#ch. hauser
relamune · 1 year
using the questions from here with Hauser :> Didn't answer all of them as I didnt have thought out answers for some but ah well.
how does your muse get local news and updates on current events? are they up to date with all the latest goings-on or do they prefer to avoid it altogether?
He doesn't really keep up to date with local news for no other reason than he just doesn't care enough to go out of his way. He's absolutely the type to see news articles on twitter days later, shrug about it, and then return to his day. Unless it affects him or his loved ones, he couldn't care less.
did your muse grow up with any particular television shows? do they have a favorite, or a memory tied to these shows?
There were absolutely shows he watched as a kid though none really stuck with him at the time as he was too caught up in the gang life during his early teenage years. Actually, it wasn't until his adulthood that he came to appreciate cartoons. He usually binge watches old shows (think like rugrats type old school) while he's stoned, he finds them more entertaining.
how much effort does your muse put into their costume for halloween parties and other dress-up events? do they have any go-to costumes?
He absolutely hates dress-up events if we're talking fancy dress parties. He would stick out like a sore thumb for MANY reasons there. Halloween, though, he loves though he wouldn't admit it. His effort usually depends on if he joins a costume contest or not that year. If he does, he'll go all out. If not, walmart clearance is fine.
does your muse stay up to date with the latest fashion trends? describe their style. where do they typically buy their clothes? who was their first celebrity crush?
He dresses like he's straight out of the early 70s rock scene. Absolutely not, he has no idea about fashion trends and thinks a lot of the present day stuff is pointless. Take this with a grain of salt, though, as he was absolutely a Hot Topic Mall Goth in his early teen years so. As for the celebrity crush, I wouldn't say he "crushed" on anyone in particular but he definitely vibed with Siouxie Sioux & similar musicians.
what would your muse's bio say if they were on a dating app?
He'd be the type to have a shirtless bathroom mirror pic ngl. Lots of blurry were-form selfies too. Bio would be something along the lines of :: " Werewolf4Werewolf, Pansexual, Gymbro, not interested in Packs, The only thing worse than my RBF is my mommy issues. dtf? "
Can probably guess he's not exactly popular on the dating apps lmao
what kind of phone does your muse have, and how customized is it? does it have a basic case or something more unique? is the screen cracked? do they have a popsocket or other accessories on it?
He definitely has something cheap that breaks very easily, which is evident by the large crack on his screen from one end of the phone to the other. He's had it for years and until it finally completely dies on him, has absolutely no interest in getting a new one. It still works so its still good. He doesn't have a case but he does have a lil bat charm on it that makes him think of Ambrose.
who was the one family member your muse always looked up to, if any?
His aunt by FAR as she was the only one willing to actually sit down and talk with him and hear him out on his issues. Dude still has a lot of anger issues he's working through but talking with Solange helps him rationalize a LOT. She's the only one in his family he really gives half a fuck about.
if your muse drives a car, have they personalized it in any way (bumper stickers, things hanging from the rearview mirror, etc.)?
He doesn't drive, he can't afford a car. If he can't get there by way of his wolf form then it's public transit all the way. If he could, he'd try to avoid the latter though.
if given a choice between having a night in or spending the night out on the town, which would they most likely choose and why?
Night in. There's less people there. Occasionally he might opt for a bar or a club but it's not really often he does. Otherwise it's Ambrose dragging him out to explore the city.
what are your muse's favorite scents, and what do they associate them with?
He loves that smell just before it rains and the smell of burning wood. It gives him a cozy campfire feeling. He's also finding out he's slowly enjoying the scent of a specific brand of cologne that Ambrose wears but that one might be a bit too obvious.
what kind of shopper is your muse? are they a slow, methodical shopper, a list-maker, or a grab the items and go kind of person? how long do they usually spend getting their groceries? how long do they spend clothes shopping? do they use changing rooms?
Hauser absolutely is not the type to take his time shopping. He knows what he's there for and nothing more. In and out quickly is his preferred way. As for clothes shopping, he usually seeks out thrift stores or secondhand shops. He'll use changing rooms as he's too concerned about wasting money.
if something bad happens, who will your muse call first?
Depends on the situation. If he's in trouble/hurt, he's calling Ambrose. If he needs advice or to vent/rant/etc, he's calling his aunt.
if your muse was made into an action figure, what would their five catchphrases be?
"FUCKING BITCH." (it is quickly discontinued) what are your muse's biggest fears, and what caused them?
Abandonment despite the fact he's usually the first to run away, as has been proven several times throughout his story. As for why he's like this, simply it is all he's known not to trust anybody. It usually ends in him getting physically hurt or his friends murdered.
does your muse know how to fight? describe their fighting style. if someone was threatening them and about to attack, how would they respond?
He can fight, yes. He doesn't have a particular "style" of fighting, just very much Bite Them Before They Bite You. He only fights in his were-form tho as claws+fangs are a lot more effective.
will your muse eat at fast food restaurants? if they're on a time crunch, what type of food will they grab?
Oh fast food is his jam (totally not because he never learned how to cook). His go to is usually just a burger & fries
did your muse's parents pass down any quirks or habits that your muse now does? what are they?
If they did, he's not aware of any. His parents cared for him while at the same time let him do whatever he liked. (which ultimately led to him being a rowdy teen that got involved in gangs but I digress). They could have been far worse parents but they could have been far better too rather than leaving their only child to deal with his own emotions & issues.
does you muse like road trips, or would they prefer to fly in a plane? what are their thoughts on roadside attractions and tourist traps? when visiting new cities, do they prefer to see the most popular sites, or pretend to be a local and blend in?
As someone that was on the run for awhile for two separate incidents, he highly prefers staying home. He likes the stability he's built for himself. If he ever went on a trip, he'd be too anxious the entire time to actually enjoy himself as he associates long distance trips with those two times he was trying to escape.
what does your muse's bedroom look like? is it cluttered or clean? do they use the overhead lighting, or use lamps and other things to provide a better ambience? do they make their bed every morning or leave it unmade?
Messy but in a maximalist sense? Lots of vintage old heavy rock memorabilia & posters & such, things like that. Everything has a place and everything is in it's place & if its ever "cleaned", it'll feel messy to him since he wouldn't be able to find anything. He's also not really the type to make his bed but sometimes he'll smooth out the wrinkles. Sometimes. He's usually always burning some type of incense, usually patchouli.
is your muse a 'this is a really nice box, i should save it' kind of person, or do they tend to throw things out no matter what?
He's not a hoarder but he definitely collects a lot of things, definitely evident in his home by all the knick knacks and tiny things he has. If he likes it, he will try to get it.
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t-jfh · 3 months
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
Untitled, 1939
Fujicolor Crystal Archive print, 27.9 x 35.6cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
Untitled, 1937-1946
Fujicolor Crystal Archive print, 27.9 x 35.6cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
Untitled, 1936-46
Fujicolor Crystal Archive print, 27.9 x 35.6 cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
Photogram with Eiffel Tower and Peg Top, 1928
Silver gelatin photograph, 38.7 x 29.9cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
Photogram No. II, 1929
Silver gelatin photograph, 95.5 x 68.5cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
LIS, 1922
Oil on canvas, 131 x 100cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
K XVII, 1923
Oil on canvas, 95 x 75cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
A 19, 1927
Oil on canvas, 80 x 96cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
CH BEATA I, 1939
Oil on canvas, 119 x 120cm
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László Moholy-Nagy (Hungarian, 1895-1946)
CH SPACE 6, 1941
Oil on canvas, 119 x 119cm
László Moholy-Nagy Retrospective exhibition at Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt
8th October 2009 - 7th February 2010
Artworks © Hattula Moholy-Nagy for the Estate of László Moholy-Nagy © VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2009 / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Curated blog and article by Dr. Marcus Bunyan:
▪️YouTube silent video >> László Moholy-Nagy Ein Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiss Grau (Light Play: Black, White, Grey) [1930 / 6mins.+34secs.]:
Ein Lichtspiel Schwarz Weiss Grau (Light Play Black White Grey) is perhaps Lázló Moholy-Nagy's best-known film work. It features his Light-Space Modulator, also known as a lighting fixture for an electric stage.
Light-Space Modulator is a key work in the history of kinetic art and even new media art, and therefore one of the most important works of art of its time.
Initially conceived by Moholy-Nagy in the early 1920s and built between 1928 and 1930, its completion required the involvement of a number of collaborators.
It was intended to be the centrepiece of the Contemporary Room at the Provinzialmuseum in Hanover, planned (but never realised) by Moholy-Nagy and Alexander Corner, the museum's director.
Light-Space Modulator was exhibited in 1930 at an exhibition in Paris on the work of the German Werkbund. From the point of view of the object, it forms a complex and beautiful set of metal, plastic and glass elements, many of them movable by the action of an electric motor, surrounded by a series of coloured lights.
Moholy-Nagy used it to produce light shows that he then photographed or filmed, as in the case of the film shown here. Although in black and white, the film manages to capture the kinetic glow of the sculpture.
▪️YouTube video >> László Moholy-Nagy: Proto-Conceptual Artist [2019 / 5mins.+36secs.]:
Coinciding with the Bauhaus centenary, Hattula Moholy-Nagy and Daniel Hug, the daughter and grandson of László Moholy-Nagy, consider the lasting impact of the artist’s work today. Hauser & Wirth’s exhibition in London dedicated to Moholy-Nagy examines his influence as a proto-conceptualist, whose work interrogated the role of the art object and the artist in society, anticipating questions posed by subsequent generations of artists.
László Moholy-Nagy is on view at Hauser & Wirth London from 22 May – 7 September 2019.
▪️ YouTube video >> Moholy-Nagy: Future Present exhibition overview at the Guggenheim [2016 / 3mins+14secs.]:
Curator Karol P. B. Vail provides a brief introduction to Moholy-Nagy: Future Present, a comprehensive retrospective of the work of László Moholy-Nagy (1895–1946), on view at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York, May 27–September 7, 2016. To learn more visit https://www.guggenheim.org/moholy.
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razrbomb · 1 year
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The Crane Wife (2022) [writ. CJ Hauser] // Chainsaw Man (Vol. 6 Ch. 52) (2019) [writ. Tatsuki Fujimoto] // Crime and Punishment (1866) [writ. Fyodor Dostoevsky]
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feliciagarrivan · 1 year
Isabelle Wenzel
Isabelle Wenzel (b. 1982, Germany) studied to be a photographer/artist, but is also a trained acrobat. Usually, she sets her own body before the camera. Within the seconds that the self-timer allows her, she assumes an impossible position and continues to hold it until the camera has clicked.
The central focus of the photographs of Isabelle Wenzel is the body as a physical form, rather than people themselves. By making a photograph, she freezes a pose in time as it were, and in doing so draws attention to the sculptural qualities of the body. In order to achieve a certain image, the manoeuvres need to be carried out repeatedly. In this way, Wenzel does her own little experimental performance in front of the camera, which captures it for us in ‘frozen’ form as a photograph.
Artist statement:
I stretched forward. Felt sensations of heaviness. Was overwhelmed by choice. Got lost. Stumbled. Failed. Started again. I’m a space in the landscape. A geological formation. A botanical shape. An island of isolation.  A thinking body. Look at me in slow motion. Look at me frozen in time.
Isabelle Wenzel
Curriculum Vitae
Born 1982 in Wuppertal, Deutschland
Lives and works in Wuppertal
2008-2010 Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, (NL)
2005-2008 Fachhochschule, Bielefeld, (DE)
Residencies / Nominations / Grants
2021 Arbeitsstipendium Stiftung Kunstfonds Bonn, DE
2016 Individuelle Projektförderung, Kunststiftung NRW, DE
2013 Jahresstipendium, Mondriaan Stiftung, Niederlande, NL
2011 Startstipendium, Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten, Vormgeving, Bouwkunst, Amsterdam NL
2011 European Photo Exhibition Award - Körber-Stiftung, Hamburg DE
2010 Virtual Zoom, Fotografie Stipendium, Virtual Museum Zuidas, Amsterdam NL
2007 Des Prix-Leica, Fachhochschule Bielefeld, DE
Albert Heijn Kunststichting, NL
ENECO Kunstcollectie, NL
SBK Kunstuitleen & Galerie, Amsterdam, NL
Kunstcollectie Ymere, Amsterdam, NL
FOAM/ Photographie Museum/ Amsterdam/ NL
VU MC Sammlung/ Amsterdam/ NL
Solo Exhibitions
2022 Automatia, Galerie Bart, Amsterdam, NL
2021 Isabelle Wenzel, Video installations, Expo Bart, Nijmegen NL
2020 Counting till 10 – Solo – Galerie Bart, Amsterdam, NL
2017 ‘Unernstes unterfangen’, Galerie Bart, Amsterdam, NL
2016 London Art Fair, Solo, Galerie Bart, London, UK
2015 Scotiabank CONTACT Fotografie Festival, Isabelle Wenzel, Metro Hall Toronto, CA
2013 Isabelle Wenzel, what the body knows, 44 Gallery, Brugge, BE
2013 10 Seconds, Isabelle Wenzel, Rene Hauser Gallery, Zürich, CH
2013 I'D Like To Double Your Entendre, Warte für Kunst, Kassel, DE
2012 Solo, Isabelle Wenzel, Ku Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan, CN
2010 Building Images, Kunst Kapel, Amsterdam, Virtueel Museum Zuidas, Amsterdam NL
Selected group exhibitions
2022 Numero Berlin – All Collection Vol. II Jonathan Vincent Baron and Isabelle Wenzel, Berlin DE
2022 Approche - Galerie Bart, Paris, FR
2022 Von draußen nach drinnen, Sparkasse Wuppertal, DE
2021 Unseen Amsterdam Galerie Bart, NL
2021 B/U/ILD, Neuer Kunstverein Wuppertal, De
2020 Out and about, public exhibition during Covid19, Wuppertal, DE
2019 Emergent, Platform for contemporary art, Veurne, BE
2019 Pick Me – We Like Art at Collectie DE.GROEN, Arnhem, NL
2019 – Naak Of Bloot, Museum Jan Cunen, Oos, NL
2018 – Loch – Galerie – Let’s Pretent You Don’t Know Me, Anne Huijnen, Michel und Isabelle Wenzel, Wuppertal, DE
2018 – A Balancing Act – Kunsthal Amersfoort, NL
2018 – Paradise – performance at Schauspielhaus Wuppertal, DE
Selected Works
Interviews with Isabelle
Youtube Section
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the-lark-ascending69 · 6 months
Just finished reading Rebel Robin. I liked it for the most part, it has a lot of cool Robin Lore, but I feel it can be a bit inconsistent with other Robin Lore from the podcast and the show (both of which I feel are a lot more syncronized with each other than the book is). I feel like it ends on a way too optimistic note, in which Robin is happy as a rebellious loner, fully honest with herself and the world and knowing it's just a matter of time until she finds her people, while show Robin talks about secretly wanting to be normal and accepted, and believing no one would want to be close to her if they knew her secret. Podcast Robin, while still in a far earlier stage of teenage Robin angst, says the universe is telling her she's not supposed to have friends and that there's something rotten inside of her. Even by the end of the podcast, her conclussion is that she needs to do everything in her power to survive inside the system, even if that includes lying and cheating. Podcast Robin reaches the conclussion that blackmail is a valid way to fight for survival, which I think can be fitting with Show Robin, who was never pushed to that extreme but who was still clearly cynical about people. Book Robin is just too at peace, as if she got everything figured out. She's confident in ways show Robin and Podcast Robin aren't. I can see 15 years old Podcast Robin growing into 17 years old Show Robin, but I can't see Book Robin growing into Show Robin. Otherwise it would be like she went two years backwards in the span of two days because... she was kidnapped by russian soldiers? I don't know if that's the kind of thing that makes you want to be "normal and accepted".
I feel like book Robin wasn't lonely enough. She had like two best friends, danced with a girl at prom in front of everyone else... of course she's going to be confident. Of course she's not going to feel the need to be "normal and accepted". Book Robin abandons the idea of "camouflage" by the end in a way that podcast Robin doesn't, which is more consistent with show Robin. Show Robin isn't all that confident. She doesn't genuinely "not care", she just tells herself she doesn't.
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Does this sound like Robin "my whole life has been one big error" Buckley? It sounds like she should be wayyyy past that! It sounds like the order of these events should be switched.
I have some thinking to do about this book. I thought it was fine, I liked the Robin Lore that didn't contradict itself, which is most of it tbh. Robin will quote Nietzche off the top of her head and I'll think "yeah, that makes sense". She knows from memory the etymology of random words and will talk about that during a discussion as if it were an actual argument. Robin also seems prone, in both the book and the podcast, to project her own feelings on other people (namely Barb and Tammy), which isn't something we see in the show (she IS older and more mature there), but it's not contradictory either. I liked her family, though I wish we'd got a bit more development about them. Near the beginning of the book, Robin asks her mom how come their family ended up in Hawkins, and her mom changed the topic, so I assumed there was some kind of emotional mother-daughter talk later in the book about how they wanted a safe and stable place to raise their daughter or something, but the talk never came. I liked Milton and Kate, especially Milton. Dash is a piece of shit. Mr. Hauser is good but he's better in the podcast.
I can't help to go back to the podcast, agh! It just feels so much more inspired. If i had to name the one piece of media that I think treated Robin's character with the most love and passion, it would be the podcast, no questions asked. It treats her with more love than the show, even, and I love show Robin, but the podcast is just... special. Podcast Robin got a better development in 6 episodes than book Robin did in 300 pages imo.
I know the book and podcast are both like semi-canon, but I will choose to consider the podcast to be above the book in terms of canon density. I wouldn't want to ignore the book because it provides interesting information on Robin's family, her plans to go to Europe, her friends and her feelings for Tammy Thompson, and if you want to write some very canon-accurate fanfic depiction of Robin, the book will certainly be helpful. Plus, it's just a good read, a good coming of age story. I do recommend it. But in areas where it contradicts the podcast, I would priorize the podcast as more strictly canon, not only because I think it's of higher quality (which I do), but because it's more aligned with show canon Robin.
Anyway, go listen to Surviving Hawkins, it's free on YouTube and Spotify I think, and it's amazing.
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cosmicanger · 1 year
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The Mingo Altarpiece: For George Mingo 14 September 1950 – 6 December 1996, 1996
Acrylic on board with sculpture by George Mingo
44.02" x 35.98" x 2.99" (111.8 cm x 91.4 cm x 7.6 cm)
“An extraordinary work that exemplifies Jack Whitten’s experimental techniques and ingeniously innovative compositions, ‘The Mingo Altarpiece: For George Mingo 14 September 1950 – 6 December 1996’ is also an intensely personal tribute to a fellow artist. Over the years Whitten made works in homage to a wide range of people whom he admired from Miles Davis to Malcolm X to his own mother. He strove to capture the essence of his subjects in symbolic abstractions. ‘The Mingo Altarpiece’ features a sculpture by George Mingo, to whom the work is dedicated. A student of Whitten’s at Cooper Union, Mingo, who was known for his small bronze sculptures, eventually became a friend of the Whitten family.
Composed of Whitten’s hallmark tesserae or tessellated squares, ‘The Mingo Altarpiece’ is a testament to the artist’s relentless exploration of the materiality of paint. As Whitten emphasized: ‘I’m dealing now with paint as collage, paint as sculpture. … I don’t paint a painting, I make a painting.’ [1] To make the tessellated squares, he lifted the paint off its support, sliced it into ribbons and laid the three-dimensional ribbons onto a wet field of paint, a process inspired by ancient mosaics. These bite-sized tesserae function as Whitten’s signature building blocks, incorporated in repeated yet variegated patterns to complete the whole. Few of Whitten’s works consist of as personal and unique of a tribute as ‘The Mingo Altarpiece’, which both honours Mingo’s life, as well as preserving his artistic legacy by incorporating it, quite literally, into Whitten’s own oeuvre.
1.) Jack Whitten quoted in Richard Shiff, ‘More Dimensions Than You Know: Jack Whitten, Paintings: 1979-1989’, Zurich/CH: Hauser & Wirth Publishers, 2017, p. 20.”
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craft2eu · 2 years
Within.Without: Zürich (CH) bis 23.12.2022
Within.Without: Zürich (CH) bis 23.12.2022
Dies ist die erste Ausstellung von Make Hauser & Wirth in Zürich. Make wurde 2018 in Somerset, England, gegründet, um außergewöhnliches zeitgenössisches Kunsthandwerk von führenden Künstlern aus der ganzen Welt zu präsentieren. “Within.Without” zeigt in den Räumen der Galerie an der Rämistrasse multidisziplinäre Werke von acht etablierten Künstlern aus den Bereichen Holz, Keramik, Edelstein,…
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mrb33 · 5 years
ART Mooching Catch up
Some of the Art I’ve seen over the last month or so.
Starting with LOOK - Christian Marclay at White Cube Gallery, Mason’s Yard.
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Short Stories
Massimo Vitali at Mazzoleni Gallery
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Details...short stories to be heard?
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5 Decades of Sculpture
Bruce Mclean at Bernard Jacobson Gallery
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Splash Painting 1986
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Jug 1987
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Coconut Butter rub 1987
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László Moholy-Nagy
At Hauser & Wirth to 7 September 2019
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Kestner Portfolio
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CH Space 6 1941
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Typographic collage 1922
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Light prop for an Electric stage 1930
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Light Play 1930
Writings on The wall
Waddington Custot to 30 June 2019
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Antoni Tapies - Duat 1994
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Brassai - Graffiti 1935-1950
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Jean Dubuffet - Pisseur au mur 1945
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Jean Dubuffet - Homme coince dans les murs 1945
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Antoni Tapies - Tap 2003
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sbgraphic · 2 years
Never GIF up! (GIF-Programm Fantoche 2021 mit Live-Vertonung von Bit Tuner) from Fantoche on Vimeo.
D Das vielfältige GIF-Programm hat sich etabliert: Erneut werden ausgefallene, experimentelle und abwechslungsreiche Kürzest-Animationen dieser wilden und dynamischen Netzgemeinschaft live vor Ort vertont und auf die grosse Fantoche-Leinwand gebracht.
F La diversité du programme GIF est devenue une institution: cette année encore, les animations ultra-courtes, insolites, expérimentales et originales de cette communauté en ligne anarchique et dynamique seront portées au grand écran de Fantoche et accompagnées de musique live.
EN The many-sided GIF programme is now a regular festival feature. Again, a series of outlandish, experimental and varied animated microfilms created by this free-spirited and dynamic online community will be set to live music and shown on the large Fantoche screen.
Sound by Bit Tuner (bit-tuner.net)
The artists:
Time Fuse Felipe Kehdi, ES 2020
Ana Leandro Mangado, ES 2021
Zyklus Chiara Luongo, CH 2021
Me + Plant + Pupper Aira Joana, CH 2020
blueberryblue Ines Christine Geisser, Kirsten Carina Geisser, DE 2020
Mountain Bird City Bird Gerhard Funk, DE 2019
Ambassadeurs Dean Sydney Christopher Hauser, CH 2021
Always Together Laura Mestre, ES 2021
Muybridge Morphs Jonas Kalmbach, DE 2020
Out in the Green Garden Rina Jost, CH 2020
They Were Friendly Creatures Tatiana Kamshilina, RU 2021
Pierre Leana Haltinner, CH 2021
Coucher de soleil Léontine Soulier, FR 2020
Otterly Sleepy Sabrina Stettler, CH 2021
Plonge Léontine Soulier, FR 2020
Late Afternoon zzeitstau, CH 2021
The Red Thread in You’re Life Riana Dähler, CH 2021
Motivation Marco Meier, CH 2021
Flow Tatiana Kamshilina, RU 2021
Overthinking Felipe Kehdi, ES 2020
Burn Out Tatiana Kamshilina, RU 2021
Charlotte sous la pluie Jacqueline Grütter, CH 2020
I Scream! Barbara Brunner, CH 2021
Toot Your Own Horn Jonas Kalmbach, DE 2021
Street Witch Jon Frickey, DE 2021
Squat Salutation Riley Thompson, US 2021
Four-Faced Face Jon Frickey, DE 2020
Wobbly Woman Riley Thompson, US 2020
Happy Boob Fela Bellotto, CH 2021
7 Glasses Part 3 Bruno Machado, CH 2021
Monke Noémi Knobil, CH 2021
The Shiitake Returns II Jénay Vogel, CH 2021
Cornet Walk Joël Vaudreuil, CA 2020
Death of a Ghost Leandro Mangado, ES 2021
Disinfection Májovi Studio, CZ 2021
Masked Hero Vaudeville Studios, CH 2021
BINGO Milly Miljkovic, CH 2021
Sportskanone Tobias Jonas Opderbecke, CH 2021
Labyrinth zzeitstau, CH 2021
Pluvieuse Philippe Rohrbach, CH 2021
Certain Lurking Creams Will Enable Ghosts to Agree With Your Statements Colin Raff, DE 2021
Magélan Philippe Rohrbach, CH 2021
headheartamoeba Frederic Siegel, CH 2021
Coming Where From? Going Where? Gerhard Funk, DE 2016
Auflauern Simon Schnellmann, DE 2020
Stapferhaus YK Animation Studio, CH 2020
timeFragmentB FalcaoLucas, PT 2021
Walkcycle Simon Schnellmann, DE 2021
The Staircase William Conway, IE 2020
Hunter(s) Philippe Rohrbach, CH 2019
Living Fossil William Conway, IE 2021
MeMoPhosis1 Guido Devadder, BE 2021
No Storms or Lilies Colin Raff, DE 2021
Slow Worm Justyna Pazdan, PL 2021
MeMoPhosis2 Guido Devadder, BE 2021
Nighttime Savings Barbara Brunner, CH 2021
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relamune · 1 year
having some serious brain rot over hauser tonight so heres some tiny facts about my skrunkly werewolf ::
• He collects vinyl records. He especially likes old school rock/metal vinyls but if we're being completely honest he'll buy it even if he's never heard of the band so long as it has a neat cover design. He doesn't have a favorite one and values them all equally.
• You definitely couldn't tell by looking at him but he's got a huge soft spot for tiny animals. Kittens, puppies, birds, etc. He thinks they're adorable. He maintains a bird feeder on his balcony and there's a stray cat in the neighborhood that hauser occasionally feeds. He doesn't think he'd be a good pet owner but that doesn't stop him from fawning over animals regardless.
• While he's not close these days with his parents, he's very close with his aunt Solange. He helped take care of his nephews whenever he was staying with Solange after running away from his hometown. Aside from Ambrose, they are among the few people that he would protect with his life. It is often that Solange is his voice of reason when he needs it.
• His favorite color is forest green.
• He loves old cheesy horror movies, he thinks they're hilarious in how ridiculous they can be. His go-to is The Thing From Another World (1951).
• Post concert high is his favorite feeling. It's one of the uncommon moments Hauser isn't so ornery. He'll laugh and open up way more post concerts with his band than he would any other time. Moncha and Ariadne, the lead and backup singers respectively, have repeatedly said that hauser's post set high is the best version of himself. He doesn't quite know if that's a compliment or not.
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ausseneinrichter · 2 years
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Wenn Sie von einem Garten, einer Terrasse träumen, wo Ihr eigenes Glück zuhause ist, wo Behaglichkeit, Stille, vielschichtige Schönheit wohnen, dann könnten wir – Sie und ich – Seelenpartner werden. Probieren wir’s aus? Jan Hauser Ausseneinrichter Ag @ausseneinrichter #gartendesign #home #garten #terrasse #gartenplanung #ausseneinrichter #janhauser #naturpur @catellanismith @staubdesignlight @ethimo #licht #outdoorlight (hier: Erlenbach, Zurich) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ch-fyr1KHyR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hauserundherzog · 2 years
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Hauser & Herzog
Geometrie der Existenz (2022)
Exhibition view (detail),  OXYD Winterthur (CH)
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sonyclasica · 4 years
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Tras el lanzamiento con Sony Classical de su álbum debut como artista solista este año, Classic, HAUSER anuncia la edición deluxe en CD y DVD del álbum, que sale a la venta hoy viernes 30 de octubre. El álbum llega días después del lanzamiento del EP Hauser Plays Morricone, que el chelista acompañó con una presentación especial que puedes ver aquí.
Consigue el álbum AQUÍ
Tras debutar este año en Sony Classical como artista solista con Classic, HAUSER lanza hoy la edición deluxe en CD y DVD del álbum. Ya disponible en todo el mundo, Classic Deluxe incluye el álbum original entero, además de un video-disc que contiene un programa de formato largo, recién editado, compuesto por los tres eventos de "Alone Together".  Interpretado este mismo año en el Estadio de Pula vacío, en Croacia, en el hermoso Parque Nacional de las cascadas Krka y más recientemente en el casco antiguo de Dubrovnik, esta espectacular actuación de Hauser incluye versiones de las piezas que componen el álbum de audio Classic además de temas de películas y series, entre ellas Piratas del Caribe "May It Be" de El señor de los anillos y el tema principal de Juego de Tronos, que interpretó en la ciudad medieval de Dubrovnik, donde se habían filmado varias escenas de la serie.
HAUSER comenta de la nueva versión de lujo de Classic: "Empecé a trabajar en este álbum en julio de 2019. En realidad, llevo toda la vida concibiéndolo. Recopilando las piezas clásicas más bellas en mi cabeza y reimaginándolas como composiciones para chelo. Por eso, ha sido un honor poder grabarlas finalmente con la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres, tal y como siempre lo había soñado. Y luego, justo después del lanzamiento del álbum a principios de este año, como todos sabemos, el mundo se convirtió en un lugar muy extraño para todos nosotros. Durante este periodo tan complicado, siempre he tenido la música para darme un sentido de propósito y recordarme toda la belleza del mundo y la fortaleza del espíritu humano. Y decidí rendir homenaje a ese espíritu cuando grabé la serie "Alone, Together". Me considero afortunado en muchos sentidos, aunque confinado en mi casa, podía filmar con el hermoso telón de fondo de Croacia. Siempre me he sentido conectado a vosotros. Escuchar vuestros comentarios y mensajes me ha dado un propósito e hizo que me decidiera a señalar este momento.  Las circunstancias de la filmación y la grabación tuvieron como resultado interpretaciones únicas, que las dotan de su propia serenidad romántica. Os doy las gracias por darme fuerza y positividad. Espero que a través de las grabaciones de álbum Classic original y la belleza de 'Alone, Together', encontréis paz, fortaleza y espero veros muy pronto. Con cariño, HAUSER".
Con la edición Deluxe termina una semana extraordinaria para HAUSER, que lanzó Hauser Plays Morricone el martes pasado, un EP especial en el cual el chelista repasa, reimagina y da nuevo impulso a ocho composiciones famosas del catálogo con piezas ganadoras de Premios Oscar de Ennio Morricone.HAUSER combinó el lanzamiento del EP con un maravilloso nuevo vídeo, en el que nuevamente nos muestra el espectacular paisaje de su Croacia natal con una actuación especial que celebra la aportación inigualable de Morricone a la música cinematográfica: míralo aquí
Desde su lanzamiento este año, Classic no ha dejado de ganar nuevos fans a través de los videoclips únicos que HAUSER ha dedicado a cada una de las canciones del álbum. Después de trabajar duramente para lanzar de forma continua nuevos vídeos y contenido, HAUSER no ha dejado de atraer a nuevos fans de todo el mundo: este año ya supera los 4 millones de seguidores en sus redes sociales y tiene un promedio de casi 350 millones de impresiones mensuales, lo que posiciona a HAUSER en la liga de los artistas musicales más populares.
Ya disponible en todo el mundo, Classic es una colección con algunas de las melodías más bellas jamás escritas y admiradas por el artista, que personalmente se ha encargado de seleccionarlas y de crear los arreglos para su instrumento. “Es sencillo”, dice HAUSER cuando se le pide que describa Classic. “Son las melodías más hermosas y románticas jamás escritas en la música clásica por los compositores más grandes, interpretadas en el chelo, el instrumento más romántico y bello de todos.” Difícilmente se puede culpar a HAUSER por llamar a cada una de las composiciones incluidas en Classic “la melodía más icónica” o “la más hermosa” o “la más romántica” de la música clásica.  Porque lo son.  Trabajó junto al arreglista Robin Smith y el productor Nick Patrick, HAUSER para adaptar estas composiciones inmortales para el chelo, dejando que se expresen como nunca antes con la ayuda de la Orquesta Sinfónica de Londres.  
La historia de HAUSER comienza cuando era un niño en su ciudad natal, Pula, Croacia, donde el sonido del chelo lo paralizó y lo impulsó a reunir todo lo que pudo a su alrededor para intentar construir el instrumento él mismo, con la esperanza de aprender cómo funcionaba y recrear ese mismo mágico sonido.  Su impaciencia para dominar el chelo sobrevivió a su intento infantil de construirlo él mismo ya que el enérgico joven chelista saltó a la fama siendo miembro del dúo 2CELLOS, la sensación mundial cuya música abarcaba varios géneros.   Con el lanzamiento de Classic, HAUSER ha hecho realidad el sueño musical que deslumbró a aquel pequeño niño croata.
1.          Swan Lake    
2.          Rachmaninov 2nd Piano Concerto  
3.          Caruso    
4.          Air on a G String  
5.          The Nutcracker Suite  
6.          Concerto for Clarinet  
7.          Nocturne in C Sharp  
8.          Intermezzo (Cavalleria Rusticana)  
9.          River Flows in You  
10.       Lascia Ch' io Pianga  
11.       The Lonely Shepherd  
12.       Piano Concerto No. 21  
13.       Nocturne    
14.       Nessun Dorma    
15.       Lacrimosa    
16.       Adagio for Strings  
1.          Now We Are Free
2.          River Flows in You
3.          Caruso
4.          Swan Lake
5.          May it Be
6.          Air on a G String
7.          Song from a Secret Garden
8.          Love Theme from The Godfather
9.          The Nutcracker Suite
10.      Pirates of the Caribbean
11.      Rachmaninov 2nd Piano Concerto
12.      Albinoni Adagio
13.      Intermezzo (Cavalleria Rusticana)
14.      The Lonely Shepherd
15.      Nessun Dorma
16.      Game of Thrones – Tema principal
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gosoccerdawgs · 5 years
Bearden turns back Cavalier upset bid
April 6, 2019 - Great teams find ways to win even when things are not going their way. That’s exactly what Bearden did as they turned back a highly-charged Cookeville team 3-1 Saturday in the Bearden Invitational.
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Finn Harris gave the Bulldogs an early lead off an Everett Hauser corner kick, but the Dawgs had difficulty capitalizing further. Giving up a goal in the thirty-third minute, Bearden had to settle for a tenuous 1-1 deadlock at the half against a fired-up Cavalier team.
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Midway through the second period, Caleb Wilkins head-bobbed and controlled a high backfield pass from Collin Lewis, then beat Cavalier keeper Aron Cantu to give the Bulldogs a 2-1 lead and a much-needed lift. 
With the Dawgs controlling play from that point, Carter Turner scored on a rebound of a Lewis cannon-shot for the cushion and the 3-1 final margin. 
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Goals: Finn Harris(16th minute, assist-Everett Hauser); CHS-Blake Burckhard (33rd); Caleb Wilkins (59th, Collin Lewis); Carter Turner (77th, Collin Lewis).  Shots/shots-on-goal: BHS 11/10, CHS 10/6. Conditions: clear, 65 degrees. Attendance: 385. Records: BHS 9-1-0. 
Outside the Box: Bearden and Farragut both went through the Invitational weekend undefeated at 3-0...Big shoutout to Cary Lewis and her dedicated Booster Club troops who made the Bearden Invitational another rousing success…The dozens of referees and coaches were appreciative and complimentary of the entire effort...Thanks to Clean Eatz of Knoxville for the great food throughout the weekend.
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imusicin · 5 years
Classic - HAUSER
Classic – HAUSER
Swan Lake Rachmaninov 2nd Piano Concerto Caruso Air on a G String The Nutcracker Suite Concerto for Clarinet Nocturne in C Sharp Intermezzo (Cavalleria Rusticana) River Flows in You Lascia Ch’ io Pianga The Lonely Shepherd Piano Concerto No. 21 Nocturne Nessun Dorma Lacrimosa Adagio for Strings
Croatian cellist Stjepan Hauser is best…
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ottawaserjantes · 6 years
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