sakshishah12 · 2 years
How to be mentally strong?
We have heard so many times that we need to be mentally strong. But do we ever get to know what it is or how it is to be mentally strong? Mentally strong is someone who has control over his emotional thoughts and actions. A mentally strong person always sees the positive side of any situation. And a person who is not mentally strong can look at the negative side of any situation.
I’m sure every one of us might have seen so many people around us who face every difficult situation with calmness and sincerity. These are the mentally strong people. There is another category of people who sometimes aren't able to handle even a minor difficult situation. They lose hope easily and even get depressed. And this could happen to any of us. One of the factors of depression could be excessive workload. According to a US report of 2013-2016, 31.5 % of men face depression due to workload. 
Why do we need to be Mentally Strong?
In life, it is very important to be mentally strong because we have no idea when a problem is going to knock at our door. And if we are not prepared for that, then it's going to be much tough for us to deal with it. No matter if we have a problem or not, it is always beneficial for us to be mentally strong. Mental strength is not just to deal with any difficult situation, it also helps us to live our life to the fullest because no minor setbacks can hold us back at any point in our life.
If we become mentally strong then, we will feel “fresh”, “positive”, “confident”, “happy”, and “healthy” too. We will feel like we can achieve anything in life. Then we will never give up on our hard work, we will not fear facing rejection anymore. And the main thing is that it will increase our productivity in any work we do. There is a very famous quote,“ when life offers you lemons, try to make a lemonade’. It means we should try to grab opportunities when it comes our way.
 Now when it is clear, the need of becoming mentally strong. Here are the 5 habits that will help a person in becoming mentally strong. 
5 Habits to Include in Yourself to Become Mentally Strong
To become mentally strong, we need to know how it can be possible. So here are some tips for everyone to inculcate in life to be mentally strong- 
Never give up - Whenever we feel that we fail at any point in our life, we have two choices. Either we can give up on our goal or we can accept and learn from our failure and try again to achieve our goal. One thing that everyone needs to keep in mind is that a person cannot fail until he/she stops trying. What people usually do is that they start thinking of that bad time. In the meantime, they lose their valuable time in which they can be productive and can do something to achieve their goal. The person who learns to never give up becomes more mentally strong day by day.
Self-care- self-care doesn't only mean we have to pamper ourselves externally, but it also means we have to do some mental health practices that keep us mentally strong and active. When we focus on our mental health, we will be able to think rationally and have control over our minds. For eg- one can play mind games, read books, solve quizzes, etc which keeps his/her brain busy with productive things.
Positive outlook- A positive outlook towards any situation is very important. We all have seen such people around us, seeing that it seems as if there is no tension in their life. But actually, “it by no means happens that there is no problem in anyone's life”.
 Everyone has problems in their lives, the only thing is that the way of dealing with problems is different. Some people consider even big problems as small and some people consider even small problems as big. So having a positive outlook toward a situation is very helpful to make ourselves mentally strong. Otherwise negative thoughts can eat us up from inside. 
To know more about what negative thoughts are and how to deal with them, check out this article- 4 important things that you need to know about negative thoughts. 
Be fearless- Life is filled with so many ups and downs. Problems never stop, they can come anytime from anywhere. To become mentally strong, “we need to be fearless otherwise we can lose our mental stability”. We should not be afraid to speak up about whatever we feel is right. If we have a fearless attitude then we will be able to face any problem in life with just a click. We should embrace changes and welcome whatever challenges come to us. 
Meditation- To become mentally strong, one needs to have mental stability. And for that, meditation is considered to be the best practice for ages as it keeps you stress-free. Meditation keeps your mind fresh and calm. It can make us psychologically fit and helps us in keeping control over our emotions. 
To know how to meditate properly, read this article-How to meditate-ultimate guide for beginners (2021).
Do visit the GoodLives website to learn more about How to be mentally strong and read other topics related to mental health.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
How to Improve Memory Power?
‘Do you ever look at someone and wonder… what is going on inside their head’
~happy from inside Out 
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What is Memory Power? 
Memory is like the colorful sparkles added to a cake after it is baked! Having memory strength adds flavor as well as color to a pale simple life. 
The intellectual power- scientifically-is actually just like muscular strength. It is the power to retain and recall information and past experiences. The memory power in your brain allows you to access tons of things — ranging from simple multiplication tables to embarrassing moments.  The word memory complies with both the respective facts and experiences you remember as well as the brain's ability to contain it all.
‘To observe attentively is to remember distinctly!’
~Edgar Allen Poe
Why Do We Need To Have Good Memory Power? 
The world is filled with distractions and chaos. To lead a successful life, the focus has to be the key. And memory helps you focus better. From time to time new technologies and advancements beg for attention. Recalling and attaining past memories, keeps the mind focused and at its full potential. Moreover having a sharp memory serves a good purpose at the office, at family, or friend gatherings. Following through, a good memory power also helps in any job you do, remembering terms and procedures helps with fast learning and rapid growth! 
Did you know anything about anxiety neurosis? I bet you are curious 
How To Improve Your Memory Power
By now I am confident you know what importance a good memory serves! Now, to help you through this journey listed below are some of the top suggestions to support in improving your photographic memory.
Learning something new - Attempting to try something new every day or every week can make your brain work more efficiently and improve your memory. The ‘something new’ doesn't always have to be something tough or daring. You can just simply learn quilting or pick a new comfortable language. This way you always will have something exciting going on in your daily plain routine too.  
Schedule and organize- To improve your memory skills it is essential that you first organize your data. When you manage all your tasks, a crystal clear picture is painted in your head which in turn helps you remember eidetically.  If you have all your emotions and day-to-day chores mixed up it is much more likely for you to get puzzled and forget the stuff. To get over this problem you can try making a to-do list, where you write down all your day's duties. Try writing down the checklist on paper instead of typing digitally, because it is easier to remember something that you had written than something you had typed down. 
Do you want to know the 10 important tips that could help you study hard?
Power of visualization- Visualizing any concept idea or abstract in your head is a great way to imprint it in your long-term memory resulting in having good memory power. When you imagine something in your brain rather than just listening and forgetting, you understand the concept making it reliable in your long-term memory 
Consume less added sugar- You may wonder, ‘what has sugar to do with anything related to memory power?’ Well, let's clear out the clouds…
Throughout the system, excess sugar is toxic. Even a single instance of elevated glucose in the bloodstream can be proven harmful to the brain, resulting in slowed cognitive function and deficits in attention and memory. Moreover too much added sugar like sodas and concentrated beverages not only harms the brain i.e. the memory but also paves way for other health diseases. 
Try Meditating- If you want to increase your memory power naturally mediating needs to be a part of your lifestyle. Meditating for at least 20 minutes a day can really prove to increase your memory power really fast. Adding that routine meditation increases blood flow to the brain, which leads to a stronger network of blood vessels in the cerebral cortex reinforcing the memory capacity.
Don't view a bright screen just before bed - The blue light that your smartphone emits doesn't ideally harm your vision, but also your brain. The bright screen from any device like a TV, computer, laptop, or phone can suppress melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone primarily associated with control over the sleep-wake cycle. By having suppressed or damaged melatonin your sleep cycle is disturbed probably making you sleep deprived. Which in turn makes it hard for your brain to remember stuff as it is reckless and tired. So the only advice I give you is to put away the phones!
Did you know about online therapy and how it works? Well here is your chance 
Try attempting brain teasers every now and then- Attempting brain teasers is a really good way to keep your brain on its toes. This way the neurons in your brain always stay alert and grab as much information as possible.  
Get some sleep! - It is long known that sleep is needed in order to attain the fresh and working capacity of the brain. A study published in 2014 found that sleeping after learning something new actually leads to physical changes in the brain. Sleep has a huge role to play in terms of memory consolidation. It is a process in which short-term memories are amplified and inscribed into long-lasting memories. Sleeping is probably your answer to the question ‘How to improve memory power naturally’ 
Need more advice?  Visit GoodLives | Mental Health Services
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
What are mood swings? 
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Has it ever happened to you that you feel grumpy one minute and happy the next? That you are joyful and chirpy jumping around the house at the moment and the other second you are lying on your bed rethinking your whole life? Don’t be afraid… These emotions are just caused by your hormones and do not purely mean anything. These are merely just mood swings. A mood swing is a sudden or intense change in an emotional state. During a mood swing, a person may quickly switch from feeling happy and upbeat to feeling sad, irritable, or angry. All these can be counted as mood swings symptoms to help you rectify when you are experiencing one! 
Although mood swings are soft hormonal reactions, they can cause huge problems if experienced over a long period of time, and they can lead to mood-related disorders. Rapid mood swings may cause you to have unwanted emotions. For example, you may: be so hyped up that you encounter yourself unable to control urges. These undesirable urges can cause you to spend ridiculously, act foolishly in situations making you angry, or merely just engage you in uncontrollable or perilous behaviors.
Did you know the 7 benefits of laughing therapy? 
5 common causes of mood swings in men  as well as women
Often mood swings are associated with women but the truth is that these mood swing disorders are faced by all genders. The most common causes of mood swings affecting anyone and everyone are;-
Bipolar disorder- It is referred to as a mental health condition or a mood-related disorder that causes extreme mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). An individual with bipolar  MDD, also referred to as clinical depression, is a significant medical condition that can influence multiple areas of their life.
Sleep deprivation- Your body and brain take a time-out from the rest of the world when it is at sleep. Bedtime is the time when your body heals the most. Hence when you are short on shut-eye, you tend to experience crankiness and depression. Meaning that sleep deprivation can cause you to have contentious mood wings. Due to high-level mood swings, sleep deprivation can cause you to have bad mood swings for no reason. Studies show that sleep-deprived people report increases in negative moods (anger, frustration, irritability, sadness) and a decrease in positive moods. 
Low blood sugar- Have you ever gotten “hangry” -- hungry and angry at the same time -- low blood sugar may have been to blame. This happens to some people when they go long between meals.  Low blood sugar may make you feel mad, upset, lonely, or confused. You even may feel the need to cry or scream. 
To regain yourself, it is recommended that you eat something. 
Your brain, the center of your thoughts and emotions, needs glucose to do its job. 
If you don't have enough glucose “feed your brain,” meaning you have low blood sugar levels, your brain can go “haywire”. Even though it appears like you are overwhelmed by anything around you, this can be a physical response to low blood sugar/glucose  (hypoglycemia).
Stress- Stress can occur at any point of life, at the office due to work, at home due to chores, or any other reason. Chronic stress can lead to mood swings disorder, and negative thoughts and you might feel sad, angry, or bitter. You can start feeling better when you distract yourself from the core reason for your stress. Daily exercise is also known to be an escape from stress 
Caffeine- It may be surprising to know for a few that even caffeine can cause mood swings in some people. Consumption of Coffee, soda, and other beverages can be the reason for your mood swing. Because caffeine encourages your nervous system, it can cause you to feel more alert than usual. If you consume it often, your body gets used to its effects. By that point, if you attempt to cut back results in mood swings and depression, for example, it forces you to feel tired, annoyed, nervous, or anxious. 
 Read some spread-happiness quotes that’ll make your day! 
 Need some personal advice? Talk to us at GoodLives | Mental Health Services
How to control mood swings
Mood swings might be difficult to manage but here are some steps you can take to help ease them:
Create a schedule. Try to create a routine for yourself, especially when it comes to eating and sleeping.
Exercise daily. Exercising regularly has several benefits for nearly all aspects of your health, including mood. It relaxes and frees your muscles providing you more calm and stable. 
Get sufficient sleep. A good night's sleep is important, and being sleep-deprived can influence your mood.
Eat a healthy diet. A balanced healthy diet can improve your mood and keep you healthy. Here are some tips for sticking to a healthy diet.
Practice relaxation. Engage in calming practices like yoga or meditation whenever having an insatiable mood 
Avoid stress. Easier said than done, right? If it is impossible for you to bypass the stress, try deviating from the reason for stress with the help of music and talking to friends, etc.                                                                    
Talk it out: Find someone to talk to, such as a friend, family member, or professional counselor.
The above-mentioned were some of the natural remedies for mood swings and irritability to answer your question of ‘how to control mood swings naturally’
Do visit the GoodLives website to learn more about mood swings and other topics related to mental health.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
4 Important Things You Need To Know About Negative Thoughts
What is the Meaning of Negative Thinking?
“A negative thought can never give you a positive result”
Having negative thoughts and emotions which instead of boosting your morale, makes you dwell in underconfidence- is the major effect of negative thinking. Negative self-talk is an inner dialogue you have with yourself that could result in limiting your capability to believe in yourself and your own abilities and to reach your full potential.
1) What are the Causes of Negative Thinking/ What can Cause Such Thoughts to Occur?
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Some of the causes of negative self-talk can be the symptoms of common cold, exhaustion, stress, hunger, and sleep deprivation. In many cases, depression can be caused by negative thinking, itself. Negative thinking disorders can also cause anxiety and depression too
2) What are the Effects of these Discouraging Thoughts?
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Gloomy outlooks contribute to low self-worth and insecurities. It makes you feel as if you’re not effective in the world. Psychologists link negative thinking to depression, anxiety, chronic worry, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) as well. This evil has a great impact on the human brain too as researchers have inquired that negative thinking could increase the risk of dementia.
3) Top 10 Types and Examples of Negative Thoughts
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Taking one negative event or detail about a situation and making it a universal pattern makes it true about your whole life.
For example “I have received such low marks in my physics test, I can’t do anything right!”
It is when you put a negative criticism on yourself or someone else denying you of seeing what truly is behind that tag of yours.
“I am not good at either academics or sports, I am such a loser” or “I didn’t have anything to say in that conversation. I’m totally uninteresting!
Emotional reasoning
This negative thinking disorder is when you have a belief in something and presume it to be a true fact.
For example, having a sense of loneliness and absurdly concluding it with the thought of “ No one wants to be with me because I am lonely”
Fortune telling
Predicting that every situation would turn out negatively deprives you of enjoying the moment, and increases the chances of that event ending on a bad note.
Like thinking “If I ask that person for help they’ll deny it, and I will be embarrassed!” “I don’t wanna go to the part it will end being boring and wreckless”
Overlooking the positive
Taking any positive aspect of your day and pondering about is so immorally that it minimizes the positive aspect to its least. It discounts any evidence against our negative view of ourselves or our situation.
For example, I did well on that one quiz, but I just got lucky.
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Predicting minds
A negative thinking pattern where you tend to assume what the other person could be thinking- concerning you- presuming it to be a poor comment.
“I don’t think this person is paying attention to what I am saying, she does not even care!”
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Have you ever thought “If I do not get into this college I will die of embarrassment”?
Then you might be suffering from catastrophizing types of negative self-talk. It is when you take a problem and blow it out of proportion.
Mental filter
Focusing only on the one negative while camouflaging the other hundreds of positives.
For example, focusing on that one negative comment when the teacher has left you many more improvements and bless full comments.
This kind of negative thought anxiety includes a sense of blaming yourself in every situation. Felling a need to make everything about you- in a negative way.
Having thought of “The time I got tripped over, everyone would be laughing at me for that. I know”.
Pondering on what is expected by you while using terms such as “shoulds” and “musts”.
For example “I shouldn’t feel anxious while giving a presentation in front of the class”
“Once you replace your negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll regain your faith in this colorful magnificent world”
4) How to Stop Bad Thoughts in your head? What can be Done to Avoid or End these Useless Negative Notions?
For replacing your bad emotions with good ones first you need to know how you feel. It is tested that sometimes you don’t even know if you are sinking into the black hole. An easy way to identify your negative thoughts is to-wherever placing an opinion or judgment about any notion-, take a moment and think, does it make you decline towards sadness, negativity, or misery? After all, these are your emotions, they should be used in power by you, not against you!
Here are some ways to make yourself feel better
They are “just” thoughts! Do not make them facts: Whenever having negative self-talk, remember, that picturing some unfavorable images does not make them true! The purpose of thoughts is to make your eyes satisfied by what you see, hence by the human ability you form your own opinions. Telling yourself positive reviews is the way to go about it. Filling your self-created negativity inside of you is just like digging one’s own grave.
Focus on what you are feeling right now: If you’re sad, feel the sadness. But don’t let yourself think that you are always going to feel that way. These sad emotions pass away until you dint linger on them making them your reality.
Do something nice for yourself: Find happiness in the little things Or you could find something that makes you laugh
Sleep well. Eat well. Be active: The kinder you are to your body, the easier it is to feel more positivity indie of you.
Take time to count your blessings: There are so many things for each of us to be grateful for. What’s one thing you appreciate?
Become a little social: This is just a fancy way of saying “create the kind of community you want.” Enjoy some time with family and friends. Find a faith community that works for you. Join a team or club. Take up a new hobby.
The lists of negative thoughts won’t matter once you understand what Negative affectivity is. And Negative thinking disorder therapy enables you to work on controlling your unfavorable emotions and finding happiness in little things
Do you know what online counseling actually means and how it works? To know click here
Do visit the GoodLives website to learn about Negative thinking and other topics related to mental health.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
What is Peer Pressure?
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“Peers play an enormous role in children and adolescents’ social and emotional development.”
It is natural, healthy, and essential for children to have and rely on fellow peers through their course of growth and maturity.
Therefore to answer your question, Peer pressure definition is influenced by when you do something because you want to feel accepted and valued by people around you. This natural influence can be positive or negative. Coping well with peer influence allows you to have the right stability between being yourself and fitting in with your group.
Get to know about negative thoughts and a way to tackle them, by clicking here
1) What are the Effects of Peer Pressure?
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Peer pressure can be positive or negative depending upon your fellow classmates and your perception of them. Therefore there can be many different effects of being under peer pressure. Most of the time peer pressure results in negative upbringing and effects.
Kids tend to get pressurized by their own friends or classmates for doing something which their ground values do not suggest moreover they get prone to losing their self-esteem and fall into identity crises as to do stuff like bunking classes and making some serious mischief so that they can fall into what they think is a cool group. adding so they tend to have a fear of what the other person would think of him/her if not taken this step so they get very experimental on themselves in order to match their looks with someone they think is cool like dying their hair.
Other negative effects also include the tendency of teens into depression, making them anxious, and detached from their family and friends.
Do you know the 10 tips that can help you study harder?
2) A Few Examples of Negative Peer Pressure are:
Feeling the need to dress or act a particular way.
Using unfair means at school like cheating in exams and being unnecessarily mean.
Forbidding new or certain people to enter your social circle.
Taking dangerous risks while driving.
Consuming or selling drugs or alcohol.
Shoplifting and stealing.
Engaging in bullying or cyberbullying.
3) How to Deal with Peer Pressure?
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As most of the time, peer pressure suppresses a naive kid’s personality and harms their thought process. Here are some of the ways one can get rid of suppressing, perilous, and discouraging peer pressure from their fellow colleagues.
Prioritize yourself before anyone else:
There always will be people who dislike you, but also the people who think you are special, the way you are. So try not to persuade into someone else’s belief just because you want to be more like them. Build your own personality and stick to it!
‘I am not in this world to live up to your expectations and you are not in this world to live up to mine.’ ~Bruce Lee
Talk It Out!
Communicate with the person who is pressuring, and let them be aware of how it makes you feel in order to discourage the pressuring again.
It is okay to say NO!
Build an excuse or make your mother forbid you to go in front of your peer friend. If you really think stepping away from the situation to avoid chaos is truly needed, creating excuses is the best option where you don’t even have to apologize or explain yourself too much.
Get support
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Acquire assistance from a trusted adult. It could be your parents, grandparents or teachers. The help of a trusted adult is necessary when dealing with peer pressure. This is because the adult can suggest to you the accurate strategies to tackle the problem specific to your situation.
Have a supporting and permanent friends group
When you have encouraging friends they mostly lead you to the right path. True friends are also the ones who respect your decision and don’t pressurize you in the wrong direction. Surround yourself with people who lift you higher.
Stay wise and avoid fake crowds!
Need someone to talk to? Just click here
Do visit the GoodLives website to learn more about Peer pressure and topics related to mental health.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
5 Reasons Parents Love Can Change People!
“Parents love is whole no matter how many times divided” ~Robert Brault
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Many parents claim that their child has changed their world. It has brought happiness into their lives and joy that they felt for the first time. Though with happiness comes to struggle too,  
but despite the hardships that come with a child, such as sleep deprivation, having less free time, and fewer finances to spend, many believe that their child is the best thing to happen in their lives.
What is the Meaning of ‘Parents Love’?
Have you ever felt a hand on your shoulder when you were crying in silence? Has your mother or father been awake all night so that you could sleep peacefully despite your illness? Well, if it is a yes, then you-like many other people in this world, are fortunate to have an exceptional gift called Parent's love.
Parental love is characterized by warmth, affection, care, comfort, concern, nurture, support, acceptance, or simply love that a child can feel from their folks.
A parent’s love appears to be unconditional, and it can change people for the better. Let’s get to know how?
“If you wanna change the world, go home and love your family” ~ Mother Teresa
How can Parents Love Change You for the Better?
There are many reasons a person can evolve into a better human being by providing parental love. The following are the top 5 of them.
1. Helps develop patience
Loving your child means being patient with them. A child isn’t a small adult; their brain may not comprehend some things, and it can be challenging to get your point across.
A good parent needs to be patient and not always put their child down for everything. This makes you a more patient, calm, and composed person and helps you deal with problems in a relaxed manner. It is a valuable life skill that can apply to many situations.
2. Can teach, loving someone unconditionally
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A child, for their parents, is the most important person in their lives, and in turn, it is almost impossible for them to stop adoring and caring for their child no matter what. But there is more to it….
Your child is going to have conflicts. Not just because they overstepped or made a blunder, but conflicts that involve disagreements on their personal life and career choices. It can be hard to voice your concerns without sounding demanding.
However, a good parent will love someone regardless of their choices in life. Unconditional love is a skill many parents develop, as they are attached to their children and want them to succeed, even if the child and the parent don’t see eye to eye.
“The best inherence parents can give their children is a few minutes of their time each day” ~O.A Battista
3. Teach you to take good care of someone
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Many couples tend to have a belief that they may not be completely ready or qualified to be parents Yet. This is due to the lack of self-confidence in taking care and responsibility for their child.
However, when they have a kid, they may discover that they can better take care of that child than they believed they could. A parent's love that happens after the parent gives birth can make the parent have the child-caring instincts they require. For example, a parent will be delicate and attentive to their child’s needs and will develop the skill of knowing when the kid is hungry or when they need attention.
Many of these emotions come because of changes in the brain. We are programmed to adapt, and when we have children, our brain adapts and adjusts. These are the ‘parental instincts’ that may have heard of man people say.
4. How a father’s brain evolves
Surprisingly some studies have shown that in the first days and weeks of fatherhood, a man’s testosterone and cortisol levels decrease and oxytocin, estrogen, and prolactin levels surge, promoting an important bonding experience between a father and his newborn child creating parent’s love. Don’t believe it! Click here to see for yourself.
Scientists think the presence of a newborn causes physical changes that speed you along the path to fatherhood. We know moms’ hormone levels change during pregnancy. So do Dads! Well, don’t be surprised to know that scientists say both parents experience a rise in the hormone prolactin around the time of a baby’s birth.
Do you know why looking in the mirror is important?
5. The mindset of a new mother!
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A new mother experiences many modifications after giving birth. Some of the biggest changes happen in her brain. When she first sees her newborn, core regions of her brain’s reward network kick in, giving her an instant connection to her baby providing them with parent's love. It’s common for new mothers to feel overwhelmed as they adapt to the myriad changes that becoming a mother requires. Adjusting to becoming a family of three, loss of pre-baby freedom, and sleep deprivation are all aspects of a shifting identity that emerge during this time.
Childbirth for a mother can also lead to Postpartum depression which means the time of anxiety after childbirth. Most women get the “baby blues,” or feel sad or empty, within a few days of giving birth. For many women, the baby blues go away in 3 to 5 days.
The most important thing is that when a mother holds her child for the first time she feels divine and feels a need of taking care of their baby in every way possible. Providing secure comfort to their child gives a mother satisfaction, not only as a newborn but through the course of life this love does nothing but grow.
Parental love can be altering for you and your child. But it is an effort that can always utilize optimization and refinement. A parent’s love is full of blunders and mishaps, but these are the mistakes that make your love unique and perfect. Despite all the hardships, it is essential to glue our imperfect and messy family together.
“The love between parents and children is always and forever”
Do visit the GoodLives website and read more about topics like these or mental health-related stuff.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
Working Women and Mental Health!
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Women, today are achieving every success milestone possible. They are not just working in multiple fields but they are also fulfilling their roles in the households of being good wives and great Mothers!
But What does it mean for their Mental Health?
The traditional roles have been challenged by women in different ways possible. Women are no longer just moms, now they have become working moms. Their multi-tasking skills have expanded considerably. But what is at stake?
In one way, every mom is a working mom, whether she gets paid or not. After all, taking care of children is a full-time job. But we are specifically talking about those women who are raising their children and in addition to making their own identity and working tremendously hard to be independent to make an income to support their family financially. According to the US census bureau 2018, Two-thirds out of 23.5 million people in the US are working moms who work full time. It is not easy to maintain a balance between home and job, especially in a nuclear family, and in families where the roles are defined based on gender. Everything has to be done by moms from fulfilling the basic needs of a child to educating about good values. In a nuclear family, the security of a child after both the parents go to work is also becoming a major concern today.
Her Role & The guilt of a Never-ending to-do List
There is a quote by “Sarah Josepha Hale”, “No influence is so powerful as that of the mother ”. A working mom indeed is very powerful as she has to face many challenges from start to end of every day. She takes care of all the small things of the children, husband, and parents. moms, never forget anything, she knows practically everything, about each member. But in this process, she forgets about herself. Most times, she doesn’t get the room to express what she needs. And that is why, more often than not, she is taken for granted.
Her Identity Crisis & Tendency to Over-compensate
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The entire day a working mom goes in dealing with the stress. From waking up in the morning to going to sleep at night, moms go through the whole day under stress and anxiety. It is difficult to imagine the pressure, especially given the number of tasks a working mom has to do in a day. Apart from all of this, her pertinent fear is that she may lose her identity if she is unable to focus on her job. This even affects her mental health severely. Let’s discuss below the most common mental health issues faced by working moms.
Working Moms and Mental health Issues They Face!
It’s not an easy job to be a mom and especially a working mom. She goes through many mental health issues and pains. Here are the three common mental health issues faced by working moms.
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Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
It is panicking or worrying excessively about daily activities. Working moms usually face generalized anxiety disorder or GAD because she has to do a lot of multitasking in their daily routine. This often results in constant worry and a fear of missing out on important things. Check your Anxiety levels
Smiling Depression
In this condition, a person is depressed from the inside but tries to show happiness from the outside with a smiling face. Working moms are always stressed because of all the responsibilities of the household, children, husband, and job. But she never shows it to her kids and family instead keeps smiling. Women are twice as likely to suffer from depression than men.
Insomnia is a kind of sleep disorder in which a person is not able to take sleep properly. It could be due to depression, stress, anxiety, etc. it is found that working moms usually suffer from insomnia. According to Dr. Michael Awad, women suffer from insomnia 40% more than men.
Steps that Working Moms Need to Follow to Take Care of their Mental Health
Here are some steps that working moms can follow to overcome their mental health issues.
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Meditation is one of the best practices to improve mental health. Meditation is not just important but needed for working women who deal with everyday stress and anxiety. It helps in lowering stress and anxiety. Working moms can try to meditate for 10-15 minutes a day to enhance their physical and emotional well-being.
To know more about how to practice meditation, read this out-
How to meditate-ultimate guide for beginners (2021). or Listen to our podcasts.
There is nothing wrong with taking out some time from your daily hectic schedule and practicing self-care. Along with work, taking out time and relaxing is also important for mental health. Self-care truly helps in managing stress and refilling energy to work efficiently.
As stress is very common among working moms because they manage home, children, and work altogether. yoga is always advised by Ayurveda to improve mental health. Yoga helps in dealing with generalized anxiety disorder. According to a study, it is proven that yoga is much effective in improving mental health conditions.
Therapy sessions
Therapy is wonderful for the working mom who faces stress and anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the effective remedies for reducing stress. There are other forms of therapies available too. Book a session now!
Remain positive
Living in positivity can help a lot in overcoming various mental health issues. It is seen that positive thinking results in lower rates of stress, anxiety, depression, and mental health problems. For positivity, reading out positive quotes could be a solution.
I hope this would be beneficial for all the working moms out there. Do focus on your mental health as it is very important to have a good state of mind to lead a Happier Life!
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
4 Simple Things To Remember About Symptoms Of Panic Attack!
What is a Panic Attack?
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Your brain works in the same way that a computer does. There is a finite processing capacity, and when that capacity reaches its limit, it can lead to panic attacks.  
It doesn’t matter if it’s your first or tenth panic attack or you’ve observed one go through one. Nobody wants to go through that experience again.
Panic attacks are a sudden feeling of intense fear that something bad is about to happen and there is some imminent threat or danger. These ideas are so severe that they cause physical symptoms like heart pounding, dizziness, or shortness of breath. Having panic attack symptoms might feel as if you’re having a heart attack or even dying. The attacks are unpredictable which can cause anxiety about when the next attack is going to happen. The attacks are not life-threatening but the experience can shake your life in some way but panic attack treatment are also available.
1) Symptoms of a Panic Attack
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Panic attack symptoms peak within the first 10 to 20 minutes, but some might last hours. According to the
diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorders (DSM), the 5th edition says in order to identify a panic attack a person needs to have an abrupt onset of 4 of the following 13 symptoms:
Pounding heart rate
Chest pain or tightness
Trembling or shaking
Shortness of breath
Numbness or tingling sensation
Feelings of choking
Feelings of being detached from oneself
Fears of losing control
Fears of dying
Did you know?
Panic attack can occur while you’re asleep the cause of the nighttime panic attack is unknown but it seems like they’re manifestations of stress and they’re pretty common, the majority of people who have been diagnosed with panic disorder have probably experienced nocturnal panic attacks.
2) Symptoms of a Panic Attack Feel Like?
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You suddenly find yourself unable to breathe, your palms will sweat, the chest will feel heavy, your heart will pound as if it was competing with Usain Bolt, vision will be a tunnel and you will feel as if you are having a heart attack, your mouth will stretch and the tickling fear will make you believe you are about to die. You know you don’t want to die; you were enjoying a typical day talking to your friend when this happens, which is very odd, right? The hardest aspect of having even a single panic attack is the intense fear that it will happen again. Panic attacks are a collection of physical and mental health symptoms that occur at the same time. Because of the intense physical sensations and fear, people believe they are dying.
As a result of this terrifying event, people tend to change, the way they used to do things, interact and conduct activities. This collection of symptoms is known as panic disorder. At times, this is so terrible that individuals refuse to leave their homes in order to avoid places or circumstances where an attack could occur. This is known as agoraphobia.
Did you know?
Panic attack can occur while you’re asleep the cause of the nighttime panic attack is unknown but it seems like they’re manifestations of stress. And they’re pretty common, the majority of people who have been diagnosed with panic disorder have probably experienced nocturnal panic attacks.
Panic disorders can be caused by extreme anxiety, and anxiety disorders are more common in those who have depression. Learn
7 Possible Ways to Treat Depression & Restore Happiness in Your Life
3) Causes
The underlying causes of panic attacks are unknown but these factors may play a role:
Major stress or life changes
Substance abuse problems
Certain changes in the way parts of the brain function
Exposure to an object or situation of a phobia
Mood pattern of a person that is more sensitive to stress or prone to negative emotions.
Causes of panic attack can be a sign of other mental health issues such as:
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Generalized anxiety disorder
According to some studies, it is your body’s natural fight-or-flight response to danger is involved in attacks. If, for example, an enraged elephant is after you, your body will instinctively react to this situation. You will be terrified, your heart will begin to pound, and breathing will become rapid as the body prepares for a life-threatening situation. These responses also occur during a panic attack. However, the causes of panic attacks are unknown when a person is not in danger.
4) Difference Between a Panic and Anxiety Attack
Panic and anxiety attack includes different brain circuitries, hormonal profiles, and biologies.
A panic attack is an adrenaline rush with very little or if any of the famous stress hormone cortisol. On the other hand, cortisol is predominant in an anxiety attack.
Panic is a fear response that is triggered by a specific perceived imminent threat. Whereas we experience anxiety when we worry about some future event, anticipating something bad will happen. It involves muscle tension and a feeling of uneasiness.
Did you know?
Anxiety attacks are not mentioned in the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) however, it defines anxiety as a characteristic for a number of prevalent psychiatric disorders.
This is why treatment is so vital and before you start searching randomly and throw darts in the dark, visit
GoodLives is a place where you can get professional help!
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
Types Of Counseling | Learn The 3 Types In A Easy Way
What is the Meaning of Counseling?
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“Listening is often the only thing needed to help someone”
Are you upset, angry, or irritated most of the time? Feel low at work or with family? Can’t handle work-life pressure? Or just feel like giving up on things? 
Then you are facing a need for emotional support and consultation.
Counseling is a helping relationship which is a type of talk therapy where one with the problem seeks professional advice from trained specialists. There are three types of counseling. Counseling is where an individual, couple, or family meets a person- who is skilled in providing mental stability– and talks to them about their challenges in daily lives. Psychotherapy with these experts is confidential and non-judgemental.
The counseling process creates an emotionally safe place according to the comfort of the client and an accepting and caring bond through which the client is initiated to explore and simplify the ways of leading a satisfying and resourceful life. For a mentally disturbed person, online counseling mentors you with advice and recommendation to encourage you to rise above your problems and sufferings.
If you are looking for a counseling session this is your stop! GoodLives | Mental Health Services
3 Most Common Types Of Counseling
Mental health counseling
Marriage counseling
Educational/ Career counseling
Did you know?
There are other types of counseling as well. Even counseling like art therapy has been proven very effective. Read An Ultimate Guide to Expressive Arts Therapy (2021) to know more!
1) Mental Health Counseling
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“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.” ~ Albus Dumbledore
Feeling prolonged sadness, depression, or apathy? Or feeling disconnected from the activities you once loved? These are very common emotions of a human which he/she tends to feel at almost every stage of life.
1. What is the meaning of mental health counseling ?
Mental health is a prescriptive technique of counseling where one in anguish seeks professional help to regain intellectual stability. It is a way of assisting people to solve their own emotional, social, or personal disabilities. Counseling services, guides a person in many ways, here are some of them:
Facilitates behavioral/lifestyle changes:One can grasp the idea of an ideal lifestyle. Hence, one can bring positive, healthy, and productive Behavior change in their daily life.
Promotes the decision-making practices and brings out your actual potential:One can become confident and mentally prepared for the hardships which allow them to acquire the skill of decision making. Furthermore, these mentors teach the people- in need- ways to live independently and maintain gainful employment.
Enhances one’s ability to cope: From the guidance of a trained consultant one gains the potential to comprehend its problems and from the apt aid, can cope in any situation.
Learn 7 Possible Ways to Treat Depression & Restore Happiness in Your Life here
2) Marriage Counseling
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“You can’t control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.” ~ Kody Keplinger
It is a type of counseling that facilitates the issues occurring in marriage between a couple. It is perceived that sometimes couples themselves don’t have the idea of the distance between them. Marriage counseling imparts psychotherapy to the couple to overcome their concerns and fears. Also known as couples counseling.
To know if you require this type of counseling, it is essential to understand what are the signs of a marriage going wrong. And how Psychologists, Psychiatrists, and Counselors can treat it.
Have useless arguments now and then: Are you feeling as if there is no conversation leaving the room without arguments? That every time you talk you feel more guilty and unsatisfied? These are the main signs telling you to explore couples therapy. Marriage assistance enlightens you with ways of diffusing heated arguments most healthily. It prescribes you strategies and instructions to make the journey of your joyous marriage proceed on the right track.
Have clashes regarding money: Having conflicts regarding saving and spending money is a natural and common phenomenon in a relationship. Through counseling, couples can understand each other’s thoughts regarding these matters, moreover, understand their relationship with money. Through the help of a counselor, couples become more aware of their spending behaviors and develop more financial empathy towards each other.
Going through a big change: When one of the people in a relationship goes through a big change, it creates a type of situation where one wrong move could collapse a marriage. A big change refers to a long illness or loss of a loved one. When your spouse doesn’t understand your situation or isn’t supportive, it creates an emotional distance in couples.
The counseling process heals that distance by providing you with ways where you can understand each other and have a productive, understanding-based clarification. This restores the connection you and your partner once shared. To learn more about counselors or book a session visit GoodLives Experts.
3) Educational Counseling
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“Children must be taught how to think not what to think” ~ Margaret Mead
Have doubts regarding which stream to choose? Can’t figure out what pulls you/ what you are passionate about? Or simply just don’t know what the future holds for you. These all are the reasons one should go for taking educational counseling.
Educational counseling is a type of help you receive from skilled professionals who advise and navigate you to find your true desire in the field of careers. A counselor provides you with directions and ideas to choose the right profession– be it in choice of stream, university, college, or simply life interests. A career or educational advocacy opens one’s eyes to the ocean of opportunities and destinations.
Opens your mind to newer opportunities: Most of the time many brilliant brains come to silent when they lack the knowledge on the right education. They don’t know what the world can offer them, and hence are unable to find out and follow their passion with clarity. Through the tutoring of career or educational propositions, you get to know that the water you have been swimming in is just a pond whilst a whole ocean is waiting for you.
Makes your thoughts clear as crystal: This conversing process clears your misunderstanding by providing you with every piece of information and consultancy. This type of counseling makes you perceive the details of what you can achieve- with the proper guidance and treatment.
To learn more about types of counseling- Especially online counseling- recommended visiting GoodLives
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
Ever tried Venting Out? 6 Easy Ways to Vent out
Meaning of Venting Out
Venting out is imperative to emotional wellbeing. We have been so emotionally distant from our friends and family that we have forgotten what it is like to share. Do you remember the last time, when you spoke your heart out, without the fear of judgment?  Or being sad about a competition you couldn’t make it to and crying in front of your parents?
Remember any of this?
We have vented out a lot of times. It feels like a breath of fresh air after being in a closed room for a long time. It’s airing out our emotions we may have been bottling up for some time. But not everyone rants about their emotions. People who do not rant about their emotions may feel sudden overwhelming feelings and may face emotional outbursts. Why so? Because many of us fear the judgment of others and thus are stuck in the dilemma of “to vent or not to vent”.
you are not alone and it’s okay. But you don’t necessarily have to rant your emotions to a person; you can do it in other ways as well.
Not only do we sometimes feel difficult to express, but also feel that others may feel burdened by our thoughts and emotions.
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So, is it healthy to do so? But don’t we all need a space to express ourselves?
Why vent your emotions?
Imagine a balloon that has a lot of air, if we continue to pump more air into it, it will eventually burst. The same thing happens with our emotions as well. Humans are social animals. And we experience a ton of emotions throughout the day.  Whether it’s sorrow, anxiety, anger, or frustrations in general, repeatedly bottling up what may need to come out can cause us mental, physical, or emotional harm.
We keep on holding in our emotions or frustrations and bear the pressure being put on us in any form until it ends up as an |
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Studies suggest that venting out gives us immediate relief from stress. It helps us cool down. Sometimes, after venting out, you may again feel your equilibrium. It teaches us that every emotion is temporary and letting go of anger and frustration gives a sense of relief.
And if you struggle with the dilemma of “to vent or not to vent” then 
Vent it Out the Right Way
Since venting out involves two people, it is important that you do it the right way. If you’re going to rant to your friend or anyone you think would care to listen, is there a way when we can express ourselves and still protect the other person?
Venting is a burst of mixed feelings and emotions and anyone listening is surely affected in some ways. One should abide by a few things before venting out to anyone.
1. Asking for consent
The consent of the listener is of utmost importance. It is not easy to listen to others, especially when each individual has so much going on in their own lives. If they are okay with it, let out all your feelings but if they are not then you must respect their choice. They may not be in the right frame of mind to listen to you and help you out. Forceful venting may end up making you feel pathetic and unheard. Before you know it, you’ve single-handedly created an echo chamber of stress that winds its way back to you, but this time amplified.
2. Venting Endlessly
Discussing your problems over and over with the listener may end up putting them under stress. One should learn to do it on a timer. This does not hold back your emotions. Sometimes setting short-timers may help you build new healthy habits.
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3. Positive Venting
There are ways in which we express our emotions. If you wish to relieve stress or seek solutions to your problems, it is important that we express them with the same intent. Negative venting can be addictive in nature and it can also impact the other person in a non-healthy way.
4. Finding a Safe space
This is one of the most underrated factors in venting out. You must have a confidante that will not judge you and will help you, rather than adding to the negativity. You can find your safe space for venting to a friend, a family member, or a therapist. 
Find your safe space to talk about everything you need to! Talk to the right expert with GoodLives
6 Easy Ways to Vent out
Talking is surely the most prevalent form of venting out but what if one fears being judged? Talking is surely not the only option out there. Some of the best ways to let go of your emotions are:
1. Exercise
Exercising, Boxing and Running are some of the best ways to cool yourself down. Your low days may become some of your best fitness days. Exercising helps in practicing mindfulness and building deeper connections with ourselves.
Meditation can also help you in cooling yourself down and seeing through and looking at your deeper self. Check out the Ultimate Guide to Meditation HERE.
2. Journal
Write down anything and everything you may have been feeling for a moment. Be very honest with yourself while doing so and reflect upon it. This will not only help you vent out without any help from outside but with promote feelings of self-love.
Practice self-love with these easy 6 Ways. Click here to know more.
2. Art/Music
Sometimes words are not enough. Sometimes, we need more than that. Art and Music are very healthy ways to release your emotions and give them a beautiful shape. These are effective mediums to vent out. You need not be an expert in any of these to begin.
GoodLives provides Expressive Arts and Music therapy to help you deal with your emotions in unique ways.
4. Mirror Gazing
When feeling a rush of emotions, we may lose the ability to look deeper. Try looking in the mirror for some time and talk to yourself about anything that has been bothering you. Spend time reflecting on everything you are feeling and understand what’s affecting you.
Still, wondering if it’d help or not?
Learn more about Mirror-Gazing here. 
5. Practicing Gratitude
Look past the negative feelings you may have been surrounded with and search for the good it has brought to you. This may not be the best option every time but can be helpful. You can even try this after you ventilate to any of your friends and understand the whole situation once again.
Practicing gratitude brings us a step closer to mindfulness. Learn 4 simple ways to do so here. 
6. Talking
Confide in any of your trusted friends who will not judge you for rambling out your feelings. If they are capable of active listening and can give you unbiased solutions, it can be truly healthy for your emotional and mental wellbeing. Take help from anyone who can rationally give you any solutions.
It’s completely okay to not be able to vent to your close ones but holding in your confusing feelings is not healthy at all. It can be destructive for yourself. It’s also okay if any of the above ways don’t work out for you the way it may work out for others.
GoodLives is here for you. We map you to the right therapists who will listen to you and understand your mental state. Forget the fear of being judged or getting wrong solutions while venting out because with professionals you are always secure. We’ll provide you with a completely confidential and affordable journey to vent out your emotions.
Acknowledge your need to vent out and reach out to us today here.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
Group Therapy- Benefits, Types, and Activities!
Group therapy is a form of therapy that involves one or more therapists working with several people at the same time. Have you seen it in the movies? People sitting in a circle and talking about their problems without the fear of judgment? Yes, that is a close idea about group therapy
Depending on several factors, group therapy can be a good choice for addressing your problems and making amends in your life. Group therapy can reduce waiting time and give a larger amount of people access to mental healthcare.
Group therapy provides a social atmosphere similar to real life.
It is cost-effective hence making it accessible to people with low income.
It inculcates a sense of relief in the individual by assuring them of the fact that they aren’t alone.
Participants get to learn from everyone’s individual experiences.
Group Therapy decreases the feeling of loneliness and isolation. It helps participants learn socialization skills.
It facilitates giving and receiving support.
Participants receive feedback and remarks that help bring about change.
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“Bibliotherapy is a creative arts therapy that involves storytelling or the reading of specific texts with the purpose of healing.“
Apart from conditions such as depression and panic disorder group therapy can also help people with:
Group Therapy can help with:
chronic pain
anger management
cultural trauma
chronic illness
5 Types of Group Therapy
Substance abuse
Group therapy for grief
Groups can vary according to specific types of problems. The purpose of the group, its principal characteristics, necessary leadership skills and styles, and typical techniques are the broad categories on the basis of which the groups are divided for therapy.
Some of them are:
1) Self Help Group Therapy
These groups are organized and led by individuals who have learned ways of overcoming or adjusting to their problems. The therapy members benefit from such experience, while also benefiting from the opportunity to talk about their own difficulties, express their feelings and provide support to each other.
Some examples of self-help groups can be self-help groups for alcohol dependence or self-help groups for parents with handicapped children.
2) Substance Abuse Group Therapy
Group therapy for people with addiction is perhaps the most well-known type of therapy. In these therapy groups, recovering addicts gather to encourage one another and work through recovery programs and channels.
Some attendants are sometimes yet to get clean while others have been sober for years. Some groups include 12-step programs and sponsors to aid in recovery.
3) Group Therapy for Grief
When a loved one dies, the event can leave people feeling lost and alone. Groups for grieving people can help them find community and strength in these trying times. Sometimes groups focus on specific types of grief.
For example, a session may specifically help parents who lost children or surviving spouses. However, some groups help people who are grieving more generally.
4) Counseling Group Therapy
These groups focus on interpersonal strategies to help people resolve the usual, yet often difficult, problems of life. The primary task in the group is accomplished by the participants supporting and challenging each other in self-exploration. The group leader acts as a facilitator more than a mentor, leading the group through a series of developmental stages.
Some examples of counseling groups are groups for those coping with divorce or groups for those navigating the transition to retirement.
5) Psychoeducational Group Therapy
This therapy focuses on developing group members’ thinking, feeling, and behavior through a structured learning format within and across group sessions. People that attend psychoeducational group therapy are often high-functioning but have information lacking in a certain area, such as parenting skills or assertiveness.
The group leader is a bit like a teacher in addition to a facilitator as he or she provides factual information, leads discussions, and helps group members incorporate the information into their lives through skill-building exercises.
In addition to parenting skills groups and assertiveness training, other examples of psychoeducational groups are stress management groups and caregiver training.
Friendship Mural
Treasure Map
Inner Child
My Perfect Life
a) Friendship Mural
Big banner: “A true friend is someone who…” Participants fill the mural with images and words that complete this sentence.
b) Treasure Map
On a piece of paper, label one corner, “The beginning” and another corner, “Success.” Draw a windy path between the two points. Using collage materials, create stations along the path with creative titles, such as “Crossing the desert of loneliness,” “Forgiveness and letting go,” “Climbing the mountain of determination,” and “Resting in the shade of a caring friend,” etc.
c) Inner Child
Draw yourself as a child on your paper. Add images and words to give this child everything that it needs, including a supportive nurturing parent.
d) My Perfect Life
Draw an image of your perfect life, including your home, relationships, achievement, and everything you’ve ever dreamt of. Turn your paper over and write three steps that will help you accomplish this.
Suicide prevention
If you think someone is at immediate risk of self-harm or hurting another person:
Call the local emergency number.
Try the Jeevan Aastha Helpline at 1800 233 3330
(disclaimer: GoodLives is not a suicide prevention helpline)
Do visit the GoodLives website to learn more about topics related to mental health and I'm sure you will be surprised to know newer information on this.
Check out more such conversations about employee wellness in our series, Hope Infinite.
Reach out to us on our Facebook and Instagram handles.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
Self Love
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With the spiraling deadlines and the increasing stress factors, are you losing time to secure a few minutes to entertain self-love?
In this crowded world, pausing and introspecting about one’s likes and dislikes has become more important than ever before. Boosting self-love in this speeding 21st century can be hard but not impossible, for sure. Over the years, the importance and awareness of self-love have increased manifold which has also helped people to in a way come out of their stale shell of under-estimating their powerful and carefree selves.
Appreciating one’s beauty and acknowledging flaws are both equally important factors. If you are being overly critical of yourself then here are the top six ways to practice self-love:
1) Understand the true essence of the query,
“How to love yourself first? It has always been easy to cater to others’ needs and wishes but to understand one’s own self is undoubtedly hard; very hard at times.
Initially, to exercise self-love, one must entertain deep conversations with oneself like-
Try to learn about your hidden talents through various co-curricular activities
Try to converse before an act to boost your confidence and after the act as well to analyze the details of the earlier task
2) Do not peep into the world of comparisons
Try to inculcate the idea of learning to love yourself without any set measures and rules. Try to be comfortable about your relationship with your inner self without comparing it to the external snobbish world. Keep polishing your own self and redefine your own boundaries to achieve the best version of your beautiful self. Push yourself to attain new goals without over-tiring your tender body and mind.
3) Check out some new self techniques
Try to be your best critic by evaluating yourself regularly and thoroughly. Self-love techniques include brand new self-love exercises. Self-love exercises can be the importance of “emotional wellness quiz”, “writing beautiful letters to oneself” and the constant musings regarding the quizzes of “emotional worth”.
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4) Start taking up hobbies you love
Go out to clear the tall weeds in the garden and plant green tender saplings and let them and yourself bask in the sun to bloom with inner peace. If you love cleaning your house, even tidying up the corners of your place is therapeutic and very satisfying. Even traveling to new places can also pump up your inner self and foster self-love and happiness.
If you love reading books rather than venturing out in the rugged mountains, try out a new genre or a new writer of your favorite genre to un-mesh your inner likings in an even subtle manner.
Wondering what hobbies to pursue? Read our amazing article:
7 Possible Ways to Treat Depression & Restore Happiness in Your Life to learn more
5) Filter out the right thoughts
Thoughts can never always be steeped with positivism and it is absolutely fine to have streaks of negativism in terms of natural anger and self-doubt. At this juncture of mixed thoughts, try to bring one’s own understanding and criticism regarding the decisions to expand your very own self-love workshop.
“The desire for a more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one’s negative experience is itself a positive experience.” – The subtle art of not giving a f*ck by Mark Manson ( Buy on Amazon)
6) Additional self-love tips
Try caring about one’s immediate surroundings to bring about happiness in one’s own life. Likewise, one can refrain from indulging in conversations with toxic people, stop piling up grudges against anyone – let it go, and work hard towards excellence but not with the goal of acquiring only trivial materialistic items.
The recipes for practicing self-love undoubtedly vary from one individual to the other but the inherent idea of supporting oneself through all ordeals remains the same. With people in various pockets of the world with different workspaces, their methods of brewing self-love extend from emotional commitment to indulging in fun activities that cheer up the inner self.
Do visit the GoodLives website to know more. Read this amazing article and you will be surprised to learn, about other topics related to mental health.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
Mental Health in India: 3 Promising Government Program!
Mental Health in India
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Did you know according to 2015 reports by WHO (World Health Organization), more than 300 million people all around the globe drown in depression?
Yes, you have read it correctly.
According to WHO, mental disorders specifically depression have steeply escalated by 18% from 2005 -to 2015.
In a developing country like India, mental health is of utmost importance since every nook and cranny of the corporate sector brews mental trauma.
It is believed that without it, a person can never achieve the ultimate ring of true health (both physically and spiritually).
3 Facts related to Mental Health in India:
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It is very common. According to WHO reports (1990-2017), approximately one in every seven people in India suffers from mental disorders.
It is NOT related to social hierarchy or social status. With proper medication and support from psychiatrists, mental ill-health can be cured but it depends on the individual.
According to the World Health Report charted by WHO in 2001, mental disorders account for 12% of the total global disorders which was estimated to rise to 15% by 2020.
Did you know, that meditation has significant effects on curing depression, anxiety, and chronic pain? Check out How to Meditate – Ultimate Guide for Beginners (2020)
9 Certain symptoms of Mental disorder:
Appetite loss
Increased mood swings
Sudden breakdowns
Social exclusion
Confused in managing one’s anxieties and problems
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Book a Session
Status of Mental Health in India (4Facts):
In India, mainly individuals ranging between 15-29 years are mostly affected by the icy touch of depression and mental health
According to the 2015-2016 reports of the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), 1.3 billion of India’s population suffer from latent problems of mental health
All the more, the stigma related to mental health in Indian culture has further escalated the suicidal tendencies of the victims. According to WHO’s Global Burden of Diseases Study (2015) on average, 2.2 lakh people die in a year due to suicides owing to their built-up mental ill-health
The national mental health survey of India (2015-2016) further highlights that nearly 150 million Indians need mental health care services but less than 30 million are seeking care
Did you know, you can tackle depression in certain ways? Find out here: 7 Ways to fight depression.
2 Ways to create awareness about Mental Health:
India still being a conservative country with a major section of the population deprived of proper education to date stigmatizes mental health; calling out names like lunatic, light-headed, and so on.
Firstly, the concept of the stigma attached to mental illness in India can be reduced or eradicated via proper awareness programs and by proper advertising of the key importance of mental health
Secondly, the students from a very young age should be taught about its nuances and related importance and usefulness
3 Government schemes to spread mental health awareness:
Swach Mansikta Abhiyan to implement various sessions of conversation between the victims and the psychiatrists
National Mental Health Programme (NMHP) launched by the Government of India in 1982 aims at introducing ‘life skills training and counseling in various institutions mainly educational and dense workplaces. This program also incorporates means to prevent suicides and tries to reach out to the suicidal victims through structured levels of services via National, District (District Mental Health Programme; DMHP), and Rural authorities
Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA) was launched by National Rural Health Mission to provide mental health counseling to women and children
It is high time, people are made to understand the plethora of advantages of maintaining a healthy peace of mind through school curriculums and awareness programs introduced by the Government.
At the very initial stages of awareness programs, light-hearted conversations can help the people who are struggling to open up more candidly with the rest of the crowd likewise in non-governmental interaction sessions of crowd-sourcing or human libraries.
At this juncture, more awareness needs to be circulated than health literacy. All sorts of the stigma attached to the concept of mental health in India should be eradicated by outlining the various causes of mental disorders and their respective recovery procedures.
Conclusively, with the dawn of the tech-savvy world, sectors can also come forward to fight against mental illness through new scientific technologies and carry the torch of awareness even to the rural pockets of India.
Hopefully, with the various government and non-government programs amalgamated with the education of the masses, the day is not far when people will cast away the taboo of mental health and will embrace its importance with open arms.
Do visit the GoodLives website to know more about this topic or other topics related to mental health.
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sakshishah12 · 2 years
7 Possible Ways to Treat Depression & Restore Happiness in Your Life!
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Ways to treat depression may not always be medical. We might have a perception that depression can’t be cured without clinical help but that is not true in all cases. We have suggested the following ways which can help you to some extent.
Ways to treat Depression
Talk it out with Family or Friends/ Know that you are not alone
Find a hobby
Pet a Dog or a Cat
Social media detox
Gym or Fitness exercises
Family trip
Talk to your Family or Friends/ Know that you’re not alone
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It is very important to not live in denial about needing help, and it is okay to ask for some.
When you feel depressed, it is not easy to share the burden with your friends and family. Because of a lot of stigmas attached, it almost feels impossible to talk about your problems.
Did you know, According to 2017 statistics, 1 in seven people suffers from one or other mental health issues? There is a high chance that someone you know is going through a similar struggle and waiting for you to initiate the conversation.
Finding a confidant and opening up to them can be the first step towards improving your mental health.
Why is it so difficult to talk to people about depression? Find out here
Try to find a hobby
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Try to find a hobby that just doesn’t keep your hands busy, but also keeps your mind occupied. Research suggests that distractions like these works wonders in keeping you happy.
Don’t have a hobby yet? You can find a list of hobbies here, which can be useful.
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Meditation may sound like a fancy word and has gained a lot of attention these days. Meditation can help you purify your mind & soul, even if you are not a religious person.
Simple techniques like concentrating on your breathing for a few minutes can transform your complete day. One session of meditation is enough to make you feel at ease.
Worried about how to do meditation? You can check here: Tips on Meditation.
Pet a Dog or a Cat
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Animal-assisted therapy is a very popular idea in the west to treat depression. Petting a dog or a cat might add fun to your life.
Animals can provide a sense of calm, comfort, or safety and divert attention away from a stressful situation and toward one that provides pleasure.
Don’t know anything about Pets? Want to know more about dogs or cats, you can check here
Social media detox
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Like, share, comment, subscribe, etc. have become an influential part of our lives. Even though we don’t realize it, most of us spend more time with our phones than the people around us.
Social media detox is absolutely necessary every now and then. Detox in a way that allows you to spend more time with yourself & your family.
Not able to do get away from Instagram or Facebook, click here to get tips for Social media detox.
Gym or Fitness exercises
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Getting yourself to the gym or keeping yourself occupied with fitness exercises can liven up your life.
Check our Article on Fitness and weight loss, which might help you attain your goals.
Family trip
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Many of us feel disconnected from our families because we don’t spend enough time with them to understand them.
Taking a vacation with your family might help you change your mood & you’ll get a chance to connect with them.
Key Takeaways: All the points mentioned above can help you up to a certain point. Although you may require a proper consultation from a health professional but following our Treatment program can do wonders in case of mild depression.
Reach out to us on our Facebook and Instagram handles.
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sakshishah12 · 3 years
8 Critical Signs of Depression in Teenagers & How to Avoid Them!!
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8 Signs of depression in Teenagers
Is your child fighting battles on his own? Teenage years can be tough for both boys and girls. Check for signs and causes of depression in your child. Let them know that they are not alone.
Teen depression or depression in teenagers is very much on the rise. India is leading the world in teen depression. And yet, most of us are still ignoring it and consider it taboo.
The problem at hand is very serious as every 1 out of 4 teenagers in India is suffering from depression, according to a leading news source. About 1 student or teenager in India commits suicide every hour.
Depression in teenagers statistics
Over 40,000 teenagers committed suicide in the last 5 years in India and more than 8000 students committed suicide in India in the last year.
The need of the hour is to come out of this stigma and talk it out with our children. Because they are Fragile and trying to deal with this pressure alone.
Did you know, fewer than 50% of people living with depression globally receive treatment? check here 7 possible ways to Fight Depression.
The gravity of the situation is so much so that suicide rates in India among teenagers have increased by more than 33% in the past decade.
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From Academics to sports camps, and from habits to looks there could be multiple reasons that can be identified as causes of depression among teenagers.
Causes of Depression in Teenagers
Academic pressure
Fear of rejection
Bullying at school
Physical changes
The feeling of loneliness
Pressure to perform
Social Media
Inability to make friends
Obsession of having good looks
Academic pressure
We all want our children to excel in Academics. The highly competitive environment creates additional pressure from family or peer groups or teachers to perform at academics. The willingness to push the extra mile, to live up to others’ expectations may lead to teen depression.
Fear of Rejection
Many times, when children practice too hard for something, they tend to believe that result is everything, which often is not the case.
For example, the pressure of selection into a sports team is huge or tremendous for a child who gives his best to it. If they are not selected, that might lead to teen depression.
In such situations, we need to make them understand that the learnings they get from failures are equally important.
Bullying at school
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Pranks sometimes can get too serious. A child continuously being the victim of ‘pranks’ at school, can have self-destruction thoughts and needs to pay attention to.
Make sure, your children are willing to talk about things happening at school.
Physical changes
A lot of physical changes happen during the adolescent years, which leads to a change in mood, and behavior. These years are a tough part of growing up.
Not being able to explain such issues can be frustrating for both boys and girls. Some children may feel alone and depressed because of it.
Feeling of loneliness
At teenagers, we try to be at our best to be accepted by certain groups and when that doesn’t happen, the sense of not being accepted is overwhelming. This may affect their self-esteem.
Also, Teenagers when exposed to bad relationships or breakups, tend to feel lonely which can be depressing for some teenagers.
Family plays a major role in such cases as they become the primary support system for the child.
Pressure to perform
Nowadays, they are expected to perform in every situation or competition. This highly competitive environment can push to depression in teenagers.
Social media
Social media has become an inseparable part of the life of students and even younger children. They are usually judged by their friends and peers upon uploading a pic or a video on social media. So they are under constant pressure to look good wherein they seek acceptance.
The constant stress and pressure may lead some children to depression.
Inability to make friends
Some people find it easy to make friends and for some, it is the hardest part of their lives. They fear going to new schools, new places, or joining a new hobby.
When they feel they are unable to be around people they like or love this creates a feeling of self-doubt. This can ultimately result in depression.
Obsession with having good looks
Teenagers or students envy their friends or peers for good looks and other things. This is exaggerated by social media which play a big role in your child’s life.
If this desire becomes an obsession, they may have an inferiority complex, which in turn can impact their lives in a lot of serious ways.
The causes may seem “too trivial” to adults but the resulting trauma is multi-fold.
One of the main reasons which stop an adult from reaching out to students or teenagers is that they think the above causes are not worth discussing. We need to come out of the shell and break this stigma.
Did you know, around 9.5% of women in India are suffering from depression? click here to find out 5 Signs of Depression in Women.
Because the numbers are staggering in case of suicides and self-harm in teenagers or students. This could be happening in your society, neighborhood, or home. If you find someone with the following symptoms, do reach out to them.
Please note that Signs and symptoms are different.
Signs are observed by other people whereas symptoms can be felt only by the person having them.
Signs of depression in Teenagers
Difficult to concentrate on schoolwork
Lack of focus during extracurricular
Excess fatigue or Restlessness during the day
Teenagers are unable to sleep during nights if suffering
Temptation or urge to self-harm
Thoughts of running away from family or friends
Day on day decreasing confidence
The dwelling of negative thoughts
If you are seeing any of the above signs you should talk it out with your family.
The issue may seem negligible or may not seem worth discussing as of now but it could result in serious problems.
Did you know, 5.8% of men in India are suffering from depression? click here to find out 4 Signs of Depression in Men.
If someone in your family or neighborhood shows the following symptoms, try to talk to them and see if they need advice from a health professional.
Symptoms of depression in Teenagers
Wanting to withdraw from family and friends
Loss of appetite
You may feel lost or tired all the time
You may feel irritated at everything
Important Note: The symptoms might not look dangerous right now but can result lead to isolation or in the worst case self-harm or suicide if not treated properly.
So, if you are observing these signs, then you should visit a Psychologist or seek a mental health professional.
Reach out to us on our Facebook and Instagram and Goodlives.in will map you to the right mental health professional.
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sakshishah12 · 3 years
Depression in Women – 12 Causes and Signs!!
Depression in women
Is depression in women different from general mood swings and sadness? Women are biologically designed to experience more emotions than men. Sometimes they become “too much” to handle. This can be due to multiple factors. Never feel alone in your struggles with depression. Find out the causes and symptoms here.
Around 9.5% of women in India are suffering from depression, according to a study from the National Center for Biotechnology Information.
The cases are twice in women compared to men due to multiple factors.
Women may suffer more due to:
Lack of awareness
Stigma Disadvantaged position of women
Multiple roles
More sensitivity to interpersonal relationships
Increased levels of stress
An inadequate number of mental health professionals
Domestic violence
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Depression in women statistics!! depression in women:-
Did you know, Depression has become the major cause of DALY (Disability-adjusted life years)? The leading cause of the total number of years lost due to ill-health and disability is depression.
It is second to ischemic heart disease.
Women with depression tend to become “angry” and display “mood swings“.
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Did you know, 8,492 students committed suicide last year? Click here to see 8 Signs of Depression in Teenagers & Students.
Causes Depression in women
Abusing or Beatings from partner
Disputes in the family or at the workplace
Unreasonable demands or pressure from in-laws
Eve teasing
Work-life Balance
Events during Pregnancy
Abnormal Menstruation cycle
Body shaming
Childhood Trauma
Racial or color discrimination
The causes may seem “too trivial” to adults but the resulting trauma is multi-fold.
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Few things affect women more deeply than men. Not being able to seek help at the right time can cause major issues in life.
Did you know, Men are twice as likely as women to commit suicide? Click here to check what causes depression in men.
Although, Signs and symptoms are different.
Signs are observed by other people whereas symptoms can be felt only by the person having them.
Signs of depression in men are usually similar to signs of depression in women but symptoms are usually different.
Signs of Depression in Women
They tend to become either more and more silent or show excessive anger
They start to ignore people in your family and friends
They are lost in their world, unaware of the surroundings
Over or no sleep
Mood swings
If you are seeing any of the above signs you should talk it out with your family or a confidant.
Depression can be due to many other factors as well. The simple act of talking about your problems helps a lot in most cases.
Did you know, depression can be cured without clinical help? check here 7 ways to Tackle Depression.
Some women continue to live with a troubled state of mind for the most part of their lives to avoid social stigma.
Your perpetual feeling of sadness can be very traumatizing and can hamper your daily life. It is very important to seek advice from a medical health professional or at least friends and family.
If someone in your family or neighborhood shows the following symptoms, try to talk to them and see if they need advice from a health professional.
Symptoms of depression in Women
You start ignoring people around you
Excess fatigue
Mood swings
You might start developing negative thoughts
Panic attacks or excess worry during pregnancy
Takeaway: The symptoms might not look dangerous right now but can result lead to isolation or in the worst case self-harm or suicide if not treated properly.
If you observe these signs among any of your peers, advise them to seek professional help.
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sakshishah12 · 3 years
Forever Alone: A perpetual situation?
Forever Alone
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Do you feel Forever Alone?
There is an innate fear of being forever alone that grips us from time to time. Even though it is natural, it is difficult to brush off the thoughts sometimes.
There are so many things one can do to avoid the drowning feeling of loneliness. It can get difficult but the good part is that you are not alone in this lonely situation.
In today’s society that teaches to unapologetically accept one’s flaws and shortcomings, addressing oneself as a “Forever Alone” has become a boisterous way of accepting that they are surrounded by loneliness. This is one of the many ways of accepting and bottling up one’s emotions and feelings at the same time.
We can feel lonely not only when we are alone, but sometimes, one can be surrounded by a lot of people but still, feel alone.
Sometimes we just need to stop worrying about others and think about what we’re missing on the inside.
Accepting Yourself
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Accepting who we are can be a difficult journey. But it is one of the most important paths you walk on. There are multiple aspects to accepting oneself.
Loneliness can be felt because of a lot of reasons but first, acknowledge that you are feeling alone. The first step is the most difficult step to take. Once you start acknowledging that you are feeling lonely, you’re halfway through it.
Not trying to fit in
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We all try to blend in with our peers, friends, and family. And we tend to showcase a personality of ours that isn’t true, just to avoid being “forever alone“. This may be helpful in the short run to adjust but is not an effective way to deal with loneliness. One needs to be true to oneself.
Being at Peace with your emotions
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We all need someone who can understand us and get us like no one else, but looking for relationships is not the only alternative to make ourselves feel less alone.
Try doing Self-talks and emphasize the fact that you’re complete and unique.
This will not only help you take control over your emotions, but you will look forward to spending time working on yourself. This will surely help in reducing your stress and anxiety levels.
Positive Affirmations
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Affirmations are real. Think good of yourselves. You can get anything you want. Start building this self-confidence. This way you’ll know your true potential and understand that you are worthy of success or love.
When feeling low, it is you who has to make your mind and heart feel good about yourself. Consider your body as your friend and be nice to it. Cursing it or the situations you are in will just make you feel worse.
When you believe in yourselves, you’ll never be bothered by what others have to say about you.
It's never too late to begin again
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You may have lost your close ones, the ones you trusted, or maybe you both have become two different personalities but does life stop here? Can you not take the control of your life and live like it’s brand new?
It’s always painful to let go of your old self or someone who understands you, but you’ve to know one thing and that is no one knows you better than you yourselves.
Show some love to yourself
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Living each second thinking you are “forever alone” but what do you think when you are all by yourself?
This is the most precious time, and you should enjoy every moment of it. Valuing it will not only boost your self-worth and confidence levels, but you will feel the positive vibes around you.
Now the question arises, what to do alone? Here’s a list of a few things that you can do.
Learn any new skill you find interesting:
New beginnings can always be challenging but so is life. You are completely allowed to fail on your first try, maybe first skill as well. There’s no end to learning.
Start working on that old hobby which you couldn’t keep touch with:
Sometimes getting fixated on our emotional mishaps or work-life imbalance we fall out of time to nurture ourselves. But it’s never too late to come to yourselves. And you may even make new friends and break the vicious cycle of being forever alone.
Don’t know which hobby to start with? Check out these 7 popular hobbies to pursue when you’re bored.
Being forever alone or feeling lonely can cause disappointment and may affect other areas of your life which need to be acknowledged. Journaling not only helps to tackle disappointment but also helps you recognize things you are grateful for. Make a note to write down at least three things you are grateful for on any particular day.
Following a routine and taking out time to calm yourself will always go a long way. Decide on a time. Set boundaries and focus on meditating. It’s always a bit difficult to distract yourself from the thoughts running through your mind, but this will help you in understanding yourself better and mastering your emotions as well.
A beginner at meditating? No worries, we’ve got you covered. Click here to learn more.
There’s always hope in this world, and it is what keeps all of us moving.
To know more ways of practicing Self Love, click here. (6 ways to Practise Self Love)
Waiting to get up every morning and being grateful that you made it through all the bad and rough times and all this time the only constant was ‘you’.
But you don’t have to be strong and hard always, we all have the right to break down and move ahead. Some get through the rough times on their own and some may need support and there’s nothing wrong to ask for help.
Even if you feel forever alone, there is help available.
We at GoodLives, are there to help you fight your battles by mapping you to the right therapists who understand your mental health status and address the problems you are facing the right way. No one’s alone when they are ready to ask for help.
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