#character study: jannik
serve-cunt · 4 months
do you rec any sincaraz fics?? I know real life is close enough with what Carlos has been saying but still
YES I DO. here are three I've sent around lately plus a bonus jannik character study:
umiltà by niccolos, "canon compliant" (ps is that how people talk about rpf??), gorgeous writing, very sweet get-together from jannik's pov with some lovely lovely moments, i aDORE the restaurant scene specifically but the whole thing is wonderful
sol invictus by lightpirate, which is a Hunger Games AU that I looove, predictably a little dark but very much focused on carlos and jannik as learning more about each other over long distance, specifically through letters. v v good on the other tennis players too!!
that human touch by japrufrocks which concerns both jannik and carlos's recent injury worries, VERY interesting to me because ah!! as japrufrocks themself said: "what if your body was your identity. what if you were only a list of measurements and statistics and achievements. what if your life was honing your body into a tool. and then the tool stops working. WOOF"
bonus character study of jannik that I can never resist rec'ing:
Phoenix by Rainbowcat, because as I always say: PUT THAT BOY IN A TIME LOOP
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petersen-jannik · 4 years
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JAN & HANNE PETERSEN met in so simple a way that many, including their children, had laughed. It was in a marketplace in Cophenhagen. Hanne ran her cart into the very handsome, very tall stranger and, rather than give her an earful, he’d asked her out to dinner. 
The rest, as it were, was history. 
The pair were married young, Hanne only about twenty years old, Jan a handful older. The pair were twenty-four and twenty-seven when their first child, a son, Kristopher, was born. He was the eldest, the most severe, the most serious. But he was loud and joyful and he brought his parents happiness. Two years later came Sacha, the first girl, the girl with her mother’s eyes and her father’s biting wit. She was the glue, the middle ground, the motherly one and the doting. Finally, there came Jannik, two years further on. He was neither loud like his brother nor bitingly witty like his sister. In some ways, he grew up much too quickly. Jannik was a boy and then he was not. 
A child at nine and then a man at ten, living in a new land in the wake of a mother’s death, living in the shadow of a pain a distant father did not know how to bear. Kristopher became a father, Sacha like a mother and, together, the Petersen siblings forged on through life. Jannik never saw much of his father unless it was to be reminded of his place in the world, meant to conduct business back in Denmark when his schooling was complete. 
Instead, upon graduation, he and his brother backpacked across Germany and Denmark. It would be one of the last times he set foot in the country again before his father’s funeral, a silence that stretched between the oceans like a chasm, uncrossable and unmanageable. 
The siblings are close and, until Jannik’s move to Los Angeles for his business and his friendship with the Adler family, all collectively resided in Boston. Jannik misses them, even if he does appreciate their company. They speak often and, when he can be persuaded, Jannik often finds herself with his siblings come for a visit, getting up to mischief and remembering a time when they were young. 
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acciohq · 3 years
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WE’RE SO EXCITED TO HAVE YOU! thank you for the effort you put into your application, we are so grateful that you’ve taken the time to apply to our roleplay. welcome & we can’t wait to write with you — find the acceptances below!
WELCOME OLIVER WOOD ( cody saintgnue fc ) — PLAYED BY TYLER!
ADMIN COMMENTS: ahhh tyler! i know we've chatted on the main before about oliver, but my god, this was such a wonderful read! we love your characterization for oliver so much, it works well with what we know in canon, but also adds so more layers to what is, personally, my favorite quidditch player! the way he just jumped on a broom and wasted no time getting to the battle of hogwarts, prime gryffindor behavior right there. we cannot wait to see him in action
ADMIN COMMENTS: i am literally ECSTATIC to see the slytherin girl gang complete. it's something i've been begging for since before opening, and amelia — your millicent is just so wonderful. you put so much detail into this character and it makes me so happy to see that, it's what millie deserves! i think one of my favorite things was the personality section, her violent tendencies, the special skills, "being angry" as one of her likes... just extraordinary and i'm so happy that we get to have you for our millicent <3
ADMIN COMMENTS: birdy, you clearly have a profound talent for writing! we love the way you're able to make your words flow together and paint a really clear picture of what you're describing. we love how in depth you want with charlie's history as a dragonologist; we appreciate you going into detail regarding how he started as one, too! also... a volunteer at 12 grimmuald place? LOVE IT! we're glad to welcome you into our not-so-little family and can't wait to begin writing with a talented writer such as yourself!
ADMIN COMMENTS: aria we were so excited to see that you were interested in alicia! and you present such a lovely picture of who she is — we adored the in-depth analysis you went into of her personality, her love of flying, and her experience on the run. you wove together her life really beautifully and i for one CANNOT wait to see where her secret takes her. we’re so happy to have alicia with us!
ADMIN COMMENTS: all i have to say is… when its right its RIGHT. and this app is so right. tea, we loved your portrayal of arthur. from his first experience with magic, to his love of muggle studies, to his relationship with molly & his family. we are so happy to have arthur with us, and so so excited to see where you go with him. as molly’s mun i am especially ( and perhaps selfishly) also really, really excited to write with you as well. also?? EWAN MCGREGOR AS ARTHUR? im in love!
* we’re going to message you about the secret, keep an eye on your inbox / dms !!
WELCOME CHO CHANG ( zhou jieqiong fc ) — PLAYED BY LAURA!
ADMIN COMMENTS: LAURA!! THIS CHO!!! genuinely both apps were so incredible, but in the end yours won out because of the beautiful characterization. coming away from reading your application, you have such a strong and gorgeous image of who cho is as a person.  we adored your secret, fell in love with the musing posts you made, and are just genuinely so, so excited to see this cho in action!
ADMIN COMMENTS: roman, we adore bad guys & ascelin is no exception! you portray a really lovely, well-thought out progression his character, from his background with his parents to his current allegiance to voldemort. in-character interviews ar some of our favorite things to see in apps, and ascelin’s voice rang super strongly to us. we’re so excited to have him & you in the server!
WELCOME DRACO MALFOY ( benjamin jarvis fc ) — PLAYED BY HALEY!
ADMIN COMMENTS: so we had four draco applicants, and my god, this was a difficult decision. we even called in a few more existing members of the group to read all these applications and give their opinions on it, and i think we all managed to agree on YOU, haley! we genuinely loved your writing so much, we think you managed to get draco's characterization so well done — for him to go down this path after the war, the bitterness he feels, the ANGER. it was a long journey to draco, but we are glad we went through it because it led us to you. thank you, and we can't wait to see more of him!z
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rbstnlstrng · 6 years
the mun !
Hello! It’s me, Zai! I was born 19 and a few lovely months ago, I use she/her pronouns and I’m playing the one and only Rabastan Lestrange! My hours are a mess and a half and I love to complain about them even though it’s my own damn fault, I’m a Capricorn with a moon in Aquarius and I live in Brazil so if any weird word comes out, just blame it on the portuguese.
the muse !
[ jannik schümann. 16. he/him. ] RABASTAN LESTRANGE has stepped through the barrier to platform 9 ¾. the SIXTH year RAVENCLAW student is most looking forward to ACTUALLY DOING WHAT HE’S THERE TO DO, STUDY. their peers describe HIM as CONFIDENT & SELF-INDULGENT, and has dubbed HIM as the FACADE. RABASTAN feels ANNOYED about the war raging outside of hogwarts plans to JOIN THE DEATH EATERS when the year is up.
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here’s his full bio or just put a /about after his url if you’re on mobile 
tl;dr he’s a little shit that’s it you can close the tab
he getting selected into ravenclaw wasn’t as much of a drama as he expected it would be and not much of a surprise if you look close because has almost no ambition running through his veins, or better, he does have but tends to be too lazy to do something about it if what he wants just doesn’t come to him
growing up he was more of a mama’s boy than his father’s son, she never had the daughter she dreamed of so he was the next best thing and he’s really okay with things turning that way and really happy rodolphus is the one that usually has to deal with the pressure of being the first born
he had the whole package of tutors before Hogwarts and knows how to be a great gentleman because of that and usually is a great gentleman on a day-to-day basis because in his mind he is prince charming incarnated
he’s really vain and has to check his appearance in every mirrored surface he can find every ten seconds, but pointing that out to him it’s just asking to be hexed because he won’t ever admit that he worries about his appearance
he’s a secret dork but will definitely hex you if you ever call him that. he’s a prefect. actually enjoys studying and his favorite subject is history of magic. hates quidditch because it’s not a beautiful and gracious form of art, but does love art of dueling. he loves languages in general and has fun deciphering codes. and is in the potions club because slug’s his favorite and raba loves sucking up to teachers 
and the slug club of course, did you really thing he wouldn’t be invited???
has a cat named Gato that is very vocal but Rabastan always answers him back.
he doesn’t like the idea of being an outcast and quite quickly realized he had do adapt if he wasn’t between like minded people, he’s not 100% on board with the war thing because it might put his precious neck on the line but he doesn’t really disagree with their ideias either but in school he just pretends to be neutral about it, even a little bit against it if the situation demands
he’s actually really open to muggle technology and other kinds of advancements, he just doesn’t trust them because you know everywhere you look in their world, they have brought mass destruction and stuff 
connections !
friends, foes and everything in the middle
he’s probably engaged to someone so if anyone wants to volunteer *shrug emoji* also it would be lovely if they were both profoundly annoyed about it but instead of taking it to their parents they would just annoy each other but I’m accepting anything truly. 
someone to be his pet project on making them more presentable, bonus point if he earns the trust of the person and then offers the person as a sacrificial lamb to the up to no good slytherins because of peer pressure? idk there’s gotta be a reason because he won’t act evil just to be evil
childhood friends, childhood enemies, childhood frenemies but be warned that this category probably includes lot’s os flashback headcanons and he probably charming your character parents so he will be their favorite
class partners so he can annoy them to death
idk i’ll probably keep adding to this 
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petersen-jannik · 4 years
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Interpersonal Relationships and the Emotion of Music
Jannik's personal connection to music has always been something that he has used to emote. Growing up as the youngest child with a mother who passed away fairly early on in his life due to complications from cervical cancer meant that Nik had to learn to balance his emotions fairly early on. His mother, Hanne, was always very adamant that her son learn an instrument and the piano was, in a way, an ode to her for the first decade or so of his life. As he grew from a boy into a young man, Jannik began to realize that the way he connected to music was, fundamentally, different than many of his peers. 
While they only learned the melody and how to shape it, Jannik learned to become it. The sound of a piece became his very emotions, switching from arch to arch with a fluidity that both baffled and excited his teachers. He could switch a melody while he formed it, was able to keep pitch and rhythm to nearly any song, tuned by ear, and can feel the changes in the music as he sees fit. It is because of this ability that he got into the career he did. While he enjoys the art of song, he cannot stand the spotlight, preferring instead to work out the links in the quiet of his own mind (or recording studio late at night) than a stage amidst a swell of screaming people. 
For Jannik, music is a way to connect to people. Their emotions, their grief, own feelings about them. Each important person in his life has a melody, a string of sounds that Nik has created to represent their soul. To him, each person has a musical frequency and it connects inherently into their relationship with him. 
For example, Jack Adler's melody is something soft and full of promise, a sweeping arch that descends from the highest peaks of hope into the gloomy notes of despair and desperation. Jack's time on Catalina has threaded pieces of hope back into his narrative but they are always shifting, always changing place in his melody, and Jannik often finds that Jack's song never reads the same twice. Just like the songwriter himself, Jannik recognizes potential in his melody, just as he recognizes the sadness of its construction. Carly Weiss has a melody, too, one that once sung to a twin. Her father also had a melody, one that was all high beats and swinging up notes but soon descended into a quiet, silence. Carly's melody has picked up where her father's ended, forging its own path through swathes of silence, grief, and the ever-present inevitably of change. Seeing her again on Catalina has given him hope that she will finish her story, forge it in a tune that could close her father's story for good and, hopefully, create a narrative all it's own. 
Paul Matthews, hopeful and bright, something deep and soulful in that song. There was always something that was uplifting about Paul, steadfast. As Paul became a father and a surgeon, the arch of his life grew brighter, higher, before crashing down into a descent so deep not even Jannik could hear it clearly. Luke's death and Paul's grief stains his melody like blood; it is the most sorrowful exchange Jannik has ever played. Yet, there is still that bright beating hope lingering there, even now. Something lingering that clings to the sound, something strong. Seeing Paul again, Jannik can sense the disquiet, the unease, but he can also sense the purpose again, and it has begun to reflect that in his song. Even Marion Stewart had a song, once, though now Jannik finds himself hard-pressed to play it. Like Jack's, it was once bright and shining, filled with naivety and new hope. Now, there is a bitterness that tinges it, shaping the crescendo and the downfall even as Nik meets her again, unsure where they will land. 
Jannik feels everything in his music, including a person's soul. It is one of the few ways he can express himself when he is alone and, often, when his thoughts turn to a person that has one and he is playing, their song will flow from his fingertips, shifting and changing just as they do. 
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petersen-jannik · 4 years
Pink it's my new obsession Yeah, pink it's not even a question Pink on the lips of your lover, cause Pink is the love you discovah Pink as the bing on your cherry Pink cause you are so very Pink it's the color of passion A-cause today it just goes with the fashion
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petersen-jannik · 5 years
Something that Jannik has worked on in his spare time, his most quiet moments. His fingers do the work, and he lets them take him where they will. Sometimes, it leads him hear, to the darker, more melancholy parts of his mind. Here, this is the only way to pull him out.
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