Windsinger had spent a solid minute using his wind magic to try and pull Plaguebringer out, only to feel a couple droplets hit his face. He stopped, confused, and wiped the droplets off his face. He looked at the droplets, and recognizes what it was instantly. It was the same liquid that Abyss had used to take him over.
“DAMNIT!” Windsinger darted back into Abyss’ dimension, there was no time to lose. Thanks to the Shade’s ‘help’, he already knew where Plaguebringer was being held at, he just needs to get her out before Abyss gets a chance to take her over again. All the while, he made sure that the hand holding Valor and Clarke was closed tight to make sure they couldn’t wiggle their way back out once they went in again.
(( @mother-plaguebringer @chaosrune @silence-in-the-abyss ))
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songofthewindsinger · 2 months
East to west or west to east...
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...there's an exciting journey to be had!
Hello! I used to run a Windsinger RP blog a few years ago, but life kind of kicked me in the butt and I fell out of it. Here I am to give it another try!
You can probably expect to see my own art and writing for Windsinger and his story, as well as posts and updates about Flight Rising. All of it is non-canon, but loosely based off of canon.
@mother-plaguebringer @the-true-earthshaker @the-stormcatcher-clone @the-gladekeeper-stirs @thewinglesswindsinger @flame-momma @at-the-fortress-of-ends @lady-shadowbinder @tidelord @sunbeamradiance @chaosrune
I'm back! Mwahaha! I hope y'all have been well. The blog's gonna be a wip for a bit.
The Windsinger is the deity of wind, art, and music. Though he's introspective, he has a hard time sitting still and can be a little impulsive. He cares deeply for all the other deities, though gets stressed easily about the Shade and blames Arcanist for it. Usually jovial, he takes most things in good faith... though he blames himself for the Tidelord's disappearance, a heavy guilt he struggles to shoulder.
I used to have a story arc where Windsinger had been bitten by the Shade and struggled with it, I might pick that back up.
Exalt List |
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Abyss was in the middle of dealing with a veritable menagerie of unwanted intruders. To a degree, he despised all this… yet there was an opportunity, and thus a requirement to deal with the whole mess that would come from this. Such was the way of a creature like Abyss.
At least, this time, he had something good prepared.
A jab directly into the neck of the goddess of disease. And, ironically enough, a cure. A way to get the Shade free from a host was something Abyss had been working on for a while… and now, finally, it would come into play.
( @mother-plaguebringer @thewinglesswindsinger @chaosrune )
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Into the Abyss...
[With the note to their children sent on the wind and nothing else to distract them from their goal; Plaguebringer and Windsinger descend into the cave. This one isn't as subtle as the ones in the Plaguelands, the transition from stone to scale is jarring, like Abyss' domain was rising up to meet them. If he didn't know they were there yet he would soon.]
[They make their way through the first tunnel. At first, Plaguebringer was using her instincts to navigate, following the logical flow of what was basically Abyss' veins, but then she turned sharply. Its as if she's suddenly being pulled by something, she doesn't even realize it's happening, she just knows where they need to go and how to get there. She never once looks back to make sure Windsinger is still following her.]
( @thewinglesswindsinger @chaosrune @silence-in-the-abyss )
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clanhaven · 4 years
e y e s
All of Sornieth would certainly have something to talk about now, from the Shifting Expanse, to the Starwood Strand and Southern Icefield. The disapproval of one so dear... The one she calls “Father..” Knowing that she’s hurt him in her endless push to complete an ancient task.... The pain was enough to crack the walls of her mortal mind, and allow the Beyond to come in while the Unmaker prevents what has happened before.  Niscita (Is that even her name?) now remembers everything as she looks to the sky.  To anyone else looking up, it might seem at first like there is an overabundance of stars visible, all white- But upon closer inspection they are in fact, eyes.
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edgar-the-courier · 3 years
((Lowkey everytime i see @/chaosrune my brain goes “What if I make a beast clan oc whos a follower of the shade?” and)) ((i’m thinking about it again. Deciding to bring this to The People tm to know if they have thoughts on it.))
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ask-outcast-prophet · 3 years
((i decided to make an rp/ask blog for some of my dergs, featuring a godling and his son (also a godling), two hivemind colony organisms shaped like banescales, an immortal clown and an otherwise perfectly ordinary galoer named karkalicious)) ((apologies for the pings but)) (( @the-true-earthshaker
@chaosrune ))
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clanhaven replied to your post “chaosrune: the-true-earthshaker: clanhaven: ...”
I said only that this facet of the shade was being unhelpful, which is true. Should any of us be that hard-headed and hard-hearted, giving up is not the answer.
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“Petition for me to stab The Shade 101.” Bloodslasher stood on top of the temple, wearing a jar which contains something mysterious in it, and announced. @chaosrune
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shadows-of-abyss · 6 years
The hatchling wandered around, slowly rolling off the area from the Tempest Spire and onto new lands. A hatchling of Shade and of Abyss, off to a completely new life. But what would this life truly bring?
@theblackandwhitetwin @the-great-talona @mother-plaguebringer @the-gladekeeper-stirs @the-stormcatcher-clone @the-true-earthshaker @flame-momma @lady-shadowbinder @icewarden-and-the-gaolers @chaosrune @the-serthis-of-sornieth
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@mother-plaguebringer @the-true-earthshaker @flame-momma @silence-in-the-abyss @the-stormcatcher-clone @the-icewardens-keep @the-gladekeeper-stirs @lady-shadowbinder @chaosrune @scp-xxxx @songofthewindsinger
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tiredspirals · 6 years
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@the-stormcatcher-clone @chaosrune @h0lyh0lyh0ly @emperor-hatred
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directionr · 6 years
y’all i got the url chaosrunning and i’m really proud of it but i’m not a chaos walking stan so if anyone wants it lmk bc i personally think it’s p funny
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The List
Blog Mod:
Hey everyone, so, I know some people are starting to lose track of all the new RP blogs popping up, myself included. So I’m gonna make a list here and (try to) keep it updated if/when more appear.
Note: This will only list blogs that actively interact with the Deity blogs. Please let me know if I miss any.
Plaguebringer - @mother-plaguebringer
Earthshaker - @the-true-earthshaker
Stormcatcher - @the-stormcatcher-clone
Gladekeeper - @the-gladekeeper-stirs
Windsinger - @songofthewindsinger & @thewinglesswindsinger
Arcanist - @arcanist-official @thearcanestudies
Flamecaller - @flame-momma
Icewarden - @at-the-fortress-of-ends & @the-icewardens-keep
Shadowbinder - @lady-shadowbinder
Tidelord - @sir-tidelord @tidelord
Lightweaver - @the-light-weaver @sunbeamradiance
Non-Cannon Deities:
Dreamer - @dreamer-the-new-deity
Bloodslasher/Mindreader - @theblackandwhitetwin
Dierde - @pezzottaite-fr
Luminax - @luminax-risen
Maren - @maren-sornieth
Talona - @the-great-talona
Serthis - @the-serthis-of-sornieth
Zatheria (Serthis) - @zatheria-the-carmine-serthis
Harpy - @stormcloudharpy
The Shade - @chaosrune
Liefa the Nature Ambassador - @ambassador-liefa
Roundsey - @roundse-is-a-good-gorl
Swipp, Pipp, & Tripp - @swipppippntripp
Edgar - @edgar-the-courier
Pearl - @pearl-the-courier
Spitfire - @spitfire-the-courier
Crim - @crims-treasure-pile
Pinkerton - @plunderingpinkerton
Tetra - @deepseer-tetra
Misc. Characters
2-headed Tundra - @cursed-wings-105
Abyss - @silence-in-the-abyss
2 Headed Imperial Teyan & Ayara - @imperialsrising
Diamonddust & Mossheart - @diamonddust-and-mossheart
SCP-XXXX (in ice jail for reality-warping crimes) - @scp-xxxx
Warmonger - @conflict-and-chaos
And ancient shapeshifter as old as the deities - @cambria-the-shapeshifter
Bloodripper - @i-am-the-shattered-god
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clanhaven · 4 years
It had...taken a lot of coaxing, reassurances...work, understandably so, to get the Icewarden to take that final step and allow her to release the promised Prisoner. As she had asked them to they waited some distance away as she entered the chosen room and used her own abilities to seal the only entrance shut with the same sort of ice that was already around it. She then positioned herself in the center of the room, where the box was and sat down, trying to calm herself and at the same time charging her being with the magic she was going to need. The recent changes made to her form, though painful...allowed her to hold much more than before. It was necessary... Niscita then raised the shield, one she designed specifically for this purpose. Even the Shade could not pass through, nor could she. Nothing in or out, and she was prepared for the possibility that it may need to be up for quite some time, with food and other essentials in there with her.  Once she was as ready as she would ever be, she would open the Box. @chaosrune
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Character Flaws: Artaios, also known as the Earthshaker, also known as Poprock
Tagged by: @jonathantylan
bold the ones that apply to your character.
italicize the ones that somewhat apply.
absent-minded | abusive | addict | adrenaline junkie | aggressive | aimless | alcoholic | angsty | anxious | arrogant | audacious | bad liar | big mouth | bigot | blindly loyal | blunt | bossy | brooding | callous | childish | chronic heroism | cheater | clingy | closed off | clumsy | cocky | codependent | cold | competitive | controlling | corrupt | cowardly | cruel | cynical | deceptive | delinquent | delusional | dependent | depressed | deranged | disloyal | ditzy | egotistical | envious | erratic | fickle | finicky | fixated | flaky | frail | fraudulent | foul mouthed | guilt complex | gloomy | gluttonous | gossiper | gruff | grudge holding | gullible | hedonistic | humorless | hypochondriac | hypocritical | idealist | idiotic | ignorant | immature | impatient | incompetent | indecisive | infamy | insecure | insensitive | lazy | lewd | liar | loud | lustful | manipulative | masochistic | meddlesome | melodramatic | money-loving | moody | naive | neglectful | nervous | nosy | ornery | outsider | overprotective | overly sensitive | paranoid | passive-aggressive | perfectionist | pessimist | petty | power-hungry | proud | possessive | practical | pushover | rebellious | reckless | reclusive | remorseless | rigid | rude | sadistic | sarcastic | senile | selfish | self-destructive | self-martyr | shallow | skeptic | smart-ass | snobby | softhearted | sore loser | spineless | spiteful | spoiled | stubborn | suspicious | suicidal | taciturn | tactless | temperamental | timid | thief | traitorous | trouble-maker | trust issues | unathletic | ungracious | unlucky | unsophisticated | untrustworthy | vain | volatile | wasteful | withdrawn | workaholic
@the-serthis-of-sornieth @the-stormcatcher-clone @lady-shadowbinder @chaosrune
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