#character: ruokar
leftski-if · 11 months
How would the RO's react to an MC that said "I want a mini-league soccer amount of kids"
Ruokar laughs, then pulls the MC close and grins. "We'd better get started, then," he says, followed by a kiss.
Magreth isn't sure how to respond at first, falling quiet and looking a little bewildered as he struggles to make eye contact. Eventually, when he finds his voice again, he glances back to the MC and says, "Maybe... we can start with one and go from there?"
The comment comes as a surprise to Freja, but not an unwelcome one. She says she's never been the sort to plan much in advance - life never goes quite the way you expect, after all - but she's always wanted to adopt. If it's in the cards, there's no reason to stop at one.
Mint, having no interest in having children of her own, would grow quietly worried at first. Several long but heartfelt conversations later, she begins looking into acquiring a permit to open an orphanage or school within the city that she and the MC can manage together.
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leftski-art · 4 years
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Have a happy orc~
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leftski-if · 2 years
RotC Snippet - Big News
A flashback to when Ruokar had some news to share with his brother.
Ruokar stands outside the shop, nervous energy fuelling a never-ending dance as he shifts back and forth on his feet. He's still reeling a bit from the news himself, but throughout his life he's always gone to his brother first when big things happen and he's not about to stop now.
Taking one final deep breath to steel himself, he pushes open the shop door and exhales as he steps through.
Magreth glances up from behind the counter at the sound and Ruokar freezes in place a moment before eventually managing to force an awkward smile. "Hey, Mags! I... thought you'd be upstairs."
"It's the afternoon on a workday," Magreth replies quietly, his brow furrowing.
Ruokar nods along as though he's barely registered what was said. "Right, right. So, hey, I have some news." When Magreth says nothing and continues to stare back at him expectantly, Ruokar clears his throat and continues. "I... Uh... Well..." One more deep breath. "Sera's pregnant."
There's no immediate response, and a long stretch of silence passes between the brothers as the shop falls remarkably still. Eventually, Ruokar asks, "You, uh, gonna say something?"
Magreth folds his arms, looking back at Ruokar with a discerning tilt of his head. "Are you the father?"
Ruokar opens his mouth to speak, then stops short, confusion momentarily breaking through the nerves. "I-- what? Of course I'm the father."
Magreth shrugs, glancing away. "It'd be awkward if I congratulated you and it turned out it wasn't yours."
Ruokar takes a moment to wrap his head around the statement, mustering every ounce of his self control to refrain from informing his brother that his response was, in fact, still awkward. Before he can dwell on it too long, however, the rest of what was said clicks. "Congratulate...? So you're not mad?"
"Even if I was, it's kind of late for that," Magreth replies, shrugging again. "But no, I'm not mad."
Ruokar nods along, relieved to hear that his worst fear won't come to pass. With that worry out of the way, however, a new one begins to take its place. He glances down at the floor before finding Magreth's eyes again. "Do you... think I'm ready?"
Magreth pauses, watching his brother carefully as he thinks over the question. "Do you think you're ready?"
Ruokar rolls his eyes at the unhelpful non-answer and begins shuffling his feet again. "I mean... I don't know. I've never done this before. Babies are a big responsibility. Huge, even. You-- You've got... books and stuff I could read, right?"
Magreth raises a skeptical brow. He's never known his brother to read voluntarily. Eventually, hesitantly, he nods, although he's not sure how helpful his assortment of academic texts will be in this situation. "Sure, if you want them."
Ruokar nods along absentmindedly, and Magreth isn't sure he's even heard the answer.
The sound breaks him free from his scattered thoughts. Ruokar stops fidgeting as his name is called, looking back at his brother once more.
"Are you happy?"
Despite the tumult of the storm in his mind, Ruokar only has to think for a moment before he knows the answer. His expression softens and this time, his smile comes naturally, blooming wide and unbidden as he thinks about the future. His future. His child. Whatever else may be in store for him, the very idea has him ecstatic.
"I... yeah. Yeah, I really am," he says, the grin growing with each awestruck word. "I mean, it's kinda terrifying, too, but... I'm so excited, Mags -- I'm gonna be a dad!"
Magreth gives a satisfied nod, his normally stony expression breaking into a small smile. Even for someone as stoic as himself, Ruokar's joy is infectious.
He emerges from behind the counter, approaching his brother and clapping him gently on the shoulder. For an occasion as special as this, he can put up with a little touch.
"Then you're ready."
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leftski-if · 1 year
hey dear author! just wanted to pop in and say that i love RoTC 💞 mint and magreth just stole my heart! and i really enjoy the brothers relationship 🥹🥹
are u familiar with dimension 20? theres a line in ACoFAF where brennan goes "if you are orphaned, then so am i and you will never know a lonely day again as long as i draw breath" how would the ros react to a super cheesy mc that tells them that
Thank you kindly! I very much appreciate that <3
As for your question, I'm only familiar with the name and haven't seen any Dimension 20 content personally, but I think I can still answer based on the gist of the quote, even if I'm lacking in context. (Hopefully what I say makes sense haha)
Ruokar would be a bit taken aback by the seriousness of such a declaration, but he definitely appreciates the sentiment. He's very much a ride-or-die type himself and would do anything for the people he loves so he more or less feels the same, even if he would express it differently. The MC would receive a big hug in response.
Magreth would be at a loss for words and would take some time to process it, and perhaps have to resist the instinct to point out that the MC is in fact actually orphaned. He too appreciates the sentiment, though, even if the specifics of the wording would confuse him, and do his best to express similar feelings in return. I imagine him nodding back, then deciding he should probably try to say something. Probably along the lines of, "I'm here for you."
Mint would absolutely love it. She thrives on poetry and dramatic and extravagant gestures, so to hear such a thing from a loved one would be a treat indeed. Depending on the day, she might declare how gallant and dashing the MC is, or simply jump in their arms to give them a hug and a kiss.
And Freja, as someone who has indeed experienced such loss and loneliness in her life, would be quite touched by the statement. Despite her outward reaction being rather stoic in the moment, she would take the words to heart, and of all the ROs, they would probably be the most meaningful to her. It's a sentiment she would hold close going forward and likely reference again in the future or incorporate into her wedding vows.
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leftski-if · 2 years
I've only started playing rotc an hour or two ago and I can't help but wonder, are the brothers neurodivergent? I myself have adhd and noticed some of their behaviours mirroring a few of mine
I always love seeing some good representation so I'm really curious about it! :)
Yes, they are! Specifically, Ruokar has ADHD and Magreth is autistic ^^
It's not something I was ever going to state explicitly, so it's cool to see it being picked up on just from playing the game! Thank you for your message, and I hope you enjoy reading RotC~
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leftski-if · 2 years
Saw your update and came to say I've not played wolfsbane (but I'm excited to) but I have played RotC and apt 3-3 and loved both so much!! Mo is right out of my daydreams, and I loved Kel's ending with the shoulder-sitting, the "I want to beat these people up on your behalf, but I care more about what you want so I won't," and the fun flirting to the vulnerability of him admitting he wants you to stay and (at least with my choice) was just wanting to be together because that's where it's at!!1/?
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Hey, thanks so much!
Before anything else I need to say: please be aware that Wolfsbane is a dark fantasy story with horror elements. If you're looking for a light-hearded, low-key experience like RotC or Apartment 3-3, you won't find one there; so please be careful when deciding whether or not it's something you want to engage with. It's a very different beast from my other works, and a list of content warnings can be found at the start of the game if you'd like a better idea of what to expect
With that out of the way, thank you so much for the kind message(s)! It really means a lot to me to know that my characters have resonated with you, and it's honestly so much fun hearing about which characteristics you found notable and relatable, and which scenes and choices stood out to you the most. My characters have all been a delight to write about and nothing makes me happier than seeing other people enjoy them as much as I do, so I really appreciate you taking the time to reach out and share your thoughts; it's brightened my day immensely <3
I'd also like to call special attention to your description of Ruokar because you absolutely nailed it and it's extremely reassuring to know that I've been communicating my ideas effectively through my writing. Very touched to hear that you find his boundless energy and desire to be a good leader and caretaker for those who rely on him to be both charming and meaningful~
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leftski-if · 2 years
How would the ROs react if MC came in the room looking worried, took the RO's face in their hands and said "oh no, this isn't good!". When the ROs ask what's wrong, MC says "you haven't met your daily kiss quota yet!! We gotta fix that!" then peppers the RO's face with smooches
Well, they'd all be pretty worried by that opening line haha
Ruokar would relax once he knew there was nothing to be concerned about, sweep the MC up and jokingly chide them for making him worry while giving kisses right back.
Poor Mint on the other hand might not recover from that initial shock. She'd be too caught up in the 'oh no' part to really register the rest of it, although she'd be relieved to know that there was nothing actually wrong once it finally processed. It's probably better to simply pepper her with kisses from the start, in which case she will be delighted and immediately break down into giggles.
Freja wouldn't mind the gesture, but she wouldn't be particularly moved by it, either. She tends to prefer quiet, subtle displays of affection. A held hand, a soft kiss to the top of the head, that sort of thing.
And Magreth... would be absolutely miserable sdfsdf sorry. On top of being distracted by being genuinely concerned for the MC's safety and well-being, he loathes unexpected physical contact, so it's best to make sure he knows it's coming and is ready for it before touching him. Better to simply ask for kisses when desired ^^
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leftski-if · 2 years
I'd love to know 3. the favourite memory from childhood and 4. the least favourite memory from childhood
OC Interview Questions can be found here!
Thanks for asking! Since you didn’t specify a character, I decided to answer this one with Ruokar~
3. What is your favorite childhood memory?
"Honestly, I have a ton of great memories from when I was a kid; Mags and our parents worked really hard to make it that way. That story I shared at the campfire about the wolf pup is definitely up there, and I had a few stand-out birthday parties that I still remember fondly, but I think my favourite childhood memory is kind of a bittersweet one.
“Long story short, I wandered off on my own and got lost in the woods outside town for an entire day. I must’ve been five or six, maybe. I remember wandering around, hungry and thirsty and thinking for sure I was gonna die out there alone. But then just as it was getting dark, Mags found me and took me home. The relief I felt when I saw him is a feeling I still hold dear to this day. He told me afterwards that he saw me in a vision. That that was how he knew where to look. I think it was the first time he’d ever had one that came true.
“Probably a weird one to peg as my favourite, I know, but that day meant - and still means - a lot to me.”
4. What is your least favorite childhood memory?
"Ah. Less eager to talk about this one. The first thing to come to mind is the time Mags and I got in a fight. Like, a real bad one. We’d tussle now and then, but this one was serious - that’s when I broke his tusk and got my scar. It almost got my eye. But... yeah. I don’t really want to share any more details, sorry.”
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leftski-if · 2 years
Number 24 for the RO, please.
OC Interview Questions can be found here!
Thanks for asking~
24. What would you consider your main love language?
“Oof, that’s a tough one. I think I’m pretty evenly split across... most of them really, but I’m pretty big on physical affection especially. Mags always hated that growing up, haha.”
“Oh, I remember reading about this! Hmmm, it’s hard to choose but I think I’d have to say mine is words of affirmation. Especially in the form of written notes and letters. Isn’t that just the cutest? It’s telling someone you love them, but they get to keep it for a while afterwards too!”
"There’s something special about spending time alone with the person you care about, yeah? Getting to share something just between the two of you.”
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leftski-if · 2 years
14. and 22. from the interview questions for the ROs 👀
OC Interview Questions can be found here!
Thanks for asking! I kinda modified 14 to be more like “what kind of music do you like” because idk how to describe musical genres in an old-timey fantasy context lol but I hope you enjoy~
14. What are your favorite music genres?
“I’m not picky, but if I have a choice, I usually go for something intricate or upbeat, y’know? Doesn’t have to be loud or anythin’, just fast and full of energy. Something that makes me wanna get up and move. Mags would disagree though, haha.”
"I’m pretty sensitive to sound so I prefer more... low-key music. Quiet. Minor chords. Nothing too high-pitched. And a good rhythm helps too. Keeps me feeling grounded.”
"Oh! Hm... is it cheating to say I like all of them? I guess it depends on the mood at the time; there's nothing like a jaunty tavern song to lift people's spirits and get them dancing, right? But lullabies and the like are perfect for a slower evening. Oh, I just can’t choose, they all have their merits..."
"Something powerful. Get a good, loud drum beat and a bunch of voices shouting together... there’s nothing like it.”
22. What’s the easiest way to flirt with you?
"It probably sounds cliche but, honestly, just be yourself. If I’m with someone, and they’re comfortable and happy in the moment, that’s what matters most. I can pick up on the rest pretty reliably.”
"...There isn't one."
“Ohohoho! Why do you want to know, hm? I suppose I enjoy being wooed -- compliments, romantic and chivalrous gestures, maybe flowers if you’re feeling particularly bold -- that sort of thing. And of course, lots of laughter! That’s a must.”
"Hmm. It’s not the sort of thing I think about often or have a lot of experience with, so I don’t really know. If people are interested in me, I’d rather they just say so.”
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leftski-if · 3 years
I really love RoC! (Mags, my dear~) if you have time for asks, how would ros react to a really clumsy mc. Like "how did you even trip, there's literally nothing there".
Thank you very much!
Assuming the MC is unharmed as a result of their clumsiness, Ruokar would mostly laugh it off while helping to clean up any mess that may have come of it. He’s rather clumsy himself at times and so it doesn’t strike him as particularly odd -- it’s just another thing you have in common ;)
Magreth, having lived with Ruokar his entire life, is similarly accustomed to clumsy behaviour. He would ask the MC if they were okay, but otherwise shrug it off and pay it no mind. That is unless the MC were embarrassed or upset, in which case he would try to reassure them. Possibly by pointing out that he has indeed lived with Ruokar his entire life and so it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.
Mint, on the other hand, tends to fuss. She would initially get caught up in a sweeping surge of “oh no!”s and “are you okay?”s, but once she’s satisfied that all is well, she’s happy to move on, although she may be keeping a close eye on the MC for the next few minutes. If the MC were to remind her that she regularly falls off ladders and so shouldn’t be so worried about them, she would insist, “but this is different, because it’s you!”
Freja would find such clumsiness odd but also endearing in a way. She’s the most likely to actually incredulously say, “how did you even trip, there's literally nothing there“, but ultimately it just strengthens her resolve to be there for the MC to assist with any tasks that require finer coordination. She thinks that, perhaps if she sticks especially close, she can try to catch you the next time it happens.
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leftski-if · 3 years
ROs reaction to a bun in the oven? 👀
Under a cut since it got a little long ^^
For Ruokar, that kind of depends: is the bun a surprise or planned? He’s beyond excited either way and is intent on celebrating first and foremost, but a teeny part of him isn't exactly looking forward to telling Mags that he’s going to unexpectedly be a father... again... if it's the former.
Regardless, he'll be doting lavishly on his partner in the months following and can't wait to introduce Lucy to her new half-sibling.
Magreth is initially shocked more than anything and finds himself at a loss for words. Once he’s had some time to process it, however, that shock quickly gives way to determination and resolve to be the best parent he can possibly be. He immediately starts reviewing all of the relevant books he has and becomes perhaps just a tad overprotective of his partner.
It's also one of the few times he'll go to Ruokar seeking advice.
As with most things, Freja's outward reaction is collected and understated. Internally, however, she's surprised and excited. A small part of her has always liked the idea of being a parent, although with her nomadic and solitary lifestyle, she wasn't sure such a thing would ever be possible and paid the thought little mind.
Now that it's actually happening, she settles into the idea quite comfortably, and begins keeping a list of potential names.
And Mint is excluded from this one, as she's asexual and not looking to have children of her own. Instead, she dreams of adopting a kitten with her future partner someday.
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leftski-if · 3 years
What are the orc bois like in bed?
Magreth experiences a lot of sleep problems, including but not limited to those involving his visions. He’ll often wake up several times throughout the night, and is especially prone to waking at any sort of noise.
Ruokar struggles with quieting his active mind and body and so can sometimes have trouble falling asleep, but once he’s out he’s rather cosy. He moves around in his sleep a lot, and he also snores.
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leftski-if · 3 years
big spoon or little spoon for the ro’s pls?
Ruokar: either/or
Magreth: big spoon
Freja: little spoon
Mint: jet pack
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leftski-if · 3 years
How often do ROs say I love you to their SO?
Ruokar says it frequently and seemingly at random. He blurts out "I love you"s whenever the thought happens to occur to him (which is very often).
Magreth very rarely says it verbally, but the subtle way he looks at his partner and his willingness to do anything for them communicates it just as well. That being said, it makes the occasions where he does verbalise it all the sweeter.
Mint says it regularly, at specific times. Once in the morning when waking up, once at night when going to bed, and anytime she and her partner meet up again after being apart for a while or are about to be apart again.
Much like Magreth, Freja prefers to communicate her feelings through actions over words. Every casual touch or moment spent sitting close together is her saying "I love you" in her own way.
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leftski-if · 3 years
How would the ROs react to a sleepy confession? Say the MC is already three fourths asleep, so they have no filter left, and they tell their RO that they love them more than anything else?
Assuming that this is before the MC and RO have entered a relationship, and that the MC is too tired to rescind/clarify/confirm the confession immediately:
Ruokar can’t stop himself from smiling. He’ll worry about whether or not you actually meant to say that later, for now he just draws closer to you and enjoys your company, basking in how happy the words make him. He’s definitely bringing it up again once you’re fully awake, though, probably with a cheeky grin.
Magreth assumes you’re too tired to know what you’re saying and brushes it off as an accident, but thinks on it often in the coming days despite himself.
Mint’s eyes go wide and she comes very close to shaking you awake and asking if you actually meant it, but she thinks better of it. She settles for an awkward, “Oh, isn’t that sweet!” and won’t stop blushing for thirty solid minutes afterwards as her mind races.
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