clanhaven · 5 years
e y e s
All of Sornieth would certainly have something to talk about now, from the Shifting Expanse, to the Starwood Strand and Southern Icefield. The disapproval of one so dear... The one she calls “Father..” Knowing that she’s hurt him in her endless push to complete an ancient task.... The pain was enough to crack the walls of her mortal mind, and allow the Beyond to come in while the Unmaker prevents what has happened before.  Niscita (Is that even her name?) now remembers everything as she looks to the sky.  To anyone else looking up, it might seem at first like there is an overabundance of stars visible, all white- But upon closer inspection they are in fact, eyes.
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for-thethrone · 4 years
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What happened next?
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asoiaf-artbrdr · 3 years
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Melisandre of Asshai
The woman was the heart of it. Not the Lady Selyse, the other one. The red woman, the servants had named her, afraid to speak her name. "I will speak her name," Cressen told his stone hellhound. "Melisandre. Her." Melisandre of Asshai, sorceress, shadowbinder, and priestess to R'hllor, the Lord of Light, the Heart of Fire, the God of Flame and Shadow. Melisandre, whose madness must not be allowed to spread beyond Dragonstone. - Clash, Prologue
He could see her; the heart-shaped face, the red eyes, the long coppery hair, her red gowns moving like flames as she walked, a swirl of silk and satin. She had come from Asshai in the east, she had come to Dragonstone and won Selsye and her queen's men for her alien god, and then the king, Stannis Baratheon himself. He had gone so far as to put the fiery heart on his banners, the fiery heart of R'hllor, Lord of Light and God of Flame and Shadow. At Melisandre's urging, he had dragged the Seven from their sept at Dragonstone and burned them before the castle gates, and later he had burned the godswood at Storm's End as well, even the heart tree, a huge white weirwood with a solemn face. - Storm, Davos I
Today (2/28/22) I’ll be working on painting a portrait of Mel! If you’re interested in watching, I’m streaming on twitch and would welcome company!
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Who am I? A strange question, if you think about it. To dragonkind, I am a heartless monster full of malice and destruction. To the Lightweaver? An imperfection of an imperfection. Does that make me perfection? Two wrongs make a right after all… or perhaps I am even lower than Luminax, a being undeserving of any love or attention. But who am I to the other deities? Do they know me? Do they know me? Do I know me? Oh… of course I know me. I am the single headed emperor, Zurethe. It is a small title I have given to myself. I think I am worthy of that...
I am afraid. I am peculiar… an emperor is supposed to be as lowly as an animal - only desiring survival and vengeance. I am aware of this. I am aware of several things relating to my kind. I believe I still have a soul. Somewhere. You see, dear friend, (can I call you a friend? Do you see me as a friend?) I too am like that. Animalistic. A monster. But I hide it. I beat it down, remembering that I can still think, I can still feel. But can I? Do I feel love? Can I feel love? Can a being with a rotting, beating heart be capable of love? That, I do not know. Ah, I seem to have gotten off topic. But, you see........ The shapeshifter has given me courage. Courage to face the Lightweaver. Courage to speak out. To search. To ask a simple question. Who am I? @mother-plaguebringer @the-true-earthshaker @the-gladekeeper-stirs @the-stormcatcher-clone @the-icewardens-keep @lady-shadowbinder @tidelord @thearcanestudies @flame-momma @king-noodle @songofthewindsinger  @sunbeamradiance 
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proeliarp · 3 years
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the  masses  congregate  within  the  high  hall,  grim  but  expectant.  the  wind  has  bit  since  dawning,  the  clouds  heavy  and  grey.  guests  whom  bear  faith  in  omens  begin  to  whisper  of  dread  and  dark  turnings.  there  is  a  tension  which  unroots  the  atmosphere,  felt  by  all  who  care  to  take  account  house  arryn  and  house  royce  circumventing  the  other  at  every  corridor.  an  influx  of  guards  at  each  egress,  the  crowd  rises,  and  a  crow  calls  from  the  rafters. the  queen - in - waiting  progresses  past  pews,  veiled  in  sky - blue,  drawing  forth  until  they  kneel  before  the  seat  of  the  eyrie  and  swear  their  fealty.  the  septon  anoints  the  sovereign  through the  faith  of  the  seven.  as  the  diadem  is  lowered,  crown  bearing  the  oath  of  a  newfound  era,  a  detachment  of  men  fill  the  aisle,  the  ruling  lord  of  runestone  at  their  head.  the  queen - in - waiting  just  shy  of  being  enthroned,  steel  is  unsheathed  and  a  resounding  voice  begins  to  challenge.
but  shadows  lurk,  their  tenebrous  conjuring  seeking  a  legion  of  victims.  just  before  newfound  hope  can  be  manifested  for  the  kingdom  of  the  mountain  and  the  vale,  or  house  royce  can  commit  treason,  the  undying  strike.  assassinating  shadows  materialize,  their  inky  blades  plunging  through  members  of  various  attendees.  for  a  sheer  moment  in  time,  an  unfathomable  knife  protrudes  from  the  hearts  of  casualties.  a  knight  from  house  nymeros  martell,  the  champion  from  house  dayne,  a  spearwife  and  chieftain  from  the  free  folk,  a  member  of  alaric  stark’s  battle  guard  and  lady - in - waiting  from  house  stark,  the  harbormaster  from  house  greyjoy,  the  captain  from  house  drumm,  a  guardian  of  the  greenseer  from  house  reed,  the  kennelmaster  and  a  follower  of  r’hllor  from  house  bolton,  ferryn  mormont  from  house  mormont,  the  ranger  captain  from  house  forrester,  a  bannerman  from  house  greystark,  a  handmaiden  and  guard  from  house  gardener,  an  advisor  from  house  fossoway,  a  septa  from  house  butterwell,  the  castellan  from  house  velaryon,  the  master  of  coin  from  storm’s  end,  the  master  of  whisperers  from  house  arryn,  and  the  ceaseless  list  proceeds  to  trigger  shrieks  from  a  frenzied  horde.
the  scene  is  grotesque.  twisted.  sinister.  the  executed  figures  fail  to  thud  as  they  meet  the  marbled  flooring.  beneath  the  adversary’s  shadow  magic,  corpses  incinerate,  their  rotting  carcasses  warping  into  ash,  spring’s  harsh  wind  distorting  vital  evidence.  the  thronged  masses  flee  the  eyrie  in  a  multitude  of  directions  at  another  fragmented  promise  of  approaching  war.  but  from  who  ?  from  where  ?  perhaps  it  is  only  dorne  that  can  provide  an  inkling  of  guidance,  or  the  red  king,  a  secret  shadowbinder  no  longer,  seen  combatting  shadows  with  those  of  his  own,  or  house  royce  who  conveniently  rose  up  alongside  them  ?  the  undying  have  inflicted  their  first  taste  of  homicidal  ruin.  yet  they  remain  shielded,  their  bidding  done  by  the  insidious  magic  known  to  dwell  in  essos,  across  the  narrow  sea.
your  character  has  bore  witness  to  insurrection  at  the  hands  of  house  royce  as  well  as  genocide  at  the  hands  of  the  undying,  but  there  is  little  time  to  mourn  or  search  for  explanation  as  new  threats  entice  ancient  feuds  and  stalled  wars.  all  threads  from  before  may  be  carried  out  to  their  respective  ends,  but  we  ask  that  all  new  interactions  revolve  around  the  plot  drop  and  take  place  in  locations  throughout  the  vale.  you  can  expect  characters  to  mourn  for  their  dead,  perhaps  point  fingers  at  house  bolton,  dorne,  or  house  royce,  being  made  to  stand  guard  at  camp  borders  to  keep  watch  for  strange  occurrences  or  insurgency  as  tentative  peaces  are  shaken,  etc.  as  usual,  feel  free  to  message  the  main  with  any  questions  you  may  have,  drop  starters  into  the  respective  tag  and  starter  channel  in  our  discord  and  enjoy  the  next  chapter  of  proelia  !
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lady-shadowbinder · 3 years
Are you looking forward to our fight with Ice this coming Halloween, Lady Shadowbinder? I'm sure Icewarden will just love the surprises we have for him.... Hehe.
One muses as to which surprise would be his favourite. This one, perhaps? Or maybe... this one? But, of course, how could I forget about... that one?
It is a shame he has such an... icy... sense of humour... but at this point, that is part of the fun. Still, it would be a sight if it were to melt, no?
Particularly since the battle falls upon us on All Hallow's Eve... which I find is awfully fitting. The darkness reigns on that glorious night, even as the chill sets in... when else will it overshadow the cold, I wonder?
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Father, I thank you for your kind words. I have spoken to my Shadow companion, and I have decided to use the scrolls. He is speaking with his Mother, Lady Shadowbinder, about our situation, but regardless of what she says, we have decided our place is together, wherever that may be. By tomorrow's morning light, I shall be in my new body- my true body. As things stand at this moment, I am to gather my belongings and leave my father's clan in the night without alerting them. I am to join him at the border with our clutch, and we will travel to his clan...or, I suppose, our clan....together.
I willl always be your Child at heart, I do hope you know this, but I must go where this new path leads me. I will raise our clutch to know nothing but the love of their fathers, and the Legends and Kindness of my only true Father, the Earthshaker.
With your blessing, I would like to send you letters detailing how things progress from here
I would be honored to hear of your new happiness. And I am proud of you. To be wanted and loved is the best foundation anyone can give their children.
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midoridragonuus · 4 years
light | shadow | lightning
the world of sornieth as defined by schwartz industries
the beacon - the capital of the light district. while it is a large bustling city, it overlooks surrounding areas and has a working relationship with lanternlea port.
lanternlea port - a very busy port despite its size. the majority of the district's imports and exports are shuffled through here because of its access to the sea.
emperor's wake - an area outside of the beacon's red where an unknown family is trying to rise to power and overthrow some of the other, more well-known family names around sornieth.
hewn city - before the beacon was the bustling city it was, it was known as the lightweaver's basket and located in the area that hewn city now resides. after building up several important structures, the city was left half-finished as all relevant businesses moved to the coast. though there are rumors about why the lightweaver's basket was abandoned (and renamed hewn city), the official reason given was lack of funding. many people still reside here, as means to move into the beacon are few and far between.
daylight sanctum - one of the prestigious universities that exist around sornieth. contains lady lightweaver's library and requires government permission to access. (ellie graduated from here!)
moonportal - as the light district is far north compared to several other districts, it's not surprising that it was constructed to move good back and forth between light and shadow (as shadow contains the coveted trading post). though it has been abandoned for several decades, it was recently re-activated under a new budgeting proposition and seems promising in revitalizing trade.
the trading post - the busiest place in the shadow district. it's the pinnacle of business. there isn't a single place in sornieth that doesn't know of it. it's where many famous brands started their marketing, and continues to function as the main source of shadow's economy despite the trading post's frequent moving.
driftwood drag - unoccupied marshlands outside of the trading post. it's often hot, humid, and filled with mist. there's little to be obtained here outside of unique flora and fauna, unless one prefers solitude. (aurelius works here).
dusk sanctum - one of the prestigious universities that exist around sornieth. dusk sanctum holds many hidden passages that still remain undiscovered after hundreds of years. currently, it is the top liberal arts university, and boasts the largest museum of modern art.
sunportal - the companion to the moonportal. it has recently been opened again after a long period of inactivity in a push to create better ties with the light district. while it has met a lot more hostility among shadow denizens, it remains open for business.
forum of the obscured crescent/thorndark altar - many would be hesitant to call it a city, as the only inhabitants are the ones involved with mistress shadowbinder. she claimed the crescent as her base of operations, and maintains it under a darkness that doesn't lift. despite its close proximity to the sunportal, the crescent doesn't conduct trade. all trade is re-routed through either the trading post, or wispwillow grove.
wispwillow grove - by name, most would assume it's an isolated forest. that isn't inherently wrong. wispwillow is surrounded by wildlife, but within, is the most populated city in the shadow district. large buildings have been constructed from a metal that happens to reflect light, making the area seem darker and more uninhabited than it is. the grove is unique in that it chooses not to utilize lightning's electric technology, and instead relies on magic and natural phosphorescence. this has caused a lot of contention between light and shadow in the past.
goldensparc - capital of the lightning district. it's surrounded by mega-factories and high-rises, as well as a newly crafted defense system, T.U.R.R.E.T.S. (though the reasoning behind its construction remains a mystery to the general public).
wiretangle walk - many of those who work in goldensparc can't afford to live there. most blue-collar workers live adjacent to the city in wiretangle walk and make the long commute in and out of the city every day.
tempest spire/the source - while goldensparc is the capital, it wouldn't be able to function without the machinery constructed at the tempest. it holds the main power generator (the source) for the entire region, where it's spread through the spire. this is where the stormcatcher can be found when not conducting business in the city. it requires constant maintenance, and the day is split into three shifts to watch the reactors within at all times.
charged barrens - large stretch of unused desert sands. it's a popular place for dune riders to find a thrill, and for various scientists to test slightly more dangerous (government approved) experiments.
carrion canyon - a once thriving civilization, it fell due to drought. once the water dried up, people moved east to be closer to the coastline. in modern times, the canyon is little more than a sight-seeing attraction.
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lionsongfr · 4 years
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A tale from the Clan of the Lionfish
The Silver Spun Grotto: Part 3
tw: abuse
MaidenTide was exhausted. The faerie Skydancer has picked a fine time for rebellion. The mages were tide up in the tree spell and the Trident Guard was out trying to calm the populace. Her own inner magic was at its ebbs and so was her mate’s. 
So she forced the anger to sleep in her belly, and let the waters of calm ripple. Better to confuse the empath who had let their own emotions run high in victory. She began to move forward, away from her mate, beckoning the Skydancer. 
“Let us move a bit away and have this conversation in private, Lady WillowShade.”
TideSage woobly began to stand, his ears pinned back in worry, 
“Wait, I should-”
MaidenTide looked her mate in the eyes and shook her head,
“Stay here, you are gravely wounded my love. What is happening now is between Lady WillowShade and I.”
Her mind called out to his, I want her away from the mages, I can deal with her. 
TideSage staggered back to laying, his eyes dull in pain,  Please be safe. 
They walked a good while back, though still within sight of the mages and TideSage, before MaidenTide slowly turned to face the Skydancer. 
And what may I ask is a Veilspun and if this tree is a beacon- then what I ask- does it attract?”
WillowShade flutter her wings in excitement and raised her head high,
 “They are Ancient Shadow dragons, powerful and mighty despite their stature. They form hives of hundreds strong, stealing dragons and changing them into their drones. These two here are to be a King and Queen, powerful enough to start their own hive. The beacon will call more to this lair and soon all will fall to their magic!”
At WillowShade’s words MaidenTide raised her claws as if in distress, trying her best to project fear and worry. It wasn’t completely a lie, she was worried about these dragons, being Primals made them doubly dangerous-but they were mortal dragons, not a deity or angry spirit or fiend. They would have a weakness.  Much like this faerie.
MaidenTide glanced at the large silver willow, it was hard to not notice. It was most likely the magic locus that had keep the dragons alive in their breed change chambers after all this time. A fine target.
“Well then, that is a worrying thought! I guess we shall just have to burn the tree and destroy the dragons before they hatch from their chambers. Good thing you warned us ahead of time.”
The Skydancer’s mouth dropped as she skittered towards her waving her wings in alarm,
“Wait, no, no, NO! Don’t do that, please don’t!”
MaidenTide began to move towards the tree.  “Ah, so they can be destroyed! Or are you worried we will fail? I assure you spells of destruction are so much easier than binding. I shall inform the mages now to switch over to that at once.”
The Skydancer raced before her and hastily kneeled with her wings splayed.
“Lady Duchess of the Abyssal Acropolis and ArchPriestess of Tidelord, please no! Please don’t destroy them!”
“And why shouldn’t I? If they are truly that powerful of a threat, they should be destroyed.”
“Please, my lady, please, I beg of you!”
MaidenTide sat back down, keeping her thoughts and emotions quiet as she reached over and with a claw lifted the Skydancer’s head so that her eyes meet with hers,
“Give me a reason why or I shall set fire to the tree myself.”
WillowShade shivered underneath her grasp and gasped,
“There is…there is a way to charm them, to trick them into believing you are the hive Queen and King. Pheromones and emotions… the pheromones made from wings of Lunar Lacewings, the antlers of Wispwillow Perytons, and black pine sap, thrice distilled on a full moon night. You must always project the emotion of command and power, no weakness… or else they will turn upon you.”
MaidenTide pulled the Skydancer closer, “That was not a reason. That was the arrow before the bow, the chart before the Trunker, the song before the melody. A reason is what I need.”
“It would not be right to slay another dragon!”
“I have slain many a dragon, and you have seen me do it.”
“Slaying such dragons would anger Shadowbinder!”
“Shadowbinder holds no power over the lands of Water, and they are Primals of Nature and Arcane- no children of hers are they.”
“They are powerful dragons, they would be powerful servants!”
“That is assuming what you are telling me is true-and it will require powerful magic to hold them. Furthermore, I have plenty of servants- such as yourself...Though it seems you have broken part of your bonds to me, do you plan to run free now faerie?” 
The Skydancer began to shake under her grasp, her antennae buzzing with her distress. 
“I, I...”
MaidenTide released her hold on the Skydancer’s head as it began to drop. 
“I....I will serve you...I will serve you for all times, my lady. Just promise me you won’t harm them. Please don’t harm them!”
“Swear your allegiance to me, swear it to me thrice upon thrice, and I shall swear an oath to not harm these Veilspun.”
Softly WillowShade intoned the vow of allegiance to MaidenTide nine times, binding her more tightly by the rules of the faerie than her own magic bindings ever did. She collapsed upon the final vow, weeping and curling herself into a ball of misery. 
Such drama, silly creature. MaidenTide sighed and turned back to TideSage, whose brow was furrowed in anger. One step forward, and two steps back, she thought.
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Okay, out with it.
Which one of you stole a vial of weaponized anthrax from my lair?
@the-true-earthshaker @at-the-fortress-of-ends @the-stormcatcher-clone @lady-shadowbinder @clanhaven
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clanhaven · 5 years
Hello my name is Bastard.
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irianeth · 5 years
It is Trickmurk.
You are a Light Exalt. Those of us who can’t go to the land of the Shadowbinder, for whatever reason, to celebrate the circus, stay here with our guiding goddess, and we find ways to celebrate the festival anyway. You’re helping to decorate.
At the beginning of the festival, you saw Lightweaver a few times. She actually helped put up some banners in places that weren’t easily accessible even to the biggest breeds of dragons here. You wonder what she really thinks of Trickmurk - after all, isn’t she rivals with her sister ? It is no matter. She helps anyway.
Several times, you’ve heards noises of buckets falling. You have helped setting up some of them. The joke would get old really fast if Lightweaver wasn’t falling for it every single time. And it’s not ever just one bucket at once... For a regular-sized bucket would be way too small. The last time you saw her was yesterday evening, actually. You assume she locked herself somewhere to avoid more buckets.
While you are putting up one more banner, and going to rest for a while, and eat with the others to celebrate the festival (you especially like spending Trickmurk with the Shadow dragons that were exalted to the Light lady), you hear the noise of a walking god. You raise your head a little towards Lightwever - she doesn’t come out to eat with everyone that often. Shameweaver, the weirdo who leads the exalted Imperials for whatever reason, looks wary of this, and he’s whispering frantically to another dragon next to him. He’s the only one to look concerned, as everyone else is just happy to have mom around.
She eats with everyone, listening to conversations, speaking, and falling for dumb jokes. She makes a pun or two - they’re horrible, but she’s trying, at least. You approach her to say something - you don’t always get the opportunity to do that, given the sheer number of exalted dragons around - and you notice she’s been hiding something in her huge hands this whole time.
Oh no.
You are the first one to get away when she blows the god damned air horn, but the sound was so loud you jump anyway.
She looks pleased.
Guess she got her revenge for all the buckets after all.
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dtevie-fr · 4 years
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Trans dragon share! There’s a lot of purple here which I didn’t realise was a theme but there we go
Details under the cut!
Asteria: nb oracle who’s formed a symbiotic relationship with a fungus that allows them to see the future
Catherine: my new year’s hatch! trans gal who loves fireworks and all things merry and bright
Viv: the no-nonsense clan judge—trans guy who only recently realised it and is enjoying the new-found gender euphoria!
Octavio: genderfluid poet who likes the finer things in life
Hecate: resident shadow mage and trans lady! she’s gathering power and influence on behalf of the Shadowbinder, getting ready for a takeover that might never come
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sare11aa11eras · 5 years
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Art credit: @shebsart​ 
Name: Melisandre of Asshai (probably Melony before she became a red priestess)
Nicknames: Mel, Mellie, Melony, The Red Witch, The Red Priestess, Lady Red, the Red Woman, the King’s Red Shadow, Scarlett
Hair: burnished copper
Eyes: Red 
Height: 6′ 0″ (R’hllor have mercy on my poor simple gay heart)
Weight: “slender” but she has dem boobies. 
Age: lmao no Melisandre is older than the universe you dummy
Occupation: believer, witch, utilitarian, shadowbinder, and likely necromancer
Skills: being real sexy, misinterpreting her visions as a rule, being actually very nice and reasonable, totally being up for a philosophical/theological debate, insisting that she doesn’t get cold, spending all her time bundled up in big comfy flowy robes near fireplaces, not letting her affection for someone stop her from stopping them from fucking up her plans, presenting a veneer of solemnity, grace, certainty, and power to protect herself, doing magic tricks to get people to buy her Kool-Aid, speaks at least three languages, doing actual magic bts, fucking STANNIS BARATHEON hoooo boy poor woman, being STRONG, deliberately speaking in a lower register in the hopes that others will take her seriously, calling Jon and Stannis out on their bullshit internally, being a religious fanatic, being misunderstood by dumbass readers, having excellent advice despite always being wrong, and giving birth to SHADOW BABY ASSASSINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Parents: lol thats real funny of you for suggesting Mel has parents- 
-sorry, sorry, that was the crackhead tin hat conspiracy theorist side of the fandom please excuse us while we shove them back into the basement 
[pleasant muzak] 
[war cries] 
[hammering sounds] 
[drills whirring]
[more pleasant muzak] 
*dusts hands off* sorry for the interruption, folks. 
Children: at least two shadow baby assassins 
Lover: Stannis Baratheon
Status: Alive, but we fans have our theories about the future... 
Next up: Ser Dadvos Seaworth, God of Onions 
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gaytoddhoward · 4 years
hello tumblr, if you follow me me for any reason other than flight rising, i am sorry.
anyway allow me to screech about a couple of my dragons
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these lovely ladies are luminescent (left) and depthstrider (right) theyre priestesses; luminescent of shadowbinder, and depthstrider of tidelord. they are girlfriends. thank you
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