#char owning
charcorner · 4 months
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This may seem like a shitpost, but it's actually one of the best Char husbandry tips out there. Chars need regular exercise and mental stimulation, or else they will get bored and take to making your home basically uninhabitable, by way of knocking things over, causing messes, blowing things up with their MSes, etc.
Be a responsible Char owner and do your research.
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tsotc · 10 months
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fucking obsessed with the uni town i live in
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hinamie · 1 month
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9 / 266
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angelgunfighter · 1 year
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its the lunch period and you got to the cafeteria late. where are you sitting. you cannot kill yourself
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andythelemon · 2 years
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*Departure! by Masatoshi Ono starts playing* A HxH poster print for 2023 con season and my online store! This series is a forever classic, it's always fun to revisit.
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lbhslefttiddie · 2 months
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Luo Binghe leaned over the desk, examining the mess of ink and papers, scrolls from the library rolled out haphazardly across the edges of the desk, stacks of prose and poetry copied in Shen Yuan’s shaky handwriting. The topmost stacks were already a bit neater, with Shen Yuan staring with single-minded focus as he moved the brush, trying to imitate the graceful strokes of the original texts. His own work was a mess of ink, not even bothering to let the ink dry properly before he would throw new pages on top. He gripped the bowl of ink in his right hand, held close to his work, both hands stained with the stuff, and Luo Binghe could see smudged black hand prints on the sleeves of his dark robes, a smear of ink across one cheek.
He took a moment to marvel at the fact that, despite the mess on himself and his work, Shen Yuan somehow managed to keep the scrolls he was copying from getting dirty. The amazement was short-lived, though, quickly overtaken by notice of just how tired he looked.
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 10 months
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Ninjavember Days 20 - 24
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enden-k · 7 months
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fgo doodle dump (rashuozy ft merlin + mahabharata bros)
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sirguyofdykesborn · 4 months
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going through some kind of art constipation ...... oc slop
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charcorner · 4 months
Welcome to Char Corner!
Hi there, fellow Char owners! My name is Astra, I use any pronouns but mostly she/they, and I raise Homo aznablii (also known as Chars) for a living! I have worked at multiple Char shelters, and own multiple Chars myself. Here's a quick intro to them!
(Plus, some tips I shared in the comments of a Strange Aeons video about clown husbandry:)
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Male 0079
Age: 4
Mars is a new addition to the family. I picked him up from a Char shelter back in July. He was surrendered to the shelter after his owners couldn't take care of them. PSA: Purebred 0079s are not good starter Chars! They need constant stimulation to keep from engaging in the classic Char pastime of destroying everything in your home, along with 0079s needing to be disciplined regularly, (without force! please do not hit or yell at your char, as they will distrust you and be more likely to indiscriminately attack you. i like to use spray bottles) to actually make them listen to you. If you REALLY like 0079s but don't have any experience raising Chars, get a 0079/Quattro cross. While Mars can have an attitude sometimes and has tried to escape a few times when I let him outside for more than a few minutes, he's a really sweet Char. Fun fact: he's the same 0079 Char from the Garfield story I shared above
Hallie Jr.
Female Quattro/CCA mix
Age: 3
Hallie Jr. is one of the Char pups from the story I shared above. Her mother, a Quattro named Hallie, was one of the first Chars I raised, and was a general sweetheart. Sadly, last May, Hallie was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17, and I had no choice but to end her life in a humane way. I'll never forget the day I took her home from the shelter all those years ago, and how she was so scared on the ride back home... Anyways, Hallie Jr. is chaotic. That's it. I remember when I first took Mars home and Hallie Jr. gave him a nice chomp on the shoulder. What a way to roll in the welcome wagon... She's also given me a few nips, too, and almost attacked another Char at the Char park (my pride and joy as a char owner. /s) Anyways, I always say that Quattros are the ideal starter breed of Char, due to their mostly-docile temperament. CCAs, however, need a great deal of training and socialization, which I know a lot of casual Char owners can't afford to provide. Sadly, this has led to many CCAs turning aggressive and getting the breed as a whole classified as dangerous in a lot of jurisdictions. (They're kinda like the "bully breeds" of dogs.)
Male Full Frontal
Age: 27
While I normally do not condone getting Full Frontals due to the problems with the breed (see above), a friend gave me Meteor because they were moving to a place which did not allow Chars in the lease (an unfortunate truth in many places) and I couldn't say no. Even if he is getting on in the years (the average Char lifespan is 33 years), he is still one of the most amazing Chars I have ever taken care of. However, last month he started to become more lethargic and nipped me when I tried to pet him (an action he usually enjoys). I'm planning to take him to the vet soon to see what's up with him.
Female mutt (with 0079 and CCA features)
Age: 1½ years
Last but not least, Ceres was a stray Char pup who was rejected by her mother. I found her in my front lawn in critical condition and I just had to take her in because I couldn't let a newborn Char die like that, and bottle-fed her and nursed her back to health. She's currently in her "teen phase" (Chars fully mature at 2 years old) and is starting to test her boundaries. She often gets zoomies and even scratched Hallie Jr. once (she's probably learned her lesson now). However, she's still as sweet as the day I took her in!
Random Char facts and tips:
Chars only started being imported to the western world in the past 25 years. Before that, they were popular pets in Japan and other East Asian countries, hitting their stride in the late seventies, although a small portion of Chars were imported to Italy around the early eighties in the hopes of starting a fad, although they never caught on back then.
CHARS AND CLOWNS DO NOT GO TOGETHER!! I've seen so many Chars get surrendered to shelters because they attacked or even killed clowns, one of their NATURAL PREY SOURCES. Come on.
Chars are facultative carnivores. In the wild, they prey on not only clowns, but also deer and other large herbivores. But domesticated Chars will still be as happy eating small animals such as live mice as they would chasing down a deer in the wild.
Please do not keep attack/guard Chars, especially CCAs. The training to turn them into one cannot be done in a way that does not involve abuse. Please get a functioning security system.
You may have noticed that Chars are horny AF. It's a survival strategy: Chars mate with anything and everything as wild mother Chars have a tendency to reject or even eat their offspring. Thankfully for Char breeders, domesticated Chars have had this behavior almost entirely bred out of them.
Chars are pregnant for 6 months and usually give birth to a litter of 4-9 Char pups.
Anyways, good luck in your own Char breeding and owning adventures!
~ Astra
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bandtrees · 7 months
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such an awful memory, will i ever sleep again?
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hinamie · 19 days
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bulecelup · 28 days
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chalkscrub · 10 months
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random STUFF - in order, we have oap infighting, donk faces (hardest thing in the world to draw), and yet another lineup of morally dubious individuals
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thecmaly · 1 year
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'98 vs '23 nai
more trigun comics
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kishigunpla · 3 months
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Just for fun, I got some acrylic stands made of some of my CCA chibi art. I think they turned out pretty cute!
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