#character: aurora jett
acronym-chaos · 2 months
Phantom (Minecraft) Inspired ID Pack
[PT: Phantom (Minecraft) Inspired ID Pack]
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[ID: A purple thin line diivder shaded at the bottom. End ID].
[PT: Names].
Adrian, Aiden, Alaric, Aria, Ash, Asher, Astrid, Aurora, Bram, Calypso, Casper, Celeste, Ciaran, Corvus, Dahlia, Damien, Darius, Dorian, Echo, Eirwen, Elara, Elias, Elysia, Ember, Erebus, Faye, Felix, Fenris, Finn, Gideon, Haze, Hunter, Ingrid, Iris, Jett, Juno, Kai, Kane, Kiera, Lark, Leif, Lila, Lucian, Luna, Lyra, Magnus, Mara, Marlow, Niamh, Nyx, Oberon, Ophelia, Orion, Pandora, Persephone, Phoenix, Raine, Raven, Rook, Rowan, Ryder, Selene, Shade, Skye, Soren, Storm, Sylas, Talon, Thalassa, Thorne,, Veda, Vesper, Willow, Wraith, Xander, Zephyr, Zephyrine, Zora
[PT: Pronouns].
Ae / Air / Airs; Astra / Astral / Astrals; Bat / Bat / Bats; Clo / Cloud / Clouds; Dark / Dark / Darks; Dusk / Dusk / Dusks; Ethe / Ether / Ethers; Gho / Ghost / Ghosts; Gloo / Gloom / Glooms; Hau / Haunt / Haunts; Mist / Mist / Mists; Moon / Moon / Moons; Ni / Night / Nights; Noct / Noct / Nocts; Phan / Phantom / Phantoms; Shade / Shade / Shades; Shade / Shadow / Shadows; Sky / Sky / Skies; Spir / Spirit / Spirits; Star / Star / Stars; Sto / Storm / Storms; Twi / Twilight / Twilights; Veil / Veil / Veils; Wind / Wind / Winds; Wisp / Wisp / Wisps
[PT: Titles].
A Ghostly Specter, A Haunting Presence, A Nocturnal Flyer, A Silent Stalker, A Wraith of the Night, The Dark Avenger, The Dusk Dweller, The Ethereal Entity, The Ghostly Menace, The Haunting Phantom, The Moonlit Terror, The Nocturnal Menace, The Shadowy Apparition, The Skybound Haunter, The Spectral Being, The Starry Wraith, The Veil Wanderer, The Wisp of Night, [Pronoun] From the Night, [Pronoun] Who Flies in the Dark, [Pronoun] Who Haunts the Skies, [Pronoun] Who Hunts by Moonlight, [Pronoun] Who Lurks in Shadows
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom. End ID].
Made for @rwuffles' 700 followers event!
Day 2: least favorite video game character (sorry for all Phantom lovers out there, i dont hate it but its definitely bottom tier)
Also tagging @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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whitethorn · 2 years
Still thinking about what I would like to happen in my fantasy world where Lovestruck comes back
s10 for Aurora and Chance with Sweetheart MC
Revamps/continuations for routes with obviously rushed endings like Andi/Duke/Lorelei/Renzei, Nora/Ezra/Lucas, Piama, Roman, Malakai...
More seasons for Alain, Remy, Jett, Onyx...
Rewrites for Cecelia S6 and other seasons that were widely considered poorly written
New routes/shorts, including but not limited to popular side characters and pairings like Aphrodite, Persephone, Chimera Prime, Gamma, Wyst, Annabelle, Mothman/Roshni, Grace/Gwen, Liliane, Hikari, Zeke, Robin, Dahlia, Zola, Axia, Bejana, Ripley, Vinca, Nero, Lazarus, Jace, Nadia, Quince, Ruelle, Hazel, Gideon, Roland, Kellan, Josephine/Darla, Omar, Rapunzel, Edward...
Continuations for all the routes that were cut off early, obviously :’) which includes Antares and Nova 2.0, Chance and Aurora 2.0, Xenia, Evina, Emilio, Rafe, Alanna, Cash, Arianna, Maxime, Lexi, Rion, Korin, Lavinia, Abel, Arin
Seriously, just let the team do the routes they want(ed)
Physical media ports
Physical merch
Voice acting...? that would be so bangin’
TV and movie adaptations?? dreaming Big here
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outlawintheredhood · 3 years
Jason never felt comfortable in suits - as a kid they had fit too big in places on his awkward frame. And now they fit awkwardly in different places - stretching tight over his shoulders, pinching at his waist when he tried to button them up. And ties had always felt something like fastening a noose around his neck. But when this time of year rolled around, he shrugged one on without his usual griping and complaining, meticulously checking the position of his tie in the mirror as he fastened it.
The rosary beads he tucked into the pocket of his jacket weren’t his mother’s - he’d lost most everything that belonged to her when he went into care. But they were close enough to the ones he remembered her having, enough that he thought she might like them. After everything he knew of death, he didn’t believe in an afterlife - not when one had never been granted to him - but she had. And that was worth enough to keep her in his thoughts on the anniversary of her death. Just in case he was wrong.
“I’m heading out soon.” Jason called through to the living room where he could hear Rory moving around. He smoothed down the lapels of his jacket as he stepped through. He didn’t keep diligently to attending mass - attending it frequently as they could had been his mother’s wish, but it hadn’t much stuck with him. After he moved in with Bruce it had felt wrong to replace her with his new parent in something that had been so important to her. And then when he stopped believing entirely he’d had no desire to go at all. But there were always a few services around Thanksgiving, and he made an effort to go to one of them since he moved to Central City, too far away from Gotham to reliably visit her grave.
“I, uh,” He fiddled awkwardly with the cuffs of his sleeves as he avoided Rory’s gaze. “I know it’s not like... fun, or anything. But I thought I’d offer if you wanted to come with me.”
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daughterofdemons · 3 years
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“You look better than I expected.” Nyssa muttered as she waved down the bartender towards them, topping up her own nearly finished drink and ordering one for Rory as the woman sat down next to her. In the chaos of the evacuation, she had been concerned at Rory’s willingness to stay behind in an attempt to stop the blast. When it had only partially succeeded, she had feared the worst. But seeing the woman retrieved from the wreckage - worse for wear but whole and alive - had relieved her more than she realised it would.
“How are you holding up?” She cocked her head at Rory in question. She knew from experience that one didn’t walk away from such a cataclysm unscathed. Even if she hadn’t been injured, scars could cut deep, and fester in the mind.
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poisonousisley · 3 years
It was not the ideal night for breaking and entering, but it was the first opportunity she had found in the last few days that she had seen Jason leave as the Red Hood for the night, guaranteeing her a few hours to get in and out.
Her boots slid slightly on the windowsill as it was slicked with rain, quickly closing it behind her to try and stop the gale that was throwing water in behind her and onto the floor. She was soaked to the bone, which didn’t bother her except for the fact that it was causing a small puddle beneath her on the floor.
“Let’s find where to put you.” She muttered to herself, searching around the room until she found a corner of the room where there was a slight gap between the wall and a cabinet. She brought out a vine from her wrist, weaving it into the skirting there as subtly as she could. It would last hopefully a few weeks, enough time to ensure none of this was going to come back and bite her friend in the ass, so long as the dog didn’t sniff it out and tear it up.
She moved up from crouching over her handiwork, eyeing the wet footsteps she had left on the floor with a sigh before going in search of a mop to clean them up, before she heard a key scraping in the lock, and tell-tale scratching of paws against the door before it swung open, the mutt bounding in immediately to sniff at her feet while Rory stood in the doorway looking slightly shell-shocked.
"Okay, before you get mad at me, I didn’t think you would be home this soon. I was going to dry everything before you got back.” Pamela muttered, glaring down slightly at Alfie who managed to somehow keep from dripping nearly as much water over the floor as she had. “Also, you really need to improve the locks on your windows.” She grumbled. Honestly, with the number of people ready to kill Jason Todd in the first place, never mind now that even more people knew he was even alive, she had half a mind to strangle him for keeping Rory somewhere so unsafe.
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abercrombiearcher · 4 years
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“So, what I’ve learned from this is I should never leave you and Thea to go to a party unsupervised.” Roy sighed as he looked over Rory carefully. Of course he knew she had walked away unharmed but still... he worried. “Do you have any idea who might have been behind it? Anything at all that gives us a lead?”
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detectivexspivot · 5 years
🌿 (rory)
🌿  for  our  muses  to  be  caught  under  mistletoe
“Hey.” Patty greeted Rory with a hug as she caught sight of her. She was always a tactile person, made friends fast, so it was like second nature for her to greet anyone she remotely liked with a hug. She’d decided pretty fast that she liked Rory.
And maybe she’d had a couple of drinks. Whatever, it was a party, and the other woman looked similarly flushed. “Who is- oh wow, hi.” She blinked up at the tall, dark haired, attractive man currently with his arm looped through Rory’s shooting them both an amused look.
“My boyfriend.” Rory replied as Patty blinked up at him, his awkward wave in response not quite matching the weirdly intimidating aura he otherwise held. “Jason.��
“Nice to meet you.” She straightened herself, unwrapping her arms from around Rory to properly greet him with a handshake, his amused look returning as he took her hand in his.
“Polite, I like her.” Jason chuckled, shaking her hand firmly before dropping it and squeezing Rory’s shoulder. “I’m gonna get us all some more drinks.” He nodded at Patty as he turned to walk to the bar, the blonde letting out a low whistle as he walked off.
“He’s hot.” She congratulated Rory with an enthusiastic nudge of her elbow, earning her a laugh from Rory as they watched him walk off.
“He is.” Rory nodded, her gaze seeming to flit up briefly before settling back on Patty without comment. The blonde frowned when she heard a few catcalls coming from some of the less savoury officers who had also been invited to the event, some of them pointing and jeering to the two of them. “Mistletoe.” Rory supplied to clear up Patty’s confusion, the blonde’s frown of curiosity melting away as she felt heat crawl up her face, her ears pinking slightly. “I didn’t want to point it out, it’s a stupid tradition and-”
“They’re not going to shut up about it though.” Patty sighed knowingly. And if she was honest, she’d thought of Rory as attractive once or twice. Definitely attractive enough to be considered kissable, if she were the type to just go around kissing women that made her think like that. Which she wasn’t usually but, well, she didn’t want any dumb drunk guy ruining her night, and a little show of bravery might shut them up, right? “I mean, if you’re okay with it, we could...?” She left the offer hanging, grinning a little when she saw Rory giving her a smile caught between amusement and maybe pride.
“Sure.” Rory shrugged, leaning forward to meet Patty halfway in an altogether very chaste kiss, but one that still had Patty giggling once they parted.
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“I’m gone for a minute and you’re already stealing my girlfriend?” Jason complained as he came back to them, Patty only just blinking out of the kiss with a slightly dopey smile.
“Sorry.” Patty chuckled, sounding anything but as she saw only amusement in his eyes as he handed over a drink to her, and raised an eyebrow at Rory as if searching for an explanation.
“If you were a better kisser you might have been able to keep me.” Rory shrugged, earning a laugh from Patty as Jason merely pouted at the two of them, any drunken jeers forgotten as she settled into the back-and-forth between the three of them.
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dead-parents-club · 5 years
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“So, uh, I brought you groceries. I know it’s been a shit week, figured you might have forgot.” Aden brandished the paper bags in emphasis, waiting for Rory to let him in. He had gotten to know her when he was younger and Jason first reached out. She had been like a ‘cool aunt’ in the whole mess that was getting to know his dad. And when he was gone, Aden had taken it upon himself to look out for her. They had both needed someone to lean on without him.
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thelastgoodluthor · 7 years
It was a little odd to find herself on the side of heroes. Before she knew Kara was Supergirl she had always felt a little on edge around her in the suit - like she was silently being judged the entire time. That same intimidation that sent her back rigid and straight had passed over upon meeting the Flash, working with him and Mon-El to try and clear out the facility. She didn’t have powers like either of them, but she had made damn sure to do her bit, to prove she didn’t need to be watched - either for her own protection or theirs. They had been confident that the last of the staff were either cleared out or fled, walking between the cells and searching for any survivors. None of them voiced the fear there might be none - that Cadmus already had what they wanted and were done with them.
She had made quick work of the system in the small block she had taken while Mon-El and the Flash went in search of others. She knew the code like the back of her hand, had helped Lex build half of it, when she had believed all he wanted was to make LuthorCorp a leader in the personal security market. The modifications and firewalls added to it were little match for her, and the doors lined along the walls clicked and slid open automatically when she finished. She kept her gun at her side as she walked carefully down the hall - if a meta happened to recognise her and she moved too fast they might take it wrong, she knew. She flicked her gaze into each cell, most looking standard and untouched, housing no occupants, while others had clear modifications, beds tossed as if left in a hurry... or a struggle.
She paused at one in particular, the black-lined walls and eerie lighting setting her on edge as she moved into the doorway. She saw a figure lying on the cot, pressed against the wall, staring for a moment before clearing her throat. “Hello? Are you- are you alright?” She questioned carefully.
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totallovestrucksimp · 2 years
The final roster for how many seasons a route got!
10: Zhora, Mackenzie, Diego, (Honorary) Chance (GND), Aurora (GND), Xenia
9: Ash, August, Reiner, Altea, Saerys, Helena, Iseul, Vivienne
8: JD, Razi, Vanessa, Antonio, Atlas, Nova (HMC), Antares (HMC), Jaxson, Orion, Juliette, Nikolai, Yoshimitsu
7: Cal, Yvette
6: Runa, Liora, Emeril, Amara, Sevastian, Jessa, Zoe, Leon, Wrath, Onyx, Cecelia
5: Alain, Zain, Lucien, Lyris, Paima, Nahara, Andi, Duke, Serena, Fiona, Nathan, Madison
4: Nysa, Galen, Nav, Irving, Remy, Jett, Ezra, Nora, Lucas, Bram, Revi, Hades, Medusa, Hydra, Chimera, Cyberus, Alex, Darius,Sascha, Edgar, Lorelei, Renzei,(Honorary) Evina
3: aaRoman, Tyrian, Mateo, Lavinia*, Arin*, Malakai, Clyde, TK, Logan, Arthur, Alanna*, Felix
2: Nova (AMC)*, Antares (AMC)*, Arianna, Abel*, Astraeus, all ALK routes, Vince, Sofia, Neil, Donovan, Joaquin, Cassius*, Emilio*, Chadwick, Chance (Streetsmart), Aurora (Streetsmart)
1: Milo, Maxime, Lexi, Korin*, Rion*, Elliot, Julius, Gerald, Cliff, Rafe* Ellis
*Routes that had their endings revealed, but didn’t have the amount of seasons left revealed.
(Honorary) Routes that had the exact about of seasons planned, but unreleased.
If I made a mistake or left any characters out, please let me know so I can update it.
EDIT: Changed Lorelei and Renzi, thanks Anon
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ultimatetrashgoblin · 3 years
Everything I hate about every lovestruck series because voltage needs to get their shit together <3
Quick disclaimer cause some of y'all seem very keen on attacking people rn: My words are not the law of the land and you do not have to agree with anything I say here. This is just me ranting. I'm open to having a civil discussion about any of these opinions in my inbox, dms, or comments, but rude anons will be ignored.
TL;DR: Lovestruck is shit, go read Villainous Nights and Speakeasy Tonight and stop romanticizing toxic behaviors please.
Gangsters In Love
Chance Valentine
People who still believe Chance Valentine and MC's relationship was healthy (I'm also genuinely concerned for you please seek help because honey that is a very toxic relationship)
The fact that Chance Valentine was brought back when Irving, Yoyo, and Ash are right there
The fact that Aurora's original route was abandoned for so long (I know they said they're finishing it in 2022 but it should not have taken this long)
The fact that Irving only got 3 seasons (and fucking Chance Valentine got 9)
The original MC dressing like a toddler (I'm all for badass ultra fems but come on she looks like a child)
The "streetsmart" MC immediately trusting the gang and overall not being very street smart
Seymour not being in the new routes (I know he's the old MC's dog and it wouldn't make sense but I miss him and his interactions with the group and especially Ash were so cute)
Love & Legends
I'm sorry, but as cool as the concept of the Witch Queen was, it was dragged out for way too long in almost every route
Except for Alain's which deserved more seasons
Just like how he deserved to live in other routes other than his own
And how we should've gotten more interactions between him and Helena when they were on the same side in his route
Basically Alain just deserved better
Also will forever be bitter than we didn't get an Ishara route
Havenfall Is For Lovers
The number of gorgeous women who could've been lis but weren't is a CRIME
Also what was Mothman's design?
Like I love Mothman but when you think of the cool cryptic that is NOT it
Look at JD's cool design and how it fits with them being the Jersey Devil, (or Dracula, his design was in some way what you'd imagine him to look like) Mothman deserved something like that
Also kind of wish Grace would have a route where she wasn't playing some sort of damsel in distress role because that got kinda old after a while (Edit: I’ve been looking at the replies and y’all have pointed out that she doesn’t get kidnapped in Antonio’s route and is able to become an agent in Mac’s route and a hunter in Vanessa’s. Thank you for correcting me.)
Starship Promise
Despite having plenty of side characters who many would love to romance, you decide to recycle old lis
But I'll give a pass for Nova so long as they don't fuck up her ending again (because literally what the fuck?)
Also Nav deserved better
Sweet Enchantments
Runa Amberthorne literally forced a woman into a relationship against her will, taking away her right to consent to it, and yet there are still people sympathizing with her because "aw she feels bad" and "she didn't sleep with her" like BITCH THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT OKAY WHAT MADE LOVESTRUCK THINK THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA???
Roman deserved better
Also rip Milo I thought he was kinda boring but he didn't deserve to get dropped like that
Queen of Thieves
Jett and Remy only getting 4 seasons
Lovestruck not giving us a poly route with Jett and Remy
Lovestruck not giving us a poly route with Zoe and Vivienne
Lovestruck not giving us a route with Jace
The fact that if Lovestruck decided to reboot this series the recycled routes would be Nikolai and Vivienne instead of Jett and Zoe
Sin With Me
People simping for Vinca despite her being emotionally abusive to her twin sister and still begging for her route (I can semi sympathize with the people who just want routes for all seven sins but like that doesn't mean it should happen Vinca is still a piece of shit)
Ripley still not having a route despite being the most attractive woman on the entire app
Reigning Passions
Galen only getting 4 seasons (while Xenia is going on 10)
The fact that there isn't a Piama X Ruelle short
Wicked Lawless Love
Once again, plenty of gorgeous women being abandoned as potential lis
Also I know I'm not the only one who found the MC to be annoying
And like the way she was so willing to trust this random ass stranger in Cecelia's route and has the audacity to be surprised when she's evil
Tales Of The Wild
Also the cgs?
No <3
Lovestruck should've just stopped at the Wild Vixens short
Nobody asked for this to be a full series, and nobody wanted it
I'm not sad to see it go
Ever After Academy
Only 4 seasons per route (and I'm not just saying that cause I love the series, EAA's story has so much potential)
I feel like the memory spell is sort of rushed in the new routes (especially Lavinia's)
Or maybe that's just cause Lovestruck was figuring out shit as they went along when the og 3 were being written
I hate how they made Abel so unlikable in his route
Sure, he was kind of rude when we first met him in Lucas's route, but when his own route premiered he was such a dick (which sucks cause I really liked his character and I was excited when his route was announced)
Also, are we ever actually getting a full route for Jo X Darla? It's been a while (knowing Lovestruck probably not)
Also Mouse and Jackie deserve routes (but it's Lovestruck so I wouldn't hold my breath)
Immortal Heart Society
Most negative opinions I have about the series can be found here, but regardless:
Alanna Mckenna.
The pacing felt super off in Cash and Alanna's routes (it got better when Emilio's route came out, as most things in the series did)
The way Cash's route got dropped right as his route was actually becoming pretty good
Rafe's route being with MMC (while I am upset that this means MMC is likely only getting 1 li, my main issue is that they showed Rafe having more chemistry with MMC which felt kind of like Lovestruck was queerbaiting us)
Kiran not having a route yet
Also some of the cgs are ugly ngl
Plus the historical inaccuracies bother me cause like you can't just say "homophobia? never knew her" and expect everyone to go along with it for the sake of your story (take it from a better series of yours that's able to incorporate these issues into the story to make it both realistic and heartwrenching)
My Siren Crush
This is an issue across the board but I tend to notice it more in this series so I'm putting it here: SPELLING CHECKS PEOPLE. SPELLING. CHECKS. (they say as they continue writing a post full of poor grammar)
MC's magic thing seems lowkey unnecessary but I'm willing to see how Lovestruck handles it
I'm sorry but Arianna is kind of boring
Dawn route when?
Edge Case Love's Pursuit
Thought it was dumb that they just recycled the one series from their new app that they never promoted but like I guess I get it?
This shouldn't need to be said but like let's ✨not✨ promote romancing a child
Overall not much of an opinion on it yet but that may change as it continues so stay tuned cause I might make a part 2 for this series
But seriously Lovestruck, please reconsider making Eko a love interest. Just don't. She's 14. Please.
Villainous Nights
Most of these routes deserved better
Zeke deserves his own route
Lovestruck if you're gonna reboot another series, I highly suggest this one
Astoria Fate's Kiss/Lost Kisses
Once again, most of these routes deserved better
Especially Astraeus because he was one of the best and he got did so dirty
Once again, plenty of wasted route potential (*cough cough* Persephone *cough cough*)
Castaway! Love's Adventure
Why the fuck is this series still listed as contemporary?
You know, the series with magical island spirits?
That one?
Anyway, TK and Joaquin are dicks
And the MC is annoying as fuck
But she's also stunning and I wish we saw her sprite more
To Love And Protect
Everything but the cat.
Speakeasy Tonight
The most underrated series on the app
Justice for Julius that man deserved more than 1 season
And basically all of them did
We need more ST content
If you haven't checked out this series yet I highly recommend you do it deserves more love
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a-valorant-effort · 3 years
Writing some of Aurora’s Quotes because I am wildly bored
Agent pick line: “Have no fear, you are safe with me.”
Biography— The gem of Poland, Aurora is a graceful battle angel who controls solid light to form shields and traps. Bending it to her will, Aurora acts as the teams prime defender and brings everyone home safe.
Pregame conversations-
Astra: Aye, Aurora! Why so shy? Give me a good light show sista!
Aurora: I— perhaps once our work is done.
Brimstone: Thanks for coming along Aurora. It helps to have another reliable set of hands.
Aurora: *giggles* indeed it is. Someone has to watch the old man’s back.
One Liners—
Chamber: I understand how you must feel about me, Aurora. But we have jobs to do. May you tolerate me just this once?
Aurora: It seems we find our paths cross once again, Sova. I hope you mustn’t save my life twice.
Omen: Aurora. Light and dark are but two links on the same chain. If you are to do poorly, then so will I. There is no room for error.
Aurora: Remember your training Noura, but don’t be afraid to improvise if something goes wrong.
Map specific interactions-
(Bind) So this is where you are from Noura? It’s charming. And hot. Very hot.
(Icebox) I always hated the frigid weather back home. But being here is, oddly nostalgic.
Generic round start-
Proceed without fear, I will protect you. No matter the cost.
moi towarzysze, we have work ahead of us. Lets get to it.
(Attackers doing well) Continue to push through, my light will guide you the rest of the way.
Cover your heads, I can’t fix your brains. No matter how much I want to.
Character specific
(Enemy Aurora) I know what you fear, Aurora, and you know what I fear. This will be interesting.
(Enemy Brimstone) The old man looks more fragile up close. And they call me the frail one.
(Enemy Chamber) Chamber thinks he is above consequences. Let us correct that.
(Enemy Viper) Viper’s poison is as strong as her will. Break her will, break the wall.
(Enemy Kay/O) I still don’t fully understand that Kay/O. What’s stopping us from just… turning him off?
(Enemy Breach) Let’s see if Breach can put his shots where his mouth is. I highly doubt it to be so.
(Enemy Raze) Raze, such a bright and vibrant spirit. Forgive me for what I must do.
(Ally Omen) Light and dark, we make a good team, Omen.
(Ally Sage or Skye) A healer and a shield, oh they don’t stand a chance.
(Ally Jett) No unneeded casualties today, alright Jett?
(Ally Cypher) You must survive, Cypher. Do not return to your family in a bodybag.
(Ally Kay/O) You’re quite the machine Kay/O. Is it alright if I call you that? A machine?
(Ally Sova) You are our eyes, Sova. Allow my light to guide you.
(Ally Noura) Stay close Noura, I’d hate to return you to your father dead.
Last Round in Half-
No point in being modest! Buy all you need!
Call for spike-
I do believe we need the spike.
*sigh* someone grab the spike.
Requesting buy-
I need a drop.
Buy Offer-
Speak now. What do you need?
Before Barrier Drops-
We are ready, let’s go.
They won’t break me.
Behind me. I will keep you safe.
Do be more careful, yes?
(Defenders doing poorly) I must construct higher walls.
(Attackers doing well) They’re no match for us, proceed with confidence.
(Ally Jett) Remember what I taught you, Jett.
(Enemy Omen) I will flush the darkness out.
(Enemy Aurora) You cannot protect everyone, Aurora.
(Enemy Sage) Who’s wall is stronger, Sage?
Enemy eliminated.
Enemy down.
Rest now.
Gently now.
Character specific
(Aurora) I am not this weak.
My copy is dead.
(Brimstone) Sleep well old man
(Breach) Abomination.
(Viper) Be at peace, Viper.
(Kay/O) Reset.
(Phoenix) Burnt out.
(Yoru) Who’s a god now?
(Raze) No more explosions.
(Reyna) I am in control.
(Skye) Nature’s fall.
(Astra) Down to earth.
(Killjoy) You know nothing.
(Cypher) Rest, Aamir.
(Sova) Blind.
(Jett) I taught you better than this.
(Noura) No more surprises.
(Chamber) nigdy Ci nie wybaczę
(Omen) Light prevails.
Blinded by the light.
Duck next time.
Knife Kill-
Pay close attention.
Oh! I don’t know my own strength.
Pentakill (ACE)-
Who else would like to challenge my power?!
And just what were the rest of you doing?!
The best offense is a good defense.
Final kill-
There is no one left.
Silence, it is over.
No one left to protect you.
(MVP) Hmm, I guess I overestimated you.
(Interrupted) No interruptions, please.
(Potentially out of time) I can make it, I can make it.
(Safely diffused) Calm yourselves. It is done.
Not so fragile after all.
Send your best next time, even they won’t be my equals.
If I can’t protect them, I’ll avenge them.
Don’t underestimate me ever again.
Barely survived-
I won’t break! Not like this...
I’m proud of you all!
Five dead, and not a single casualty on our end.
Perfection at its finest.
A modest victory.
Commending allies after a clutch
(Reyna) Reyna! You’re strength it’s... ethereal. I’ve never seen anything like it.
(Brimstone) Okay, okay, now I see why they put you in charge, Brimstone.
(Jett) Wow Jett, I never taught you how to do that.
(Sova) A commendable job Sova, you truly are valorant’s finest.
(Cypher) You did well, Cypher. Even defenders make lethal marksmen.
Ally voicelines
Commendment after clutch
Astra- Our shield turned sword! Aurora, you are a powerhouse!
Skye- Aurora, you’ve got all this life in ya, it’s amazing seeing it in action.
Jett- Wow Aurora, how come you never taught me how to do that?
Breach- Jesus that was bright, Aurora you don’t mess around!
Sova- A grand performance by valorant’s finest. Aurora, you are amazing.
Yoru- Thanks for the pickup, Aurora. Now, go back to protecting us, please.
Pregame enemy Aurora
Yoru- Aurora can’t protect everyone. The exposed ones are the weakest.
Brimstone- Their Aurora makes her teammates stronger, but alone she’s as weak as a twig. Single her out, and we win.
Viper- What will Aurora do when there’s no one left to protect? Nothing.
Upon eliminating enemy Aurora
Omen- The darkness prevails.
Cypher- Their shield is broken.
Reyna- Who defends their defender?
Killjoy- Aurora’s down.
Raze- Lights out lady!
Yoru- Nowhere else to hide
Breach- Who let you on the battlefield?!
Brimstone- Walls are down!
Viper- Pitiful woman
Skye- Don’t be so fragile
Phoenix- Eggshell!
Jett- I don’t need you!
Sova- It is dark.
Chamber- Find peace, Aurora.
Noura- Sorry Ms. Aurora!
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outlawintheredhood · 3 years
☕️: Our characters meet at a cozy little coffeehouse. @auroraxjett​​
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“Hey, thanks for showing up.” Jason muttered as he joined Rory at the table, pressing a kiss to her temple as he sat down with their coffees. “That was a lot less stressful than I thought it would be, but way more boring.” He muttered as he loosened the tie Rory had insisted he wear that morning before heading to the courthouse. Reluctantly, he’d agreed it would make a better impression. And then after deftly dodging the paparazzi that had gathered outside, having to take a few diversions along the way to make sure they weren’t followed, he had been able to join his girlfriend at Jitters without any further incidence. “I am officially no longer a dead man.”
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daughterofdemons · 4 years
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“You changed your hair.” Nyssa commented with a slightly amused smile as she eyed Rory’s now blonde hair. “It suits you.”
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poisonousisley · 4 years
Pamela avoided driving where she could - it was a harm to the planet she preferred to avoid where possible, indulging Harley’s joyrides for the simple fact that you couldn’t escape police cars on foot unless you were a speedster - but in this instance she had reasoned it was a necessity. Even more so to drive almost as hellishly as Harley herself to reach the bar she found Rory at all those months ago when she had hit a low point. She hadn’t been expected to be called back there anytime soon, but had instructed the bartender all the same to call her if he ever saw Rory there again drowning her sorrows.
She pulled up to the curb with a screech, the umbrella she pulled out more for Rory’s sake than her own so she could get the other woman to her car relatively dry. She stopped in her mad rush for the door however, when she saw the bouncer pulling out a very different Rory to the one she envisioned - noticeably younger, with bright pink streaks in her hair. “Tell your daughter-” Pamela scoffed indignantly at that, ready to slash the man’s throat with a vine for insinuating she looked old enough to have a teenager for a child - “If she comes back here with a fake ID, we’ll be calling the cops next time.” He grumbled, slamming the door to the bar behind him once he had effectively ejected Rory - or whoever she was - from the premises. “...Rory?” She questioned hesitantly. She had certainly seen... weirder, but this topped it so far. “Did you get into some of my experimental serums?”
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abercrombiearcher · 5 years
🛩, 🍪 , 🙈 ( rory )
🛩  for  your muse  to  surprise  mine  by  making  it  home  for  the  holidays
Trying to get everyone together around the holidays was always hectic. It was even more so now. Empty seats at the table, not vacant just because something ‘came up’ or trains got cancelled. The people who usually sat there weren’t around anymore. Oliver’s space had been sticking out, horribly vacant for his wife and now...
Now this was going to be Rory’s first year without Jason.
Roy had sent her numerous reminders, gentle enough, he had thought, in their prying. He knew the loss would eat her up, he didn’t want it to become the only thing she saw and thought of this holiday. He wanted her to be surrounded by family. But she hadn’t returned his calls, and only responded to his texts with a simple ‘I’m fine’ or ‘maybe’.
He heard a ring of the doorbell, chuckling when he heard Laurel making a beeline for the door to greet whoever the latest extended family member to arrive was. “Aunt Rory!”
His head perked up immediately at that, moving to the entryway to see his sister with an armful of very excited teenager. “Okay, kiddo, let her breathe.” He laughed, ruffling his daughter’s hair lightly as she let Rory go and stepped aside, Roy immediately taking her place to hug Rory tightly. “Didn’t know if you’d show up.” He admitted in a whisper low enough that his daughter wouldn’t hear.
“Didn’t know if I would either.” Rory sighed. He nodded in understanding, pressing a light kiss to her temple before stepping back.
“I’m glad you did.”
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🍪  for  our  muses  to  bake  cookies  for  santa  together
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“I... don’t think they’re supposed to look like that.” Roy admitted with a small frown as he looked down at the tray of sad-looking cookies. The dough looked like it collapsed in on itself - dry, paper thin cookie bases with the chocolate chips just sitting on top like poor decoration.
“No... no they’re not.” Rory agreed, attempting (terribly) to hide a laugh behind her hand.
“C’mon, the twins are really excited about the idea of leaving cookies out for Santa, I don’t want them to think they’re lame.” He pouted at her, lowering his voice just in case either of his children were hanging around to eavesdrop. “And I’d prefer they be edible when I have to sneak down to eat them.” He muttered, letting out a small noise of complaint when Rory punched his arm.
“Can’t believe you’d steal Santa’s cookies.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes when he just fixed her with another pout. “Fine. Come on. We’ll make another batch, and you’ll get it right this time, I’m sure of it. Fifth try’s the charm, right?”
🙈  for  our  muses  to  stay  up  waiting  for  santa
“Stop snoozing.” Roy grunted as he felt an elbow jab into his side, turning to glare at Rory for waking him from his half-asleep state.
“Daaaaad!” A drawn out complaint came from Tommy perched on his lap, his son turning to look at him accusingly. “You said you’d stay awake!”
“Yeah!” Laurel piped up from where she was cuddled up with Rory, giving him an equally betrayed glare.
“I can’t believe you’re all ganging up on me like this.” He grumbled, wiping a tired hand over his eyes. “When you’re mom gets home, she’ll see how mean you’re all being to me, and there’ll be no more Santa patrols.” He told them matter of fact, rolling his eyes when not just two but three affronted ‘no!’s piped around him, shooting another glare at Rory who was smirking as she sided with the twins.
“Be nice to me then.”
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