upimflames · 2 months
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xantchaslegacy · 1 year
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oh-and-two · 2 years
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- Post Game Report 12/23/2022 Commander Night at the LGS! Rare night where I got to play with all 4 decks I brought. Tonight was the debut for my first mono color deck. Chainer, Dementia Master worked great! Established itself quickly. Being able to reanimate from other graveyards was fun but I think that was my downfall. Trying not to finish off the Will & Mike deck gave it the chance to mass reanimate all its legendary creatures. Might have been better to taken some of their reanimation utility for myself than to have just taken big guys like Ulamog and Old Gnawbones? Atla Palani continues to be a good go to for any table. Was definitely feeling its weakness to flyers tonight. Might be worth looking into seeing tweaks I could make for that while still keeping it mostly dinosaurs? Zaxara continues its reign of terror! It just scales so well as the game goes on. This thing has either been a threat the whole way through or scored surprise victories out of nowhere. Still only lost once. I’ll be keeping Hydra tribal around for a long while. Didn’t manage to draw the Benevolent Hydra tonight so we’ll see how that addition works out another time.
For the last match I checked out the Tyranids 40k precon. It was interesting to follow Zaxara with this because it also had a bit of an X spells matter strategy. Might be fun to combine the two decks sometime? Our pod went down to 3 players on this match. Unfortunately the Mirrym player was pretty mana screwed so it was mostly between me and the player with the 40k Space Marines precon. Waited till I had enough big creatures to survive Starstorm. Casted it. Then spent two turns taking away the remain lift totals with the surviving 7/7 Tyranids. I continue to be really impressed with the 40k precons! Last one for me to try is the Chaos Marines next week. All the games tonight felt tense. Which is good! Aside from one deck not getting its mana it felt like most players were having impactful turns. Hoping that means that the decks I’m bringing are a good fit for the local meta? There is another LGS nearby I’ll have to stop by and check out sometime, but for now I’m happy with the crowd at this store. Looking forward to coming again next week and getting a meet up going with friends in the New Year!
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beatsandskies · 2 months
Theme Deck Review Compendium: Torment “Waking Nightmares”
One of the Blaugust prompts is about supporting the other participants… but unfortunately a certain someone is still trudging away in Masques Block which makes things a bit tricky… 😉 Waking Nightmares A black/red deck with disruption and Nightmare themes. My copy of the deck – still needing to fix those basics. Official product information webpage (archived) Screenshot of page, circa…
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unismokepolice · 1 year
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58 cancer sticks waiting to be filtered through my black lungs. Sexy.
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And here they are after I sucked all the toxic goodness out of them.
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mtg-cards-hourly · 2 months
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Chainer, Nightmare Adept
Artist: Steve Prescott TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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Russ Martin - Chains - Futura - 1979
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fragiledate · 1 year
"does he smoke ?" about my original character. its like some people can read my soul.
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cabalt · 7 months
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Built a new commander deck around the first Legendary creature I ever pulled, the ULTIMATE white boy with deadmats of MtGs canon.
Like what is with your hairline dude you've got a skullet and you thought "I NEED dreads"
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doubleedgemode · 6 months
A.B.A's chains-A Guilty Gear analysis
I heard that in the spanish version A.B.A's title of "lovingly latched on homunculus" is translated as "homúnculo encadenado por el amor "(homunculus chained by love) which aside from being a fair translation serves to highlight A.B.A's recurring chain motif, either of real or metaphorical chains.
Out of the way, of course, we have Paracelsus's old chain though of course that's more a motif to him and his story! But in a lesser way you could argue its hers too as it is she who holds the chain.
And of course we have to mention her arcade mode quote of (from memory, sorry for innacuracies) "the shackles of affection are still shackles" which, yes! This is too related moreso to Paracelsus! but its her realization. And a pivotal scene for both.
Lastly, this is more my speculation but you know the gg Isuka xbox cover where her gloves say "Alice"? Part of me wants to believe it's an Alice in Chains reference because.. you know. Guilty Gear.
Whatever, this all plus the hypocrisy she has exhibited about Frasco and Paracelsus make for a really interesting leitmotif. Not as big as the key, frankenstein or even blood ones, but a subtle, present one, imo. A chain motif. Both as the chainer and the chained.
I say hypocrisy because well, she saw Frasco/Flask as her trap (fun fact, the name is prob a reference to Paracelsian lore of homunculi having to spend their early stages in a flask or else they'd die) and she desperatedly wanted freedom, she knows so well how is it to lack autonomy but when she obsessed over Paracelsus she was doing that to him. Hell, while the XX endings aren't canon afaik, we see her bad ending. Just like how other characters in the game make a heel turn or die (I'm oversimplyfying it but you get it) the ending where she keeps human Paracelsus chained (that one ending is... Something) even more crassly than before. She's not the victim here, it's him, but if we follow the metaphorical chaining thing then she has also chained herself very strongly.
As we see in Strive, either always or at some point she realized her doings were wrong... Yet kept on doing them. She's indeed chained to (her unhealthy idea of) love (and her other obsessive mindsets).
Of course, Paracelsus is not innocent, either. This is an A.B.A centric post but of course I have to mention him!! As we see in Strive and, regardless if it was due to his demon nature or simply willingly being a bad guy he was also metaphorically chained before knowing A.B.A... chained to his thirst of destruction and recklessness. And we know he tried to manipulate A.B.A even if he fails and starts to legitimately care about her.
Both of them are chained. Chained not as a good term but as a detrimental one. Chained to eachother, yes, but also to themselves, to their own chains, shackles of obsessions. With A.B.A especially, we know for sure she has managed to escape previous chainings but she keeps getting into them. And that's scary, almost.
But this is Guilty Gear and there's hope and freedom (ha.) so Strive has this beautiful conclusion (or rather new beginning!) to their story, and, while we have seen Paracelsus improve before, maybe A.B.A's won't be linear. But she legitimately, against all odds, WANTS the situation to be better, and both have gotten a better understanding of the other and like Paracelsus said, they can make it right, now. Now what they have with eachother is less chaining and more bonding and dissolving of a healthier kind as partners, be it as lovers, friends or whatever.
The chains are broken now, it's a new beginning.
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upimflames · 2 months
Do you share?
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markrosewater · 6 months
Why was Mercenary chosen for the henchfolk cards in OTJ instead of Minion? Thank you for answering our questions sir.
We support Minion in that we haven't changed it from the cards that have it, but we don't use it on new cards anymore. With the exception of three cards in Commander 2019 that were redone legendary creatures that were originally Minion (Chainer, K'rrik, and Xantcha), we haven't printed Minion on a card since Legions in 2003 (21 years ago!)
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oh-and-two · 2 years
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- Post Game Report 12/29/2022
Much different experience this week than last week! Instead of four fast paced games there were two longer games, but not for a lack of interaction. Everyone did a lot of work keeping the current threats in check.
Atla ended up popping off today, but Elenda, the Dusk Rose  answered the challenge quickly. Then the Ragadragga and Dina players started finding the answers to keep our board states in check. The Raggadragga player was able to get a TON of lands on the field to also become a big threat too. The Dina player ended up running low on life and gas dealing with me and Eledna. So they fell a little behind. However this allowed the scute swarm army to build up under the radar.A perfect opportunity for Meathook to do its thing
Second game three of us switched decks. Elenda returned. We agreed to keep the power level around the same level or slighty stronger. I brought out Chainer. The other two brought out Ranar and Ghyrson. Every deck people played tonight was something I've thought about building at one point. However I was especially interested in Ghyrson. Ghyrson is a pinger like my current favorite commander Kelsien.
Once again popped off with Chainer early. 2nd turn got manavault on the board. Vogar got to rack up counters. Shoving some favorites into the graveyard. The Ranar player brought out an interesting new card putting incoming creatures into exile until the next creature spell was played shoving it out. It was a fun new dynamic that I could also sidestep a little with reanimate. So I was not too slowed down. Things were going so well I got too cavalier reanimating stuff without a sac outlet safety. The Elenda player exiled the Kokusho the second it exited the graveyard. I would have to think of a new plan. 
The Ghyrson player had been steadily chipping away out our health pools with all his effects and other pingers. Including a red card enchantment that made us taking direct damage from our attacking and blocking creatures. The Ranar player brought out Elesh Norn who still got to briefly knock stuff out with her -2/-2 effect before hitting the battlefield and going the exile waiting room. This knocked out Ghryson. The threat of the Elesh Norn's -2/-2 kept him out for the rest of the game. The Ranar player began to build up their spirit tokens, and at this point Elenda had become beefy. At this point I'd drawn a Torment of Hailfire and an Exsanguinate. These were the wincons to bet on. Since the other boards were going wider I spent some turns my mana doubling creatures from the grave for insurance. The red enchantment punishing attacking/blocking was dealt with.By the time it got back to my turn the boards weren't wide enough to survive me going all in on Torment of Hailfire. No counterspells either.
Part of me wonders how other players feel about the games both ending to cards like Meathook and Torment? I know some players don't like big splashy finishers like them. 
Personally they felt fine to me tonight. The rest if the table seemed fine with them too. I think in part because they made sense for the amount invested in tonight’s games. Both games were about an hour and a half each. Each deck got moments to shine and pop off. Everyone's deck was doing a good job managing the board state. Which can also lead to some of those 3+ hour games of Commander. Which can be fun but do tend to drag a bit. So with the amount of mana on the board at that late in the game makes sense to have something that can cash that in. We'll see if I feel different about these in the future!
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charlies-trainhopping · 9 months
Question for the picrew chainers:
The owl house picrew chain?
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Just a thought.
@fxliciq-a @irdk6969 @imtherealyogurt @cuhmiluh-yuh
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caustic-caffeine · 4 months
Art fight prep thread
i’ll be periodically adding to this as i, well, do my prep for what will be my third art fight! there’s a number of things i need to do:
make references for the ocs that will be on my page (francis, maddox, cecie, iarmys, inanna, and ayelet (ayelet is @boxxed-upkr ‘s)) (three are done, but i may redo two of them..)
make icons for the above characters
make lil chibis of the above charas to sit on my home profile page
after teams are announced, make borders for this year’s attack icons
hunt down a person to do an 800 level revenge chain with, to try to be in the top 3 longest chains of the year
if possible, revamp the toyhouse pages of the public characters there
strikedown = completed
caustic.caffeine’s art fight info
scene hitlist // revenge chain hitlist will be a long one!! aiming to be one of the top three longest chainers this year!
art fight profile: https://artfight.net/~caustic-caffeine
team: tbd! but i don’t mind friendly fires!
my characters: aside from one, all are humanoids! they exist within a dark fantasy/steampunk setting with healthy helpings of the occult, macabre, and otherwise potentially unsettling ✨on each of their profiles they have links to toyhouse pages with art storage and more info about their lore! references are a work in progress and a few characters i have hidden right now may be unhidden before art fight starts
who i’ll attack: in order of most likely to least likely! mutuals > characters on my hitlists > characters with themes i enjoy > beginner artists/people new to art fight/people with high attack ratios (hmu if that applies to you!) > people who attacked me first > bookmarks > everyone else
other notes: check out my socials for examples of my art! i occasionally dabble in animation, both frame by frame and tweening. if it means anything, i’m an autistic lgbtq+ disabled metalhead 😎. more about me on my site
examples of art range from late 2023 up to a few days ago
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mtg-cards-hourly · 3 months
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Chainer, Dementia Master
Artist: Mark Zug TCG Player Link Scryfall Link EDHREC Link
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