#francois arnoul
rubeau-art · 5 months
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@secret-cyborg gift for @flamingo-bubbles! I’m sorry it’s so late, the holiday period was a mess, but it’s done and I hope you like it!
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taffetastrology · 10 months
The signs as French Cancan costumes
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emzycore · 11 months
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I wanna draw smth for 009 day… ik I have been drawing a lot of c009 recently but I will probably do an actual drawing for it soon
Anyways enjoy apollos I drew for Zombo
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enderon · 2 years
I've watched a bit of the 2001 anime now and here's what I think of the characters so far:
009/Joe - Despite the inclusion of a literal infant on the team, he is baby. He is just so sweet and wants to help so badly. The way he just keeps on trying to talk down the other cyborgs. Love the boy.
001/Ivan - Super baby, super baby. All joked aside, I'm always very amused by super powered little kids who are either stronger or smarter than the much older characters around them. I also loved that it's not like 'magically he doesn't need any of th4 regular baby things', no, he's still an infant. He stills has to be carried around, fed from a bottle, sleeps a lot especially after using his power, and one change from the bit of the manga I read that I wish they hadn't changed is the point that he can only speak telepathically since he's not physically developed enough to actually speak. He may be super smart, but he's still just a baby.
002/Jet - Angry bird man time. Every time I look at the alt designs for other properties, it's the absolute downgrade of Jet's design specifically that bugs me the most, like, why can't they just embrace his gravity defying hair and ridiculously long nose? They're so iconic.
003/Francois - That bit where she explained to Joe how she was a fight happy tomboy when she was young and actively loathed feminine things but then at some point clearly became comfortable with being much more traditionally feminine cause it's what she likes and it makes her happy? Yeah, that was too relatable.
004/Albert - Then we have my favorite. Why is he my favorite? I dunno. Number one thing I'm constantly wondering is 'sir, where are your pupils?'. Like, I could understand if his eyes were made to look like that as a cyborg, especially to go along with the fact that he's the most robotic of all of them, but no, his eyes were always like that. I also like that this man does not smile, only smirks like a smug asshole, even though he very much is not. Love him.
005/G Junior - I mean, you really can't go wrong with a quiet, gentle giant character. I really can't find too much to say about him, cause the an8me, where I'm at, hasn't given him too much focus, but he seems good.
006/Chang - He is just so good and caring. I absolutely adore that episode where, even though some of them aren't with the others, they all feel that connection due to cooking and food, all thanks to Chang. It's good stuff.
007/Great - He's okay. I like his design, and he's mostly good, but some of the earlier episodes he can grate slightly, but he definitely grows on you. That one episode when they went to London actually pleasantly surprised me. Other series would have him cause his own problems by glory seeking, but it's clear he already learned that lesson and he's much more genuine. It's a nice change from what I'd usually expect.
008/Pyunma - I mentioned reading a bit of the manga and, yeah, uh, the changes they made for him were really good and really necessary. Like, not just changing his design but his backstory as well. But I like him.
Dr. Gilmore - Good scientist dad. Love that he got involved in sketchy things and even though he will fully admit that got manipulated and tricked, still holds guilt cause he knows he's still the one to do it. He's still the one who changed so many of his now beloved friends into living weapons. But he tries to help them however he can to make amends. Also him and the other old scientist have really fruity vibes, and I love that for them.
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boogieonthebeach · 10 months
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Did the color wheel challenge cause it seemed fun.
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wolfspiders-web · 1 year
Fallout: 009
So, I've had this CRAZY idea knocking around in my head for years to make a crossover/AU of Fallout (in particular, 4) and because this anime has been my eternal brainrot since the early 2000's, Cyborg 009. I mean hey, if the Institute can have functional teleportation then I can throw in superpowered cyborg soldiers for funsies. This draws inspiration from multiple incarnations of the series with more emphasis placed on the 2001 “Cyborg Soldier” anime, so this is more of a retelling of that using the location and lore of FO4's Commonwealth. Also, I might have cranked up the “tragic backstory” for some of them up to 11. Things.. snowballed a little. okay maybe a lot actually, I'm so sorry to 001 in particular They are flawed, but they are still human, and they're attempting to make the best of an incredibly shit situation.
I meant for this to be an askblog-type thing that never went anywhere because I couldn't find the inspiration for art, but at this point I feel I have a metric ton of written material (the main profile document for the 00-Cyborgs, Dr. Gilmore, and the Dolphin is 25 pages long and technically still unfinished). I'm going to continue to spiff up and infodump to this sideblog, but if any y'all have a question about something you're more than welcome to ask it!
(special thanks to @gghoulishh for helping me hash out so many details! I should have started posting this years ago tbh)
Mini-profiles for the main cast below the cut:
001 Ivan Wisky
Son of pre-war Black Ghost cyberneticist Dr. Gamo Wisky, 001 is a telepathic and telekinetic psyker, the stressful process of becoming a cyborg having “unlocked” Ivan’s brain and these new abilities. Super-intelligence was the original goal, but Black Ghost was extremely pleased with this unforeseen outcome. Dr. Wisky had offered his own newborn son as a test subject but didn’t do it out of any particular love for the dying child; the only reason was because Dr. Wisky was being blamed for multiple failures on the Cyborg Soldier project and would have likely been killed for it. Despite appearances, he is a tactician on par with 008.
002 Jet Link
Having been tricked into getting into a vehicle with Black Ghost agents inside, Jet was taken for the Cyborg Soldier project right off the streets of New York. He's one of the most shell-shocked out of the original generation of 00-Cyborgs; having the living, breathing city of New York fresh in his memory as if it was only just moments ago. He’s unable to believe his home, his country, has been reduced to an irradiated and dilapidated ruin. However, this new wastelander life still feels like being back in his old gang; fighting for survival every day with a group of united people, just with the ability to fly at high speeds with rocket legs.
003 Francois Arnoul
Extremely perceptive to others even before being remodeled, Francois now has the ability to detect life through walls and at great distances through audio cues and x-ray vision. Due to her sound-based abilities she is also an excellent mimic and ventriloquist, and can store then use any animal or creature roar she hears to incite fear and confusion. A pre-war French-Canadian citizen, her brother was the last person to see her during her kidnapping, though now she has no family but the Cyborgs. The dissonance of the present time to her memories of a simpler time causes her great distress, but Francois has become a master of bottling her emotions to not worry her team.
004 Albert Heinrich
More machine than man, some mistake Albert for a prototype android with his assortment of mechanical parts and very little actual flesh left. Legally blind due to how the sensor implants in his eyes didn't take too well, but he can still see with them. He was taken by Black Ghost agents after a routine flight home with his fiance went horribly awry, leaving her dead and Albert dying. Black Ghost agents found him in the wreckage and turned him into a walking arsenal. The knowledge that he shares more in common with a robobrain than his original humanity weighs heavily on him.
005 “Junior”
For those who don’t know him, many take Junior’s silence as a sign of your average Super Mutant’s below average intelligence. But somehow in the process of FEV mutation he kept his sanity, intelligence, and his humanity; unfortunately he does not remember anything about his past after the process was complete. Black Ghost, ever willing to push the envelope, modified an already strong being into an unstoppable force. Despite this, Junior is a literal gentle giant as many of the wasteland’s non-monstrous wildlife will approach him and even relax in his presence.
006 Chang Chanku
A short man, but one who could probably wrestle a potential meal into submission if he wasn’t already a walking flamethrower. Before Black Ghost took him, Chang was a Brahmin farmer and an excellent cook; he still is due to his newfound control over fire. Being a Chinese descendant of those interred in camps before the Great War, one would think that Chang needs to watch his back in the country that his ancestors once tried to invade. But the idea of “Chinese” and “American” burned in nuclear fire generations ago, and all but the most devoted to history have long since forgotten. Now, everyone is united under one banner: as survivors.
007 “Great Britain”
A pre-War actor gone ghoul, GB has seen the world gone to hell in a handbasket firsthand but that doesn't seem to have effected his cheerful demeanor. Or he just doesn't see the point in caring about it anymore. His love is still the theater life he made his career in before the Great War stole it away, particularly Shakespeare's works. His augmentation is a highly experimental, highly top secret one involving the use of nanomachine technology gained from a crashed alien mothership. This gives him active camouflage and allows him to morph his body into almost any desired shape and back using a button on his stomach that resembles a hernia. With 003 supplying sound effects they make a terrifyingly convincing combination.
008 Pyunma
The only one with real combat experience before becoming a cyborg soldier, Pyunma was once the leader of an infamous local raider group before being kidnapped by Black Ghost. As the field tactician of the group he knows how to fight, and the dirtiest ways to fight, though the team prefers to not come to that. His specialty is water combat and he is able to breathe underwater, though as the highly irradiated waters in and around Boston are a danger to what's left of his organics he has extremely high radiation resistance to compensate.
009 Joe Shimamura
The golden child and final member of the 00-Cyborg prototypes. Before Joe was taken by Black Ghost he was in the courier service, his natural speed and endurance doing him well in the dangerous expanse of the wastes. An orphan, Joe was raised by the owner of a courier service in his village and he was found to be a natural born runner. Now even that has been upgraded past the limits of the human body, which would make him one hell of a courier if Joe could go back to his old job. But his ties are with his new "family" now, having become a reluctant member of the rebel 00-Cyborgs who are now trying to right the wrongs of their creators as well as survive in an unforgiving wasteland.
Dr. Issac Gilmore
A high ranking cyberneticist of the Black Ghost organization, Gilmore defects with the rest of the cyborgs in a hoax hostage situation in order to escape Black Ghost's grasp and cope with his own guilt over what he's done. He advises the team from a distance during operations and handles all their maintenance himself. He has varying degrees of insight into the factions of the Commonwealth, such as how the Black Ghost, Institute, and even the Enclave and BoS operate. Dr. Gilmore’s knowledge is invaluable for dealing with these groups politically – and offensively if it ever has to come to that.
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sharontates · 5 years
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Grace Kelly at the 8th Cannes Film Festival sitting in the lounge of the Carlton Hotel, alongside François Arnoul, 1955. Photos by Jack Garofalo
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risingwinter · 6 years
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A quick anime job for Cyborg 003.
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konoka99 · 7 years
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purupurple · 7 years
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my bf and i are watching cyborg 009 together and of course i had to draw the girl of the team
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cosplaywelike · 5 years
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Joe Shimamura/009 and Francois Arnoul/003 from Cyborg 009
I love that they have someone holding the scarf off to the side, it matches promotional images.
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