#char: tali
bejeweledcommander · 5 months
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Favorite Mass Effect Squadmates: Tali Zorah vas Normandy 1/?
"You've heard me say keelah sa'lei. The best translation I can come up with is by the home world I hope to see some day." "Looks like you're seeing it today."
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xanwritesx · 2 years
for: @taliwrites who: the crew what: operation save aleks & augie
"Did you change the oil?"
A question targeted toward the sudden lack of mobility that their SUV seems to be experiencing, but it's in the way that it's launched out from the window in such a monotone that Caleb knows it isn't serious. Of course oil isn't an issue, nor is it the coolant or the transmission fluid. Everything had been checked in regards to the alternator and fuel pumps.
Caleb ducks his head under the car in time to hear Finn call out next, "What about the window washer fluid?" as though it would be the all important liquid needed to get this one up and running.
Upon finding no fluids dripping from the engine, Caleb returns to the driver's side. "There aren't any leaks, and I know the vacuum hose is in tact. I looked at it all prior to leaving."
"Apparently not well enough-" Finn starts, but Caleb gives him a look that has him shutting up. Why is Tali even fond of this one? He's incessantly annoying, like a mosquito in your bedroom waiting to be swat at. Normally Finn can waste entire days debating the most obscure, unimportant things. To pass the time. Caleb is thankful that instead of arguing he opts to hop out of the passenger seat, and he looks to the three in the back.
"Tali, move up front." Finn's navigation can be traded for some peace. Tali can sit next to him, she will direct him just fine. “Think I might just leave him behind...”
Finn has decided to walk back to Leon's vehicle to his side. A better more amicable company than that of Caleb, that’s for sure. "The audience is pretty stone-faced over there, someone needs to help him blow off some steam at some point." It is said in passing, without the heaviness of the obvious innuendo. "You think he blows his load with the permanent scowl on his face?"
"What's... uh, what'd he say is wrong? Did you guys just stall out?" Finn's entertained smirk fades in the slightest and he looks to Fletcher for the shortest moment before back to Leon with a shrug. This causes for Fletch to sink in his seat, careful not to disturb Aiden's who's been asleep for the last hour of the drive.
Fletcher looks up to the front seat where Max is with a shrug and a frown, and that's just when Finn steps back to let Caleb peak in through Leon's window. "Fuel gauge is broken, it's reading half full. So... I have an empty tank. You think you can head on up ahead with them-" He nods to Max and Fletcher and Ren and Aiden, then points out down the street. "- I have these two here with me to watch the car. Siphon some gas from another vehicle and come back?"
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garthcelyn · 2 years
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Not writing because uni but have some more Sims (because this is what I do now, I guess)
This time some side characters! Featuring:
Casper's stepsister and Cooper's wife, Iarden Lindys
Side chick Dane Sorenson
Local bartender who *will* sell your secrets, Lainey Chancellor
And the only reporter who actually works, Tali Faber
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lavampira · 1 year
stay the course
summary: death isn't easily forgotten—sometimes, certain missions can bring reminders better left buried. malena shepard deals with the fallout of the geth dreadnought mission with kaidan to support her. pairing: malena shepard/kaidan alenko word count: 2k | rated: T | read on ao3 notes: set during mass effect 3. cw: ptsd.
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Malena doesn’t scream when her hand misses the ledge. Her heart races like it’s in a damn marathon as she floats in zero grav, which in its defense, she has been trying to outrun the explosions behind her, and a hoarse gasp rips past her lips in sheer frustration that’s mirrored by someone swearing over the comm, but she does not scream. Not even with the imploding geth ship under her.
Tali, her brain supplies. She ignores her for the time being. She’s on autopilot now, maybe flipped that switch from the moment she had to walk her way through space not even five minutes into this mission, reliving an experience that she definitely would’ve preferred not to again. But she can think about that later.
Her mind does run through a mental list, though. Garrus. Tali. Legion, whom she hadn’t expected to see, but she can’t say that she’s unhappy about it even with that chunk of her old, charred N7 chest plate still fused over his circuits. The first two are safe. The latter snatches her hand out of the air, tugging her back to the walkway to lead her through a new escape plan.
Someone else—Joker, maybe—calls over the comm as they flee in a geth fighter, Legion at its helm. She thinks she answers this time, but she can’t be sure. Briefly, she thinks of Kaidan, still on the Normandy in a search for his students when they’d left, but she pushes aside those thoughts, too. Her teeth chatter and muscles shake with the excess of adrenaline the entire way.
As shitty as the mission has gone, she’s almost surprised that they make it back in one piece.
The relief when they finally pass through the airlock and her boots are firmly back on the Normandy floods her. It’s almost funny in a warped sort of way, considering she’d died on the last one. But Garrus lightly knocks her shoulder’s armor plate with a gentle fist on his way past her, that simple reflex of their old routine after all these years briefly settling her frayed nerves, further grounding her to the sanctuary of her ship.
Not that it lasts.
Malena stews through the Quarians’ debrief. She wants to kick the admiralty off the ship, wants to yell over the conference line that it was stupid to start a war with the galaxy at stake and even stupider to fire on a dreadnought with the woman bending over backwards to help them still on it, but she does none of those things. She bites her tongue hard enough for the metallic tang of blood to fill her mouth and plays at civility with her trembling hands folded behind her back until it’s done.
The fact is that more than her frustration that so few people are willing to consider the risks of division while the Reapers decimate whole worlds, and being the one in the unfortunate position of trying to hold them all together with scraps of hope to even stand a chance, she hates that this is the mission threatening to undo her.
All because of her own fear.
She can fight through fear—her entire career has been shaped around her capacity to do it and accomplish the impossible in spite of it. But in the aftermath when the adrenaline ebbs and the quiet sets in again, that’s the real pain in the ass. By the time that she manages to scrub the sweat from her body and soot residue from her armor, change into a plain tee that she’d confiscated from Kaidan some time ago and hangs slightly loose over her frame, and lower herself to her cabin’s lounge with her face in her hands, it’s begun to eat away at her composure.
Malena was born in space. Her childhood had been spent moving from ship to ship with parents in the Alliance, never spending much time on any singular planet besides infrequent visits. Her adult life had been dedicated to serving the Alliance herself, training at Arcturus and Grissom, going through the N7 program, and then bunking on other ships until she had one of her own to command. She’s trained so thoroughly for spacewalks that she could damn well do one in her sleep. It should’ve been like any other day for her.
The problem lies in the fact that she had died in space, too. Blown right out of her very first ship trying to save her pilot, suffocated in her own malfunctioning suit, and burned in Alchera’s atmosphere, only to wake on a Cerberus lab table two years later with recreated parts that still discomfort her thoughts and residual terror from the experience seared into her psyche, apparently.
Kaidan eventually finds her in her cabin—or theirs, she supposes, now that he’s tentatively moved in his belongings for some semblance of normalcy as a couple despite everything else going to hell around them—with a soft hiss of the door granting him access. She can tell by his quiet pause at the entry that he’s skimming the room for her.
“Hey, there you are,” he calls softly. She doesn’t know exactly what her face shows when she finally glances up, but it must be a doozy because his thick brows furrow, and he adds, “You okay?”
I’m fine, Malena wants to say. How many times does she say it in a day? Fine, fine, fine. Chin up, back straight. It’s a necessity on a ship—if others see their commanding officer lose her shit, morale goes right out the airlock. And so Commander Shepard has the situation under control, and if she doesn’t, then she’ll get it there.
She opens her mouth to speak, but her voice breaks before she can form a word.
Kaidan is there in an instant. He kneels in front of her, searching her face with those soft brown eyes until she ducks her head. If she looks at him too long, she will cry, and that will only worry him more. She can only imagine what his train of thought was already doing while she was aboard that damn ship.
Guilt pools low in her gut and propels her forward, sinking into the warmth of his arms that open instinctively to hold her. His stubbled cheek prickles against her skin as he leans his face against her, but she doesn’t mind, tethered by the familiarity of that simple gesture. She rests her own head on his shoulder, allowing herself this singular point of comfort.
“So, rough day, huh?”
Malena huffs a laugh into his neck. “Understatement of the century.”
“Yeah. If you want to talk about it… I mean, I don’t know. You’ve listened to me through the hard things. I want to be here for you, too, if you’ll let me.”
“You always are.”
“Not always,” he returns ruefully. “But I’d like us to be better.”
The heaviness in his voice forces her to draw back to see him better in the dim lighting of the room. Her palm finds his cheek, letting her thumb sweep away the regret pulling at his features. In so many ways, Horizon and Mars still haunt the space between them as much as her death, every step to get past it seemingly a monumental one at times. But they’re trying, and that’s enough for her.
She could deflect it with a joke. It would be so easy to do it, shooting him a little smirk around a teasing comment, maybe bring a soft laugh out of him for even a moment. It doesn’t feel right with all his earnesty on display, though. Not when her resolve is still so close to shattering in his arms and her latest brush with death, far too similar to the real one, lingers over their heads.
“Hey, you’ve got me,” Malena finally says, trailing her hand to brush back a dark curl fallen over his forehead. “This is when it matters. And you’re here.”
The corner of his mouth twitches as if fighting the urge to smile. “I thought I was supposed to be reassuring you.”
“Well, maybe we both need a little of it right now.”
“Yeah. Maybe you’re right.”
Kaidan reaches for the hand still cradling his face, twisting it to press his lips to the sensitive skin of her wrist, right above her pulse. A reminder that she’s alive, though she can’t be certain if it’s more for his sake or for hers. All she knows is that it’s become a habit ever since they decided to stop holding back how they feel for each other and a comfort all the same.
Before she can react to it, he rises from the floor and slides easily into the space beside her, tugging her close with an arm wound around her back. Part of her wants to protest that she still has reports to make before she can allow herself a reprieve. But she also knows he will just fight her on it, equally stubborn and insistent in his care, and so she caves into it. She rests her head against his shoulder and settles her strong thighs over his lap, his free arm holding them in place.
“These are the moments that scare the hell out of me,” he says quietly.
“What, cuddling?”
“No.” An uneasy laugh escapes him. “Thinking of how I could’ve lost you again, and how I wasn’t even there.”
Malena swallows around a lump in her throat, but she steadies herself, tightening her grip on him for purchase. Last time he had voiced something like it, she’d quipped that she had a problem staying dead anyway. Guilt still gnaws at her chest for how horribly quiet he had gone, how tense and rigid his body had grown with her remark. No matter how much she wants to brush off the thought, even to alleviate the dour mood, she doesn’t want to go there again.
Instead, she confesses, “It scared the shit out of me, too.”
It might have been her lowest point yet. The walk between ships had seemed vast and endless, only made longer by how often she’d stopped to double check her omni-tool that her suit was still intact because everything was so silent save for her labored breathing in rattled bursts. Even with Garrus’ snark to keep her company over the comm channel, she couldn’t fully hide the damn shake in her voice with each response. Her heart had been hammering hard enough in her chest to feel lightheaded and unsteady in her boots by the time that she got the other entry open for the others.
“Yeah, I… Well, Garrus might’ve mentioned it. I mean, I’d figured it could trudge up some memories, but he seemed pretty worried, too.”
Her eyes squeeze shut as she buries her face further into him. “That traitor.”
“He’s looking out for you. Can’t fault him for that.” A placating kiss is placed on the top of her head. “You know, you’re strong, Mal. Maybe the strongest person I know. But even you can be shaken up.”
“I can’t— I’m not supposed to show it.”
“You can with me. I’ve got you, remember?”
Kaidan draws her closer to emphasize his point, or maybe out of his own reassurance as well. It doesn’t alleviate all of the residual fear and frustration, Malena finds, but some of the weight does feel marginally lifted from her chest with the fervent honesty in his words. She raises her head to respond, but her throat feels too tight to speak, forcing her to take an alternate approach.
She presses a kiss to his temple, right on the dark hair flecked in more silver than it had been a few years ago. You do.
Another kiss to his stubbled cheek. Thank you.
And a final one to his lips, ignoring the uncomfortable chafe of his fatigue pants against her legs as she shifts in his lap to face him more fully, desperate for the proximity as he matches her breath for breath. I love you.
If he doesn’t understand, Kaidan doesn’t say. He simply takes the gesture in stride as he finally allows himself a small smile against her lips. And Malena has to admit, letting herself drop the veneer of unshakable strength is as exhilarating as it is terrifying with the man who loves her doing his damnedest to get her through it, despite everything they face.
It’s a trust fall, but it’s one she realizes she’ll make every time.
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creepedverse · 5 months
To all of the char! Who is in a relationship(and with whom) and who's not?
The only characters in a canon, official relationship is Tali and Tobin
Nico has multiple different lovers, but she's repulsed by/doesn't fuck w/ romantic relationships
Everyone else is BITCHLESS 😈
Bonnibel has a MASSIVE long term infatuation w/ Ruth, a Farnbury local who frequents the church besides the Antique shop. but Ruth doesn't have a role in the story, and frankly, she finds Bonnie frustrating
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chereserene · 2 years
71. Can you curl your tongue?
Yes and paanong curl pala?
72. Ever won a spelling bee?
hmm nope reservoir ligwak na pero that time difficult na yun gradeschool, mas nanalo ako sa mga memorization
73. Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
hmm yes, siguro bilang naman yung genuine moments pero mas marami pa rin yung reason na hindi ka masaya
74. What is your favorite book?
Abnormal Psychology Barlow, Theories of Personality Feist and Feist , ay char lang mhie tali talinuhan lang, obob tayo irl pero magaganda yang books na yan
75. Do you study better with or without music?
we can do both ya know
76. Regularly burn incense?
ano yan insenso?? seryoso ba to Hahaha minsan lang kapag sabi nung mangtatawas magpausok raw kami sa bahay kasi may nagala
77. Ever been in love?
OO PUTANGINAAAAAAAA usto ko na magcry
78. Who would you like to see in concert?
Arctic Monkeys, Cigarettes After Sex, Munimuni
79. What was the last concert you saw?
hmm concert? waley pa since pandemic di naman ako nattend kapag walang kasama yung last ko dapat UP Fair kaso di na ako pumunta.
80. Hot tea or cold tea?
TT po
tysomuchuee @xscizors
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Spiritualist California: Navigating the Best Psychics, Astrologers, and Spiritual Guides
spiritualist California
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California, a land of innovation and diversity, has long been a beacon for those seeking spiritual enlightenment. From the serene coastal towns to the bustling urban centers, the Golden State offers a rich tapestry of spiritual experiences. This article explores the world of spiritualism in California, focusing on the best psychics, astrologers, and spiritual guides who can provide insights and guidance in your quest for spiritual growth.
The Essence of Spiritualism in California
Spiritualism in California is as varied as the state's landscape. With its blend of modernity and tradition, California is home to a plethora of spiritual practices and beliefs. Spiritualism here often intersects with a variety of mystical traditions, including psychic readings, astrology, and other metaphysical practices.
California's spiritual landscape is influenced by its diverse population. This diversity is reflected in the wide range of spiritual practices available. Whether you are seeking a traditional psychic reading, an astrological consultation, or a more eclectic spiritual experience, California has something to offer.
Notable Psychics in California
1. Lisa Williams
Lisa Williams, a renowned psychic medium, is celebrated for her ability to connect with the spirit world. Based in Los Angeles, Williams has gained a reputation for her accurate readings and compassionate approach. Her work extends beyond individual readings; she also offers workshops and seminars designed to help others develop their own psychic abilities. Williams’ blend of personal insight and practical guidance makes her a standout in California's psychic community.
2. Tyler Henry
Known from the popular TV show "Hollywood Medium," Tyler Henry has made a name for himself with his youthful energy and genuine connection to the spirit realm. Based in Los Angeles, Henry offers private readings that are both profound and insightful. His approach is characterized by a deep sense of empathy and an ability to provide clarity on a range of personal issues.
3. Char Margolis
Char Margolis is a well-respected psychic medium with decades of experience. Her intuitive abilities and straightforward approach have earned her a place among California's best. Margolis is known for her television appearances and radio shows, where she offers readings and spiritual advice to a broad audience. Her practice is centered on providing clear and actionable guidance to those seeking answers.
Top Astrologers in California
1. Susan Miller
Susan Miller, the founder of Astrology Zone, is a leading figure in the field of astrology. Based in New York, Miller has a significant following in California, where her detailed horoscopes and astrological insights are highly regarded. Her monthly forecasts are popular among those seeking guidance on various aspects of their lives, including relationships, career, and personal growth.
2. Rick Levine
Rick Levine is a prominent astrologer known for his innovative and insightful approach to astrology. Based in the Seattle area but serving clients throughout California, Levine offers personalized readings and forecasts that integrate traditional astrological methods with modern insights. His ability to translate complex astrological concepts into practical advice makes him a sought-after expert.
3. The AstroTwins (Ophira and Tali Edut)
The AstroTwins, Ophira and Tali Edut, are renowned astrologers with a unique approach to astrology. Based in New York but with a strong presence in California, they offer personalized readings and horoscopes that blend astrological insights with a touch of humor and practicality. Their work has been featured in numerous media outlets, making them a popular choice for those seeking astrological guidance.
Spiritual Guides and Practices in California
1. The Self-Realization Fellowship
Founded by Paramahansa Yogananda, the Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF) offers a range of spiritual teachings and practices. Based in Los Angeles, SRF focuses on meditation and the realization of one's spiritual potential. The organization provides classes, retreats, and resources for those interested in deepening their spiritual practice.
2. Esalen Institute
Located in Big Sur, the Esalen Institute is a hub for personal and spiritual growth. Known for its scenic setting and diverse offerings, Esalen provides workshops and retreats that cover a wide range of spiritual and personal development topics. From meditation to holistic health practices, Esalen attracts individuals seeking to explore and expand their spiritual awareness.
3. The Spiritual Center of the West
Based in Santa Monica, the Spiritual Center of the West offers a variety of spiritual services, including meditation classes, workshops, and spiritual counseling. The center's mission is to support individuals in their journey toward spiritual awakening and personal transformation. Its community-oriented approach makes it a welcoming space for those seeking spiritual guidance.
Integrating Spiritual Practices into Daily Life
California's spiritual community offers more than just readings and consultations; it provides tools and practices for integrating spiritual insights into everyday life. Whether through meditation, mindfulness, or holistic health practices, California's spiritual guides help individuals navigate their personal and spiritual journeys.
1. Meditation and Mindfulness
Many of California's spiritual practitioners emphasize the importance of meditation and mindfulness. These practices can help individuals connect with their inner selves and cultivate a sense of peace and clarity. Meditation retreats, workshops, and online resources are widely available, providing support for those looking to incorporate these practices into their daily routines.
2. Holistic Health Practices
Holistic health practices, including energy healing, aromatherapy, and yoga, are integral to California's spiritual landscape. These practices are often combined with psychic and astrological guidance to provide a comprehensive approach to well-being. Many practitioners offer services that blend traditional spiritual practices with modern holistic techniques.
3. Spiritual Communities and Groups
California is home to numerous spiritual communities and groups that provide support and fellowship for individuals on their spiritual journeys. These communities offer opportunities for connection, learning, and growth, making it easier for individuals to find like-minded souls and share their experiences.
Finding the Right Spiritual Guide for You
Choosing the right psychic, astrologer, or spiritual guide can be a deeply personal decision. It’s important to find someone whose approach resonates with you and aligns with your spiritual goals. Consider factors such as their experience, approach, and the type of services they offer.
1. Research and Recommendations
Start by researching potential guides and seeking recommendations from friends or online communities. Many practitioners have websites or social media profiles where you can learn more about their services and read testimonials from other clients.
2. Initial Consultations
Many practitioners offer initial consultations or introductory sessions. These can be a valuable opportunity to get a sense of their style and approach before committing to a more in-depth session.
3. Trust Your Intuition
Ultimately, trust your intuition when choosing a spiritual guide. If a particular practitioner feels right to you, that’s often a good indication that they may be the right fit for your needs.
California's spiritual landscape is as diverse and dynamic as the state itself. From renowned psychics and astrologers to dedicated spiritual guides and holistic practitioners, there is no shortage of resources for those seeking spiritual insight and growth. By exploring the rich array of options available, you can find the guidance and support needed to enhance your spiritual journey and deepen your understanding of yourself and the world around you.
Whether you're seeking answers to life's big questions, looking to explore your astrological chart, or simply seeking a deeper connection with your inner self, California offers a wealth of opportunities to embark on your spiritual path. Embrace the journey and discover the transformative power of spiritualism in the Golden State.
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poke-muns · 8 months
Human Names from Pokémon
Like how Robin, Leo, Raven, Kitty, etc. sound like animals using different languages, and names like Goldie can have ties if the namer so wishes. Same works here! The Pokemon name itself can be a name or the more “namey” sounding version.
Under the cut will likely be long and always getting longer as it’s updated. Names will be organised alphabetically!
Some names have links to pkmn irl roleplay blogs of folk who use the name/have used the name with this as the reason. I won’t be tagging so if you’re interested go have a look! 
Accelgor = Ellie, Cel, Elgor, Elgo
Aggron = Aggie, Ron
Galeking (Japanese) = Gale, King
Stolloss (German) = Stoll
Amaura = Amaur, Maur, Mau, Maura, Maurrie
Amagara (French) = Ama, Magar, Magara, Gara, Ara
Amarus (Japanese & Korean) = Amar, Mar, Marus, Arus, Rus
Tundra (species name) = Tunny, Undra
Blissey = Bliss, Liss, Lissey, Sey, Issey
Caterpie = Caterina
Decidueye = Dec, Deci, Duey,
Arrow Quill (species name) = Quill
Delcatty = Del, Catt, Catty
Prim (species name)
Delibird = Del
Dudunsparce = Dud, Dun, Arce, Dudun
Deusolourdo (French) = Deus, Sol, Deusol, Lourdo, Solourdo, Solour
Dummimisel (German) = Dummi, Dumm/Dum, Imi, Misel, Isel, Sel, Ummi, Mimi
Land Snake (species name) = Lanake, Snand
Nogogochi (Korean) = Nogo, Nogogo, Gogo, Gochi, Gogochi, Ochi, Ogochi, Ogogochi
Nokokocchi (Japanese) = Noko, Nokoko, Kocchi, Kokocchi, Occhi, Okocchi, Okokocchi, Okoko
Espeon = Es, Esp, Espy/Espie (I get what it sounds like and some don’t like that term), Peon
Eifie (Japanese) = Eif, Fie
Evee (Korean) = Eve, Vee (Pokémon adventures reference too? :D)
Mentali (French) = Ment, Tali, Ali
Psiana (German) = Psi, Psia, Ian, Iana, Ana, Psian
Sun (species name) = Sun, Sunny/Sunnie
Feebas = Feebie, Bas
Flareon = Flare, Eon, Reon
Booster (Japanese & Korean) = Boost
Flamara (German) = Amara, Amar, Lamar, Ara
Pyroli (French) = Py, Pyrol, Li, Oli
Fletchinder / Fletchling = Fletch
Frillish = Frill, Rilli, Lish, Illish
Galvantula = Gal, Galvan, Tula
Glaceon = Glace, Eon, Ace, Ceon, Lace
Fresh Snow (species name) = Snow, Esh
Glacia (Japanese) = Cia, Acia, Lacia
Glaziola (German) = Glaz, Glazi, Ziola, Ola, Zio, Lazio
Geulleisia (Korean) = Geulle/Guel/Guell, Leisia, Eisia, Sia, Euelle/Euel/Euell
Givrali (French) = Giv, Rali, Ali, Li, Givra, Vral, Vrali, Ivra, Ivral, Ivrali
Goldeen = Goldee/Goldie
Gothitelle = Elle
Siderella = Ella
Hariyama = Hari, Riya, Yama, Hariya
Jolteon = Jo, Jol, Joel, Jolt, Teon, Eon
Blitza (German) = Blitz, Itza, Litz, Za, Blita, Blit
Jupithunder (Korean) = Jupi, Jupiter, Thun, Pith, Pithund, Pithun, Jup, Jupith
Thunders (Japanese) = Thunder, Thun, Ders
Voltali (French) = Volt, Ali, Tali, Li, Olta, Oltali
Karrablast = Karra
Kleoparda (Liepard in German) = Kleo
Kyurem = Kyu, Rem/Remy, Kyur/Kyure
Landorus = Dory, Lan/Lanie, Lando
Demeteros / Démétéros (German / French) = Demetreus, Demeter, Dem
Leafeon = Leaf, Eaf, Feon, Eon, Eafie/Eafe, Leafe/Leafie
Folipurba (German) = Foli, Oli, Pur, Purb, Purba, Urba, Lipur, Lipurb, Folipur
Leafia (Japanese) = Leaf, Fia, Eafia
Lipia (Korean) = Ipia, Pia, Lipi, Ipi
Phyllali (French) = Phyll/Phyll, Ali, Lali
Lileep = Lilee/Lily, Lil, Lee, Li
Litleo = Leo, Litly
Lumineon = Lumi, Lumie
Luxio = Lux
Luxray = Lux, Ray
Medicham = Medi, Dich, Dicha, Edi, Cham, Dicham, Medich
Charem (Japanese) = Char/Chare, Rem, Arem, Em
Charmina (French) = Charm, Mina, Armina, Armin, Charmin, Charmi, Armi, Min, Ina
Meditalis (German) = Tali, Talis, Alis, Dit, Ditali, Ditalis
Meditate (species name) = Tate, Medit, Dit
Yogarem (Korean) = Yo, Yoga, Rem, Garem, Em
Mienshao = Mie, Mien, Shao, Ao, Miensh, Miensha, Enshao
Bizodo (Korean) = Bi, Bizo, Zodo, Iz, Izo, Izodo, Odo, Biz
Kojondo (Japanese) = Kojo, Jon, Jondo, Jon Do (?), Kojon, Kojond, Jond, Ko
Shaofouine (French) = Shao, Shaofou, Fouine, Fou, Shaof
Shifùyòu (Mandarin) = Shifù, Fùyòu, Yòu
Wie-Shu (German) = Wie, Wiesh, Shu, Eshu
Mightyena / Poochyena = Yena
Milotic = Milo, Loti, Ilo, Oti, Otic
Panpour = Pan
Pansage = Pan, Sage, Pansie/Pansy
Pansear = Pan, Pansie/Pansy (possibly)
Pichu = Pi, Chu, Ichu, Ich
Pikachu = Pika, Achu, Pik, Pi, Chu
Pyroar = Py, Pyro, Ro, Roar, Oar
Pyroleo (French) = Pyro, Roleo, Leo, Rol
Raichu = Rai, Chu, Ai, Aichu
Roselia = Rose, Rosie, Elia, Eli
Roserade = Rose, Rosie
Sableye = Sable
Zobiris (German) = Iris, Zo, Biris, Ob
Sawsbuck = Saw
Haydaim (French) = Hay, Haydm, Daim, Haydem
Shelmet = Shely
Sprigatito = Sprig, Gati, Gatito, Tito, Titi, Rig, Gat, Spriga
Felori (German) = Fel, Feli, Lori, Ori, Eloro, Felo
Grass Cat (species name) = Cass, Grat, Cat
Myāohā (Hindi) = Myā, Myāo, Yāo, Yāohā, Āohā
Naoha (Korean) = Nao, Ao, Aoha
Niaoha (Thai) = Nia, Niao, Aoha, Iaoha, Iao
Nyahoja (Japanese) = Nya, Hoja, Nyaho
Poussacha (French) = Sacha, Acha, Poussa, Poussach
Sylveon = Sylvie / Sylvester, Veon, Eon
Feelinara (German) = Fee, Feelin, Linara, Nara, Ara, Lin, Inara, Inar, Eelin, Elina
Nymphali (French) = Nymph, Nym, Pha, Phali, Ali
Nymphia (Japanese & Korean) = Nymph, Nym, Phia, Phi
Tauros = Tau, Taur, Ros, Tauro, Auros
Kentaros (Korean) = Ken, Kent, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentaro, Taro, Aros
Kentauros (Japanese) = Ken, Kentau, Kentaur, Kentauro, Enta
Terrakion = Terra/Terr/Terry, Kion, Erra, Raki, Ion
Terrakium (German & French) = Kiu, Kium
Togekiss = Toge, Kiss/Kissie, Gex (I don’t know ok), Gek
Jubilee (species name) = Lee, Jubi
Torterra = Tor, Tort, Terra, Erra
Chelterrar (French) = Chel, Chelt, Terra, Terrar, Rar, Erra
Umbreon = Umbre, Reon, Eon, Bre, Breon
Blacky (Japanese & Korean) = Black, Lacky, Blac
Nachtara (German) = Nach, Tara
Noctali (French) = Noc, Noct, Tali, Octa, Octal, Octali
Vaporeon = Vapor, Va, Reon, Eon, Oreo, Oreon
Aquali (Japanese) = Aqua, Li, Ali, Quali
Aquana (German) = Aqua, Ana, Quana
Bubble Jet (species name) = Jet, Bubble, Blej (I don’t know okay)
Shamid (Korean) = Shamie, Amid, Sham, Mid
Showers (Japanese) = Ower, Shower
Wooloo = Woo, Woolie/Wooly, Loo (like Lou)
Moumouton (French) = Mou, Moumou, Mouton, Ton
Wolly (German) = Wol, Olly
Yanmega = Yan, Mega, Meg, Anme
Ogre Darner (species name)= Darner, Ogie
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incorrectbeginagain · 4 years
MJ Watson: Why would you give a knife to a child?!
Sharon Carter: Tali felt unsafe.
MJ Watson: Now I feel unsafe!
Sharon Carter: I’m sorry.
Sharon Carter:
Sharon Carter: Would you like a knife?
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mewwile · 3 years
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sketches of Talie, my lynx fullblooded tabaxi, when i was working out how i wanted her design exactly to work. She’s a doctor/war veteran who runs a clinic in her hometown and is very stressed but cares very deeply for her loved ones. included is sig’s Enmonis, her best friend and also who she is very much in love with. hehehehe ehe
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smolla-than-a-bug · 3 years
You should totally write about mikey speaking tagalog I think thatd be so rad
HMMMM I SEE U I SEE U and i raise u an even better spin off of this idea: au where izana comes home to the sanos and shinichiro, emma, and mikey try to learn tagalog to cultivate izanas filo roots 😩
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xanwritesx · 2 years
for: @taliwrites who: Caleb & Leon & Max & Tali au: Endure & Survive
Paranoia and caution have always been much of a muchness to Caleb. They both result in the same thing: missed opportunities. He’s seen the fragility of life, and can’t bear the thought of wasting it. And diving right into the hornet's nest like that of the Hunters is an easy ticket into the afterlife.
It doesn't occur to Caleb, now, that he may be slightly hypocritical in his thought process, because despite his vocalization of the idiot idea to go in guns-blazing to rescue the two boys, if it had been Tali in there he'd walk right up to the front door head on without fear to retrieve her. There’s an argument to be made that his bias doesn't fit in their ragtag group of survivors.
"Absolutely not. We can't."
Caleb's firm in that decision even if he knows he has the losing vote. Shaking his head, he tears his eyes away from Tali and looks to Leon. Not Max, because he knows she’s not going to listen to reason, but just maybe Leon will. "We don't have the men or guns to do it - it's a death wish."
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garthcelyn · 2 years
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Behold, one again introducing these bastards but this time it’s themed
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octerminal · 4 years
I played through ME3 with an exiled Tali and I wanted to catalogue all the references surrounding her exile since I thought it was interesting. This is not meant to be comprehensive.
(Context: Tali’s introduction during Priority: Perseus Veil.)
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ADMIRAL RAAN: Also, an old friend of yours—while still technically exiled—has offered to help against the geth.
TALI: Tali’Zorah vas Normandy, reporting for duty.
(Context: Shepard speaking privately with Tali during Priority: Perseus Veil.)
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SHEPARD: I had no idea you were with the fleet.   
TALI: They’re keeping it quiet. There was a lot of publicity around my trial, but I’m an expert on the geth, so…
SHEPARD: You’re their dirty little secret.
(Context: Shepard speaking privately with Tali during Priority: Perseus Veil. Not a direct continuation of the above conversation, but it does happen in the same cutscene.)
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SHEPARD: So why help them?
TALI: They’re still my people. Even if I am the admirals’ dirty little secret.
(Context: Shepard speaking with Tali in the war room between missions. This happens under investigation dialogue option “Tali’s history.”)
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SHEPARD: So how did you end up back with your fleet, Tali?
TALI: When the war started, the Admiralty Board asked for my help. I had more recent contact with geth than most of my people. They offered to end my exile if I could help us retake the homeworld.
(Context: Shepard speaking with Tali in the war room between missions. This happens under investigation dialogue option “Back with quarians.”)
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SHEPARD: How is it being back with the fleet?
TALI: It’s better than exile. I know they only brought me back to help them, but…I just want to get out of this alive. Everything else can wait.
(Context: Shepard speaking privately with Tali in their cabin between missions. They are discussing how Tali is doing.)
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TALI: Maybe it’s better to just be an exile. At least this way, I don’t expect them to listen to me.
SHEPARD: That still has to hurt.
TALI: I was too ready to sacrifice myself for the good of the fleet. I need to stop doing that.
SHEPARD: Good luck.
(Context: Shepard speaking with Tali over the comms during Priority: Geth Dreadnought. They are discussing how the admirals are conducting their war with the geth.)
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SHEPARD: Not the way you’d have done it?
TALI: No, not that I have much say in the matter. I’m not even part of the fleet anymore.
(Context: Shepard speaking with Tali during Priority: Geth Dreadnought.)
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SHEPARD: I’m surprised they’d send you on this mission, Tali.
TALI: Why? If I die, all they’ve lost is an exile.
SHEPARD: And when we succeed, you’ll have the leverage to get your exiled overturned.
TALI: Here’s hoping.
(Context: Tali’s goodbye during Priority: Earth near the end of the game.)
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TALI: Whatever happens, I’m proud to have served with you...Captain.
SHEPARD: Why do you say it like that? Looking for a transfer?
TALI: Well, I can’t play favorites by staying on a human ship. I’m an ambassador now.
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mistresstrevelyan · 4 years
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strangesmallbard · 2 years
Top 5 Bioware characters
god this is the hardest question perhaps! bioware sure knows how to make a character. (what they do next, well. that's where we the get problems, trials, and tribulations.)
1. my various ocs. this is a cop-out response, but i would die for all of them. specifically miriam shepard, nalwren lavellan, lucy hawke, and phera tabris. terrible terrible kids who make decisions <3
2. dr liara t'soni - i cannot emphasize this enough: instead of grieving commander shepard, liara sells their charred corpse to a terrorist organization because they think (THINK) their necromancy technology works. and it does. then liara becomes the deadliest information broker in the galaxy. she's also an archaeology nerd who probably gets tenure at every university by age 400. the chutzpah in this bitch. i LOVE her.
3. cassandra allegra portia filomena pentaghast. she's entirely fascinating and bioware wasted every opportunity to do something meaningful with her blunt honesty, rigid sense of morality, and dedication to justice. she was like halfway to going "fuck the chantry, though" and yet she's the conservative divine? hello? on a different level, i am a huge lesbian.
4. leliana - what is with me and loving the andrastians in the dragon age franchise. anyway, she's funny, she's saucy, she has a tragic backstory, she tells you your eyelashes are cute. she goes through a crisis of faith and uses murder to cope. she has crows and a nug named schmooples. what's not to love, honestly.
5. miranda lawson - SHE'S MEAN. she's MEAN AND SHE'S SAD AND TRIES TO BE PERFECT but CAN'T and she REBUILDS SHEPARD and then is so mean to her and melts the second she gets some friends. she looks like yvonne strahovski.
honorable mentions: wynne, tali, morrigan, isabela, merrill, bethany hawke, alistair, and sten.
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