shoutmonishere · 10 months
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If there's a duo that could actively insult and fight eachother but not take it seriously
These two are it (for me atleast)
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chimera-gui · 30 days
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So SkullKnightmon had a Black Purple card before this but we finally get DeadlyAxemon and DarkKnightmon. This also mean every major Digimon in the Twilight faction has a Black Purple card:
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And to preemptively correct any misunderstanding, Mervamon isn't considered a member Twilight despite being recognized as Nene's secondary partner due to her debut occurring after Twilight as a faction split and was effectively dissolved and absorbed into Xros Heart and the Bagra Empire
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arcthebreeder · 4 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Damemon
(lit. Monster of inutility)
Level: Adult
Attribute: Virus
Type: Mutation
Damemon is a creature created accidentally when the waste data drifting through the Digital World combined randomly.
Since its favorite phrase is "Dame!, Dame!" (japanese for "no good!, no good!) It has a bad habit of criticizing people without reading the atmosphere, regardless the person or situation. Although Damemon wouldn't normally last a minute alone in the Digital World's harsh environment, it has survived thanks to its partner, Tyutyumon.
Along with Tyutyumon, Damemon can finally be called a full Digimon. Tyutyumon stays on the "Tyutyu Tray", on the back of Damemon's head and commands Damemon's action, exploding its full potential, with each of them together, every day is priceless.
Its special moves are the following:
•A move that serves more as a way to keep the opponent away, the Bunbun Ken, rotating its tonfa, it barely hits its targets, so is more a safety measure than anything else.
•The Gun Vulcan, a move that fires the guns hidden in his tonfas and feet, the projectiles are a black, mysterious and small objects that emit a foul smell upon impacting, crushing the opponent's fighting spirit, once again, more of a way to avoid direct conflict than to inflict proper damage.
•Lastly, the Boo~st Attack, on which it spreads smelly gases as it attacks, not even Damemon can predict where the gas will end up flying. The gas, along with the repeated strikes inflicts intense damage...
Emotionally, that is
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kemathatall · 2 years
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mat2modblog · 2 years
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Well if Galacticmon/Rangamon doesn’t show up in Ghost Game, I guess there’s always Digimon Seekers, I’d just rather anime than web novel... Although if it’s a “web novel” in the same way as Chronicle X, I guess it’ll make for an easy read at least.
Also oddly curious that it seems that Dameon’s line is spiler-tagged in the VB Lab/Arena app’s(?) data right now. We already know Tuwarmon exists. Does it not evolve into Tuwarmon?
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heirofnepeta · 2 years
Oh thank god my digivice x still works after replacing the battery, I didnt wanna lose Damemon
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hbmmaster · 6 months
The wiki crawling game would be so fun, but im onto like… Digimon, which has 1 shitty fandom wiki and 1 wiki where all the information is good, but we dont LINK to enough shit.
Like, I could probably get from any 1 digimon’s Wikimon page to any 1 other digimon’s page in that time, but fuck me if you want me to get from like. Damemon to Digimon Next
I'm not kidding every time I visit a fan wiki outside of the NIWA network (and even some of the wikis within NIWA) I feel bad for the fans that have to live like this
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sabedilemon · 5 days
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Redesign of an old digifake
Level: Perfect (Ultimate)
Attribute: Virus A Mutant Digimon enveloped in mystery. Its long-suspected existence was only very recently confirmed by researchers, but reports of sightings date far back into the distant past. According to the stories, unsuspecting Digimon find themselves alone on a dark night when they are suddenly seized by a blinding swirl of strange colors. What happens inside is a blur, as they don't remember much else than little pink creatures.
We now know what happens. UFOmon serve as living vehicles and companions for crews of scientifically-minded Tyumon that seek to understand the nature of waste matter. They conduct experiments on their subjects, ethically extracting their scrap data to be analyzed and sorted. The sleeping subject is then left wherever they were found.
The way the segments of its body spin independently from each other as it hovers through the air has a dizzying effect, leaving enemies vulnerable to the arms and tendrils hidden inside its mouth. Its Special Moves are abducting the target and erasing their memories ("Amnesiac Strain") and breaking them down into scrap data ("Procedure of Total Extermination" ).
Suggested pre-evolved forms: PlatinumSukamon, Sukamon, Damemon, Starmon, Mechanorimon, ShootingStarmon, HoverEspimon, Omekamon, Blimpmon, KaratsukiNumemon
Suggested evolved forms: Astromon, DarkSukamon, Ebemon, MetalEtemon, Ragnamon, Quartzmon, ???mon
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rebuiltproject · 3 months
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Nível Criança / Seichouki / Rookie Atributo Livre Tipo Fantoche Campo Rugido do Dragão (DR) / Salvadores das Profundezas (DS) / Espíritos da Natureza (NSp) / Soldados do Pesadelo (NSo) / Guardiões do Vento (WG) / Tropa da Selva (JT) Significado do Nome Crazy, Loucura em inglês.
Um Digimon bobo da corte que esconde sua verdadeira aparência sob o manto de um fantoche extremamente popular com Digimons Bebês e Crianças. Crazymon é um exímio bufão que dizem ter animado importantes reuniões do Rei dos Digimons durante mil anos, enquanto o Mundo Digital se recuperava de uma crise causada por um Poderoso Tirano.
A personalidade deste Digimon é completamente caótica, refletindo muito bem seu exterior desajeitado e seus movimentos desengonçados, entretanto, dentro de sua loucura, Crazymon possui total lucidez em relação às consequências de seus atos. Com sua camisa de força solta e o enchimento de seu fantoche infinitamente vazando por aí, compete amigavelmente com Damemon de tempos em tempos, apresentando esquetes completamente ensandecidos para Digimons como Etemon e Volcamon, que costumam apresentar essas competições como um grande show de comédia.
Embora seja um Digimon alegre e descontraído, para não dizer irritante, Crazymon esconde um grande poder por trás de sua aparência de fantoche preso à uma camisa de força. Quando precisa expressar sua raiva, Crazymon atinge o oponente incessantemente com suas mangas (Manches Battantes), joga objetos aleatórios sobre ele (Attento! Ecco la spazzatura!), ou tenta impedí-lo de reagir com seu riso contagiante (Langweiliges Lachen). Entretanto, o maior perigo para seus inimigos, é quando o próprio Crazymon abre mão de sua mente em prol do caos, utilizando uma técnica descontrolada, conhecida como Hue Hue BRutal.
Langweiliges Lachen (Riso Enfadonho) Crazymon começa a rir descontroladamente, fazendo com que as ondas sonoras atordoem seus oponentes.
Attento! Ecco la spazzatura! (Cuidado! Lá vem tralha!) Crazymon ergue ambos os braços e seus olhos emitem um brilho cômico. Bigornas, onomatopeias sólidas, efeitos de animação, confetes, luzes coloridas e muitas outras aleatoriedades chovem sobre seus oponentes, causando efeitos diversos.
Manches Battantes (Mangas Esvoaçantes) Avança contra o oponente, estapeando-o incontáveis vezes com as mangas de sua camisa de força.
Hue Hue BRutal Os cintos que prendem a frente de sua camisa de força se soltam, liberando imagens alucinógenas de diversos Crazymon em frenesi, que podem levar o adversário à loucura, ou pior, à morte.
Linha Evolutiva
Pré-Evolução Poppiemon
Evoluções Lantermon
Criado por Jonatas Carmona e Jonas Carlota Artista Jonas Carlota  Digidex do Orgulho e Empírea 
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reversemoon255 · 5 months
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Digimon Xros Figures Greymon & MailBirdramon
We've got a big one for week three of MetalGreyMonth! The month where I talk about MetalGreymon for four weeks. Because oh happy day~
So if you've been around for long enough, you'll know that even though I've reviewed all of the Xros Heart Xros Figures, Greymon was my first, and I've been on the hunt for MailBirdramon for years. Managed to finally find one for [price I was willing to pay] out of Singapore of all places. It's my favorite Digimon of all time, and I'm very happy to have a toy of it.
The Good: Greymon is a decently posable figure, having ratcheted legs and shoulders, outward arms, and joints in the neck, jaw, and tail, while MailBirdramon has two in the neck, jaw, knees, and ball hips. They're ok figures on their own, but the draw is their combination.
The MetalGreymon combination is pretty solid, and doesn't detract from either of their posabilities. Also, it's just a great design, with MailBirdramon disappearing into the new form pretty seamlessly.
The Bad: It isn't perfect, though. The head plate sits well, but it doesn't actually plug in, so don't turn him upsidown. Greymon's horns also bump into MailBirdramon's hips. And the legs when not in Giga Destroyer Mode could have folded away better; it does kinda ruin the silhouette.
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The Details: Like the other Xros Figures, I did add a few screen accurate details. Greymon was my first figure, so he probably has the least added details, with just the silver front horn, white teeth, and anime accurate eyes.
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Wow, these pictures are so old.
MailBirdramon, being the latest, has a lot more. I added panel lining to the feet, claws, mask, and around the eyes to give them a bit more pop. I added black to the inner chest hole, claw hole, tail gun, and around the wings to give them some depth, as well as some silver in the wings for accuracy. I also added silver to the cheeks for the same reason. Lastly, I added some red to the back half of the center claw for accuracy's sake.
Overall, even if they aren't perfect, I'm very happy to finally have MailBirdramon, and by extension MetalGreymon. I've got a Cyberdramon on the way, which means I'm only missing three releases from this line: Deckerdramon, Damemon, and The Big Guy. But wait? If this is week three, then what could possibly be week four?
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thezoe611 · 7 months
Tengo una pregunta sobre su fanfic de digimon. ¿Quale es la casa de Hogwarts de cada personagene?
Del grupo principal, creo que: Samanta -> Slytherin Tagiru-> Creo que él entre Gryffindor y Slytherin, porque si bien es valiente, también es ambicioso. Igual Gumdramon, valiente, pero ambicioso. Taiki y Shoutmon -> Gryffindor Akari y Zenjirou-> Gryffindor Yuu-> Ravenclaw Damemon-> Hufflepuff Kiriha y Nene-> Slytherin Jack, Sky, Kokoromon, Dante y Saburo-> Hufflepuff (aunque creo que Jack puede estar entre Hufflepuff y Gryffindor) Slayerdramon-> Gryffindor
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shoutmonishere · 11 months
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chimera-gui · 1 year
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Yeah anyone who wanted better synergy with Tuwarmon from BT11, here you go!
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arcthebreeder · 6 months
08/04/2024, 08:34 (GMT-5)
After taking a break to focus on my Italian clases, it's been something more than a week of having Damemon and Tyutyumon around, we can confidently say that they're not exactly the worst, but aren't exactly pleasant to be around for a long time either, don't get me wrong, they all get along pretty well, Damemon, despite being an Adult, it kinda behaves like a Child, so everyone is happy to play with him, regarding Tyutyumon tho... He's a mystery wrapped by an enigma, as some would say.
Tyutyumon (the whole species) tends to hide its motivations and plans for those around it, even the ones it considers friends or allies, so he's been hiding in a little "lab" he built for himself, he doesn't socialize with the rest very often, aside from Damemon of course, he's almost always with him inside the lab, I don't exactly know what they're doing, since "The Tyutyu-Lab" as we've nicknamed it, is locked by a password only Tyutyumon knows, tho I know he's doing something related to the manipulation of cyborg-like Digimon data, I guess it has to do with fixing Damemon in case he gets damaged. Despite his lack of will for socializing, Tyutyumon recognizes when he needs help for something and gets it as soon as possible, he has a hunger for knowledge that makes him bond pretty well with Cannondramon and Kuzuhamon, he also gets along pretty well with MegaloGrowmon, since Tyutyumon uses his blades to cut those materials too big for him to use, and, as an exchange, Tyutyumon takes care of the Atomic Blasters and re-sharpens the blades, he also does this for Siriusmon from time to time, tho the Sylvia are way more hard to dim than MegaloGrowmon's blades. Not everyone likes Tyutyumon that much tho, Rasenmon, Fenriloogamon and Cannondramon don't get along with him, probably because they aren't mechanical digimon, he doesn't downplay them, but doesn't respect them that much either, he specially fights with Fenriloogamon, due do the little "dispute" they had when we met (the whole "who can detect the BEMmon" thing) Spinomon and Arcturusmon are pretty neutral about him tho, Tyutyumon doesn't bother them, so they don't talk that much with him either.
In other news, one of my friends who knows about digimon and reads this blog wants to get into digimon breeding, she gave me permission to call her by her name here, so, I'd like to introduce Bit, she asked me to help her code a digimon for herself, so we'll get on a discord call in a few days to do said thing, she's going to visit a rural town soon so, the sooner the best, and that's basically all!, I'll keep you updated.
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smackins · 2 years
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Name: Sgt. Pepper
Age: 8
Likes: Bananas, gardens, tea, new friends
Dislikes: Loud noises, Real World meat, fly traps and bug zappers
Pabumon (Fresh)
Motimon (In-Training)
Tentomon (Rookie)
Kabuterimon (Champion)
Owlmon (Armor)
MegaKabuterimon Blue (Ultimate)
Kongoumon (Mega)
Imperialdramon P.M. (Jogress w/ Dynasmon)
Pepper was born from my first ever V-pet, the Digimon Mini. He's a peculiar little tentomon with leaf-like antennae. He began his life as a shy, naive, gentle little baby. He's much wiser now, but he never lost his gentleness. He gets along well with my family and loved ones, and even wears a scarf my mom made for him. He has a great appreciation for nature, both in the Real World and the Digital World, and enjoys long walks and scenic car rides. He is a constant companion and confidant, and is not only my protector but also a protector of defenseless digimon in need. His Jogress partner is my sibling's Agumon, Marigold.
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Name: Raz
Age: 1
Likes: mischief, books, magic, and spicy food
Dislikes: That One Damemon in Particular
Puttimon (Fresh)
Tokomon X (In-Training)
Renamon X (Rookie)
Renamon (Alt. Rookie)
Youkomon (Champion)
Sangloupmon (Alt. Champion)
Leomon X (Alt. Champion)
Butterflymon (Armor)
Raz is a young digimon born from the Digital Monster X. Though I have befriended many digimon from other V-pets over the years, she took to Pepper and I instantly and a true Tamer Bond formed. She views Pepper as her Big Brother, even though her rookie form is significantly taller. Like any Renamon, she is a master of illusions and invisibility- the latter she uses to sneak into places she shouldn't be... For reasons we are yet to fully understand, she has both a Holy Ring and a ring with the Nightmare Soldiers symbol on each ear. Like the trickster fox of folklore, she's a sly troublemaker- though she is never motivated by malice. She has a peculiar evolution method which takes multiple paths, and she can even suppress her X Antibody when the situation calls for it.
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shihalyfie · 2 years
So...Jyou, Demon, Dolphin, Grani, Neemon, and Damemon meet Kurata. How do they react to him?
Jou, Dolphin, and Damemon hate him by all standards of dignity. Grani doesn't know much about the world but knows he has a tainted heart. Neemon can just tell from vibes alone that he's no good. Demon has no strong opinions other than seeing him as another pathetic human.
And this is before they learn about the voice actor thing!
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