experimentedcat · 2 years
Dr.Two-Brains could only watch as he jumped back slightly at how ravenous Carrie was. It unnerved him but he fought the instinct to run out of the warehouse. Though some part of him was rather impressed.
A thought had came to his mind once it was too late. Wasn't this bad for cats?He hoped it wouldn't make her as sick, since she is human as well. Hoping his strange act of kindness didn't backfire on him and do more harm than the good he had intended.
He just watched her devour the food before her. No one had really ate his cooking besides his henchmen. Everyone thought his cooking wouldn't be the best but that suited Dr.Two-Brains.
He didn't want anyone to bug him to cook, if they found how he actually knew how to and cooked quite well at that. Even before the second brain, he loved food. He knew how to cook with his eyes blindfolded.
Though he was happy that he never needed to.He just allowed Carrie to eat the food he offered in silence, knowing she would want to eat rather than waste time by talking.
Carrie noticed dr. two brains staring. She wiped her mouth. Looking down seeing that all the food he put out was all gone. She grinned sheepishly. "Ah sorry...didnt know if you wanted any.." She apologized.
She understands if he was angry. He was trying to share with her and she ate all of it. She just hoped she didnt eat his last bit of food
She shifted uncomfortably seeing he hadn't responded yet. She subconsciously rubbed her wrist again. Not that the area was irratated. Just out of nervousness. Her sleeve was raised up, the bold numbers standing out on her pale skin.
Her stomach was now quiet and she was feeling full. It had been ages since shes eaten anything decent. His cooking was really good.
Carrie couldn't cook. She didn't know how to. Didn't even know if she knew how in the first place. Anything she stole was eaten as is.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
For Jekyll and Hyde Steven. What do you think he'd name his Hyde self? Since he wouldn't have a mouse brain attached to his head.
Also. I made him so...cruel like Hyde. In tormenting Steven.
Hmm, as much as I am tempted to stick with the Mr. Charming name because I just love it as a villain name, Let's go with something else here like terrifying but also stereotypical because it would just fit Steven. So how about Professor Terror or Mr. Shadows how about that.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
He didn't know what compelled him to recreate that ray of Dr.Two-Brains, he just felt the need to show that he could. Dr. Jenkins had been planning on dismantling it the moment he tested it out on a willing subject. He hadn't planned on some poor random Joe for it to be used on. One moment he was about to use it on the willing subject, the next some strange screaming guy had startled him while yelling about a crime taking place not too far from where they were. Causing the scientist to jump in surprise, which was quite surprising itself as he was on the fifth floor in his building. That man's voice sure could travel.
Dr.Jenkins could only watch in horror as the ray was flung outside the window and into the street below. He hoped that no one was down there. He'd feel incredibly guilty if anyone had been injured due to his negligence. Rushing to the window, he took a little peek outside. Oh boy, there seemed to be one person down there. 
The scientist rushed out the fastest he could, having to make sure whoever that was down there was alright. By the time he made it out onto the street Jenkins was out of breath, panting and huffing away.  Ah! There it was. The device was in pieces all over the pavement, a confused looking tall man was standing by. As if he were lost and had no clue where he was going. Oh boy, did the gadget hit them on the hit? He sure hoped not.  
"Uh. Hello? Sir, are you alright?" He approached slowly, it seemed that the stranger hadn't acquired any head injuries. 
Joe seemed to snap out of the confused state that he was in. He seemed to glare at Jenkins, the scientist felt as though the other could see right through him. And that was the last thing he remembered before everything went black. 
Joe frowned, whoever that person was. Well. They have now passed out. Well that wasn't his problem, he was the one who decided to stick his nose in someone else's business. Right now he had better things to do than to worry over someone else. Right now he needed to finish  what he started even though Joe had no idea how he ended up in this city.
Oh well. He could cause enough damage around this place. In hopes of luring whichever hero who resided here out. He was itching cause trouble. 
In the meantime, Adam heard the exposistion guy's call for help. He was taking a taxi, to go pick up some pizza. if there was a crime going on, lunch could wait. Being that he couldn't transform here, he would have to get out of the cab. Without wasting time, he asked the cab driver to stop at the next stop sign.
"Are you sure?" The driver asked looking at the pouring rain. Anyone walking in this weather without a raincoat would catch a cold. However that wasn't what the driver was more concerned about. Adam nods. "Yep!" He runs out the vehicle.
"Wait! You still owe me 5 dollars!" They called out. But the man was already runing away. The driver snaps their fingers upset. "Aw man! I should really have customers pay upfront!"
Adam dashed through the rain, ignoring his clothes getting wet. Ducking behind a tree he transforms into Amazo guy. He zips to the area where the crime was being commited-
The cheezy cheese factory.
Which meant
"Up to no good again i see dr. Two brains"
The mad mouse scientist only grumbled about something along the lines of "disgraceful cheese and needing to get rid of it"
Amazo shook his head in mild disappointment. Two brains said he'd lay off the cheese crimes for a bit. And yet not even a day later and here he was gooping goat cheese. Then again the scientist had a vicious mouse brain that constantly demanded cheese. So amazo wasn't going to hold it against him.
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liloskull343 · 1 year
@melodythebunny @ninjastormhawkkat @spaaceeboyy @chaoticerisstuff @wordgirl-reboot-eva
Everyone meet my little sib
They go by they/them
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melosspookymonthau · 1 year
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Nova is available for asks!
-RULES and such for this blog-
Hello spooky month fandom! :3 welcome to my au blog. (The title and name for this au is a wip. so for now this blog will be called Melo's spooky month au.) This au is ment to tie in with most of canon. This blog will contain ocs.
im open to
magic anons, asks, dares
•no ships. Everything is platonic for now. Any ships will be brought up when the time comes.(and yes this au will contain oc x canon)
•crossovers with other Aus
•spam asks
•tagging this blog
•rps, if I have the time I will say yes
•collabs, ask
Absolutely NO
NSFW, PROSHIP OR INCEST. request for that will be ignored and you will be blocked!!
Ship bashing. Trust me I've dealt with more than another ppl attacking me or others over a ship. If it ain't Pro ship or incest I don't want anyone sending complaints about ships Racism/Nazis/sexisim/toxic/ overall.anyone who is rude and disrespectful to other people. Its 2023 for the love of god!
As mentioned before this au will contain oc x canon ships. As well as trying to stay in the flow and theme of the spooky month series.
And thats pretty much it. I may update this over time. And yes you guys can send as many asks as you like! If you have any questions or want to say hi to me, my main blog is @melodythebunny and my friends/mods of this blog are @blueweirdness @ninjastormhawkkat @chaoticerisstuff@liloskull343
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spaaceeboyy · 1 year
Making an Medieval au with @liloskull343 @ninjastormhawkkat @chaoticerisstuff
Wanna join in??
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(The lady in red is Becky's mom, teresa @ninjastormhawkkat 's oc)
do you know what exact time period?
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
While Dr.Two-Brains was glad to see his brother, the timing couldn't be worse. He couldn't exactly send Victor away but he didn't have the time to visit and catch up with current events. Both brains wanted to send Wordman and his daughter back home. One brain wanted to do so out of guilt, his actions had caused his counterpart a lot of unneeded pain. Causing the alternate version of WordGirl to be harmed by Mr. Charming. The other brain was honestly frightened by Wordman and had no desire to become involved whatsoever. Knowing that the hero wanted to do so much more than just to glare at him. The cheese from earlier had helped ease the fear yet Squeaky had still wanted to opt out of this completely after they satisfied their hunger. Allowing Dr.Two-Brains to be able to think more clearly, without the mouse constantly speaking to him within their minds, he found that made it much easier to make much more sound plans.
Yet he was still quite exhausted from everything but he wasn't alone anymore, grateful that he now had Tobey to fix that ray of his. With the robot genius's help, it would be fixed up in no time. He just hoped that Wordman would be grateful for Tobey's hand in helping as well instead of glaring at the poor boy. The other Squeaky had clearly shaken him up quite a bit, he couldn't blame him. Sure he was annoying and rather condescending but he didn't deserve that at all. 
He guided Victor in, they walked into his 'lab' which was a whole lot cleaner than before. The complete mess was gone, he had painstakingly made sure all of the pieces he needed weren't swept up into the garbage. He had to recreate the incident exactly, meaning he had to have all of the pieces. Who knows what could happen if he messed this up. Something had bothered him, if had to recreate the incident what was the catalyst for it? What caused it to malfunction and bring Wordman and Mousebraingirl to their reality? He still didn't know what caused it to explode like it did. Maybe it wouldn't take as quick as he hoped it would, even with extra hands around.
"Yikes. What happened to your machine?" Victor was naturally curious. It was the first thing he saw as they walked in. He hoped it hadn't caused his brother any injuries, the last time he literally fused himself with a vicious mouse. He hated that mouse, despised it. Victor could never bear to look at the grotesque second brain of his brothers, always purposely looking at the other side of Dr.Two-Brains head.
"Yeah I'm still trying to figure out that myself to be honest." 
Tobey was startled by Dr.Two-Brains sudden guest, huh. He kinda looked similar to Wordman and to Dr.Two-Brains but not quite as similar. 
"Oh. Hello!" Victor wasn't expecting to see a kid there, seemingly just as startled as the young villain. 
"Uh…hi?" Tobey was lost for words, who was that and why did Dr.Two-Brains let him in? 
"That's Tobey and he's helping me with something very crucial, Tobey, this is my brother. His name is Victor." Dr.Two-Brains rushed their introductions as fast as he could, not wanting to waste any more time than he already had.
"Oh I see, you must be brilliant just as he was at your age."
He had to subtly brag about his little brother. He still wasn't sure why Tobey was there. Victor did recognize him as one of the kid villains.
Before the young villain could reply, they were interrupted by the mad mouse scientist. Though he was surprised, he hadn't a clue that the older villain had a brother. 
"Alright, enough of the chit chat. Kid, have you noticed anything that I might have missed? Before you answer that. Victor, is there an actual reason you've come to visit?"
Tobey seemed irritated at being asked something and having been interrupted before he even had the chance to say anything. Only giving an irritated huff before returning back to whatever he had been working on. 
"I really was worried about you. With that crazed guy that’s been after you and all. He hasn't actually hurt you, has he?" 
Back at the grocery store, Huggy was beginning to lose his grip trying to hold on to the vicious and super powered Squeaky. Squeaky was getting tired and annoyed with trying to wrestle this stupid monkey sidekick off. Luckily for Squeaky, an advantage presented itself as Huggy accidentally let go one of Squeaky's arms. Squeaky immediately grabbed for the monkey and pulled him off, dangling in the air. "Bye Bye Monkey Hero." Squeaky cackled as he threw Huggy towards the fruit stand. With the monkey sidekick now dazed, Squeaky began to grab enough cheese for him before he took off. "Hold it right there Squeaky!" A familiar voice yelled, halting Squeaky's attempts. Squeaky turned around and with annoyance and anger saw Wordman who was back up in the air. With a huff Squeaky began to address the hero. "Stupid man is still trying to stop Squeaky from stealing his cheese. It's pointless. Stupid man can't stop Squeaky. Stupid man is not going to get his daughter back. Why is he Stupid man still pestering Squeaky?" Wordman glowered a bit in silence towards Squeaky due to his remarks, but said nothing at first. His face then morphed into a vindictive smirk. "Actually I'm going to do nothing." Wordman finally responded to the mouse's utter confusion. Wordman continued, "I just had to buy a little more time if Huggy failed to hold you back and give Wordgirl a chance to return." Before Squeaky could even ask what Worman was talking about, Wordgirl came back and appeared behind the villain. "Oh Squeaky, I have a surprise for you." Wordgirl called out. Squeaky turned around and to his horror saw that Wordgirl was holding....."CAT!" Squeaky yelled out in fear. The random cat, more annoyed with Squeaky's yelling and ignoring the giant mouse creature, only hissed at the villain causing Squeaky to squeak out more in fear and terror. Squeaky tried to use Mouse's flight and super speed to get the heck out of there. Due to Squeaky being stuck in fear mode, he did not pay attention to where he was going and slammed head first into a pile of flour.
Wordgirl winced at the display. 'Oof. That had to hurt.' She thought as she sat the cat down to the ground. The cat ran away from the accident and back towards wherever Wordgirl found it. Wordman hurried over the the mouse villain who was now very dazed from ramming his head into bags of flour. Wordman took advantage of this and soon put pressure with two of his fingers on Mouse's head near the mouse brain. Squeaky felt himself slipping into darkness and soon finally passed out. "Will Mouse be okay?" Wordgirl asked nervously as she witnessed the whole thing. Wordman examined Mouse's head for a bit before reassuring the young hero. "She will be fine, just bruised her head a bit but no serious damage. I just had to use a pressure system technique to make Squeaky fall asleep so it will be easier to take Mouse back without him causing anymore trouble on the way." Wordman explained. Wordgirl gave a satisfied sigh. "Well that's a relief." she stated. Her expression then morphed back into uncertainty and nervousness. "Um, is Squeaky going to remain in control after he regains consciousness?" Wordgirl asked worriedly. Wordman didn't say anything at first, but his expression revealed that he wasn't entirely sure either. "Hopefully Mouse will be awake and regain control before Squeaky." He finally said. Wordgirl just nodded in confirmation then went over to check on her sidekick. Huggy recovered a bit, though his head still hurt some. He was ready to fly back on Wordgirl. Wordman gingerly and tentatively picked up Mouse's body and held her close to him as a parent would hold a sleeping child in their arms. Wordman then flew off from the store and back to the warehouse followed by Wordgirl. The Grocery Store Manager then came onto the scene after his lunch break and saw the mess and ruins the inside of the store laid in. "Well I am unfortunately going to have to fire someone for this mess." The Manager said in a disappointed and crossed tone.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
How did their first crime go? How did they react after the accident had happened? Did anyone try to stop the mouse family at first?
Okay their first crime is a lot like the introduction episode of Dr. Two Brains in canon. The family woke up dazed and confused as too what happened. Steven and Carrie checked on their kids to see if they were all right. Then the insatiable desire of cheese began to hit them. The family at first decided to get something to eat at home and later deal with the situation but as they tried to go home, their cheese hunger became stronger until Steven suggested to just stop at the grocery store to pick up something. When they saw and smelt the cheese, chaos broke loose. People all around were screaming and panicking, calling for Wordgirl or Amazo Lad to help them, not realizing the truth. Bob tried to stop their frenzy but was pushed back accidentally by Becky and passed out a bit from head trauma. The police came but were not match for Becky's or Chase's power. Carrie and Steven grabbed the kids and the cheese and they headed out. Overtime they began to loose their old identities but still remembered they are a family so the family bonds stay. They soon adapt their villain names by the time Dr. Two Brains makes a television announcement about how he is going to turn the whole city into cheese. When Bob finally wakes up, it is pandemonium. A dozen buildings are gone and/or half eaten. The family had gotten satisfied by after building 10 so Two Brains decided to stop with his whole turning the whole city into cheese thing. Plus Carriemouse reminded her husband that the kids still have school and Mouse still loves libraries so those places were left alone. Bob spent hours searching for the family in the chaos of people screaming and crying and confusion because their heroes didn't help them in their time of crisis. Bob is actually found by Mouse who still remembers her best friend and pet monkey and takes him to the warehouse where the family lives now. The Mouse-Brain family forget most of their old lives such as Carrie barely remembering she was a vet and the mouse brains form mixed personalities and new lives for the family. The do remember some family members like Carriemouse remembering her brother Clayde and Two Brains remembering his brother. A good thing about this is that Carriemouse forgets her parents. Bob is devastated about how they casually talk about committing the next crime now like a normal family thing. Mrs. Botsford does her best to input reforms to the police department and other emergency groups to try and do their best to quell other criminals and damages. But without their heroes, what can they do against super powered villains, especially the new Mouse-Brain family of villains who seem to be almost running the city now. Even Bob has given up hope because he can't stop super powered beings or smart intellectual people by himself and he can't stand hurting his loved ones, especially the little girl he brought to this planet years ago. The one who he swore to always protect and look out for, and now seeing how he failed her. Besides they are still there, just different now. So Bob in all his career as a space pilot, gives up. The whole city nearly gives up. That is until Pulseray arrives and soon with him Kid Math.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
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Also the people of fair city are terrible at math in this verse...dont ask how they file their taxes..cuz they don't
Pfft. I love this au. Imagine this au version of Wordgirl finding this version of Steven who escaped from the facility already.
Swap Steven: This is my pinky now.
Swap Carrie: This is my enemy and kitten Kid Math. (It's how she introduces Kid Math to people.)
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
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Oh and Becky looking part cat maybe because her mom was one. Oh angst idea here. Teresa was kidnapped by the facility people and turned into a cat hybrid when she was pregnant with Becky. Teresa was able to escape one point and get Becky out of there before she (Teresa) was captured again. Becky was taken out of there by a pet monkey bob and it can go either way (canon wise-adopted by the Botsfords or bbau wise). Steven still becomes Dr. Two Brains and has a bit of difficulty at first dealing with cat Becky but he willingly fights against Squeaky's fear instincts and still treats her like he did before becoming Dr. Two Brains. Also Becky can be a normal cat girl or the facility spliced her with super powers. Either way, Becky is the only cat person Two Brains can tolerate before reuniting with Teresa.
Also Carrie is from a planet where her people are knowledgeable about animals and can speak to them. Blu is born a few years after she and Steven meet. She could have left Steven before but was not pregnant with Blu at the time but after their reunion she was.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
📸 Any Headcanons?
Taking the opportunity to share some head canons of characters besides dr. two brains
-Rose and Scoops have a friendly rivalry. Both complete to see who is the best news reporter. Sometimes they drag their friends into their antics
-due to being fused to a copy machine, lady redundant woman bleeds out colored ink even when not fused. Her tears are black ink.
-ms. Question can understand Maria. I thought it would be cool since ms. Question got her powers by lightning and Maria is a being made out of pure electricity.
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melodythebunny · 2 years
Your favorite ships. What are they? Why do you like them? Your favorite headcanons about them? What's the sweetest scenario you can think of for them?
Favorite ships ( i only listed Some of them bc i have a lot) -
Tobecky - its the enemies to lovers trope that got me.
Plasma rope - it started off as a crack ship but i really got invested into it. Girl boss male wife trope
Bigslie - okay so even as a kid i thought they were married or at least dating. Seeing Bigslie art by @bunny-carrothunter just resparked that Headcanon.
dont want to Make this super long <- lies/hj
Pb and wham - i blame my bestie @spaaceeboyy /pos /j
Tbh i like most two brains ships. it like having a plate of different types of cheese-
But my top ones are experimental cheese (im a DIY shipper-) and then i saw @djsadbean 's art of amazing cheese and i was like :0000 and. Saw a bunch of other ppl making Headcanons about Amazo guy and steven (you were one of them tbh) and art then got hooked to that ship. Its angst and fluff ;v; it's beautiful. Another ship would be the star crossed cheese ship made by my friend @ninjastormhawkkat
I did start shipping provoclone at one point (Still do hehe)
-some headcanons/fluff stuff-
For tobecy- When they do start dating (like in their teens) they mainly have library dates. Or just go somewhere Generally calming and relaxing to be at. Tobey and Becky and gush over their favorite story/authors
-mr.big has a habit of buying truck loads of gifts for Leslie. She doesnt mind however just prefers he wouldn't do it so much since he has gotten bank rupt a few times like the time he brought a bunch of squishy bunnies
Oh yea and
I mean he is in my everything's alright au. No angst allowed there.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
How would mouse brain takeover go in the Pest Control AU?
Oof that's a tough one. I think Mouse Brain take over will appear much later in the au and Kid Math's introductory episode much earlier. Switch the episodes around a bit. Of course Dr. Two Brains comes up with the idea like in canon to spice up things a bit and make it more challenging for the heroes. Carriemouse has some hesitation, so does the mouse brain attached to her because Mouse and Mouse Boy are attached to pinkie brains instead of adult brains. While they are vicious, Carriemouse and mama mouse brain believe if the pinkies take control, it will be harder for the parents to keep them in line and focus on taking cheese. Dr. Two Brains agrees and makes both the kids and the pup brains promise to keep an eye out on their parents while Squeaky and his mate run wild and help them with the heroes if they need it badly. Mouse and Mouse Boy are upset they can't join their parents in the chaos but they understand. Mouse Boy is a bit worried about how this plan will go but his parents assure him they will be fine. So Squeaky and his mate, who I am going to call Sage for this au since the mama mouse likes the smell of sage, take over. The don't treat Mouse and Mouse Boy any differently than Carriemouse and Dr. Two Brains do, just more mouse instincts than usual.
As for the heroes. oooh boy. It comes as a shock for Pulseray and Kid Math when the see Squeaky Brains and Sage Brains take over. Victor, who monitors what the heroes see, is horrified and fears the worse. The loose the first battle because of emotional and communication issues. As the team regroups, Dr. Jenkins devises a type of machine that emits a sound that puts mice to sleep. Hopefully it will put Squeaky and Sage to sleep and allow the human brains of Carriemouse and Dr. Two Brains to take control again. Squeaky of course sends a taunting message on television to lure the heroes to the warehouse. Kid Math tries Dr. Jenkins' ray but it blows up in his face after he uses it a second time even though it worked before. It literally blows up in his face. Poor kid gets singed eyebrows. Pulseray tries the trick Wordgirl does in canon and it works. The Henchmen do trip over Squeaky saying how they don't like him but don't mind Sage that much as she pretty much ignores them but they want their old bosses back. The the kids chime in and say they want their parents back as well because even though they like the chaos and evil Squeaky and Sage cause, they miss the stuff Dr. Two Brains and Carriemouse do for them like singing them to sleep or taking care of them when they feel sick. The small human things. Not wanting to upset the pinkies anymore, Squeaky and Sage relent control back to Two Brains and Carriemouse, though Squeaky tells the Henchmen and the heroes that they will be sorry he's gone.
As for the pinkies, maybe Steven gives them the names Swiss for the boy and Princess for the girl since Becky likes Pretty Princess. For the mouse family, it was a trying experience but they get over it and its hugs all around.
For the heroes and Bob - very much emotional trauma.
Also Squeaky calls Kid Math Pajama boy and Pulseray giant man.
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melodythebunny · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons about the jekyll and hyde AU?
I'd also like to know more about Carrie if you don't mind.
EDIT: SO somehow this ended up in my drafts :'))
My response in the undercut
well considering that there are also other scientists... Mad scientists i may add. They all have their own indivual studies/lab spaces inside a huge science center. But after the great blackout (yea I'm calling it that) they have began working in different building towards different paths. The blackout is what cuased steven to become half fused, pushed athena further into maddnes, caused carrie to be reanimated etc (i would only say that doohickey becqme the invisble man before the event happend)
Oh and a mass panic in town. All their electricity was gone for a full week. Without any explaination. A few riots occurred bc as we know people NEVER stay calm for very long. Very chaotic.
Let just say this au ver wordgirl had her hands full. And because of it she hardly noticed her fathers subtle changes.
When carrie first woke up alive again. She couldn't really make out much of what she was seeing or who she was seeing. All she knew was to run away and get out. Her last living thoughts was about escape And not want to be there anymore. Due to the hub bub aaround town not many noticed her. Those who did screamed and ran away.
it was loud and noisy. Too much for her to process so she hid away in a shed. Later on only to be discovered by Becky. Becky had snuck in the shed bc her father sometimes kept his inventions there. She was looking for a way to stop professor terror who was now running rampit at the time.
Ironically enough, carrie did see professor terror. He was doing his first cheese heist. When she sees steven she already knows its him who's been terrorizing everyone. Ofc can't really say it since her vocabulary is limited.
"I saw you" those words send chills down his spin. And he doesnt know why. He's never seen her before righ?? I'd imagine he'd be a tad freaked out walking in and his daughter is having a teaparty with a cat like creature
Carrie doesn't know who created her or why she was created but hates her existence.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 1 year
If you don't mind me asking but do you have any jekyll and hyde headcanons?
Also what if it was swapped with Becky and she is miss crimes. But its Victorian era.
Okay a few here for the first one.
-Professor Terror still has Steven's melodious singing voice. If he has succeeded in doing a late night crime by the time Wordgirl is asleep, he sometimes sings to her and rubs her head in a soothing motion as she sleeps. He still feels the need to parent his child even thought he is evil now.
-Professor Terror prefers the company of aliens and people as crazy as him. He still despises Miss Power.
-Dark twist for this au. The reason why Miss Power never returns. Professor Terror put lethal explosives in her ship that blew up and killed her and gigglecheeks when they were far away from sight.
-In the concept of the Testubular Five - If there was a comparison between Professor Terror and the rest of the group on who was the worst of them, Calvin still wins by a landslide.
-whenever he does trap Wordgirl - Professor Terror checks on her from time to time and asks if she needs some food or warm clothes or if she is comfortable. He won't let her out, but he doesn't want her to get sick in there.
For the Miss Crimes thing - I am going for this au that Becky is human who got caught up in the machine that her dad was using. Steven does not realize it until too late when his lab assistant, Dr. Jenkins is killed after he found out the truth. As Miss Crimes she wears a victorian type of dress that is loose and easy to move and run around in. She robs from anyone she can and kills off witnesses with silent weapons such as knifes or machetes. She doesn't like guns because they are too loud for her ears (this is based on me because I really don't like gunfire.) She has red eyes and pointed teeth like Professor Terror. She still cares about her dad and her pet monkey Bob and has killed those who she deemed were threats to her father.
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ninjastormhawkkat · 2 years
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I mean what did you expect Two Brains, you trained Fair City's Best hero. Its likely you can train the best villain. Also yes to Carrie's Power trip.
Angst thought - what if Carrie becomes a bit like Miss Power during her unhinged power trip.
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