#channelling cap to fight off Anon Hate
goat-shoe · 7 months
is this like a joke blog lmao
???? i literally didnt even do anything???
not that i know just What about me inspired you to send this, but... it says a lot about you that youre harassing a Literal day-old blog for their interests... lol...
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dirtydobrik · 5 years
ticket to la - d.d.
plot: you live in canada and are close friends with natalie. after some convincing, you buy a ticket to la to visit her, and learn who david dobrik is. you and david quickly become best friends, and david always buys you plane tickets to visit him.
requested: yes, by anon! Meeting david through natalie and immediately clicking with him and becoming close friends and you lived in canada or etc but david often missed you so he would fly you out and you would just hangout a lot. You became like a second LA best friend (cos nobody can replace our queen Nat) !!
author’s note: hi! this was requested anonymously so hopefully it was something similar to what you wanted. if you want to send in a request for an imagine, send me a message!
word count: 2,284
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You had met Natalie while you were both on a cruise almost five years ago. And yet, somehow, you two still kept in touch. For months, she has been trying to convince you to visit her in LA, especially after hearing you complain about the cold Canadian weather for months. But you could never justify spending the money on a plane ticket, so you got a second job, now working as a nanny and as a lifeguard at the indoor pool in your town's gym in order to afford one. Natalie said she would pick you up from the airport, so you sent her a text that you landed while waiting for your suitcase at the baggage claim. The airport was busy, but you weren't surprised, it was LAX. You pulled your hoodie off, not expecting such heat in the middle of the winter.
You stood outside, waiting for Natalie to arrive. She pulled up about five minutes later, and what you weren't expecting was there to be a guy in the front seat. Natalie hopped out of the passenger seat and ran over to hug you, your arms extended and welcoming of the hug, despite the heat making you sweat.
"You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend," you whispered, nudging her shoulder and nodding your head towards the guy sitting in the driver's seat.
"What? No, I don't," Natalie laughed. "That's David, my best friend."
You climbed into the back seat, introducing yourself to David. He turned around to say hi and shake your hand, and you were immediately captivated by his soft brown eyes. A black baseball cap covered his dark hair and half of his face, but you could still see his eyes, and you had to look away before you got any more lost in them. On the drive back to his place, you would catch him sneaking glances at you in the rearview mirror and you would feel yourself blush.
He offered to bring your suitcase into the house when you pulled up, and wouldn’t take no for an answer, even though you tried to tell him you could do it yourself.
"Welcome to my home," he grinned as we walked inside. He put your suitcase down in the guest bedroom before offering to give you a tour of his place. Natalie had to take a call, leaving you alone with David.
"What are all of these awards for?" you asked, examining the shelf in the front entrance. David came up behind you.
"They're from my vlogs," he said nonchalantly.
"You make vlogs?" You were surprised you didn’t know who he was, especially considering how close you and Natalie were. You figured she would've told you more about her friends, especially the guy friend she was living with.
You and David started talking about his YouTube channel, and you drifted over to the couch where he put a few vlogs on the TV. He also showed you the one he was currently editing.
"I can't believe Natalie never told you about me," David repeated. He was in shock that he was never mentioned in a conversation between you and Nat.
"I guess we have more important things to talk about," you shrugged.
"Yeah, David. The world doesn't revolve around you," Natalie said, startling both of you. She joined you two on the couch, changing the conversation to what David wanted her to pick up for dinner and if he knew he needed anything in particular for his next vlog.
"Chipotle, and I'll text you if I think of anything," David replied instantly. Natalie nodded and asked if you wanted to come with her, which you agreed. You wanted to learn more about David, still shocked that Natalie never talked about living with a famous YouTuber.
Once you were safely out of David's ear shot, you turned to Natalie, "Why, exactly, didn't you tell me about David?"
"I didn’t want you to use me for him. So many people have," she sighed.
"But you've known me for years, you know I wouldn't do that."
"You've known me since before I moved to LA, I didn’t want to think anything different about me if you knew I was living with a famous YouTuber." Her reasoning made sense, but there was no way for you to have known about her life in LA aside from what she told since you didn’t use social media.
Over the week you were in LA, you and David became close friends. You felt an instant comfort around him, feeling like you could just immediately tell him anything. It was the same type of friendship you had with Natalie, and when it was time to leave, you were leaving behind two friends in LA, not just one. You cried at the airport saying goodbye to Natalie, promising to visit again soon.
 About a month after your visit to LA, your phone vibrated, and it was a text from David: going to be in chicago for the weekend for an event. come visit me!!!
You also got an email a few minutes later with flight information for a Friday afternoon flight to Chicago.
"David, what the fuck?" you said into the phone, immediately calling him after reading the email. "I can't believe you just bought me a plane ticket."
"I'm also covering the hotel. I miss you, and Natalie will be stuck in LA for a different event so I'll be lonely."
"I miss you too, but I can't let you pay for everything."
"It's already done. It'll be a waste of money if you don't come out, now won’t it," David argued, and you couldn’t fight him on this. He had already paid for everything, and you couldn't not take advantage of it.
"Okay, I'll see Friday night in Chicago," you sighed, and David promised to pick you up from the airport.
On Friday afternoon, you were on your way to the airport to go to Chicago for the weekend. You couldn't believe how crazy it was that you were travelling to hang out with some friends.
David was waiting at the airport for you like he promised, getting out of the car to give you a hug before grabbing your bag and putting it the backseat.
"I missed you," he said, settling into the driver's seat.
"David, we facetime at least twice a week. And you butt in every time I facetime Natalie."
He pouted, "Natalie does the same with me."
You drove to the hotel, catching up on what had happened in the last two days since you facetimed David and Natalie. You felt like yourself when you were with David. He was so easy to talk to and there was never any judgment with anything you told him. That night, you two bonded. It was the first time you two had hung out without Natalie, and although you knew a lot about David from facetime calls, it was different when the two of you were alone together. And while you still loved Natalie, you and David had an unspeakable connection. Something pulled the two of you together, and you wished you had known him your entire life.
That weekend flew by, and by the time David dropped you off at the airport, he was already on the phone with Natalie trying to figure out when you could visit them in LA again.
 David had soon become your best friend, and you hated the fact that you lived so far away. He hated it too, but at least he had Natalie. You had neither of them. It was heartbreaking that you couldn't just call them to hang out on a Thursday night, but instead, everything had to be planned around three different schedules. You tried to see them as often as possible, David even offering to pay for your flight every time. You would get emails after hanging up a facetime call with details for your flight that would be the following night, and you would jump around in excitement that you got to see your best friend again.
 The cycle of David buying you plane tickets continued for months since you lived in Canada and he couldn't come visit you. He would call you and say Natalie was going out of town, or that she missed you and wanted you to visit, or that he had an event in another city that he wanted you to come to. There was always a reason for you to get on the flight, no matter where it was to. You just couldn't say no to David Dobrik. You were flying from Toronto to LA or another US city and back again at least once or twice a month to hang out with David and Natalie, and while it was a lot, you were enjoying it.
 Trips to LA were your favorite. David would fly you out for the weekend just to hang out. The weather was always nice and you loved getting to know the rest of their friend group. But you, David, and Natalie had become a trio, and people knew that. Their friends knew that when you were in town, David would hardly film unless absolutely necessarily. He wanted to enjoy his time with you, since he knew you would be leaving again. Most of the time you were visiting, you watched movies in his living or ate Chipotle and talked. You could talk with David and Natalie for hours and never run out of things to say.
 "David, I can pay for my own flight," you sighed. You were currently facetiming with David and you had told him that you wanted to fly out to LA this weekend. It had been almost a year since you first visited Natalie in LA, and you couldn’t believe how close you had gotten with David.
"No, I want to do it. When are you flying in?"
"Saturday morning."
"And what day are you leaving?" he asked, and you hesitated. You wanted to wait until Natalie was with David before sharing your news.
"Hey, can you go get Natalie? I need to ask her something. She mentioned something about me staying until Tuesday since there was an event she wanted me to go to." David nodded, getting up off the couch and returning moments later with Natalie.
When both of them were seated, you asked Natalie about the event. She said it was Monday night, and that Tuesday afternoon would be the best flight to take home.
"Okay, so," you started, getting both of their attention. "I actually only need a one-way ticket. I'm moving to LA."
You watched both of their jaws drop and their eyes widen as they tried to process the news. Pretty soon they were talking over each other trying to ask questions.
"When did you decide this?" Natalie asked while David asked "Where are you living?"
"Calm down," you insisted, getting both of them to quiet down for a moment.
"I can't believe you're moving out here," David whispered, not being able to wrap his mind around it.
"I know, it’s crazy. We won’t have to schedule times to facetime or deal with a time difference anymore."
"How did you decide this? How long have you known? Where are you living? Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Their questions overlapped, and you laughed. You explained to them that when you had initially visited Natalie you were already considering moving here, needing a change from Canada. You looked into getting a job and renting an apartment, and both had happened about a month ago. You told them that you didn’t say anything sooner because you didn’t want to jinx yourself and have something fall through.
They quickly congratulated you, David now insisting that he pay for your flight out since it would be your last one, and you let him.
 The day you arrived in LA, David and Natalie greeted you at the airport, beyond excited that you were here to stay. They told you that they had a surprise, but the last thing you were expecting was a fully furnished and decorated apartment.
"You guys didn't have to do this," you gasped, walking around the apartment, admiring all of the subtle details.
"Come on, you just moved to a new country, decorating your apartment is the least we could do," Natalie smiled, and you pulled her into a hug.
"I love you, guys," you grinned.
"Cheers to moving to America!" David exclaimed, popping open a bottle of champagne. You all watched as it bubbled over and landed on to the white carpet he was standing on. Natalie snatched the bottle from him and carefully poured it into three glasses, and you made a toast.
"A year ago, it had taken Natalie months to convince me to visit her. I saved up for a month and even got a second job to afford a flight. I had no clue who David was and I had no idea that a year later I would be best friends with him or that I would be standing in an apartment in Los Angeles. This move has been a year in the making and I am so glad to have my best friends by my side. Cheers to moving to LA from Toronto, and to finally being about to see my best friends every single day," you said, clinking your glass with David's and Natalie's. You couldn’t think of a time you had been happier and you beyond grateful to have the two greatest people in your life. You were more than ready to no longer need a plane ticket to LA to see your best friends.
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