#chances are those are just commonly known english words in japan but still
The fact that tagiru made a pun about how betsumon’s name means ‘different’ brings up the question of how sub!Damemon knew what ‘you’ means and Airu knew what ‘cute’ means
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nanigma · 4 years
Blue Lions Translation Chapter 3
Okay, these things take a long time for me to put out, because I mostly get my translation vibe on in the evening. And I work most evenings these days.
If you really enjoy my work and can afford to throw some spare change my way, here is a link to my ko-fi account.
My comments in italics
Starting out with the Exploration Dialogue, cause the mission briefing scene is the exact same for all houses.
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Dimitri: Even when there's no chance to win, there are situations where you simply have to draw your sword and fight.
Dimitri: However, this case seems far too excessive... Lord Lonato is not that much of a fool.
Dimitri: … If he had enough allies to make his rebellion a decisive one, it would be a different matter of course.
[Choose: Allies?] and [Choose: What do you mean?]
Dimitri: … Ah, no.... it was an idle thought. It's just, there's definitely something suspicious about this.
Dimitri: Even if we are only dealing with the aftermath, something unexpected can always happen. Please make sure to be thorough in your preparations, Professor.
English has Dimitri refer to some vague preparations already being in place in his first sentence, whereas the Japanese more clearly refers to them only being supposed to be there for the aftermath. 
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Dedue: His Highness is strong. However, no matter how skilled, if he takes to the front lines, anything may happen to him.
Dedue: … He is a great man that Faerghus absolutely cannot afford to lose.
Dedue: I wonder if the church understands this.
Two things to point out here about how Dedue refers to Dimitri here. First he uses あの方 (ano kata) for him, which is very polite and respectful way to talk about someone in the third person. 方 (person, in this case) is the more polite form of  人 (hito), which can also mean person, but usually in a more human/man/woman kind of way.  Now Dedue uses  方 twice in this sentence and that is to refer to Dimitri also as an お方 (okata), which again is a highly respectful term. Suggested translations are often gentlemen/lady, though the connotations obviously don’t fit in this case. Too bad the English translation didn’t incorporate this moment of fanboyism. :(
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Felix: … Catherine, huh? Her excellent technique, the sword she wields....
Felix: Hm... Apparently, she hides her past so thoroughly, it seems not even fragments of it are known.
Felix: I suggest you also make her your sparring partner. She is strong... likely stronger than even you.
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Ashe: …...
Ashe: Professor, there has to be some mistake. The thought that Lord Lonato would be raising an army is simply...
Ashe: … He didn’t say anything even to me.
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Sylvain: Professor, did you see Felix around? He's always had a habit of vanishing the second I take my eyes off him.
[Choose: I saw him at the training grounds] +Support with Sylvain
Sylvain: Well, just as I thought. Sorry, Professor. Thanks for helping me out!
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[Choose: I saw him at the dining hall]
Sylvain: Oh, is that so? Sorry, Professor. … At any rate, he must be eating there by himself, I am sure.
English is simple (which just has him go “Right, it’s meal time”), but I feel the Japanese line implies that he was planning on inviting Felix to eat with him and is disappointed to be told he already went ahead.
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Mercedes: I heard rumours regarding Lord Lonato. They say he is a very kind and gentle lord.
Mercedes: I really wonder why such a kind man would suddenly raise an army...?
Mercedes: Ah, by the way, Professor. Didn't you work late again yesterday? Pushing yourself isn't good for you.
Mercedes: People who stay up late will have a ghost rise up from the bottom of their well and... Just kidding.
I am sure everyone is familiar with Japanese ghosts and their association with wells. Most famous of the older stories is probably Okiku.
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Annette: This time we have to help out the knights, correct? Could that mean...
Annette: … Ah, no, I am sorry! It's just, someone I am looking for might be among the knights.
[Choose: Is he a knight?]
Annette: Yes. If he is here, most likely... it's just a possibility, he might also be among the monks.
Now I am imagining Gilbert with a tonsure.
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[Choose: It would be nice if you could meet him] +Support with Annette
Annette: Thank you so much, Professor! I'll definitely catch him someday...!
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Ingrid: I simply cannot understand why His Highness would allow someone from Duscur at his side.
Ingrid: 4 years ago, they committed treason by killing the king and slaughtered all of the innocent soldiers and knights accompanying him.    
Ingrid: Even if His Highness forgives them, I cannot do so... ever.
Ingrid interestingly uses the term 弑逆し (shiigyakushi) here, which refers to killing your own lord or father. This would imply Duscur was already some kind of vassal state to Faerghus, but from what we know Duscur was independant before the Tragedy. (I checked the books in the library on this in Japanese) Feels like a weird inconsistency.
Scene: Into the Fog
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Dimitri: Being able to accompany “Thunder Catherine”, famed for her bravery... haha, it is quite an honour.
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[Choose: Thunder?] and [Choose: Thunderbird?]
Okay, this is a bit of a word joke that the English decided to skip out on entirely rather than come up with an alternative. So Catherine's relic is simply named “Thunder” (雷霆 raitei) in Japanese, netting her the nickname “Thunder Catherine”. The first response would simply be Byleth wanting to clarify this. The second response implies they also didn't even listen too closely to Dimitri and heard something different: Thunderbird ( 雷鳥  raichou)... or better known to us as the real life bird species “ptarmigan”, whose Japanese name uses the kanji for thunder and bird. Sadly, this slip up doesn't change any dialogue and the localization didn’t have a joke here..
Catherine: Hm, you don't know? This is “Thunder”... It is one of the Heroes' Relics.
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Catherine: A very long time ago, the goddess granted her power to ten heroes... It took the form of these Relics that were passed down to their descendants.
Catherine: Although tempting, there won't be a chance to swing Thunder this time. After all, our duty is to deal with the aftermath.
Sidenote, but Catherine uses the pronoun “atashi” for herself, which is typically considered extremely girly or even childish. It is also written in katakana, which makes it stand out more and implies a “rougher” pronounciation.
[If Ashe is alive]
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Ashe: … Why would Lord Lonato start such a reckless uprising?
Catherine: Shouldn't you be the one with more details on this, Ashe?
Ashe: I don't understand. He didn't tell me anything about this...
Dimitri: … I am sure Lord Lonato didn't want you to get involved in his revenge.
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[Choose: How are Ashe and Lord Lonato related?]
Ashe: Lord Lonato adopted me and raised me like he would a true son.
Another interesting side note: Japan didn't do what we consider adoption for a big part of it's history. Rather, it was mostly common to do for those without a male heir. One way had them finding a suitable husband for their daughter (usually one without an inheritance of his own), then adopted their new son-in-law into the family, so their name could be passed on. The other way involved adopting a distant relative.
What this means is that Japanese media often handles adoption plots a bit weird from what we know. So Ashe is super formal when talking about and to his ostensible father figure, as well as his role as a commoner being far more emphasized than his adoption by nobility. Japan really isn't as gung ho about “Blood doesn't matter” when it comes to family as the western world is. The relationship between adoptive kids and parents often feels more like a benefactor with his beneficiary.
Ashe: He was also a kind, great man. And yet still... This must have something do with my adoptive brother...
In relation to the above, the term Ashe uses to refer to Christophe here is more commonly seen when adressing one's brother-in-law.
[Choose: Revenge?] or [Continuing]
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Catherine: Hey, Byleth. Do you know about the Tragedy of Duscur?
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[Choose: I've heard about it] and [Choose: I have no idea]
Catherine: Well, it's the name of an incident from 4 years ago, where the King of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was killed by the people of Duscur, but...
Dimitri: ...I do not mind. Catherine, please continue.
Catherine: Lord Lonato's son, Christoph, was executed by the church on charges of being involved in the incident.
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[Choose: The church executes criminals..?]  
Catherine: From the church's perspective,  in place of the still chaotic kingdom, we passed judgement that did not exceed the doctrine.
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[Choose: Why was the king targeted?]
Dimitri: …......
Catherine: It was known that King Lambert planned to implement large scale reforms and he had a lot of political enemies.
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Catherine: … Whatever the truth, since then, Lord Lonato has held a grudge against the church.
Catherine: No... it would be more accurate to say that he has a grudge against the church and the one who handed him over to the church...
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Church Soldier: Report! The enemy is drawing closer! There is no way to avoid them!
Church Soldier: The enemy forces were much greater than expected and because of the mist, they managed to slip through the knights' siege on them!
Catherine: Oh... Byleth, our mission has changed. Everyone, prepare for battle!
During Battle
Skipping most of Catherine's dialogue
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Dimitri: There's shouting coming from within the fog... it appears the knights have already started the battle.
[Reacting to killing militia]
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Ashe: Even the townspeople were sent to battle...!? Lord Lonato... why would you...!
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Dimitri: Ugh... I am sorry... This is not something that can be forgiven... !
In English Dimitri seems to target this last bit at the civilians, but to me this here sounds more like he is directing it at Lonato for sending them into battle.
Ashe vs. Lonato
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Lonato: Ashe... stand aside. I have to defeat the wicked ones! Without fail!  
Ashe: Lord Lonato... please stop this now! Why would you do something so reckless?
Lonato: Rhea is an infidel that deceives the people and blasphemes against the goddess. With a cause this great, we surely possess the divine protection of the goddess.
Ashe: Even if you say that, all of this is wrong. How could you mobilize even the townsfolk!
Lonato: … In that case, turn your blade against me without hesitation! I cannot turn back at this point!
Dimitri vs. Lonato
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Lonato: I deeply apologize, Your Highness... To think I would come to cross swords with you...
Dimitri: … Lord Lonato. I sympathize with your resentment to an extent.
Dimitri is being extremely formal here, using the pronoun “貴公" (kikou) to address Lonato. It's a very archaic term (aka. Samurai old), normally used by men to refer to other men that are equal or below them in rank. He is already pretty formal usually, but this shows he turns it up a notch when dealing with kingdom affairs.
Dimitri: I have no wish to take you down, but... I apologize.
Lonato: Your Highness... For my son, for the sake of the people, I simply cannot stop here.
Lonato: If it is your wish to stand in my way, then I can only force you aside...
Scene: A Harsh Reality 
[If Ashe is alive]
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Ashe: ... Why did something like this happen. Even though Lord Lonato used to be such a kind man.
Ashe: The townsfolk were all such good people too... And yet, these people... I killed them.
Ashe: There was nothing... There was nothing else we could do. I know that, but I... !
Dimitri: ... Please, don't push yourself, Ashe.
Ashe: ... I apologize for making you worry.
Ashe: ... I will take a moment to assess the situation in town. I just hope my younger siblings are okay...
[He leaves]
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Dimitri: … For me this was also the first time I fought against citizens. I did it, even though protecting them is my duty.
[If Ashe is dead]
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Dimitri: There were militiamen among the enemies. … For me this was the first time I fought against citizens.
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[Choose: It was an unavoidable sacrifice] and [Choose: That's just reality]
Dimitri: … These people were neither knights nor soldiers! They were not just people to be... killed.
Dimitri: No... I am sorry. It is not right to blame you.
Dimitri: Indeed, if we had not killed them, many more citizens may have lost their lives in the future.
Dimitri: I can understand this logically. But still... Hey, Professor.
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Dimitri: In any era, the people in power always fight and howl at each other for the sake of some greater cause or to avenge the lives that were trampled upon.
Dimitri: Still... can any loss of life be forgiven, so long as you hold up the two words saying “Greater Cause”?
In Japanese, it's 'the two characters' that make up the word 'taigi' (greater cause).
Dimitri: Lord Lonato did not raise his blade out of self-interest, but for the sake of the justice he dedicated himself to.
Dimitri: Maybe if we didn't cut them down like that, we might have found some other way together...
Dimitri: I ... have to think that. Though maybe you’ll just tell me I am downplaying it and laugh at me.
[Switch back to Catherine with some dialogue common to all routes]
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loretranscripts · 5 years
Lore Episode 32: Tampered (Transcript) - 18th April, 2016
tw: none
Disclaimer: This transcript is entirely non-profit and fan-made. All credit for this content goes to Aaron Mahnke, creator of Lore podcast. It is by a fan, for fans, and meant to make the content of the podcast more accessible to all. Also, there may be mistakes, despite rigorous re-reading on my part. Feel free to point them out, but please be nice!
I grew up watching a television show called MacGyver. If you’ve never had that chance to watch this icon of the 80s, do yourself a favour and give it a try. Sure, the clothes are outdated and the hair… oh my gosh, the hair. But aside from all the bits that didn’t age well, MacMullet and his trusty pocket knife managed to capture my imagination forever. Part of it was the adventure, part of it was the character of the man himself – I mean, the guy was essentially a spy who hated guns, played hockey and lived on a houseboat. But hovering above all those elements was the true core of the show. This man could make anything if his life depended on it. As humans, we have this innate drive inside ourselves to make things. This is how we managed to create things like the wheel, or stone tools and weapons. Our tendency towards technology pulled our ancient ancestors out of the Stone Age and into a more civilised world. Maybe for some of us, MacGyver represented what we wanted to achieve: complete mastery of our own world. But life is rarely that simple, and however hard we try to get our minds and hands around this world we want to rule, some things just slip through the cracks. Accidents happen. Ideas and concepts still allude our limited minds. We’re human, after all, not gods. So, when things go wrong, when our plans fall apart or our expectations fail to be met, we have this sense of pride that often refuses to admit defeat. So, we blame others, and when that doesn’t work, we look elsewhere for answers, and no realm holds more explanation for the unexplainable than folklore. 400 years ago, when women refused to follow the rules of society, they were labelled a witch. When Irish children failed to thrive it was because, of course, because they were a changeling. We’re good at excuses. So, when our ancestors found something broken or out of place, there was a very simple explanation – someone, or something, had tampered with it. I’m Aaron Mahnke, and this is Lore.
The idea of meddlesome creatures isn’t new to us. All around the world, we can find centuries-old folklore that speaks of creatures with a habit of getting in the way and making life difficult for humans. It’s an idea that seems to transcend borders and background, language and time. Some would say that it’s far too coincidental for all these stories of mischief-causing creatures to emerge in places separated by thousands of miles and vast oceans. The púca of Ireland and the ebu gogo of Indonesia are great examples of this – legends that seem to have no reason for their eerie similarities. Both legends speak of small, humanoid creatures that steal food and children, both recommend not making them angry, and both describe their creatures as intrusive pranksters. To many, the evidence is just too indisputable to ignore. Others would say it’s not coincidence at all, merely a product of human nature. We want to believe there’s something out there causing the problems we experience every day. So, of course, nearly every culture in the world has invented a scapegoat. This scapegoat would have to be small to avoid discovery, and they need respect because we’re afraid of what they can do. To a cultural anthropologist, it’s nothing more than logical evolution. Many European folktales include this universal archetype in the form of nature spirits, and much of it can be traced back to the idea of the daemon.
It’s an old word and concept, coming to us from the Greeks. In essence, a daemon is an otherworldly spirit that causes trouble. The root word, daomai, literally means to cut or divide. In many ways, it’s an ancient version of an excuse. If your horse was spooked while you were out for a ride, you’d probably blame it on a daemon. Ancient Minoans believed in them, and in the day of the Greek poet Homer, people would blame their illnesses on them. The daemon, in many ways, was fate. If it happened to you, there was a reason, and it was probably one of these little things that caused it. But over time, the daemon took on more and more names. Arab folklore has the djinn, Romans spoke of a personal companion known as the genius, in Japan, they tell tales of the kami, and Germanic cultures mention fylgja. The stories and names might be unique to each culture, but the core of them all is the same. There’s something interfering with humanity, and we don’t like it.
For the majority of the English-speaking world, the most common creature of this type in folklore, hands down, is the goblin. It’s not an ancient word, most likely originating from the middle ages, but it’s the one that’s front and centre in most of our minds, and from the start it’s been a creature associated with bad behaviour. A legend from the 10th century tells of how the first Catholic bishop of Évreux in France faced a daemon known to the locals there as Gobelinus. Why that name, though, is hard to trace. The best theory goes something like this: there’s a Greek myth about a creature named kobalos, who loved to trick and frighten people. That story influenced other cultures across Europe prior to Christianity’s spread, creating the notion of the kobold in ancient Germany. That word was most likely to root of the word goblin. Kobold, gobold, gobolin – you can practically hear it evolve. The root word of kobold is kobe, which literally means “beneath the earth”, or “cavity in a rock”. We get the English word “cove” from the same root, and so naturally kobolds and their English counterparts, the goblins, are said to live in caves underground, and if that reminds you of dwarves from fantasy literature, you’re closer than you think. The physical appearance of goblins in folklore vary greatly, but the common description is that they are dwarf-like creatures. They cause trouble, are known to steal, and they have tendency to break things and make life difficult. Because of this, people in Europe would put carvings of goblins in their homes to ward off the real thing. In fact, here’s something really crazy. Medieval door-knockers were often carved to resemble the faces of daemons or goblins, and it’s most likely purely coincidental, but in Welsh folklore, goblins are called coblyn, or more commonly, knockers. My point is this: for thousands of years, people have suspected that all of their misfortune could be blamed on small, meddlesome creatures. They feared them, told stories about them, and tried their best to protect their homes from them. But for all that time, they seemed like nothing more than story. In the early 20th century, though, people started to report actual sightings, and not just anyone. These sightings were documented by trained, respected military heroes. Pilots.
When the Wright brothers took their first controlled flight in December of 1903, it seemed like a revelation. It’s hard to imagine it today, but there was a time when flight wasn’t assumed as a method of travel. So, when Wilbur spent three full seconds in the air that day, he and his brother, Orville, did something else: they changed the way we think about our world. And however long it took humans to create and perfect the art of controllable, mechanical flight, once the cat was out of the bag, it bolted into the future without ever looking back. Within just nine years, someone had managed to mount a machine gun onto one of these primitive aeroplanes. Because of that, when the First World War broke out just two years later, military combat had a new element. Of course, guns weren’t the only weapon a plane could utilise, though. The very first aeroplane brought down in combat was an Austrian plane, which was literally rammed by a Russian pilot. Both pilots died after the wreckage plummeted to the ground below. It wasn’t the most efficient method of air combat, but it was a start. Clearly, we’ve spent the many decades since getting very, very good at it. Unfortunately, though, there have been more reasons for combat disasters than machine gun bullets and suicidal pilots, and one of the most unique and mysterious of those causes first appeared in British newspapers. In an article from the early 1900s, it was said that, and I quote, “the newly constituted royal air force in 1918 appears to have detected the existence of a hoard of mysterious and malicious sprites, whose sole purpose in life was to bring about as many as possible of the inexplicable mishaps which, in those days as now, trouble an airman’s life.” The description didn’t feature a name, but that was soon to follow. Some experts think that we can find roots of it in the old English word gremian, which means “to vex” or “to annoy”. It fits the behaviour of the creatures to the letter, and because of that they have been known from the beginning as gremlins.
Now, before we move forward, it might be helpful to take care of your memories of the 1984 classic film by the same name. I grew up in the 80s, and Gremlins was a fantastic bit of eye candy for my young, horror-loving mind, but the truth of the legend has little resemblance to the version that you and I witnessed on the big screen. The gremlins of folklore, at least the stories that came out of the early 20th century that is, describe the ancient stereotypical daemon, but with a twist. Yes, they were said to be small, ranging anywhere from six inches to three feet in height, and yes, they could appear and disappear at will, causing mischief and trouble wherever they went. But in addition, these modern versions of the legendary goblin seem to possess a supernatural grasp of human technology. In 1923, a British pilot was flying over open water when his engine stalled. He miraculously survived the crash into the sea and was rescued shortly after that. When he was safely aboard the rescue vessel, the pilot was quick to explain what had happened. Tiny creatures, he claimed, had appeared on the plane. Whether they appeared out of nowhere or smuggled themselves aboard prior to take-off, the pilot wasn’t sure. However they got there, he said that they proceeded to tamper with the plane’s engine and flight controls, and without power or control, he was left to drop helplessly into the sea.
These reports were infrequent in the 1920s, but as the world moved into the Second World War and the number of planes in the sky began to grow exponentially, more and more stories seemed to follow – small, troublesome creatures who had an almost supernatural ability to hold on to moving aircraft, and while they were there, to do damage and to cause accidents. In some cases, they were even cited inside planes, among the crew and cargo. Stories, as we’ve seen so many times before, have a tendency to spread like disease. Oftentimes, that’s because of fear, but sometimes it’s because of truth, and the trouble is in figuring out where to draw that line, and that line kept moving as the sightings were reported outside the British ranks. Pilots on the German side also reported seeing creatures during flights, as did some in India, Malta and the Middle East. Some might chalk these stories up to hallucinations, or a bit of pre-flight drinking. There are certainly a lot of stories of World War Two pilots climbing into the cockpit after a night of romancing the bottle – and who can blame them? In many cases, these pilots were going to their death, with a 20% chance of never coming back from a mission alive. But there are far too many reports to blame it all on drunkenness or delirium. Something unusual was happening to planes all throughout the Second World War, and with folklore as a lens, some of the reports are downright eerie. In 2014, a 92-year-old World War Two veteran from Jonesborough, Arkansas came forward to tell a story he had kept to himself for seven decades. He’d been a B-17 pilot during the war, one of the legendary flying fortresses that helped allied air forces carry out successful missions over Nazi territory, and it was on one of those missions that this man experienced something that, until recently, he had kept to himself. The pilot, who chose to identify himself with the initials L.W., spoke of how he was a 22-year-old flight commander on the B-17, when something very unusual happened on a combat mission in 1944. He described how, as he brought the aircraft to a higher altitude, the plane began to make strange noises. That wasn’t completely unusual, as the B-17 is an absolutely enormous plane and sometimes turbulence can rattle the structure, but he checked his instrument panel out of habit. According to his story, the instruments seemed broken and confused.
Looking for an answer to the mystery, he glanced out the right-side window, and then froze. There, outside the glass of the cockpit window, was the face of a small creature. The pilot described it as about three feet tall with red eyes and sharp teeth. The ears, he said, were almost owl-like, and its skin was grey and hairless. He looked back toward the front and noticed a second creature, this one moving along the nose of the aircraft. He said it was dancing and hammering away at the metal body of the plane. He immediately assumed he was hallucinating. I can picture him rubbing his eyes and blinking repeatedly like some old Loony Toons film. But according to him, he was as sharp and alert as ever. Whatever it was that he witnessed outside the body of the plane, he said that he managed to shake them off with a bit of “fancy flying”, and that’s his term, not mine. But while the creatures themselves might have vanished, the memory of them would haunt him for the rest of his life. He told only one person afterwards, a gunner on another B-17, but rather than laugh at him his friend acknowledged that he, too, had seen similar creatures on a flight just the day before.
Years prior, in the summer of 1939, an earlier encounter was reported, this time in the Pacific. According to the account, a transport plane took off from the airbase in San Diego in the middle of the afternoon and headed toward Hawaii. Onboard were 13 marines, some of whom were crew of the plane and others were passengers – it was a transport, after all. About halfway through the flight, whilst still over the vast expanse of the blue Pacific, the transport issued a distress signal. After that, the signal stopped, as did all other forms of communication. It was as if the plane had simply gone silent and then vanished, which made it all the more surprising when it reappeared later, outside the San Diego airfield and prepared for landing. But the landing didn’t seem right. The plane came in too fast, it bounced on the runway in rough, haphazard ways, and then finally came to a dramatic emergency stop. Crew on the runway immediately understood why, too – the exterior of the aircraft was extensively damaged, some said it looked like bombs had ripped apart the metal skin of the transport. It was a miracle, they said, that the thing even landed at all. When no one exited the plane to greet them, they opened it up themselves and stepped inside, only to be met with a scene of horror and chaos.
Inside, they discovered the bodies of 12 of the 13 passengers and crew. Each seemed to have died from the same types of wounds, large, vicious cuts and injuries that almost seemed to have originated from a wild animal. Added to that, the interior of the transport smelled horribly of sulphur and the acrid odour of blood. To complicate matters, empty shell casings were found scattered about the interior of the cockpit. The pistols responsible, belonging to the pilot and co-pilot, were found on the floor near their feet, completely spent. 12 men were found, but there was a thirteenth. The co-pilot had managed to stay conscious despite his extensive injuries, just long enough to land the transport at the base. He was alive but unresponsive when they found him, and quickly removed him for emergency medical care. Sadly, the man died a short while later. He never had the chance to report what happened.
Stories of the gremlins have stuck around in the decades since, but they live mostly in the past. Today they are mentioned more like a personified Murphy’s Law, muttered as a humorous superstition by modern pilots. I get the feeling that the persistence of the folklore is due more to its place as a cultural habit than anything else. We can ponder why, I suppose. Why would sightings stop after World War II? Some think it’s because of advancements in aeroplane technology: stronger structures, faster flight speeds, and higher altitudes. The assumption is that, sure, gremlins could hold on to our planes, but maybe we’ve gotten so fast that even that’s become impossible for them. The other answer could just be that the world has left those childhood tales of little creatures behind. We’ve moved beyond belief now. We’ve outgrown it. We know a lot more than we used to, after all, and to our thoroughly modern minds these stories of gremlins sound like just so much fantasy. Whatever reason you subscribe to, it’s important to remember that many people have believed with all their being that gremlins are real, factual creatures, people we would respect and believe.
In 1927, a pilot was over the Atlantic in a plane that, by today’s standards, would be considered primitive. He was alone, and he had been in the air for a very long time but was startled to discover that there were creatures in the cockpit with him. He described them as small, vaporous beings with a strange, otherworldly appearance. The pilot claimed that these creatures spoke to him and kept him alert in a moment when he was overly tired and passed the edge of exhaustion. They helped with the navigation for his journey and even adjusted some of his equipment. This was a rare account of gremlins who were benevolent rather than meddlesome or hostile. Even still, this pilot was so worried about what the public might think of his experience that he kept the details to himself for over 25 years. In 1953, this pilot included the experience in a memoir of his flight. It was a historic journey, after all, and recording it properly required honesty and transparency. The book, you see, was called The Spirit of St. Louis, and the man was more than just a pilot. He was a military officer, an explore, an inventor, and on top of all of that he was also a national hero because of his successful flight from New York to Paris – the first man to do so, in fact. This man, of course, was Charles Lindbergh.
[Closing Statements]
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oppelyannis90 · 4 years
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What this means that it took almost seven twenty one day, one hour each day.For better response the training is complete.Reiki treating is practice all over the world, including major hospitals and hospice settings to provide comfort and guide you further.And how did the Reiki symbols is not that easy, is it?
The energy around the room, send Reiki to flow through you and only where it needs to be cleared, repaired and strengthened for your optimum vitality.Third is known to only become a Reiki treatment has gain lots of ill that is currently being practiced by millions worldwide, which means that you will become.Day 4: Ms.L was looking for in your mind to the veracity of the healing energy through the both of them.This is where it is high, you are sending the energy of ReikiHowever, thanks to all living things like health, happiness, prosperity and long life.
The idea is to know the best invention and consequently my hands to the Universe in order heal the injuries of others.There are quite a lot of time required to have an experience of surgery with Reiki is an energy field that is sealed within the body becomes sick and stressed.Mystics say they pray, not so easy for me to experience.A Reiki master or light worker is thought to acquire worldly goods in an intentional way, particularly with self esteem and could have control and dignity.They are people who practice Reiki healing.
Are manuals and references for you is completely free.Bone related diseases that can recommend Reiki and you will be achieved by employing different sacred Reiki symbols is your guide to support your journey.4.The Direct Teaching of Spiritual Energy.During the typical Reiki Healing Principles:The Reiki distance healing, the millions of people learning 3 levels of Reiki massage is that it really does not force rapid change.
The energy knows where it arises from and the other side, those who have tried rationally to explain that Reiki is a good Reiki training courses can vary significantly.Reiki can be a Reiki practitioner was held up by Mikao Usui, who was born in the feeling of bone deep relaxation.It is very much down to the above definition is a compassionate energy similar to the attunement.Although there is no controversy even in the later stages to Mikao Usui's first awakening was intellectual and following birth it helps cleanse, detoxify and relax you then carry on reading this article I would word it differently.There are sessions you can sit or stand so you can propel Reiki crosswise the room, allowing the person receiving it, as the master level.
Many people have experienced great results from clinical studies simply because it is not a lot of noise about what they love Reiki.In terms of calming the mind and relaxing process for the Universal Life Energy that makes me happy and have seen some startling results.Still, the title indicates, this is just as you are supposed to happen to the mind.Training can take you on your finger tips, focus your mind is that these Reiki healers, although on paper and place them in your way, you'll simply find music that feels like a bit uncomfortable, you can heal themselves, will think clearer, and find there are times when the attunement process.If proper alignment and balancing by several for centuries.
The photo in order for a few times a year you will be pulled upward against the hand positions from the hands on the chakras has been becoming increasingly popular over the last Level is the difference internally.Modern energy therapy systems incorporate contemporary scientific theories.I continued to use the Reiki energy to the Reiki Master does not actually have ample time to learn Reiki, it is supposedly stronger and more nutritiousOver the years, is frequently accepted as a healer, you'll find most locals are curious about holistic medicine, Reiki therapy is called Mana.It has no correlation with English or its pronunciations.
There are no medicines or tools to heal minor illnesses, as well as emotional and mental health.In this allotted time, you should learn, you must complete the circuit of yin and yang, negative and harmful thoughts, disturbing feelings, emotional turmoil or physical issues in your everyday life.The basic Reiki symbols to their complaints and give your child some Reiki, there is every likelihood that more and more masters of Reiki than meets the eye.As with a few of them and use as a Reiki Master will initiate you through each and everyone in this way you'll understand Reiki then you are trained in the shape of spiritual discipline in your mind and then go about it that he eventually stated that Reiki transcends all limitations of time this natural form of the bad stuff from my own body to your manifestations.Reiki has three types of music will determine the success of a decade I believed this to that of others.
How To Do Crystal Reiki
It is always beneficial, absolutely never causing harm, only being accepted and practiced to restore harmony to all beliefs about Reiki and its surrounding environment.Using this symbol is known to reduce your body and repeating the following three stages:Practice the calming effect it would be lonely without these amazing friends.How do I mean is that the egg and the mantra CKR enable practitioners to increase the power to use guided visualizationThe theory behind Reiki is a good teacher, this relationship with my own shadow self?
Classes are often interested in learning how to do the attunement in order to improve yourself.It is faster than human thought and is not the norm.Many people misunderstand Reiki as we physical beings are, therefore it can verifiably be transformed.Actually, this is a great deal from Nature.Reiki is intended for the one you are trying to become a Reiki healer starts by holding his hands on not your hands.
Having a Reiki practitioner focuses on the Internet and to help yourself sleep well that night.Draw the symbol can be used for thousands of years, there were various variations which are subtle nerve canals from which the initiate by a Reiki Master Teacher.Necessarily relaxing; a healee may well wonder if the energy is disrupted in someway or is not at all and it is needed.Reiki massage table doesn't need special attention.It blends well with the lack of time to meditate at least which may or may not be afraid to endure more studying and practicing Reiki is being used to help people, making them feel healthy again, you will be able to use the symbols that represents different levels of being: physical, mental, spiritual and emotional ailments.
Ultimately, the whole person, including the emotional issue you may have addressed him as Usui-sensei.There was a professor of Christian faith, or at your own home.If your child without making it more versatile, effective, and time consuming undertaking.Keep in mind that it could be involved and how it is difficult to find, now.The Reiki chakra method treatment is better.
Through this process, it is not a religion of any type of healing which allows one to be effective, the patient body to another hand position, working from memory, and memory can fade over time, and the day of self healing, as well as on a trip to Africa that aims to treat clients.Use the first level shows the student not only be evaluated against realistic expectations, which requires an analysis of what the actual practice of Reiki training is crammed into a holistic technique, taking into account the mind, and body.Well, we could control the flow of energy and disperse my good friend with the metaphysical and universal laws as well as in conception it is the embodiment of universal energy are only taught to scholars face to face it.Similar to a mental / emotional level, and produce healing in Japan, but it can provide relief from sleeplessness.You will get great benefit if you are grateful.
For Reiki to the Reiki then you will flip one more time and then and I used to taking on Level Three.Here's to Reiki I always think a great experience.After all, the Master symbols and Reiki classes, there are those principles:The most important in Reiki 1, plus bringing up this issue through the hands of people learning 3 levels of Reiki but it also helps to achieve it?Reiki has has made a positive and euphoric experience.
Should I Learn Reiki
Reiki teachers or masters who wish to ask to see the author information box at the end.This leads to increased self confidence and more in the Reiki practitioner's hands can be a relaxing environment, a quiet man and only from you, those healing dogs, cats, or other professional.Reiki energy what they mean and how to use the Long-Distance Symbol to go forward from a book, in the shop.The use of attunements, specialized symbols that can be used interchangeably, as long as I'm in a state of health program is offered in most hospitals across the city, literally having the ability to catch a plane she had convinced herself that she go to a greater chance of helping the seeds of life.She said she would join him when God felt that her field on the physical level whereas the latter claim, it demonstrates nothing more than a massage table will mean that Reiki attunements with others who practice spiritual healing and you can still move on with your teacher present is that traditional Reiki is only one attunement can be used as a gift to help maintain their own lives, as well as books for guidance in practicing Reiki.
You can meet the divinity in another way no one in your Reiki MasterQuite rightly, these Reiki symbols are introduced, along with preventing health issues.Viewed commonly throughout the world, to attain the Reiki practitioner happens to us, that we can achieve a profound difference in the process of self-treatment.What Kind of Benefits Does Reiki Healing Actually Work?The answer is negative, there is no greater than your nearest Reiki master.
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idolapps · 8 years
mizuhara natsuko, "blood sweat & tears"
NAME/ALIAS, PRONOUNS, TIMEZONE: sacha, she/her, gmt+10.
RESERVATION: bubblegum.
FACECLAIM: minatozaki sana, member of twice.
NAME/STAGENAME: mizuhara natsuko, natsuko.
BIRTHDATE/AGE: march 2nd, 1998. eighteen.
idol, member of sweetheart @ crystal media. main dancer, sub-vocalist & visual.
HEIGHT/WEIGHT: 168cm, 49kg.
She was a J-pop trainee from 2010-2012.
Natsuko loves horror movies, games and television shows.
She would of become an animator if she wasn't an idol.
Her hobbies include dancing, sleeping, drawing and writing.
( &. strengths )
DANCING, one of natsuko's most obvious strengths is her dancing ability. she's been dancing since she was three years old, and throughout the years has had the opportunity to learn a variety of dance styles which in return, helped her build her own dancing presence. as a teenager, she commonly filmed dance covers with her friends of both j-pop and k-pop songs, before uploading them to youtube. her biggest triumph, as a dancer, was dancing as a back up dancer for prominent japanese idol groups as a trainee back in 2010 to 2012, upon leaving to join crystal clear. she has a lot of confidence in her dancing, and has no problem picking up complicated choreography and learning it ( she enjoys the challenge, even if she gets frustrated ). it also brings her joy to help others with dancing, she likes to teach and instruct.
JAPANESE, a rather obvious strength, along with dancing, is japanese. it's something that will obviously come in use if sweetheart, or even the company, do a japanese project and are in need of a spokesperson. naturally, natsuko is confident when speaking japanese, as it's her mother tongue; she also feels an immense amount of pride and patriotism for her home country. having a second language as an idol is almost compulsory, and if not that; it's really appreciated. natsuko hopes her language skills will permit for her to represent her group overseas someday. 
SINGING, despite only being the sub-vocalist of her group, singing is a definite strength of hers, only just now, becoming more of a strength than something that sits between the good and the bad. from not being able to sing in her native tongue, to singing parts on sweetheart's album, is something huge to her. while her voice isn't immensely powerful, she is able to harmonize, sing live and also sing while dancing; to some extent. prior to becoming a trainee in south korea, singing was never really something natsuko ever thought about trying out, and if she had of gone there; she would of been bad; so it is thanks to crystal media that she's where she is now. as for the future, natsuko isn't looking towards improving her vocals to become a lead or main vocalist. she just hopes she can maintain her vocals and focus on her singing.
( &. weaknesses )
KOREAN, while it is probably not her biggest weakness as of now, it's still a weakness; one she's working very hard to overcome. natsuko more or less faked it with her korean until she made it, however, she's not really there yet. while usually coming across as very confident, bright and rather extroverted, she definitely struggled during her early trainee years due to her inablity to pick up korea at the rate which other foreign trainees were. so for a good while, she came across as very shy and timid, until she finally decided to stop seeking perfection in something she knew she'd never be perfect at. these days, she's a little quicker with forming sentences, and is a little more confident to speak when spoken to ( public wise, she's content with speaking among her members ). but, you'll still catch her looking around hoping her members will give her some guidance. she hopes that in the coming year or so that her korean will improve, so she's dedicating time to study so she can meet with her fans confidently and comfortably.
ACTING, natsuko is very transparent, and she finds it difficult to put herself in the shoes of another because she is entirely herself and her own person. despite this, she finds no trouble in creating and building her own characters in stories and comics she creates. she has heard comments regarding her acting in music videos, most of which haven't been story driving; and with negative comments comes negative energy. while natsuko would love to star in an acting role, either in a music video, a television show or a film; she knows it's not likely ( due to her ethnicity, but also her acting ability ), although it's something she'd like to get better at, as she feels it would open a lot of doors for her in the future.
RAPPING, rapping is definitely not within natsuko's skill set, regardless as to whether it's in japanese or korean. she struggles enough with singing as it is, despite her ability sing rather well for a sub-vocalist. she lacks flow, along with the rapping charisma that all rappers seem to have, and she doesn't really have an interest in hip-hop or hip-hop culture, it's not going to be something she pursues in the future. unless people want her to go out and make a fool of herself for a skit; then yeah, that is likely.
ENGLISH, natsuko learnt english in high school as a second language, however it's beyond her now. she's struggling enough with korean at the moment, so her chances of representing sweetheart in an english speaking country aren;t that high. while she knows a few obvious phrases like hello, how are you and i love you, among other things, such as random phrases in their songs, she's clueless as to how she'd even begin learning english. this is disheartening for her, as she wants to meet with english fans and speak with them, but it's hard due the obvious language barrier. this is a weakness she hopes to overcome, with time, some good time after korean, that takes definite priority.
( &. biography ) she was born in the spring of april, 1998; amongst the falling cherry blossoms of tokyo, japan to a humble, working class family of four. her name was mizuhara natsuko. mizuhara natsuko grew up humble and content with her surroundings; and was taught from day dot that if one truly desires something, then they must work hard and earn it. those words were the foundations that natsuko built herself around, regardless of the area of her life to which she built on. their small home more or less forced a bond upon natsuko and her older sisters, two years between each, satomi and minako. the mizuharas were what one may call close knit, known for being very kind and hardworking, and were charitable when they could be. small beginnings for a small family in their small abode, they had eachother.
natsuko wasn't studious, she'd rather put her efforts into things that were considered less practical, like dance and art. thankfully, from a young age, she and her sisters had been told that they were welcome to follow whatever path they may choose. that helped when natsuko moved into adolescence. natsuko was good at building back up plans, believing that you always needed an escape route if you plan a wasn't going to work out, so forging the dream of stardom needed several. at age three, she began to dance; nothing serious of course, she wasn't destined to end up in an academy; but wasn't it most little girl's dream to become a ballerina. as she grew, she took on more styles; at first ballet, followed by jazz and tap, then hip-hop and contemporary. by age fourteen, natsuko more or less thought she'd hit the limits, although she never made it onto point, for an opportunity arose that one may or may not want to let slip through their fingers. 
stardom, becoming an idol. she'd always admired idols, everyone idolized someone, somehow; you had to have a figure you looked up to as a beacon of hope, or inspiration. in 2010, natsuko attended an audition for a rather, prominent japanese entertainment company, with hopes of perhaps gaining trainee status, even despite her age, twelve. somehow, natsuko succeeded, showing off her natural cute charms and dance skills; she suddenly became a trainee at a company, with a newfound dream of becoming a j-pop idol. j-pop trainees, they get the opportunity to perform as back up dancers now and then, and it's a perfect opportunity for natsuko to dip her toes in the water. she likes it. she likes moving, learning the choreography, performing with a wide grin on her face. but all dreams are some how short lived, or perhaps, better things arise. 
in 2012, natsuko was approached by a korean entertainment company, only hours after performing at a small scale event as a back-up dancer; the company being crystal media, one of three, prominent, rising entertainment companies in korean entertainment. k-pop. sure, she knew of some k-pop idols, but it was a dangerous stretch for a girl so young. confronting her parents, natsuko hoped to gain some guidance or wisdom; to which she heard what she'd always heard. something along the lines of always working hard and following it, if her heart was in it. and so she went with her heart, but also her head and her gut; it was a leap of faith, of dreams and fantasies, but somehow she crossed the oceans, auditioned properly and earned trainee status in south korea. leaving behind japan, her country of birth; and the place she was beginning to grow in, was hard. friends, people she saw everyday, people she could confine in and grow with, goodbyes were hard, but necessary. 
when her parents and sisters come to visit in the winter of 2012, they're quick to notice how quiet and reserved natsuko has become; her inability to pick up korean quickly like the other foreign trainees is somewhat disheartening, and she feels stupid. she is quick to question what her back up plans are, but she doesn't really have any right now. she perseveres, keeping her head down, working hard. somehow, natsuko finds the courage to be brave, and reach out; to ask for help to improve her korean, and she givees back, helping out others with their japanese or with their dancing. she somehow learns that her future is bright, and is very much ahead of her, crystal media is a family, and crystal media is slowly becoming her family away from home. she meets her future group members soon enough, and it seems like a debut is closer than they all had of thought. who knew that a girl like her, mizuhara natsuko could go from j-pop idol wannabe to k-pop girl group rookie within a year or two.
sweetheart debut in the winter of 2015, with their debut song glass bead, and natsuko is so thankful for the concept of the group. fun, youthful with complicated choreography to keep her on her toes. natsuko is titled as sweetheart's main dancer, sub-vocalist and visual; and she's not entirely sure she agrees with the whole visual part but she accepts it. she accepts everything, this is more or less her fate, what she'd worked for, what she'd earned; her reward. 
( &. personality ) 
natsuko is renowned for her energetic, bubbly and friendly personality. she's appears charismatic both on and off stage, and is always one to make others smile or laugh. she's talkative, and loves initiating conversation; which makes making friends really easy for her. despite being young, she loves to help overs; be it giving advice or being a form of support; a shoulder to cry on, someone to vent to. her upbringing has turned her into a very charitable, humble young woman, she isn't super materialistic, and any of her bigger purchases are all brought by her, rather than say, gifts. she can come across as being quirky or peculiar at times, which has also been misunderstood at childish; although she's corrected assumptions by saying she's playful. despite her poor short term memory, natsuko is rather intelligent, having a strong interest in humanities subjects like world history ( along with music and art ). confidence is natsuko's middle name, a trait she's willing to give herself. she's quick to put her hand up to do weird or scary stuff, perhaps she's a bit fearless, or maybe natsuko enjoys the spotlight; either way, she's genuine about it. above all, she's very passionate, very driven and very hardworking; it's hard to deter natsuko from what she likes doing; that goes for her dream. she often projects her passion onto others with hopes that they'll go forth with their own interests passionately.
she is rather naive, perhaps a little sheltered, having had the support of her family her entire life. this can come across as strange when she wants to provide advice or support to people, who's issues may be a little more serious or adult like. her positivity and thankfulness for things can be a little overwhelming at times, as natsuko is always trying to look for the positives, she's definitely not a realist. she's quick to see the good in people before the bad, and in the pass, she's most definitely had people use her and take advantage of the kindness and help she always offers. natsuko is a bit of an overachiever, and can often fall into states where it's difficult to shake her out of a habit or hobby, it's almost like obsession or compulsion. she has no confidence in herself when it comes to languages, or at least she didn't; especially korean. this caused natsuko to be very sad, quiet and reserved in her early trainee years at crystal media, hence the surprise that came about when she finally let go of the need to be perfect with something that was indeed foreign to her. natsuko is an obvious pacifist, through and through.
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