cleavage, "Anything else I can do for you, Mr. Cameron?"
His eyes slowly took in your beautiful hair which was pulled back in a bun, your white silk blouse, and your black skirt that ended three inches above your knees.
"I will call you if there is something to do for you," He mumbled before you turned around and slowly walked out of his office, feeling his eyes on you the whole time. This was going to be fun.
Over the next few weeks, the two of you became very close and continued your subtle teasing.
Today was the day you finally wanted to seduce him. You put on your new dress which had a sweetheart bust that allowed the top of your breasts to show. The dress hugged your body perfectly, showing off your curves.
You heard the elevator open and glanced up as Rafe walked out, wearing an expensive dark blue suit.
"Good morning, Mr. Cameron," You smiled up at him.
He had been reading something on his phone but looked up at your greeting.
He gave you a small nod before he took the stack of papers from you and headed into his office, you quickly walked after him.
He opened his laptop before he looked up at you once again, "What do you think of this email, Miss Y/l/n?"
You walked around the desk, leaning down a bit to get a better look at the computer screen. "Sorry, Sir, but there's nothing there."
"Really? You felt Rafe's hand touch the back of your knee. Slowly it glided up to the top of your bare thigh.
You stepped between his spread thighs, continuing to lean over his desk.
Both of his hands had now found their way beneath your dress. You looked back at Rafe, biting your lip. He reached back, grabbed the hem of your dress, and flipped it up so that your ass was bare to his view.
Rafe groaned and knelt on the floor behind you, starting to suck on your wet clit. After a few minutes, he inserted two fingers inside you.
"Fuck, Mr. Cameron, that feels so good. Oh, yes. You're gonna make me cum." You tried to say as quietly as possible.
When you were about to cum, he pulled back.
He sat back in his chair and unfastened his suit pants. "My turn, Miss Y/l/n."
You immediately knelt down in front of him before you took his hard shaft inside your mouth. You kept moving your mouth up and down until you noticed Rafe was almost ready to cum. You slowed down the movements of your mouth and stood up.
Leaning towards him, you released your breasts from your dress and rubbed them in his face, earning a small groan from him before his hands grasped them.
You bit down your lip, slowly sitting down on his hard dick.
Rafe groaned as he let go of your tits to place his hands on your hips, "That's it. Ride my cock, slut."
He slammed his cock deep inside of you, and you couldn't help but moan. It didn't take long for you to cum, as he started to fill you with his cum.
He held you close as your breathing settled, "You like my new dress, Mr. Cameron?"
He laughed against your neck. "Yes. Very much."
You stood up, straightening your dress, "I better go freshen up."
He smacked your ass as you turned around to leave his office when he called out for you once again, "Clear your schedule, Miss Y/l/n, you will stay at my place for the weekend."
You immediately nodded with a tired smile, "Yes, Sir."
You heard him laughing as you left the room. This is going to be interesting.
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eroticnoices · 5 months
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where you‘ll find all fantasies !
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feel free to request<3!
⛧ rafe cameron
-saying i love you during sex | nsfw
-jealousy finger bang | nsfw
-toxic!afab!reader x toxic!rafe | nsfw
-accidents happens | nsfw
-accidents happen prt2 | nsfw
-someone older | nsfw
-breeding kink w older!rafe | nsfw
-rafe apologizing | nsfw
-sleeping with married rafe | nsfw
-getting caught by his wife | nsfw
-jealous ceo rafe | nsfw
-sucking rafe off next to his sleeping wife | nsfw
-vacation with married!rafe | nsfw
-shower sex | nsfw
-enemies with benefits | nsfw
-seducing your hot boss | nsfw
-stealing from dbf!rafe | nsfw
-pervy rafe finally getting his hands on you | nsfw
-teacher rafe being there for you nsfw
-sneaking around with older!dbf!rafe nsfw
⛧ richie jerimovich
-stress relief | nsfw
-richie reminding you he loves you | nsfw
⛧ rick grimes
⛧ ryan baker
-giving you what you have been begging for | nsfw
⛧ jake webber
-selfishly | nsfw
-jake comforting depressed!reader
-definitely more than best friends | nsfw
⛧ colby brock
-colby brock headcannons | nsfw
-euphoria | nsfw
-best friends | nsfw
⛧ specials
-wade loves seeing you squirt | nsfw
-wade being a tease | nsfw
-confessing to stiles | nsfw
-void stiles needing some relief | nsfw
-stiles finding out you like his hands | nsfw
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cameronspecial · 4 months
Barry leaves, asking Rafe to watch his sister, who overhears and objects. Despite her attempts to seduce Rafe, He declines. That night after Barry goes to sleep he confesses his love to her and they have passionate slow sex
Whispered I Love Yous
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: SMUT
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 1.1K
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Rafe has always seen Y/N as Barry’s little sister and it annoys her to no end. Every attempt she makes to get the year older man into her bed is turned away. Even in her best outfit during a party, he still doesn’t want her. “I’ve told you before, Honey. I’m not going to sleep with you, so stop trying,” he declines. She groans, stepping away from him and buttoning up her shirt to hide her breasts. The only person she wants to see is Rafe. She pouts, “You are no fun.” She storms away to get a drink and misses the want in his eyes. It kills him to say no to her because everything in him wants to pound into her until she forgets her name, except his need to have more with her stops him. She only wants sex and Rafe wants love added to the mix. So he denies them both what they need because if he is going to have her, he craves every part of him. 
She returns to the couch area to find Rafe in conversation with her brother and does a little eavesdropping. “I need you to watch over her for a bit. I got to head back home for a second to take care of business and I don’t trust your Kook friends around her,” Barry orders, stuffing some of the drugs he hasn’t sold yet into Rafe’s pocket. Rafe nods, “You got it.” She rushes between the two and faces her brother. “No, no, no. I don’t need a babysitter. I am eighteen, Bare. Plus, Rafe doesn’t even like me,” she complains. Barry chuckles, “You don’t have a choice. You are going to sit on that couch where Rafe can see you and listen to what he tells you to do. If you don’t, then you can find another place to sleep.” She can’t respond because he storms out of Tannyhill to head home. “I-” Rafe tries to tell her she doesn’t hate him, but she leaves before he can finish talking. On her way to the couch, she grabs a random Touron and shoves him on the furniture. She straddles the man, beginning to make out with him. Anger boils within Rafe and he wants to shove her off of him, except a client comes over to make a purchase from him.
Rafe didn’t see her after Barry returned and she was allowed to leave the couch. He assumed that she went to the guest room she was given for the night with the Touron and Rafe hated the thought, so he tried his best to push her out of his mind. It works until Barry goes to bed and he doesn’t have to sell coke or a party to occupy his mind. He looks around the room at the cups and beer bottles littering the floor and thinks about starting to clean before he decides to leave it for tomorrow. 
He heads upstairs, passing the room Y/N is sleeping in. A noise coming from the room causes him to pause. “Rafe, I love you.” He can’t believe it. Y/N just moaned out he loved her. She must not have brought the Touron up. He knocks on the door and doesn’t get a response. His ear presses to the door to see if he can hear any shuffling and when he hears nothing, he does what he probably shouldn’t and opens it. He finds her asleep in bed; fully clothed, so she couldn’t have been masturbating. 
The words he heard her mumble in her sleep gave him the confidence to do what he was about to do next. He rests his hand on her shoulder and gently shakes her awake. Her eyebrows knit together as her eyes flutter open, “Rafe, what are you doing here?” 
His confession rushes out of his mouth. “I don’t hate you. I just can’t have only sex with you. I need more with you because I love you. I want dates and whispering I love you when we wake up in the morning. I declined your advances because I want a relationship with you and I thought you only wanted sex.” 
He holds his breath as he waits for her response. He knows the moment that she fully wakes up and processes his words. She wraps her arms around him, bringing her lips to his. He is pulled forward and her legs tangle around him so she is flush against him. His hips grind against her, causing her to moan out in pleasure. They quickly shed their clothes and he sees her preparing to go down on him. He keeps her in place, “As much as I would love to feel your mouth, I need to be inside of you. We will have plenty of time to show each other how good we are with our mouths.” Her head bobs at his words and she watches while he uses his hand to guide his dick inside of her. She gasps as he thrusts into her. The pace is slow and deep. A testament to the feelings brewing between them. 
The positions they are in allow them to stare into each other’s eyes. He thinks about speeding up; however, he feels how she clenches around him and knows this is the pace for the moment right now. He brings his hips back out, easing himself back in to hit that part inside of her that has her moaning louder. Tears brim in her eyes and worries floods him. He brings a hand to her cheek, “Are you okay, Honey? Am I hurting you? Should I stop?” She shakes her head vehemently and grips his bum, helping him into her. “Don’t stop. I’m just really happy to be doing this right now with you because… Because I love you.” Love fills him completely and he uses his other hand to caress her arm. He brings their lips together and then rests his forehead forward against hers. “I love you too, Honey. So much,” he promises. She kisses him with a grin on her face. 
They continue their movements until they are brought to the edge. Once they come down from their high, he pulls out of her and carries her to his own bedroom after checking that the coast is clear. He tucks her into his bed and goes to get a damp towel from the bathroom.
He cleans her off, getting them both robes from the back of his door. He helps it onto her and they cuddle into each other as they fall asleep.
“I love you, Honey,” a voice whispers. This pulls her from her slumber. Her eyes flick to the window to find golden light trying to shine through the curtain. She looks toward the figure beside her and she smiles. She presses her lips to his, “I love you too.” 
Taglist: @loves0phelia @thelomlisrafecameron @wickedlovely121 @thepatriarchykeychain @drewsmusee @starkowswife @maybankslover @forstarkey @loving-and-dreaming @magicalyoura @rubixgsworld
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spideyhexx · 5 months
2 am thoughts with kit;
ex!rafe cameron who you mostly despise at this point, is a force to be reckoned with considering how he can sweet talk you back into his bed.
It’s concerning, you know that. It’s toxic, it’s bad, but you can never deny how good he fucks you. It’s hate being spewed at him while he’s balls deep, but at least you’re getting something out of it. You start to wonder if he likes how much you degrade him in bed now that he’s not your boyfriend. Telling him how much you hate him, how he’s an asshole, that you could never imagine dating him again, you’d tell him you’ve had good dick since him but he knows that one is a lie.
Rafe is under a slightly different mindset because you do piss him off, but he truly does miss you in his own twisted way. Even some of the softer things, he misses, and to him, the only way he can get even a lick of your attention is if he seduces you, or angers you enough to get you in his bed or in a bathroom.
It’s easy, he thinks. He has interest in how you’re doing, but he’s barely listening, too focused on your lips, your hands, your tits, all of you. His signature move of leaning close to you in a nonchalant way as if he wasn’t meaning to, that it was natural, always got to you. A hand to your lower back if he’s guiding you, even if it was only a couple steps you had to take. His voice is quieter, never as harsh as it can sometimes get.
Sometimes he’d feel like he’s coming off as desperate, and he is. But you don’t mind that. It makes it better when you pretend you’re not gonna give in to him and he gives you a pleading look only conveyed through his eyes while his jaw is tightened, fist clenched for a second before he calms himself, and once he’s waited enough in your eyes, you’re grabbing his hand and tugging him somewhere.
“I missed you,” he moans, right to your ear as he presses his cock into you. He’d say that almost every time and it gets you, hook, line and sinker.
Rafe is careful. He keeps his words calm, tame until he’s sure you’re completely gone and needy for him, then his thrusts get harder, his fingers digging into your skin, biting at your ear and your neck, making sure he leaves marks because he’d be angry with himself if he didn’t.
And his words turn filthier, “fuuuck you’re so damn tight. So wet, I make you this wet, huh?” Rafe lets out a combo of a growl and chuckle when you only whine in responses to him, “I know, baby, I know, don’t gotta say a word, I fucking know it.”
when the two of you finish, he’s always oddly caring, cleaning you up, getting you water if you needed it, but then he says shit like, “you wanna come to that new restaurant with me down by-“
“Shut it, Rafe,” you cut him off, getting your clothes on and leaving him be.
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daintcas · 7 months
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love tropes with rafe cameron !
enemies to lovers. the pogues are your best friends, he's the eldest of the richest family on the island. years of fighting among the two groups pinned you against each other, yet the tension between stolen glances couldn't be ignored. neither of you would admit - even to yourselves, how you desperately pined after the other. it felt like a betrayal, but when he comes up to you while being separated from your friends, you can't help but gaze up at him with big, star-struck eyes, nodding along to the sweet nothings he's trying to seduce you with. he knows it's wrong too, but you're so effortlessly irresistible, and he can't help but want you all to himself. the clueless pogue, just begging to be taken and cared for by someone like him.
best friends brother. after all the nights spent at tanneyhill having girly sleepovers with sarah, running into her scary older brother was inevitable. what you didn't expect, was how him brushing past you without a second thought would have you doing double takes throughout the mansion, yearning for even an ounce of attention. he didn't notice at first, disregarding you as another one of his sister's little friends. only when you gave up on your silly crush did he start to admire the pretty girl who was always around his house. plotting to get you attached by cornering you when left by yourself in corners of the house, taking advantage of the power he had to make you shy away and blush while batting your lashes oh so innocently up at him.
unrequited love. rafe is the definition of hook-up culture. going to parties under the influence to find a girl for the night, just to disregard her completely the next morning. but when he found you, he knew he wasn't letting you go so easily. staying over at the cameron's became normality, going out of your way just to please the boy you'd slowly been falling for. he liked you, more so liked the way he could have you however he pleased, whenever he pleased, and you'd let him. any form of affection he showed you'd willingly take until it became too much. the distance was noticeable and he only got the hint after you had been busy for a week straight. moving on didn't work, no other girl was like you, and that's when he knew he messed up. carelessly playing with the feelings he knew you had for him so he could have you, just one more night.
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flammingnachos · 11 months
𝑩𝒆 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖(dark!rafe x fem!reader)
𝘚𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴; rafe can’t seem to get a certain Pogue out of his mind so what else could he do rather than take matters into his own hands
𝘞𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨; mean!rafe, Pogue!reader, kidnapping, manipulation, slightly physical abuse, Stockholm syndrome, SMUT
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It all started off as little glances here and there and then it was when we bucked into each other during the time when my friends jj,pope, John b and Kiara where sneaking into the mid summers party for John b to see one of the cook princess Sarah while we stayed there for lookout
It was until jj had bucked into the cook king himself rafe fucking cameron that he hid and grabbed me thinking of some shitty plan on the spot to distract rafe so that he can make a run for it.
I reluctantly disagreed with this shitty plan cause A. It’s rafe and B. he’s a psychopath who hell would want to seduce someone like that. And of course he ignored my pleas and instead pushed me out the hiding spot into the Cook king himself making him stumbled back a bit almost knocking over his crew of friends behind him
He looked down smirking a big as he was towering over me
“oh look who we have here, another of these Pogues running around like mice’s at our party” He snorted out as the rest of his crew laughed out loud
“where’s a pretty thing like yourself headed off to” he asked out now seeing me frozen beneath him
My mouth opened but nothing came out, my voice suddenly felt like it was gone and the air felt like it was slowly suffocating me
“I don’t think this one talks that much like the rest of them rafe” topper called out
rage did nothing but snicker some more at this
“I-I’m sorry that I bumped into you, I was just taking my leave..I’m lost” My voice spoke barely over a whisper as I looked everywhere but at the giants in front of me. For a moment the room went silent which meant for me was a good thing which is when I decided to take my leave, As I was about to walk right back past him when he instinctively grabbed my arm
“and where do you think your going” he asked
“I don’t think you understand, I’m trying to leave to avoid whatever the hell it is you and your friends are looking for” I tried to reason out
“She def covering up for that dirty Pogue maybank” Kelce snorted over at topper as they shared some look
“Shut your stupid mouths about jj” I half yelled at them leading to rafe manhandling me, yanking my arms and pulled me more closer towards as I looked up at him eye to eye
He smirked at my newfound of confidence making me nervous a bit
“And what are you gonna do about it if we don’t” he breathed out into my face smirking like the stupid snob he is
my mouth went shut I couldn’t say anything back
This time he gripped the collar of my shirt pushing my face even more closer to his than it already was
“I asked a question” he slowly said looking into my eyes
“HEY! Why don’t you guys pick on someone your own size” JJ jumped out of his hiding spot turning everyone’s heads as I pushed myself off rafe and ran over to JJ
“Get his ass” rafe ordered as we both took a run for it and I followed back of JJ as they rest of the cook boys chased us through the party, that was when JJ took a turn into three men’s bathroom until we both were corned
“Well looks like we got you guys right where we wanted you” rafe said inching closer to JJ until they where face to face
“someone’s been stalking me” JJ jokes out leaving rafe to grab him up and slam him into the wall as pushed myself over there to stop him
“GET OFF HIM YOU JERK!?”I screamed out
I tried to pull his hands off JJ’s collar leaving one of his friends topper to hold me back
JJ kept moving out of his grasp cursing him out to let me go
Thankfully someone walked in leaving topper to let go off me and rafe to back up a bit off JJ
“What’s going on in here boys” the man asked out
“Oh nothing just was having a nice talk with my friend here” the man looked over at us and then back at me
“And why is there a woman in the males room” He asked
“O-oh she here got lost and was asking for directions to the ladies room”Topper joined in as the man nodded
“Well I’ll show her to where it is now, it’s rude to keep a lady waiting you know” JJ chuckled out winking at rafe as he led us both out the bathroom rushing to don’t he others
“Great job almost having me killed by the way” I joked out
He laughed
“Notice how you said almost” he said leading us both to where the others where at
I just rolled my eyes at this
Time ship to now after that whole situation I’ve avoided rafe entirely especially after the rumors that where starting to circulate around the Cook King
After his whole situation with Sarah and framing John b for the murder of sheriff perkin and heading to jail, while the Pogues and I were still on the hunt to find out where the Gold was that was hidden while also keeping a low profile
What I hadn’t know was that during this time someone was lurking in the shadows waiting for the right time to prance on there prey
‘So beautiful’ I muttered out to myself staring at the thousands of photographs that I had hanging on the wall in my room
“Rafe!” I heard my father call out in the hallways making me scurry and cover back up the photolog on my wall while rushing to open the door
“What?” I asked in a monotone manner
My father only looked a bit inside my room and then right back at me
“what are you doing so long, I don't even seeing anything Packed yet and we're about to leave” he questioned upon seeing my room casual
“I gotta do something first before I leave” I explained resting my hands on top of my head in distress
My father sighed at this
“Hurry it up the boat doesn’t come until around 10PM, we should be able to leave the house springs 9:30PM” He said giving me another one of his stern looks
“I’m serious rafe make sure I see your ass in this house ready to leave with your mother and your sister” He scowled
I hummed slamming the door right in his face
this old man
..now back to what I was doing
I gathered the duffel bag, the injection and the tape and hid it in my sweater while leaving my room and locking the door and rushing downstairs to my car
Once I got in my emptied out my pockets in the passenger seat and drove off to my destination
I’m coming for you baby..
the pogues and I sat down around the camp fire as we laughed and joked and drank some musty bear JJ stole from his dads refrigerator while John b and Sarah had left together going into John b’s house
“you guys already know what there about to do” Pope chuckled taking another sip form his beer while looking over at the rest of us
I giggled at this
“Ooh john b give me all that John d” JJ mocked, moaning out trying to demonstrate how Sarah was being like
“Guys stop it” I laughed out
“Speaking of which Cleo might if I talk to you for a bit” Pope asked looking to his side toward as Cleo as she nodded looking over me giving those ‘I’m freaking out’ eyes
“ohh, that’s so not what we’re doing right now” I huffed out watching them leave and then I looked over at JJ seeing him look at kie
“Guys please-”I was about to started pleading when JJ got up yanking Kie’s arms somewhere as she squealed out
“sorry t, well come back quick” she rushed out laughing along with JJ
“well just great, I'm by myself once again” I muttered out
minutes passed by and I still stuck on the floor on my third bottle of beer staring out at the stars.
I snapped out my trance hearing some shuffling in the bushes that were a bit further away from me, I looked back seeing nothing but the bushes shaking form the wind
I shrugged it off
then some more shuffling was heard
that's it
I got up and made my way over to the bushes that were swaying from the wind
“hello”I whispered stepping more closer to the bushes peeking around
I started walking more further into the woods looking around some more, I stood still for a moment to concentrate and try to depict where the sound was coming from but right then I left a sharp pain on my neck
“Ugh” I cried out nearly falling a bit as my hands felt for what was in my neck and I felt another persons hands along with a needle, I tried moving a bit to get them off me but they kept harshly groping my hands and holding them behind my back
“HELP!?”My voiced half screamed out but the person covered up my mouth but I bit them making him yelp in pain
I pushed my hands around to fight off the person and then punched them right in he balls as they groaned out falling to the floor holding his balls through his pants
I breathed heavily and tried moving back and running but my legs felt like rubber and my body felt so heavy
I didn’t know when I passed out but I felt my body give out and the light no longer visible to me
I groaned out in pain still lying on the floor as I looked over and saw Atia passed out on the floor right next to me
Took her that long for her to drop to the floor
I crawled towards her groaning in pain from the contact of her kicking me right in the balls, using my free hand I had taken out the needle throwing it into a bush somewhere before getting to my feet steadily and weakly pulling up her body to carry her over my shoulders
“ATIA!” I heard a voice yell
Sounded like one those pogues
I heard more movement and more voices started forming, seems like they are now looking for there friend
I hurriedly swinged her over my shoulders and speed walked back to my car before they could find me
“GUYS WHERE’S ATIA!” kie yelled as her voices were started to sound a bit more unclear the further I was away from there
I reached by my car at he roadside and hurridly pushed her inside on the backseat to lay down and jumped into the drivers seat and sped off
while stopping at a red light half way there I had tied up her hands and legs and taped up her mouth shut, the injection in the needle would last for about the next 15 hours before she would be awake, by then she’ll be far away from this dump and at the new lake house my father had bought for the family to stay in as a safe house for a while
In the next 20 minutes I reached back and house and checked the time on the radio
8:57 PM
it read
I had a little bit enough time to pack some stuff til dad came to my room to come get me, maybe I can pack a few of Sarah’s stuff in there for her
I turned off my car getting out and opening the back seat sliding her back onto my shoulders and carrying her into the house
While opening the door and sliding through I walked passed my younger sister wheezie sitting on in the living room on her phone but she quickly disregarded it once seeing me enter in the house
“Rafe”she yelled running towards me
“Mom has been looking everywhere for you since everyone seems to be packed but you and-”she halted upon what she was saying as she saw me making my way upstairs with a human on my shoulder
“Why didn’t you wait until earlier to bring one of your little one night stands here and we’re literally about to leave” she sighed
I breathed out to keep my cool
“look wheezie, tell rose I’ll be ready by the time the boat gets here I just have stuff to do” I explained before walking back up the steps
“yeah stuff like getting off before we leave” she mumbled out before returning back to the living room
that fucking little shit
I just continued on to my room
Once I reached I slowly closed the door with r my leg and hesitantly dropped her onto the bed as her body sprawled out on the sheets
Now that’s that situated let me go pack
I left her getting the suitcases and stuff that where need for packing, making trips in and out of my room to Sarah’s room for stuff for her
While returning back to my room she started moving and mumbling out something groggily
“JJ is that you” she croaked out making me freeze on the spot
She isn’t suppose to be up until the next 13 more hours but they did say there were some side effects of it
“No it’s your rafey” I expressed with a smile on my face
I don’t know why but her calling me that nickname would make me go absolutely feral
She pouted at this
“No, I wasn’t my JJ” she whined trying to move around but stopped a short second later
I don’t why but her yearning for another man was making me go crazy
How could she be dreaming about that stupid Pogue when I’m right here
I breathed in and out to contain my anger but that wasn’t working clearly when she started again crying out for that damn pogues name
“All right that’s it” I frustratingly said while dropping the thing in my hand and rushing over to her
“You belong to me, not that damn son of a Pogue” I roared out in anger
My hands started fumbling with my belt as I undid it pulling down her shorts in the process, but I stopped midway admiring her white lace panties she was wearing
That’s hot
Pulling down her panties I was met with the beautiful site of her pussy right infront of my face, if it wasn’t for the fact that I was pissed off right now I would have gave my girl a nice ate out
I rubbed my fingers through her slit feeling the moistness from it
I then pushed my dick right in her feeling her walls clamped up right onto me
I groaned out
fuck she was squeezing me
I started moving in and out of her, fastly as I created a rhythm with my hips digging deep inside of her with no mercy. My balls slapping right on her clit as I groaned out form the contact
It took me second to cum right inside of her cause of how tight her walls were clamping me up
I groaned taking my dick out rubbing my cream all over her pussy before getting up to clean myself up in the bathroom
When I came back I brought a paper towel to clean her up too before resuming to packing up for the both of us
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yourdarkcherry · 8 months
Seducing Rafe Cameron || Ch.1
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Summary: You were blessed with an easy life since you were born, but it’s all threatened when your dad’s business fails and you find yourself with no prospects and no education and so your only solution is to marry rich. Who’s a better candidate than the older brother of your ex-best friend from high school? So you do everything in your power to seduce Rafe Cameron, not knowing he’s the root to all your problems.
Warnings: toxic relationship, spoiled reader, sexist elements, dark content, blackcoded reader, pregnancy, physical and emotional abuse, manipulation, gaslighting, death threats, eventual smut.
Next Chapter
Divider is by: @/cafekitsune
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You’ve never thought of Rafe Cameron in that way, at least not since your friend break up with Sarah. 
It was your mother who incepted that thought in your head, on a sunny morning in the kitchen. She was standing cutting vegetables, and you were making yourself a characteristically late breakfast. The sigh coming out of her mouth should prompt you to ask her what’s wrong, but you already knew what’s wrong.
Your dad’s failing business. To be fair, he wouldn’t have admitted that at all, knowing that he had the biggest ego ever. But the letter from the bank, with a bold and red title made you and your mother exchange looks and open it anyways. 
Since then everything has been going downhill, and there’s nothing you could do. It’s not like a failing business could suddenly become successful overnight just because you wanted it to be, or god forbid the lie rich people tell poor people that hard work does it all. 
“You know, you’re pretty and you’re young but you have no higher education and you have no successful business to inherit,” she started, you glanced over your shoulder at her, she was still focused on cutting the vegetables. 
“I know that,” you commented with a sigh that should’ve eased the heaviness in your chest, but it only served to make you feel more weight in your chest.
“So I think you should find yourself a nice rich man to marry,” she said, and you usually would’ve scoffed at her words but you knew her words were true. 
You were God's most spoiled creation, and rightfully so. You were born as the only daughter of a rich family in an elite suburban neighborhood, the kind that naturally had vacation homes and private jets. But with the business going downhill, that easily meant all of those blessings being plucked away from your hands. 
“You aren’t suited for living in The Cut, you would be miserable and people there would easily take advantage of you,”
Not only the properties, but also the connections. Your family friends were everything but loyal, they dropped lifelong friends if it didn’t suit the successful image they portrayed, which would also mean your chances of being married off to a rich man would be nonexistent. 
“You’re naive, and have no education or prospects so getting married is the best option for you.”
Rich people surrounded themselves with rich people. 
The bank already seized a hold of your vacation home, and it would be a matter of time before you’re found out. No one wanted to be poor, so you listened to your mother’s words carefully. 
“Cynthia’s son is interning at her hospital, he’s young and seems like a respectful young man that you can manipulate with a few nice words…Cynthia’s hard on him so it would be so much easier,” she said, and you neglected your sandwich making in order to rest your back against the counter and stare at her standing in the island, still giving all her attention to chopping the vegetables. 
“You mean Topper?” you asked, and she hummed in agreement. You sighed and crossed your arms over your chest, “mom, he’s still not over Sarah and she’s been dating that guy from The Cut for like years now,” 
She moved to the gas stove top next to you, switched the fire on and tossed the chopped onions in the pot. “What about that nice guy you dated in high school? That blonde with dimples,” she asked, glancing at you as she stirred the onions. 
You grinned, rolled your eyes and revealed, “I have never told you this but the main reason I broke up with Dylan was because I caught him cheating on me with his cousin.” 
She chuckled, then tossed the garlic and stirred it, “well, most rich people are like that, I also dated a guy in high school who later married his cousin.”
“Interesting,” you commented.
It got quiet for a minute, then you resumed your task of making your sandwich. Only when you took a bite of it did she speak again, “I think Sarah’s brother is a good candidate,”
“Mom, please,” you say with a sigh, setting down your sandwich and then feeling like you have no appetite anymore. Not because of Rafe, you feel indifferent about him. It’s just that the mention of him makes you automatically associate him with Sarah. 
Your ex-best friend, your best friend since birth and the one who was secretly dating your highschool boyfriend behind your back. Honestly even though years passed, you think you still have similar feelings to when it first happened, you didn’t care much for the fact that your boyfriend cheated on you. 
It was the fact that Sarah betrayed you that hurt you, and the fact that she went ahead and carelessly and unapologetically ruined your friendship. 
Sure, you weren’t perfect in highschool and had your own flaws too and your friendship with Sarah was pretty codependent. You two never ever existed without each other, if one was seen then there’s a ninety nine percent chance the other would be there.
“It’s been years since you and Sarah had that fight,” your mother responded with a shrug. Of course, none of the grown-ups knew the true reason for your friend break up, all they knew was that overnight you both couldn’t stand the sight of each other. 
Sure, years passed since the fight. It happened Junior year and you like to believe you’re totally over it, which you are, but it’s just pretty goddamn strange to walk up to Rafe Cameron who you’ve never spoken to since your fight with Sarah and flirt with him. 
In general, it would be strange to flirt with him when you have never ever seen him in that way. 
“He’s also definitely inheriting his father’s empire, Sarah used to be the favorite but she’s off with that broke man and there’s no way Ward would give her anything,” She said, now stirring the simmering pot and giving you her full attention, “Rafe is working with his father, Rose talks about them all the time.”
“He’s Sarah’s brother,” you argued.
Your mother scoffed, rolled her eyes and said, “And he’s rich and he’s going to inherit his father’s very successful empire, plus he’s handsome and he seems nice, he always greets me when he sees me.”
That’s when the thought was planted in your head, and it continued to grow. 
Sure, Rafe Cameron was a very handsome young man, you remember passively thinking that when you and Sarah used to be friends. You don’t remember much of him, just that you had small chats when you used to lounge around Tannyhill.
You always saw him at parties, but never said hi because Sarah would ignore him and you felt the need to ignore him too. 
He was cordial with you, sometimes he drove you and Sarah around before she got her license. He didn’t stand out to you much, so you didn’t understand why you were sitting outside very early in the morning when you always woke up around noon. 
Your legs dangled on the edge of the porch swing, clad in your running attire that you’ve never used, a magazine on your lap as you watched the blond jog past your home. 
Even your mother was surprised when she saw you up early, and in work out clothes. “It’s such a pleasant sight seeing you in the morning, you should do it often,” she said and you sighed as you stood up from the swing. 
“But it’s a good thing you’re up early, he always jogs in the morning,” she didn’t need to say a name for you to understand who she was referring to. You knew that fact too, it’s why you even decided to set an alarm at six in the morning.
“Accompany you in your walk?” you asked, she nodded and you both started her routine. 
The scenery was pleasant, the sun still wasn’t fully up in the sky to torture you with its rays and shine. The weather was nice too, and halfway through the walk you forgot why you even started this, and only recalled when you heard the jogging steps behind you. 
You looked over your shoulder, and low and behold Rafe Cameron in all his glory was slowing his jogging, possibly at the end of his morning jog. There was a hint of confusion in his eyes when he stared at you, possibly questioning why you, a girl who slept until noon, was up at six in the morning. 
He didn’t have to stalk you to know that, in your neighborhood everyone knew everything about everybody. From your salary to how many utensils you had in your drawer. It’s just common knowledge, and the nosiness in such communities, so it was only a matter of time before everyone knew of your father’s business and would cross you out from social gatherings.
“Good morning, Mrs. (L/N) and (Y/N),” he greeted, slightly heaving but still managing to smile politely at your mother. 
“Hello, Rafe, how was your run?” your mother asked back politely. 
“Oh you know, the usual, the Miller’s dog tried to chase me,” he grinned when you and your mother both chuckled. Then he gave you his full attention, “I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?”
You blinked, slightly taken aback by his direct address to you, when you’ve done nothing but ignore him after your fiasco with his sister. Still, you displayed your best casual smile, “I have been fine, I’m just trying to get into a productive routine,” 
“Well, it’s good seeing you up and about,” he responded. 
“How about you, how have you been?” you asked, tilting your head with slight curiosity. 
“Same old,” he replied with a nonchalant shrug, “working with my old man, hanging at the country club, teaching Wheezie how to drive,” you beam at him. “How’s she by the way? Haven’t seen her in a while,”
“Like the usual sixteen year olds, rebellious and making dumb decisions,” he answers, once again easily making you and your mother laugh. He smiles charmingly, “I was joking, she’s actually better than me and Sarah,”
You laughed, genuinely enjoying the banter. “Well, that's a relief. Good to know she didn't inherit the Cameron family's knack for trouble.”
Rafe chuckled, running a hand through his damp hair. “Yeah, well, someone has to break the cycle, right? Though, I can't promise she won't pull some pranks here and there.” Your heart skipped a beat at his action.
Your mother chimed in, “Teenagers will be teenagers. Just make sure she doesn't cause too much trouble, Rafe.”
He smirked and nodded, and opened his mouth to speak but you interrupted him, “Well let’s not take more of your time, it was nice catching up with you,” then you crossed your arm with your mother’s as you pulled her ahead with you.
Rafe's smirk faded slightly, replaced by a subtle look of disappointment. “Yeah, sure. It was nice catching up,” he replied, nodding politely.
You flashed him a smile, walked ahead of him as he took the turn towards Tannyhill. When he was safely out of earshot, your mother prompted, “so?”
“Even if I don’t like him I don’t have any other choice,” you reply with a shrug, your mother smiled teasingly, “good thing you like him.”
You rolled your eyes playfully at your mother's teasing, “mom, at this point it’s about survival, and since when did he mature?”
The morning stroll was nice, your mother had returned home when her knees started hurting her, but you decided you’d continue walking for a bit more. Observing the well-manicured streets of Figure 8 that you had grown up into, and gazing at the beautiful architecture of the houses there, you thought that you wanted to continue this lifestyle and would do everything in your power to maintain it. 
Who cares if Rafe was your traitor Ex-bestfriend brother, and seeing her would remind you of the betrayal? You had to do what you had to do in order to thrive, you didn’t have anything under your name, and if the facade of your family’s success was found out and the bank managed to seize your current family home then you’d have no other option but live in The Cut. 
People there didn’t like Figure 8 residents, rightfully so, who would like their boss. So what if their former boss happened to be their neighbor, there would certainly be a clear threat to your family’s safety. You had to get Rafe Cameron to fall in love with you, or at least view you as the perfect wife material and to propose to you, fast. 
You weren’t a goddess, but most rich housewives you knew in your neighborhood weren’t overly stunning. They mostly happened to be from respectful families, looked easy on the eyes, and were always around the said rich husband. 
You already had two down, you just had to get the last in check. 
A honk from behind you alerted you, and you turned to the side as a giant polished black truck slowed next to you. Rafe’s truck. His window was rolled down, and when you stopped next to his window you could take whiffs of his attractive spicy cologne, his hair was semi-wet, either from his hair gel or his shower—you didn’t know and didn’t care. 
“Hi again, Rafe,” you sweetly said, smiling and he smiled back when he caught yours. 
His gaze caught yours, “Do you want to join me and Wheezie on our driving lessons?” he suddenly asked. You blinked in slight surprise, then your grin widened as you cheered on the inside. One more step closer to your goal of being a rich housewife. 
“Will my safety be compromised?” you challenged with a teasing smirk, your hand resting on your hip. 
“Oh definitely.” he replied with a playful gleam in his eyes. 
You nodded as you agreed,“compromised safety it is, then,” playing along with the banter. The invitation to their driving lessons wasn't merely about learning to drive; it was an opportunity to further integrate yourself into Rafe's world, to become a fixture in his routine.
Surely Wheezie would be there, and you wouldn’t be alone but you thought that you should view your lack of privacy as an advantage. If he saw that you were great with his favorite sister, then he ought to have some positive feelings with you.
If you played your cards right, then you would be invited to more things and would have a steady footing in Rafe’s life. 
Rafe's truck idled beside you, and as he prepared to drive away, he flashed a charming smile. “Looking forward to it.”
“Likewise,” you responded, a subtle flirty smile drawn on your lips.
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TW: Toxic!Rafe. Toxic!Reader. Toxic and manipulative relationship. Degrading language. Language. Smut. Choking. Spanking. Anal sex.
SUMMARY: Your decision to try and make Rafe jealous with Topper has crossed a line your boyfriend won't soon forget. 
Dark!reader and Dark!Rafe being toxic maybe she flirts with Top to make him jealous 
College was supposed to be the time in which you found yourself. But the only thing you managed to find yourself in was a severely toxic relationship with Rafe fucking Cameron. Six months ago, you would have laughed at the girls who gladly surrendered whatever remaining dignity they had just for a chance at one night with him. Hell, one hour. But a few sweet conversations, one nice date, and countless orgasms later, and you became one of those same girls. 
Your heart fell between your thighs and pulsated there with the promise of his focus. However long it would be. And yet it had always begun the same. Some fraternity party with inflamed egos and enough girls at their disposal to make up a parade. And you loathed how watching him flirt with them was always fruitful. Nothing more than his backwards cap and a few compliments and his fingers were already on her hip. His eyes well aware you read this from afar. The tip of his digits you'd kissed not even the night before were now sourcing some girl's pants in the kitchen of his fraternity house. And you hated just how wet it made you. 
But the only thing you were more than wet was angry. Frustrated with how effortless he had women at his disposal. Even if you understood why as he had been given your undeserved forgiveness with those very fingers in the times you'd threatened to leave him. But within seconds, you were purring for him like the bitch you were. Knowing the pain was well worth it for the pleasure. 
"Why the long face-oh…" Top asked as he emerged from the steps you'd leaned against while in disbelief to the sight. 
"So are you guys…together?" You turned to answer Topper before realizing he was nervous. Confident and collected Topper Thornton was not so subtly asking you if you were available. Handsome enough to get a rise out of Rafe, also assisting in the fact he was a fellow fraternity brother, you devised a plan for your boyfriend to understand how sour a taste jealousy was. Because up until now, you never gave him much of a reason to worry. You were swallowed by the effect of Rafe. That intoxicating presence and voice-those fingers, his cock-
"Do you wanna play beer pong?"
"Um…yeah…su-sure…" You smiled at how pliable Topper was for your attention. Able to bend in either direction solely to your will. 
This was going to be fun…
You aligned yourself on the south side of the table, watching as the guys across filled your cups. 
"Did you give us another lightweight, Thornton?"
You cocked a brow, pulling an extra beer from behind you before pouring your own shot of whiskey, consuming it down in a series of gulps. 
"Now you have a chance." Even though you meant this towards your opponents, the side glance offered towards Topper made your intentions known. 
The first ball struck the far left cup, a satisfying pop made as your opponent drank your cup. One would then land in front of Topper as he drank and then missed his own shot. Hits and misses continued as you took small moments once noticing Rafe's eyes were set onto you. That same girl still under his arm, but his interest in her dwindling back to you. 
"Here…" You turned towards Topper, fingers gingerly wrapped around his hand as you brought the ball to your lips, pressing your gloss into the sphere. 
"For good luck…" You seduced the words themselves as he swallowed hard. His eyes plagued to wonder how your lips felt. And not only to his mouth. 
"Yes!" He exclaimed, wrapping you in his arms as you charmed the final ball to win the game. 
"Beginner's luck…"
"She's no beginner…" Rafe interjected from the sidelines, your eyes falling immediately to his expression. Those lustful eyes appreciating your curves hidden poorly beneath a skintight dress. 
"She's a liar…"
"Learned from the best, Cameron." He cocked his jaw as you wrapped your fingers between Topper's. 
"Want to dance?" You asked, pressed against him as his eyes flashed to Rafe, whose jaw was clenched enough to threaten to crack his teeth. But your two fingers to Top's jaw redirected him to you. 
"We both know he couldn't keep up." This was reason enough for Topper to choose you as you led him to the backyard where the dancing was in full effect. Sza playing with bass shaking the floor as you ground into Topper. His hands gluttonous to your hips as you could feel him develop against your tailbone. 
"Hey Top?" 
"Yeah?" He asked as you now faced him, hands over his shoulders and neck as your eyes feigned focus to him as you noted how Rafe was enraged. 
"When are you gonna kiss me?" 
"Now…" He pressed his lips to yours and you were able to forget about Rafe. Long enough to bask in a new set of hands adorning your hips. Even from the first moment with Rafe, he was angered, masking this behind passion. But you knew better. That was lust. Pure. Selfish. And this with Topper was careful desire. It burned the same, but not quite as deep. But it was enough to get your point across. And it wasn't as if you were suffering. 
"Get your fucking hands off my girlfriend-" Rafe charged at Topper as you were forced apart. But you stood between them, hands on both of their chests. 
"Seems to me you don't know how to hold on to her, man-"
"You couldn't handle her. Wouldn't last five seconds with her riding you…from behind, she's fucking greedy…and on her knees…" 
"Don't talk about her like that-" Topper moved to defend you but you couldn't help but feel pride in how Rafe spoke of you. The crowd amassed around you only fueling this fantasy of Rafe defending you. 
"She fucking loves it. Makes her little panties nice and wet…" he spoke at you as you cocked a hip, a hand finding purchase in that new bend. 
"IF she's even wearing any…" He knew you well. Too well. It was as annoying as it was intoxicating. "Better yet, Top. Ask her why. She didn't come here wearing nothing for you to find that out." 
You loathed how he always knew. Your games, he seemed to make the rules. Your rules, he broke them without recourse. And you let him. Just like you always would. 
"You don't own me, Rafe. Made that clear with your knuckles in some other bitch not even half an hour ago." By now, Topper no longer cared to defend you, realizing you did enjoy this. It showed in the way your chest heaved and your lips parted, your eyes widening when they should be narrowing in how he spoke against you. 
"Every part of you is mine. Not an inch that hasn't been touched…" He smirked. "Every. Inch…" You blushed, aware this was the truth. Before him, you were rather inexperienced. A few lovers that were nothing but stepping stones to the Everest he ascended you to. Positions and angles you thought were impossible, sensations that were indescribable. Yet, he brought them to you in every exchange. Even those fueled by hatred and anger. Especially those…
"Speaking of inches…" You held out your hands to show a depiction of his size. Although lying, made it appear as if he was below average. A pity fuck you offered out of guilt and obligation. 
"Not even worth the five minutes…"
"Such a little bitch, not worth the attitude." He looked around at the crowd. "Little warning to anyone who tries to fuck her…she likes it when you choke her a bit from the front but slap her from behind. Might even cry if you say you love her. You don't even have to mean it…" 
This was too far. No amount of dirty words or sultry apologies would fix that. Tears in your eyes and you were marching somewhere in solitude. A door closed just as quickly as it opened again, your body unable to find rest for even a second before your name was sounded before you. The slam shaking the rest of the house. 
"I'm not joking, Rafe, get out!"
"You and I both know that I could have you on your knees…You love being degraded…because you're my little-" he stood over you, a hand to your cheek, believing it would work as it always had. 
But not this time. 
"No! You can fuck with me. You can fuck me, but saying that about love-" he paused, rolling his eyes. 
"You know it's all part of this…we rile each other up-'"
"You think there's only you here? But Topper's fingers felt so good against me-"
"Stop it."
"So you get to touch someone else? But I can't be touched?!" You stood, finger against his chest. 
"You don't like the idea? Someone else fucking me? Their fingers…their mouths? Maybe more than one…you have some hot friends…ones that would treat me better too…last longer-it" He suddenly lunged at you, your face in his hands. 
"You know I love you, but you wanna play games that I'll always win…You want to try to embarrass me and I'll make your ass as red as your cheeks when I have my say-"
"You-" He took hold of your jaw. 
"As far as fucking you…You can try, baby…but we both know you'll be thinking of me. Every depraved way you've come for me…how I can make you just by…" He was teasing your nipples, the thin dress making this possible. 
"Doing this…" 
"Stop it…" You spoke with every attempt to be confident but every one of his motions making this nearly impossible. 
"You're cruel-"
"And hard-" He pushed you towards the back of the bed. 
"You're an asshole."
"And you love me…" 
"Who's more fucked up between us then, baby? Hmm?" By now, his entire hand was over your breast as he pulled the fabric low enough to gain access. 
"But you pull shit like that again and you can go fuck yourself…." 
You clenched your jaw. 
"Fuck me yourself, you coward!" You spat as he pushed you onto the bed. Your dress scrunched at your hips as he pulled you to the edge. Two fingers threatened to enter you as you kicked his hand away. 
"You don't get to touch me after you touched some other bitch." He lowered over you, pinning you down and forcing those fingers inside. Your head pulled back and your lips parted with a wince for how rough he had been as you gasped. 
"I am going to touch you whenever I want. However I want. And you're gonna come for me like you always do. Because you're such a fucking whore for my fingers." He tightened his grip on the back of your head. 
"Let's be honest, baby, you're just a whore for all of me, yeah?" When you didn't respond, he altered his focus. The fingers remained but he released your hair, undressing himself instead. Your eyes opened at the moment he came to view. 
"Stop fucking staring and do something about this…it's your fucking fault…" 
"Why dont you have her do it?" You spat, pulsating for him as he pulled you to the edge. 
"Because she doesn't cry as pretty. Now open that dirty little mouth…" He forced your jaw apart with a thumb between your lips, but you nipped at the pad of his finger. 
"I have no problem finishing in your tight little ass…wouldn't be the first time…" 
"I wanted you to enjoy this…even though you don't fucking deserve it. Because I love you…but your pushing every fucking button. Now open or you don't get to come at all." 
"Slow!" He shot as you took him to the extension of your throat. Your eyes softened to the pleasure read across his face. Such strong features strained because of you. Your tongue. Your throat. Your suction. Every bit making him nearly manic as he guided you as he pleased. Your well-being forgotten and replaced with his selfish need to release. 
"Too much for you baby?" You grunted and took him faster. 
"Slow the fuck down. I'm not coming down your throat. You're gonna convince me you deserve to come. Work for it." His eyes rolled to the way you took him now. Love behind such convictions as a mask for the way you hated him. You hated him with a passion. A passion that pooled between your legs. 
"That's my girl…my dirty girl…" he moaned. 
"Yeah…yeah, just like that…" his dominance faded into consolation of his cruelty. His grip sporadic in strength and fault before he was riding into your sore throat with his need to come. 
"Fuck…" But just as he tightened, the ache deep enough to make him groan as he withdrew from you, you were taken to the bed. Your dress forced from your body as you were set ass first. 
"Lay on your side." 
"One fucking word and I'll go fuck her instead. And it will be your fault for not listening. Only have yourself to blame sweetheart." You obliged, out of pure desperation. 
He directed your ass apart, but only to tease your folds with his cock. 
"You're gonna be so fucking sore. And you're gonna thank me for it if you know what's good for you-" He thrust. One single thrust that bottomed out immediately. Your close leg pulled until it tested over his back as the either one craned around his hip. 
"I said you could say a word…but I want you to beg for it. Remind me why I put up with your bullshit…" 
"Rafe!" His hand came around your throat as he bent you against yourself. Your knee against your chest. 
"Fuck!" He grunted before lying behind you, reinserting himself from this angle-or so you thought. 
"Look at it." He guided your head down. "You make me so fucking hard so you're gonna do what's necessary to help me…" He used your thighs to thrust himself between. 
"Play with it…" You cupped your hand over his head, brushing your thumb over the weeping tip. 
"It's crying for you, baby…so fucking sad you think you have a choice to be with someone else…but it's always gonna be my cock you want, yeah?" 
"Rafe-" he choked you again. This time, his hand to your clit in accompaniment. Your leg pulled over his knee as his forearm pinned it in place. 
"Think Topper would know how you need it? Both know he'd try…but he couldn't even get you close…" 
"Rafe…" You mewled, his fingers making you manic. your body tightening as he allowed you the first tremors. That orgasm on reach before he halted. 
"Now me." He thrust into you again, murderous paces making you whimper before he focused on you again. Repeating this process for hours. Long after the final beer downstairs had been consumed as you had been drunk on the depravity of each other. Sweat and ache coexisted between you as he pulled you into a slight fold. Your fingers eating into the mattress were pinned by his just as your hips had been by one of his legs. His cock imprinting his abundance as he spoke a mix of cruel compromise into your ear and neck. A dominant hand visiting your clit and nipple until you were a shaking mess between his muscles. 
"You think you should get to come after your games? You don't fuck with me…you get fucked by me. Only me." He forced your jaw to face him, pushing your hips into the bed as he spoke. 
"I want to hear it. Your mine." When you didn't respond, he hit your ass. Twice. The second time harder than the first as you groaned. 
"Ahhh! Raaaafe!"
"Tell me and you get to come." You knew it was a layered act of submission. It didn't just mean you could come. It meant you forgave him enough to let him. You knew he would follow behind you. You knew he'd tell you it was your fault. You knew it meant a repeat of those tears and that pain. But also this pleasure. This pleasure you couldn't find and didn't twang in anyone else. 
So you granted yourself that self-deprecation. 
"I'm all fucking yours…"
"Yeah? Then come all over the cock that's yours." He set his lips to your ear. 
"Because I can touch someone else…but only you make me come. Only you get my cock. Only you get to hear that I love you." His words were as sweet as expected while you found him pounding his final thrusts into you. 
"I love you…I-" he winced, his grip unapologetically sharp as it bruised your skin and the final snap of his hips granted you that release that brought that undeserved forgiveness yet again. Stars behind your eyes and an ache between your thighs. 
"Now for this ass…" he hit hard as you gasped. 
"You thought we were done baby? I thought you were smarter than that." He parted your legs again, only now to lift the head of his cock to that second hole. 
"You still have to pay for your little games." And with one cruel thrust he was inside of you again, pain and pleasure walking hand in hand yet again. 
Every broken piece of Rafe finding your own shattered construction that somehow came together into some beautiful portrait. A picture nobody else understood. But nobody else had to. It was beautiful to you. Beautifully broken. Chaotic. But yours all the same. 
TAGLIST: @hopebaker @drewspisces @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4tangerine @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @camilynn @sweetestdesire @onmykneesforrafe @jjmaybanksangel@phildunphyisadilf @mashdan0916 @belcalis9503
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nessinborderland · 1 year
V-E-N-U-S (02)
Pairing: Rafe x plus size!Reader
Genre: smut, dark-ish fic
Word Count: 6 ,2k
Warnings ⚠️ Mildly Dubious Consent, Enemies to Lovers, more like Enemies to Enemies That Fuck tbh, Rafe Cameron Being an Asshole, mentions of bullying, Vaginal Sex, Oral Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Rough Sex, Mentions of death of a parent, Drinking, Drug Use, Rafe needs therapy asap, fatphobia, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
Summary: The nickname he had given you in 8th grade was supposed to be ironic. In Rafe’s defense, he used to be a pretty stupid and cruel fourteen-year-old, as most kids that age are. So yeah, nicknaming the fat and nerdy chick Venus – like the goddess of sex and beauty – had been pretty hilarious in young Rafe's opinion.
What he would've never guessed was how much that name would fit you now as a grown woman.
Notes: This chapter ended up being an over 10k words beast, so I had to split it in two lol. Enjoy 💖 and please reblog and leave me a comment if you like, I would love to know what are your thoughts on this ff.
AO3 | Masterlist | Part 1
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Leaving that room after you fucked Rafe Cameron had felt a lot like your ‘walk of shame’ debut. It was like a beam of light shone down on you, following you as you rushed down the stairs into the foyer and out of the house. You could feel the stares of partygoers – at least the ones sober enough to realize what had transpired between you – and the whispers and giggles as you passed by them couldn’t be ignored.
You cursed Rafe for the hundredth time that night – knowing how gossip went around the island, it would be common knowledge by the next day’s afternoon that something had happened between you and the Kook Prince.
Something you had instantly come to regret.
It had all been your fault.
Your first mistake was thinking that teasing Rafe Cameron would be a good idea. The furtive looks, the coy smiles, the light seducing – it had all been part of your plan. You wanted to watch him squirm, to have him pay in some way for all he had done to you in high school. He would never apologize, and you would never forgive him, but having at least some power over him would be enough.
Or so you thought.
Nothing was supposed to come out of it besides the blond’s frustration and the sweet taste of revenge on your tongue as you rejected his advances again and again. You wanted to make him mad with want and, in a way, you suppose you had succeeded.
You just never expected to fall for your own game.
You couldn’t deny it though; sex with Rafe had been amazing. You were no sex goddess by any means – despite your nickname – but you knew for a fact that none of the guys you had sex with before could ever compare to the dick that had quite possibly ruined your sex life.
The intensity in his eyes when he had fucked you hard and deep, the way his big hands had smoothed over your curves, the way he had filled you up and touched that magical spot just right, how he had kissed you… it was like you could still feel it all, from your trembling legs to your still racing heart.
A flush of heat crept up your chest and cheeks at the memories, making you open up your light jacket despite the chilly night air.
Your legs felt like jelly, your hair was a tangled mess, your skin was no doubt starting to bruise from his love bites, and you knew for a fact that you would be sore the next morning. The wet mess between your folds was hard to ignore, and you would have to say goodbye to your cute – but now ruined – bikini bottom as soon as you got home.
You shook your head at your own stupidity; why the hell had you let him get inside you without a condom on? You knew better than that! Thank God you were on the pill, though. That was one less thing for you to worry about.
You moaned in discomfort as you sat on the curb right in front of the house, refusing to look back despite the heavy feeling of being watched.
Fucking perv.
When he asked you to see him again, the look in his eyes made you wonder how much longer you would regret this little adventure. You weren’t even that drunk, to begin with, so what demon had possessed you to do something as foolish as getting in bed with Rafe Cameron?
A text notification made your phone vibrate, and you opened it to read your cousin’s text.
‘omw. u ok?’ it read. You texted him back a thumbs-up emoji, already knowing he would probably ask you several questions when he finally arrived.
John B had called and texted a few times after Rafe had taken your phone from you, asking what was going on and if you were okay, with – obviously – no response. But your baby cousin wasn’t one to dramatically worry over you, and you were glad for that. His last text had been a simple ‘call me back when you can’ followed by ‘or I’ll send the rescue team’.
Thankfully for you, you were done with Rafe before John B worried too much, and you were sending him a text asking him to come get you as soon as you were dressed and with your phone back in your possession.
You bit the nail on your thumb as you wondered how your cousin would react to the exciting news of your rendezvous with Rafe Cameron.
In one word: badly. After everything the blond had done to him, his friends, and Sarah – done to you – there was no doubt in your mind that John B would go berserk over it. Not to mention JJ, you thought with a grimace. That boy would gladly try to kill Rafe with his bare hands any day of the week if he could get away with it; but after hearing about this?
Absolute chaos.
And that was why you sincerely hoped that the rumors of tonight’s activities never reached their ears. Wishful thinking, you were well aware. You and Rafe just tended to draw too much attention when you were in the same vicinity, for some reason, and even your family knew you didn’t get along. The downside of always fighting him in public, you suppose.
Like on cue, a honk and a flash of light broke you out of your thoughts, and you stood up as the Twinkie rolled down the street till it stopped right by the house, your cousin in the driver’s seat waving at you with a tight smile on his lips.
“Thanks for picking me up, Bibi,” you said in greeting as you opened the door and sat on the passenger seat, reclining against the leather seat with a wince that your cousin thankfully didn’t seem to notice.
The van was empty besides the two of you. Good, you thought as you glanced back at the house – where music and loud voices could be heard even from outside, the party still going strong despite being almost three in the morning. You didn’t think you would be able to face Sarah Cameron right now; or any of the others, for that matter.
“No problem,” John B said as he started driving away. “Why didn’t you answer my calls, though? Got worried when that guy took your phone.”
“Sorry,” you said with a grimace, hoping he would just accept your apology without asking further questions. “I just got busy talking and didn’t notice your calls. You know I can’t shut up if someone brings up my favorite series.”
He hummed, not sounding totally convinced. It made you nervous just a little. “As long as you’re okay…” He sent you a side glance. “A Kook party, though? Thought you didn’t do those, with the chance of running into him and all that…”
“Oh, you know me, just trying to broaden my horizons and find out how the one percent lives.” You snorted, set on ignoring his last sentence. “And they live pretty damn well. Heated pools, bathrooms bigger than my bedroom, and, not surprisingly, a whole lot of coke. Not gonna lie, might do just like you and get me a Kook. Is Sarah looking for another sugar baby?”
John B chuckled at your words, lightly punching you in the arm.
“Ha ha ha, Sarah is not my sugar mommy.”
“Of course, keep telling yourself that,” you laughed, playfully pulling at the collar of his shirt. “But I know good clothes when I see them, and I also know you can’t afford them, so…”
“Fine, this was a gift, okay?” He swatted your hand away, and his expression slowly returned to one of mild worry. “So, nothing happened, right? Was it a fun party? You do look like you had a good time…”
You couldn’t help but notice that it sounded more like a question than a statement, and you wondered if he could notice you had fucked his nemesis not even fifteen minutes ago. You shook the thoughts away; he couldn’t possibly know already and, hopefully, he never would.
You looked at him with a raised brow.
“Is this your attempt at an interrogation, cuz?”
He scoffed, but his ears started turning red. “Of course not, I’m just asking.”
“If you really want to know, yes, Rafe was there, and yes, he was an asshole the whole time. But I can’t resist a good fight where he’s involved, so what was I supposed to do? Leave?” You scoffed like it was a ridiculous option. “Someone got to slap that smug smirk off his face, and it might as well be me.”
“Damn right,” he laughed, the sound sounding forced. Then his brow furrowed, and his smile dropped. “Hmm… was he the guy that took your phone, by any chance?”
You froze, meeting his eye through the rearview mirrors.
“What?” you asked with an awkward chuckle. “What makes you say that?”
“Well, I was with Sarah when you called and she could swear it was her brother on the phone,” he clarified with a shrug. Then he hesitated, unsure of what to say before adding, “So, was he?”
“Yeah,” you confessed in a nonchalant tone. “He was just messing with me, though, nothing out of the ordinary for him.”
“Okay, cool, cool.” He paused for a moment, then spoke again, “He hasn’t been too bad, right? We all know what he’s capable of, and sometimes I just worry he will get too far. He always had this weird little obsession with fucking with you.” Oh, you have no idea, Bibi. “You know you can tell me and the guys if he ever crosses the line, right?”
“You got nothing to worry about, B,” you eased with a pat on his arm. “We both know he can’t hurt me anymore. Besides, I can fight.”
He laughed at your words, visibly relaxing, and you let out a deep sigh as he reached for the radio, Bob Marley’s voice filling the van with the lyrics of ‘Could You Be Loved’ and finally putting an end to this conversation.
Working at The Island Club was usually a bearable affair. The money could be better, but the team was good, the hours weren’t bad, and the work – although exhaustive most days – was doable. The clients – mostly Kooks and tourists – weren’t that bad either and, more importantly, tipped well.
All in all, a job was a job, and you liked this one for the most part. You had mouths to feed and bills to pay after all, so it was not like you had a choice in the matter. You needed to work if you wanted to finally get into college sometime next year. You were thankful this job even let you have enough free time to focus on writing your novel.
However, today was turning into a rather hellish shift.
The party had been almost a week ago, and you had come to realize something.
Sleeping with Rafe Cameron had been a mistake. Not just a simple one, no – but a huge fucking mistake. One that would haunt you for the rest of your life (like a part of you knew it would). You could see that now. You had never regretted a stupid decision as much as you did at that moment, trying to do your job with the devil’s gaze burning your back.
To put it simply, your night together had changed something between you, while simultaneously changing nothing at all.
Rafe had barely said a word to you all week, but his heated stare as you professionally greeted him and Topper while setting their way-too-expensive prime ham sandwiches down on the table, said plenty. It was like he was expecting you to fall into his lap if he looked at you hard enough, blue gaze following your every move as you worked.
It was driving you crazy, and he knew it.
You had seen him almost every day since that Saturday night and, without fail, the blond made sure to make you as uneasy as he could until he either left or you clocked out.
And that wasn’t even the worst part.
People knew.
You hadn’t heard any rumors yourself and – by some miracle – neither John B nor any of his friends had mentioned it in any way. But you were aware that people knew if the hushed whispers of your and Rafe’s name said in the same sentence was any indication.
Like right now, you could feel the curious glances of the familiar-looking girls you were serving virgin margaritas to alternate between you and the men you had just served, their whispered giggles a good indication of what their conversation was about.
You didn’t dare turn, but you hoped that Rafe was keeping his eyes to himself right now; the last thing you needed was to make people even more curious about the both of you.
“Hey, Venus, can I ask you something?” Claire, one of the girls, asked in a conspiratorial whisper before giggling as she exchanged a look with her sister. The brunette didn’t wait for your answer before proceeding, “Is it true that you and Rafe Cameron had like… a thing at Allan’s party? Because we’ve heard some rumors…”
“I don’t know what–”
Does that mean you don’t hate each other anymore?” the other sister interrupted, nodding in Rafe’s direction just two tables away “Oh my God, are you guys dating?”.
“How is he in bed though?”
“Did you actually–”
“Okay, look, girls,” you said in a firm tone before any of them could utter another word. “I don’t know what you heard, but I’m glad to inform you that our mutual hate for each other is still very much alive. So, if that’s all…” you sent them a tight smile and moved to walk away. “Enjoy your drinks.”
You let out a deep sigh as you made a beeline for the kitchens, urging for a break and a cold glass of water. The kitchen was hot and loud, the sound of dishwashing machines and people talking just what you needed to zone out for a bit after the lunch hour rush, and this conversation that was about to give you an anxiety attack.
This was the first time anyone had actually asked you something about it, but you doubted it would be the last. The worst of it all was the fact that you were pretty sure that Rafe and his friend had heard every bit of that awkward convo, given their proximity and the girl’s apparent difficulty with speaking quietly.
You were on your second glass of water, leaning by a counter out of the way of the kitchen staff when the unthinkable happened.
“Hey, V.”
“Hey, JJ,” You greeted the blond boy back – still deep in your thoughts – as he leaned on the counter right beside you.
And that’s when he asked the forbidden question.
“Did something happen between you and Kook Prince out there?” he asked in a curious tone. “And I don’t mean you guys fighting – you do that all the time – I mean… you know… fucking.” As if his words weren’t enough, he added an obscene gesture as he said the word, his expression serious despite the question.
Your mouth dropped open in a scandalized scowl, the glass in your hand almost slipping from your fingers as the words registered.
If he knows, John B knows, was your immediate thought.
You fully turned to face JJ, his baby-blue eyes fixing you with a probing look that also seemed just a tad bit judgmental like it was actually his business who you were or weren’t fucking. But you knew that your sex life wasn’t the problem; who, specifically, was the problem. And you couldn’t really blame him, or anyone, for that; not when the who in question was Rafe fucking Cameron.
A beat passed where neither of you said a word, and you knew then that – didn’t matter whatever you said from now on – would be annulled by your initial silence. JJ had always been too perceptive for his own good, and you weren’t helping your case by just staring at him like a fish out of water.
But you still had to give it a try and save your remaining dignity; even if that meant lying with all your might.
-Excuse me?” you asked in your most offended tone, pinning him with a raised brow and a hand on your hip. “Do you even hear yourself? Do you really think that I would ever let a Kook – especially that one–- touch me like that?”
But JJ was harder to intimidate than most boys his age, and his eyes widened as he exclaimed in a tone loud enough to attract the kitchen staff’s attention: “Holy shit, are you fucking kidding me, is that a yes?! Did you and Cameron actually–”
You hurried to press a hand against his mouth, muffling his next words.
“Don’t. You. Dare,” you threatened, carefully intonating each word. “Say another word and you’ll never get a taste of my special brownies ever again. That’s a promise, JJ, I’ll make you regret it.”
His wide eyes relaxed, his surprised gaze turning into a playful one before you felt his tongue on your palm, making you drop it from his mouth with a sound of disgust followed by a slap on his shoulder.
“Ugh, you’re unbelievable! Where the hell did you even hear that, anyway?”
“So, you know the twins right – I had this thing with Claire, doesn’t matter now – but she just asked me if I knew anything about you and Cameron and no, I fucking did not! She told me people saw you fight and lock yourselves in a room. Like, what is that all about?”
“Those are rumors, and I’m honestly quite upset that you believe them.”
“Well, I didn’t until you looked at me like that,” he said, gesturing at you. “You always get wide-eyed when you’re lying. C’mon, you know you can tell me,” his expression turned deadly serious in an instant. “Did Rafe do anything to you? Did he–”
“Oh my god, JJ, no, Rafe didn’t hurt me or anything like what you’re thinking about, chill!”
“Oi!” A voice made you jump in place, and both yours and JJ’s gaze turned to the kitchen entrance where your boss stood, staring down at both of you with a raised brow. “I don’t pay you two to gossip around, get to work!”
“Yes, Raz, sorry!” you said, sending your boss an apologetic wave before turning to the blond. “Whatever you think you heard or saw, erase it from your mind, you understand? I’m serious, JJ. You don’t have to worry, okay?”
You went back to work after that, now under the gaze of not just Rafe – who was still following you with his eyes as he sipped on his drink – but also your cousin’s best friend, who alternated his watchful eye between you and the other man. This was exactly what you needed: just one more thing for you to worry about.
JJ would without a doubt tell John B, who would inevitably – and reasonably, if you were being honest with yourself – want to have a serious talk with you about it. If that happened, you would do what you always did when people got up in your business and shut that down. You loved them for caring about you, but you were as much a damsel in distress as they were your white knights.
But that was a problem for future you. Now you had orders to take and tables to clean and, fortunately, your shift was almost over.
A glance at your watch let you know that you only had to endure another forty minutes of work before you were free to go home and get back to that chapter you had been stuck at for some time.
You worked on autopilot, mind conjuring ideas to add to the plot line of your book as you filled a tray with empty glasses and beer bottles, so unaware of your surroundings that you didn’t even notice him approach.
“Hey, Venus.”
You jumped in place, your heart skipping a beat before you looked over your shoulder at Rafe Cameron, the Kook Prince himself. He was standing a few feet behind you, in some beige shorts and a dark blue polo shirt that clung to his torso just right, arms crossed at his chest. You tried not to think about his muscular arms, knowing damn well how strong he was and how they looked and felt around your naked body.
You quickly averted your eyes to his face, hoping that he would take the faint blush on your cheeks as just a consequence of working outside in the warm weather. He was staring at you with a satisfied little smile on his lips, like scaring you had made his day.
“Hey,” you greeted in a cold tone.
“How’re you doing?”
You took a moment to answer, filling the tray with the last of the glasses before turning to him, the full tray expertly balanced in your hand despite its weight.
“You know what?” you said as you walked by him to make your way inside, smiling to yourself as you heard him follow you; just like you knew he would. “I was having a nice day until I saw you walk in. After that, it got kinda shitty.”
“Bitchy today, aren’t we?” he said to your back, bite in his tone.
“With you? Always.”
“Been thinking about me when you touch yourself at night? Because I have.”
You set the tray on the bar counter with a little more strength than necessary, glasses and bottles clinking dangerously as you started to discard the bottles in the trash. It was, gladly, a slow day and there were no customers inside to hear your and Rafe’s conversation. The last thing you needed was for more people to wonder what was going on between you.
“Pig,” you spat at him.
“What, you don’t think of my cock inside you?” he asked, leaning closer to you. “Of my mouth on your tits? ‘Cause I do. All the fucking time.”
“So go fuck someone and leave me alone.”
“But I want you.”
“If only I cared.” Then you added, almost as an afterthought, “By the way, I’ve been spitting on all your drinks.” You sent him your best customer smile. “If you were wondering why they tasted sweeter..”
A moment passed where you just stared each other down, Rafe clearly annoyed, if the scowl on his face and the way he was sucking on the inside of his cheek was anything to go by. You were no stranger to that expression on his handsome face.
“You can be really fucking annoying, you know that?” he said, brows furrowing as you chuckled.
“That’s rich coming from you,” you retorted in a tone that clearly indicated you were done with the conversation, your boss watching you from outside making you nervous that he would think something of you two. You couldn’t lose this job. “Now, can you leave me alone, some of us actually have to work for a living, you know?”
You could feel his anger emanating from him in waves as you walked away, but you couldn’t care less. He was like a pampered little kid being denied an extra sweet, all pouty and red-faced because mommy wouldn’t give him what he wanted.
Someone had to make him understand that he couldn’t have every little thing his dark little heart desired.
“So, are you gonna tell me what actually happened or nah?”
“Oh, my fucking God JJ, I swear to Jesus Chris– You can’t be here!”
It was finally the end of your shift, and you had really thought that your workday had come to an end until you walked into the locker room followed by none other than JJ, who had looked at you throughout the day like he wanted to keep talking about it. But you didn’t want to talk about it, thank you very much. You were more than glad to forget all about it.
But it was obvious that the blond had other ideas. At least he had waited for your coworker Ana to leave the room before getting in.
“Hey, hey, relax okay – no one will know I was here – plus, you can’t blame a guy for worrying. How could I hear about this and not ask you? I hear all kinds of crazy shit about you two all the time, but this one takes the cake.”
“Okay, so you can ask, and I can blame you for being an idiot asking idiot questions,” you said as you changed out of your uniform into a non-sweaty shirt. “Just mind your damn business, it’s as simple as that.” You grimaced at your words, before adding, now in a softer tone, “You got nothing to be freaking out about, okay?”
He sat down on a bench with his back to you as you changed, foot tapping on the floor in what you knew was one of his nervous tics. It almost made you feel bad for worrying him. JJ meant well, and you knew that.
You ruffled his hair as you passed by him to watch yourself in the mirror by the sink, freeing your hair from its ponytail before massaging your scalp with a sigh of contentment.
“So, you’re telling me you’re good… right?” he asked, your eyes locking through the reflection. “All is good?
“All is good,” you repeated with a faint smile at his reflection as you passed your wrists under a cold stream of water.
“John B will freak out when he hears about this.”
“Oh, please,” you grunted, turning off the faucet and crossing your arms as you leaned against the sink. “Like he’s one to talk…”
If your cousin could date Sarah Cameron – a super sweet girl who was nothing like her brother, you would give her that – then you could fuck Rafe Cameron in what was a single occasion of drunk and horny impulsivity.
“He won’t freak out because there’s no reason to freak out,” you said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. “And even if there was – which there isn’t – is none of your business whom I sleep with or not. I’m older than all of you, so who the hell are you to scold me like I’m some little girl?”
“I just think it’s weird, that’s all,” JJ said with a shrug. “After everything he did to you, why would you even – why would he –” he interrupted himself, shaking his head. “Nah, you know what, you’re right, it’s none of my business.”
Was that… bitterness in his eyes? It almost made you throw your hands up in the sky in frustration.
You didn’t need anyone to look at you with anger, judgment, pity, or anything resembling those emotions. You weren’t a scared little girl anymore and Rafe wasn’t the big bad wolf. Your decisions – even if you regretted them – had been your own.
“Don’t you dare look at me like that,” you grumbled in a threatening tone, finger pointed at him as you stepped closer.
JJ didn’t look the smallest bit intimidated as he looked up at you, mouth set in a straight line like he was forcing himself to not say anything else that would upset you. Then, his lips curved into a tight smile, and he stood up with a sigh.
“Well, I gotta go so…” he muttered, nodding at you as he squeezed your shoulder for a quick moment before walking towards the door. “Guess I’ll see you tomorrow then, yeah?”
“Yeah, you will,” you confirmed with a sigh, accepting the change of subject like it was some kind of truce between you. “Goodbye, JJ.”
Walking home after work was like a meditation of sorts. You would put on your earphones, shutting off the world around you before pressing play on your favorite playlist, letting your thoughts wander as you walked the few miles to the home where you lived with your family.
You glanced at your old leather wristwatch, checking the time through its lightly cracked screen. It was a little past six in the afternoon, and the sun would set soon. At this hour, your brother David would probably be sitting at the kitchen table finishing his homework, while little Kevin watched cartoons in the living room and your mother finished cooking dinner, everyone waiting for your arrival so you could enjoy a meal together.
Being home with your family after a tiring day of work was both a pleasant and chaotic experience, but you loved it all the same.
You took a deep breath of the late afternoon air, the nice sea breeze filling your lungs and cooling down your sweaty skin. It made you want to go to the beach; you missed swimming. Surfing had never been your thing, but being in the ocean, moving your body in tune with the currents and the waves, made you feel a special kind of peace. Or used to, anyway. You had barely set foot in salt water since you were fifteen years old.
With a sigh, you ignored the path that led you to the beach and continued walking home.
You were more than halfway there when a strange feeling took over you. It was an all too familiar suspicion; like you were being watched. Taking the earpiece from your right ear, you listened attentively, head slightly tilted. The sound of wheels rolling on gravel and the rumble of a motor made you sure of it:
You were being followed.
With a glance over your shoulder, you saw a black truck, eyes going wide as you halted and fully turned around, recognizing the vehicle.
“So, you’re a stalker now?” you said loud and clear, hands on your hips as you stared down at the driver’s tinted window.
As you expected, the car stopped right beside you, the window sliding down with a smooth electric sound to reveal none other than Rafe Cameron.
“Just wanted to offer you a ride home, that’s all,” he said with a nod at the passenger seat like he was telling you to get in.
He stared at you with a look you couldn’t quite decipher, those blue eyes of his pinning you down like he was challenging you to a fight, to say something that would inevitably escalate – as all your conversations did. Which, being who he was and who you were, was most likely the right interpretation.
“Right,” you said with a pronounced eye roll. “And the best way to do that is following me like you’re some damn kidnapper. What next, should I wait for you to gag me and throw me in the trunk?”
His lips twitched at that, and he averted his eyes with a sniff before looking at you again.
“Don’t be giving me any ideas…”
He said it in a playful tone, but his narrowed gaze could be described as anything but playful. It instantly made you regret your words. It was not that you thought he would actually kidnap you but, when it came to Rafe Cameron, nothing was out of the realm of possibility.
You looked up and down the street, noticing how empty your surroundings looked with no one in sight, either on the road or on the sidewalk. There were houses ahead though, so if he tried something you would make sure to show him how piercing your high notes could be when you felt the need for them.
“Relax,” Rafe said, most likely noticing your tense shoulders and your wandering gaze. “I’m not thinking about doing any kidnapping today.” Today. “Just wanted to give you a ride, that’s all.”
“Yeah sure, like I would fall for that. What do you really want, Rafe?”
The telltale signs that showed his growing irritation manifested themselves in the flush of his cheeks and the furrowing of his blond eyebrows, which always made his blue eyes look darker and threatening. Most people feared Rafe and his temperament, but you were more than desensitized at this point.
“Haven’t I made it clear enough?” he asked in an even tone that clearly didn’t match his emotions.
“As much as I’ve made it clear that I don’t want anything else to do with you.”
You took notice as his hands tightened around the steering wheel.
“And why not?” he asked, almost indignant like he couldn’t possibly understand you and your constant refusal of his request. “I’m not asking you to marry me, just to have fun once in a while. I had a good time, you had a good time… so, what’s really stopping you from saying ‘Yes’?”
“You know what.”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, please tell me it’s not–”
“Okay, shut up and listen!” You raised your hand to stop him, feeling your temper get the better of you. “This might be news to you, but you really made my life hell in high school. I was a teenage girl with no friends, going through hell, and you just came out of nowhere to make it all so much worse. Unprovoked! Do you think that’s easy for me to just forget? To throw all those years you hurt me behind my back just because – what – you suddenly realized you want to fuck me? Your feelings about me change nothing when I’ve hated you for so long.” You let out a deep sigh. “And that feeling really hasn’t diminished over the years.”
“You say you hate me, but you still fucked me,” he asked eyes narrowed as he locked under his hard gaze. “So, what does that say about you?”
“It says I make mistakes,” you retorted, shaking your head at his words. “One of my biggest regrets in life, if I’m being honest.”
Hurt flashed in his eyes, his jaw clenching as he averted his gaze, and for a moment you didn’t know if you should feel vindicated or sorrowful. It all mixed in an uncomfortable knot in your stomach.
A moment passed, and you were about to walk away when he spoke again.
“I said I was sorry, didn’t I?”
You scoffed, shaking your head at the simplicity of his words. You knew Rafe was far from stupid, but the way he was being obtuse made you wonder.
“And you think that apologizing like you’re doing changes things? After what you’ve done to me?” you bit your lip, feeling your eyes sting as an unwelcome memory resurfaced. “Do you remember what you did to me when my father died?”
Silence. Rafe said nothing, avoiding your gaze as he stared at his hands, knuckles whitening as his grip on the wheel tightened, the leather scratching under his palms.
“Do you even remember?” you pressed him on, slowly stepping towards the car until you were so close you could touch the door. “Do you remember how cruel you were? My father died, I almost died, and you still thought it was funny to tell me that I was the one who drowned him. That it was all my fault. Your stupid jokes… I almost believed it.”
“That–” He hesitated, glancing at you for a split second before looking away again. “I shouldn’t have– I know I shouldn’t have–”
“But that didn’t stop you, did it?” you asked, voice wavering as you tried not to cry; not in front of him. “You saw me going through the worst chapter in my life, and you still decided to make me miserable. Honestly… I’m not sure who hates each other more, but if your father died I wouldn’t be making jokes about it or blaming you for his death, that’s for sure. When your–” you stopped yourself before you mentioned his mother, avoiding his gaze as his brows raised. A part of you really wanted to hurt him back, but that was not a can of worms you wanted to go near.
You moved away from the car instead, sniffling as you tried to ignore the lump in your throat. You were about to walk away when Rafe called your name, a slight tremor in his voice.
“I’ll make it up to you. Let me–”
“Nah, don’t bother.” You didn’t even turn to him as you started walking away, feeling suddenly more exhausted than you had been ten minutes ago. “I’m not about to take part in your redemption arc just because you feel bad. That’s something between you, God, and a therapist.”
Without another word, you put on your earpiece, turned up the volume of your phone to the max, and pressed play, rushing to get home and forgetting that this conversation ever happened.
Part 3 ->
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hi babe!! i do NOT mean to badger but I’m addicted to ur writing🙈 was wondering if you’d please do CEO/hubby!Rafe where reader’s been waiting for him to come home all day and won’t stop sending him slutty shit (texts/pics) while he’s @ work (little does she know he’s doing a presentation so it broadcasts for his whole meeting to see) and he’s punishes her when he gets home (but like he lowkey gets the biggest ego boost from it cause it’s his needy girl ofc)?? w lots of dirty talk, spanking, overstim, dacryphilia, etc. thank you again SOOOSOSO much if you decide to write 😚<3!
my eyes only | rafe cameron x reader
Summary: After your attempts to seduce Rafe while he’s at work end in his coworkers seeing what’s only meant for him, Rafe comes home on a mission to prove who you belong to.
Word Count: 6.6k
Warnings: 18+ content, smutty smut smut, ceo!rafe, slight! dacryphilia, dirty talk, punishment, spanking, overstimulation, dom!rafe, sub!reader, teasing, exposed nudes (in a way?)
A/N: Never a badger I’m so happy you love my writing ❤️😭 Sorry for taking forever to get to it but I hope you like it! All of your requests are 🥵 and I have way too much fun writing them LMAO
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Rafe smiles as he watches the picture of you two on your wedding day come across his phone, picking it up so he can answer your phone call. You'd been texting him on and off all morning, Rafe feeling a sense of pride that you can't seem to get enough of him even when he's away. 
"Hey, baby girl," He greets, dropping his pen on the desk and leaning back in his chair with a smug grin. He knew what he was getting himself into by answering your call, but he needed to hear the aftermath of what he did this morning. It fed his ego in a way that he can’t even put into words. 
"Hey, handsome," Your sultry voice echoes through the other side of the phone, Rafe catching onto the soft desire laced in your tone despite you trying to feign innocence. "What're you doing?" 
"Getting the last finishing touches done on this presentation. Meeting's in a few minutes,” Rafe tells you. You hum, a curious lift to your tone, "I thought you had the meeting this morning?" 
"We were supposed to but half the office was stuck in traffic after that bad accident so we just pushed it back to after lunch," Rafe explained, lazily going through the graphics of his presentation. He’s already made sure it was up to par before you called. 
"Mmm," You mumble, Rafe hearing the smirk that is no doubt on your face as you ask, "But you have a few extra minutes?" 
"Yeah, sweet girl," He smiles. "What're you doing?" 
"Touching myself." 
Rafe almost chokes on his own spit at your words, regaining confidence as he scoffs at you in disbelief. He hears rustling on the other side of the bed, a small whimper leaving you making Rafe’s jaw clench that he’s not there to see what you’re doing. 
"You better be joking. You know the rules," Rafe reminds you, knowing you don’t really need it. You know he likes to be there if you’re gonna do anything remotely close to touching yourself, mostly because he can stop you midway and do it himself. The thought of you being alone in your bed pleasing yourself while Rafe is at work is enough to make him want to drive home now. 
But this God forsaken meeting is what’s stopping him. 
"Why do you think I called?" You teased, becoming more breathless. "I can't help it. I couldn't stop thinking about this morning." 
"Yeah?" Rafe smirks, memories of his head between your thighs this morning flashing in his head. "What about it?" 
"You ate me out so good,” You respond, giggling and letting out a small moan. "I miss your tongue." 
"That's all you miss?" Rafe rasps, stopping himself from reaching down and palming the growing bulge in his pants. You would call not even five minutes before his meeting just to drive him crazy. It’s what you did best; something he both loved and hated. 
"No," You whimper, "I miss you. I want you to come home so I can show you exactly what I'm missing." 
"Fuck, baby-" Rafe’s jaw cocks, about to speak the filthiest things into your ear to get you off until he can get home. A knock on the door to his office is what stops him, his assistant leaning in the room with a soft smile. 
"Mr. Cameron?" She greets, "They're ready for you in the conference room." 
Rafe rolls his eyes, knowing you heard what was said by your huff on the phone. He nods at his assistant to send her away, the spell you had on him being broken now that he has to stand in front of a bunch of middle aged coworkers and pretend he didn’t have the hottest fucking wife. 
"I'm sorry, sweetie," He tells you, sitting up to close his computer and unplug it. "I'll come home as soon as I can. Behave until then." 
"Okay, Mr. Cameron," You drawl, tone filled with lust as you hang up before he can respond. He scoffs in disbelief again, looking down at the phone. 
"You are gonna be the fucking death of me." 
He grabs his Macbook, standing up and checking to make sure his hard on went down. After a quick run through of football and all of his favorite players, he was able to get rid of the bulge in his pants, trying to keep you as far from his mind as possible so he can focus on this meeting right now so he can fuck the shit out of you later. 
"This demonstration is just to show that if we move things around in the budget, we'd have more-" Rafe is interrupted from his breakdown of the graph by another message popping up on the corner of the display screen. 
The Wife: Come home and fuck me already. 
Rafe clears his throat, relieved when the message disappears relatively quickly. He knew his coworkers read what you said, but they made no motions to act like they did. Still, Rafe had to keep it professional. 
"Sorry about that," Rafe apologized, shaking his head lightly to get rid of the thoughts about you as he continued. "As I was saying, most of the money in this company is being wasted on-" 
The Wife: I'm so wet right now 
The Wife: Wanna see? 
Rafe's mouth slams shut, mind going blank for a moment before it clicked what would be coming next. You were growing more needy in your messages, and as much as Rafe loves when you were needy, this was a slippery slope he was going down by trying to ignore your messages. 
"Give me a moment." 
Rafe walks over to the table, moving his finger across the keyboard to wake the Mac up. He looked around for the messaging app, opening it in order to mute the conversation with you. Unfortunately, when he opened the message app the thread of your messages was already opened, leaving what you sent him to be displayed in front of everyone.
The text messages were nothing; Rafe could deal with his coworkers teasing him about messages from his wife. What he couldn't deal with was his colleagues seeing a picture of you laid on the bed, hand grabbing your boob as you bite your lip. He couldn't deal with another picture showing up of you, back arched with your perfect ass perched up in the air. 
And what he damn sure couldn't deal with was watching his coworkers' cheeks flush as they gawked at the photos, some of them adjusting in their chairs. He slams the laptop closed, unhooking it from the monitor completely. He hears his phone ding in his pocket, and he knows it's another message from you. 
Grabbing his laptop, he kept his face void of emotion, but his eyes held an anger that made his colleagues cower. He gave a look that could kill all of the men around the table, leaving no room for argument in his tone, "We'll finish this meeting tomorrow morning." 
He doesn't wait for responses, walking out of the meeting room and to his office. He throws the laptop on the leather couch that's in there, running his hands over his face as he sits at his desk. Reaching into his back pocket, he pulls out his phone to open your message. 
There you lay, hair spread out over the pillow with an arm stretched out to hold the phone above you. You were in his favorite lingerie, the red lace perfect against your skin, and your other hand is pushed into your panties. His mouth loses all moisture as two things click in his mind. 
The first was that you looked fucking beautiful, and he couldn't wait to get home. 
The second thing was that if he would've waited a second later, they would've seen a sight that only he is allowed to see — you touching your perfect little pussy. 
Anger coursed through him at the thought of his coworkers seeing that picture. It coursed through him at the thought that they saw the other pictures. They saw what a desperate little slut you could be, and he knew they would be imagining you being a desperate little slut for them. 
The Husband: You better be naked and in position when I get home. 
You hear the front door open, making you gasp as you rush onto the bed. You get on your knees at the front of the bed, leaning back on your calves as you face the door, fingers playing with each other behind your back. 
Your breathing picked up in anticipation what was to come, and you had to take deep breaths to steady your heart rate. When Rafe woke you up this morning with his head between your thighs, eating you out like a starved man, you knew the day would only end the same way. 
He'd been such a cocky man, smirking at you while you begged him to skip work and stay with you, so you wanted to return the favor by making him so hard while he's at work that he can't even think straight. You weren't surprised when he texted you telling you to get into position by the time he got home, if anything you expected it. 
You knew you were pushing his limit with the picture of you touching yourself — Rafe wasn't forgiving to you breaking his rules. But you knew the picture did its job when not only five minutes later he was texting you that he was on the way home. 
The bedroom door opens, and you look up to see Rafe standing at the doorway with an unreadable expression. His jaw clenched as he walks in the room, undoing his tie and loosening his collar as he moves to stand directly in front of you. 
You gaze up at him with a feigned innocent look, Rafe cocking his head in response with a lifted eyebrow. He brings a hand up, lightly moving your hair from your face and tracing your jaw with his fingers. He moves until his thumb is tracing your bottom lip, pulling it down. You get the hint, opening your mouth while he slides the digit in. 
He’s still not saying a word, something you weren’t expecting. He just continues to look at you with a blank expression as he presses his thumb down onto your tongue, wrapping your lips around it as you suck lightly. He bites his lip, letting out a low chuckle. 
“Quite a show you put on for me today,” He started, rubbing your cheek with the back of his other hand. You smile lightly as you continue to lick at his digit, a rush of arousal going through you at his tone. All of a sudden, the hand that was softly stroking your cheek comes down to wrap around your throat tightly, “Me and all of my coworkers.” 
You stop your movements, eyes knitting together as a sinking feeling settles in your chest. Rafe unwraps his hand from your neck to bring it to the back of your head, grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling it hard, making your head tilt back as a broken gasp leaves your lips. 
His eyes are hard as he leers down at you, “Did I tell you to stop sucking?”
He brings his thumb out of your mouth, tracing your lips as you swallow before responding, “No, sir.” 
He hums, replacing his thumb with his pointer and middle finger as he pushes them into your mouth, shoving them until they hit the back of your throat. You gag, making Rafe slap your face before pushing his fingers back in your mouth.
“Relax,” He ordered, and you relaxed your throat as your jaw went slack. “How are you gonna take my cock down your throat if you can barely handle my fingers?” 
You whimper as Rafe’s lips press into a hard line, forcing his fingers in and out of your mouth. He curses, eyes dark as he removes his hands from you, undoing his pants. He motions for you to get up, "Get on your knees on the floor." 
You're quick to do so, getting up as Rafe takes your place at the edge of the bed. You get on your knees in front of him, watching as he pulls his cock out. He surprises you when he doesn't immediately grab your head, instead leaning back on his hands as he looks at you with an expectant look, "Go on." 
You wrap your hand around his cock, about to put him in your mouth when he uses his pointer finger to your chin, pushing your head up as he looks down at you. 
"If you do a good enough job, I might not hurt you as much." 
A shiver runs down your spine at the threat, thighs clenching as you nod your head before quickly correcting yourself, "Yes, sir." 
He gives you a nod, wordlessly telling you to continue. You don't waste any time, taking him in your mouth and sucking on the tip of his cock. His legs tense as you push your head down, looking up at him the way he likes once he's deep in your throat. He groans, hands flexing on the bed as he stops himself from grabbing a fistful of your hair. 
You know this is the beginning of his punishment; not touching or directing you. He knows how much you love it when he grabs your hair and just starts using your mouth, but he wants to make you earn it. He wants you to prove that you can do it on your own, and you know he's itching for a reason to give you the full wrath of him. 
You take him as far as you can, Rafe telling you to go deeper. You try, but pull off once you start to gag, rubbing his cock with the spit from your mouth. You take him in your mouth again, Rafe surprising you and bucking his hips up. You pull off, and Rafe growls as he glares down at you. 
"Keep pulling off. I dare you," He warns, and your eyes widen in response. You swallow, hyping yourself up and taking him in your mouth again. Taking him deep in your throat, you compose yourself when he bucks his hips again, mouth not leaving his cock as you bob your head up and down. 
The blowjob is sloppy, Rafe pushing himself into your mouth while keeping his hands next to him. You move faster up and down, pushing your head all the way down until your nose brushes his light pubic hair. You're about to pull up when Rafe brings a hand to the back of your head, keeping you there. 
Your hands grasp onto his thighs as he holds your head down, Rafe bucking his cock into your mouth roughly. Tears start to form in your eyes at his movement, pushing through it as you take him deep in your throat. Rafe groans loudly, using his grip on your hair to rip you off of him, you falling back onto the floor. 
"Come here," He orders, you get up and walk until you stand between his legs, You start to rub the tears from your eyes, Rafe stopping your hands and holding your face in his hands, eyes scanning over you. "So pretty when you cry from my cock, right baby?" 
You nod, Rafe glaring at you at your lack of verbal response. You go to correct yourself, but Rafe slaps you as he sits back on the bed, "Get across my lap." 
You hesitate, knowing what would happen if you did. You've come to be able to read your husband and his moods, especially in the bedroom, and right now he was in the mood to turn your ass black and blue. The comment about his coworkers runs through your mind, and you slowly lay yourself across his lap. 
He’s quiet at first as he runs his hands over the soft cheeks of your ass, gripping the flesh before rubbing again. You knew he was trying to ease you into the punishment, not wanting to immediately start spanking you, which told you that you did a pretty good job with the blowjob. 
“You did a good job baby,” He echoes your thoughts, voice calm. But you know this is the calm before the storm. “So instead of what I was going to do, we’re only going to do twenty spanks, okay?” 
Your breath hitches. Twenty? Instead of what he was going to do? Your heart beats faster as the anticipation of what’s to come sinks in, and you’re trying to mentally prepare yourself for the punishment when Rafe grabs a fistful of your hair, yanking your head up as he glares down at you. 
“When I ask a question, you fucking answer me. Trust me, you don’t want to push me right now.” 
“I’m sorry,” You instantly replied, eyes begging. “Yes, sir.” 
“Good girl,” He whispers, hand loosening its grip on your hair as you rest it back onto the bed. He brings a hand to your back, resting it there as he uses his other hand to continue massaging your ass. “Tell me why you’re being punished.” 
Your answer is cut off by Rafe raising his hand, bringing it back down harshly on your ass. The sound of the spank echoes in the room, and you let out a low squeak in surprise. You whimper, “B-because I teased you while you were at work.” 
Rafe hums, the sound condescending as he lands another hard smack on the cheek of your ass. He makes a tsks sound as he mumbles, “Not just me.” 
“My coworkers saw what a needy little slut you are,” He continued, hand still lifted from your ass as you waited for the next blow. “Do you think that was fun for me? Watching other men see you the way only I’m allowed to.” 
He brings his hand down, this slap harder than the last ones as it radiates the same anger in his tone. Your eyes squeeze shut as you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. 
He cuts you off with another brutal slap to your ass. The comforting hand on your back is removed as he grabs you by your hair again. Your neck strains at the angle he forces you so you can meet his glare, his eyes dark. “I’m talking. You only talk when I ask you something, is that clear?” 
Your mind grows foggy from his movements, your ass already on fire as you think to yourself you have about fifteen more of these. He doesn't take your lack of response lightly, bringing his hand down on your ass again. “Don’t make me hurt you.” 
“Yes sir! Yes,” You breathe out, Rafe roughly letting your head go again as he brings his hand back to run against your skin. You relish in the comfort, Rafe pausing the harsh spanks to massage the flesh of your ass. The touch is hot, the light stings as he rubs making you whimper into the bed as tears form in your eyes. 
“Such a shame,” Your husband mumbles. “I was ready to come home and make love to my beautiful wife after leaving her high and dry this morning.” 
The softness of his tone is not reflected in the harsh slap he lands on your ass again, voice growing hard and cold, “Was gonna make it up to you.” 
The anger continues as he immediately spanks you again impossibly harder than the last time, and you let out a small noise. “Now, you’re gonna have to make it up to me.” 
You have to bite your lip to stop yourself from making any noise as he continues the assault on your ass, knowing if you did he would add even more to the punishment. You know when to push him, and as much as you wanted to act like a spoiled brat right now he had the upper hand. 
“You don’t know how hard it was for me to keep my composure when those pricks were looking at you like you were some plaything,” He spits, spanking you again. “Like you were their plaything.” 
His own words anger him, the thought of his coworkers thinking of you as anything other than his driving him crazy. “Is that what you wanted? You wanted other men to see you like that?” 
“No,” You whine, Rafe making a noise in protest. He knows that wasn't your intention, but he needs to hear it. “I promise. It was only for you.” 
“That’s right. Just for me,” He praises, hand coming to the bottom of your chin to lift your head again. You gaze up at him as he leans down to place a soft kiss on your lips, eyes flashing as he notices the tears streaming down your face. “Because you’re my little plaything, isn’t that right?” 
“Yes, sir. I’m only yours.” 
He breathes harshly, spanking you again as he keeps your head tilted up at him. He watches as you squeeze your eyes shut at the harsh impact, and you feel him start to harden under you. "I'm gonna spank you harder now. I'm not stopping. If you're smart, you’ll keep your mouth shut until I’m done.” 
He lets your head fall as he brings his hand to rest on your back again, fingers tracing you to offer some sort of comfort for what's about to come. You bury your face on the comforter, mouth biting down on the fabric as you will yourself to not make any noise as he starts to land harsh smacks on your ass. 
You cursed at yourself for thinking he was being rough before. Now that he's not stopping, he's focusing fully on landing brutal hits on your ass. Rafe's hand on your back stops being used as a comfort tool as he presses it down harder to keep you still as you begin to squirm. 
He shushes you as he slows down, the last few spanks on your ass being even more cruel and merciless. There are dried tears on your face as you whimper into the sheets, Rafe massaging your ass as he stops the punishment. 
“Come here, baby,” He softly whispered, helping you up and sitting you on his lap in a straddling position. The heat of your ass grazes his pants, the friction causing discomfort as you try to raise up only for Rafe to grab your hips, pushing you on his lap. His eyes are dark as he looks at you, bringing his hands back to your cheeks and rubbing the dried tears. 
“You did a good job, baby,” He whispers, and you whimper at the praise. Your mind is in a haze as you lean your forehead against his, eyes closing as you take the time to breathe. “But I’m not done.” 
At his words, your eyes come open again as you meet his unreadable expression. His eyes are more gentle than before, but you can still see the anger swimming as you pout up at him, about to plead your case. He shushes you as he runs his hands over your hair, kissing you softly. 
“It’s okay. I just have to show you that you can’t do that again. I almost killed everyone in that room, and I would have if they saw you touching what's mine.” 
You wrap your arms around his neck as you pull him closer, pecking his lips continuously as the guilt sinks in, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know-” 
Rafe is quick to comfort you, hands rubbing up and down your back now as he lets you move your kisses down to his neck, “I know baby, I know. But that doesn’t change anything.”
He motions for you to pull back, and you do so as you give him an innocent look. There's a ghost of a smile on his face as he kisses your cheek, coming around to kiss the other as he uses his hands to unwrap your arms from around his neck. He kisses your wrists, facial expression growing hard again as he looks at you, "Take my tie off." 
Your hands are shaking slightly as you begin to take his tie off, Rafe’s eyes not leaving your face. Your face flushes when your eyes meet his as you motion for him to lean his head down so you can take it off, and you can’t believe he’s still able to make you as nervous as he does. 
You hand him the tie, not having to be asked before you display your wrists out to him. He hums in approval, lacing the tie around your wrists as he knots the fabric together. He gives a final tug to make sure it’s secure, and you pull at your wrists despite knowing you weren’t gonna be able to break yourself loose from these. 
“Now go lay on the bed. Spread your legs, and wait for me.” 
He helps you off of his lap, walking you over to the bed as he gives you a slight push. You fall back, maneuvering up the bed until your head rests against the pillows. Rafe climbs on the bed after you, hands coming to yank you down the bed. 
You gasp as your head rips off the pillow, Rafe pushing your leg open as you spread your legs to make room for him. He leans over you, grabbing the pillow and helping you lift your head back onto it. After making sure you’re comfortable, he takes your tied wrists and brings them up to rest against the bed, telling you to hold them there. 
You smile, knowing he did it so you wouldn’t have to keep your arms elevated as it became hard to keep your arms up after a few minutes. It would’ve been easier to just tie your wrists to the bed, but you know that’s exactly why Rafe didn’t. He wants you to work to keep your hands where he puts them, not because you have to but because you were afraid not to. 
He hovers over you, mumbling incoherently to himself as he kisses you. He deepens the kiss quickly, tongue massaging against your own as you moan into his mouth. Your brain is still off in space at the punishment, but his kisses help ground you as you wrap your legs around him. 
He immediately pulls back, leaving kisses on your neck before sitting up. He uses his hands to remove your legs from around his hips, shaking his head at you. He says nothing as he climbs back off of the bed, only turning to kiss you on the forehead. 
You call his name out as he begins to retreat out of the room, but he doesn’t answer. He only looks back once he’s at the door, eyes scanning your shuddering body. 
“Don’t move. You won’t like what I do.” 
You don’t know how long Rafe left you there. 
You’d lost count after about ten minutes, the frustration seeping into you the more time passed. This was yet another way for him to torture you; by leaving you high and dry with no clue on whether or not you’ll have any release. He could leave you here all night if he wanted to — it wouldn’t be the first time. 
That thought alone makes you want to cry, the neediness you’re feeling for your husband clouding your mind and making you clench your thighs together constantly to offer some sort of relief. But you knew better than to move. With your luck, the moment you did would be the moment he decides to come back in, and you weren’t ready to open that Pandora's box. 
After what feels like an hour, you hear the bedroom door open. Your eyes flutter open, still dazed from the intensity of the punishment and the whiplash of him just leaving you here afterwards. You squirm as you watch Rafe walk into the room, making you grunt at the uncomfortableness of your shoulders. 
Rafe grins darkly at you as he rounds the bed, fingers trailing the sheets as he walks up to where you’re laying down. He leans over, cupping your jaw and bringing you into a heated kiss. His other hand comes down to pull at your nipple, and you gasp into his mouth. He hums in response, trailing his hand from your chest to between your legs. 
Running a finger through your slit, he groans against your lips as he pulls back to watch his fingers rub against your pussy. He doesn’t even seem to be talking to you as he mumbles, “So fucking wet. Dripping on the sheets.”
He turns his head to look at you, jaw going slack at the all too familiar look in your eyes. The look you get when you’re willing and ready to take any and everything he’ll give you. The look you get when you’re wrapped completely around his finger, begging for even a slither of his touch. “You ready for it?” 
“Yes, please. Fuck me,” You whimper, looking up at him with a doe eyed expression as you spread your legs more. He tilts his head at you, frustrating you. You huff as you buck up into his hand, “Stop being mean.” 
An eyebrow lifts as he pulls his hand from you, leaning over you again as he grabs you by your cheeks, fingers pressing down to hold you in a firm grip. He forces you to look at him as he mutters, “You think this is me being mean? You’re lucky you’re getting anything at all.” 
His condescending tone and being left causes small tears to leave your eyes, desperate for him to just offer any sort of relief. Rafe tuts, head tilting as he looks at you with a mocking expression. 
“Don’t cry now,” He muses, wiping away your tears. “I haven’t even given you a reason yet.” 
He runs his hand down to your throat, gripping it quickly before letting go and running down the rest of your body. He reaches your mound, pushing a finger through your folds that made you shudder. He hums, slapping your thigh. 
“Spread your legs more. You move your hands even an inch and I’ll leave you here for the rest of the fucking night.” 
You’re quick to obey, spreading your legs to opposite sides of the bed to give him room. He settles in between your legs, hands coming to grab at the bottom of your thighs, pushing at them and holding them up. He doesn’t take his eyes from your center, leaning down and kissing your clit softly. 
You cry out, Rafe giving quick pecks to your sensitive nub. 
“So pretty,” He mumbles, tracing his tongue from your entrance to your clit. “If anyone besides me saw how perfect this pussy is..” 
He growls at the thought, sucking your clit into his mouth and flicking his tongue. You moan out, having to stop your arms from moving and your hands from reaching down and grabbing a fistful of his hair. Rafe’s similar to a starved man, hands holding your legs apart and not allowing you to close in on his head.
He held all of the control. You couldn’t run from him, you couldn’t direct anything. Not like you needed to. His tongue lapped at you, the only sounds in the room being the sound of that and him groaning into your folds. You get closer with every slick swipe of his tongue, and you buck your hips up at him. 
“Hold it.”
The vibrations of his words run right through you, and your head throws back in desperation. Rafe lets go of one of your legs, bringing that hand to your center. Tracing a finger around your begging entrance, he dipped the digit in as you cried out in pleasure. 
“Rafe,” You breathe, hands squeezing together as he slips another finger in, moving them slowly inside of you now as he flicks his tongue on your clit. The build up was too much — he was too much — and you find yourself shaking your head at him. “I can’t. You need to-” 
He bites your clit lightly, and you let out a small squeal as you look down at him to see him glaring at you with a warning expression, “No, you just need to fucking listen.” 
He doesn’t give you any more time to think, dropping his head back between your thighs and picking up where he left off. If anything, his tongue starts to move faster, and you find it extremely hard to hold back. Your eyes squeeze shut as you try to will yourself to not let go, but when he curls his fingers inside of you all you see is stars. 
The orgasm rips through you, a loud moan leaving your lips. The only sign that Rafe is upset is the growl that leaves him, but he takes his fingers out of you so he can hold the back of your calves, bringing your legs onto his shoulders. He rides your orgasm out on his tongue, your thighs squeezing around his head as your moans turn more breathless. 
He lets go of your legs, them both settling over the bed as he pulls up so he’s sitting on his knees. As the shockwaves pass through you, you remember that you didn’t listen. Already being punished once before tonight and not wanting another one, you couldn’t make eye contact with Rafe as you brought your hands to your face. 
“I’m sorry,” You whimper, Rafe leaning over you. 
“Shh, you’re okay. It’s okay,” He taps your wrists. “Look at me.” 
You take a breath, listening as you bring your eyes to him. He looks disappointed, but also concerned. He’s very observant in the bedroom, always watching to make sure he doesn’t push you too far. You’ve never had to use your safe word, and Rafe would like to keep it that way. 
“You okay?” He gruffly asks, and you nod as he leans down to kiss you. “Good.” 
You kiss him again, “I didn’t mean to.. it just felt really good.” 
“I know, it’s okay,” He gives you another kiss, hands coming to rest next to your head. “You want to keep going?” 
“Yes, I want to keep going,” You clearly stated, another question popping in your mind as you open your mouth to ask before deciding against it. You’re already surprised he’s not punishing you for coming without permission, but you would be pushing your luck with that one. 
“What is it?” Rafe notices the look on your face, and you give him a sheepish smile. 
“Can I touch you?” 
Rafe laughs, a glint in his eyes as he leans down to kiss you as a way to tell you how cute that question was.
“Not yet, baby,” He grins, kissing your neck. He pulls back, flipping you over and settling behind you. “But you don’t have to ask to come. You can come whenever you want.” 
You grow excited at that, thinking that Rafe must’ve just decided to throw out the punishments all together. You arch your back, flipping your hair as you look back at him. He’s stroking his cock, tapping it against your clit when you bring your hand to your center. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
Rafe pulls back so he can have a view of your fingers rubbing in between your folds, gathering your wetness before bringing your fingers to your mouth and licking them off. You keep eye contact with the blonde as you do so, his eyes darkening. He takes a hold of your hips, pulling you back onto his cock as he fills you with one thrust. 
Eyes fluttering closed, you relaxed into the sheets as Rafe drove himself deeper into you. 
“Come on,” Rafe grunts, hands gripping the flesh of your thighs so hard you’re sure there will be bruises. You have no choice but to take it, his hands pressing your thighs to the bed to keep you spread open for him after too many times of you trying to close your legs. Orgasm after orgasm has ripped through you like tidal waves, and you were losing your mind, 
Your body shudders as he circles his thumb around your clit, crying out as your release gushes around him. Rafe pulls his cock out, rubbing the top of it against your center as you continue to squirt around him. “Atta girl.” 
He leans over you, kissing away the dry tears on your cheeks as his dick jumps at the sight of you. You’re still in a daze as he wraps your legs around him, walking over to the wall, and pressing you against it. He moves the strands of your hair from your face, “So fucking pretty.” 
“Rafe..” You whimper, not being able to complete the sentiment as he uses his other hand to push his cock back into you. A broken gasp leaves you as he slowly drives his cock into you, hitting a spot that makes your eyes roll. “I can’t...” 
“Can’t what?” He teases, pressing his face into your neck as he groans. He has yet to come, more focused on overstimulating you but you know he’s growing close. You roll your hips lazily, exhausted but wanting to see Rafe once he reaches the peak of pleasure. It’s your favorite sight — how vulnerable he looks when he’s coming deep inside of you.
“Want you to come.”
“Hold onto me,” He grunts into your neck, and you listen as you wrap your arms tightly around him. You wanted him to be impossibly closer, Rafe sharing that sentiment as he speeds up his movements. The squelching of your pussy mixed with the sounds of him pounding into you, your husband’s hips stuttering as he starts to come.
“You’re so good,” He brings his lips to yours, mumbling against them between whimpers. “You’re the only one who makes me feel this good.” 
“Shit,” You curse as keeps pushing his clock into you, and you know he’s not stopping until you come again. His words push you, but the ache in your center makes you whine, “I’m too sensitive.” 
“I thought you wanted to come,” He mocks, bringing his hand to your throat but only to rest there. “You wanted to earlier.” 
He pressed his lips to yours again, tongue pushing into your mouth. His movements are erotic, pushing you over the edge as you release onto his cock again. He swallows your screams, slowing his movements and pressing himself to the hilt.
He walks you both over to the small sofa in the corner of your room, sitting down. You gasp as the new position pushes himself even deeper, “Please-” 
“It’s okay, you’re just gonna warm me for a little bit,” He pecks your lips, hands coming to your hips to massage them lightly. “Then I’m gonna fuck you again, and you’re gonna cum until I tell you to stop.” 
You nod, eyes closing as you rest your head on his chest. His touch now completely contrasts the toughness he held earlier, and your body relaxes on his as you relish in the intimacy. After a few minutes or thirty — you not having any concept of time right now in your state — he taps your ass lightly. 
“Move,” He states, the gruff tone sending a shiver up your spine. You sit up to face him, his hands tightening on your hips as he starts to you up and down on his cock. You whine, burying your face back into his neck as you prepare for a long night.
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portgasmalia · 1 year
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taking what's mine, rafe cameron second part to 'daddy's favourite' pairing: rafe cameron x female reader summary: after leaving him in the library without satisfaction, rafe takes revenge at the midsummers, but goes further than wanted. malia's notes: please, i can't with myself. currently writing so many parts for this one drabble i did because it got so many notes. send me to hell for having rafe 24/7 in my head... even during sex? lol I'm so proud of it, and I'm definitely making this a damn series, cause I'm obsessed lol.
azure material wrapped your body in an extra layer of protection. yet, the long slit on the left side of the bottom long gown ended in the middle of your thighs. revealing enough skin to gain the attention of a suited company who wouldn’t ruin the reputation of your family. after the cameron’s strutted in, heads held high and waving from left to right, you and your parents walked into the venue. a little midsummers ritual since the two most influential man had to be praised like gods.
eyes directed at the choice of outfits, the satin material of your mothers dress and rose’s lady liberty inspired head piece. people whispered to each-other, their grimaces hidden behind the glasses and the truthful opinions drowned by the alcoholic liquid. “you look beautiful, like fucking beautiful.” rafe appeared beside you, hands deeply in the pockets of his suit trousers. instead of feeling grateful for the loving compliment, you snorted.
receiving such nice words from rafe had a double meaning. While most girls with gosh about the appearance of the blonde, and almost backed him to drag them away to the bathroom, you had a better self control than the kooks around. the gazes of multiple, curious people already lingered on the two of you. being part of figure eight meant to either work off the ass to bring home a steady income or laying around in the sun, occupying themselves with talking trash and spreading rumors.
turning the head to face the male who didn’t move a step, your eyes raked over the well-dressed figure. engulfed in a certain light shade of baby blue, the fabric mirrored the cloudless sky on a sunny day. sadly for you, the color matched the ring around his pupils perfectly. simply said, rafe cameron looked extremely attractive in the suit, which rose probably picked out for him after thousands of protests.
bottom lip caught in the tight grasp of your teeth, you could not stop your eyes from taking him in. instead of releasing a sly comment about you being obsessed with him, rafe chuckled and took a step back to allow you a better, overall sight of his appearance. “shit, you really went all out for tonight.” it was a compliment wrapped in amusement that escaped your mouth.
for a moment, you forgot about the possessiveness rafe has shown in the past weeks. after the multiple meeting in the library, and the sharing of loving or rough touches, he almost called you, his. but it was far from what you wanted to be. nothing about the cameron’s seemed right, but you could not figure out the wrongs yet. still, after declining his offer of becoming his girlfriend, he started to up his game in trying to seduce you.
the ideas popped up in his head randomly, and tonight, after seeing how tightly the fabric of your dress wrapped around your curves, he would take it a step further. he had to after listening to the comments of the boys around him. filthy words about your body, your status and their fantasies while nobody knew that half of their dreams were already fulfilled by rafe.
while he disappeared when topper and kelce shouted his name repeatedly, you found your way towards the bar and ordered a strong drink. there was no chance that you would get through this awful event without at least a sip of alcohol. but after the third glass was drowned too quickly and the fourth already stood on the counter, a large hand appeared and grabbed the glass, you paid for.
“woah stop. i paid that, that’s mine.” you wildly gestured through the air with one hand, not glancing around the see the thief. the effort of turning quickly, and the sudden spinning, would cause dizziness. you wouldn’t want to embarrass yourself in front of the residents of figure eight.
a heavy-breathing chest pressed against your back, tightly and not leaving any space between. the hand on the counter retreated, lifting the glass to the dry lips and pouring a sip into the mouth to taste the liquid. “mhm.” a low hum of approval rumbled in his chest, the vibrations traveling straight down your spine.
the warm breath of the male fanned over your exposed neck as he lowered his head. “wouldn’t have taken you for a bourbon woman.” the voice got raspier through the amount of alcohol he drank throughout the evening, yet, it was the most familiar melody you’ve ever heard.
“surprises everywhere, rafe.” you leaned your head back, your loose curls scattering across the pale blue fabric of his suit jacket. this small contact between the two of you was enough to cause a drama if your father would see the interaction. fortunately, he was deeply in a conversation with ward cameron. probably, another business plan or attempting to create a bond between the influential families. hell, the connection already existed before they even found a solution for both their sakes.
“you know, it’s pretty unfair.” rafe muttered against your skin, his chewed-up lips pressing soft but quick kisses around your neck. little moments of affection, but still his teasing manners. “what do you mean?” you furrowed the brows, confusion twisting your gentle features.
“i’ve been standing over there, the entire time. having a good up-and-down talk with my mates when my eyes find you, again. standing at the bar, tapping your heel against the tiles, stretching and moving from left to right.” his words were barely a whispered confession as you felt the gentle touch of his fingers graze down your rips towards your waist.
“and?” the confusion clouded your mind, his explanations of unfairness made no sense to you. letting his hand wander, you wanted to prevent being seen by your father. but escaping rafe’s skilled fingers and precise touches happened to be more difficult. “you moved to the left, and stretched out your leg. the little slit on your lovely dress slipped slightly to the side and revealed those beautiful scarlet red, lace panties underneath.”
pupils grew as he continued to confess what he was able to witness from the other side of the room. as observant as he was, it gave him a clear advantage in most situations. mainly because no one else seemed to notice how much she exposed of her body without realizing it. attempting to pull down the fabric further and cover more of your thigh, rafe acted quicker and swatted your hand away. “don’t think about it, babygirl.”
the thin fabric between his rough fingertips, he hiked the dress further up until a little bit of cherry red lace was seen. “stop, what the hell?” you wiggled yourself out of his comforting hug, and immediately pulled the material down again. “we’re in fucking public, rafe. if my father sees us..”
“let him.” rafe shrugged, taking a step back and letting his hands disappear in the pockets of his suit pants again. “i don’t fucking care anymore.”
“god damn it, rafe. stop being foolish.” you snapped, snatching the bourbon glass out of his hand and stomping towards the house. most guests gathered in the gardens, enjoying heywards food and the last warmth of the sun before the midnight blue hid it.
pushing past the groups of people, you felt the need to sulk in loneliness for a moment. it wasn’t easy to deny rafe a love he desired so badly. after all, he needed one call to pick you up, spend time with you, share a midnight conversation or use his fingers to fuck out your brain. a simple thank you wasn’t enough for what he has done, but you didn’t trust him enough to engulf in a relationship.
too many lies. too much coke. enough problems.
your feet carried you to the dressing rooms down the corridor where the jackets of the guests were stuffed away in wardrobes. running the palm softly across your face, you felt the alcohol in your blood. leaning against the wall beside you, shivers spread across the exposed skin of your shoulder blades. the coldness of the stones a complete difference from the warmth of your figure.
“oh dear, you should take a seat.” rafe’s voice echoed through the empty corridor, ringing in your ears. “are you following me? really?”
“just looking after what’s mine. can’t have any of the other lads touch you with their dirty fingers.” rafe shrugged again, simply stating the thoughts on his mind. once, you were out of sight, the blonde panicked and feared for your safety. not every young adult kook had a plan of being nice, and rafe knew it exactly. „i’m not yours.“
he chuckled, a deep and dark sound erupting from his chest. „that’s where you’re wrong babygirl. you’re mine, and mine only.“ strolling towards you, rafe found his spot in front of your slightly drunk figure, taking in the mesmerizing picture. he couldn’t count how many parties of his you visited, and how many times you declined the alcohol after having one drink. you never accepted substances, you‘ve always somehow been the good girl.
yet, you were about to get shit-faced, while the kooks around, laughed, and danced. rafe placed his hand above your head, mirroring the position from the library a week ago. it’s been a long seven days, without his touch or the indescribable compliments. while you waited for him and the revenge plans he plotted, he never came around until today.
leaning in closer, his warm breath fanned across the top of your nose. disparate kinds of whiskey lingered in the air, he probably had a couple of glasses with topper and kelce. at least the little white powder didn't stuck to the outsides of his nostrils like couple of times before, when he quickly wiped it off with the pad of his thumb. "so," he muttered, dipping his head lower to receive access to your collarbones and side of the throat. featherlight kisses blown against your smooth skin, the effects of his small, genuine gestures already created shivers along your spine. "i'm claiming what's mine."
hands traveled across her figure, carefully bunching up the expensive dress around her waist. he would hate to destroy the material that clung perfectly to your body, hugging your curves tightly. "rafe, what are you doing.." you questioned his actions, the sudden change in kisses and how his teeth dug into your soft flesh underneath.
"told you, claiming what's mine." fleshy fingers pushed the lacey fabric of your panties aside, the rough tips stroking carefully through the lips of your pussy. wetness pooled between your thighs, and rafe greeted the warmth with a smug smirk. "are you insane? anybody could walk in!" you protested, trying to wiggle out of his grip once more but this time, he used much more of his strength to keep you in place. this time, you would not run away from him and his intentions.
"ditching me in the middle of the midsummers? that's one thing. but leaving me with a fucking boner in the library, having to take care of myself after i pushed those beautiful, little whimpers out of you? that's another and I'm taking my reward for good work." without another second of hesitation, two fingers pressed against your entrance. slowly pushing inside, and stretching your walls in preparation. a satisfied moan slipped out of your mouth, followed by a deep groan from rafe.
the sounds you made, whimpers and moans, always made him mad crazy for you. even more, than he has been before. "rafe, stop. if my dad sees -"
"i don't give a fuck about what your dad sees, or what he thinks. you understand that, baby girl? if i have to, i'm going to show him who you truly belong to." the words were punctuated with the thrusts of his long fingers, pushed in deeply and curling to reach the little spot, he knew you loved. your lips were sealed shut, pressed together in a thin line and yet, the moans slipped through like your mouth was widely open. "looks like you've waited for me the entire night."
as quick as his fingers disappeared inside of your pussy and spread your wetness over your clit and lips, they were gone. swirled around, the side of the face pressed against the wall and the dress still bunched around the waist, you couldn't see entirely what he was doing. overstepping the boundaries you set or just wanting to pleasure you in a completely new position because the alcohol twisted his mind.
the scarlet red panties further pulled to the side, the string rested on your left ass cheek. the tip of his tongue darted out, licking over his chewed-up bottom lip at the sight. delicious in any kind of way. awaiting patiently his fingers to be pushed deep inside your pulsating walls again, the rustling of a belt being opened, and hitting the tiles on the floor caused a feeling of fear. “rafe, what do you think your doing?” you stammered together nervously, trying to push yourself off the wall to examine what kind of madness he intended to do. but rafe beat you to it. his weight pressed tightly against you, squeezing your body between the warmth radiating of his tall figure and the shuddering cold of the wall.
your question dissolved when his hard dick pressed against your exposed ass. the bead of pre cum smeared across your smooth skin when he leaned down once more. face nuzzled in your neck and the wild mess of hair, he chuckled. a deep sound, almost dark and filled with pure evilness. “oh my ducking god. rafe, stop it!” you fought against his grip, wiggling your body from left to right. an attempt to escape his plans, but it didn’t work at all.
“keep pressing your fucking ass against my dick. it will only convince me more that i should take what’s mine.” he muttered into the mess off your hair. a hand wandered down your body, across the curve of your back until rafe reached his destination. beads of pre cum spread across your ass, the small reminders glistened in the dim yellow light. a sight, he was utterly pleased about.
“rafe, no. please.” you whined, pleaded with him to stop the madness. everything you instructed him not to do, was about to be broken. a low growl rolled off the tongue when his long fingers wrapped around his painfully hard shaft. crouching down a little as he was towering above you the entire time, you felt his tip graze over your pussy, covering himself in the wetness pooled between your thighs. “just taking what’s mine. as i should have done long ago.”
you heard the chuckle, the devilish sound coming from rafe’s mouth as he pushed the tip in. manicured nails scratched at the wallpaper, your eyelids fluttered close at the sudden sensation. trapped in a haze, between pain and deep pleasure, a strangled moan escaped your mouth. rafe’s narrowed eyes watched how his shaft slowly disappeared in your pussy, welcomed by the warmth and the strong pulsating of your stretched out walls. a feeling, a situation, he thought about in any possible scenario. made out scenes, came up with ideas but the one right now, it was pure spontaneity.
“see, princess. your body ached for me.” his hand wandered across your ass, rough fingertips caressing over the smooth skin before finding a rest at your waist. in this moment, the very gentleness he treated you with vanished under the hooded gaze. your walls clenched around him, needing and wanting more as your body betrayed your mind. “don’t worry baby. i’ll fuck you good.”
underarm laid out across your ass, the left hand on the right waist, rafe slowly withdraw his hips. the reddened tip was the last part of him that stayed in your pussy, until he decided to thrust into you again. rough and deep, from the very first second. “holy shit, you’re so fucking tight, babe. am i your first?” rafe got lost in the feeling. your walls gripping him tightly, screaming for more, and the pleasure-twisted expression on your face. like his addiction started growing further.
teeth dragged along the smooth column of your neck, calloused palms pressed into the curves of your waist. “yes.” you forced yourself to not decline the question that lingered in the air. for any possible person, the answer seemed like a genuine statement, the truth unfolding while roughly examining half of your face. but rafe’s mind worked in another pace, and around the usual. he felt the hammering jolts of your pulse, the intensity of your thudding heart increase and the way, your walls attempted to keep him deeply inside.
“holy shit, rafe.” his name slipped out of your dried mouth like a perfectly sung melody, decorated with a little crack in the end. intrigued by the thought of being seen by a possibly influential kook, his harsh thrusts complimented the moments of an almost-bliss. the chance of being close was denied multiple times by you. “say my name. i wanna hear you scream it, princess.” rafe’s voice a rough mutter, coaxing out the words out of his dried mouth as he particularly focused on how perfectly he fit into your drenched pussy. it was close to a heaven-like moment, just like he predicated to his mates earlier.
the two males who stood at the staircase, waving away the people who tried to trespass while rafe busied himself with your body. a statement he made to topper and kelce before leaving abruptly to hunt after you. tonight, your games were certainly over. forcing you into the first time wouldn’t be a very gentle movement, but you would come around for more, beg and plead to feel rafe inside of you again. the exact days he aimed for.
the thrusts became relentless quickly, after testing the waters and your reactions, rafe certainly dropped the act of gentle and soft. calloused pads dug into the azure material, leaving marks through the thin fabric around your hip bones. the palm of your delicate hands smashed against the wall, frustrated about the situation and close to an orgasm washing over you. hidden in a bliss-filled haze, you still attempted to free yourself before being forced to carry rafe inside of you for the rest of the night.
but in every single step, you decided to take, the determined kook beat you to it. pushing off the wall, ended up in your back painfully arched, and your ass further in his direction. the large palm of his placed over the back of your hand, holding you against the wall and leaving no way to escape. "princess, enjoy it as long as it lasts. you will crave me after."
roughly, muttered promises, he had experience with. times, way before your father decided to move to the island, and create another successful business. they begged him, and the image of you, on your knees for him, pleading for release or at least a touch, it made rafe feral. possessive. greedy for more. "come on, princess. let yourself go a little."
the hand on your waist wandered over your back, and around your left hip to reach between your legs. wetness spread across your pussy, flooding down the insides of your thighs. pleased by what his rough tips felt, rafe chuckled. "so fucking hot." emphasizing his words with the hard press of his pads against your bundle of nerves, a loud gasp mixed with a needy moan escaped your mouth. a sound, you could not prevent any longer as your body completely betrayed your mind.
"good girl." he growled, starting to rub irregular circles over your clit while the pace and strength of the pounding stayed rough. by the way, his breaths became hasty, and with the almost inaudible groans that spilled out, he showed how close he was to painting your walls. "come on, princess. cum for me, squeeze my dick."
as the times before, words worked like a deadly spell on you. the unwanted tingling spread, his tip brushing against the soft spot regularly, and the moans were accompanied by filthy whimpers. you were embarrassed, completely disgraced by what was happening but the feeling was intensely good. walls clenched tightly around him, your orgasm washed over you before gaining a clear thought. rafe and his experience the only thing on your mind left.
"shit, rafe," escaped your mouth, nails scratched on the wallpaper. you spasmed from the intensity of the orgasm, head falling forward as his name was spoken like little, thankful prayers. the exhaustion and the sore feeling settled in rather quickly afterward, the aftermath of his roughness.
squeezed tightly by your pulsating walls, the way, your sweet voice praised him and repeated his name, triggered his orgasm. one, two, deep thrusts were enough, pushing his hips against your ass, the fingers which stroke over your pussy, pressed against the little bundle of nerves again. harshly but not strong enough to hurt you, as he painted your insides with white, hot spurts.
face placed in between your shoulder blades, rafe wanted to stay forever in this place. cuddled up with your body, feeling the warmth radiate from your figure after such an intensive experience. yet, he knew, he could not as the midsummers were still in full swing downstairs. slowly leaning back, he pulled out, and you winced at the loss of contact.
lacey pants hooked underneath one of his fleshy digits, he placed them back between your cheeks without cleaning the mess he made. "walking around the entire night, while I'm dripping down your legs." the male chuckled, crouching down to pick up the baby blue suit pants and pull them back up. closing his belt to keep them in place, his hooded gaze watched how you carefully pulled the expensive fabric of the gown down again, smoothing wrinkles with the delicate palms of your head.
you turned away from the smugness that covered his face, the mischief twisted in his features, and walked towards the staircase. the mess of strands placed over your left shoulder and collarbone, hiding the reminders in a mixture of blue and purple that rafe left along the side of your throat. one glance at them, and your father would instantly find the attacker, and find a reasonable argument to have them disowned by their family. "don't be like that, princess."
the sole of the polished, brown leather shoes boomed against the floor, the sounds coming closer with each step hurried after the leaving woman. "you've had fun to, i heard that."
amusement placed aside, you did not find a second to joke about what has happened. "yeah, great fun, stomping my rules of not being fucked by you, without actually being with you." you hissed over the shoulder, glancing forward instead of backward to the man who followed like a lost puppy.
"well, we can be, if you want." rafe shrugged his shoulders, it was precisely what he wanted after the past midnight meetings. the memories made in the library, or underneath the blanket of golden stars. "i tried to trust you entirely first. what's going on behind the curtains, rafe, that sarah runs away with a pogue, and denies her inheritance and family?"
you stopped the escape from his convincing warmth and turned around once you reached the staircase. one answer, you did not like, you have the greatest way to run away. arms crossed over your chest, rafe's thumb and pointer finger outstretched across his forehead, slowly massaging the temples on each side.
"nothing. she's just being a dumb, little girl. falling in love and shit."
"that's enough of an answer. thank you, i won't be a dumb, little girl then and fall for your tricks further." ashamed by what you have done for the man in front of you, the lies you told your parents about your whereabouts, and the multiple times, you covered for him. all for nothing, or maybe not?
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