#char caring
charcorner · 4 months
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This may seem like a shitpost, but it's actually one of the best Char husbandry tips out there. Chars need regular exercise and mental stimulation, or else they will get bored and take to making your home basically uninhabitable, by way of knocking things over, causing messes, blowing things up with their MSes, etc.
Be a responsible Char owner and do your research.
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nullroid · 6 months
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Bring your son to work day 💀
Insta | Redbubble
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warmfungi · 6 months
What fucks with me is an evil, despicable character, lost and alone while violently ill – abandoned without anyone to care for them... And then someone Finds them.
Someone who has no connection to them or isn't even remotely aware of their actions. To them, it's just a stranger that looks to be on the brink of death. As the villain, who's got more blood on their hands than they can brag about spilling, collapses onto the ground, this person rushes to them, completely unaware they're about to save the life of someone who's not worth their time.
However, I'm tired of this trope ending up with the villain back to their old ways in an instant. If that's your thing, sure – but I always find it annoying. Sometimes, I think, it takes a monster facing its own death to realize they should treat people better – were it not for mere coincidence, death would have swallowed them whole.
Instead, it only got to graze them – because someone cared. For once, someone cared, and the villain didn't plan to use it against them.
Villain isn't a whumper. I don't like that dynamic.
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zephyrine-gale · 2 years
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kazuha’s hoyofair outfit is cute
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doli-nemae · 8 months
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Gorion and his headaches
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anna-honey · 3 months
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I want to see them interact more
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galedekarios · 12 hours
ok i'm going to be a hater for a second here, but i'm watching another veilguard gameplay video and these companions so far have interacted more with each other in the short span of 10 minutes than the bg3 characters have over the entirety of the game
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suntails · 3 months
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bg series WIPs <3
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comradeyurika · 1 year
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Finally Suletta and Miorine have some time alone, and Suletta is able to find the courage to ask Miorine about what happened at the plant. Miorine is then able to tell Suletta what she has been holding in all this time; that she is thankful for her saving her and her father's lives, despite the brutal methods Suletta used.
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However, when Suletta mentions Lady Prospera telling her that Miorine would understand eventually, that changes the mood completely. Miorine is already suspicious of Prospera's manipulation of Suletta, and this is only further enhanced when it becomes clear that Suletta just does not understand what is wrong about her being able to smile about having smashed someone to death. It's a chilling scene as what begins as a tender reunion turns to Miorine's dread at realizing something is deeply off with Suletta's values and what Prospera has been saying to her.
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As this unease grows, Miorine has to find out just how far gone Suletta is when it comes to her mom. She starts out by asking probing questions, and then brings up Suletta's sincere dream to open a school back on Mercury. What she learns from that question is deeply unsettling.
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But there's one final thing she needs to know. She knows Suletta would give up on her dreams, but what about her core values, the values that the two of them share about GUND-ARM being about saving people and not killing them? Would Suletta give that up? With a pause and a smile, yes, she would. And that is a heartbreaking moment for Miorine, and for the audience.
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satsuha · 6 months
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valerio for 60min challenge
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necrophiliak · 7 months
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charcorner · 4 months
Welcome to Char Corner!
Hi there, fellow Char owners! My name is Astra, I use any pronouns but mostly she/they, and I raise Homo aznablii (also known as Chars) for a living! I have worked at multiple Char shelters, and own multiple Chars myself. Here's a quick intro to them!
(Plus, some tips I shared in the comments of a Strange Aeons video about clown husbandry:)
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Male 0079
Age: 4
Mars is a new addition to the family. I picked him up from a Char shelter back in July. He was surrendered to the shelter after his owners couldn't take care of them. PSA: Purebred 0079s are not good starter Chars! They need constant stimulation to keep from engaging in the classic Char pastime of destroying everything in your home, along with 0079s needing to be disciplined regularly, (without force! please do not hit or yell at your char, as they will distrust you and be more likely to indiscriminately attack you. i like to use spray bottles) to actually make them listen to you. If you REALLY like 0079s but don't have any experience raising Chars, get a 0079/Quattro cross. While Mars can have an attitude sometimes and has tried to escape a few times when I let him outside for more than a few minutes, he's a really sweet Char. Fun fact: he's the same 0079 Char from the Garfield story I shared above
Hallie Jr.
Female Quattro/CCA mix
Age: 3
Hallie Jr. is one of the Char pups from the story I shared above. Her mother, a Quattro named Hallie, was one of the first Chars I raised, and was a general sweetheart. Sadly, last May, Hallie was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 17, and I had no choice but to end her life in a humane way. I'll never forget the day I took her home from the shelter all those years ago, and how she was so scared on the ride back home... Anyways, Hallie Jr. is chaotic. That's it. I remember when I first took Mars home and Hallie Jr. gave him a nice chomp on the shoulder. What a way to roll in the welcome wagon... She's also given me a few nips, too, and almost attacked another Char at the Char park (my pride and joy as a char owner. /s) Anyways, I always say that Quattros are the ideal starter breed of Char, due to their mostly-docile temperament. CCAs, however, need a great deal of training and socialization, which I know a lot of casual Char owners can't afford to provide. Sadly, this has led to many CCAs turning aggressive and getting the breed as a whole classified as dangerous in a lot of jurisdictions. (They're kinda like the "bully breeds" of dogs.)
Male Full Frontal
Age: 27
While I normally do not condone getting Full Frontals due to the problems with the breed (see above), a friend gave me Meteor because they were moving to a place which did not allow Chars in the lease (an unfortunate truth in many places) and I couldn't say no. Even if he is getting on in the years (the average Char lifespan is 33 years), he is still one of the most amazing Chars I have ever taken care of. However, last month he started to become more lethargic and nipped me when I tried to pet him (an action he usually enjoys). I'm planning to take him to the vet soon to see what's up with him.
Female mutt (with 0079 and CCA features)
Age: 1½ years
Last but not least, Ceres was a stray Char pup who was rejected by her mother. I found her in my front lawn in critical condition and I just had to take her in because I couldn't let a newborn Char die like that, and bottle-fed her and nursed her back to health. She's currently in her "teen phase" (Chars fully mature at 2 years old) and is starting to test her boundaries. She often gets zoomies and even scratched Hallie Jr. once (she's probably learned her lesson now). However, she's still as sweet as the day I took her in!
Random Char facts and tips:
Chars only started being imported to the western world in the past 25 years. Before that, they were popular pets in Japan and other East Asian countries, hitting their stride in the late seventies, although a small portion of Chars were imported to Italy around the early eighties in the hopes of starting a fad, although they never caught on back then.
CHARS AND CLOWNS DO NOT GO TOGETHER!! I've seen so many Chars get surrendered to shelters because they attacked or even killed clowns, one of their NATURAL PREY SOURCES. Come on.
Chars are facultative carnivores. In the wild, they prey on not only clowns, but also deer and other large herbivores. But domesticated Chars will still be as happy eating small animals such as live mice as they would chasing down a deer in the wild.
Please do not keep attack/guard Chars, especially CCAs. The training to turn them into one cannot be done in a way that does not involve abuse. Please get a functioning security system.
You may have noticed that Chars are horny AF. It's a survival strategy: Chars mate with anything and everything as wild mother Chars have a tendency to reject or even eat their offspring. Thankfully for Char breeders, domesticated Chars have had this behavior almost entirely bred out of them.
Chars are pregnant for 6 months and usually give birth to a litter of 4-9 Char pups.
Anyways, good luck in your own Char breeding and owning adventures!
~ Astra
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aroacegundamalex · 4 months
Lalah and Suletta are the same archetype at the end of the day. One is a tragedy, and the other is a story of love and hope.
Suletta survived because she had someone to catch her when she fell, someone to take her hand when she needed it, and someone to hold her when she broke.
Lalah had a sympathetic boy on the other side of the battlefield, and a man using her like a machine. Char, for all he seemed to care, let Lalah be treated like another cog in the war machine. Let this child be reduced to yet another weapon on the battlefield, the same as any common gun at the end of the day— just with a bit more firepower. The same as Amuro.
Prospera — our Char — treated Suletta like a weapon, referring to her not as her own daughter but as “that girl” but she was far from the only presence in Suletta’s life. When her world fell apart, when she lost her mother, her sister, and her girlfriend in one fell swoop, Earth House was there to embrace her. Miorine was there to fight for her, even in a misguided way.
The closest thing Lalah had was Amuro. A child trapped in the same hell she was, a boy for whom there was no real escape from the war machine he’d been swallowed by. Valued not for his humanity, but for his ability to pilot a new kind of weapon.
The importance of connection is a major theme throughout Gundam, from 0079 to Witch from Mercury. Amuro does not save White Base because Bright slapped him, he gets back in the cockpit because Fraw reached out. Newtypes are the ultimate representation of that— the potential for humanity to grow and change by reaching out to one another.
A better future can only come from an extended hand.
Suletta came to Miorine’s door at her own lowest moment, and the two walked hand-in-hand towards a brighter future.
Suletta had her friends, had Miorine. Had people right beside her to pick her up and support her when her world fell apart.
At the end of the day, all Lalah really had was Char.
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skymagpie · 8 months
I recently read "The Last Guardian" and I am absolutely delighted by it, I feel like when it comes to Khadgar content this is a huge "must read" because the whole book is just so good-natured despite the fact that this sets off a never-ending series of deeply traumatizing events for Khadgar.
Here's some things that canonically happen in this book and that I just found so endearing or fun:
The Kirin Tor literally sends Khadgar off to Medivh because Khadgar kept wandering the halls of the Violet Citadel at night and being so nosy that he caught his professors on drinking binges, sleeping with students or trying to summon demons. Medivh knows that they sent him here hoping he dies because he knows too much.
Khadgar rambling and babbling and being delightfully awkward
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Khadgar forgets how to talk when he meets Medivh and makes some strange sound to which Medivh asks Moroes if "the lad is ill."
Medivh having scheduled times for breakfast, lunch and dinner and keeping to them. Also he and Khadgar are just eating porridge with sausages for breakfast every day when he is around.
Khadgar having his inscription set with him that he carries all neatly packaged and tidied up, even though he is this scruffy dirty looking teen boy.
Lothar and Medivh both have this dad relationship with Khadgar, but Lothar is like the cool supportive dad who would take you to a soccer game and would support you at pride with the wrong flag.
During this particularly deep conversation about time and space, Medivh encourages Khadgar to have a bit of wine, Khadgar gets a little tipsy and then Medivh encourages Khadgar to live a little and try to levitate e mug with his magic even though he has been drinking - naturally it ends with Khadgar cleaning the floor afterwards.
When Medivh falls into a coma after their demon encounter at Stormwind, he entrusts Khadgar with handling his mail and Khadgar spends most of his free time sitting next to Medivh's bed and reading him the mail - especially the funny parts.
In the same situation when Medivh wakes up, he sees the startled Khadgar on the floor (after a vision of Sargeras) and softly asks him why he didn't ask Moroes to set up a bed for him there if he wanted to stay in his room.
Khadgar goes very quickly from "Guardian! There is an ORC in the tower!!!" to "Garona is my friend :)"
Khadgar and Garona spend a lot of time rebuilding the library after Garon thrashes the place in order to save Khadgar's life. They make a makeshift woodwork station in the stables outside Karazhan.
Khadgar has like a lowkey puppy crush on Garona and this is actually innocently cute.
Khadgar and Garona on the road when they flee from Medivh is such a nice sequence because they protect each other (from the orcs and humans who would hurt the other one) and also about the fact that they feel betrayed by Medivh. Also Khadgar just wants her to like and trust him 😭
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Lothar gets Garona to wear the Stormwind armor by telling her that it matches her eyes and that Khadgar will wear it - and then Khadgar also tells her it matches her eyes and she looks good in it. Lothar using elementary school level tactics to get them to wear the Stormwind armor is so funny.
I just feel like this book was really fun and the pacing of the story was great between building up Medivh as an antagonist who genuinely cared for Khadgar, solving the murder-mystery around him and had the right amount of just daily domestic stuff between Khadgar and him and Khadgar and Garona. Not to mention the excellent parallels between Medivh losing his youth and waking up as an old man and Khadgar losing his youth while also going through what is a very sad coming of age story for him.
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yardsards · 3 months
people love an "i'll take care of you" "it's rotten work" "not to me, not if it's you" character dynamic until the character who needs to be taken care of is disabled. then it's supposedly fucked up and toxic for a person to have to take care of someone else.
#eliot posts#this is continuing off that last post i reblogged#that time i was like ''aw tumblr is out of new posts for this character i like. reddit is empty too. lemme check twitter''#BIG MISTAKE#i had to see the hot take of#''it's fucked up to ship this because character A had to be character B's caretaker. that's basically slavery.''#LIKE BRUH???#have you. ever met a couple where one of them is disabled and needs a caretaker? bc that's a very real thing that happens and it's not toxi#honestly usually the risk in those situations is the power the caretaker nay have over their disabled partner#but that imbalance can be properly navigated#and is not a concern in these two characters' case bc there is a very clear mutual respect there#caregiver fatigue is a real problem too of course but that's ALSO something that can be successfully navigated#and in these particular characters' case doesn't seem like it would be an issue because like#character b also has professional caretakers who will likely continue to be part of his life if needed#(and the money to hire more if not)#like it's okay to not like the ship#maybe the age gap of someone in their 20s w someone in the equivalent of their 30s squicks you out#maybe you monogamously ship one or both of them w someone else#maybe you think their dynamic is way more interesting from a platonic angle than from a romantic one#maybe you just aren't interested in their dynamic#those are all fair points! i'm not even ride or die for that ship myself#but jesus fucking christ you don't gotta be ableist about it#oh or the equally bad take i saw on there of#''character a could never be attracted to character b. he just sees char b as a sick dying old dog that he needs to take care of''#like no! character a clearly respects and values character b! they are friends! the issue is just that YOU see character b as a dying dog.
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doli-nemae · 10 months
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Something very normal is happening in local church, I assure you
Deacon lasombra belongs to @clericnortke !!!
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