thestuckylibrary · 7 years
(part 1/2) For the recent anon requesting feral Bucky. I hope these fit the bill and are to their liking > Bound by yellow_crayon; all they see is scars by yellow_crayon; The Madman by fannishliss; To You I Belong by Anath_Tsurugi; So you're telling me bros usually don't fuck together? by Masamiya; Steve Care for Beginners/Dummies by yvngp; Situation: Normal by redcigar; Original Programming by zetsubonna;You Just Had To Make It Weird by IamShadow21; I've Always Been Yours by Taste_is_Sweet
(part 2/2) For the recent anon requesting feral Bucky. I hope these fit the bill and are to their liking > Ask Me Again by XxAngelicMurderxX; wilted by macabre; Safe From Harm by Odsbodkins; Hot as Blood, Cold as Steel by marlowe_tops; Blood by leveragehunters (Monkeygreen)Thank you for writing in![Bound](http://archiveofourown.org/works/2310179) by [yellow_crayon](http://archiveofourown.org/users/yellow_crayon/pseuds/yellow_crayon)> You become responsible for what you've tamed.> (Bucky comes back to him slowly. Steve is with him every step of the way. The Avengers help out as best as they can.)[all they see is scars](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7224346) by [yellow_crayon](http://archiveofourown.org/users/yellow_crayon/pseuds/yellow_crayon)> A mysterious weapon makes Pre-serum Steve appear in the present day.> The rogue Winter Soldier mistakes him for his one true handler.[The Madman](http://archiveofourown.org/works/3815254) (sex work and related slurs) by [fannishliss](http://archiveofourown.org/users/fannishliss/pseuds/fannishliss)> Steve is hired by Zola to document his lab experiments. When the experiments extend to a human "volunteer" Steve decides enough is enough.[To You I Belong](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1430335) by [Anath_Tsurugi](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Anath_Tsurugi/pseuds/Anath_Tsurugi)> The first time the Winter Soldier sees Captain America, he can't help but think 'mine', even though he has no idea why.[So you're telling me bros usually don't fuck together?](http://archiveofourown.org/works/2795567) by [Masamiya](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Masamiya/pseuds/Masamiya)> Bucky doesn’t remember exactly what is acceptable or not in society, and just does whatever he wants, like the asshole cat he seemed to become. It appears quickly that what he wants is to end all forms of personal space, and make all of the Avengers coming near Steve's appartment very, very uncomfortable.[Steve Care for Beginners/Dummies](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7261975) by [yvngp](http://archiveofourown.org/users/yvngp/pseuds/yvngp)> Bucky learns how to take care of Steve.[Situation: Normal](http://archiveofourown.org/works/5373887) by [redcigar](http://archiveofourown.org/users/redcigar/pseuds/redcigar)> AU wherein Bucky Barnes and Steve Rogers never met, Steve somehow manages to rescue the Winter Soldier anyway, and Avengers Tower ends up with the world’s angriest duckling and a whole new brand of entertainment.> -> (“He was dragging him out of the river,” Natasha argues later.> “Nat, be honest, he was going for the Full Monty.” Says Clint.> “I’m pretty sure we interrupted him in the middle of giving ‘emergency CPR’,” Tony agrees, “Or the stage after emergency CPR. Emergency Dick? Is that a thing?”> “That’s not a thing,” Natasha and Clint reply.)[Original Programming](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1838422) by [zetsubonna](http://archiveofourown.org/users/zetsubonna/pseuds/zetsubonna)> The Winter Soldier has gone off the grid. Sometimes he's in his own head, sometimes he isn't. He can't remember the mission. He can't remember what he was thinking at the museum. Everything comes in and out.> The Man on the Bridge wasn't right. Something about him was wrong.> He took a break to wreak havoc on his former masters, and when he returned, The Man on the Bridge was the way he was supposed to be:> smaller.[You Just Had To Make It Weird](http://archiveofourown.org/works/3956227) by [IamShadow21](http://archiveofourown.org/users/IamShadow21/pseuds/IamShadow21)> Steve and Sam are in the middle of nowhere, the absolute opposite of civilisation, just following a lead on Hydra and checking in to a cheap hotel and finding an awesome diner with great food and even better looking pie.> Then Bucky Barnes turns up and ruins everything.[I've Always Been Yours](http://archiveofourown.org/works/2780930) by [Taste_is_Sweet](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Taste_is_Sweet/pseuds/Taste_is_Sweet)> Bucky's in Steve's apartment when he comes home.> (*It warms him, though, to think of Bucky using his apartment, that he might feel comfortable there regardless of how he got in. It makes Steve happy to know that Bucky's been able to eat decent food and get clean, hopefully feel safe enough to sleep. And the fact that Bucky went to Steve's apartment, out of all the thousands he could have chosen anywhere in New York City…*> *Well, Steve doesn't want to think too hard about that part, because he doesn't want to hope.*)[Ask Me Again](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7443172) by [XxAngelicMurderxX](http://archiveofourown.org/users/XxAngelicMurderxX/pseuds/XxAngelicMurderxX)> "I took back what they stole from me, Steve. Now it's your turn to take back what they stole from you. So I'll say it one more time. Ask me again."[wilted](http://archiveofourown.org/works/9228410) by [macabre](http://archiveofourown.org/users/macabre/pseuds/macabre)> The Winter Soldier’s new mission is to guard and protect. It’s a command that is not understood well; the asset has always been unleashed to kill, torture, kidnap. Not to guard anything. They don’t directly tell him what it is he’s guarding until they take him to it the next morning.> It is a man. A very small man. Delicate in a way that makes him uncomfortable because he knows how easily he could kill him, without trying, without looking. > AU: Steve is taken by HYDRA to be a guinea pig, and the Winter Soldier is assigned to guard him.[Safe From Harm](http://archiveofourown.org/works/805777) (rape/noncon) by [Odsbodkins](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Odsbodkins/pseuds/Odsbodkins)> After the supervillains have won, they auction off the Avengers. Even though the Winter Soldier does not have the money to bid, he knows that Captain America belongs to him.> Please heed the warnings: this fic features graphic depictions of violence and sexual assault, a physically and sexually abusive relationship, and mentions of suicide.[Hot as Blood, Cold as Steel](http://archiveofourown.org/works/1748276) by [marlowe_tops](http://archiveofourown.org/users/marlowe_tops/pseuds/marlowe_tops)> Conversations in an abandoned bunker. The asset isn't sure of many things, but he knows that the man from the helicarrier is valuable and needs to be protected. And until he gets some answers, he's not letting the man from the helicarrier out of his sight.> -> The subject lies back down, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. “My head’s pounding.” He lifts his hands, presses them to the bridge of his nose and sighs before placing them back over his belly. “So, what now?”> “Now I keep you,” the asset responds, the words escaping him involuntarily.> There’s a line between the subject’s brows as he looks over. “What’s that mean to you, Buck?”> “It means you belong to me.”[Blood](http://archiveofourown.org/works/7756915) by [leveragehunters](http://archiveofourown.org/users/Monkeygreen/pseuds/leveragehunters)> In a world where magic is as commonplace as electricity, HYDRA worships a god who craves order through death. They used His blood to create fierce Soldiers then enslaved them by chaining their souls.> The man who was James Barnes is the last Soldier, the rest having been put down after succumbing to the call of the Blood. One night, out of control after a mission, the increasingly unstable Soldier runs into Steve Rogers. Instead of being turned into a red smear on the ground, Steve successfully talks him down. HYDRA decides to keep him. The Soldier's the last one they've got; if Steve can keep him calm he's going to do it whether he likes it or not.> Like fractious racehorses have companion goats, they hand Steve off to the Soldier as a kind of pet. But studies have shown pets can ease depression, despair and loneliness, lead to an increased sense of safety and well-being, and provide a source of protection and unconditional love. HYDRA really should have reviewed the literature before they decided to give Steve to the Soldier. Especially since, once Steve Rogers is involved, protectiveness can get slightly out of hand.
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Do you have any feral Bucky?
Try the fics recommended [here](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/post/147428184887/do-you-know-of-any-post-tws-fics-where-bucky-is-a)!
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
This is kind of a strange ask but do you know of any fics with a 'feral' Winter Soldier? Like where Bucky's actions are more animalistic and Steve has to learn how to deal with it or something along those lines
Try our [Feral!Bucky](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/char:feral!bucky) tag!
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thestuckylibrary · 7 years
Do you have any fics where after the events of TWS Bucky is almost feral, but not ABO, as its a major squick for me, thanks ❤️
Try our [Feral!Bucky](https://thestuckylibrary.tumblr.com/tagged/char:feral!bucky) tag.
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