#chang changku
cyborg00-why · 10 months
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Ishinomori Mangattan Museum 20th Anniversary exhibition: Cyborg 009 Party Collection
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2001-cyborg-009-caps · 7 months
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cephalopistol · 8 months
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random brief cyborg 009 resurgence
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70s-cyborg-009-caps · 4 months
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60s-cyborg-009-caps · 1 month
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the-wunderkind-cyborg · 8 months
GB's design peaked here
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salty-puppy · 9 months
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I am very tired today so this is the best I can do lol
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hiddenflowerdesi · 2 years
Inktober Day 5: Flame
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enderon · 2 years
I've watched a bit of the 2001 anime now and here's what I think of the characters so far:
009/Joe - Despite the inclusion of a literal infant on the team, he is baby. He is just so sweet and wants to help so badly. The way he just keeps on trying to talk down the other cyborgs. Love the boy.
001/Ivan - Super baby, super baby. All joked aside, I'm always very amused by super powered little kids who are either stronger or smarter than the much older characters around them. I also loved that it's not like 'magically he doesn't need any of th4 regular baby things', no, he's still an infant. He stills has to be carried around, fed from a bottle, sleeps a lot especially after using his power, and one change from the bit of the manga I read that I wish they hadn't changed is the point that he can only speak telepathically since he's not physically developed enough to actually speak. He may be super smart, but he's still just a baby.
002/Jet - Angry bird man time. Every time I look at the alt designs for other properties, it's the absolute downgrade of Jet's design specifically that bugs me the most, like, why can't they just embrace his gravity defying hair and ridiculously long nose? They're so iconic.
003/Francois - That bit where she explained to Joe how she was a fight happy tomboy when she was young and actively loathed feminine things but then at some point clearly became comfortable with being much more traditionally feminine cause it's what she likes and it makes her happy? Yeah, that was too relatable.
004/Albert - Then we have my favorite. Why is he my favorite? I dunno. Number one thing I'm constantly wondering is 'sir, where are your pupils?'. Like, I could understand if his eyes were made to look like that as a cyborg, especially to go along with the fact that he's the most robotic of all of them, but no, his eyes were always like that. I also like that this man does not smile, only smirks like a smug asshole, even though he very much is not. Love him.
005/G Junior - I mean, you really can't go wrong with a quiet, gentle giant character. I really can't find too much to say about him, cause the an8me, where I'm at, hasn't given him too much focus, but he seems good.
006/Chang - He is just so good and caring. I absolutely adore that episode where, even though some of them aren't with the others, they all feel that connection due to cooking and food, all thanks to Chang. It's good stuff.
007/Great - He's okay. I like his design, and he's mostly good, but some of the earlier episodes he can grate slightly, but he definitely grows on you. That one episode when they went to London actually pleasantly surprised me. Other series would have him cause his own problems by glory seeking, but it's clear he already learned that lesson and he's much more genuine. It's a nice change from what I'd usually expect.
008/Pyunma - I mentioned reading a bit of the manga and, yeah, uh, the changes they made for him were really good and really necessary. Like, not just changing his design but his backstory as well. But I like him.
Dr. Gilmore - Good scientist dad. Love that he got involved in sketchy things and even though he will fully admit that got manipulated and tricked, still holds guilt cause he knows he's still the one to do it. He's still the one who changed so many of his now beloved friends into living weapons. But he tries to help them however he can to make amends. Also him and the other old scientist have really fruity vibes, and I love that for them.
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fictional-birthdays · 3 months
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Happy Birthday! (February 29th)
Tamase Miki (Muv-Luv)
Yuki Terumi (BlazBlue)
Shigure Ninomiya (Mikagura School Suite)
Pierre & Jill (Pop’n Music)
Naze Munakata (Idolmaster: Xenoglossia)
Yasochika Iemura (Bleach)
Shusuke Fuji (Prince of Tennis)
Saku Hagita (Orange)
Chang Changku/Cyborg 006 (Cyborg 009)
Yawara ""Tiger"" Chatora (Boku no Hero Academia)
Luna (Animal Crossing)
Rin Sekihata (School Days)
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cyborg00-why · 3 months
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Happy Birthday Chang!
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2001-cyborg-009-caps · 3 months
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Happy birthday Chang and happy leap year
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sulan1809 · 2 years
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Cyborg 009 -  Resumo Sobre Os Guerreiros Super-Biônicos
Cyborg 009(サイボーグ009) é uma série de mangá e anime de autoria de Shotaro Ishinomori. No enredo, a organização Black Ghost, um grupo terrorista que manipula todo tipo de ação desumana no submundo, busca levar guerras, que se estenderam lado-a-lado desde a gênese da humanidade, para o espaço. Para isso, eles iniciaram o projeto cyborg, que consiste em capturar seres humanos normais e convertê-los em super soldados, ou melhor em armas biológicas para propósito militar. Porém, por virada do destino, um dos coordenadores desse projeto, o Dr. Isaac Gilmore, é atormentado pela própria consciência a abandonar o projeto, e rebelar-se juntamente com os 9 cyborgs 00 contra essa organização criminosa. Durante o desenrolar da série, Joe Shimamura e os outros cyborgs enfrentam muitos inimigos que forçam ao máximo a capacidade física de cada um deles, lutando pela justiça. 
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O primeiro da lista é 001, o russo Ivan Whisky, um bebê que possui poderes telecinésicos e telepáticos, tem participação limitada nas batalhas e devido ao desgaste dos poderes, é visto sempre hibernando; 002(Jet Link) pode voar através de propulsores nos pés, nasceu em Nova York, tem descendência italiana, é o mais revoltado do grupo, mas aos poucos a fama de brigão dá lugar ao senso de companheirismo; 003(Françoise Arnoul), era uma jovem francesa que sonhava em ser bailarina, mas ao ter o sonho dela interrompido ao ser capturada por Black Ghost, ela recebeu a habilidade de observar coisas além do alcance, além da audição mais apurada; 004(Albert Heinrich) era um alemão, que perdeu a esposa durante tentativa de escapar de Berlim Oriental pelo muro de Berlim, ele pode disparar projéteis pela mão direita e soltar mísseis de um dos joelhos. 004 é o mais maduro do grupo e tende a dar conselhos para o grupo, especialmente 003 e 009; 005(Geronimo Jr.) é um indígena de origem americana(EUA), tem o corpo muito rígido e uma força de mil homens, está sempre quieto e em muitas situações, é visto em contato com a natureza e o meio ambiente; 006(Chang Changku) era um trabalhador chinês sem muitas perspectivas de sucesso, até ser capturado por Black Ghost. Como resultado, acabou desenvolvendo a habilidade de lançar fogo pela boca e costuma protagonizar com o britânico 007 muitos momentos engraçados; 007(Great Britain) era um renomado artista teatral britânico que costumava fazer muito sucesso, mas estava em decadência. Ao ser capturado por Black Ghost, ele recebeu a habilidade de se transformar em qualquer pessoa, animal, etc., e é um adepto dos poemas de William Shakespeare; 008(Pyunma), era um jovem nigeriano que fugia dos tempos da escravidão moderna que foi capturando por Black Ghost e recebeu a habilidade de respirar debaixo d’água, além de ser um soldado profissional; E por fim, 009(Joe Shimamura), era um jovem órfão japonês que foi adotado por um padre. Um dia, durante um suposto incêndio criminoso em uma igreja, o jovem rapaz foi falsamente acusado de ser o assassino do padre. Ao ser capturado por Black Ghost, Joe recebeu a habilidade do modo acelerado, que é a marca registrada dele. 
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60s-cyborg-009-caps · 2 months
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the-wunderkind-cyborg · 4 months
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Hi what I miss?
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