#chance perdomo imagine
potter-head-phanatic · 10 months
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Masterlist Taglist ✰ He was a warlock and you were a mortal ✰ There was no reason for the two of you to meet, except for the fact that your younger brother, Harvey, was dating Sabrina ✰ You first met Ambrose when you were picking Harvey up from the Spellman mortuary one night ✰ Normally he would always be outside at the time you agreed, but he wasn't even answering your texts or phone calls, and you had enough ✰ Ambrose was walking towards the kitchen for a cup of tea when he heard the knocking at the door, and he wondered who could have been visiting at that hour of the night ✰ He couldn't believe his eyes when he opened the front door ✰ You were absolutely beautiful ✰ "Hi, i'm Y/N Kinkle, I'm here to pick up my brother, he's not answering his phone" ✰ He couldn't take his eyes off you which made you blush, but you couldn't keep your eyes off him either ✰ He invited you in for a cup of tea and you accepted, not seeing the harm in having tea with a cute boy ✰ You ended up giving him your phone number and you would text each other all the time ✰ You found yourself smiling when his name would appear on your phone ✰ That was when you knew you were in trouble ✰ You started visiting the mortuary more often, even if your brother wasn't there ✰ You and Ambrose would watch movies together ✰ Drink tea together ✰ Stargaze together ✰ Read together ✰ He quickly became your best friend, despite the fact that you found it odd that you never hung out outside his home ✰ But you never questioned it ✰ He was terrified to tell you about magic, after all those times he told Sabrina that witches and mortals couldn't mix ✰ To his surprise, and relief, you ended up having a very positive reaction ✰ You always had a feeling there was something magical about Greendale ✰ After the truth came out, you had an even closer bond than you did before ✰ He would show you all sorts of minor spells that left you amazed ✰ During the school year he would help you study for your college classes ✰ He was in awe about how smart you were ✰ It was one of the things he loved the most about you ✰ That and your never ending kindness towards others ✰ Sabrina shipped you two from the beginning, getting frustrated that the two of you denied your feelings ✰ She saw you as an older sister to look up to, coming to you with all her teenage problems ✰ The fact that you got along with his family is what really cemented his feelings for you ✰ He asked you out during one of your study sessions ✰ He had never been this nervous before, but he couldn't wait any longer ✰ He dressed nicely ✰ He made flowers appear out of nowhere ✰ He had prepared a whole speech ✰ He started panicking when you started tearing up, thinking he had said something wrong ✰ It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for you ✰ He relaxed when you threw yourself into his arms, accepting his request, a huge grin taking over his face ✰ From then on you were both the happiest you had ever been ✰ He constantly had a hand on you ✰ Whether it was an arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, resting a hand on your thigh ✰ Your lips were addicting to him as well, he would take any opportunity to kiss you ✰ You would have home dates all the time ✰ He would call you darling and you would call him honey or love ✰ You would steal his clothes all the time, loving the smell of his cologne ✰ He thought they looked better on you anyway ✰ You would talk about the places you would visit together once he was no longer on house arrest ✰ He comforted you when Tommy died, holding you as you cried, knowing how much your brother meant to you ✰ You comforted him when he would get upset about his house arrest ✰ He would read to you while you were cuddled up in bed, his soothing voice lulling you to sleep ✰ He would place a gentle kiss on your forehead before drifting to sleep himself ✰ He no longer needed to dream because they all came true the moment you walked into his life
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destinyc1020 · 3 months
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NOT Chance!
Wasn't he Tati Gabrielle's boyfriend?? 😳
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Omg...I can't even begin to imagine what she must be going through right now... 🥺
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spideytoo · 1 year
« chance perdomo, 20, he/him, film » ∙∙ loading case file for miles morales. known aliases, if any: spider-man. current location: new york, new york. current occupation: art major at nyu. he has been known to be creative and rebellious, so proceed with caution. their current alliance: undecided.
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Alright, let's do this one last time. I've seriously lost track of how many times I've said that at this point but anyways...
My name is Miles Morales. I was bitten by a radioactive spider, and for the past six years I've been the one and only Spider-Man....
Well okay...Kind of. Actually, it's a little bit complicated...
See, I'm not actually from around here, and I'm not talking about New York, I'm talking about this universe. I don't actually know what Earth this is, but the Earth I'm from is 1610, and really, it's not all that different from here in most ways, but there is one pretty big difference, and that difference is what I was talking about earlier; there, I'm the one and only Spider-Man.
Again, kind of.
Because before I was bitten by a radioactive spider, there was another Spider-Man who protected New York. And just like here, the first man to put on the mask was named Peter Parker; unlike here though, Peter Parker actually seemed to have his life together. Like, imagine if Peter Parker looked and acted more like Johnny Storm and that's pretty much exactly what he was like. He was cool, he had good fashion sense, he-
I'm getting off track here...
Anyways, the Peter of my world, that's 1610 in case you'd forgotten, he died trying to stop The Kingpin from starting up this thing called a Super Collider, which would have totally and completely destroyed the multiverse probably. But before he died, Peter asked me to make sure that Kingpin's Collider was destroyed.
And that's when I became the one and only Spider-Man of Earth 1610!
Kind of?
Okay so here's the thing: When Kingpin used his collider, he ripped open a hole in the multiverse, and that hole brought several other Spider-People to my world. But that kind of worked out, because I was definitely not ready to be stopping Kingpin all by myself, and it was only because of them teaching me what it means to be Spider-Man, that I was able to do this:
And with their help, I was able to stop the Collider, defeat Kingpin, send them all back home, and finally become the one and only Spider-Man!
Well, until I ended up here, that is. I'm still trying to figure out how the heck that even happened.
It kinda seems like I somehow ended up switching places with the Miles Morales of this universe, who, just like me, is Spider-Man; unlike me though, he's only been Spider-Man for about a year, and he's not the only one in this universe. I've gotta admit, it's been a little bit weird getting used to being in the shoes of a different Miles Morales, and not really being able to tell anyone about it, but I'm doing the best that I can with it. The silver lining, if you can call it that, is that this isn't the first time I've been to a different dimension. So at least I'm not going into this totally blind? I've had some experience with the multiverse, which I guess is a lot more than pretty much anyone else can say.
Anyways, that's my story. Confused? Yeah... me too.
Tldr Version: My Miles Morales is the Miles from the Spider-Verse movies, who has been the Spider-Man of his dimension (Earth 1610) ever since the events of the first movie, which happened 6 years ago in his timeline. A few months ago though, he found himself in a different universe from his own, having somehow switched places with the Miles Morales of Earth 394, whose story and canon is derived from the Insomniac games Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales. He has no idea why this has happened, but with no clear way of getting home, all he can do is try to make the best of this incredibly weird situation.
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joinsarcadia · 1 year
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imagine ...
sofia black d’elia as mayday parker, hari nef as annie may parker, alex aiono as a child of aquaman + mera, michael cimino as a child of bane, aramis knight as a child of talia al ghul, tanaya beatty as a child of namorita, thomas weatherall as a child of kurt wagner (adopted), archie renaux as a child of jean grey + logan howlett, kehlani as a child of m’baku, jessie mei li as a child of kurt wagner, denyse tonz as a grandchild / great - grandchild of namor, antonia gentry as a child of carol danvers + james rhodes, lili reinhart as a child of raven darkholme + irene adler, riz ahmed as tim drake, evan mock as a child of quentin quire, chance perdomo as a child of miles morales, maria isabel as a child of spider-gwen, jesus castro as a child of meggan puceanu + kurt wagner, kiernan shipka as a child of thor, justice smith as a child of sam wilson, barbie ferreira as a child of pamela isley + harley quinn (adopted), karrueche tran as pamela isley, amy adams as pepper potts, oliver jackson cohen as clark kent, maite perroni as lois lane, tyler posey as jon kent !! and there’s so many more options to choose from on top of all that !!
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dvskfallen · 2 years
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[ chance perdomo. cis male. he/him. ] did you see DEMETRI wandering around town ? they’ve been in forks for [ five weeks ] so they should be used to the storms. word around town is that they’re [ 1000+ / 25 & a vampire. ] people either describe them as [ debonair ] or [ indulgent. ] there seems to be no in-between. well, when i think of them i picture [ charming smiles hiding sharp teeth, tailored clothing & a hunter catching its prey. ] 
demetri spent his early years in greece, a skilled hunter by his mid-teens. he did so for the needs of his family rather than enjoyment, but he was fond of the solitude it afforded him. not a soul commented on it as long as demetri continued to provide.
he did make one close friendship in his twenties with another man by the name of amun. they would joke and swap stories, usually over a meal that amun would buy demetri. he enjoyed his company, given that he wasn't as loud as many of demetri's family members were. he wasn't aware of what amun truly was nor that he himself was a gifted human. but one night demetri would not come home, and it was a loss that his entire family felt.
when he awoke after being turned, it took demetri sometime to get through his bloodlust. amun was patience though ; he even encouraged demetri to go for humans that had the most pleasant aromas. it was the first step in helping demetri hone in his tracking abilities. eventually, demetri became the most gifted tracker in the immortal world.
this was a gift that amun treasured, but aro coveted. with the help of chelsea, the bond demetri felt with amun was broken. his loyalty shifted and he's been with the volturi ever since.
fun facts :
demetri has an air of indifference around him. he's not one to necessarily pick a fight with someone just based on where their loyalty lies.
while he was reserved in his human life, demetri is someone who is regarded as quite charismatic.
he has a fondness for opulence. he enjoys pretty things ; this includes but is not limited to : clothes, architecture, décor, people, etc.
he's lived over a thousand years and is a hunter by nature and gift, demetri can't help but enjoy playing with his food.
goes through periods of traveling, but always returns back to volterra.
he's a linguaphile and has learned greek, italian, english, spanish, portuguese, french, mandarin & russian over the years.
chance perdomo's voice is what i headcanon for demetri. i imagine he taught himself a british accent because he was bored and he knew it was pleasant on the ears.
wanted connections :
gimme connections with other volturi members please & thanks !
speaking of, he is technically a volturi henchman. maybe your muse has met him in volterra or while dem was traveling for volturi business.
he's pretty bored in forks i cannot lie, my guy. he probably hangs out at the college, coffee shops, diners, pubs, etc. mostly people watching, but also just to blend in. none of the locals have called him out on it ... so anyone want their muse to have an acquaintance that's supposedly an exchange student ?
he likes pretty people, but i won't let him be flirty or cheeky with your muse unless you tell me it's a-okay.
perhaps some antagonist dynamics with some shapeshifters ?
if your vamp muse has it open-ended on who changed them ... 👀
cotm ... maybe demetri has seen them during his travels and mistook them for a shapeshifter ?
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arelyhb · 1 year
Arely, if you could fan-cast for a RDR2 live action adaptation, who would you cast as who?
I'd love a live action adaptation of RDR2 but it's kinda hard to imagine anyone other than the original but... we know Hollywood.
Now, there are a ton of characters and they are super hard to cast but for example... Micah Bell could 100% be played by Ben Foster or Joe Anderson:
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Dutch Jeff Bridges for SURE:
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Arthur Morgan is veryyyyy hard to cast but for now i'd say Scott Eastwood:
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And Lenny... Chance Perdomo:
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Those are the only ones I have so far 😅...
I think it'd be cool if Hosea was played by Jeremy Irons although he'd also work as Reverend Swanson lol.
For Sadie I am torn between Margot Robbie and Charlize Theron... I mean, it's hard. These characters are all perfect. 😻
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gamesofpanic · 2 years
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Age: 22 - 26
Gender: utp
Occupation: utp
FC suggestions: Naomi Scott, Chance Perdomo, Olivia DeJonge
     You were only sixteen when your life became secondary; from that point on, your entire existence would revolve around the toddler in your arms. You can’t remember what started first: people’s judgement or your pulling away, but either way you were determined to make it on your own.
     You’ve come so far, but still nothing good seems to last. Odd jobs and unstable housing, you’ve had it all. You can’t imagine a life without your child and you don’t want to think about them growing up without you. Panic seems to be your only option left. You must win, not for yourself, but to give your child the life they deserve.
     How far are you willing to go?
The Desperate is currently OPEN. Apply for this skeleton here!
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noxtms · 2 years
*   𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃   :   is there anything someone should know about the last crabbe sibling? and do you have any fc suggestions for a male sibling!
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i’ve included the original wanted connection under the cut, but if you want to have more of an idea of their childhood ( & family history ), luca’s bio can be found by clicking here. it hasn’t been updated in a while and desperately needs it, but all the family info there is still good ! the other sibling is now preferably older than adora ( who’s imagined the youngest, at 19 ) and younger than julius ( who’s 27 ), but if you have an idea that requires them be any older, of course we’re willing to work it out ! we’ve thrown around a few ideas for them over the last while and the most recent one is someone who’s just recently getting out of azkaban for following the same path that vincent junior got dragged down by their father, without the promise of glory he had if he succeeded - the crabbe’s were almost surely exposed to some blood purist ideals they may not have even realised weren’t right as little kids, so even though it’s set up for vincent jr to be the one most affected, the likelihood that he was the only sibling to follow in their death eater fathers footsteps is slim. that’s obviously just an idea, though ! uh ! the only other thing i feel not touched on by the bio or connection is vincent junior’s connection to gracie moody, but that can be outlined post application ! we have a groupchat where we’ll quite happily chat with you further, and that might be more helpful than me trying to remember everything about them all ! some face claims that work for a full sibling of luca, vincent and ottavia ( who could obviously also be half siblings ) would be : brenton thwaites, charlie rowe, joe keery, david corenswet, lorenzo zurzolo, aron piper, gregg sulkin, dylan arnold, chase stokes, luke pasqualino or charlie heaton ! some face claims that would only work for a half sibling would be : cody christian, chance perdomo, zethphan smith-geist or tyler posey ! 
LUCA MOLTISANTI ( alicia vikander ) is looking for their SIBLINGS ( FULL OR HALF ) who resemble CAITLIN STASEY, MIMI KEENE, BRENTON THWAITES, CHARLIE ROWE, DAVID CORENSWET, LUKE PASQUALINO, UP TO PLAYER ( IF FULL ) / ANY HALF WHITE FC ( IF HALF ) and should be 19 - 29. applicants do have to contact RACHEL @PETRIICHVRS or DISCORD to talk over the details before applying.   (   honestly, guys. this one is a doozy <3 the crabbe’s are a large fam - i’m happy to have up to four sibs ! - and i’m not too pushed on them all being full siblings, either, as it’d still fit the canon i’m giving the fam as a whole for them to have diff mums. luca’s mum was the middle child of a prominant italian wix family, married off to vincent crabbe snr when she turned of age and sort of … stuck in the marriage & a motherhood role. when she was alive, she only spoke italian, left the care of them to the singular house elf they had way back then, and was erratic and unreliable. she was so young that she sort of treated luca - and any other sibs - as friends, not children. she died during the first war, so luca was still very young. she idealises her memories of her a lot, but she’s also the only one who genuinely knew her. the crabbe’s are a low class pureblood family who, thanks to several bad business deals spread out across a few decades, lost a bulk of their inherited wealth long before the first crabbe children ever came along - their father, vincent crabbe snr, mightn’t be the only crabbe patriarch left in the world, but for the purposes of this wc, i’m gna just stick with him and the siblings dynamic. frankly : he is a shitty father ! he was always a shitty father, and he was never going to be anything but. his shittiness is very independent of him being a typical pureblood / death eater type character - he didn’t care for any of his children and that included his male heirs. he drank too much and yelled a lot and sometimes, he disappeared for days or weeks at a time - after the house elf died and they couldn’t afford another, luca became her siblings primary caregiver, and that’s the role she’s stayed in. honestly, she became more of a mother to them than an older sister, so that’s something to keep in mind with building the family. everything she did for a very long time was for them, and she put a lot of her own life on hold or just out of mind entirely to ensure they got a better shot than she did - hell, she even dropped out of hogwarts after five years so that she could become more of a stable stay at home figure, for them, and earn some money on the side to tide them over. she tried her best to raise them to be good people, which is why vincent’s death hit her so hard - she didn’t raise him to be that person, but instead of believing it nature winning out over nurture, luca sees it as a personal failure. i’m not opposed to any of the other sibs being death eaters too, but it’s just important to say luca herself is not ! uhm. they all have italian / latin names & none of them have MIDDLE names bc none of them do so far and i dont want the vibe thrown off but this is getting long so u can message for any additional thoughts but i am VERY fond of the dynamic that exists in my little brain for them, and i would very much love to have her siblings here !   ) 
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malecftw · 4 years
Could you perhaps do a Chance Perdomo x fem!Reader where she’s in the cast of CAOS and Chance and her become best friends. They both like each other but they think the other person doesn’t like them like that. Plus the whole fandom wants them to get together? I know it’s long srry
A/N: Heyooo, thank you for your request! Hope you like it!
Word count: 1105
Warnings: none, not proofread, just fluff really
You can find my masterlist here X
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‘Cut!’ the director yelled straight after you and Chance shared an intense ‘impending doom’ kinda look. Your face softened as did his and he held his hand up for a high five. You quickly obliged and accepted the hug he offered after. ‘We killed that scene!’ He sang into my ear. My giggles filled the set as he slightly lifted me off of the ground. It was kinda our thing after a heavy day of shooting.
He scratched the back of his head after he put you down. ‘Hey, you wanna come back to my place? Me and the boys are getting pizza and are just gonna chill out.’ He didn’t let your bewildered look shake his confidence as you said: ‘Now? It’s 4 AM? What are Ross and Gavin even doing up so late?’ Chance shrugged. ‘4th of July weekend, everyone’s got a couple days off so we figured why not.’
You pretended to think about it, even if you already knew the answer. He saw straight through you but still played along. ‘Pleaaase. It’ll be fun.’ Your stomach imploded with butterflies as he nudged your side.You jokingly rolled your eyes. ‘Fine…’ He fist-bumped the air as his energy went back up, speeding off to the makeup trailer to get all the fake blood off of him.
A sigh escaped your lips as you trailed behind him, checking your phone for the entire walk to the trailer. Sometimes filming for 10+ hours made you feel disconnected from the world. So much could happen during the time you were working. It’s just one of many things you and Chance bonded over during your time on Sabrina.
‘Finally, he wouldn’t shut up about you.’ You were met by the voice of one of the makeup artists as you closed the trailer door behind you. You smirked and looked at Chance’s reflection in the mirror he was sitting in front of, sheepish look plastered on his face. ‘Is that so?’ You teased as you went to sit down, the makeup artist quickly making work of turning you back into yourself, leaving your character on the shelf for the night.
You could hear the laughter and guitar strumming from outside as you saw Ross and Gavin sitting on Chance’s balcony. You immediately had their attention since there wasn’t another soul outside that evening. ‘Your neighbors are going to be pleased.’ You stated, eyeing the two boys that were disrupting the oh so peaceful night. ‘Eh, it’s a new apartment complex, barely anyone’s moved in yet. We’re good.’ You nodded, staying silent.
As Chance pressed the floor number you let yourself fall against the side of the lift, a yawn uncontrollably taking over your features. ‘You know I could just order you something and we can go to bed if you’re that tired.’ You shook your head, waiting for the yawn to end. ‘Nah, when’s the next time we’ll get this much time off at the same time. We should really make the most of it and chill now that we can.’
‘Look what the cat dragged in,’ Ross said smiling at Chance, before looking at you fondly. ‘And you brought in a stray.’ You scoff. ‘Watch who you’re calling a stray Lynch.’ He giggled and fell backward on the couch as you jumped him, completely crushing him under the weight of his guitar and you. ‘Yo, how are you still awake, are you like a vampire or something.’ He joked, readjusting his position so your head was now in his lap and his guitar in the hands of Gavin. ‘You’re on the wrong show buddy.’ He smiled down at you. ‘For now at least.’
‘Right, y/n stop flirting with our costars. What’d ya want for dinner, or breakfast,…’ Chance said, a serious tone evident in his voice as he scoured the internet for restaurants still open that deliver. ‘1. I am not flirting. 2. You pick.’ Chance sighed, trying to hold in his eyeroll. ‘Helpful as always,’ which quickly led to getting a pillow thrown at him.Gavin gave you a glass of water, smirking at both you and Chance. ‘Chance you should really take that as a compliment, y/n never trusts Ross or I to pick her food for her.’ ‘Yeah cause you’re idiots and would mess it up,’ you said as a matter of factly while taking the glass from his hands and sitting up.
‘At least Chance knows what he’s doing.’ Your hands slide over his shoulder after you made your way off of the couch and towards him. ‘Woah you are so tense, you should take a hot shower.’ Chance readjusted his position in the chair and smiled up at you. ‘I’m fine really, just keep rubbing that spot.’ You swore you saw his eyes flash from your eyes to your lips but he played it off well. ‘Well, Mr. Perdomo, if you want me to be your masseuse you should’ve asked my price first.’ You whispered teasingly in his ear. You don’t know if you were overstepping any boundaries but you felt fierce all of a sudden. If things didn’t work out, you could just play it off as being playful.
Chance audibly swallowed, ‘I’ll make sure the right compensation is received.’ His thick, warm accent making its way into your ears, flowing through your veins like warm honey. You’d completely forgotten about the two other boys until a flash went off and pulled you of your moment. ‘Gavin are you kidding me.’Ross was facepalming himself and Gavin turned a whole other shade of red you’d never seen on him.
‘Can I post this, the fandom will go nuts.’
Chance spoke up, voice raspy. ‘Not until I’ve kissed her.’
This made Ross look back up and you look down at Chance in surprise.
‘Well, when are you going to kiss me?’ You asked, still careful to not mess things up.
‘Remember that compensation we were talking about.’
You nodded, too excited, stressed, and infatuated with the man you were facing.Chance took your nod as his cue and he slowly came in closer, lips finally touching after months of fantasizing about it. It was slow, sensual and sweet. He was a damn good kisser which you weren’t surprised about.
The next day when you woke up, your notifications were going crazy. Gavin had left the entire fandom guessing your relationship status after he posted the pic.
You didn’t mind teasing them a little though. After all, things worked out and if they continued to work out, it wouldn’t be a secret for very much longer.
It all worked out.
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psychokai1972 · 5 years
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So, not so long ago Chance Perdomo posted this on his IG story, and I’m so happy he saw it and liked it, and posted it; because it’s mine, I made this design!!!
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built-from-nothing · 6 years
Chance Perdomo Masterlist
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Walking in on Chance during his Instagram takeover
Chance coming home early from filming
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miszswan · 3 years
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fandomnom · 5 years
Imagine:Ambrose Spellman
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You walk onto the porch and as you’re about to knock on the door you jump a little. “Ah Y/N.”
You sigh and Ambrose smiles at you with his mug in his hand. You smile back and say “ This is not the right time for your smart ass remarks Ambrose.”
He says, “ I’m sorry my love”
You say “Stop saying that!! It’s making me feel weird.”
He winks and says, “ Well my bad. You must be looking for Sabrina. I’ll let you in.”
He opens the door and lets you in. You say to him “Thank you.”
Ambrose looks at you and when Sabrina makes it downstairs she smiles. You both run to one another and hug. You sigh greatly and Sabrina asks, “What’s wrong Y/N?”
You rub your forehead and say “Would you guys believe me if I told you that I may be binded romantically to someone? Like from the past?”
Sabrina looks at you nodding and Ambrose asks, “To whom may I ask?”
You look at Ambrose and stare him in his eyes. Your eyes slightly shine and Ambrose freezes up a little. Ambrose says, “Y/N...”
You tear up and Sabrina says, “Y/N.”
You look at both of them and start to cry. Sabrina holds you tight and asks, “Why didn’t you tell us this about you before?”
You say “I was threatened if I said anything. I couldn’t hold this secret in any longer.”
Ambrose still stands there frozen with not one word said. You say, “I’m sorry to both of you. I was threatened to be burned alive if I said anything sooner. There’s witch hunters after me now. They found out I was planning to tell you guys about this. ”
Sabrina says, “Y/N I got your back no matter what. We will protect you, right Ambrose?”
Ambrose nods his head and walks away. Sabrina invites you into the kitchen and you all sit at the table. Ambrose finally says, “I knew there was something about you that got to me. I just never knew what until now.”
Sabrina asks you and Ambrose, “Can you both explain your sides of this story and what’s going on with th both of you?”
Ambrose says, “I’ll start first.”
To be continued??....
Should I continue this into a fanfic?? Please let me know if I should.
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obscure-imagines · 6 years
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-so Polyamory is a thing for witches and warlocks which means this isnt such a crazy idea off the bat
-meeting Ambrose when you go to study with Sabrina
-for the purposes of this, you’re a witch because that makes he most sense
-i honestly feel like you’d already be with Nick when you meet Ambrose for the first time
-Ambrose is into you immediately and you’re interested too
-you come back from the study time and Nick’s just like “well you look happy.” and you explain that Sabrina has a cute cousin
-Nick gets super interested too and then really wants to meet Ambrose
-Sabrina is so confused when you and Nick show up for the next study session
-you and Nick go into the hallway to talk about how to approach this and Ambrose is just chilling there like, sup
-the three of you disappear to Ambrose’s room and three hours later Sabrina is so confused when you and Nick try to discreetly leave because she thought you’d both left hours ago
-because for the most of season 1 Ambrose is confined to his house i’m just going to roll with that
-you and Nick being at the house way more
-but you’re both pretty good at sneaking so the others don’t notice that much, Ambrose’s door is just closed more
-so many take out and movie dates
-but also studying
-like the three of you in Ambrose’s room, barely clothed. (if you haven’t looked up Gavin Leatherwood on instagram for THAT shirtless reading picture you are missing out yo)
-the three of you all lying there and reading
-or having Ambrose read out loud to you and Nick because his voice is amazing
-they both like dancing with you
-Ambrose likes being in front and Nick is more of an ass man tbh
-they’re both hella confident i feel
-like Nick is more open about it but Ambrose is confident too
-they’re both super smart
-it’s easier to wear Ambrose’s things which Nick starts to realize so he actually buys things that you would be more interested in wearing
-you’re spending so much time together and you all decide to be a triad (when the three of you are together and that’s it. its a type of polyamory, look up a diagram it may help explain?)
-the weird sisters being kinda like wtf, you get both?
-when the rest of his family is out you all do shirtless cooking in the kitchen
-i feel like Ambrose would be a good chef
-so he mostly cooks while you and Nick walk around and do stuff
-lots of lingering touches
-they both love waist grabbing
-or standing behind each other while cooking
-usually you’ll go behind Ambrose and then Nick will get bored and come up behind you and just big group hug
-or sometimes you’ll sit on the table with Nick between your legs and Ambrose watches with a grin
-just lots of love
-like all around love
-Nick loves kissing your shoulders but Ambrose is more of a neck guy
-lots of movie nights
-watching so many interesting films and then just talking about it
-Ambrose would really appreciate cinema, Nick’s kinda into it but he always ends up kissing one of you and being distracting
-i feel like Ambrose is more of a cuddler while you cuddle against Nick’s chest
-im actually in love with the triad relationship just living together and doing super mundane things like cooking naked and trying to figure out how to all shower or bath together
-the Spellman’s all like you
-they’ve caught the three of you in odd situations before
-Sabrina walking in on a morning that you’re supposed to have the home alone and bumping into you, Ambrose and Nick all coming out of the bathroom together with only towels covering your bodies
-mostly just lazy days
-practicing so many spells together
-they think you’re so cute when you don’t get a spell on the first try
-having a super cheesy couple song that you all listen to
-you and Nick miss Ambrose when he’s not around
-lots of face timing while you’re in school
-i feel this dynamic 
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steviemae · 4 years
150. “You made me what?” with whoever you want!!
You looked at Ambrose with rage burning in your eyes. He stood in front of you, hands raised in surrender. Eyes begging you to calm down. He had just revealed the deepest secret he’s been keeping for so long. It was eating him alive and you were starting to remember things.
“You made me what?” You hissed.
“I made you forget, y/n. I’m sorry. You were so miserable. Crying every day. The pain was too much for you to bare, so i did what i thought was best. I made you forget all the pain and torment.” He explained taking a step towards you. You stepped back, holding a hand up to stop him.
“Which in turn meant making me forget my entire family, Ambrose. And most of them are still alive!” You yelled.
“I know, i didn’t know what i was doing. I wasn’t trained with that kind of magic and i just wanted you to be better. It hurt me watching you hurt.” He cautiously took a step towards you again. This time you didn’t stop him, allowing him to come closer. He took your face in his hands, watching the tears spill from your eyes. “I can fix it, y/n. After i did the spell i knew i would regret it so i began looking for a reversal spell and i found it. If you want, i can take it all back. I can make you remember.”
Ambrose wiped your tears as they fell, waiting patiently for you to answer whether you wanted him to reverse the spell or not. After a moment, you nodded.
“It’s going to hurt, but I’m here. I’ll always be here, okay?” He kissed your forehead, grabbing the book he had found the reversal spell in, preparing to bring back everything he had erased.
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Make Me Happy (Ambrose Spellman x reader)
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A/N: this gif does things to me djskshdbsj. Why aren't ppl in real life this attractive???? Chance Perdomo has totally fucked up my standards, jesus.
Warnings: none I think
Your family had been close to the Spellmans for as long as you could remember. You had spent countless hours in their company, especially the company of one particular warlock. Ambrose and you went way back. As in, you were there when he tried to blow up the Vatican and you were the first one to tell him how stupid he was. You were there when he was sentenced to remain in that house and you were his shoulder to cry on.
So, when your mother told you that your family was going over to the Spellman's for dinner, you thought nothing of it. It was nothing out of the ordinary. When you arrived on their front porch, Ambrose was the one to open the door, sending you a smile as soon as he did.
"Lovely to see you Mr. and Mrs. Y/L/N."
You parents filed into the house, you following close behind.
"And you as well, Y/N."
"Nice to see you too, Ambrose. How are things at the Academy going?"
He closed the door behind you, raising his eyebrows.
"It's, well, interesting, to say the least."
"And how is Luke doing?"
At this, Ambrose stopped in his tracks, freezing on the way to the dinner table.
"We broke up, actually. Just the other day."
"Oh, I'm so sorry," you rested a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?"
"I'm holding up just fine. It was for the best."
You nodded as you both sat down at the table, joining in on the conversation that had started up with everyone else.
Dinner flew by, and soon everyone was just sitting around the table covered in empty dishes, talking and laughing.
"Do you want to head up to my room? Maybe talk? I feel like we haven't seen each other in forever."
You looked at Ambrose when he spoke, his voice barely audible. Sending him a smile, you nodded. You both excused yourselves as you ventured up towards his room. As soon as you walked through the door, you plopped down on his bed, sitting with your legs crossed.
"What did you want to talk about?"
Ambrose smiled as he sat down next to you, leaning back and resting his weight on his hands.
"Nothing in particular. Just wanted to spend some quality time with my favorite witch."
"I'm flattered. So what did you mean when I asked you about the academy earlier? What's so interesting about it?"
Ambrose chuckled, shaking his head.
"Let's just say the other warlocks there are not on the same page as me. I feel like they're part of some secret 'boys only' club."
You grimaced. "Yikes."
"That's a great word to describe how I'm feeling. I want to earn my freedom and all, but something feels off."
"Just follow your heart, 'Brose. You're smart enough to know what's right for you."
Ambrose looked at you and smiled.
"You always give the best advice, Y/N/N. It's infuriating."
"What?" You gasped. "How is that infuriating?"
"Because sometimes I simply want to bitch and moan and you have to go all deep on me."
"I'm sorry, I'm trying to be a good friend," you said, shaking your head with faux annoyance.
Ambrose laughed, scooching closer to you.
"Oh, don't get all salty on me. You know you love me."
You looked up at him, smiling.
"Yeah, unfortunately, I do."
You rested your head on his shoulder, and he pressed a gentle kiss to your hair.
"You're too good to me, Y/N/N."
"I know," you sighed. "I don't know what you did to deserve me."
"Oh, shut up."
You laughed, savoring the sweet moment you two were sharing.
"How are things with you? I feel like all we've talked about is me," Ambrose said after a little gap of silence. You perked up at this, remember the news you had forgotten to tell him.
"I got a job at the Academy, teaching divination."
Ambrose gasped, and you looked up at him.
"No!" He smiled. "Does that mean I'm gonna have to see you every day?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Oh, it would be too bad. You'll just get to hear me complain about Father Blackwood's Satanic Boy Scouts even more."
"Oh, joy."
"Honestly, though. I'm really happy for you. I mean, technically we'll be co-workers."
"Thank you, Ambrose. I'm excited. Hopefully, I'll get to teach 'Brina."
"When do you start?"
"This week, I'm not sure exactly when. The current teacher is retiring, so Fr. Blackwood said he'd let me know when she leaves."
He nodded, looking at you with a soft smile on his face.
You frowned at him.
"There is something going on in your head. Tell me."
"I just... you make me really happy, Y/N/N."
You smiled at his words.
"Thanks, 'Brose. You make me happy too."
"Y/N, we've been friends for a while. Do you maybe wanna try being something more?"
Your eyebrows shot up.
"Like.. date?"
"Yeah. I mean, we're gonna be seeing a lot more of each other, why not give it a shot?"
"Okay," you smiled, nodding your head. "Why not?"
There was a silence as you both looked at one another with a gentle smile on your faces.
"Can I kiss you?"
Ambrose laughed at your words.
"I thought you'd never ask."
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