fixyourwritinghabits · 10 years
I've been looking everywhere on how to not romanticize while at the same time keep my writing feel intimate at appropriate times, but all I'm getting is either how to write romance or how to not romanticize rape scenes. I know how to do both. All I want is to know how to write an intimate and non-sexual scene where the MC is being fed and taken care of to recover from losing a lot of blood without making it seem like I'm saying "oh look! he's injured and vulnerable. isn't that sweet?!"
I hate to be Captain Obvious here, but if your MC has lost that much blood, they are injured and vulnerable. Losing that amount of blood isn’t something you bounce back from overnight. 
Depending on your character’s personality, they may become overly aggressive or combative to the point of resenting such assistance. This isn’t because they are a terrible, horrible person or because they are ungrateful. Rather, it’s because they can’t admit they’re in a weakened state. Showing your MC’s care taker assisting through that recuperation (both physical and mental) is what bonds people. A quick note, though. Assisting can take the form of tough love if your MC is being an ass.
Good luck,
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feelboss · 10 years
just gonna say i'm so jealous of your url that is like one of the best urls i've seen in my life
i honestly have no idea how I got it it was incredibly lucky and i'm so, so glad i have it
thank you ♥
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taezs · 10 years
just thought i'd drop on by and tell you that your 2nd fanfic page pings all of my needs. now i can FINALLY organize my fics down to the last details, thank you so much for bestowing us with this gift xoxo
thank you so so much!!!!!!!
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tiefighter · 10 years
Tell me about aly and beards. Does he like having a beard? Does he like beards on other guys? Just beards.
Aly is a huge fan of beards, either on himself or someone else. He likes his beard because it makes him look older and for some reason makes other people more inclined to take him seriously. And often, he can't spare the time it takes to shave. He finds it a lot easier to groom a beard. He likes beards on other people. It's scratchy and warm and he likes the way people look when they smile. He's always a sucker for a man with a good beard. 
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kimgothjoon · 11 years
chaformbintrano replied to your post “i don’t understand big words in my language what makes you think i’ll...”
it's even worse when they use a lot of big words in one stupid sentence like whoa you lost me the moment you opened your mouth
and it's not like you can ask them "can you repeat that but like you were talking to a six year old" 
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tiefighter · 10 years
hey guess what. i think your tat should be a shark fighting a bear with a tiger as the ref
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tiefighter · 10 years
idk if this will help you feel a bit better but imagine pronine. as a potions professor.
oh my god I'm gonna diehe's so serious and so very intent on things going right and he's not a slytherin so he's gotta wrangle kids who weren't even in his house and then there's this shithead gryffindor kid who eventually ends up really lonely and just hangs out in the potions and transfiguration classrooms a lot. yeah
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tiefighter · 11 years
17 for aly
When would they be too judgemental of someone or something?WOW the thing is, usually Aly's pretty zen. There's very few things he really gets on people's cases about but he's got no respect for people with addictions which is something that's really fucking awful, especially coming from someone as addicted to people as Aly is. But if someone's got a Vice (capital v) he thinks less of them for it automatically, a combination of a very catholic upbringing and his own rigid self control. He's a bit shit.
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tiefighter · 11 years
chaformbintrano replied to your post:i want to write but don’t know what or who to...
/throws paramedic p9 at u
"There's probably like, case studies and shit about wanting to climb on the dick of the dude who saved your life." "Not helping, Vellk," Aly mutters, stirring the shitty coffee he'd gotten from the machine in the hallway, legs propped up on the chair opposite. Pronine's been avoiding him and fair enough; Aly'd said he wanted to date him and Pronine said no and that's perfectly okay. He's got the power of veto here, that's totally a thing and Aly's definitely got it in him (hah) to be the bigger man. It's just that-. Pronine eats alone. He looks sort of sad, sitting there by himself, not talking to anyone, not even trying to interact. He barely talks to his own son, Pravon busy as fuck with the pediatric ward at the best of times and Aly eyes the sandwich he'd bought at the decent store down the road and ignores Vellk trying to be 'helpful', given his brand of helpful is suggesting putting Aly in Pronine's lap and walking off.  He doesn't show, but that's normal. He's busy, works far too much so Aly leaves the sandwich in the fridge with a note attached and when he checks the next day it's gone. It's totally progress. 
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