stjerneklare-blog · 6 years
chaosofnoises replied to your post: “ it means kiss me. ”
Michelle sips at her drink, shrugging a little. “Yes. If you want it to be.” Winks. Winks!!!
“Oh. I see. Alright.” She nods, sitting up straight. “You might wanna like, put down that glass first then though.” 
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mitfaedreland-blog · 7 years
chaosofnoises replied to your post:                    “you’re a skyscraper in tennis shoes.”                
   [Looks him up and down.][Let her… Hold back a comment.] No, actually. I’m tall myself. Height isn’t intimidating to me.    
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[ he noticed the inspection of his height. theres no escape michelle ] Are you sure it isn’t? Height isn’t intimidating to me, either.
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maerkische-blog · 7 years
"have you lost your mind?"
"I think if you were to cut open my skull and look inside, it would still be there. So no; probably not.” 
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piashchota · 7 years
You Prioritize the Planet
When making a big decision, you prioritize the world. Not just the people living on it. You believe our planet is a precious thing, and you want it to be preserved for current and future generations.
When it comes to what's right, you're taking a true global view - including people, animals, and the environment. You know that we are all interconnected in a delicate balance. And it's all too easy to upset that balance with the wrong choice.
Those who don't know you well may call you overly idealistic or naive, but you refuse to become as cynical as they are. You may not be able to change the world entirely, but you won't give up on making a difference. Every little thing helps.
tagged by: @tinubuanglupa
tagging: @chaosofnoises @sokissuvilkais
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scientifix-blog1 · 7 years
@chaosofnoises​ liked for a starter
Oh, well, it’s relatively simple, actually.  You see,  ordinary quantum mechanical systems have a fixed number of particles, with each particle having a finite number of degrees of freedom. But the excited states of a quantum field can represent any number of particles, and this makes quantum field theories especially useful for describing systems where the particle count/number may change over time, a crucial feature of relativistic dynamics. So, basically, a QFT is an organized infinite array of oscillators.
That--that is what you asked, right?
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stjerneklare-blog · 6 years
chaosofnoises replied to your post “[Text:] It's pride month. Go on a date with me.”
[Shit. She hadn't thought this far. She hadn't really expected to get a positive response; she had expected to be blown off, or to be ignored. Why? Who knows. She's a lesbian. We don't function correctly.] [Text:] Let me take you out to dinner in a fancy restaurant and then we can get dessert somewhere cute and talk about life.
[ Kari can relate to that honestly, as she cleans the homemade yoghurt off her cheek from having missed her mouth with the spoon ]  [ Text: Michelle A. ] That sounds nice. I could use a good milkshake or something! It has been a while. 
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stjerneklare-blog · 7 years
chaosofnoises replied to your post “—”
[The alcohol in her bloodstream had gone straight to her head, and she found her elaborate ranting about Uber quickly interrupted by a pair of lips on hers.][Surprisingly, her protests at being interrupted were minimal, though her hands rested on the woman's wrists as she was kissed.] What the fuck-?
[ She pulled away soon after, albeit a bit wonky and somehow almost sliding off the couch while doing so, before giving the other a bit of a confused look upon the profanity. ] What? Do I have a bad breath or something?
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stjerneklare-blog · 7 years
@chaosofnoises // c.
Well. This didn’t look good.
Admittedly, this was a very old pub that they were in. Some would consider it historical. So, it was expected that some parts of it wouldn’t be up to great standards - but for Sigrid to cut her hand on the door to the bathroom wasn’t so expected.
Concerned, Michelle gave a small gasp at the sight of the blood, and reached out to her hand.
“Christ - Are you alright? What happened?”
In hindsight, she was probably entirely to blame for her own injury. She had been able to tell the door’s wood was covered in splinters sticking out in every direction and a few holes here and there, and still she had pushed the door in stead of using the handle. So yes, it was only natural she ended up being wounded. 
She raised her hand slightly, frowning a bit at the sight of her handpalm, but before she could let out an annoyed sigh in response, her hand was already grabbed by Michelle, much to Kari’s surprise. 
“Ah- Oh it’s nothing. Just a small cut, that’s all.” She wiggled her fingers. “Old doors. They’re very tricky. Don’t worry about it though. It’s nothing I can’t handle.”
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stjerneklare-blog · 7 years
chaosofnoises replied to your post “​❝ it’s chilly out here, you need a coat. take mine. ❞”
[The grin makes her pause for a moment, before she half smiles, and nods.] I mean, I'm alright, really. Though I guess I somewhat forgot that you're from a country of constant cold.
[ She lets out a light chuckle in response, and keeps silent for a few seconds afterwards ] Well- Sort of? I mean, “constant” is not entirely right. Actually, it can get quite hot during summer. Not a big fan of that, though. [ Offers a tiny smile ]
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stjerneklare-blog · 7 years
​❝ it’s chilly out here, you need a coat. take mine. ❞
autumn/halloween sentence starters! 🍂🍁🎃
Ah- no no, it’s fine. I don’t need it. Keep it yourself, I’m sure you need it more than I do. [ She grins slightly ] But I appreciate your concern. 
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stjerneklare-blog · 7 years
✗ - for a drunken kiss
[ Okay- she is pretty wasted so her sense of personal space or Typical Northern Stoicness (TM) went completely out the window and gay as she is, will grab Michelle’s cheeks and press her gay lips to Michelle’s also gay lips in the middle of laughing about some stupid thing. ]
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maerkische-blog · 7 years
chaosofnoises replied to your post: "have you lost your mind?"
She is visibly taken aback, and pauses for a moment, before squinting. “I… Your brain and your mind are separate, but okay. Still doesn’t explain why you said I had a nice fanny.”
His expression remains vaguely the same, sans the slight pinkening of his cheeks at her accusation. “Did--- were you even listening to me? I would never... compliment, to put it like that, that part of your anatomy.” 
0 notes
stjerneklare-blog · 6 years
Bold what applies to your muse, repost, don’t reblog!
tagged by: @chaosofnoises thx bae tagging: whomstever rps a nordick
to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. | under a bus, with my fingers crossed. | it feels like nothing matters in our private universe. | take me, i’m yours. | i’ll be a rock and rollin’ bitch for you. | you want the real story? you shouldn’t ask me. | i’m so drunk, i don’t mind if you kill me. | i don’t pretend to know what you want, but i offer love. | you’re so mean, baby! | she will have her way. | i’m bored; come on, let’s get high! | why don’t you walk away? | where i go, there’ll be no kind welcome. | into temptation, right where you belong.| we’re still outsiders. | i never feel pain, won’t you hit me again? | oh, i just don’t know where to begin. | practically all is nearly forgiven. | black words slipping off my tongue. | couldn’t it be easy to believe? | you are afraid of me; that’s why you’re so unkind. | sinner; i have never learned. | desolate in anger and safe in isolation. | do you feel the pressure? | i wanna be forgiven. | spare us the theatrics and the verbal gymnastics. | how i needed you when i needed you. | history has been cruel. | do you see what i see? | is there anybody in there? | i’d beg for some forgiveness, but begging’s not my business. | we may never meet again, so shed your skin and let’s get started. | every day i love you less and less. | there’s nothing that you love that i’ll ever miss.
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loevinde-blog · 6 years
Bold what applies to your muse, repost, don’t reblog!
tagged by: @carolinus-rex tagging: @prussiandom @piashchota @chaosofnoises
to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. | under a bus, with my fingers crossed. | it feels like nothing matters in our private universe. | take me, i’m yours. | i’ll be a rock and rollin’ bitch for you. | you want the real story? you shouldn’t ask me. | i’m so drunk, i don’t mind if you kill me. | i don’t pretend to know what you want, but i offer love. | you’re so mean, baby! | she will have her way. | i’m bored; come on, let’s get high! | why don’t you walk away? | where i go, there’ll be no kind welcome. | into temptation, right where you belong.| we’re still outsiders. | i never feel pain, won’t you hit me again? | oh, i just don’t know where to begin. | practically all is nearly forgiven. | black words slipping off my tongue. | couldn’t it be easy to believe? | you are afraid of me; that’s why you’re so unkind. | sinner; i have never learned. | desolate in anger and safe in isolation. | do you feel the pressure? | i wanna be forgiven. | spare us the theatrics and the verbal gymnastics. | how i needed you when i needed you. | history has been cruel. | do you see what i see? | is there anybody in there? | i’d beg for some forgiveness, but begging’s not my business. | we may never meet again, so shed your skin and let’s get started. | every day i love you less and less. | there’s nothing that you love that i’ll ever miss.
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stjerneklare-blog · 6 years
“ it means kiss me. ”
rp sentence starters taken from keaton st james’ work , light.
“Oooh. I see. Yeah I assumed so already-”
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“...Wait is that an invitation or-”
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loevinde-blog · 6 years
@chaosofnoises replied to your post ““wait, what? that was never part of the bargain.””
A Deep Sigh. "Fine. Fine. But I'm vegan. If there's nothing here I can actually eat, there's gonna be a problem."
Oh, how that little word brings such a big grin to her face. “Might be hard. Don’t think I’ve ever seen a vegetable in my life.” Agathe gives the other a little nudge with her elbow. “C’mon, I know a place. Completely vegan, so don’t ya worry.”
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